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Three new rock reference samples, Rhyolite JR-3, Gabbro JGb-2 and Hornblendite JH-1 have been prepared by the Geological Survey of Japan for collaborative studies on their chemical composition. Twenty-eight major, minor and trace elements were determined and presented. The results of homogeneity tests showed that all elements are considered to be distributed homogeneously in each reference sample. Geological and mineralogical characteristics are also described.  相似文献   

Instrumental neutron activation data on 19 trace elements in two new geostandards, Bottom Silt from Lake Baikal, BIL-1 and Brown Coal Ash, ZUK-1 are presented.  相似文献   

Fifteen rock reference samples "Igneous rock series" issued by the Geological Survey of Japan were analysed for up to 31 elements by neutron activation analysis (NAA); 14 MeV-NAA for Si and Al, fission track method for U, radiochemical and instrumental NAA for rare-earth elements, and instrumental NAA for the remaining elements, with reactor neutrons for the latter three. The present results are compared with published values.  相似文献   

Analytical data compiled on nine Geological Survey of Japan (GSJ) reference samples, "Sedimentary rock series" received by February 1996 are reported. After excluding outliers and examining critically the analytical procedures employed, the data were evaluated statistically. Recommended or preferable values for fifteen major and sixty minor and trace elements are proposed.  相似文献   

Analytical data for minor and trace elements published or communicated to us, on seventeen GSJ (Geological Survey of Japan) reference samples, "Igneous rock series" received up to April 1994 are compiled. The data were evaluated statistically in consideration of analytical methods. Based on the selected available data, 1994 recommended and proposed values for 65 minor and trace elements are presented.  相似文献   

The preparation and study of the two rock reference samples, Quartz Diorite SKD-1 and Sviatonossite SSv-1, are described, along with mineralogical and petrographic features. After its homogeneity studies, the two samples were analysed by seventy-five former USSR laboratories in the framework of an interlaboratory analytical program. The two samples have been certified respectively for 41 and 39 major, minor and trace elements; additionally, values are proposed for about 20 trace elements. The compiled data on the two samples are presented as an Appendix. Both the samples, processed in about 280 kg, form now part of the set of eight magmatic rock reference samples prepared by the Institute of Geochemistry in Irkutsk.  相似文献   

The concentrations of fluorine, chlorine, bromine and iodine of seven geochemical reference samples have been determined. Analytical techniques were neutron activation analysis for chlorine, bromine and iodine and ion-selective potentiometry for fluorine. After irradiation of the samples, these halogens were separated from the matrix elements by pyrohydrolysis in presence of vanadium (V) oxide. This extraction allows to measure the four halogens in the same sample.  相似文献   

Two chromitite samples from the Isles of Shetland (North Scotland) have been processed, each in 200 kg quantities, as reference samples for the determination of gold and the platinum-group elements (PGE). One of these samples, Chromitite CHR-Pt+ is enriched in the PGE and the other, Chromitite CHR-Bkg has much lower concentrations. A detailed assessment of sample homogeneity is presented, together with the results of a cooperative study by thirty-five international geochemical laboratories, private and public. Contributed data together with derived working values are presented for Au and the PGE as well as for major, minor and a few trace elements. It is hoped that this first compilation report will encourage additional laboratories to participate in further studies of the PGE in these two CHR samples.  相似文献   

Homogeneity studies on the geochemical exploration reference samples GXR-1 through GXR-6 were initially based on analyses by methods of 10–30 percent relative standard deviations (rsds). Use of the materials for high-precision method validation requires that homogeneity be established using methods having rsds less than 1.0 percent, if possible. The current homogeneity study shows distinct in homogeneities in all GXR materials for some major, minor, and trace constituents.  相似文献   

The 18 Chinese geochemical standard reference samples GSD 9-12 (stream sediments), GSS 1-8 (soils) and GSR 1-6 (rocks) were prepared after GSD 1-8 (stream sediments) for even wider and increasing needs of geology, exploration geochemistry and geochemical analysis. Usable values of 41 trace, minor and major elements of the 18 samples were published in 1984. In the following two years, efforts were concentrated on the determination of other elements, most of which are more difficult to determine accurately and hence not many data were available in the literature. At the same time, additional data on the 41 elements already evaluated were also submitted. In all, 155 234 results were available along with the 35 284 analytical data submitted. The processing of samples, the examination of sample homogeneity, the plan of collaborative analysis of the samples, and the criteria for defining the recommended values are described. The recommended or reference values of the 72 constituents, to-gether with the 35 284 analytical data of the 18 samples are published in this paper.  相似文献   

Analytical data on 34 geochemically significant trace elements (Sc, V, Cr, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Ga, Rb, Sr, Y, Zr, Nb, Cs, Ba, Hf, Ta, Pb, The, U and REE) by using Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS), for 13 reference rock samples obtained from the Geological Survey of Finland are presented. For many elements, especially most of the heavy-REE, concentrations are reported here for the first time.  相似文献   

Twenty-eight major, minor and trace elements in nine new rock reference samples of Geological Survey of Japan (GSJ), JA-2, JA-3 JB-1a, JG-1a, JG-2, JG-3, JF-1, JF-2 and JP-1 have been determined using atomic absorption spectrometry, flame emission spectrometry and wet chemical techniques.  相似文献   

The mercury content of 118 geochemical reference samples have been determined by combustion followed by cold vapor atomic absorption spectrometry. The negative interference from volatile halogen and sulfur was eliminated by a packing of sodium carbonate in the combustion tube and addition of magnesium oxide to the samples. A comparison with published data show clearly the need for much more data on most reference samples.  相似文献   

Major and trace elements have been determined by wavelength dispersive X-ray fluorescence and by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES), in the Geological Survey of Japan Igneous rock series, using a routine sample preparation technique including lithium borate fusion. Samples were analysed for 10 majors elements and the following trace elements: Ba, Co, Cr, Ga, Nb, Sc, Sr, V, Y, Zn and Zr. The rare-earth elements were determined only by ICP-OES following separation by ion exchange. In most cases, results compared well with published values.  相似文献   

地球化学标准物质的研制与应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
1978年以来,物化探研究所围绕我国地球化学调查和地质矿产勘查的需要,先后研制了多种地质物料的系列地球化学标准物质,包括水系沉积物、土壤(含全量和生物有效成份)、岩石、生物、光谱分析标准、多金属矿石与精矿、痕量铂族元素与铂矿石、痕量金与金矿石及银矿石标准物质,共计126个样品。具有系列性好和适用性强的特点,是我国地质测试质量体系的基本组成部分,其中GSD、GSS和GAu系列作为全国区域地球化学样品分析的量值和质量监控标准,保证了各省区不同时间、不同实验室的分析结果可以统一对比和成图。这些标准物质在我国地质矿产、冶金、农业、环境部门和科研院校中广泛应用,应用的国家达30余个。  相似文献   

安庐石英正长岩带的地质和地球化学特征及成因探讨   总被引:14,自引:4,他引:10  
安庐石英正长岩带由黄梅尖、城山、大龙山三个多阶段复式岩体组成,其形成与郯庐断裂带在中生代末发展演化成陆内裂谷的事件有关。岩带的成岩物质来源较深,是地幔分熔产生的安粗岩浆,在其上升侵位过程中经受上部地壳物质混染,为幔壳混源成因,其中地幔组分约占60.2—53.8%,地壳组分约占39.8—46.2%。岩带中的岩石偏碱性、贫水和非造山等一系列地质地球化学特征可与A型花岗岩相类比。  相似文献   

个旧锰结核矿床产在锡石-多金属硫化物矿田顶部的第四系砂锡矿之中。从矿床地质产状、化学组成、微量元素、稀土元素、矿物组合等方面进行了讨论,认为个旧锰结核属于异地海相成因,后经搬运沉积在第四系砂锡矿之中;与中太平洋海山CAD19锰结核的物质组成和微量元素进行对比,表明个旧和CAD19锰结核有相类似的稀土模式,相对富集轻稀土,并出现明显的Eu负异常和Ce的正异常。  相似文献   

The determination of indium in geological materials is difficult by usual analytical techniques because of their lack of sensitivity. Neutron activation analysis with special irradiation and counting conditions allows to determine indium ultra-traces with a quantitative detection limit about a few parts per billion. The method developed is fast and very sensitive and has been tested successfully for several American and French geochemical standards.  相似文献   

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