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We present the results of Monte Carlo mass-loss computations for hot low-mass stars, specifically for subdwarf B (sdB) stars. It is shown that the mass-loss rates on the Horizontal Branch (HB) computed from radiative line-driven wind models are not high enough to create sdB stars. We argue, however, that mass loss plays a role in the chemical abundance patterns observed both in field sdB stars, as well as in cluster HB stars. The derived mass loss recipe for these (extremely) hot HB stars may also be applied to other groups of hot low-mass stars, such as post-HB (AGB-manqué, UV-bright) stars, over a range in effective temperatures between ?10 000 and 50 000 K. Finally, we present preliminary spectral synthesis on the more luminous sdB stars for which emission cores in Hα have been detected (Heber, U., et al.: 2003, in:Stellar Atmosphere Modeling, ASP Conference Proceedings, p. 251). We find that these line profiles can indeed be interpreted as the presence of a stellar wind with mass loss on the order of 10?11?M yr ?1.  相似文献   

Stellar winds appear as a persistent feature of hot stars, irrespective of their wide range of different luminosities, masses, and chemical composition. Among the massive stars, the Wolf–Rayet types show considerably stronger mass loss than the O stars. Among hot low-mass stars, stellar winds are seen at central stars of planetary nebulae, where again the hydrogen-deficient stars show much stronger winds than those central stars with “normal” composition. We also studied mass-loss from a few extreme helium stars and sdOs. Their mass-loss rate roughly follows the same proportionality with luminosity to the power 1.5 as the massive O stars. This relation roughly marks a lower limit for the mass loss from hot stars of all kinds, and provides evidence that radiation pressure on spectral lines is the basic mechanism at work. For certain classes of stars the mass-loss rates lie significantly above this relation, for reasons that are not yet fully understood. Mass loss from low-mass stars may affect their evolution, by reducing the envelope mass, and can easily prevent diffusion from establishing atmospheric abundance patterns. In close binary systems, their winds can feed the accretion onto a companion.  相似文献   

We present a brief overview of the theory of stellar winds with a strong emphasis on the radiation-driven outflows from massive stars. The resulting implications for the evolution and fate of massive stars are also discussed. Furthermore, we relate the effects of mass loss to the angular momentum evolution, which is particularly relevant for the production of long and soft gamma-ray bursts. Mass-loss rates are not only a function of the metallicity, but are also found to depend on temperature, particularly in the region of the bi-stability jump at 21 000 Kelvin. We highlight the role of the bi-stability jump for Luminous Blue Variable (LBV) stars, and discuss suggestions that LBVs might be direct progenitors of supernovae. We emphasize that radiation-driven wind studies rely heavily on the input opacity data and linelists, and that these are thus of fundamental importance to both the mass-loss predictions themselves, as well as to our overall understanding of the lives and deaths of massive stars.  相似文献   

《New Astronomy Reviews》1999,43(6-7):471-472
We summarize results from several programs utilizing the Goddard High Resolution Spectrograph (GHRS) on the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) to study winds and mass-loss from evolved, low-gravity cool stars. We have found that: (i) the photons for thermally and fluorescently excited UV emission lines are created below the region of wind acceleration, (ii) the self-reversals in optically thick emission lines indicate an outflowing wind with mean velocities of 9–25 km/s, (iii) the profiles of optically thin emission lines indicate a mean chromospheric macroturbulence of 24–35 km/s, anisotropically distributed along the radial-tangential directions, (iv) significant emission from hot material (≈105 K) is seen in both non-coronal and hybrid stars to the right of the Linsky-Haisch dividing line, (v) the weakness of Fe II emission lines in the carbon stars, combined with the presence of the Fe I 2807 Å feature only in carbon stars, suggests that the ionization fraction of iron is significantly lower in the outer atmospheres of carbon stars than in O-rich stars, and (vi) Fe II line profile variations indicate changes in mass-loss rate and wind opacity on a timescale of several years in two typical late-type, low-gravity stars.  相似文献   

We calculate NLTE models of stellar winds of hot compact stars (central stars of planetary nebulae and subdwarf stars). The studied range of subdwarf parameters is selected to cover a large part of these stars. The models predict the wind hydrodynamical structure and provide mass-loss rates for different abundances. Our models show that CNO elements are important drivers of subdwarf winds, especially for low-luminosity stars. We study the effect of X-rays and instabilities on these winds. Due to the line-driven wind instability, a significant part of the wind could be very hot.  相似文献   

Line-driven winds from hot stars and accretion disks are thought to follow a unique, critical solution that corresponds to a maximum mass-loss rate and a particular velocity law. We show that in the presence of negative velocity gradients, radiative-acoustic (Abbott) waves can drive shallow wind solutions toward larger velocities and mass-loss rates. Perturbations that are introduced downstream from the critical point of the wind lead to a convergence toward the critical solution. By contrast, low-lying perturbations cause evolution toward a mass-overloaded solution, developing a broad deceleration region in the wind. Such a wind differs fundamentally from the critical solution. For sufficiently deep-seated perturbations, overloaded solutions become time-dependent and develop shocks and shells.  相似文献   

It seems more and more likely that one will have to abandon the paradigm of smooth outflows from (hot) stars in favour of a clumpy structure, possibly in a fractal-like hierarchy on all scales. Observationally, this is best established for Wolf-Rayet star winds (e.g. scaling laws, mass-spectrum, anisotropy,...), for which the consequences of clumping are discussed. These include four broad categories, which are outlined in this review: (a) an ideal laboratory for studying time-dependent astrophysical turbulence, (b) potential tracers of hot-wind global structure parameters, (c) reduced mass-loss rates, and (d) impact on massive binary studies.  相似文献   

In this paper, I present a general discussion of several astrophysical processes likely to play a role in the production of non-thermal emission in massive stars, with emphasis on massive binaries. Even though the discussion will start in the radio domain where the non-thermal emission was first detected, the census of physical processes involved in the non-thermal emission from massive stars shows that many spectral domains are concerned, from the radio to the very high energies. First, the theoretical aspects of the non-thermal emission from early-type stars will be addressed. The main topics that will be discussed are respectively the physics of individual stellar winds and their interaction in binary systems, the acceleration of relativistic electrons, the magnetic field of massive stars, and finally the non-thermal emission processes relevant to the case of massive stars. Second, this general qualitative discussion will be followed by a more quantitative one, devoted to the most probable scenario where non-thermal radio emitters are massive binaries. I will show how several stellar, wind and orbital parameters can be combined in order to make some semi-quantitative predictions on the high-energy counterpart to the non-thermal emission detected in the radio domain. These theoretical considerations will be followed by a census of results obtained so far, and related to this topic. These results concern the radio, the visible, the X-ray and the γ-ray domains. Prospects for the very high energy γ-ray emission from massive stars will also be addressed. Two particularly interesting examples—one O-type and one Wolf-Rayet binary—will be considered in details. Finally, strategies for future developments in this field will be discussed.  相似文献   

We discuss in this contribution constraints on the origin of mass-loss from young stars brought by recent observations at high angular resolution (0.1″ = 14 AU) of the inner regions of winds from T Tauri stars. Jet widths and collimation scales, the large extent of the velocity profile as well as the detection of rotation signatures agree with predictions from extended (R e ≥ 1 AU) magneto-centrifugal disk wind ejection models. Detected poloidal and toroidal velocities imply large ejection efficiencies (ξ ? 0.05, λ ? 10), suggesting that thermal gradients (originating in an accretion heated disk corona for example) play an important role in accelerating the flow.  相似文献   

The first stars are assumed to be predominantly massive. Although, due to the low initial abundances of heavy elements the line-driven stellar winds are supposed to be inefficient in the first stars, these stars may loose a significant amount of their initial mass by other mechanisms.  相似文献   

大质量恒星演化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于高光度和高质量损失率等特性,大质量恒星在星系形成和演化等现代天体物理学的研究中扮演着重要的角色。自上世纪中叶以来,恒星物理研究揭示了大质量恒星内部结构和演化的主要特性,并且构造了一些大质量恒星的演化模型。然而,近年来对大质量恒星的观测表明,已有的这些理论演化模型与观测结果之间存在着严重的分歧。在主导大质量恒星演化最主要因素(即质量损失、内部对流等问题)的处理上,现有的理论有很大的缺陷。综述了目前对上述这些问题的研究现状,并探讨了今后的研究方向。  相似文献   

We review existing ROSAT detections of single Galactic Wolf–Rayet (WR) stars and develop wind models to interpret the X-ray emission. The ROSAT data, consisting of bandpass detections from the ROSAT All-Sky Survey (RASS) and some pointed observations, exhibit no correlations of the WR X-ray luminosity ( L X) with any star or wind parameters of interest (e.g. bolometric luminosity, mass-loss rate or wind kinetic energy), although the dispersion in the measurements is quite large. The lack of correlation between X-ray luminosity and wind parameters among the WR stars is unlike that of their progenitors, the O stars, which show trends with such parameters. In this paper we seek to (i) test by how much the X-ray properties of the WR stars differ from the O stars and (ii) place limits on the temperature T X and filling factor f X of the X-ray-emitting gas in the WR winds. Adopting empirically derived relationships for T X and f X from O-star winds, the predicted X-ray emission from WR stars is much smaller than observed with ROSAT . Abandoning the T X relation from O stars, we maximize the cooling from a single-temperature hot gas to derive lower limits for the filling factors in WR winds. Although these filling factors are consistently found to be an order of magnitude greater than those for O stars, we find that the data are consistent (albeit the data are noisy) with a trend of in WR stars, as is also the case for O stars.  相似文献   

We calculate the X-ray emission from both constant and time-evolving shocked fast winds blown by the central stars of planetary nebulae (PNe) and compare our calculations with observations. Using spherically symmetric numerical simulations with radiative cooling, we calculate the flow structure and the X-ray temperature and luminosity of the hot bubble formed by the shocked fast wind. We find that a constant fast wind gives results that are very close to those obtained from the self-similar solution. We show that in order for a fast shocked wind to explain the observed X-ray properties of PNe, rapid evolution of the wind is essential. More specifically, the mass-loss rate of the fast wind should be high early on when the speed is  ∼300–700 km s−1  , and then it needs to drop drastically by the time the PN age reaches ∼1000 yr. This implies that the central star has a very short pre-PN (post-asymptotic giant branch) phase.  相似文献   

The quantification of stochastic substructures seen propagating away from the centers of emission lines of Wolf-Rayet (WR) stars is extended using the powerful, objective technique of wavelet analysis. Results for the substructures in one WR star so far show that the scaling laws between (a) flux and velocity dispersion and (b) lifetime and flux, combined with (c) their mass spectrum, strongly support the hypothesis that we are seeing the high mass tail-end distribution of full-scale supersonic compressible turbulence in the winds. This turbulence sets in beyond a critical radius from the star and shows remarkable similarity to the hierarchy of cloudlets seen in giant molecular clouds and other components of the ISM.The velocity dispersion is larger on average for substructures (interpreted as density enhanced turbulent eddies) propagating towards or away from the observer, suggesting that the turbulence is anisotropic. This is not surprising, since the most likely force which drives the windand the ensuing turbulence alike, radiation pressure, is directed outwards in all directions from the star. It is likely that a similar kind of turbulence prevails in the winds of all hot stars, of which those of WR stars are the most extreme.The consequences of clumping in winds are numerous. One of the most important is the necessary reduction in the estimate of the mass-loss rates compared to smooth outflow models.  相似文献   

Active galactic nuclei can produce extremely powerful jets. While tightly collimated, the scale of these jets and the stellar density at galactic centres implies that there will be many jet/star interactions, which can mass load the jet through stellar winds. Previous work employed modest wind mass outflow rates, but this does not apply when mass loading is provided by a small number of high mass-loss stars. We construct a framework for jet mass loading by stellar winds for a broader spectrum of wind mass-loss rates than has previously been considered. Given the observed stellar mass distributions in galactic centres, we find that even highly efficient (0.1 Eddington luminosity) jets from supermassive black holes of masses M BH≲ 104 M are rapidly mass loaded and quenched by stellar winds. For  104 M < M BH < 108 M  , the quenching length of highly efficient jets is independent of the jet's mechanical luminosity. Stellar wind mass loading is unable to quench efficient jets from more massive engines, but can account for the observed truncation of the inefficient M87 jet, and implies a baryon-dominated composition on scales ≳2 kpc therein even if the jet is initially pair plasma dominated.  相似文献   

Energetic outflows provide a dramatic accompaniment to accretion disks in all stages of star formation. The low extinction toward Classical T Tauri stars offers an opportunity to probe the star-disk interface region to search for the launch site and acceleration region of accretion-driven winds. This search is complicated by the fact that the dominant sources of emission in the optical and ultraviolet are the funnel flows and accretion shocks associated with magnetospheric accretion. Thus the quest for inner wind diagnostics requires disentangling accretion and outflow processes from the same line profile. We discuss two tracers of a high velocity inner wind in stars with high disk accretion rates. One, a hot component, is traced by helium emission and must arise very close to the star. A second, cooler component, is traced by blueshifted absorption in strong resonance lines and arises further from the star, but still within about ten stellar radii. We present evidence that the character of both magnetospheric accretion and the inner wind may differ among stars with high and low disk accretion rates.  相似文献   

We present a new analysis of the expected magnetospheric radio emission from extrasolar giant planets (EGPs) for a distance limited sample of the nearest known extrasolar planets. Using recent results on the correlation between stellar X-ray flux and mass-loss rates from nearby stars, we estimate the expected mass-loss rates of the host stars of extrasolar planets that lie within 20 pc of the Earth. We find that some of the host stars have mass-loss rates that are more than 100 times that of the Sun and, given the expected dependence of the planetary magnetospheric radio flux on stellar wind properties, this has a very substantial effect. Using these results and extrapolations of the likely magnetic properties of the extrasolar planets, we infer their likely radio properties.
We compile a list of the most promising radio targets and conclude that the planets orbiting Tau Bootes, Gliese 86, Upsilon Andromeda and HD 1237 (as well as HD 179949) are the most promising candidates, with expected flux levels that should be detectable in the near future with upcoming telescope arrays. The expected emission peak from these candidate radio emitting planets is typically ∼40–50 MHz. We also discuss a range of observational considerations for detecting EGPs.  相似文献   

Abstract— We have investigated the 7.5–13.5 μm spectra of 30 definite or candidate carbon stars. We discuss the discrepancies between properties of SiC grains found in meteorites and the spectral properties of dust emitting in red giant winds, where most of the meteoritic grains are believed to have formed. We have investigated the nature of carbon star SiC and its relationship to meteoritic SiC dust, by using a X2-minimisation routine to fit the observed SiC features with laboratory optical constants that have been published for a variety of SiC samples. All but one of the observed astronomical SiC features are best fitted by α-SiC grains. All but one of the sources with 8–13 μm colour temperatures >1200 K (corresponding to mass-loss rates at the bottom end of the range) are best fitted by α-SiC in pure emission; whereas, all but one of the sources with 8–13 μm colour temperatures <1200 K (corresponding to higher mass-loss rates) are best fitted using self-absorbed α-SiC emission. The four sources whose SiC features are in net absorption (and which have the lowest 8–13 μm colour temperatures and, therefore, presumably the highest mass-loss rates) are also well fitted by self-absorbed α-SiC emission but with higher optical depths. Given that β-SiC is the form most commonly found in meteorites, we have searched for evidence of β-SiC in the circumstellar shells of all these stars. However, our observations provide no unequivocal evidence for the presence of β-SiC around these stars. Other discrepancies between meteoritic SiC grains and astronomical spectra are discussed. The self-absorption that we find in the observed SiC emission features has not previously been taken into account in radiative transfer modeling and so the amount of SiC present in the outflows may have been underestimated in the past.  相似文献   

Wolf-Rayet stars     
This paper reviews the current status of knowledge regarding the basic physical and chemical properties of Wolf-Rayet stars; their overall mass loss and stellar wind characteristics and current ideas about their evolutionary status. WR stars are believed to be the evolved descendents of massive O-type stars, in which extensive mass loss reveals successive stages of nuclear processed material: WN stars the products of interior CNO-cycle hydrogen burning, and WC and WO stars the products of interior helium burning. Recent stellar evolution models, particularly those incorporating internal mixing, predict results which are in good accord with the different chemical compositions observationally inferred for WN, WC and WO stars. WR stars exhibit the highest levels of mass loss amongst earlytype stars: mass loss rates, typically, lie in the range [1–10]×10−5 M yr−1. Radiation pressure-driven winds incorporating multi-scattering in high ionisation-stratified winds may cause these levels, but additional mechanisms may also be needed.  相似文献   

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