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洋内岛弧及微陆块的俯冲增生是形成增生杂岩的重要机制。本文通过对南羌塘地区日湾茶卡组进行野外实测地质剖面,开展沉积特征、古生物化石、碎屑组分模式、碎屑锆石测年等研究,发现:(1)日湾茶卡为近源沉积,最年轻碎屑锆石年龄峰值为325~375 Ma,但在龙木错-双湖古特提斯大洋周边陆块均未发现源区,其真正物源应为其下伏的望果山组火山岩;(2)日湾茶卡组内珊瑚化石丰度虽然高,但分异度非常低,其沉积位置应是一个相对突出的孤立位置。根据日湾茶卡组下伏望果山组火山岩所具有的洋内岛弧地球化学特征,并与同期SSZ型蛇绿岩组成的类似洋内俯冲的大地构造体系对比,本文认为日湾茶卡组与其下伏的望果山组火山岩共同组成了泥盆纪—石炭纪由洋内俯冲形成的古岛弧地体。根据碎屑锆石分布型式的相似性,本文进一步认为猫儿山地区部分南羌塘增生杂岩的源岩为日湾茶卡组。因此,日湾茶卡洋岛应曾经历过俯冲增生作用:浅部发生前端“刮削作用”形成冈玛错地区有变形但无变质的日湾茶卡组及望果山组,俯冲到深部的日湾茶卡组则发生高压变质作用并在后期折返至增生杂岩的浅部层次。因此,本文认为在南羌塘增生杂岩的形成过程中,日湾茶卡古岛弧地体的俯冲与增生也起到了重要的作用。  相似文献   

This study is an attempt to contribute to the data set of granulometric studies of sediments by measuring the sedimentary structure and texture, along with statistical parameters, of cold and arid lake systems. The palaeolake sequence along the River Indus on the western fringe of the Tibetan Plateau in Ladakh sector was selected in order to shed light on depositional environmental changes within the lake from post‐last glacial maximum to 5 ka. The River Indus was blocked by Lamayuru dam burst during the deglaciation, after the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) and the subsequent increase in water level led to the formation of the Saspol–Khalsi palaeolake. This lake was ca 55 km in length, extending from Nimo to Khalsi, had a surface area of 370 km2 and was in existence until 5 ka. Two sections (Saspol and Khalsi) separated by an aerial distance of 35 km show a similar trend in sediment character due to their deposition in the same lake system. Grain‐size studies show a polymodal nature of sediments for both of the sections. However, sediments of the lower/downstream section (Khalsi) show a poorer degree of sorting, and coarser grain size and high energy depositional condition as compared with the sediments of Saspol section (positioned upstream) due to the location of the sections within the lake system. It was noted that, in high‐altitude arid regions, the sedimentological characteristics of large‐sized valley lakes may vary greatly, horizontally as well as vertically, owing to local stream input, inflow intensity from the catchment, outflow velocity of water channels, lithology and valley widths at the different sites.  相似文献   


— Stratigraphic and petrographic analysis of the Cretaceous to Eocene Tibetan sedimentary succession has allowed us to reinterpret in detail the sequence of events which led to closure of Neotethys and continental collision in the NW Himalaya.

During the Early Cretaceous, the Indian passive margin recorded basaltic magmaüc activity. Albian volcanic arenites, probably related to a major extensional tectonic event, are unconformably overlain by an Upper Cretaceous to Paleocene carbonate sequence, with a major quartzarenite episode triggered by the global eustatic sea-level fall at the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary. At the same time, Neotethyan oceanic crust was being subducted beneath Asia, as testified by calc-alkalic volcanism and forearc basin sedimentation in the Transhimalayan belt.

Onset of collision and obduction of the Asian accretionary wedge onto the Indian continental rise was recorded by shoaling of the outer shelf at the Paleocene/Eocene boundary, related to flexural uplift of the passive margin. A few My later, foreland basin volcanic arenites derived from the uplifted Asian subduction complex onlapped onto the Indian continental terrace. All along the Himalaya, marine facies were rapidly replaced by continental redbeds in collisional basins on both sides of the ophiolitic suture. Next, foreland basin sedimentation was interrupted by fold-thrust deformation and final ophiolite emplacement.

The observed sequence of events compares favourably with theoretical models of rifted margin to overthrust belt transition and shows that initial phases of continental collision and obduction were completed within 10 to 15 My, with formation of a proto-Himalayan chain by the end of the middle Eocene.  相似文献   

The southern contact of the Yarlung-Zangbo Suture Zone ophiolitic belt is marked by a highly sheared serpentinite mélange containing ultramafic blocks. These peridotites can be divided into three main groups. (1) Lherzolites and Cpx-harzburgites contain brownish spinel with Mg# of 0.7–0.75 and Cr# of 0.15–0.27. They resemble fertile abyssal peridotites with generally smooth LREE-depleted and fairly flat MREE–HREE profiles. (2) Transitional harzburgites contain reddish spinels with Mg# of 0.57–0.66 and Cr# of 0.35–0.46. They resemble depleted abyssal or supra-subduction zone peridotites in that MREE–HREE profiles have positive slopes indicative of high degrees of partial melting. LREE profiles vary from depleted to slightly enriched, consistent with some interacting melt. (3) Harzburgites and dunites contain dark reddish spinels with Mg# of 0.47–0.68 and Cr# of 0.40–0.63. They have U-shaped profiles characteristics of interaction between LREE-enriched melt and REE-depleted mantle residues. Fractional melting modelling indicates that Cpx-harburgites may be the residues from 5 to 15% melting, transitional harzburgites from 15 to 23% melting, and harzburgites and dunites from 22 to 29% melting. The South Sandwich arc-basin system is considered a modern analog of the initial geodynamic setting.  相似文献   

We determined U–Pb ages on zircons from Ladakh granitoid samples of three previously undated plutons and deduced four distinct age groups between c. 67 and c. 45 Ma (66.6 ± 2.1, 57.6 ± 1.4, 53.4 ± 1.8, 52.50 ± 0.53 and 45.27 ± 0.56 Ma). This suggests that the Ladakh batholith grew by addition of at least four distinct subduction‐related magma pulses at c. 67, 58, 53 and 45 Ma, thus indicating that the belt was continuously active throughout the Palaeocene and the Middle Eocene (Lutetian). The 45.27 ± 0.56 Ma pluton at Daah‐Hanu is the last major calcalkaline arc magmatic pulse in the Ladakh batholith. Thereafter, the subduction‐related major plutonism gradually waned. The earlier estimate for the youngest pluton within the Ladakh batholith is 49.8 ± 0.8 Ma for the Leh pluton ( J. Geol., 2000, 108 , 303 ).  相似文献   

The Spontang Ophiolite complex represents the most complete ophiolite sequence amongst the South Ladakh ophiolites and comprises mantle rocks(depleted harzburgites,dunites and minor lherzolites)as well as crustal rocks(basalt,isotropic gabbros,layered gabbros etc.).In the present study,detailed geochemistry(whole rock as well as mineral chemistry)and Sr-Nd isotopic analyses of thirty-six ultramaficmafic samples have been attempted to constraint the evolution and petrogenetic history of the Tethyan oceanic crust.Major,trace-element and REE patterns of the peridotites and their minerals indicate that the lherzolites experienced lower degrees of partial melting resembling abyssal peridotites(at higher temperatures,TREE=$1216℃)than the harzburgites(6%–8%versus 15%–17%).Elevated eNd(t)and variable87 Sr/86 Sr(t)ratios along with REE patterns suggest that the Spontang mafic rocks display N-MORB affinity with negligible participation of oceanic sediments in their genesis are originated from a depleted upper mantle with little contribution from subduction-related fluids.MORB-type Neotethyan oceanic crust is associated with the earliest phase of subduction(of older Jurassic age)through which a younger intra-oceanic island arc(Spong arc)subsequently developed.Harzburgites REE display typical U-shaped patterns,suggesting that these rocks have been metasomatized by LREE-enriched fluids.On the other side,mafic rocks are characterized by heterogeneous(Nb/La)PMand(Hf/Sm)PMand relatively homogeneous eNd(t),indicating interaction of subduction-related melts with the upper mantle during the initiation of subduction,in Early Cretaceous times.  相似文献   


The upper Lower Carboniferous to lowermost Permian terrigenous succession of the Spiti Valley can be subdivided into five formations (Thabo Formation, Fenestella Shale, Kabjima Quartzarenite, Chichong Formation and Ganmachidam Diamictite), here described in detail and subdivided into members or lithozones.

The Po Group, overlying the platform carbonates and gypsum deposits of the Lipak Formation, records an increase of subarkosic to quartzarenitic terrigenous detritus derived from uplift and erosion of continental blocks in the south during the initial stage of Neo-Tethyan rifting. Increasing mineralogic stability through the Thabo Formation broadly coincides with a climate change from tropical arid to temperate humid conditions during the Visean-Serpukhovian. The Fenestella Shale, containing rich brachiopod associations of Bashkirian age, documents a stage of widespread subsidence and transgression, followed by the regressive Kabjima Quartzarenite, which records recycling of quartzose sedimentary sequences in the south.

The Chichong Formation marks another transgressive event, associated with a significant increase of granitoid detritus, partly from nearby Lesser to High Himalayan source areas. Chaetetid, cephalopod and brachiopod faunas hint at a Moscovian age for the “Chaetetid beds”, at the top of which varve-like lamination and scattered pebbles suggest glacially influenced deposition. The overlying glacio-fluvial (?) cobble conglomerates (“Pebbly beds”) reflect onset of rapid tectonic uplift.

Abundant detritus from sedimentary rocks characterizes the overlying Ganmachidam Diamictite, deposited in glacio-marine environments; cold-water marine faunas of Asselian age occur in its middle part. Erosion of progressively older pre-rift sedimentary successions is ascribed to basin inversion, associated with unroofing of anatectic granitoids of the Lesser and High Himalayas. Basaltic to rhyolitic volcanic detritus documents alkalic magmatism at the climax of continental rifting.  相似文献   

A palaeomagnetic study has been carried out in the Tethyan Himalaya (TH; the northern margin of Greater India). Twenty-six palaeomagnetic sites have been sampled in Triassic low-grade metasediments of western Dolpo. Two remanent components have been identified. A pyrrhotite component, characterized by unblocking temperatures of 270–335 °C, yields an in situ mean direction of D=191.7°, I=−30.9° (k=29.5, α95=5.7°, N=23 sites). The component fails the fold test at the 99% confidence level (kin situ/kbed=6.9) and is therefore of postfolding origin. For reason of the low metamorphic grade, this pyrrhotite magnetization is believed to be of thermo-chemical origin. Geochronological data and inclination matching indicate an acquisition age around 35 Ma. The second remanence component has higher unblocking temperatures (>400 °C and up to 500–580 °C range) and resides in magnetite. A positive fold test and comparison with expected Triassic palaeomagnetic directions suggest a primary origin.The postfolding character of the pyrrhotite component, and its interpreted age of remanence acquisition, implies that the main Himalayan folding is older than 35 Ma in the western Dolpo area. This study also suggests that the second metamorphic event (Neo-Himalayan) was more significant in the Dolpo area than the first (Eo-Himalayan) one.A clockwise rotation of 10–15° is inferred from the pyrrhotite component, which is compatible with oroclinal bending and/or rotational underthrusting models. This rotation is also supported by the magnetite component, indicating that no rotation of the Tethyan Himalaya relative to India took place before 35 Ma.  相似文献   

The geochemical investigation of sediments deposited in the Renuka Lake basin and its adjoining wetland has shown variation in the distribution and concentration of major, trace and REEs. The major elements are depleted in the lake in relation to wetland and that of Post Archaean Australian, Shale (PAAS), except for CaO which is strikingly in excess and has a dilution effect on SiO2 and other oxides and trace elements. The Wetland sediments, on the other hand, are enriched in Al2O3, Fe2O3, K2O and TiO2 and the latter three show a positive correlation with Al2O3 in both wetland and lake sediments suggesting their association with phyllosilicates and similar source rocks. The enrichment of Y, Zr, Ni, Th, U and Nb in wetland compared to lake and their similarity with PAAS in the former, suggests more clay fractions in the wetland. A high Zr/Hf ratio in wetland and lake sediments and a positive correlation of Zr with Y and HREE indicate Zr control on HREEs. However, higher Zr/Yb and Zr/Th ratios in wetland compared to lake indicate mineral sorting during the process of lighter particles (clays) being trapped in wetland soil. This is also reflected from negative correlation of GdN/YbN with Al2O3 and a strong positive correlation with SiO2 in wetland sediments. The wetland in this context has a control on lake sediment chemistry. The chondrite normalized REE patterns are essentially the same for lake as well as wetland sediments but abundance decreases in the former. The similarity of pattern with that of PAAS and negative Eu anomaly indicates a cratonic source of sediments. In a plot of the individual samples, wetland samples cluster while lake samples are separated indicating fractionation of lake sediments. A strong positive correlation of LaN/YbN with Al2O3 and a positive correlation of Zr-∑LREE and Zr-LaN/YbN suggest that LREEs are controlled by both phyllosilicates and zircon. The chemical index of alteration (CIA) indices in lake sediments and in wetland are higher than PAAS indicating moderate chemical weathering in the source area. The petrography, lack of felsic magmatic rock fragments, and negative correlation between Zr-(Gd/Yb)C indicate sedimentary source rocks for the detritus. This is in conformity with the Lesser Himalayan sedimentary sequence belonging to neo-Proterozoic–Proterozoic age and constituting lake catchment of Renuka. The tectonic delineation and discriminant function plots of lake and wetland sediments indicate their cratonic and/or quartzose sedimentary orogenic terrain source that has been deposited in a passive margin setting.  相似文献   

A tectonic mélange exposed on land is examined to reveal relationships between mélange formation, underplating, and deformation mechanisms, focusing on the deformation of basaltic rocks. The studied Mugi Mélange of the Shimanto Belt is composed of a shale matrix surrounding various blocks of sandstone, pelagic sediments, and basalts. The mélange was formed during Late Cretaceous to early Tertiary times in a subduction zone under PT conditions of 150–200 °C and 6–7 km depth as estimated from vitrinite reflectance and quartz veins fluid inclusions. The mélange represents a range of deformation mechanisms; pressure solution with micro-scale cataclasis in the shale matrix, brittle tension cracking in the blocks, and ubiquitous strong cataclasis in the basal portion of basaltic layers. The cataclastic deformation in the basalts suggests a breakage of a topographic high in the seismogenic depth.  相似文献   

Vorticity estimates based on porphyroclasts analysis are limited by the extrapolation to three dimensions of two‐dimensional data. We describe a 3D approach based on the use of X‐ray micro‐computed tomography that better reflects the real 3D geometry of the porphyroclasts population. This new approach for kinematic vorticity analysis in the Munsiari Thrust mylonites, the lower boundary of the Main Central Thrust zone (MCTz) in Indian Himalaya, indicates a large pure shear component during non‐coaxial shearing. 40Ar/39Ar ages of micas along the mylonitic foliation of the Munsiari and Vaikrita thrusts (the upper boundary of the MCTz) constrain thrust activity to 5–4 and 8–9 Ma, respectively. Available kinematic vorticity analyses of the Vaikrita mylonites suggest the dominance of a simple shear component. Combining these data, we suggest that the southward and structurally downward shift of deformation along the MCTz was accompanied by a progressive increase in the pure shear component in a general shear flow.  相似文献   

The trans-Himalayan Ladakh batholith is a result of arc magmatism caused by the northward subduction of the Tethyan oceanic lithosphere below the edge of the Eurasian plate. The batholith dominantly consists of calc-alkaline I-type granitoids which are ferromagnetic in nature with the presence of magnetite as the principal carrier of magnetic susceptibility. The mesoscopic and magnetic fabric are concordant and generally vary from WNW–ESE to ENE–WSW for different intrusions of ferromagnetic granites in different parts of the batholith. Strike of magnetic fabric is roughly parallel with the regional trend of the Ladakh batholith in the present study area and is orthogonal to the direction of India-Eurasia collision. In Khardungla and Changla section, the magnetic fabric is distributed in a sigmoidal manner. It is inferred that this sigmoidal pattern is caused by shearing due to transpression induced by oblique convergence between the two plates. U–Pb zircon geochronology of a rhyolite from the southern parts of the batholith gives a crystallization age of 71.7 ± 0.6 Ma, coeval with ~68 Ma magmatism in the northern parts of the batholith. The central part of the batholith is characterized by S-type two-mica granites, which gives much younger age of magmatism at 35.5 ± 0.5 Ma. The magnetic fabric of these two-mica granites is at a high angle to the regional trend of the batholith. It is proposed that these two-mica granites were emplaced well after the cessation of subduction and arc magmatism, along fractures that developed perpendicular to the regional strike of the batholith due to shearing.  相似文献   

西藏改则县多龙矿集区分布着大量的SSZ型蛇绿岩残片,是班公湖-怒江蛇绿岩带的重要组成部分,本文对代表性辉绿(玢)岩进行了锆石U-Pb定年、岩石地球化学及Sr-Nd同位素分析,获得辉绿玢岩加权平均年龄为252.1±1.5Ma(MSWD=0.09,n=33),表明多龙SSZ型蛇绿岩形成于晚二叠世。岩石烧失量普遍较高(1.57%~5.23%)的特征,表明样品普遍遭受蚀变;而且具有富硅、高铝、低MgO及低Mg~#值(36.8~63.1)的特征,说明其经历过一定程度的分离结晶作用。多龙辉绿岩和辉绿玢岩富集大离子亲石元素(LILE:Rb、Cs、K、Sr、P、Pb),亏损高场强元素(HFSE:Ta、Nb、Ti、Zr、Hf);稀土元素总量为23.27×10~(-6)~58.95×10~(-6),δEu为0.83~1.35,(La/Yb)_N为0.66~1.30,具有与岛弧拉斑玄武岩类似的稀土元素和总体一致的微量元素特征。岩石(~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr)_i值为0.707345~0.708748,(~(143)Nd/~(144)Nd)_i值为0.512669~0.512705,t_(DM2)值为305~456Ma,ε_(Nd)(t)值为+6.9~+8.8,表明其岩浆源区为亏损地幔源区,其地球化学成分具有洋内弧的特征,暗示其可能是洋内俯冲作用的产物。综合分析认为,班-怒洋壳于晚二叠世时(ca.252Ma)在板块汇聚边缘发生了类似西太平洋Izu-Bonin-Mariana的洋内俯冲作用,形成兼具MOR蛇绿岩亲缘性和俯冲带SSZ蛇绿岩地球化学印记的双重属性的多龙辉绿岩及辉绿玢岩的母岩浆;母岩浆经过结晶分异、上升侵位,最终于洋内俯冲带之上的弧前盆地环境下形成多龙辉绿岩和辉绿玢岩。  相似文献   

Metamorphosed serpentinites of the Tidding Suture Zone (TSZ), eastern Himalaya, contain variably altered Cr‐spinels that are concentrically zoned from high‐Cr, low‐Fe3+ spinel at the core to Cr‐magnetite at the rim. Two types of Cr‐spinel have been recognized, based on back‐scattered electron imaging in conjunction with microprobe analytical profiles. Cr‐spinel type‐I is present in the least metamorphosed serpentinite (Cr# = 0.78–0.85, Mg# = 0.38–0.45) and Cr‐spinel type‐II is present in the most highly metamorphosed serpentinite (Cr# = 0.86–0.94, Mg# = 0.10–0.34). Primary igneous compositions are preserved in the type‐I chromites whereas these compositions have been partly or completely obscured by metamorphism and alteration in type‐II grains. The enrichment of Mn and Zn increases from the type‐I (MnO = 1.86–2.42 wt.%, ZnO = 0.77–1.67 wt.%) to type‐II (MnO = 2.72–4.04 wt.%, ZnO = 1.33–3.22 wt.%) and the strong similarity in their distribution patterns implies that these elements were introduced during low‐grade metamorphism and serpentinization. The abundance of Mg‐rich chlorite and serpentine minerals suggest that olivine was the predominant silicate phase before serpentinization. Zn and Mn enrichment in the core zone of the Cr‐spinel is due to the substitution of Mg2+ and in part of Fe2+, by Zn and Mn. These elements were probably supplied from olivine upon serpentinization during and after obduction of the ophiolitic mélange along the Tidding Suture Zone in the eastern Himalaya, NE India. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Possibilities for the fate of oceanic plateaus at subduction zones range from complete subduction of the plateau beneath the arc to complete plateau–arc accretion and resulting collisional orogenesis. Deep penetration, multi-channel seismic reflection (MCS) data from the northern flank of the Solomon Islands reveal the sequence stratigraphy, structural style, and age of deformation of an accretionary prism formed during late Neogene (5–0 Ma) convergence between the 33-km-thick crust of the Ontong Java oceanic plateau and the 15-km-thick Solomon island arc. Correlation of MCS data with the satellite-derived, free-air gravity field defines the tectonic boundaries and internal structure of the 800-km-long, 140-km-wide accretionary prism. We name this prism the “Malaita accretionary prism” or “MAP” after Malaita, the largest and best-studied island exposure of the accretionary prism in the Solomon Islands. MCS data, gravity data, and stratigraphic correlations to islands and ODP sites on the Ontong Java Plateau (OJP) reveal that the offshore MAP is composed of folded and thrust faulted sedimentary rocks and upper crystalline crust offscraped from the Solomon the subducting Ontong Java Plateau (Pacific plate) and transferred to the Solomon arc. With the exception of an upper, sequence of Quaternary? island-derived terrigenous sediments, the deformed stratigraphy of the MAP is identical to that of the incoming Ontong Java Plateau in the North Solomon trench.We divide the MAP into four distinct, folded and thrust fault-bounded structural domains interpreted to have formed by diachronous, southeast-to-northwest, and highly oblique entry of the Ontong Java Plateau into a former trench now marked by the Kia–Kaipito–Korigole (KKK) left-lateral strike-slip fault zone along the suture between the Solomon arc and the MAP. The structural style within each of the four structural domains consists of a parallel series of three to four fault propagation folds formed by the seaward propagation of thrust faults roughly parallel to sub-horizontal layering in the upper crystalline part of the OJP. Thrust fault offsets, spacing between thrusts, and the amplitude of related fault propagation folds progressively decrease to the west in the youngest zone of active MAP accretion (Choiseul structural domain). Surficial faulting and folding in the most recently deformed, northwestern domain show active accretion of greater than 1 km of sedimentary rock and 6 km, or about 20%, of the upper crystalline part of the OJP. The eastern MAP (Malaita and Ulawa domains) underwent an earlier, similar style of partial plateau accretion. A pre-late Pliocene age of accretion (3.4 Ma) is constrained by an onshore and offshore major angular unconformity separating Pliocene reefal limestone and conglomerate from folded and faulted pelagic limestone of Cretaceous to Miocene age. The lower 80% of the Ontong Java Plateau crust beneath the MAP thrust decollement appears unfaulted and unfolded and is continuous with a southwestward-dipping subducted slab of presumably denser plateau material beneath most of the MAP, and is traceable to depths >200 km in the mantle beneath the Solomon Islands.  相似文献   

The Shergol ophiolitic peridotites along ISZ, Ladakh Himalaya are serpentinized to various degrees and are harzburgite in composition. Electron microprobe analyses of spinels from Shergol Serpentinized Peridotites (SSPs) were carried out in order to evaluate their compositional variation with alteration. Chemical discontinuity was observed from core to rim in analyzed spinel grains with Cr-rich cores rimmed by Cr-poor compositions. From unaltered cores to rims it was observed that Cr3+# and Fe3+# increases while Mg2+# decreases due to Mg2+ − Fe2+ and Al3+ (Cr3+) − Fe3+ exchange with surrounding silicates during alteration. These peridotites contain Al-rich spinels forming subhedral to anhedral grains with lobate and corroded grain boundaries; altered to ferritchromite or magnetite along cracks and boundaries by later metamorphism episode. The unaltered Cr-spinel cores are identified as Al-rich and are characterized by lower values of Cr3+# (0.34–0.40), high Al3+# (0.58–0.68) and Mg2+# (0.52–0.70). Mineral chemistry of these Al-rich Cr-spinels suggest that host peridotites have an affinity to abyssal and alpine-type peridotites. High TiO2 concentration of magmatic Cr-spinel cores are in agreement with MORB melt-residual peridotite interaction. Presence of unaltered magmatic Cr-spinel cores suggest that they do not have re-equilibrated completely with metamorphic spinel rims and surrounding silicates. Cr-spinel core compositions of SSPs suggest an ophiolitic origin derivation by low degrees of melting of a less-moderate depleted peridotite in a mid-ocean ridge tectonic setting. Based on textural and chemical observations the alteration conditions of studied spinel-group minerals match those of transitional greenschist-amphibolite facies metamorphism consistent with estimated metamorphic equilibration temperature of  500–600 °C.  相似文献   

The allochthonous Cabo Ortegal Complex (NW Iberian Massif) contains a ~500 m thick serpentinite‐matrix mélange located in the lowest structural position, the Somozas Mélange. The mélange occurs at the leading edge of a thick nappe pile constituted by a variety of terranes transported to the East (present‐day coordinates; NW Iberian allochthonous complexes), with continental and oceanic affinities, and represents a Variscan suture. Among other types of metaigneous (calcalkaline suite dated at 527–499 Ma) and metasedimentary blocks, it contains close‐packed pillow‐lavas and broken pillow‐breccias with a metahyaloclastitic matrix formed by muscovite–paragonite–margarite–garnet–chlorite–kyanite–hematite–epidote–quartz–rutile. Pseudosection modelling in the MnCNTKFMASHO system indicates metamorphic peak conditions of ~17.5–18 kbar and ~550 °C followed by near‐isothermal decompression. This P–T evolution indicates subduction/accretion of an arc‐derived section of peri‐Gondwanan transitional crust. Subduction below the Variscan orogenic wedge evolved to continental collision with important dextral component. Closure of the remaining oceanic peri‐Gondwanan domain and associated release of fluid led to hydration of the overlying mantle wedge and the formation of a low‐viscosity subduction channel, where return flow formed the mélange. The submarine metavolcanic rocks were deformed and detached from the subducting transitional crust and eventually incorporated into the subduction channel, where they experienced fast exhumation. Due to the cryptic nature of the high‐P metamorphism preserved in its tectonic blocks, the significance of the Somozas Mélange had remained elusive, but it is made clear here for the first time as an important tectonic boundary within the Variscan Orogen formed during the late stages of the continental convergence leading to the assembly of Pangea.  相似文献   

The Lesser Himalayan duplex (LHD) is a prominent structure through much of the Lesser Himalayan fold–thrust belt. In the Darjeeling - Sikkim Himalaya a component of the LHD is exposed in the Rangit window as the Rangit duplex (RD). The RD consists of ten horses of the upper Lesser Himalayan Sequence (Gondwana, Buxa, Upper Daling). The duplex varies from hinterland-dipping in the north, through an antiformal stack in the middle to foreland-dipping in the south. The Ramgarh thrust (RT) is the roof thrust and, based on a balanced cross-section, the Main Himalayan Sole thrust is the floor thrust at a depth of ~ 10 km and with a dip of ~ 3.5° N.Retrodeformation suggests that the RD initiated as a foreland-dipping duplex with the Early Ramgarh thrust as the roof thrust and the RT as the floor thrust. The RT became the roof thrust during continued duplexing by a combination of footwall imbrication and concurrent RT reactivation. This kinematic history best explains the large translation of the overlying MCT sheets. The restoration suggests that RD shortening is ~ 125 km, and the original Gondwana basin extended ~ 142 km northward of its present northernmost exposures within the window.  相似文献   

The textural and chemical evolution of allanite and monazite along a well‐constrained prograde metamorphic suite in the High Himalayan Crystalline of Zanskar was investigated to determine the P–T conditions for the crystallization of these two REE accessory phases. The results of this study reveals that: (i) allanite is the stable REE accessory phase in the biotite and garnet zone and (ii) allanite disappears at the staurolite‐in isograd, simultaneously with the occurrence of the first metamorphic monazite. Both monazite and allanite occur as inclusions in staurolite, indicating that the breakdown of allanite and the formation of monazite proceeded during staurolite crystallization. Staurolite growth modelling indicates that staurolite crystallized between 580 and 610 °C, thus setting the lower temperature limit for the monazite‐forming reaction at ~600 °C. Preservation of allanite and monazite inclusions in garnet (core and rim) constrains the garnet molar composition when the first monazite was overgrown and subsequently encompassed by the garnet crystallization front. Garnet growth modelling and the intersection of isopleths reveal that the monazite closest to the garnet core was overgrown by the garnet advancing crystallization front at 590 °C, which establishes an upper temperature limit for monazite crystallization. Significantly, the substitution of allanite by monazite occurs in close spatial proximity, i.e. at similar P–T conditions, in all rock types investigated, from Al‐rich metapelites to more psammitic metasedimentary rocks. This indicates that major silicate phases, such as staurolite and garnet, do not play a significant role in the monazite‐forming reaction. Our data show that the occurrence of the first metamorphic monazite in these rocks was mainly determined by the P–T conditions, not by bulk chemical composition. In Barrovian terranes, dating prograde monazite in metapelites thus means constraining the time when these rocks reached the 600 °C isotherm.  相似文献   

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