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A study was conducted to evaluate the water quality of Kottur block, Thiruvarur district, Tamilnadu. Groundwater samples from hand pumps and tube wells of 16 stations were analyzed during postmonsoon and premonsoon (2008) with the help of standard methods of APHA (1995). Dominance of cations are in the following order Na>Ca>K>Mg and Cl>SO4>HCO3>NO3 by anions in both the seasons. The analytical results shows higher concentration of total dissolved solids, electrical conductivity, sodium, chloride, and sulfate which indicate signs of deterioration but values of pH, calcium, magnesium, and nitrate are within permissible limit as per World Health Organization standards. From the Piper trilinear diagram, it is observed that the majority of groundwater samples are Na-Cl and Ca-Mg-SO4 facies clearly indicates seawater incursion. In Wilcox diagram, most of the samples fall in low to very high sodium hazard and low to very high salinity hazard indicates moderately suitable for agricultural activities. Kelly’s ratio and magnesium ratio indicates most of the samples fall in suitable for irrigation purpose.  相似文献   

A total of 162 groundwater samples for three representative seasons were collected from Salem district of Tamilnadu, India to decipher hydrogeochemistry and groundwater quality for determining its suitability for drinking and agricultural proposes. The water is neutral to alkaline in nature with pH ranging from 6.6 to 8.6 with an average of 8.0. Higher electrical conductivity was observed during post-monsoon season. The abundance of major ions in the groundwater was in the order of $ {\text{Na} > \text{Ca} > \text{Mg} > \text{K} = \text{Cl} > \text{HC}}{{\text{O}}_3}\; > \;{\text{S}}{{\text{O}}_4}\; > \;{\text{N}}{{\text{O}}_3} $ . Piper plot reveals the dominance of geochemical facies as mixed Ca–Mg–Cl, Na–Cl, Ca–HCO3, Ca–Na–HCO3, and Ca–Cl type. NO3, Cl, SO4, and F exceed the permissible limit during summer and post-monsoon seasons. Sodium adsorption ratio was higher during post-monsoon and southwest monsoon season indicating high and low salinity, satisfactory for plants having moderate salt tolerance on soils. Permeability index of water irrespective of season falls in class I and class II indicating water is moderate to good for irrigation purposes. As per the classification of water for irrigation purpose, water is fit for domestic and agricultural purposes with minor exceptions irrespective of seasons.  相似文献   

In the light of progressive depletion of groundwater reservoir and water quality deterioration of the Neyveli basin, an investigation on dissolved major constituents in 25 groundwater samples was performed. The main objective was detection of processes for the geochemical assessment throughout the area. Neyveli aquifer is intensively inhabited during the last decenniums, leading to expansion of the residential and agricultural area. Besides semi-aridity, rapid social and economic development stimulates greater demand for water, which is gradually fulfilled by groundwater extraction. Groundwaters of the study area are characterized by the dominance of Na?+?K over Ca?+?Mg. HCO3 was found to be the dominant anion followed by Cl and SO4. High positive correlation was obtained among the following ions: Ca–Mg, Cl–Ca,Mg, Na–K, HCO3–H4SiO4, and F–K. The hydrochemical types in the area can be divided into two major groups: the first group includes mixed Ca–Mg–Cl and Ca–Cl types. The second group comprises mixed Ca–Na–HCO3 and Ca–HCO3 types. Most of the groundwater samples are within the permissible limit of WHO standard. Interpretation of data suggests that weathering, ion exchange reactions, and evaporation to some extent are the dominant factors that determine the major ionic composition in the study area.  相似文献   

The groundwater quality detoriation due to various geochemical processes like saline water intrusion, evaporation and interaction of groundwater with brines is a serious problem in coastal environments. Understanding the geochemical evolution is important for sustainable development of water resources. A detailed investigation was carried out to evaluate the geochemical processes regulating groundwater quality in Cuddalore district of Tamilnadu, India. The area is entirely underlined by sedimentary formations, which include sandstone, clay, alluvium, and small patches of laterite soils of tertiary and quaternary age. Groundwater samples were collected from the study area and analyzed for major ions. The electrical conductivity (EC) value ranged from 962 to 11,824 μS/cm, with a mean of 2802 μS/cm. The hydrogeochemical evolution of groundwater in the study area starts from Mg-HCO3 type to Na-Cl type indicating the cation exchange reaction along with seawater intrusion. The Br/Cl ratio indicates the evaporation source for the ion. The Na/Cl ratios indicate groundwater is probably controlled by water-rock interaction, most likely by derived from the weathering of calcium-magnesium silicates. The plot of (Ca+Mg) versus HCO3 suggests ions derived from sediment weathering. The plot of Na+K over Cl reflects silicate weathering along with precipitation. Gibbs plot indicates the dominant control of rock weathering. Factor analysis indicates dominance of salt water intrusion, cation-exchange and anthropogenic phenomenon in the study.  相似文献   

A study was carried in Mettur taluk, Salem district of Tamilnadu, India to develop a DRASTIC vulnerability index in GIS environment owing to groundwater pollution with increasing population, industries, and agricultural activities. Seven DRASTIC layers were created from available data (depth to water table, net recharge, aquifer media, soil media, topography, impact of vadose zone, and hydraulic conductivity) and incorporated into DRASTIC model to create a groundwater vulnerability map by overlaying the hydrogeological parameters. The output map indicates southwestern part of the study area with high pollution potential, northern and northwestern parts as moderate pollution potential and northeastern parts as low and no risk of pollution potential. For validating the vulnerability assessment, a total of 46 groundwater samples were collected from different vulnerability zones of the study area for two different seasons (pre- and post-monsoon) and analyzed for major anions and cations. Higher ionic concentrations were noted in wells located near highly industrialized, urbanized, and agricultural active zones. The water types represent Na–Mg–HCO3 and Na–Cl–HCO3 type indicating dominance of anthropogenic-related activities. Nitrate and chloride were demarcated as pollution indicators and correlated with DRASTIC vulnerability map. The results show that southwestern, northwestern, and northern parts of the study area recorded with high and moderate vulnerable zones, record higher nitrate values. In contrast to DRASTIC method predicted, low vulnerable zones show higher chloride concentration may be due to agricultural and urban development.  相似文献   

Groundwater is of a paramount importance in arid areas, as it represents the main water resource to satisfy the different needs of the various sectors. Nevertheless, coastal aquifers are generally subjected to seawater intrusion and groundwater quality degradation. In this study, the groundwater quality of the coastal Jeffara aquifer (southeastern Tunisia) is evaluated to check its suitability for irrigation purposes. A total of 74 groundwater samples were collected and analyzed for various physical and chemical parameters, such as, electrical conductivity, pH, dissolved solids (TDS), Na, K, Ca, Mg, Cl, HCO3, and SO4. Sodium adsorption ratio, magnesium adsorption ratio, Sodium percentage, and permeability index were calculated based on the analytical results. The analytical results obtained show a strong mineralization of the water in the studied aquifer. TDS concentrations range from 3.40 to 18.84 g?L?1. Groundwater salinity was shown to be mainly controlled by sodium and chloride. The dominant hydrochemical facieses are Na–Cl–Ca–SO4, mainly as a result of mineral dissolution (halite and gypsum), infiltration of saline surface water, and seawater intrusion. Assessment of the groundwater quality of the different samples by various methods indicated that only 7% of the water, in the northwest of the study area, is considered suitable for irrigation purposes while 93% are characterized by fair to poor quality, and are therefore just suitable or unsuitable for irrigation purposes.  相似文献   

A base line study involving analysis of groundwater samples from the Jhansi district were carried out to determine the major and trace element chemistry and to assess the hydrogeochemical processes and water quality for domestic and irrigation uses. Study results show that groundwater is mildly acidic to alkaline in nature and HCO3 ?, Cl?, Ca2+, Na+ and Mg2+ are the major contributing ions for the dissolved loads. The data plotted on the Gibbs and Piper diagrams reveal that the groundwater chemistry is mainly controlled by rock weathering with secondary contribution from anthropogenic sources. In a majority of the groundwater samples, alkaline earth metals exceed alkalies and weak acid dominate over strong acids. Ca–Mg–HCO3 is the dominant hydrogeochemical facies in the majority of the groundwater samples. The computed saturation indices demonstrate that groundwater is oversaturated with respect to dolomite and calcite. Kaolinite is the possible mineral that is in equilibrium with the water, implying that the groundwater chemistry favors kaolinite formation. A comparison of groundwater quality parameters in relation to specified limits for drinking water shows that the concentrations of TDS, F?, NO3 ?, total hardness and Fe are exceeding the desirable limits in many water samples. Quality assessment for irrigation uses reveal that the groundwater is of good to suitable category. Higher salinity and residual sodium carbonate values at some sites restrict the suitability of groundwater and need an adequate drainage and water management plan for the area.  相似文献   

Hydrogeochemical investigation of groundwater has been carried out in the coastal aquifers of southern Tamil Nadu, India. Seventy-nine dug well samples were collected and analyzed for various physicochemical parameters. The result of the geochemical analysis indicates the groundwater in the study area is slightly alkaline with moderate saline water. The cation and anion concentrations confirm most of the groundwater samples belong to the order of Na+ > Mg2+ > Ca2+ > K+ and Cl? > SO4 2? > HCO3 ?. Thereby three major hydrochemical facies (Ca–Cl, mixed Ca–Mg–Cl and Na–Cl) were identified. Based on the US Salinity diagram, majority of the samples fall under medium to very high salinity with low to high sodium hazard. The cross plot of Ca2+ + Mg2+ versus chloride shows 61 % of the samples fall under saline water category. Higher EC, TDS and Cl concentrations were observed from Tiruchendur to Koodankulam coastal zone. It indicates that these regions are significantly affected by saltwater contamination due to seawater intrusion, saltpan deposits, and beach placer mining activities.  相似文献   

Groundwater samples were collected from Mettur taluk of Salem district, Tamilnadu, India for two different seasons (pre-monsoon and post-monsoon) and analyzed for fluoride ion along with other chemical parameters. The major litho units of the study area are Charnockites, peninsular gneiss, and calc gneiss of meta-sedimentary group. The fluoride concentration ranges from 0.1 to 2.8?mg/L and 0.4 to 4.0?mg/L during pre-monsoon (PRM) and post-monsoon (POM) seasons, respectively. Results showed that collected water samples were contaminated by the presence of fluoride ion. During PRM and POM, 21% and 56% of samples recorded higher fluoride when compared with Indian Drinking Water Standard (1?mg/L) and (9% and 35%) of samples recorded higher fluoride when compared with World Health Organization tolerance limit (1.5?mg/L). The ratio of Na/Ca indicates high sodium content in groundwater enhances the dissolution of fluoride at higher pH. Hydrogeochemical facies indicates water-rock interaction as main source for high fluoride in groundwater. A positive correlation between pH, Mg, and F indicates high alkaline nature of water promotes fluoride leaching from source rocks into ground water. Factor analysis indicates hydro-geochemical processes like weathering, ion exchange, and anthropogenic contributes to groundwater chemistry. The saturation index indicates dissolution and precipitation contributes fluoride dissolution along with mixing.  相似文献   

Chemical characterization of groundwater is essential to bring out its nature and utility. Samples from shallow and deep ground water of the same location were collected and studied for their geochemical characteristics following standard procedures (APHA 1998). Sediment samples from different depths were collected and analysed for minerals using FTIR and SEM. Resisitivity logging was carried out in the bore well to understand the variations in depth to fresh water potential. The shallow ground water is dominated by Na–Cl–HCO3–SO4 and deeper groundwater by Na–HCO3–SO4–Cl types. It is observed that there is a significant ionic variation with depth. The ionic strength of the deeper samples is lesser than in the shallower samples. Wide pH variations in the shallow water samples are due to ion exchange process. Thermodynamic stability plot was used to identify the state of stability. It is inferred that there is no major significant difference in the thermodynamic state of stability in the shallow and the deeper aquifers as the aquifer matrix for the shallow and deeper aquifers are almost similar. Saturation index of Gibbsite, Kaolinite, Calcite, Dolomite and anhydrite, were studied for shallow and deep aquifers, to identify the difference in hydro chemical signatures. The Si/Al ratios of shallow samples are less when compared with the deeper samples. Leaching of secondary salts was the chief mechanism controlling the ground water chemistry of the region.  相似文献   

Coastal hazard mapping in the Cuddalore region, South India   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
It is estimated that nearly one-third of India’s population lives on the coast and is dependent on its resources. Shoreline erosion, storm surges and extreme events have resulted in severe loss of human life, damage to ecosystems and to property along the coast of India. Studies carried out in the Cuddalore region of South India reveal that this low-lying coastal zone, which suffered significant erosion during the last century, has been severely affected by the tsunami of 2004, storm floods and cyclones. In response to these impacts, a variety of coastal defense measures and adaptation strategies have been implemented in the region, although with only limited success. In order to inform future coastal planning in this region, the work reported here identifies a composite hazard line, seaward of which coastal flooding events will have a return interval of less than 1 in 100 years. The area landward of the coastal hazard line will be unaffected by 100 years of coastal erosion at present day rates. The study directly supports the Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) Plan of the Tamil Nadu State through the identification and assessment of coastal hazards and the overall vulnerability to coastal flooding and erosion. The key results from this pilot study will be used directly by the State of Tamil Nadu in the protection of the coastal livelihoods, better conservation measures and sustainable development along the coast. This study is a step toward mapping the hazard line for the entire coast of India that helps protect human lives and property.  相似文献   

Coastal aquifers can become polluted due to natural and human activities, such as intrusion of saline water, discharge of effluents in industrial areas and chemical weathering of natural geological deposits. The present study is aimed mainly at understanding the geophysical and chemical characteristics of groundwater near Tuticorin, Tamilnadu, India by studying the electrical resistivity distribution of the subsurface groundwater by applying the Schlumberger vertical electrical sounding (VES) technique followed by chemical analysis of water samples. A total of 20 VES soundings were carried out to understand the resistivity distribution of the area and 21 water samples were collected to analyze the chemical quality. The interpretation and analysis of the results have identified different hydrogeologic behaviors, a highly saline coastal aquifer and freshwater locations. The results obtained from geophysical and geochemical sampling are in good agreement with each other. The approach shows the efficacy of the combination of geophysical and geochemical methods to map groundwater contamination zones in the study area.  相似文献   

A diagnosis of the groundwater quality of 70 wells sampled during two climatic regimes (dry and raining seasons) from a semiarid area in Rajasthan, India, had been carried out using standard methods. Analysis of the results for various hydrochemical parameters wherein the geological units are alluvium, quartzite and granite gneisses showed that all the parameters did not fall within the World Health Organisation’s acceptable limits for irrigation and drinking water purposes. The order of major cations and anions obtained during the dry and raining seasons are Na+ ? Mg2+ ? Ca2+ ? K+ and Cl?? HCO3 ? ? SO4 2?? CO3 ?> F? ? NO3 ?, respectively. A maximum value of nitrate of 491.6 mg/l has been examined and its contamination is due to discriminated highly impacted groundwater samples by agricultural activity and small-scale urbanization. Fluoride (F?) concentration is 6.50 mg/l as a maximum value, whereas values in about 26 % of the samples are more than the permissible limit (1.5 mg/l) for drinking water. The cumulative probability distributions of the selected ions show two individual intersection points with three diverse segments, considered as regional threshold values and highly impacted threshold values for differentiating the samples with the effects of geogenic, anthropogenic and saline water mixing. The first threshold values indicate the background hydrochemical constituents in the study area. The second threshold value of 732 mg/l for bicarbonate indicates that sandy aquifer is being dissolved during wet period, whereas NO3 ? concentration of more than the initial threshold value (=75 mg/l) indicates discriminated highly impacted groundwater samples by agricultural activity and urbanization in dry season. Various parameters such as soluble sodium percentage (SSP), salinity (electrical conductivity (EC)), sodium adsorption ratio (SAR), residual sodium carbonate (RSC), Kelley’s ratio (KR), permeability index (PI), residual sodium bicarbonate (RSB) and magnesium absorption ratio (MAR) for the well samples show that, overall, 46 % of groundwater samples are not suitable for irrigation. Further, chloro-alkaline indices (CAIs) were used for distinguishing regional recharge and discharge zones whereas corrosivity ratio (CR) utilized for demarcating areas to use metallic pipes for groundwater supply. In general, groundwater quality is mainly controlled by the chemical weathering of rock-forming minerals. The information obtained represents a base for future work that will help to assess the groundwater condition for periodical monitoring and managing the groundwater from further degradation.  相似文献   

An attempt has been made to study the groundwater geochemistry in part of the NOIDA metropolitan city and assessing the hydrogeochemical processes controlling the water composition and its suitability for drinking and irrigation uses. The analytical results show that Na and Ca are the major cations and HCO3 and Cl are the major anions in this water. The higher ratios of Na+K/TZ+ (0.2–0.7), Ca+Mg/HCO3 (0.8–6.1); good correlation between Ca-Mg (0.75), Ca-Na (0.77), Mg-Na (0.96); low ratio of Ca+Mg/Na+K (1.6), Ca/Na (1.03), Mg/Na (0.64), HCO3/Na (1.05) along with negative correlation of HCO3 with Ca and Mg signify silicate weathering with limited contribution from carbonate dissolution. The hydro-geochemical study of the area reveals that many parameters are exceeding the desirable limits and quality of the potable water has deteriorated to a large extent at many sites. High concentrations of TDS, Na, Cl, SO4, Fe, Mn, Pb and Ni indicate anthropogenic impact on groundwater quality and demand regional water quality investigation and integrated water management strategy. SAR, %Na, PI and Mg-hazard values show that water is of good to permissible quality and can be used for irrigation. However, higher salinity and boron concentration restrict its suitability for irrigation uses at many sites.  相似文献   

The Varahi Irrigation project site is located at 13°39′15″N (latitude) and 74°57′E (longitude) in Hole Shankaranarayana village, approximately 6 km from Siddapura, Kundapura taluk, Udupi district. A total of 59 groundwater samples were collected from dug and tube wells in November 2008 to evaluate hydrochemistry and suitability for drinking and irrigation purposes. The physico-chemical parameters estimated include pH, electrical conductivity (EC), total dissolved solids (TDS), redox potential (Eh), total hardness (TH), total alkalinity (TA), temperature, major cations and anions, besides irrigation quality parameters like boron, sodium absorption ratio (SAR), % Na, residual sodium carbonate (RSC), residual sodium bicarbonate (RSBC), chlorinity index, soluble sodium percentage (SSP), exchangeable sodium ratio (ESR), non-carbonate hardness, potential salinity (PS), permeability index (PI), Kelly index (KI), magnesium hazard (MH), magnesium ratio (MR), index of base exchange. Chloride, sulphate and bicarbonate concentrations classified the groundwater samples into normal chloride, normal sulphate and normal bicarbonate water types, respectively. The Salinity (Class I; 98.3%), Chlorinity (Class I; 100%) and Sodicity (Class 0; 96.6%) indices suggest the suitability of groundwater for irrigation. The Wilcox diagram illustrates that 96.6% of the samples belongs to excellent to good category, while the US Salinity Laboratory (USSL) diagram indicates the low salinity/low sodium content in 86.44% of samples (C1S1). Positive index of base exchange in majority of the samples (91.52%) indicates direct base exchange reaction or chloro-alkaline equilibrium in the study area. The positive value of RSC in majority of samples signifying higher concentrations of HCO3 over alkaline earths indicates that groundwater are base exchange-softened water as there is an exchange of alkaline earths for Na+ ions. Majority of water samples fall in the precipitation dominance field based on Gibbs’ ratio.  相似文献   

Hydrochemical studies were conducted in Chinnaeru river basin of Nalgonda district, Andhra Pradesh, India, to explore the causes of high fluorides in groundwater and surface water causing a widespread incidence of fluorosis in local population. The concentration of fluoride in groundwater ranges from 0.4 to 2.9 and 0.6 to 3.6 mg/l, stream water ranges from 0.9 to 3.5 and 1.4 to 3.2 mg/l, tank water ranges from 0.4 to 2.8 and 0.9 to 2.3 mg/l, for pre- and post-monsoon periods, respectively. The modified Piper diagram reflects that the water belongs to Ca2+–Mg2+–HCO3 ? to Na+–HCO3 ? facies. Negative chloroalkali indices in both the seasons prove that ion exchange between Na+ and K+ in aquatic solution took place with Ca2+ and Mg2+ of host rock. The interpretation of plots for different major ions and molar ratios suggest that weathering of silicate rocks and water–rock interaction is responsible for major ion chemistry of groundwater/surface water. High fluoride content in groundwater was attributed to continuous water–rock interaction during the process of percolation with fluorite bearing country rocks under arid, low precipitation, and high evaporation conditions. The low calcium content in rocks and soils, and the presence of high levels of sodium bicarbonate are important factors favouring high levels of fluoride in waters. The basement rocks provide abundant mineral sources of fluoride in the form of amphibole, biotite, fluorite, mica and apatite.  相似文献   

Water samples collected from the six reservoirs of Damodar River basin in pre- and post-monsoon, have been analysed, to study the major ion chemistry and the weathering and geochemical processes controlling the water composition. Ca, Na and HCO3 dominate the chemical composition of the reservoir water. The seasonal data shows a minimum concentration of most of the ions in post-monsoon and a maximum concentration in pre-monsoon seasons, reflecting the concentrating effects due to elevated temperature and increased evaporation during the low water level period of the pre-monsoon season. Water chemistry of the reservoirs strongly reflects the dominance of continental weathering aided by atmospheric and anthropogenic activities in the catchment area. Higher concentration of SO4 and TDS in Panchet, Durgapur and Tenughat reservoirs indicate mining and anthropogenic impact on water quality. The high contribution of (Ca+Mg) to the total cations, high concentration of dissolved silica, relatively high (Na+K)/TZ+ ratio (0.3) and low equivalent ratio of (Ca+Mg)/(Na+K) suggests combined influence of carbonate and silicate weathering. Kaolinite is the possible mineral that is in equilibrium with the water, implying that the chemistry of reservoir water favours kaolinite formation. The calculated values of SAR, RSC and sodium percentage indicate the ‘excellent to good quality’ of water for irrigation uses.  相似文献   

Assessment of groundwater quality is an important aspect of water security, which is the key to ensure sustainable development. The objective of the study is to bring out an integrated approach for assessment of groundwater quality for drinking and irrigation purposes. Gogi region, Karnataka, India was chosen as the study area due to the effect of the presence of medium-grade uranium deposits. An integrated approach including the concentration of major ions, trace elements and uranium was employed to investigate the quality of groundwater. Totally, 367 groundwater samples were collected periodically from 52 wells distributes over the Gogi region and the parameters such as pH, electrical conductivity, total dissolved solids (TDS), Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, K+, Cl?, SO4 2?, NO3 ?, Zn, Pb, Cu, and uranium of groundwater were analysed. Spatial distribution maps of various chemical constituents were prepared using geographic information system and its temporal variation was plotted in box and whisker plot. The analytical data were compared with Bureau of Indian Standards and World Health Organisation standards to determine drinking water quality and parameters such as salinity hazard, alkalinity hazard and percent sodium were estimated to assess the irrigation quality. Multivariate statistical analysis by cluster analysis was also performed which results in two groups consisting of wells with unsuitable water for drinking purposes. Groundwater in about 15% of the sampling wells were found to be unsuitable for domestic purpose based on TDS and about 17% were unsuitable based on uranium concentration. Finally, integration of spatial variation in TDS and uranium reveals that about 25% of the wells were unsuitable for domestic purposes. It is suggested that such an integrated approach needs to be formulated considering major ions, trace elements and radioactive elements for proper assessment of water quality. Implementation of managed aquifer recharge structures in the study area is suggested since it would potentially reduce the concentration of ions.  相似文献   

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