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In this paper SST imagery and a three-dimensional numerical model of a river plume were employed to detect upwelling induced by tidal straining in the Rhine ROFI (region of fresh water influence). Previous studies have shown that the Rhine ROFI in the North Sea exhibits strong cross-shore density gradients that compete with tidal and wind mixing to establish stratification. During neap periods with low mixing energy an area measuring 30 km offshore by 100 km alongshore becomes stratified. When the ROFI is stratified strong cross-shore currents are observed, with surface currents rotating anti-cyclonically and bottom currents rotating cyclonically. The cross-shore currents interact with the cross-shore density gradients to produce a semi-diurnal cycle of stratification. Due to continuity requirements imposed by the proximity of the coast, the offshore-directed surface currents and onshore-directed bottom currents should lead to coastal upwelling.  相似文献   

Sea breezes often have significant impacts on nearshore physical and biological processes. We document the effects of a diurnal sea breeze on the nearshore thermal structure and circulation of northern Monterey Bay, California, using an array of moorings during the summer upwelling season in 2006. Moorings were equipped with thermistors and Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers (ADCPs) to measure temperature and currents along the inner shelf in the bay. Temperature and current data were characteristic of traditional regional scale upwelling conditions along the central California coast during the study period. However, large diurnal fluctuations in temperature (up to 5 °C) were observed at all moorings inshore of the 60-m isobath. Examination of tidal, current, temperature, and wind records revealed that the observed temperature fluctuations were the result of local diurnal upwelling, and not a result of nearshore mixing events. Westerly diurnal sea breezes led to offshore Ekman transport of surface waters. Resulting currents in the upper mixed layer were up to 0.10 m s−1 directed offshore during the afternoon upwelling period. Surface water temperatures rapidly decreased in response to offshore advection of surface waters and upwelling of cold, subsurface water, despite occurring in the mid-afternoon during the period of highest solar heat flux. Surface waters then warmed again during the night and early morning as winds relaxed and the upwelling shadow moved back to shore due to an unbalanced onshore pressure gradient. Examination of season-long, moored time series showed that local diurnal upwelling is a common, persistent feature in this location. Local diurnal upwelling may supply nutrients to nearshore kelp beds, and transport larvae to nearshore habitats.  相似文献   

Nearshore currents of the southern Namaqua shelf were investigated using data from a mooring situated three and a half kilometres offshore of Lambert's Bay, downstream of the Cape Columbine upwelling cell, on the west coast of South Africa. This area is susceptible to harmful algal blooms (HABs) and wind-forced variations in currents and water column structure are critical in determining the development, transport and dissipation of blooms. Time series of local wind data, and current and temperature profile data are described for three periods, considered to be representative of the latter part of the upwelling season (27 January–22 February), winter conditions (5–29 May) and the early part of the upwelling season (10 November–12 December) in 2005. Differences observed in mean wind strength and direction between data sets are indicative of seasonal changes in synoptic meteorological conditions. These quasi-seasonal variations in wind forcing affect nearshore current flow, leading to mean northward flow in surface waters early in the upwelling season when equatorward, upwelling-favourable winds are persistent. Mean near-surface currents are southward during the latter part of the upwelling season, consistent with more prolonged periods of relaxation from equatorward winds, and under winter conditions when winds were predominantly poleward. Within these seasonal variations in mean near-surface current direction, two scales of current variability were evident within all data sets: strong inertial oscillations were driven by diurnal winds and introduced vertical shear into the water column enhancing mixing across the thermocline, while sub-inertial current variability was driven by north–south wind reversals at periods of 2–5 days. Sub-inertial currents were found to lag wind reversals by approximately 12 h, with a tendency for near-surface currents to flow poleward in the absence of wind forcing. Consistent with similar sites along the Californian and Iberian coasts, the headland at Cape Columbine is considered to influence currents and circulation patterns during periods of relaxation from upwelling-favourable winds, favouring the development of a nearshore poleward current, leading to poleward advection of warm water, the development of stratification, and the creation of potentially favourable conditions for HAB development.  相似文献   

Near-inertial currents in the DeSoto Canyon region are described using current and wind observations taken between April 1997 and March 1998 for the “DeSoto Canyon Eddy Intrusion Study”. Distinct energy peaks are present at near-inertial frequencies for the clockwise spectrum and there is little energy at the same frequencies for the counterclockwise current spectrum. In this region, amplitudes of the near-inertial currents can be as high as 40 cm s−1. These currents are surface-intensified and display an increase in amplitude from the shelf break to offshore. Between November 1997 and March 1998, they were effectively generated by shifting winds accompanying passages of cold fronts. For this time period, near-inertial currents are reasonably well-simulated by a mixed-layer model forced by observed winds. During summer 1997, however, enhanced near-inertial motions often resulted from resonance between winds and existing currents.  相似文献   

Currents, coastal winds, coastal sea level, and coastal ocean temperatures were observed at a number of northern Baja California Pacific sites between October 1978 and October 1979. Coastal winds were weakly southward on average and fluctuated north-south throughout the year. Fluctuations were uncorrelated over alongshore separations of 200 km. Coastal winds differed considerably from the large-scale offshore wind estimate (Bakun's Index) both in strength and in variability. At 30°50′N the mean currents were weakly equatorward at 25 m depth and weakly poleward at 42 and 60 m in a water depth of 75 m. The seasonal mean flow was equatorward from October to April and poleward from April to October at the shallower level but poleward all year near bottom. The fluctuations on a time scale of days to weeks were about an order of magnitude stronger than the seasonal variation, were oriented predominantly alongshore, and were quasi-barotropic in nature. Empirical orthogonal analyses showed that almost 90% of the variability could be represented by a single empirical mode. The alongshore fluctuations were significantly correlated with coastal sea level from October to July but during the rest of the year correlation was insignificant, possibly as a result of offshore eddies approaching the shelf.Observations at 25- and 60-m depth at a second mooring 100 km south of the first indicated a mean alongshore divergence from April to July 1979, consistent with long-term mean geostrophic flow patterns for the area. In general, currents were correlated alongshore but a two-week event in May, which manifested itself differently at the two sites, was suggestive of the impingement of an eddy onto the continental shelf. Currents and winds were poorly correlated in general.Temperature variation at sites along 700 km of coast showed a strong seasonal variation with the winter cool period extended by spring upwelling. Days-to-weeks scale fluctuations were similar at the five northernmost sites and correlations alongshore were significant for separations of up to 400 km. No evidence of propagating events was found in coastal temperatures or in currents.  相似文献   

Through a set of observations including satellite, cruise and mooring data during May-July 1997 the transition between the downwelling and upwelling regimes off Galicia has been characterized. The poleward flow, typical of downwelling, was associated with a series of mesoscale eddies and interacted with coastal freshwater inputs. The poleward flow along the continental slope was separated into an offshore branch and a nearshore branch by a well-defined equatorward flow and both associated with a prominent salinity maximum. With the onset of upwelling-favorable winds, equatorward flow was established over the entire shelf. At the same time, a buoyant, warm surface layer spread out over the shelf from the Rías as water previously forced in by southerly winds was flushed out by the upwelling winds. The completed transition to summertime coastal upwelling took place after the cruise but was evident in satellite images. A conceptual model is used to demonstrate that the coastal orientation with respect to the upwelling winds enhances offshore flow outside the Rías and displaces the poleward flow offshore after several days of upwelling.  相似文献   

Observational and modeling studies were conducted to investigate the Pearl River plume and its interaction with the southwesterly driven upwelling circulation in the northern South China Sea during the summer. After exiting the Pearl River Estuary, the discharged freshwater generates a nearly stationary bulge of freshwater near the entrance of the estuary. Forced by the wind-driven coastal upwelling current, the freshwater in the outer part of the bulge flows downstream at the speed of the current and forms a widening and deepening buoyant plume over the shelf. The plume axis gradually shifts offshore of the current maximum as a result of currents induced by the contrasting density at the nose of plume and by the intensified Ekman drift in the plume. In this plume–current system, the fraction of the discharged freshwater volume accumulated in the bulge reaches a steady state and the volume of newly discharged freshwater is transported downstream by the upwelling current. Enhancement of stratification by the plume thins the surface frictional layer and enhances the cross-shelf circulation in the upper water column such that the surface Ekman current and compensating flow beneath the plume are amplified while the shoaling of the deeper dense water in the upwelling region changes minimally. The pressure gradient generated between the buoyant plume and ambient seawater accelerates the wind-driven current along the inshore edge of the plume but retards it along the offshore edge. Along the plume, downward momentum advection is strong near the highly nonlinear source region and a weaker upward momentum advection occurs in the far field over the shelf. Typically, the plume is shaped by the current over the shelf while the current itself is adjusting to a new dynamic balance invoked by the plume-induced changes of vertical viscosity and the horizontal pressure gradient. The spatial variation of this new balance leads to a coherent change in the cross-isobath transport in the upper water column during upwelling.  相似文献   

With the existence of eight substantial islands in the Southern California Bight, the oceanic circulation is significantly affected by island wakes. In this paper a high-resolution numerical model (on a 1 km grid), forced by a high-resolution wind (2 km), is used to study the wakes. Island wakes arise due both to currents moving past islands and to wind wakes that force lee currents in response. A comparison between simulations with and without islands shows the surface enstrophy (i.e., area-integrated square of the vertical component of vorticity at the surface) decreases substantially when the islands in the oceanic model are removed, and the enstrophy decrease mainly takes place in the areas around the islands. Three cases of wake formation and evolution are analyzed for the Channel Islands, San Nicolas Island, and Santa Catalina Island. When flows squeeze through gaps between the Channel Islands, current shears arise, and the bottom drag makes a significant contribution to the vorticity generation. Downstream the vorticity rolls up into submesoscale eddies. When the California Current passes San Nicolas Island from the northwest, a relatively strong flow forms over the shelf break on the northeastern coast and gives rise to a locally large bottom stress that generates anticyclonic vorticity, while on the southwestern side, with an adverse flow pushing the main wake current away from the island, positive vorticity has been generated and a cyclonic eddy detaches into the wake. When the northward Southern California Countercurrent passes the irregular shape of Santa Catalina Island, cyclonic eddies form on the southeastern coast of the island, due primarily to lateral stress rather than bottom stress; they remain coherent as they detach and propagate downstream, and thus they are plausible candidates for the submesoscale “spirals on the sea” seen in many satellite images. Finally, the oceanic response to wind wakes is analyzed in a spin-up experiment with a time-invariant wind that exhibits strips of both positive and negative curl in the island lee. Corresponding vorticity strips in the ocean develop through the mechanism of Ekman pumping.  相似文献   

Winter observations of shelf and slope hydrography and currents in the inner Gulf of Tehuantepec are analysed from two field studies in 1989 and 1996 to specify the variability of near-shore conditions under varying wind stress. During the winter period frequent outbursts of ‘Norte’ winds over the central Gulf result in persistent alongshore inflows along both its eastern and western coasts. Wind-induced variability on time scales of several days strongly influences the shelf currents, but has greater effect on its western coast because of the generation and separation of anticyclonic eddies there. The steadier inflow (∼0.2 m s−1) on the eastern shelf is evident in a strong down-bowing of shallow isosurfaces towards the coast within 100 km of shore, below a wedge of warmer, fresher and lighter water. This persistent entry of less saline (33.4–34.0), warmer water from the southeast clearly originates in buoyancy input by rivers along the Central American coast, but is augmented by a general shoreward tendency (0.2 m s−1) in the southeastern Gulf. The resultant shallow tongue of anomalous water is generally swept offshore in the head of the Gulf and mixed away by the strong outflow and vertical overturning of the frequent ‘Norte’ events but during wind relaxations the warm, low-salinity coastal flow may briefly extend further west. In the head of the Gulf, flow is predominantly offshore (<0.2 m s−1) as the alongshore component alternates eastward and westward in association with elevation or depression, respectively, of the pycnocline against the shore. More saline, open ocean water is introduced from the north-western side of the Gulf by the inflow along the west coast. During extended wind relaxations, the flow becomes predominantly eastward beyond the shelf while nearshore the coastally trapped buoyant inflow from the southeast penetrates across the entire head of the gulf at least as far as its western limit. On the basis of these and other recent observations, it seems that the accepted view of a broad, persistent Costa Rica Coastal Current (CRCC) is the result of averaging over many relatively sparse observations and that the instantaneous CRCC is a highly variable and convoluted flow around and between constantly changing eddies. The buoyancy-driven shelf current reported here forms a hitherto unrecognized, but major, component of this CRCC system.  相似文献   

Two very high-frequency radars (VHFR) operating on the Opal coast of eastern English Channel provided a nearly continuous 35-day long dataset of surface currents over a 500 km2 area at 0.6–1.8 km resolution. Argo drifter tracking and CTD soundings complemented the VHFR observations, which extended approximately 25 km offshore. The radar data resolve three basic modes of the surface velocity variation in the area, that are driven by tides, winds and freshwater fluxes associated with seasonal river discharge. The first mode, accounting for 90% of variability, is characterized by an along-shore flow pattern, whereas the second and third modes exhibit cross-shore, and eddy-like structures in the current velocity field. All the three modes show the dominant semi-diurnal variability and low-frequency modulation by the neap-spring tidal cycle. Although tidal forcing provides the major contribution to variability of local currents, baroclinicity plays an important role in shaping the 3D velocity field averaged over the tidal cycle and may strongly affect tracer dynamics on larger time scales. An empirical orthogonal function (EOF) decomposition and a spectral rotary analysis of the VHFR data reveal a discontinuity in the velocity field occurring approximately 10 km offshore which was caused by the reversal in the sign of rotation of the current vector. This feature of local circulation is responsible for surface current convergence on ebb, divergence on flood and strong oscillatory vertical motion. Spectral analysis of the observed currents and the results of the Agro drifter tracking indicate that the line of convergence approximately follows the 30-m isobath. The most pronounced feature of the radar-derived residual circulation is the along-coast intensification of surface currents with velocity magnitude of 0.25 m/s typical for the Regions of Freshwater Influence (ROFI). The analysis has provided a useful, exploratory examination of surface currents, suggesting that the circulation off the Opal coast is governed by ROFI dynamics on the hypertidal background.  相似文献   

Satellite ocean color and surface salinity data are used to characterize the space–time variability of the Río de la Plata plume. River outflow and satellite wind data are also used to assess their combined effect on the plume spreading over the Southwestern South Atlantic continental shelf. Over the continental shelf satellite-derived surface chlorophyll-a (CSAT) estimated by the OC4v4 SeaWiFS retrieval algorithm is a good indicator of surface salinity. The log (CSAT) distribution over the shelf presents three distinct modes, each associated to: Subantarctic Shelf Water, Subtropical Shelf Water and Plata Plume water. The log (CSAT) 0.4–0.8 range is associated with a sharp surface salinity transition across the offshore edge of the Plata plume from 28.5 to 32.5. Waters of surface salinity <31, derived from mixtures of Plata waters with continental shelf waters, are associated to log (CSAT)>0.5. In austral winter CSAT maxima extend northeastward from the Plata estuary beyond 30°S. In summer the high CSAT waters along the southern Brazil shelf retreat to 32°S and extend south of the estuary to about 37.5°S, only exceeding this latitude during extraordinary events. The seasonal CSAT variations northeast of the estuary are primarily controlled by reversals of the along-shore wind stress and surface currents. Along-shore wind stress and CSAT variations in the inner and mid-shelves are in phase north of the estuary and 180° out of phase south of the estuary. At interannual time scales northernmost Plata plume penetrations in winter (∼1200 km from the estuary) are associated with more intense and persistent northeastward wind stress, which in the period 2000–2003, prevailed over the shelf south of 26°S. In contrast, in winter 1999, 2004 and 2005, characterized by weaker northeastward wind stress, the plume only reached between 650 and 900 km. Intense southwestward plume extensions beyond 38°S are dominated by interannual time scales and appear to be related to the magnitude of the river outflow. The plume response to large river outflow fluctuations observed at interannual time scales is moderate, except offshore from the estuary mouth, where outflow variations lead CSAT variations by about 2 months.  相似文献   

《Continental Shelf Research》2005,25(9):1097-1114
South of the eastern end of Long Island (Montauk Point) along the Eastern U.S. coast, a coastal density front forms between the buoyant outflow plume of the Long Island Sound (LIS) and the denser shelf waters offshore. During a 2-day cruise in April 2002, measurements of the density and velocity structure of this front were obtained from high-resolution CTD and ADCP data. Transects show the front intersecting the bottom inshore of the 30 m isobath and shoaling offshore. Variability in the location of the front is small offshore of the 40 m isobath, yet tidal excursions of the front along the bottom are significant (5 km) inshore of this depth.The frontal structure of the LIS plume was similar to observations of bottom-trapped coastal density fronts and shelf break fronts. A coastal jet in the along front direction was the main feature of the mean velocity field and was found to be in thermal wind balance with the mean density field. Stronger than expected offshore velocities near the surface, most likely a result of wind forcing, were the only exception to these similarities. In addition, analysis of temperature and salinity gradients along isopycnals gives evidence of secondary cross-frontal circulation and detachment of the bottom boundary layer. Characteristics of the LIS plume are used to evaluate recent analytical models of bottom-trapped coastal density fronts and bottom-advected plume theory, finding good agreement.  相似文献   

The interaction of warm core rings with a western wall and shelf/slope is examined with a three-dimensional primitive-equation model. The model ring is initialized with an axisymmetric Gaussian-type anticyclonic eddy placing far from the coastal boundary to allow the ring to freely propagate towards the wall and shelf/slope. The ring initially propagates steadily to the southwest at about 3 km/day under the combined planetary β and nonlinear effects. When colliding with a wall, the ring adjusts into a ‘D’ shape and moves poleward under primarily the image effect. When colliding with a shelf and slope, the ring however becomes stalled and bounces on and off the shelf/slope with little net movement. Small cyclones marked by strong upwelling are generated near the shelfbreak. Cyclones and anticyclones also are spawned at the periphery of the ring. Satellite SST images and concurrent ADCP transects are used to illustrate the strong interaction of a Gulf Stream warm ring (99B) with the Middle Atlantic Bight.  相似文献   

A 3-D physical and biological model is used to study the seasonal dynamics of physical and biological processes in the central California Current System. Comparisons of model results with remote sensing and in situ observations along CalCOFI Line 67 indicate our model can capture the spatial variations of key variables (temperature, nutrients, chlorophyll, and so on) on annual mean and seasonal cycle. In the coastal upwelling system, it is the alongshore wind stress that upwells high nutrients to surface from 60 m and stimulates enhanced plankton biomass and productivity in the upwelling season. As a result, coastal species peak in the late upwelling period (May–July), and oceanic species reach the annual maxima in the oceanic period (August–October). The annual maximum occurs in the late upwelling period for new production and in the oceanic period for regenerated production. From the late upwelling period to the oceanic period, stratification is intensified while coastal upwelling becomes weaker. Correspondingly, the coastal ecosystem retreats from ~300 to ~100 km offshore with significant decline in chlorophyll and primary production, and the oceanic ecosystem moves onshore. During this transition, the decline in phytoplankton biomass is due to the grazing pressure by mesozooplankton in the 0–150 km domain, but is regulated by low growth rates in the 150–500 km offshore domain. Meanwhile, the growth rates of phytoplankton increase in the coastal waters due to deeper light penetration, while the decrease in offshore growth rates is caused by lower nitrate concentrations.  相似文献   

Sub-inertial across-shelf flows over the central mid-Atlantic Bight were examined using long-range CODAR SeaSonde type HF-radar surface velocities for the period August 2002 through February 2004. Across-shelf flow in this region was found to be episodic, with offshore flow occurring six times more often than onshore flow. Several recurring spatial patterns in offshore flow are identified, and two of these patterns emerge as statistically significant using empirical orthogonal functions. The most common type of offshore flow was a shelf-wide flow with events occurring throughout the year. The most energetic and well-defined shelf-wide flow events occurred during October through April, when the water column was less stratified. Other offshore flow patterns were more localized, with a flow at the bend or ‘point’ in the New Jersey coast being most common and most energetic. The offshore flow events identified here are capable of driving significant offshore transport, with more than one-third of offshore flow episodes having potential transport distances of greater than 14 km. In addition, clusters of multiple offshore flow events are shown to be capable of transporting near-surface material across much of the continental shelf.  相似文献   

A three-dimensional coupled hydrodynamic-sediment transport model for the Texas-Louisiana continental shelf was developed using the Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS) and used to represent fluvial sediment transport and deposition for the year 1993. The model included water and sediment discharge from the Mississippi River and Atchafalaya Bay, seabed resuspension, and suspended transport by currents. Input wave properties were provided by the Simulating WAves Nearshore (SWAN) model so that ROMS could estimate wave-driven bed stresses, critical to shallow-water sediment suspension. The model used temporally variable but spatially uniform winds, spatially variable seabed grain size distributions, and six sediment tracers from rivers and seabed.At the end of the year 1993, much of the modeled fluvial sediment accumulation was localized with deposition focused near sediment sources. Mississippi sediment remained within 20-40 km of the Mississippi Delta. Most Atchafalaya sediment remained landward of the 10-m isobath in the inner-most shelf south of Atchafalaya Bay. Atchafalaya sediment displayed an elongated westward dispersal pattern toward the Chenier Plain, reflecting the importance of wave resuspension and perennially westward depth-averaged currents in the shallow waters (<10 m). Due to relatively high settling velocities assumed for sediment from the Mississippi River as well as the shallowness of the shelf south of Atchafalaya Bay, most sediment traveled only a short distance before initial deposition. Little fluvial sediment could be transported into the vicinity of the “Dead Zone” (low-oxygen area) within a seasonal-annual timeframe. Near the Mississippi Delta and Atchafalaya Bay, alongshore sediment-transport fluxes always exceeded cross-shore fluxes. Estimated cumulative sediment fluxes next to Atchafalaya Bay were episodic and “stepwise-like” compared to the relatively gradual transport around the Mississippi Delta. During a large storm in March 1993, strong winds helped vertically mix the water column over the entire shelf (up to 100-m isobath), and wave shear stress dominated total bed stress. During fair-weather conditions in May 1993, however, the freshwater plumes spread onto a stratified water column, and combined wave-current shear stress only exceeded the threshold for suspending sediment in the inner-most part of the shelf.  相似文献   

Small rivers commonly discharge into coastal settings with topographic complexities - such as headlands and islands - but these settings are underrepresented in river plume studies compared to more simplified, straight coasts. The Elwha River provides a unique opportunity to study the effects of coastal topography on a buoyant plume, because it discharges into the Strait of Juan de Fuca on the western side of its deltaic headland. Here we show that this headland induces flow separation and transient eddies in the tidally dominated currents (O(100 cm/s)), consistent with other headlands in oscillatory flow. These flow conditions are observed to strongly influence the buoyant river plume, as predicted by the “small-scale” or “narrow” dynamical classification using Garvine's (1995) system. Because of the transient eddies and the location of the river mouth on the headland, flow immediately offshore of the river mouth is directed eastward twice as frequently as it is westward. This results in a buoyant plume that is much more frequently “bent over” toward the east than the west. During bent over plume conditions, the plume was attached to the eastern shoreline while having a distinct, cuspate front along its westernmost boundary. The location of the front was found to be related to the magnitude and direction of local flow during the preceding O(1 h), and increases in alongshore flow resulted in deeper freshwater mixing, stronger baroclinic anomalies, and stronger hugging of the coast. During bent over plume conditions, we observed significant convergence of river plume water toward the frontal boundary within 1 km of the river mouth. These results show how coastal topography can strongly influence buoyant plume behavior, and they should assist with understanding of initial coastal sediment dispersal pathways from the Elwha River during a pending dam removal project.  相似文献   

Using historical in situ temperature record, we investigate interannual variability of temperature in summer over Bungo Channel, Tosa Bay, and Kii Channel (hereafter “BTK”), south of Japan. This study aims to reveal the interregional relation of the subsurface temperature variability between the shelf and slope as well as between BTK, and specify the primary cause of the temperature variability in terms of the Kuroshio path. It is shown that 100-m temperature on the slope of BTK is synchronous with each other and highly correlated with coastal sea levels from Kyushu to Kii Peninsula, suggesting that subsurface temperature over the slope varies simultaneously on spatial scales of 400–500 km in the along-slope direction. The 100-m temperature on the slope is also correlated with the near-bottom temperature on the shelf, implying that the near-bottom temperature is determined mainly by the larger-scale variability over the slope. The Kuroshio state in summer of each year is classified into the large meander (LM), non-large meander (NLM), and intermittent larger meander (IM) propagating eastward along the slope. It is found that remarkable temperature increases are accompanied by the IM propagations south of BTK. Temperatures during the IM and LM period are significantly different, the means of which are the highest and lowest, respectively. Temperature during the NLM period with the second highest mean value exhibits the largest variance. Statistical analysis suggests that this variance is related to the Kuroshio axis shift over Izu Ridge between the nearshore and offshore NLM paths.  相似文献   

Coastal upwelling events in the California Current System can transport subsurface waters with high levels of carbon dioxide (CO2) to the sea surface near shore. As these waters age and are advected offshore, CO2 levels decrease dramatically, falling well below the atmospheric concentration beyond the continental shelf break. In May 2007 we observed an upwelling event off the coast of northern California. During the upwelling event subsurface respiration along the upwelling path added ∼35 μmol kg−1 of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) to the water as it transited toward shore causing the waters to become undersaturated with respect to Aragonite. Within the mixed layer, pCO2 levels were reduced by the biological uptake of DIC (up to 70%), gas exchange (up to 44%), and the addition of total alkalinity through CaCO3 dissolution in the undersaturated waters (up to 23%). The percentage contribution of each of these processes was dependent on distance from shore. At the time of measurement, a phytoplankton bloom was just beginning to develop over the continental shelf. A box model was used to project the evolution of the water chemistry as the bloom developed. The biological utilization of available nitrate resulted in a DIC decrease of ∼200 μmol kg−1, sea surface pCO2 near ∼200 ppm, and an aragonite saturation state of ∼3. These results suggest that respiration processes along the upwelling path generally increase the acidification of the waters that are being upwelled, but once the waters reach the surface biological productivity and gas exchange reduce that acidification over time.  相似文献   

Two diagnostic models, reproducing circulation generated in a marginal sea by variable density, have been developed. The models’ domain is a 2D transverse section for which analytical solutions have been obtained. They describe the winter situation in the northern Adriatic, with a strong vertical mixing present and the density maximum dominating the centre of the basin. Both models employ Boussinesq-type parametrisation of friction and linear slip at the bottom. The first model allows for frictional departure from hydrostatic equilibrium and includes vertical friction only. The second one is hydrostatic but allows for lateral friction as well. The results obtained by the two models are similar and to some extent dependent on the vertical and bottom friction. They reproduce several well known characteristics of the Adriatic circulation (cyclonic surface flow, downwelling in the central and larger part of the basin compensated by upwelling in the coastal zone) but also predict some phenomena that are still not well understood. A conspicuous feature of the model results are coastal jets, which were observed in the Adriatic on several occasions. The present models show that the distance of jets from the coasts depends on lateral friction: it is found to vary from 1 up to 10 km on the Italian side and between 2 and 15 km on the Croatian side. Both models reproduce the west–east asymmetry, with the wider current on the east side of the basin. The asymmetry is a subject on which conflicting empirical results exist in the Adriatic. In the two models cyclonic flow occupies the whole water column, which disagrees with some recent theoretical findings of the near-bottom anticyclonic flow and thus leaves the issue open.  相似文献   

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