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黄河口不同粒度泥沙沉积与扩散分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
师长兴 《地理研究》2021,40(4):1125-1133
本文采集和收集大量黄河三角洲沉积物剖面和钻孔泥沙粒度资料以及黄河口来沙粒度组成数据,定量研究了黄河口泥沙的沉积与扩散特征.结果 显示黄河口来沙以粉砂为主,黏土次之,砂最少,年均中值粒径无长期变化趋势.黄河三角洲平原相泥沙与来沙的黏土、粉砂和砂含量无显著差异;前缘相泥沙比来沙的黏土含量较低,砂含量较高;前三角洲相泥沙比来...  相似文献   

黄河口泥沙淤积估算问题和方法——以钓口河亚三角洲为例   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
以往在黄河三角洲沉积量的估算中,对沉积物干容重和计算边界等问题不够重视,导致计算结果存在明显出入。本项研究通过广泛收集资料和大量采样分析得到了多种沉积环境下沉积物干容重的计算模型,结合三角洲沉积结构分析和利用地形测量数据,计算了黄河口钓口河流路时期亚三角洲不同时期的沉积量。其中1965年至1974年间钓口河亚三角洲前缘坡脚以内的总淤积量为71.0亿t。其平均干容重为1.36g/cm3。这一干容重用于估算其它亚三角洲沉积量不会造成明显误差。认为忽略三角洲下松软沉积层的压实沉降、三角洲平原相和前缘相中粘性土与非粘性土干容重的差别以及来沙量的测量误差对计算结果影响较小。  相似文献   

珠江河口“门”的地貌动力学初探   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
珠江河口由河网区与河口湾区构成,连接两部分的是珠江口独特的地貌单元“门”。末次海进盛期古珠江海湾可分为内海湾和外海湾,现代三角洲平原与河网均发育在古内海湾。内、外古海湾通过峡口相连,这些峡口演变为现代的“门”。本文根据实测水文资料、地形图、钻孔资料,应用PRD-LTMM长周期动力-沉积-形态模型对珠江河口的“门”6000年来地貌动力学进行探讨:(1) 现代“门”双向射流动力系统,(2) “门”的演进阶段,(3)“门”对古潮汐能量的集聚作用,(4) 珠江河口各“门”与相应的三角洲平原的同步耦合演进, (5)“门”对珠江河网形成的作用。  相似文献   

The Colville basin drains the North Slope of Alaska and is one of several large Arctic river systems located within permafrost. The timing and style of fluvial processes in the earth's permafrost regions differ from those occurring in midlatitude settings. Moreover, in comparison to temperate-zone systems, rivers located entirely within permafrost perform most of their work during relatively short periods of time. This paper examines river ice hydrology and the resulting geomorphic processes that occur within the Colville delta, Alaska. Fluvial processes and landform development within the Colville delta occur after the flood-pulse is initiated by the breakup of river ice. During this 4-month period, the geomorphic processes are largely influenced by the movement of ice. The flood-pulse and accompanying river ice influences erosional and depositional processes and results in unique styles of sediment transport, deposition, and riverbank erosion.  相似文献   

In order to find out the variation process of water-sediment and its effect on the Yellow River Delta, the water discharge and sediment load at Lijin from 1950 to 2007 and the decrease of water discharge and sediment load in the Yellow River Basin caused by human disturbances were analyzed by means of statistics. It was shown that the water discharge and sediment load into the sea were decreasing from 1950 to 2007 with serious fluctuation. The human activities were the main cause for decrease of water discharge and sediment load into the sea. From 1950 to 2005, the average annual reduction of water discharge and sediment load by means of water-soil conservation practices were 2.02×109 m3 and 3.41×108 t respectively, and the average annual volume by water abstraction for industry and agriculture were 2.52×1010 m3 and 2.42×108 t respectively. The average sediment trapped by Sanmenxia Reservoir was 1.45×108 t from 1960 to 2007, and the average sediment retention of Xiaolangdi Reservoir was 2.398×108 t from 1997 to 2007. Compared to the data records at Huanyuankou, the water discharge and sediment load into the sea decreased with siltation in the lower reaches and increased with scouring in the lower reaches. The coastline near river mouth extended and the delta area increased when the ratio of accumulative sediment load and accumulative water discharge into the sea (SSCT) is 25.4–26.0 kg/m3 in different time periods. However, the sharp decrease of water discharge and sediment load into the sea in recent years, especially the Yellow River into the sea at Qing 8, the entire Yellow River Delta has turned into erosion from siltation, and the time for a reversal of the state was about 1997.  相似文献   

In order to find out the variation process of water-sediment and its effect on the Yellow River Delta, the water discharge and sediment load at Lijin from 1950 to 2007 and the decrease of water discharge and sediment load in the Yellow River Basin caused by human disturbances were analyzed by means of statistics. It was shown that the water discharge and sediment load into the sea were decreasing from 1950 to 2007 with serious fluctuation. The human activities were the main cause for decrease of water discharge and sediment load into the sea. From 1950 to 2005, the average annual reduction of water discharge and sediment load by means of water-soil conservation practices were 2.02×109 m3 and 3.41×108 t respectively, and the average annual volume by water abstraction for industry and agriculture were 2.52×1010 m3 and 2.42×108 t respectively. The average sediment trapped by Sanmenxia Reservoir was 1.45×108 t from 1960 to 2007, and the average sediment retention of Xiaolangdi Reservoir was 2.398×108 t from 1997 to 2007. Compared to the data records at Huanyuankou, the water discharge and sediment load into the sea decreased with siltation in the lower reaches and increased with scouring in the lower reaches. The coastline near river mouth extended and the delta area increased when the ratio of accumulative sediment load and accumulative water discharge into the sea (SSCT) is 25.4–26.0 kg/m3 in different time periods. However, the sharp decrease of water discharge and sediment load into the sea in recent years, especially the Yellow River into the sea at Qing 8, the entire Yellow River Delta has turned into erosion from siltation, and the time for a reversal of the state was about 1997.  相似文献   

黄河中游支流悬移质粒度与含沙量、流量间的复杂关系   总被引:12,自引:4,他引:12  
许炯心 《地理研究》2003,22(1):39-48
本文以黄河中游若干支流为例,研究了宽变幅水沙两相流河流悬移质泥沙的粒度特征。结果表明,宽变幅水沙两相流河流的悬移质泥沙粒度特征与含沙量、流量之间具有复杂的关系。就同一站点而言,随着含沙量和流量的增大,大于0.05mm的粗颗粒泥沙的百分比迅速减小,并达到最小值;当含沙量和流量进一步增大时,其百分比又迅速增大,表现出明显的双值关系。对于小于0.01mm细泥沙而言,情形正好相反。黄河中游不同的支流之间,悬移质泥沙粒度特征与年均含沙量的关系也是复杂的。这些变化图形可以用非高含沙水流与高含沙水流不同的物理力学行为来解释  相似文献   

苏北废黄河水下三角洲沉积范围研究述评   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
详细梳理现有研究成果,目前对1128-1855年废黄河水下三角洲沉积范围的划分可总结为三类主要观点:① 外缘位于废黄河口外近岸、远岸斜坡带之间的宽缓平台(水深范围:-15~-25 m)之上;② 外缘位于废黄河口外远岸斜坡带(水深范围:-25~-45 m)之外;③ 外缘可达-45 m等深线之外,且废黄河三角洲由一个近岸/远岸复合楔形沉积体构成。综合分析废黄河水下三角洲海域海底地形地貌、浅部地层沉积特征与14C年代、浅层声学地层等资料数据表明,1128-1855年废黄河水下三角洲的延伸范围应该超过现今-20 m等深线,但未越过远岸斜坡带;远岸斜坡带发育的厚层楔形体不大可能是废黄河三角洲前缘沉积层,其确切成因、物源与年代等问题尚有待于进一步深入研究。为准确圈定1128-1855年废黄河水下三角洲沉积范围,需要对完整覆盖本区的高质量浅层地震剖面进行解译分析,在其三大地形单元(近岸、远岸斜坡带及其之间宽缓平台)内补充钻孔分析,并参考1875年以来各期海图资料来进行综合判定。  相似文献   

This paper addresses the recent (1970s–1990s) processes of river mouth bar formation, riverbed aggradation and distributary migration in the Huanghe River mouth area, in the light of station-based monitoring, field measurements and remote sensing interpretation. The results show that the morphological changes of the river mouth bar have been closely associated with the largely reduced fluvial discharge and sediment load. Landform development such as bar progradation occurred in two phases, i.e. before and after 1989, which correspond to faster and lower bar growth rates, respectively. Fast riverbed aggradation in the mouth channel was strongly related to river mouth bar progradation. During 1976–1996, about 2.8% of the total sediment loads were deposited in the river channel on the upper to middle delta. Therefore, the river water level rose by a few meters from 1984 to 1996. The frequent distributary channel migration, which switched the radial channel pattern into the SE-directed pattern in the mid-1980s, was linked with mouth bar formation. Marine conditions also constrain seaward bar progradation. Furthermore, the history of river mouth bar formation reflects human impacts, such as dredging and dyking in order to stabilize the coastal area.  相似文献   

Sandbars are of vital ecological and environmental significance, which however, have been intensively influenced by human activities. Morphodynamic processes of sandbars along the Yichang-Chenglingji Reach of the Changjiang River, the channel immediately downstream of the Three Gorges Dam (TGD), are assessed based on remote sensing images between 2000 and 2016. It can be found that the entire area of sandbars reduces drastically by 19.23% from 149.04 km2 in 2003 to 120.38 km2 in 2016, accompanied with an increase in water surface width. Owing to differences in sediment grain size and anti-erosion capacity, sandbar area in the upstream sandy gravel reach (Yichang-Dabujie) and downstream sandy reach (Dabujie-Chenglingji) respectively decreases by 45.94% (from 20.79 km2 to 11.24 km2) and 14.93% (from 128.30 km2 to 109.14 km2). Furtherly, morphological evolutions of sandbars are affected by channel type: in straight-microbend channel, mid-channel sandbars exhibit downstream moving while maintaining the basic profile; in meandering channel, point sandbars show erosion and deposition in convex and concave bank respectively, with mid-channel sandbars distributing sporadically; in bending-branching channel, point sandbars experience erosion and move downstream while mid-channel sandbars show erosion in the head part along with retreating outline. We document that the primary mechanism of sandbars shrinkages along the Yichang-Chenglingji Reach can be attributed to TGD induced suspended sediment concentration decreasing and increasing in unsaturation of sediment carrying capacity. Additionally, channel type can affect the morphological evolution of sandbars. Along the Yichang-Chenglingji Reach, sandbars in straight-microbend channel are more affected by water flow than that in bending-branching channel.  相似文献   

长江干流河道对流域输沙的调节作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
戴仕宝  杨世伦  李鹏 《地理学报》2006,61(5):461-470
利用长江干流和主要支流上测站1956~2004年的输沙量资料,对干流未测区域的来沙进行了估计。根据泥沙平衡 (Sediment budget) 概念,对长江干流河道的冲淤对来水来沙的响应以及对入海泥沙的影响进行研究发现,长江干流屏山至大通河道平均淤积速率为88.58×106 t/a,河道淤积占总的来沙量及大通站输沙量比例分别为14%与21%。由于河道淤积,大通站输沙量减少了17.5%。总体来说上游淤积较轻,宜昌至汉口区间淤积严重,汉口至大通区间为微冲。长江干流的河道冲淤与流域总的来沙具有显著的相关关系,但各段河道的冲淤对流域来沙的响应各不一样。上游的冲淤与流域的径流量和来沙量均没有很好的相关性,宜昌-汉口段河道冲淤的变化与宜昌站的来沙具有显著的相关性;影响汉口-大通间河道的冲淤变化的主要因素是流域的来水量,河道的冲淤与大通站径流量的存在显著的负相关关系。三峡水库蓄水后整个长江干流的冲淤形势发生了根本的变化。三峡水库的蓄水运用有效地减轻了洞庭湖的泥沙淤积,同时也降低了洞庭湖的对长江干流泥沙的调节作用;长江上游干流河道淤积增强,中下游河道出现冲刷,但不同的河段表现不一;中下游河道冲刷量小于预测值,三峡水库的蓄水运用直接导致了长江入海泥沙的减少。  相似文献   

近60年黄河水沙变化过程及其对三角洲的影响   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:10  
为了了解黄河水沙变化过程及其对三角洲的影响,本文运用统计学方法对利津站1950-2007年的水沙数据以及流域人类活动引起的减水减沙数据进行了分析,结果表明:1950-2007年黄河人海水沙量明显减少,且年际波动比较剧烈.人类活动的影响是人海水沙量减少的主要原因.1950.2005年,水土保持年均减水减沙量分别为20.2亿m3和3.41亿t;工农业年均引水引沙量分别为251.64亿m3和2.42亿t;干流库区拦沙量,三门峡水库1960-2007年年均淤积1.45亿m3,小浪底水库1997-2007年年均淤积2.398亿m3.相比于花园口站的水沙量,下游河道以淤积为主,人海水沙量减少;以冲刷为主,人海水沙毋增加.当不同时期人海总水沙量比为0.0257 t/m3左右时,河口附近岸线延伸,三角洲面积增加.但近来年入海水沙量的急剧减少,特别是黄河口清8出汉以后,整个黄河三角洲由淤积转变为侵蚀,冲淤状态发生逆转的时间约在1997年.  相似文献   

在对汉江上游河谷进行野外考察的基础上,就郧县盆地汉江Ⅰ级阶地及其风成黄土-古土壤覆盖层沉积学和理化性质进行了研究,并且采用OSL方法进行了测年断代.获得了26个OSL年龄数据,证实厚层风成黄土L1底部的年龄在25 ka BP,而剖面底部风成黄土-冲积砂层交互层(T1-al2)年龄范围在55-25 ka BP之间.地层年龄说明Ⅰ级阶地上黄土的堆积过程基本连续,汉江Ⅰ级阶地的发展经历了早期新构造抬升与河流下切阶段(55-25 ka BP)和晚期阶地面稳定接受沉积(25-0 ka BP)两个阶段.距今55 ka BP前后,新构造运动抬升和汉江下切作用加剧,河漫滩相沉积层开始脱离水面并接受风尘堆积物.这个过程持续到距今约25 ka BP,期间河水不时地淹没阶地面,从而形成了风成黄土-冲积砂交互的沉积学特征.距今约25 ka BP以来,河水不再淹没阶地,汉江Ⅰ级阶地最终形成,阶地面开始接受连续的风尘堆积.在汉江下切作用加剧的同时,全球性末次冰期的发展也逐步进入冰盛期,风尘活动强烈,在阶地表面堆积形成了厚层黄土.汉江Ⅰ级阶地形成以来,气候的变化使黄土覆盖层受到不同程度的风化成壤改造,形成了黄土-古土壤地层,其地层序列从下向上依次为:河流相砂卵石层(T1-al1)→黄土-冲积砂互层(T1-al2)→马兰黄土(L1)→过渡黄土(L1)→古土壤(S0)→近代黄土(L0)→表土(MS).这个层序记录汉江上游流域自从25 ka BP以来的气候变化经历末次冰期后东南季风逐渐加强、中全新世季风强盛、晚全新世季风衰退和气候变干的演变模式.  相似文献   

近年来长江流域入海沙量呈现阶梯性减小趋势,三峡水库蓄水后加剧了这一减小趋势,并通过传递效应影响河口悬沙浓度变化。基于长江口1950-2013年悬沙浓度数据,结果表明:① 长江口南支河段及口外海域悬沙浓度为减小趋势,且越向海域减幅越小,同时与流域入海沙量减幅差距加大;② 北支优势流变化不大,但悬沙浓度为减小趋势,主要为南支和海域大环境悬沙浓度减小所致;③ 拦门沙河段悬沙浓度的峰值区域因径流减小、潮流相对增强,2003-2012年较1984-2002年期间峰值位置向口内上溯约1/6经度,上溯距离洪季 > 年均 > 枯季;④ 1999-2009年南槽进口悬沙浓度减小,主要是再悬浮和滩槽交换引起的悬沙浓度增量小于流域和海域悬沙浓度锐减引起的减量,中段该作用相反,悬沙浓度为增加趋势;⑤ 北槽进口由于分流分沙比减小、流域和海域悬沙浓度减小及再悬浮量减小等综合影响下,1999-2012年逐年的8月份悬沙浓度呈减小趋势,中段越堤沙量作用明显高于外部坏境引起的减小量,为增加趋势。  相似文献   

徐晓君  杨世伦  张珍 《地理科学》2010,30(1):103-107
于2008年在宜昌至徐六径之间的1 600 km干流河道进行30个横断面取样和分析,与前人于三峡水库蓄水前的取样分析资料进行对比。结果表明:①三峡水库蓄水以来坝下游约400 km的干流河床(宜昌至城陵矶)沉积物出现全程粗化,越近大坝粗化越明显,这种沉积物粗化与水库蓄水后坝下游河床出现的强烈侵蚀密切相关;②蓄水前后城陵矶以下的1 200 km干流河床沉积物粒度的沿程趋势基本一致;③蓄水后河床沉积物仍保持沿程向下游变细且越近河口变化越缓慢的格局。  相似文献   

The sediment discharge from the Yangtze River Basin has a stepwise decreasing trend in recent years. The impounding of the Three Gorges Reservoir exacerbated this decreasing trend and affected the change of the suspended sediment concentration (SSC) in the Yangtze River Estuary through the transmission effect. The SSC data of the Yangtze River Estuary during 1959-2012 showed that: (1) The SSC in the South Branch of the Yangtze River in the estuary and in the off-shore sea area displayed decreasing trends and decreased less towards the sea. At the same time, the difference in decreasing magnitude between SSC and sediment discharge became bigger towards the sea. (2) For the North Branch the preferential flow did not change much but the SSC tended to decrease, which was mainly caused by the decrease of SSC in the South Branch and China East Sea. (3) Due to the decreased runoff and the relatively strengthened tide, the peak area of the SSC in the bar shoal section in 2003-2012 moved inward for about 1/6 longitude unit compared with that in 1984-2002, and the inward-moving distance was in the order of flood season > annual average > dry season. (4) In the inlet of the South Passage, the SSC decreased mainly because the increase caused by resuspension and shore-groove exchange was less than the decrease caused by the sharp SSC decrease in the basin and the sea areas. The reverse was true in the middle section, where the SSC showed an increasing trend. (5) In the inlet of the North Passage, under the combined influence of decreased flow split and sediment split ratios, the decreased SSC in the basin and the sea area and decreased amount of resuspension, the SSC displayed a decreasing trend. In the middle section, because the increased amount caused by sediment going over the dyke was markedly more than the decreased amount caused by external environments, the SSC tended to increase. Holistically, the sharp decrease in sediment discharge caused synchronized SSC decreases in the Yangtze River Estuary. But there were still areas, where the SSC displayed increasing trends, indicating synchronicity and difference in the response of SSC to the sharp decrease in sediment discharge from the basin.  相似文献   

 全球气候变暖给整个地球的生态环境带来巨大的影响,在全球气候变暖背景下,绿洲热场的变化严重影响绿洲的生态稳定性,利用遥感卫星影像来监测热场分布规律具有很强的现实意义。采用Landsat7 ETM+热红外波段定量反演晴空状态下干旱区典型绿洲地表真实温度,运用影像叠加分析、直方图比对、缓冲区分析、空间自相关分析及剖面线分析方法,分析其热场分布规律。结果表明,绿洲热场分布具有显著的正的空间自相关特性,Moran’s I值为0.5489,z检验值为48.44,同时呈现出显著的局部空间集聚现象; 就全局而言,热场分布规律为水体温度<耕地温度<林草地温度<城镇温度<裸地温度<盐碱地温度,均温分别为21.65 ℃、27.86 ℃、35.59 ℃、36.52 ℃、40.06 ℃、42.07 ℃; 就局部而言,盐碱地温度低于周边裸地温度,盐碱地平均温度比周边300 m、900 m、1 500 m缓冲区裸地的均温分别低0.59 ℃、0.44 ℃、0.26 ℃。水体、城镇、盐碱地、裸地的温度波动较小,热力景观单一,热场分布均匀,而耕地和林草地的温度梯度大,热力景观复杂多样,热场分布极不均匀。绿洲荒漠交错带的面积较大,它可以降低荒漠对绿洲的热力侵蚀,对保护绿洲有重要作用。  相似文献   

黄河中游流域地貌形态对流域产沙量的影响   总被引:13,自引:7,他引:13  
卢金发 《地理研究》2002,21(2):171-178
在黄河中游地区 ,选择了 5 0多个面积约 5 0 0~ 2 5 0 0平方公里的水文测站流域 ,分别代表 6种不同自然地理类型 ,在流域沟壑密度、沟间地坡度小于 15°面积百分比等地貌形态指标量计的基础上 ,进行了流域产沙量与地貌形态指标相关分析。结果表明 ,对于不同类型流域 ,流域产沙量随流域地貌的变化遵循不同的响应规律 ,而且视流域其它下垫面环境条件的均一程度 ,其相关程度和响应速率各不相同。受地面物质、植被、地貌发育阶段等流域其它下垫面环境条件的制约 ,除沟壑密度外 ,流域产沙量与流域地貌形态的关系都没有人们以前所预期的好。  相似文献   

黄河三角洲沉积物的自然固结压实过程及其影响   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:13  
对黄河三角洲及下伏沉积物的压实量和压实过程及其引起的地面沉降进行了分析研究。分析认为,在厚度为15 m的新淤积的黄河三角洲沉积重压下,前三角洲粘土和下伏海相粘土总固结量可达约1.35 m,海湾或烂泥湾及前三角洲和海相粘土总压缩量为1.48 m。这些粘土层在亚三角洲建设时期就开始受压固结,但是在亚三角洲废弃后,仍要经过几十年自然固结才会基本完成。除去前10年的固结量,前三角洲粘土与下伏海相粘土叠加形成的14 m厚粘土在随后的27年内可能会压缩50 cm;而海湾或烂泥湾及前三角洲和海相粘土叠加成的20 m厚粘土在50年内可能会压缩86 cm,两者的年平均压缩速率都超过17 mm/a。固结量和速率与上负沉积物重量成正比,而亚三角洲沉积厚度从沉积中心向外围逐渐减少,所以下伏粘土固结量和速率也向周围逐渐降低。但从亚三角洲沉积厚度分布情况看,在大范围内,下伏粘土固结引起的地面沉降在几十年内都将比较明显,从而可能加重三角洲地区风暴潮和海岸侵蚀灾害,降低已有灾害防治工程的作用。  相似文献   

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