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通过对郯庐断裂带中南段近20年的跨断层定点水准测量资料的处理与分析,初步总结了郯庐断裂带中南段断层垂直形变的时空活动特征。2000—2019年郯庐断裂带中南段断层垂直形变活动整体水平不高,平均合成速率为0.19 mm/a,但具有明显的分时活动特征。2000—2010年槐柏—宿迁段活动相对较大,新沂—临沂段活动相对较小,宿迁和新沂之间存在相对闭锁段;2011—2019年整体活动速率有所降低,但安丘测点活动速率相对2000—2011年增大明显。郯庐断裂带中南段的活动特征和近20年来该地区地震活动情况存在一定的对应关系。  相似文献   

通过对郯庐断裂带中南段近20年的跨断层定点水准测量资料的处理与分析,初步总结了郯庐断裂带中南段断层垂直形变的时空活动特征。2000—2019年郯庐断裂带中南段断层垂直形变活动整体水平不高,平均合成速率为0.19 mm/a,但具有明显的分时活动特征。2000—2010年槐柏—宿迁段活动相对较大,新沂—临沂段活动相对较小,宿迁和新沂之间存在相对闭锁段;2011—2019年整体活动速率有所降低,但安丘测点活动速率相对2000—2011年增大明显。郯庐断裂带中南段的活动特征和近20年来该地区地震活动情况存在一定的对应关系。   相似文献   

郯庐断裂带合肥段五河—合肥断裂构造特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文

五河—合肥断裂是郯庐断裂带的西边界断裂,该断裂穿过合肥市城区,是1条规模较大、切割较深的隐伏活动断裂.为了研究该断裂的浅部结构特征、空间展布以及断裂活动性,我们利用2015年在合肥盆地完成的深地震反射剖面数据,采用初至波层析成像方法得到了郯庐断裂带合肥段的浅层P波速度结构和构造形态;考虑到仅根据速度结构剖面还难以确定断裂的准确位置、断层上断点埋深、断层的近地表构造组合样式等特征,研究中跨五河—合肥断裂还完成了2条高分辨率的浅层地震反射剖面.研究结果表明:郯庐断裂带合肥段是一个由多条主干断裂构成的复杂构造带,近地表速度结构表现为凹隆相间的构造特征,且沉积盖层厚度明显受到郯庐断裂带分支断裂的影响和控制.五河—合肥断裂在P波速度结构剖面表现为高速和低速区的分界,对断裂两侧的地层沉积具有重要的控制作用,该断裂向下错断了盆地基底,向上错断了埋深21~35 m的中更新统下部地层,其最新活动时代为中更新世早期.研究结果不仅为进一步认识五河—合肥断裂浅部构造形态提供了地震学依据,还可为该区断裂两侧的城镇规划和建设中避让活动断层提供基础资料.


郯庐断裂带地震活动特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文较为详细地研究了郯庐断裂带及附近地区的地震活动,其主要结果为:1、郯庐断裂带地震活动由四个地震活动区段组成,该带活动的主体区段是那城─—渤海─—海城.2、郯庐断裂带地震活动的周期性是形成邦城─—海城区段中强地震活动的主要原因.3、郯庐断裂带中北段(邦城─—海城)M≥6.0级地震具有较好的迁移规律.4、郯庐断裂带近代小震活动表现出南段随机性,中段呈线性,北段具有密集区带性等特点。5、郯庐断裂带震源深度表现出南、北段浅,中段深,且散度大的特点。6、郯庐断裂带Q值分布表明,沂沭带介质强度的完整性较差。  相似文献   

郯庐断裂带江苏段晚新生代沉积与断裂活动   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

应用布格重力异常研究郯庐断裂构造   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
唐新功  陈永顺  唐哲 《地震学报》2006,28(6):603-610
使用布格重力资料对郯庐断裂带的中段部分(沂沭断裂带)进行了研究. 结果表明, 郯庐断裂带莫霍面及地壳内界面均发生错断,断裂带两侧地壳各界面起伏平缓. 该结果与前人的郯庐断裂带是切穿地壳的深大断裂的认识相一致. 在郯庐断裂带两侧,地壳结构明显不同,西侧沉积层较薄,平均在5 km以下;东侧多数在6 km以上;在断裂带中央沉积物最薄,大约为3~4 km. 断裂带东侧莫霍面埋深浅,大约为33~34 km;西侧莫霍面埋深明显增加,达到36~38 km.反映了莫霍面深度在断裂带附近整体是向西增加的. 郯庐断裂带在重力场分布中则表现为一条宽度较大的线性布格重力异常梯度带.   相似文献   

以合肥地震台跨断层短水准数据,结合地区小震释放能量,分析历史测量资料在地震期间的变化,并研究辅助资料对测量资料的影响,得出:①降水可能造成敏感地块的断层形变异常,但在区域应力作用断层到一定强度时,断层形变异常仍具有一定前兆意义;②安徽地区小震释放能量与合肥地震台断层形变存在一定相关性,断层活动连续几个月持续拉张或挤压,...  相似文献   

郯庐断裂带中南段地壳结构分段特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文采用双差地震层析成像方法对郯庐断裂带中南段地壳速度和泊松比结构进行了研究,获得了郯庐断裂带中南段中上地壳介质结构的分段特征.结果表明,郯庐断裂带中南段由南至北可以划分为三段,即庐江以南段、庐江至郯城段及郯城以北段,郯城以北段又可细分为郯城至五莲及五莲以北两个亚段.庐江以南段、郯城以北段地壳介质速度和泊松比呈现相对高...  相似文献   

郯庐断裂带地壳活动新特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在多期大面积水准复测资料分析结果的基础上,结合最新复测资料,并首次结合苏鲁皖三省的跨断层流动水量资料和郯庐带地震台的形变监测资料进行了全时空地、系统地分析、给出了全部有异常活动并去掉长趋势线性项的观测值曲线。  相似文献   

郯庐断裂带泗洪段全新世活动性初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
翟炳松  杨一冲 《地震》1992,(5):61-64,71
本文初步研究了郯庐断裂带泗洪孙牌坊区段全新世时期的活动性。利用地质剖面开挖、地质填图、取样分析、土氡测量等手段,获取了较多资料,证实了泗洪段全新世以来有活动。  相似文献   

Introduction The Tanlu fault zone, the largest active structure in the eastern region of China, is character-ized by right lateral strike-slip movement with dip-slip component in the Quaternary; it shows great significance for the modern seismicity (FANG et al, 1976; Institute of Geophysics, China Earthquake Administration, 1987; GAO et al, 1980; MA, 1987; LI, 1989; CHAO et al, 1995). The Tanlu fault zone is the boundary between the Jiaoliao block and the North China Plain block of …  相似文献   

Introduction The Tanlu fault zone lies in the eastern China, which is an important huge active fault with a long history. It has experienced a complex generation and evolution process and affects significantly the regional structure, paleogeography, magma activity, minerogenesis and earthquake activity in the area. With a length of 2 400 km, the fault zone consists of 2-4 or more parallel faults of 10-40 km in width, cutting through different geotectonic elements in the eastern China (FANG et al, 1986). On July 25 in 1668, an extraordinarily large earthquake of M=8.5 occurred on the Changyi-Dadian fault (F1) that is an embranchment of Tanlu fault zone, resulting in a surface rupture with a total length of 130 km (LI et al, 1994; CHAO et al, 1995). The paleoseismic study reveals that 3 events with a magnitude equal to 8 occurred on the Changyi-Dadian fault. The recent event occurred 3 500 a ago and the reoccurrence interval is about 3 500 a (LIN and GAO, 1987). During the Tancheng earthquake (on July 25, 1668), the Anqiu-Juxian fault was not ruptured, which was a Late Pleistocene active fault (ZHENG et al, 1988; GAO et al, 1988; CHAO et al, 1994) and was doubted as the seismogenic fault of the M=7.0 Anqiu earthquake occurred in 70 BC by certain geologists (CHAO et al, 1994).  相似文献   


郯庐断裂带是中国东部重要的活动断裂带和边界构造带,其鲁苏段全新世活动断层的空间展布和古地震序列是地学关注的焦点问题,也是准确评价区域地震危险性的重要参数.以往研究工作多集中在郯庐断裂带地表地貌现象明显且有强震记录的山东段,而江苏段则研究程度相对较低,有关郯庐断裂带江苏段全新世活动断层范围和古地震序列问题存在争议.本文利用野外地质地貌调查、浅层地震勘探、钻孔联合剖面以及古地震探槽等多层次综合方法,重点开展郯庐断裂带江苏段全新世活动断层的分布和古地震序列研究.结果显示全新世时期,安丘-莒县断裂是郯庐断裂带江苏段的主要活动断层,且江苏全段该断层都是全新世活动断层.通过对比宿迁闸-皂河镇断裂南北安丘-莒县断裂的断层地貌和断层最新活动时间,并结合宿迁闸-皂河镇断裂在第四纪没有活动过等证据,推测该断层在全新世时期并不是区域阻碍破裂的断层.探槽揭示郯庐断裂带江苏段全新世两次古地震事件,事件Ⅰ限定在(6.2±0.3)-(13.4±0.7)ka B.P.之间,而事件Ⅱ限定在(2.5±0.1)ka B.P.到现今,全新世两次古地震间隔较长.基于构造类比法,安丘-莒县断裂具有深部孕震的构造特点,是区域未来强震的潜在发震构造.


通过对不同位置、不同性质、不同地质年代断层分别进行布设测线,测量不同种类地球化学气体逸出浓度并开展专题研究,得出郯庐断裂宿迁段断层气Rn、CO2浓度变化同步性较好,浓度异常区域与断层破碎带具有一致性,郯庐断裂宿迁段断层气浓度与断裂活动年代有关,全新世活动断裂浓度最高,晚更新世活动断裂稍低,早第四纪断裂浓度最低等结论。此项研究对在郯庐断裂宿迁段开展地球化学气体观测,进而预测地震具有重要的指示意义。  相似文献   

Introduction The southern part of the Tanlu fault zone, especially the sections to the south of the Huaiheriver, has been taken as the sections that have been inactive or inert since Late Pleistocene (Insti-tute of Geology, State Seismological Bureau, 1987; CHAO, et al, 1999; SHI, et al, 2003). Thepresent authors have found the structural features that are inconsistent with the previous viewpointduring their researches. The new knowledge about active features along the Tanlu fault …  相似文献   

We estimated Moho depth beneath the southern Tanlu fault zone and its adjacent area using common-conversion-point(CCP)stacking of receiver fun-ctions,which were computed from teleseismic records of the CEArray.Our estimated Moho depth matches well with 2-D profiles derived from active-source deep seismic reflection surveys,suggesting that the calculated the Moho depth map is likely accurate beyond the 2-D profiles.Overall,the estimated Moho depth map showed a high spatial correlation with tectonic provinces,i.e.,Moho topographic boundaries are in good agreement with geological boundaries.Beneath the Dabie orogenic belt and the mountainous areas in southern Anhui Province,the Moho lies relatively deep,and there is an obvious difference in Moho depth between the two sides of this segment of the Tanlu fault.We further selected four depth profiles with dense instrumentation to show Moho depth changes across different tectonic blocks in the study area.We saw two step-like changes in Moho depth beneath the Xiangfan-Guangji and Gushi-Feizhong,which run parallel along the WNW-ESE direction and delineate the southern and northern bounds of the northern Dabie orogenic belt,which is likely the suture zone between the North China Block and South China Block.Crust beneath the northeast corner of the study area is significantly thinner than other areas,which is consistent with the crustal detachment model proposed for suturing between the North and South China blocks in the region east to the Tanlu fault.  相似文献   




Although Tanlu fault is one of the most important tectonic fault zones and active earthquake belts in eastern China, little is known about its deep structure. In this study, we use the existing Bouguer gravity data to study the middle section of the Tanlu fault zone, which is also known as the Yishu fault zone. Our gravity inversion results indicate that the Moho has an abrupt offset in depth at the Tanlu fault zone and it has a relatively smooth variation away from the fault zone. The crustal structures on both sides are different from each other. Sediment is thin on the west side with an average thickness of less than 5 km, while it is as thick as 6 km on the east side. The thinnest sediment (3-4 km) is at the fault zone. Moho depth increases from 33 to 34 km on east side and from 36 to 38 km on west side. Tanlu fault zone is shown as a wide zone of linear gradient in the Bouguer gravity anomaly.  相似文献   

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