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The Theory of Alfven drag (Drell et al. in J Geophys Res 70: 3131–3145 1965; Anselmo and Farinella in Icarus, 58, 182–185 1983) is applied here to show that the existence of a possible solar ring structure at a radial distance of 0.02 AU (~4R , R  = radius of the sun) predicted by earlier authors (Brecher et al. in Nature 282, 50–52 1979; Rawal in Bull. Astr. Soc. India 6, 92–95 1978, Moon Planets 24, 407–414 1981, Moon Planets 31, 175–182 1984, J Astrophys Astr 10, 257–259 1989) may not survive Alfven drag produced during even moderate solar magnetic storms which take place from time to time through the age of the sun, but a possible solar ring structure at a radial distance of 0.13 AU (~27R ) (Brecher et al. in Nature 282, 50–52 1979; Rawal in Bull. Astr. Soc. India 6, 92–95 1978, Moon Planets 24, 407–414 1981, Moon Planets 31, 175–182 1984, J Astrophys Astr 10, 257–259 1989) may survive intense Alfven drag produced during even strong magnetic storms of magnetic field value up to 1,000 G.  相似文献   

Magnetars form a special population of neutron stars with strong magnetic fields and long spin periods.About 30 magnetars and magnetar candidates known currentl...  相似文献   

Moroz  V. I.  Rodin  A. V. 《Solar System Research》2002,36(6):492-494
The qualitative characteristics of the vertical structure of the atmospheres of Venus and the Earth essentially differ. For instance, there are at least two, instead of one, zones with normal (thermal) convection on Venus. The first one is near the surface (a boundary layer); the second is at the altitudes of the lower part of the main cloud layer between 49 and 55 km. Contrary to the hypotheses proposed by Izakov (2001, 2002), the upper convective zone prevents energy transfer from the upper clouds to the subcloud atmosphere by anomalous turbulent heat conductivity. It is possible, however, that the anomalous turbulent heat conductivity takes part in the redistribution of the heat fluxes within the lower (subcloud) atmosphere.  相似文献   

Flux ropes are twisted magnetic structures that can be detected by in-situ measurements in the solar wind. However, different properties of detected flux ropes suggest different types of flux-rope populations. As such, are there different populations of flux ropes? The answer is positive and is the result of the analysis of four lists of flux ropes, including magnetic clouds (MCs), observed at 1 AU. The in-situ data for the four lists were fitted with the same cylindrical force-free field model, which provides an estimate of the local flux-rope parameters such as its radius and orientation. Since the flux-rope distributions have a broad dynamic range, we went beyond a simple histogram analysis by developing a partition technique that uniformly distributes the statistical fluctuations across the radius range. By doing so, we found that small flux ropes with radius R<0.1 AU have a steep power-law distribution in contrast to the larger flux ropes (identified as MCs), which have a Gaussian-like distribution. Next, from four CME catalogs, we estimated the expected flux-rope frequency per year at 1 AU. We found that the predicted numbers are similar to the frequencies of MCs observed in-situ. However, we also found that small flux ropes are at least ten times too abundant to correspond to CMEs, even to narrow ones. Investigating the different possible scenarios for the origin of these small flux ropes, we conclude that these twisted structures can be formed by blowout jets in the low corona or in coronal streamers.  相似文献   

Ilgin Seker 《Solar physics》2013,286(2):303-314
We study whether the birthplaces of sunspots (defined as the location of first appearance in the photosphere) are related to the planetary tides on the Sun. The heliocentric longitudes of newly emerging sunspots are statistically compared to the longitudes of tidal peaks caused by the tidal planets Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Jupiter. The longitude differences between new sunspots and tidal planets (and their conjugate locations) as well as the magnitudes of the vertical and horizontal tidal forces at the birthplace of new sunspots are calculated. The statistical distributions are compared with simulation results calculated using a random sunspot distribution. The results suggest that the birthplaces of sunspots (in the photosphere) are independent of the positions of tidal planets and the strength of tidal forces caused by them. However, since the sunspots actually originate near the tachocline (well below the photosphere) and it takes considerable time for the disturbances to reach photosphere, we hesitate to conclude that the formation of sunspots are not related to planetary positions.  相似文献   

We analyze the dynamical evolution of Jupiter-family (JF) comets and near-Earth asteroids (NEAs) with aphelion distances Q>3.5 AU, paying special attention to the problem of mixing of both populations, such that inactive comets may be disguised as NEAs. From numerical integrations for 2×106 years we find that the half lifetime (where the lifetime is defined against hyperbolic ejection or collision with the Sun or the planets) of near-Earth JF comets (perihelion distances q<1.3 AU) is about 1.5×105 years but that they spend only a small fraction of this time (∼ a few 103 years) with q<1.3 AU. From numerical integrations for 5×106 years we find that the half lifetime of NEAs in “cometary” orbits (defined as those with aphelion distances Q>4.5 AU, i.e., that approach or cross Jupiter's orbit) is 4.2×105 years, i.e., about three times longer than that for near-Earth JF comets. We also analyze the problem of decoupling JF comets from Jupiter to produce Encke-type comets. To this end we simulate the dynamical evolution of the sample of observed JF comets with the inclusion of nongravitational forces. While decoupling occurs very seldom when a purely gravitational motion is considered, the action of nongravitational forces (as strong as or greater than those acting on Encke) can produce a few Enckes. Furthermore, a few JF comets are transferred to low-eccentricity orbits entirely within the main asteroid belt (Q<4 AU and q>2 AU). The population of NEAs in cometary orbits is found to be adequately replenished with NEAs of smaller Q's diffusing outward, from which we can set an upper limit of ∼20% for the putative component of deactivated JF comets needed to maintain such a population in steady state. From this analysis, the upper limit for the average time that a JF comet in near-Earth orbit can spend as a dormant, asteroid-looking body can be estimated to be about 40% of the time spent as an active comet. More likely, JF comets in near-Earth orbits will disintegrate once (or shortly after) they end their active phases.  相似文献   

The previously found solar distortion rotating rigidly and wave-like on the surface with a 12 day period is interpreted as the shape of the gravitational potential induced by the solar core distorted by an internal magnetic field and rotating rigidly with this period. The distortion does not have a symmetry axis and the necessary magnetic field is not compatible with the axial symmetry required of a quasi-static field locked in the rotating core. It is concluded that if the solar distortion is due to such a process the core is oscillating with a very long period, a toroidal oscillation with a period of the order of years.This research was supported in part by the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

It has been argued (Gough and McIntyre in Nature 394, 755, 1998) that the only way for the radiative interior of the Sun to be rotating uniformly in the face of the differentially rotating convection zone is for it to be pervaded by a large-scale magnetic field, a field which is responsible also for the thinness of the tachocline. It is most likely that this field is the predominantly dipolar residual component of a tangled primordial field that was present in the interstellar medium from which the Sun condensed (Braithwaite and Spruit in Nature 431, 819, 2004), and that advection by the meridional flow in the tachocline has caused the dipole axis to be inclined from the axis of rotation by about \(60^{\circ}\) (Gough in Geophys. Astrophys. Fluid Dyn., 106, 429, 2012). It is suggested here that, notwithstanding its turbulent passage through the convection zone, a vestige of that field is transmitted by the solar wind to Earth, where it modulates the geomagnetic field in a periodic way. The field variation reflects the inner rotation of the Sun, and, unlike turbulent-dynamo-generated fields, must maintain phase. I report here a new look at an earlier analysis of the geomagnetic field by Svalgaard and Wilcox (Solar Phys. 41, 461, 1975), which reveals evidence for appropriate phase coherence, thereby adding support to the tachocline theory.  相似文献   

Coronal holes (CH) emit significantly less at coronal temperatures than quiet-Sun regions (QS), but can hardly be distinguished in most chromospheric and lower transition region lines. A key quantity for the understanding of this phenomenon is the magnetic field. We use data from SOHO/MDI to reconstruct the magnetic field in coronal holes and the quiet Sun with the help of a potential magnetic model. Starting from a regular grid on the solar surface we then trace field lines, which provide the overall geometry of the 3D magnetic field structure. We distinguish between open and closed field lines, with the closed field lines being assumed to represent magnetic loops. We then try to compute some properties of coronal loops. The loops in the coronal holes (CH) are found to be on average flatter than in the QS. High and long closed loops are extremely rare, whereas short and low-lying loops are almost as abundant in coronal holes as in the quiet Sun. When interpreted in the light of loop scaling laws this result suggests an explanation for the relatively strong chromospheric and transition region emission (many low-lying, short loops), but the weak coronal emission (few high and long loops) in coronal holes. In spite of this contrast our calculations also suggest that a significant fraction of the cool emission in CHs comes from the open flux regions. Despite these insights provided by the magnetic field line statistics further work is needed to obtain a definite answer to the question if loop statistics explain the differences between coronal holes and the quiet Sun.  相似文献   

The contribution of the Babcock-Leighton mechanism to the generation of the Sun’s poloidal magnetic field is estimated from sunspot data for three solar cycles. Comparison of the derived quantities with the A-index of the large-scale magnetic field suggests a positive answer to the question posed in the title of this paper.  相似文献   

We analyse the Greenwich sunspot data with methods using kinematic frames, which allow to detect and filter off any systematic motion, such as differential rotation, of the longitudinal activity traces. The aim is to check the recent claim of the existence of century-scale persistent solar active longitudes exhibiting antisolar differential rotation. As a result, we find no evidence for such features. Nevertheless, as is well known, the sunspot distribution is highly clustered in longitude (activity nests); the simple cell-counting statistics allows us to estimate the coherence time of these features, giving roughly10 Carrington rotations. (© 2007 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We examine the distance of the two galactic microquasars GRO J1655–40 and A 0620–00 which are potentially the two closest black holes to the Sun. We aim to provide a picture as wide and complete as possible of the problem of measuring the distance of microquasars in our Galaxy. The purpose of this work is to fairly and critically review in great detail every distance method used for these two microquasars in order to show that the distances of probably all microquasars in our Galaxy are much more uncertain than currently admitted. Moreover, we show that many confirmations of quantitative results are often entangled and rely on very uncertain measurements. We also present a new determination of the maximum distance of GRO J1655–40 using red clump giant stars, and show that it confirms our earlier result of a distance less than 2 kpc instead of 3.2 kpc. Because, it then becomes more likely that GRO J1655–40 could originate from the stellar cluster NGC 6242, located at 1.0 kpc, we review the distance estimations of A 0620–00, which is so far the closest black hole with an average distance of about 1.0 kpc. We show that the distance methods used for A 0620–00 are also problematic. Finally, we present a new analysis of spectroscopic and astrometric archival data on this microquasar, and apply the maximum distance method of Foellmi et al. [Foellmi, C., Depagne, E., Dall, T.H., Mirabel, I.F., 2006b. A&A 457, 249]. It appears that A 0620–00 could indeed be even closer to the Sun than currently estimated, and consequently would be the closest known black hole to the Sun.  相似文献   

The spatial distribution of O-type stars projected onto the Per OB1 association has been investigated. From the limited data available we find evidence to suggest that there are several distinct clusters of early type stars in the association's line of sight. It is found that all those stars identified in the past as being blue stragglers are likely situated in the most distant cluster and consequently they are unlikely to be coevally related to the closer stellar groups. Our argument is that all those stars previously classified as blue stragglers in Per OB1 are normal O and OBN stars.  相似文献   

In this paper we examine how well the Sun and sunspots were observed during the Maunder Minimum from 1645 to 1715. Recent research has given us the dates of observations by Hevelius, Picard, La Hire, Flamsteed, and about 70 other observers. These specific observations allow a lower estimate of the fraction of the time the Sun was observed to be deduced. It is found that 52.7% of the days have recorded observations. There are additional 12 observers who provide general statements that no sunspots were observed during specific years or intervals despite diligent efforts. Taking these statements to mean, unrealistically, that every day during these intervals was observed, gives an upper estimate of 98% of the days. If the general statements are relaxed by assuming that 100 ± 50 days per year were actually observed by these diligent observers, than our best estimate is that 68%±7% of the days during the Maunder Minimum were observed. In short, this supports the view that the Maunder Minimum existed and was not an artifact of few observations. Some sunspots are probably still missed in modern compilations, but the existence of a prolonged sunspot minimum would not be threatened by their discovery in future research. Additional support for intense scrutiny of the Sun comes from a report of a white-light flare in 1705 and from the numerous reports of new sunspots entering the disk of the Sun.  相似文献   

Conventional wisdom dictates that the 1.642 m H opacity minimum is the best window to the depths of the solar photosphere. However, the violet continuum near 0.4 m exhibits a larger intensity response to small thermal perturbations at depth, and thus might offer an even better view of the subsurface roots of granulation cells and magnetic flux tubes.  相似文献   

We study variations of the lifetimes of high- solar p modes in the quiet and active Sun with the solar activity cycle. The lifetimes in the degree range =300 – 600 and ν=2.5 – 4.5 mHz were computed from SOHO/MDI data in an area including active regions and quiet Sun using the time – distance technique. We applied our analysis to the data in four different phases of solar activity: 1996 (at minimum), 1998 (rising phase), 2000 (at maximum), and 2003 (declining phase). The results from the area with active regions show that the lifetime decreases as activity increases. The maximal lifetime variations are between solar minimum in 1996 and maximum in 2000; the relative variation averaged over all values and frequencies is a decrease of about 13%. The lifetime reductions relative to 1996 are about 7% in 1998 and about 10% in 2003. The lifetime computed in the quiet region still decreases with solar activity, although the decrease is smaller. On average, relative to 1996, the lifetime decrease is about 4% in 1998, 10% in 2000, and 8% in 2003. Thus, measured lifetime increases when regions of high magnetic activity are avoided. Moreover, the lifetime computed in quiet regions also shows variations with the activity cycle.  相似文献   

Three-dimensional simulations of the disk-halo interaction show the formation of a thick HI and HII gas disk with different scale heights. The thick HI disk prevents the disk gas from expanding freely upwards, unless some highly energetic event such as chimneys occurs, whereas the thick HII disk acts as a disk-halo interaction region from where the hot ionized gas flows freely into the halo. The upflowing gas reaches the maximum height at z ∼ 9.3 ± 1 kpc becoming thermally unstable due to radiative losses, and condenses into HI clouds. Because the major fraction of the gas is gravitationally bound to the Galaxy, the cold gas returns to the disk. The descending clouds will have at some height high velocities. In a period of 200 Myr of fountain evolution, some 10 percent of the total number of clouds are HVCs. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The inner disk rotation of NGC 6946 and the Milky Way is dominated by gravity but magnetism is not negligible at radii where the rotation curve becomes flat, and indeed could become dominant at very large radii. Values of the order of 1 μG, or even less, produce a centripetal force when the absolute value of the slope of the curve [B φ , R ] (azimuthal field strength versus radius) is less than the slope of a B φ ‐profile proportional to R –1. The ∝ R –1‐profile is here called the critical profile. From the hypothesis of magnetically driven rotation curves, the following is to be expected: at large radii, a “subcritical” profile (slope flatter than R –1); at still larger radii a B φ ‐profile becoming asymptotically critical as the density becomes asymptotically vanishing. Recent observations of magnetic fields in NGC 6946 and the Milky Way are in very good agreement with these predictions. (© 2007 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

G. R. Isaak 《Solar physics》1983,82(1-2):235-235
The size of the rotational splitting recently observed (Claverie et al., 1981) is correlated with the 12.2d variation in the measurements of solar oblateness observed by Dicke (1976) and implies a convection zone of depth of 0.1 R . The near equality of amplitudes of global velocity oscillations (Claverie et al., 1981) of the various m components of the l = 1 and l = 2 modes as seen from the Earth viewing the Sun nearly along the equator is unexpected for pure rotational splitting. It is suggested that a magnetic perturbation is present and an oblique asymmetric magnetic rotator with magnetic fields of a few million gauss is responsible. A more detailed account was submitted to Nature.Proceedings of the 66th IAU Colloquium: Problems in Solar and Stellar Oscillations, held at the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory, U.S.S.R., 1–5 September, 1981.  相似文献   

We consider dynamics of a Sun–Jupiter–Asteroid system, and, under some simplifying assumptions, show the existence of instabilities in the motions of an asteroid. In particular, we show that an asteroid whose initial orbit is far from the orbit of Mars can be gradually perturbed into one that crosses Mars’ orbit. Properly formulated, the motion of the asteroid can be described as a Hamiltonian system with two degrees of freedom, with the dynamics restricted to a “large” open region of the phase space reduced to an exact area preserving map. Instabilities arise in regions where the map has no invariant curves. The method of MacKay and Percival is used to explicitly rule out the existence of these curves, and results of Mather abstractly guarantee the existence of diffusing orbits. We emphasize that finding such diffusing orbits numerically is quite difficult, and is outside the scope of this paper.  相似文献   

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