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Although submarine cable in-line seafloor observation systems are very effective tools for real-time/long-term geo-scientific measurements,, there are technological difficulties for deploying as many sensors as on land. To solve this problem, JAM-STEC developed an expandable and replaceable satellite measurement station called the adaptable observation system (AOS). The AOS is a battery operated mobile observatory connected to the backbone cable system by a 10 km long thin fiber cable to ensure real-time data recovery. The system consists of a branching system, a junction box, a fiber cable, and a battery system for a six-month operation. Installation and construction of the AOS will be conducted by a towed vehicle and an ROV. A thin fiber cable-laying system was developed and tested for practical operation. This observation system provides a chance to extend existing seafloor networks from an in-line area to a wider area  相似文献   

To perform geophysical and multidisciplinary real-time measurements on the ocean floor, it has been attempted to reuse decommissioned submarine cables. The VENUS project reuses the TPC-2, which is one of these systems and runs across the entire Philippine Sea Plate between Guam Island and Okinawa Island. The VENUS system comprises an ocean floor observatory, a submarine cable, and a land system. The major components of the ocean floor observatory are geophysical instruments and a telemetry system. There are seven scientific instrument units including broadband seismometers and a hydrophone array. Digital telemetry using the old analog telephone cable obtains high data accuracy and real-time accessibility to data from a laboratory on land. The bottom-telemetry system and a part of sensor units were installed at a depth of 2157 m on the landward slope of the Ryukyu (Nansei-Syoto) Trench on August 29, 1999. The data from the hydrophone array and tsunami gauge have been correctly transmitted to the data center. The rest of the scientific instruments will be deployed by deep-tow equipment and a remotely operated vehicle. Using a decommissioned submarine cable will greatly reduce construction costs compared to using a new cable system  相似文献   

A critical and potentially difficult problem for ocean-bottom observatories is the electrical power sub-system. While huge effort and expense has gone into development of land power grids and ocean communication cable power, the characteristics of ocean-bottom observatories require different strategies. Ocean-bottom observatories terminate on the ocean floor where large variable loads are installed, whereas commercial ocean-bottom cables terminate on land and normally have relatively fixed loads. Design considerations such as whether to use a constant current or constant voltage source, choice of voltage and current levels and cable capacitance and impedance are considered. Ocean-bottom observatory science requirements in the future will demand multiple loads along the cable, cable branches, fault protection and redundancy. The realities of high cable capacitance and the negative dynamic impedance of switching power supplies require that rapid load changes either be anticipated or prevented. Without proper control, rapid changes in load can result in instability and collapse of the power system. The strategy suggested in this paper requires that each load point (or junction box where science experiments will be attached to the system) be "smart" enough to keep load variations within tolerance bounds  相似文献   

根据调查设备搭载器的不同,将海底管道在位状态调查方法归为船载、自治水下机器人搭载(AUV 搭载)和无人遥控潜水器搭载(ROV搭载)三类;在浅水段采用船载调查,在深水段采用AUV搭载调查,在此基础上进行重点关注区域筛选,开展ROV调查,最后进行整体评价和分析对比,这种(船载/AUV)+ROV组合模式很好地实现了多种调查方法的优势互补。实际上,采用AUV搭载进行海底管道在位状态调查在国内业界尚属首次。调查所取得的管道位置、埋深、周边障碍物的分布以及管道人工处理情况等成果,为后期开展管道维护工作提供了重要的基础数据。此次成功实践可为以后从浅水到深水的管道在位状态调查提供经验和借鉴。  相似文献   

In this paper, a hydrodynamic model is developed to simulate the six degrees of freedom motions of the underwater remotely operated vehicle (ROV) including the umbilical cable effect. The corresponding hydrodynamic forces on the underwater vehicle are obtained by the planar motion mechanism test technique. With the relevant hydrodynamic coefficients, the 4th-order Runge–Kutta numerical method is then adopted to solve the equations of motions of the ROV and the configuration of the umbilical cable. The multi-step shooting method is also suggested to solve the two-end boundary-value problem on the umbilical cable with respect to a set of first-order ordinary differential equation system. All operation simulations for the ROV including forward moving, ascending, descending, sideward moving and turning motions can be analyzed, either with or without umbilical cable effect. The current effect is also taken into consideration. The present results reveal that the umbilical cable indeed significantly affects the motion of the ROV and should not be neglected in the simulation.  相似文献   

遥控水下机器人脐带缆收放绞车设计及牵引力分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
脐带缆收放技术是有缆遥控水下机器人的一项关键技术,该技术直接影响水下机器人载体的收放及作业过程中脐带缆的安全。针对目前水下机器人收放系统中脐带缆收放技术的特点,给出了一种具有自动排缆、低张力缠绕、能够提供大牵引力和安全制动功能的紧凑新式脐带缆绞车方案,并对牵引绞车与储藏绞车之间脐带缆张力与牵引绞车的牵引力进行了理论分析,给出了二者之间的关系函数。  相似文献   

A permanent real-time geophysical observatory using a submarine cable was developed and deployed to monitor seismicity, tsunamis, and other geophysical phenomena in the southern Kurile subduction zone. The geophysical observatory comprises six bottom sensor units, two branching units, a main electro-optical cable with a length of 240 km and two land stations. The bottom sensor units are: 1) three ocean bottom broadband seismometers with hydrophone; 2) two pressure gauges (PGs); 3) a cable end station with environmental measurement sensors. Real-time data from all the undersea sensors are transmitted through the main electro-optical cable to the land station. The geophysical observatory was installed on the continental slope of the southern Kurile trench, southeast Hokkaido, Japan in July 1999. Examples of observed data are presented. Sensor noises and resolution are mentioned for the ocean bottom broadband seismometers and the PGs, respectively. An adaptable observation system including very broadband seismometers is scheduled to be connected to the branching unit in late 2001. The real-time geophysical observatory is expected to greatly advance the understanding of geophysical phenomena in the southern Kurile subduction zone  相似文献   

介绍一种新研制的用于近海海洋环境检测的轻型机器人,该机器人由智能检测控制台、水下检测器和控制电缆三部分构成;水下检测器由6个独立密封舱室和尾翼组成,具有一个主推进器和两个侧向推进器。特点是采用了潜艇式ROV结构,大幅降低了成本,适度增大了负载,可以满足一般工程检测的需要。通过在控制台上发出指令,可控制ROV完成前进、后退,上浮、下沉、左右转弯等动作;可以实现一定流速下的动力悬停,可以使ROV保持一定的倾角,以配合实现检测作业。该水下机器人可以检测腐蚀电位、温度、深度等最多16个参数,设计深度为40m。  相似文献   

In order to design submarine optical-fiber cable, it is very important to clarify the cable tension and fiber elongation during laying because the fiber elongation allowance is very small. When submarine cable is being laid from a cable ship, cable weight in water plus such additional tension as bottom tension caused by the negative slack and tension due to ship motion work upon the cable [1]. Cable tension changes during laying were theoretically studied. This paper quantitatively clarifies bottom tension dependence at the touchdown point caused by the negative slack upon both water depth and ship velocity. It is shown that the shallower the water depth is and the faster the ship velocity is, the larger the bottom tension is. The theoretical bottom tension showed good agreement with the experimental value measured during sea trials on laying submarine optical-fiber cable [2], [3]. This paper also describes the correlation between cable, ship motion, and cable tension vibration by examining experimental results. It quantitatively clarifies the tension vibration magnitude.  相似文献   

中韩海底光缆已于2005年7月宣布废弃.中韩海底光缆是我国宣布废弃的第一条国际海底光缆.通过对中韩海底光缆多种可能的弃置方案进行分析,对比研究了各种弃置方案的利弊及可行性.通过比选,提出了全线打捞回收方案是最佳方案;领海以内打捞回收方案次之,是具有现实性和可操作性的方案;原地弃置方案是最不适合中韩光缆弃置的方案.  相似文献   

An indirect tension measurement method of a towing cable in midwater or a buoy cable is proposed using underwater acoustic positioning systems, etc., to give the in-water cable tension. The most simple and traditional cable tension measurement method is to apply a mechanical tension meter at the one end of the cable, but the method has limits in the aspects of continuous monitoring and manual operation. However, the technique in this study is to apply the Pode's analysis of the equilibrium configuration and tension of a flexible twine, in which the cable tension is given as a function of the geometric positions of both ends of the cable. A set of nonlinear integral equations is formulated and solved numerically by the Newton-Raphson method. Then the inclination angles and the tensions at the lower and the upper ends of the cable could be obtained. The derived method enables us to track a towed object, to measure the tension of a towing cable or a buoy cable and is also applicable to the remotely operated vehicle (ROV) tethered to a mother ship.  相似文献   

深海遥控潜水器多体系统非线性耦合动力特性模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建立带缆遥控潜水器(TROV)系统空间运动模型,探讨支持船-吊缆-中际站-脐带缆-潜水器多体之间的强非线性耦合运动机理。潜器的运动考虑为六自由度,缆索分段的三维动态方程中采用了"凝集参数"模型与平均切向量非线性流体动力载荷处理技术,通过计算非均匀缆索的动张力和瞬态构型,预报导致脐带缆保护层及其内部光电传输芯线结构破坏的巨大瞬间突变载荷,对避免谐振,延长缆索寿命和最大限度地扩大ROV系统安全操作的范围,确保潜水器安全入坞和回收,节约试验费,避免作业事故都具有重要意义。  相似文献   

海底有缆在线观测系统研究与应用综述   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
获取高质量海洋观测数据是维护国家安全和权益、保障人类生存与可持续发展、应对全球气候变化、开发利用海洋资源、防灾减灾等的重要基础。随着海底观测技术的发展,海底有缆观测已成为地球观测的第三个平台。通过借鉴国内外海底观测网的成熟技术,设计研发单节点海底有缆在线观测系统,主要包含海底观测、电力信息传输和陆上人机交互信息管理等三个子系统,具有高度可扩展性,可根据监测需求集成安装常用的各类海洋观测仪器和水下高清摄像头,从而实现海洋环境和水下生物资源的原位、长期、连续、稳定的在线观测。研发的海底有缆在线观测系统构造简单、扩展性强、经济成本低,已广泛应用于山东省海洋牧场观测网的海洋生态环境和渔业资源、辽东湾的冬季海冰、海洋牧场与海上风电的融合效应、河流入海口水质、海上溢油等不同领域的业务化监测中,为我国海洋生态环境保护与修复、海洋资源开发利用、海洋防灾减灾等提供了高质量的科学数据支撑。海底有缆在线观测系统是业务化海洋在线观测技术领域里的创新研究,具有重要科学意义和广泛应用前景。  相似文献   

为增强对海上风电海缆路由廊道的认识以及促进海上风电项目集约节约用海,文章梳理广东省海上风电路由选划的基本情况,分析统一划定海上风电海缆路由廊道的困境及其原因。研究结果表明:虽然自然资源部门在审批过程中不断呼吁建立海缆路由廊道,并与企业和地方政府等利益相关者基于集约节约用海等原则选划部分海缆路由的登陆点,但海缆路由廊道仍面临选划工作严重滞后于产业发展、利益相关者复杂且众多以及技术工艺存在不确定性等难题,亟须加强与相关部门的协调,将路由廊道规划统一纳入国土空间规划体系,及时总结海上风电和海缆的相关技术并借鉴先进经验,科学合理地划定海上风电海缆路由,进而发挥路由廊道对海上风电产业发展的政策促进和引导作用。  相似文献   

为解决海底电缆管道面临的海域空间资源不足、受渔业活动破坏严重等问题,文章提出海底电缆管道廊道规划的构想。研究表明:规划的重点应集中在3个方面,即确定规划廊道范围,做好相关利益者协调,并应考虑海域适应性问题。研究认为,在特定海域对海底电缆管道路由进行统一规划布置技术上是可行的,有助于节约海域空间资源、保障管线安全、提升审批效率。  相似文献   

现代海底超镁铁质岩系热液系统与地质意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现代海底热液循环与洋中脊地质过程一直是国际洋中脊计划研究的热点.海底热液系统多数都与海底玄武岩及其水-岩反应直接相关,而一类与深海橄榄岩的产出及其蛇纹石化作用有关的海底热液系统——超镁铁质岩系热液系统,以具有高浓度H2和CH4异常而低SiO2浓度为显著特征,主要分布在慢速扩张大西洋中脊和超慢速扩张北冰洋Gakkel洋脊和西南印度洋中脊.超镁铁质岩系热液系统在流体组成、构造背景和硫化物成矿方面与玄武岩热液系统有很大差异,主要表现在地幔来源超镁铁质岩石的普遍出露、喷口流体高的H2和CH4异常以及硫化物中高Co/Ni比值.超镁铁质岩系热液系统的发现丰富了全球洋中脊热液系统的研究内容,对洋中脊地质过程、海底热液活动及其成矿作用研究具有重要意义.  相似文献   

海底光缆工程发展20年   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对全球第一条海底光缆问世后20年来海底光缆工程发展的历程作了简要回顾。随着光纤传输技术的不断进步,海底光缆的通信技术得到了飞速发展,近20年来,其商用系统已经历了四代。海底光缆工程发展的重要标志,还体现在海底光缆施工技术的日趋完善,水下定位、海底数字式高分辨率的地球物理探测、海底原位测试等高新技术在海缆路由调查与埋设评价调查中的广泛应用。此外,对海底光缆市场与行业结构所经历的深刻变化作了分析,并预测了国际海底光缆网络的发展和市场前景。  相似文献   

简要介绍了琼州海峡500 kV海底电缆地形地貌特点及保护方式,分析了侧扫声呐及多波束检测的基本原理,对侧扫声呐在海底电缆裸露及悬空检测的原理进行了重点阐述。结合海南联网500 kV海底电缆近几次检测数据,通过侧扫声呐地貌检测结果,重点对海底电缆裸露情况、抛石坝及铸铁套管保护状况、海底电缆周围异常进行了分析,能够正常检测出海底电缆的裸露、抛石坝的坍塌及周围异物等异常情况。通过多波束地形检测结果,分析了海底电缆路由区域整体地形状况及抛石坝整体状况、通过Kriging插值方法生成不同的DEM(数字高程模型,Digital Elevation Model),分别从宏观和微观角度对海底电缆路由区域地形冲淤变化进行了分析,并对沙波稳定性进行了分析。结论认为,部分区域地形冲刷严重,容易造成海底电缆裸露、悬空,需要及早关注并采取防冲刷措施。  相似文献   

跨北极海缆以其铺设成本低、海缆传输距离短、信息传输速率高等优点成为多个国家优先选择的海缆线路。文章简要介绍了环北极国家和我国的北极海缆建设现状。探讨了海冰对工程地质勘察区域的限制、海冰对工程地质调查取样的影响、海雾对工程地质勘察进度的影响和北极地缘政治对工程地质勘察的制约。提出增强调查船舶破冰性能、加速勘察技术革新、提升海冰气象预报能力和深化国际合作等建议,以提升我国北极区域海上综合勘察能力。  相似文献   

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