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The two Earth-like mass objects orbiting a 6.2-ms pulsar, PSR1257+25, have survived more than one year of close scrutiny aimed at verifying their existence and remain the most serious candidates to become the first planets detected beyond the Solar System. The analysis of systematic timing measurements of the pulsar made over a 2.5-year period continues to require the presence of two planets with the minimum masses of 3.4M and 2.8M and the corresponding distances from PSR1257+12 of 0.36 AU and 0.47 AU to correctly predict the pulse arrival times. The presently available 3µs rms accuracy of this procedure leaves little room for significant contributions to the pulsar's timing from any mechanisms other than the Keplerian motion. A detection of the effect of planetary perturbations on pulse arrival times which is commonly accepted as the most convincing way to furnish a 100% proof of the reality of pulsar planets is already possible at a 2 level. Intensive searches for millisecond pulsars now under way at various observatories are expected to address a very intriguing question of the frequency of occurrence of neutron star planetary systems.Paper presented at the Conference onPlanetary Systems: Formation, Evolution, and Detection held 7–10 December, 1992 at CalTech, Pasadena, California, U.S.A.  相似文献   

The Space Infrared Telescope Facility, to be launched into a near-Earth heliocentric orbit in the year 2001, will open broad new vistas for the study, at infrared wavelengths, of the objects in the Solar System and planetary systems around other stars. This paper focuses on the study of Kuiper-belt comets and circumstellar planetary debris disks.Paper presented at the Conference onPlanetary Systems: Formation, Evolution, and Detection held 7–10 December, 1992 at CalTech, Pasadena, California, U.S.A.  相似文献   

Unambiguous detection of the consequences of mutual perturbations of the hypothesized planets about the pulsar PSR1257+12 would be unassailable proof of their existence. Nearly all of the residuals in the times of arrival (TOA) of the pulses after subtraction of the TOA predicted from the best fit constant period model are accounted for by including the effects of two orbiting planets with constant orbital parameters. The nature and magnitude of additional residuals in the TOA due to the gravitational interactions between the planets are determined by numerically calculating the TOA residuals for the orbital motion including the perturbations and subtracting the TOA residuals from analytic expressions of the orbital motion with orbital parameters fixed at averaged values. The TOA residual differences so obtained oscillate with periods comparable to the orbital periods with the oscillations varying in amplitude as a function of epoch within any given observational period. The signature of the perturbations is thus a quasiperiodic modulation of the residual differences obtained after removal of the effects of the orbital motion with best fit, constant orbital parameters. The amplitudes of this modulation reach about 10sec for observational periods exceeding 1000 days for the minimum planetary masses with sini = 1, and they increase as 1 / sini for 1 / sini < 5, wherei is the inclination of the orbit plane to that of the sky. Greater accumulated phase differences between the effects of perturbed and unperturbed orbital motions are available in the times of zero values in the observed and predicted TOA residuals and these comprise a second signature of the perturbations. The perturbation signatures should become detectable as the observation interval approaches 1000 days.Paper presented at the Conference onPlanetary Systems: Formation, Evolution, and Detection held 7–10 December, 1992 at CalTech, Pasadena, California, U.S.A.  相似文献   

If the hypothesis is correct that most solar-like stars have planetary systems and have planets in inner orbits, then approximately 1% of these stars should have planets with orbital planes close enough to our line of sight to show transits. To get a statistically significant estimate of the fraction of stars that have planets in inner orbits, it is necessary to monitor thousands of stars continuously for a period of several years. To accomplish this requires the use of a multi-channel photometer system. We present here several multi-channel methods that have been used for ground-based observations and a concept for applying multi-channel photometry to the detection of numerous Earth-sized planets.Paper presented at the Conference onPlanetary Systems: Formation, Evolution, and Detection held 7–10 December, 1992 at CalTech, Pasadena, California, U.S.A.  相似文献   

ESA's Infrared Space Observatory [ISO], scheduled for launch within the next 2–3 years, will place a complement of powerful infrared imagers and spectrometers into high orbit, with an operational life anticipated to be about 18 months. During this time, numerous scientific investigations of every conceivable astrophysical target will be made. The purpose of this paper is to consider the instrumental complement in terms of specific observations of Vega-like systems with cold, infrared excesses, in order to investigate problems relating to the evolution of planetary systems, and to optimize the scientific results possible with ISO on such topics.Paper presented at the Conference onPlanetary Systems: Formation, Evolution, and Detection held 7–10 December, 1992 at CalTech, Pasadena, California, U.S.A.  相似文献   

In 1982 we discovered a pulsar with the phenomenal rotation rate of 642 Hz, 20 times faster than the spin rate of the Crab pulsar. The absence of supernova debris in the vicinity of the pulsar at any wavelength indicates an age of the neutron star greater than 105 yr. The miniscule spindown rate of 1.1 × 10-19 confirms the old age and indicates a surface magnetic field of 109 G. A second millisecond pulsar was discovered by Boriakoff, Buccheri & Fauci (1983) in a 120-day orbit. These fast pulsars may have been spun-up by mass transfer in a close binary evolutionary stage. Arrival-time observations of the 642-Hz pulsar display remarkably low residuals over the first 14 months. The stability implied by these observations, 3 × 10-14, suggests that millisecond pulsars will provide the most accurate basis for terrestrial dynamical time. If so, the pulsar data will lead to improvements in the planetary ephemeris and to new searches for light-year scale gravitational waves. Many new searches for fast pulsars are under way since previous sky surveys excluded pulsars with spins above 60 Hz.  相似文献   

The precise measurement of variations in stellar radial velocities provides one of several promising methods of surveying a large sample of nearby solar type stars to detect planetary systems in orbit around them. The McDonald Observatory Planetary Search (MOPS) was started in 1987 September with the goal of detecting other nearby planetary systems. A stabilized I2 gas absorption cell placed in front of the entrance slit to the McDonald Observatory 2.7 m telescope coudé spectrograph serves as the velocity metric. With this I2 cell we can achieve radial velocity measurement precision better than 10 m s–1 in an individual measurement. At this level we can detect a Jupiter-like planet around a solar-type star, and have some hope of detecting Saturn-like planets in a long-term survey. The detectability of planets is ultimately limited by stellar pulsation modes and photospheric motions. Monthly MOPS observing runs allow us to obtain at least 5 independent observations per year of the 33 solar-type (F5-K7) stars on our observing list. We present representative results from the first five years of the survey.Paper presented at the Conference onPlanetary Systems: Formation, Evolution, and Detection held 7–10 December, 1992 at CalTech, Pasadena, California, U.S.A.  相似文献   

Edison is a proposed large-aperture, radiatively-cooled space observatory planned to operate at wavelengths between 2 and 130m or longer. Current estimates for the telescope allow an aperture of 1.7 m which will achieve a final equilibrium temperature of about 30 K, although use of cryocoolers may permit temperatures below 20 K.Edison will be a powerful tool to investigate our Solar System, as well as planetary material around distant stars. At near- and mid-infrared wavelengths, where planetary material emits most of its radiation,Edison will be the most sensitive photometric and spectroscopic observatory under current consideration by the space agencies. With its large aperture,Edison will be able both to resolve the structure in nearby circumstellar Vega disks and to discriminate faint IR emission in the crowded environment of the galactic plane. With its long lifetime,Edison will allow extensive follow-up observations and increase the likelihood of catching transient events. We proposeEdison as a precursor to elements of a future space-based IR interferometer.Paper presented at the Conference onPlanetary Systems: Formation, Evolution, and Detection held 7–10 December, 1992 at CalTech, Pasadena, California, U.S.A.  相似文献   

Photoelectric UBV observations of the central star of the planetary nebula NGC 2346 obtained during 60 nights between October 1991 and February 1992 are presented (Tables 1 and 2). Four minima have been stated and can be interpreted in terms of occulting dust clouds, probably representing dense condensations of the planetary nebula. We derived R = AV/EB—V = 4.0.  相似文献   

The Astrometric Imaging Telescope (AIT) is a proposed spaceborne observatory whose primary goal is the detection and study of extra-solar planetary systems. It contains two instruments that use complementary techniques to address the goal. The first instrument, the Coronagraphic Imager, takes direct images of nearby stars and Jupiter-size planets. It uses a telescope with scattering-compensated optics and a high-efficiency coronagraph to separate reflected planet light from the central star light. Planet detections take hours; confirmations occur in months. With a program duration of about 2 years, about 50 stars are observed. The second instrument, the Astrometric Photometer, shares the same telescope and focal plane. It uses a Ronchi ruling that is translated across the focal plane to simultaneously measure the positions of each target star and about 25 reference stars with sufficient accuracy to detect Uranus-mass planets around hundreds of stars. Enough stars of several spectral types are observed to obtain a statistically significant measurement of the prevalence of planetary systems. This observing program takes about 10 years to complete. The combination of both instruments in a single telescope system results from a number of innovative solutions that are described in this paper.Paper presented at the Conference onPlanetary Systems: Formation, Evolution, and Detection held 7–10 December, 1992 at CalTech, Pasadena, California, U.S.A.  相似文献   

In the present poster we suggest that some of the structures observed in the envelopes of planetary nebulae are caused by the interaction of central star wind and radiation with preplanetary nebula debris: planets, moons, minor objects and ring and ring arcs.Recently considerable amount of planetary material has been reported to exist around solar type stars, this debris could be evaporated during the envelope ejection and alter the chemical abundance and produce some of the envelope inhomogeneities.If there are massive enough rings of material surrounding the progenitor and planets in their vicinity, arc rings could be formed. If the rings are viewed pole on when the envelope is detached from the central star, it will interact with the arc ring material and produce ansae and pedal and garden-hose-shape structures observed in some planetaries.Paper presented at the Conference onPlanetary Systems: Formation, Evolution, and Detection held 7–10 December, 1992 at CalTech, Pasadena, California, U.S.A.  相似文献   

We make a statistical analysis of the periodsP and period-derivativesP of pulsars using a model independent theory of pulsar flow in theP-P diagram. Using the available sample ofP andP values, we estimate the current of pulsars flowing unidirectionally along theP-axis, which is related to the pulsar birthrate. Because of radio luminosity selection effects, the observed pulsar sample is biased towards lowP and highP. We allow for this by weighting each pulsar by a suitable scale factor. We obtain the number of pulsars in our galaxy to be 6.05−2.80 +3.32 × 105 and the birthrate to be 0.048−0.011 +0.014 pulsars yr−1 galaxy−1. The quoted errors refer to 95 per cent confidence limits corresponding to fluctuations arising from sampling, but make no allowance for other systematic and random errors which could be substantial. The birthrate estimated here is consistent with the supernova rate. We further conclude that a large majority of pulsars make their first appearance at periods greater than 0.5 s. This ‘injection’, which runs counter to present thinking, is probably connected with the physics of pulsar radio emission. Using a variant of our theory, where we compute the current as a function of pulsar ‘age’ (1/2P/P), we find support for the dipole braking model of pulsar evolution upto 6 × 106 yr of age. We estimate the mean pulsar braking index to be 3.7−0.8 +0.8.  相似文献   

Pulsar timing uses planetary ephemerides to convert the measured pulse arrival time at an observatory to the arrival time at the Solar System barycenter(SSB). Since these planetary ephemerides cannot be perfect, a method of detecting the associated errors based on a pulsar timing array is developed. By using observations made by an array of 18 millisecond pulsars from the Parkes Pulsar Timing Array, we estimated the vector uncertainty from the Earth to the SSB of JPL DE421, which reflects the offset of the ephemeris origin with respect to the ideal SSB, in different piecewise intervals of pulsar timing data, and found consistent results. To investigate the stability and reliability of our method, we divided all the pulsars into two groups. Both groups yield largely consistent results, and the uncertainty of the Earth-SSB vector is several hundred meters, which is consistent with the accuracy of JPL DE421. As an improvement in the observational accuracy, pulsar timing will be helpful to improve the solar system ephemeris in the future.  相似文献   

The displacement of a radio-emitting star around the barycenter of a possible planetary system can be measured by astrometric very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) observations. We have observed the radio-emitting star 2 CrB at 8 epochs over 5 years by VLBI and fitted its 5 astrometric parameters to the observed coordinates. The post-fit coordinate residuals have an rms scatter of 0.22 milliarcseconds and show no systematic behavior. We use this result to set a limit on the presence of planets around 2 CrB and conclude that our present VLBI astrometric precision corresponds to the threshold to detect a Jupiter-like planet around this star. We also discuss the astrometric monitoring program of 11 radio-emitting stars that we are conducting for the Hipparcos space mission and its possible contribution to a long-term planet search program.Paper presented at the Conference onPlanetary Systems: Formation, Evolution, and Detection held 7–10 December, 1992 at CalTech, Pasadena, California, U.S.A.  相似文献   

Selection effects are a major source of error in statistical studies of pulsar data since the observed sample is a biased subset of the full galactic pulsar population. It is important to identify all selection effects and make a reasonable model before attempting to determine pulsar properties. Here we discuss a hitherto neglected selection effect which is a function of the periodP of the pulsar. We find that short-P pulsars are more difficult to detect, particularly if their dispersion measures are high. We also discuss a declination-dependent selection effect in the II Molonglo Survey (II MS), and find some evidence for the existence of both selection effects in the pulsar data from this survey. We discuss the implications of these additional selection effects for the recently proposed ‘injection’ of pulsars whereby pulsars seem to switch on only at longerP. Using the II MS data we calculate that the observability of pulsars withP between 0.0 s and 0.5 s is about 18 per cent less with the new selection effects than hitherto believed; the mean correction is 6 per cent forP between 0.5 s and 1.0 s. We conclude that injection is not qualitatively affected by these corrections.  相似文献   

This article describes in detail a burst from PSR 0950+08 on July 29, 1992. This event was observed by two radio telescopes (separated by ~ 200 km) operating at 103 MHz. There exists a very convincing indirect evidence that at the same time the pulsar also emitted large X-ray flux. The X-ray flux during the event compares with that during a solar X-ray flare. During the event the Sun was extraordinarily quiet as the solar X-ray flux 3 · 10–7 W/m2 only was observed. The cause for the burst is quite unknown and may be complex. However, a possibility of accretion of a comet-like object by pulsar may provide reasonable explanation of the observations. These results open some interesting questions about the pulsar physics.  相似文献   

Amongst the sources seen in very high gamma-rays several are associated with Pulsar Wind Nebulae (“TeV plerions”). The study of hard X-ray/soft gamma-ray emission is providing an important insight into the energetic particle population present in these objects. The unpulsed emission from pulsar/pulsar wind nebula systems in the energy range accessible to the INTEGRAL satellite is mainly synchrotron emission from energetic and fast cooling electrons close to their acceleration site. Our analyses of public INTEGRAL data of known TeV plerions detected by ground based Cherenkov telescopes indicate a deeper link between these TeV plerions and INTEGRAL detected pulsar wind nebulae. The newly discovered TeV plerion in the northern wing of the Kookaburra region (G313.3+0.6 powered by the middle aged PSR J1420-6048) is found to have a previously unknown INTEGRAL counterpart which is besides the Vela pulsar the only middle aged pulsar detected with INTEGRAL. We do not find an INTEGRAL counterpart of the TeV plerion associated with the X-ray PWN “Rabbit” G313.3+0.1 which is possibly powered by a young pulsar.  相似文献   

We present the results of observation of the Geminga pulsar carried out in the TeV energy band during the 6 year period spanning 2000–2006 using the Pachmarhi Array of Cherenkov Telescopes (PACT). A long stretch of data, new computer codes and the “Tempo” package have been used in the present analysis. We have searched for evidence of pulsed emission of γ-rays from the Geminga pulsar using the post-glitch pulsar elements obtained by Jackson and Halpern from X-ray/γ-ray satellite data. We do not see any significant evidence for pulsed emission from the Geminga pulsar at a threshold energy of 825 GeV. In this paper we present our results on the light curve in the TeV energy band, set an upper limit on the time averaged flux of γ-rays, and compare our results with other ground based observations.  相似文献   

A remarkable number of pulsar wind nebulae (PWN) are coincident with EGRET γ-ray sources. X-ray and radio imaging studies of unidentified EGRET sources have resulted in the discovery of at least six new pulsar wind nebulae (PWN). Stationary PWN (SPWN) appear to be associated with steady EGRET sources with hard spectra, typical for γ-ray pulsars. Their toroidal morphologies can help determine the geometry of the pulsar which is useful for constraining models of pulsed γ-ray emission. Rapidly moving PWN (RPWN) with more cometary morphologies seem to be associated with variable EGRET sources in regions where the ambient medium is dense compared to what is typical for the ISM.  相似文献   

A variety of evidence suggests that at least 50% of low-mass stars are surrounded by disks of the gas and dust similar to the nebula that surrounded the Sun before the formation of the planets. The properties of these disks may bear strongly on the way in which planetary systems form and evolve. As a result of major instrumental developments over the last decade, it is now possible to detect and study the circumstellar environments of very young, solar-type stars in some detail, and to compare the results with theoretical models of the early solar system. For example, millimeter-wave aperture synthesis imaging provides a direct means of studying in detail the morphology, temperature and density distributions, velocity field and chemical constituents in the outer disks, while high resolution, near infrared spectroscopy probes the inner, warmer parts; the emergence of gaps in the disks, possibly reflecting the formation of planets, may be reflected in the variation of their dust continuum emission with wavelength. We review progress to date and discuss likely directions for future research.Paper presented at the Conference onPlanetary Systems: Formation, Evolution, and Detection held 7–10 December, 1992 at CalTech, Pasadena, California, U.S.A.  相似文献   

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