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The majority of endocrine disruption studies in Europe have been on non-indigenous species (some of them tropical!)--and none of which has traits that make them suitable for the detection of androgenic compounds. To overcome these problems, we have been developing the stickleback as a model biomarker for testing the effect of endocrine disrupters in European waters. Its advantages are: it is the only fish with a quantifiable in vivo androgen and anti-androgen endpoint (the production of the glue protein, spiggin, by the kidney); it is the only fish in which it will be possible to simultaneously test oestrogenic and androgenic properties of compound; it has a genetic sex marker; it is found in all EU countries; it survives and breeds in both seawater and freshwater; it is extremely robust and can be readily deployed in situ; it displays a variety of pronounced reproductive behaviours; it has a simple and short life cycle, low fecundity and high egg/fry survival rates.  相似文献   

Various waterborne anthropogenic contaminants disrupt the endocrine systems of wildlife and humans, targeting reproductive pathways, among others. Very little is known, however, regarding the occurrence of endocrine disruptive activity in South African freshwater ecosystems, and coastal ecosystems have not been studied in this regard. In a first attempt to investigate endocrine disruptive activity in South African coastal waters, surface water samples collected from harbours, river mouths and estuaries in three metropolitan municipalities, eThekwini (which includes Durban), Nelson Mandela (specifically Port Elizabeth Harbour) and City of Cape Town, were screened for (anti) oestrogenicity and (anti)androgenicity using recombinant yeast bioassays. Moreover, levels of the female hormone 17β-(o)estradiol (E2) were determined in all samples, as well as a selection of hydrocarbons in the eThekwini samples. A high proportion of samples collected from eThekwini were oestrogenic, whereas none from Port Elizabeth Harbour and only a single river mouth sampled in the City of Cape Town were oestrogenic. E2 was detected in all the samples tested, but at higher concentrations at the eThekwini and City of Cape Town localities than Port Elizabeth Harbour. In addition, the recombinant yeast assays revealed that anti-androgenicity was widespread, being detected in the majority of samples screened apart from those representing Port Elizabeth Harbour. Conversely, no anti-oestrogenic or androgenic activity was detected. Anti-androgenicity did not associate with hydrocarbon loads, providing evidence that other anti-androgens were responsible for the observed activity. The present data suggest potential reproductive disruption in marine and estuarine fauna inhabiting the eThekwini and City of Cape Town regions.  相似文献   

This study has analysed for the first time fish composition and assemblage structures of three small macrotidal estuaries of the Eastern English Channel (EEC) and has explored the influences of 19 biotic and abiotic variables on the fish assemblages. Fish from Canche, Authie and Somme estuaries were collected during spring (June 2006 and May 2007) and autumn (September 2006) along the estuarine gradients using a 1.5 m beam trawl. Using identical sampling protocols, the study also analysed and compared for the first time taxonomic and functional aspects of the fish assemblages in 15 estuaries located along the Atlantic and English Channel coasts. SIMPER analysis showed high similarities in fish assemblages in the three EEC estuaries and during either spring or autumn periods. However, intra-estuary similarities were relatively low, indicating that fish assemblage structures (species richnesses or abundances) were more variable within the estuary (salinity gradient) than between estuaries and/or seasons (spring vs autumn). Although numerous environmental variables were included in the study, only 47% of the variability observed in the fish distribution was explained. Fish spatial variations in the EEC estuaries are mostly driven by abiotic variables as opposed to biological interactions. As indicated by CCA, salinity and muddy sediments were the two most important factors structuring the fish assemblages. The macrobenthos being very abundant in the EEC estuaries (580–1121 ind. m−2), the availability of potential prey is probably not a limiting factor in the utilization of estuaries by fish. Contrary to the majority of French estuaries dominated by estuarine species (ES), the fish assemblages of the EEC estuaries are clearly dominated by marine migrant (MM) species (65% on average) with high abundance of juveniles (mostly young-of-the-year). Cluster and SIMPROF's analyses distinguished the functional structure of the 15 estuarine fish assemblages into different clusters. The three EEC estuaries form a similar group with the largest French estuaries (Seine, Loire and Gironde). The latters were characterized by higher MM/ES ratio compared to the other French estuaries. Freshwater flow and tidal range were the main factors associated with this group of estuaries. The results of the present study do not indicate that anthropogenic impacts (chemical contamination) on estuaries affect their ecological functioning as described by the fish ecological guilds. It is suggested that the guild approach may not be useful to provide valuable information on the ecological status of estuaries.  相似文献   

Determining the nursery habitat of fishes that have moved from estuarine nursery habitats is difficult. The elemental fingerprints of otoliths of three species of sparids were determined to investigate their utility as a natural tag of the nursery habitat. Juvenile Pagrus auratus (snapper), Rhabdosargus sarba (tarwhine) and Acanthopagrus australis (bream) were collected from two sites in each of 15, six and three estuaries, respectively, and their otoliths analysed by solution-based inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry. Significant differences in otolith chemistry were found for all three species of juveniles collected from different estuaries. The same patterns among estuaries were not seen for all species, although it was not possible to sample the same sites within an estuary for all species. For bream, significant differences in otolith chemistry were found among all three estuaries, whereas for tarwhine the six estuaries were separated into three groups. For snapper, a number of estuaries could be separated, but there was some overlap for other estuaries. All three species were collected from the same site within one estuary and their otoliths analysed. Significant differences were found among species, but the implication of this finding remains unclear as the three species show differences in microhabitat use and may also differ in age. Because the elemental fingerprints of juveniles vary among estuaries or groups of estuaries, the nursery or recruitment estuary of adult fish could now be determined by analysing the juvenile region of adult otoliths. Thus, connectivity between estuaries and open coastal populations could be determined. Such information will have major implications for fisheries management because it will provide information on the distance that fish have moved from their recruitment estuary and the number of estuaries that contribute to each adult population.  相似文献   

We tested whether the growth rates of small benthic fish (Gillichthys mirabilis) in three southern California estuaries corresponded with the local concentrations of contaminants. Fish originating from each estuary were transplanted to cages in each estuary in two reciprocal transplant experiments. The growth rates of caged fish, and the size-distribution of natural populations, showed the same pattern of difference among estuaries. Twelve metals and organic contaminants occurred in bulk sediments at concentrations close to their individual ERL values, and a simple index of their combined concentration (the mean ERL quotient) was inversely correlated to the growth of caged fish. Metals in the water column occurred at lower concentrations, relative to toxicity thresholds, than those in sediments and were unrelated to fish growth. Fish used in the field caging experiments, and other fish held in the laboratory under constant conditions, showed no difference in growth according to their estuary of origin. Fish originating from different estuaries also showed no consistent differences in their tissue burden of organic contaminants. Our results thus suggested no genetic adaptation or physiological acclimation to the past contaminant regime, but revealed a possible association between fish growth rates and the combined concentration of multiple sediment contaminants.  相似文献   

An ELISA for cod vitellogenin (VTG) has been set up using cod lipovitellin for plate coating and standardisation. The assay has been applied to plasma samples collected from male and female cod caught in three distinct areas around the UK, three areas off the Norwegian coast and also to cod reared initially at an aquaculture site and subsequently maintained at a research station. The aim of the study was to determine whether there were any signs of oestrogenic endocrine disruption in a fish species living offshore. VTG induction was found in male cod caught in the North Sea, the Shetland Box area, in Oslofjord and also in cultivated fish. There was a strong relationship between concentrations of VTG and fish size. There was no evidence that the presence of VTG in the plasma of males is a natural part of their life cycle. On the other hand, the size of fish at which these elevated VTG concentrations appear (ca. 5 kg) is about the size that cod change from feeding primarily on benthic invertebrates to mainly other fish, both benthic and pelagic. The possibility is suggested that large cod pick up oestrogenic endocrine disrupters through the food chain.  相似文献   

《Journal of Sea Research》2009,61(4):303-309
Collection of marine invertebrates for use as fishing bait is a substantial activity in many parts of the world, often with unknown ecological consequences. As new fisheries develop, it is critical for environmental managers to have high quality ecological information regarding the potential impacts, in order to develop sound management strategies. Crab-tiling is a largely unregulated and un-researched fishery, which operates commercially in the south-west UK. The target species is the green crab Carcinus maenas. Those crabs which are pre-ecdysis and have a carapace width greater than 40 mm are collected to be sold to recreational anglers as bait. Collection involves laying artificial structures on intertidal sandflats and mudflats in estuaries. Crabs use these structures as refugia and are collected during low tide. However, the effect that this fishery has on populations of C. maenas is not known. The impact of crab-tiling on C. maenas population structure was determined by sampling crabs from tiled estuaries and non-tiled estuaries using baited drop-nets. A spatially and temporarily replicated, balanced design was used to compare crab abundance, sizes and sex ratios between estuaries. Typically, fisheries are associated with a reduction in the abundance of the target species. Crab-tiling, however, significantly increased C. maenas abundance. This was thought to be a result of the extra habitat in tiled estuaries, which probably provides protection from natural predators, such as birds and fish. Although crabs were more abundant in tiled estuaries than non-tiled estuaries, the overall percentage of reproductively active crabs in non-tiled estuaries was greater than in tiled estuaries. As with most exploited fisheries stocks, crabs in exploited (tiled) estuaries tended to be smaller, with a modal carapace width of 20–29 mm rather than 30–39 mm in non-tiled estuaries. The sex ratio of crabs however; was not significantly different between tiled and non-tiled estuaries. These results illustrate the potential to manage fished populations using habitat provision to mitigate the effects of fishing pressure.  相似文献   

Collection of marine invertebrates for use as fishing bait is a substantial activity in many parts of the world, often with unknown ecological consequences. As new fisheries develop, it is critical for environmental managers to have high quality ecological information regarding the potential impacts, in order to develop sound management strategies. Crab-tiling is a largely unregulated and un-researched fishery, which operates commercially in the south-west UK. The target species is the green crab Carcinus maenas. Those crabs which are pre-ecdysis and have a carapace width greater than 40 mm are collected to be sold to recreational anglers as bait. Collection involves laying artificial structures on intertidal sandflats and mudflats in estuaries. Crabs use these structures as refugia and are collected during low tide. However, the effect that this fishery has on populations of C. maenas is not known. The impact of crab-tiling on C. maenas population structure was determined by sampling crabs from tiled estuaries and non-tiled estuaries using baited drop-nets. A spatially and temporarily replicated, balanced design was used to compare crab abundance, sizes and sex ratios between estuaries. Typically, fisheries are associated with a reduction in the abundance of the target species. Crab-tiling, however, significantly increased C. maenas abundance. This was thought to be a result of the extra habitat in tiled estuaries, which probably provides protection from natural predators, such as birds and fish. Although crabs were more abundant in tiled estuaries than non-tiled estuaries, the overall percentage of reproductively active crabs in non-tiled estuaries was greater than in tiled estuaries. As with most exploited fisheries stocks, crabs in exploited (tiled) estuaries tended to be smaller, with a modal carapace width of 20–29 mm rather than 30–39 mm in non-tiled estuaries. The sex ratio of crabs however; was not significantly different between tiled and non-tiled estuaries. These results illustrate the potential to manage fished populations using habitat provision to mitigate the effects of fishing pressure.  相似文献   

Relationships between key fish taxa and various abiotic factors in South African estuaries have been examined. Of the physico-chemical parameters recorded, temperature and salinity appeared to be the main factors affecting the distribution and occurrence of estuarine fishes. Tropical estuarine-associated species appear to prefer warm, turbid, brackish water conditions with many species being largely restricted to subtropical estuaries. The decline in sea temperatures as well as upwelling events limits the dispersal of tropical species into warm-temperate estuaries. Some eurythermal tropical species, however, do extend into warm-temperate estuaries. Warm-temperate estuaries are characterised by cool, more saline waters with low turbidity and are dominated by endemic taxa. Some warm-water endemic species are common in both warm-temperate and subtropical estuaries but are generally not a major component of the fish community of cool-temperate estuaries. Other endemic species appear to prefer cooler waters and occur in both warm- and cool-temperate estuaries but are uncommon in subtropical systems. Temperate species also occur in warm-temperate systems but are generally absent from subtropical estuaries. Widespread or cosmopolitan species occur in all biogeographic regions.  相似文献   

Stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes (δ13C, δ1?N) were used to analyse food web dynamics of two of the main estuaries of the Portuguese coast: Tejo and Mira. The ultimate sources of organic matter supporting production of some of the most abundant and commercially important fish species were determined; and seasonal, inter- and intra- estuarine differences in the trophic relations among producers and consumers were identified. Stable isotope analysis was performed in different producers, primary consumers (main prey items for fish) and fish species (Solea solea, Solea senegalensis, Pomatoschistus microps, Dicentrarchus labrax, Liza ramada, Diplodus vulgaris and Atherina presbyter) of two areas in each estuary, in July and October 2009. Model calculations showed that the main prey for the fish species in the Tejo estuary used mostly salt marsh-derived organic matter as nutritional sources, with no marked differences between the sampled months. Trophic levels of fish species from the same estuary differed at multiple scales: inter-species, seasonally and spatially (both between and within estuaries). Significant differences in isotopic composition of fish species were more pronounced spatially (between the two sampled areas in the estuary) than seasonally (between sampled months). Trophic relationships in both estuaries demonstrated that organic matter is transferred to higher trophic positions mainly through benthic pathways. This shows the flexibility of these species to share resources and to exploit temporary peaks in prey populations. The present results showed that extensive disturbance in intertidal habitats from both estuaries may potentially change the balance of organic matter in the base of these complex food webs.  相似文献   

Understanding the ecological significance of oestrogenic biomarker responses, seen in field surveys of some UK estuarine fish, requires a suitable model to link biochemical and reproductive effects. The sand goby (Pomatoschistus minutus) is a common inshore fish that has been successfully bred in laboratory aquaria. Juvenile sand goby were continuously exposed to 17beta-oestradiol (E2) during gonadal maturation, and their subsequent reproductive success investigated. Exposure endpoints included hepatic vitellogenin (VTG) mRNA expression and maturation (male nuptial colouration, sperm duct gland- and gonado-somatic indices (SDGSI, GSI)). Reproductive endpoints included spawning behaviour, brood size, fertility and population-level fertile egg production. Measured E2 exposure concentrations were <5 (controls), 17, 71 and 530 ngl(-1). Male maturation decreased with increasing E2 concentration. VTG mRNA expression increased with E2 concentration, but not with duration of exposure. Reproductive endpoints showed progressive impairment with increasing E2 concentration. For most endpoints, the lowest observed effect concentration (LOEC) was 71 ngl(-1), and EC50s were in the range 87-165 ngl(-1). Pre-breeding male colouration, VTG expression and SDGSI were good predictors of subsequent population-level fertile egg production, but GSI was not. The sensitivity of oestrogenic markers in sand goby are comparable to those used in other species, and feral fish populations exhibiting such oestrogenic responses at molecular and organ levels are likely to have reduced fertile egg production.  相似文献   

Understanding the level of connectivity between estuarine and coastal waters is essential for appropriate management of estuarine-associated taxa. Most studies have focused on the role of a single estuary, while limited research exists on the importance of multiple estuaries to individuals of estuarine-associated species. This study used acoustic telemetry to assess the usage of multiple estuaries and coastal waters by the estuarine-dependent spotted grunter Pomadasys commersonnii. Twenty-six adult fish were tagged with acoustic transmitters in the Kariega and Bushmans estuaries, South Africa, and their movements along a 300-km stretch of Indian Ocean coastline were monitored for up to 17 months. Tagged individuals spent most of their time in the estuary where they were tagged (55% and 85% for fish tagged in the two estuaries, respectively), followed by time in the sea (30% and 15%) and in other estuaries (15% and <1%). The mean durations of sea trips for fish tagged in the Kariega Estuary or Bushmans Estuary, respectively, were 25 days (range 3–55) and 12 days (range 2–22). Of the fish that went to sea, 93% from the Kariega Estuary and 60% from the Bushmans Estuary visited other estuaries. Most visits were undertaken to the Swartkops, Bushmans and Kowie estuaries, although the longest durations were spent in the Sundays Estuary. Individuals moved to estuaries up to 130 km away. The total distance travelled between estuaries by an individual during the study was ~529 km, with means of 201 and 184 km, respectively, for fish tagged in the Kariega and Bushmans estuaries. Despite covering large distances between estuaries, individuals often returned to their tagging estuary. Residency in their tagging estuary, combined with frequent visits to a neighbouring estuary, highlights the importance of estuarine habitats for this popular fish species, even after reaching maturity.  相似文献   

Contaminants derived from urban runoff have been shown to accumulate in estuarine sediments, reaching concentrations potentially capable of causing biological effects. Demonstration of effects, however, is difficult due to strong natural environmental gradients and the effects of past or present point-sources of contamination. We used multivariate methods to test two hypotheses relating to the effects of urban-derived contaminants on estuarine benthic communities. First, that patterns of distribution and abundance of benthic invertebrates in two urbanised estuaries would be different from those in two non-urbanised estuaries. Second, that the distributions of benthic invertebrates within and among the four estuaries would be related to those of urban-derived contaminants. Concentrations of contaminants were larger in estuaries with urbanised catchments and concentrations of Cu, Pb, Zn and DDT in some samples exceeded those at which biological effects may be expected to appear. Tests of differences in composition of benthic communities among estuaries showed that the two urban estuaries were not significantly different, but that they differed from both rural estuaries, which also differed from each other. Distributions of benthic invertebrates were significantly related to those of environmental variables, and were ordinated along axes that correlated with both natural environmental variables (nature of the sediment, position in estuary) and contaminants. Differences in faunas between the urban and non-urban estuaries were not, however, clear-cut and nor were relationships between faunal assemblages and environmental variables (including contaminants) consistent between two times of sampling.  相似文献   

The speculation that climate change may impact on sustainable fish production suggests a need to understand how these effects influence fish catch on a broad scale. With a gross annual value of A$ 2.2 billion, the fishing industry is a significant primary industry in Australia. Many commercially important fish species use estuarine habitats such as mangroves, tidal flats and seagrass beds as nurseries or breeding grounds and have lifecycles correlated to rainfall and temperature patterns. Correlation of catches of mullet (e.g. Mugil cephalus) and barramundi (Lates calcarifer) with rainfall suggests that fisheries may be sensitive to effects of climate change. This work reviews key commercial fish and crustacean species and their link to estuaries and climate parameters. A conceptual model demonstrates ecological and biophysical links of estuarine habitats that influences capture fisheries production. The difficulty involved in explaining the effect of climate change on fisheries arising from the lack of ecological knowledge may be overcome by relating climate parameters with long-term fish catch data. Catch per unit effort (CPUE), rainfall, the Southern Oscillation Index (SOI) and catch time series for specific combinations of climate seasons and regions have been explored and surplus production models applied to Queensland's commercial fish catch data with the program CLIMPROD. Results indicate that up to 30% of Queensland's total fish catch and up to 80% of the barramundi catch variation for specific regions can be explained by rainfall often with a lagged response to rainfall events. Our approach allows an evaluation of the economic consequences of climate parameters on estuarine fisheries, thus highlighting the need to develop forecast models and manage estuaries for future climate change impact by adjusting the quota for climate change sensitive species. Different modelling approaches are discussed with respect to their forecast ability.  相似文献   

This study was conducted as an initial investigation of 'differential response' in one of the main sentinel organisms used for monitoring programmes in United Kingdom estuaries, the flounder Platichthys flesus. It has been hypothesised that monitoring using species with a wide geographical spread and limited migration, such as flounder, might result in the comparison of different genetic stocks and certainly of populations with differing early life stage contaminant exposure histories. Furthermore, it is probable that these pre-exposure and genetic differences could manifest themselves in an ability to respond differently to contaminant exposure, so-called 'differential response'. It is important that the extent and nature of this response is understood, if we want to be able to fully interpret the monitoring data from such programmes. During this study, flounder were collected from four separate sources; wild caught fish from the estuaries of the Rivers Alde, Mersey and Tyne, and farmed flounder from Port Erin Farm, Isle of Man. Under controlled laboratory conditions, groups of fish from each source were exposed to water-borne concentrations of the synthetic oestrogen ethynylestradiol (EE2) at a nominal concentration of 50 ng/l. Plasma was taken from each male fish after 6 and 10 days exposure and analysed for the presence of vitellogenin (VTG) using an ELISA technique. Significant levels of VTG induction were evident in fish from all sources after both 6 and 10 days exposure. Flounder from the Mersey were the only fish with significantly elevated initial background levels of VTG (day 0) and this appeared to be reflected in that these specimens showed the highest induction response after day 6. However, after day 10, fish from all other sites had a slightly higher mean VTG than those from the Mersey which showed significantly (p < 0.05) lower mean plasma VTG. It is suggested that other differential responses may have been masked by the use of a high dose of EE2 which produced maximum induction in nearly all fish. The findings of the study are discussed in terms of implications for further research into the differential response issue and how the initial plasma VTG figures contribute to a time-series from the Mersey, Tyne and Alde estuaries.  相似文献   

Recruitment of early life stages into estuaries is an integral part of the life cycle of many marine fish species. Although estuaries are naturally environmentally dynamic, they also are subject to anthropogenic disturbances, including land use and climate change, which may affect recruitment. Rhabdosargus holubi is an endemic marine-spawning species predominantly associated with freshwater-rich estuaries which serve as nursery areas for postflexion larvae and juveniles. This study assessed the effect of environmental variables on the dynamics of recruitment of R. holubi larvae and juveniles into the Swartkops and Sundays estuaries, South Africa. Over a period of two years, fyke nets were set at each estuary mouth to monitor movement into the estuaries at each tidal phase over a 24 h cycle during two sampling sessions per season. Rhabdosargus holubi larvae recruited into estuaries primarily in summer and autumn and during the ebb tide at night, while juvenile movements showed no pattern. Salinity, turbidity and temperature were significantly important factors affecting R. holubi recruitment, with pH having no significant effect. Turbidity and salinity are affected by rainfall and freshwater abstraction which may thus influence recruitment. Rhabdosargus holubi is dependent on estuaries, so a combination of future changes in turbidity, salinity and temperature due to predicted climate change may place populations at risk.  相似文献   

Estuaries serve as nursery grounds for many marine fish species. However increasing human activities within estuaries and surrounding areas lead to significant habitat loss for the juveniles and decrease the quality of the remaining habitats. This study is based on the data of 470 beam trawls from surveys that were conducted in 13 French estuaries for the purpose of the European Water Framework Directive. It aimed at testing the effects of anthropogenic disturbances on the nursery function of estuaries. With a multispecific approach based on ecological guilds, two fish metrics, abundance and species richness of Marine Juvenile migrant fishes, were used as proxies for the estuarine nursery function. Indices of heavy metal and organic contaminations were used to estimate anthropogenic disturbances impacting these estuaries. Fish metrics were described with statistical models that took into account: (a) sampling protocol, (b) estuarine features and (c) contamination. The results of these models showed that the fish metrics highly depend on the sampling protocol, and especially type of gear, depth and salinity, which highlights the necessity of considering such metrics at the sampling (trawl haul) scale. Densities and species richness of Marine Juvenile fishes appeared to be strongly and negatively correlated to contamination indices. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that human disturbances impact the nursery function of estuaries. Finally, the densities of Marine Juvenile migrant species appeared as a potential robust and useful fish indicator for the assessment of the ecological status of estuaries within the Water Framework Directive.  相似文献   

了解生物群落中物种共存机制是群落生态学研究的重要组成部分.鉴于河口鱼类群落结构与温盐等理化因子密切相关,同时多数鱼类产卵、育幼在时间上具有同步性(主要在春夏季发生),因此环境过滤机制可能是促使河口鱼类时间上共存的主要机制.为证实该假设,本研究以长江口鱼类群落为例,利用广义可加非线性模型(GAMs)分析其时间生态位及鱼类与环境因子的关系,同时基于零模型(null models)从生态位利用的角度阐述河口鱼类群落时间上的共存机制.结果表明:鱼类物种间实测生态位大于预期值,揭示出环境过滤机制是促使鱼类时间上共存的主要机制;多数鱼类物种与非生物环境因子关系拟合较好,说明未知因素(如物种间的竞争作用等机制)对其分布影响权重较小.上述结果支持环境过滤学说是长江口鱼类物种时间共存格局的主导机制.  相似文献   

Generally the large tidal estuaries of the eastern United States, such as Delaware Bay, are characterized by rather high suspended particle concentrations at the landward end and high biological activity at the seaward end. As such, these estuaries can be conceptualized as geochemical and biochemical “reactors” for those processes controlling the transmission of trace elements from fresh to the coastal shelf waters. The efficiency of these reaction processes relative to estuarine flushing will control the residence times of microconstituents in such estuaries.Evidence is drawn from the Delaware estuary to illustrate biogeochemical estuarine reaction processes using salinity distribution data and mass balance calculations. The Delaware retains some of its estuarine trace elements as sedimented estuarine particles, while others are more conservative and largely exported. Those retained by sedimenting processes include trace elements in primarily geochemical (particle reactive) chemistries, while those exported appear recycled by biochemical (nutrient reactive) chemistries. Often, the behavior of trace elements (e.g., Fe, Cd) and nutrients (e.g., PO4) appear biogeochemically linked. Other examples are drawn from mixing studies to illustrate particle interaction, and benthic flux measurements to illustrate limited diagenetic reflux.The residence time of estuarine microconstituents should depend seasonally on the relative turbidity, flushing rate, and primary production of tidally dominated estuaries such as the Delaware. Thus, residence times of the more biogeochemically reactive microconstituents must be substantially shorter (days to weeks) than the average flushing times of these larger estuaries, while the residence times of the less reactive ones should approach such flushing times (weeks to months). True estuarine residence times of microconstituents can only be modeled after using large data sets averaged over time (season, tides) and space (salinity).  相似文献   

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