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The aim of the present work is to evaluate the stress direction and the tectonic trends of the study area using magnetic anisotropy and potential field data interpretations (Bouguer and aeromagnetic). The specific objective of the gravity and aeromagnetic interpretation is to establish the trend and depth of the structural configuration of the basement rocks. Horizontal gradient techniques could to delineate directions of deep sources and enabled tracing several faults, lineaments and tectonic boundaries of basement rocks. The trend analysis shows N40°?C50°W, N10°?C20°W and N10°?C20°E which may be related to the Gulf of Suez, Red Sea and Gulf of Aqaba stresses. However, Euler Deconvolution technique was applied using the aeromagnetic data to provide reliable information about penetrated source depth (100 m and ??10.0 km) and trends of the subsurface sources (principally in NW and NE directions). Moreover, representative 72 oriented rock samples have been collected from seven sites in the study area. The rock magnetic properties and magnetic anisotropy analysis have been determined for all the studied samples. The interpretation clearly defined magnetic lineation at all sites and anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) parameters. The stress direction of the studied area has been evaluated using magnetic anisotropy and geophysical analysis. Generally the estimated geophysical data analysis (Bouguer and aeromagnetic) are well consistent with the AMS interpretations of this study. The results indicated that the directions of predominant faults and foliations are NW-SE (related to the Gulf of Suez and Red Sea rifting) which indicate that the main stress and tectonic trend is NE-SW, which is more predominant in southern Sinai region. Moreover, it is clear that, the studied area was affected also by less predominant sources trended in NE-SW direction, which related to the tectonic activity of Gulf of Aqaba. The least predominant is north 40°?C50° east that is probably due to the Syrian Arc system. Finally, our results are extremely coincided with the previous stress directions derived from geological, seismological and tectonic analysis in northern Red Sea rift, Gulf of Suez and Sinai regions.  相似文献   

The Jiza' basin is located in the eastern part of Yemen, trending generally in the E–W direction. It is filled with Middle Jurassic to recent sediments, which increase in thickness approximately from 3,000 m to more than 9,000 m. In this study, block-35 of this sedimentary basin is selected to detect the major subsurface geological and structural features characterizing this basin and controlling its hydrocarbon potentials. To achieve these goals, the available detailed gravity and magnetic data, scale 1:100,000, were intensively subjected to different kinds of processing and interpretation steps. Also, the available seismic reflection sections and deep wells data were used to confirm the interpretation. The results indicated three average depth levels; 12.5, 2.4, and 0.65 km for the deep, intermediate, and shallow gravity sources and 5.1 and 0.65 km for the deep and shallow magnetic sources. Accordingly, the residual and regional anomaly maps were constructed. These maps revealed a number of high and low structures (horsts and grabens and half grabens), ranging in depth from 0.5 km to less than 4.5 km and trending mainly in the ENE, NW, and NE directions. However, the analytical signal for both gravity and magnetic data also showed locations, dimensions, and approximate depths of the shallow and near surface anomaly sources. The interpretation of the gravity and magnetic anomalies in the area indicated that the NW, NNW, ENE, and NE trends characterize the shallow to deep gravity anomaly sources; however, the NE, NW, and NNE trends characterize the magnetic anomaly sources, mainly the basement. Two-dimensional geologic models were also constructed for three long gravity anomaly profiles that confirmed and tied with the available deep wells data and previously interpreted seismic sections. These models show the basement surface and the overlying sedimentary section as well as the associated faults.  相似文献   

This study presents analysis and interpretation of aeromagnetic data to construct subsurface structure maps and determine the depths to magnetic basement. Subsequent analysis steps are applied to the total magnetic intensity (TMI) data. These steps include Reduction to the Pole (RTP) map that was derived from the TMI map then subjected to spectral frequency analysis to isolate RTP map into high and low frequencies and determine pseudo-depth for each map from power spectrum in which there were two main average levels (interfaces) at depth 1.3 and 0.7 km for the deep-seated and near-surface magnetic structures, respectively. 3D Euler deconvolution technique is applied to calculate the depth to the magnetic contacts; the results show clustering of solutions, the shallow solutions are related to the outcrops less than 80 m from flight level, and the solutions which are related to sedimentary cover locations (Um al-Huweitat, Wasif, and Mohamed Rabah basins) are ranged between 200 and to more than 1100 m. Moreover, anomaly enhancement techniques such as tilt derivative (TD), horizontal tilt derivative (TDX), and source edge detect (SED) are applied to enhance shallow features, and determining structure element boundary for both shallow- and deep-seated anomalies and revealing possible faults such as 2D forward modeling are applied to selected profiles to adjust the interpreted structures and map the boundaries and basement relief of the three basins (Mohammed Rabah, Wasif, and Um al-Huweitat). The analysis shows that the study area is affected with network of dip–slip faults due to high shearing and compression stress which formed grabens and horsts at different depth levels in the study area. The trends of predominant faults related to deep-seated structures are NW–SE with depths ranged between 1 and 1.4 km and in regard to the shallow-seated structure, the predominant fault trends are NW–SE, NNW–SSE, and NNE–SSW with depths ranged between 0.3 and 0.8 km.  相似文献   

The present study is an attempt to determine the sedimentary cover, and structural trends in the central part of Sinai Peninsula, Egypt. This study has been implemented by the integration of gravity and magnetic methods. Gravity data has been used for 2D modelling along some profiles perpendicular to the main structural trends of the study area. Magnetic data will be analyzed to determine the depth to the basement surface. The depths obtained from magnetic data will be used as a control points in the gravity modelling in order to minimize the error and facilitate the iteration of the suggested models. The basement relief map from magnetic and gravity output has been produced. This map indicates that, the basement depths, generally, increases from south to north and from east to west direction of the study area. The sedimentary cover is about 1.5-2 km in the southern part and increases to more than 4 km in the northeastern and western parts and changes gradually in the other parts of the study area. Results of structural trend analysis indicate that, the study area is greatly affected by several structural trends; N-S, E-W, NW-SE, and NNE-SSW directions. These trends are associated with the Baltim fault trend, Tethyan trend, Gulf of Suez, and Aqaba trend, respectively.  相似文献   

Ras Banas Peninsula is a large triangular tract of land jutting out into the Red Sea. It extends about 40 km eastward out of the general trend of the Red Sea coast of Egypt, covering an area of about 600 km2. Three sandy spits are jutting out from the main body of the peninsula into the Red Sea, possibly representing relics of structural trends, two of which are located at the western part and the third one is extending from the eastern edge forming a further seaward extension of the main body. A series of isometric and contour maps of the whole area under investigation are provided in digitized visual form of geomorphologic features, landforms and slope configuration. According to difference in relief, the study area can be subdivided into three topographic divisions, namely coastal plain (<50 m), medium-height land (50–150 m) and hinterland (>150 m). Drainage and lineament maps of the drainage networks were prepared from the topographic map and satellite images of the area. The prepared lineament map shows four main trends that control the configuration of the drainage system in the study area. These trends are Aqaba trend (NE–SW to NNE–SSW), Red Sea trend (NW–SE to NNW–SSE), Nubian trend (N–S), and Tethyan trend (E–W). It is clear that the structural trends, lithology and general slope are the main controls of developing parallel and dendritic drainage patterns in the area. Both geomorphology and drainage system configuration have great influences on the land use and natural hazards affecting the peninsula especially torrential floods and sea level fluctuations.  相似文献   

Abu Deleig area is a transitional area between the Butana basement terrain to the east; and the Khartoum and Shendi sedimentary basins to the west and northwest directions, respectively. The existence of sedimentary basins within this region of Sudan was previously unknown. Landsat images have been used for delineation of lineaments and drainage system, followed by a structural analysis and geophysical investigations including gravity and resistivity methods. The interpretation of the remotely sensed data revealed that the drainage pattern is structurally controlled. The structural analysis defined the trends of the shear and tensional fractures. The structural analysis revealed that Wadi Al Hawad is the southern continuation of the Keraf Shear Zone. The related minor fractures in a NE–SW direction exhibit normal faults governing the geometry of the Abu Deleig sub-basin. The geophysical investigations confirmed the findings of structural analysis and portrayed the subsurface geometry of the sub-basin. The newly discovered sub-basin has a prism-like shape with its apex occurring at Abu Deleig town and extends to 40 km in NW direction. The depth to the basement increases from 20 m at Abu Deleig in step form to more than 300 m, where it is linked with the Shendi Basin in the northwestern part. The results of this study, however, did not confirm any link of Abu Deleig sub-basin with Atbara Basin to the NE or Khartoum Basin to the west as have been previously suggested.  相似文献   

Geophysical techniques such as gravity, magnetic and seismology are perfect tools for detecting subsurface structures of local, regional as well as of global scales. The study of the earthquake records can be used for differentiating the active and non-active fault elements. In the current study, more than 2,200 land magnetic stations have been measured using two proton magnetometers. The data are corrected for diurnal variations and then reduced by the International Geomagnetic Reference Field. The corrected data have been interpreted by different techniques after filtering the data to separate shallow sources (basaltic sheet) from the deep sources (basement complex). Both Euler deconvolution and 3-D magnetic modeling were carried out. The results of interpretation indicate that the depth to the upper surface of basaltic sheet ranges from <10 to 600 m, depth to the lower surface ranges from 60 to 750 m, while the thickness of the basaltic sheet varies from <10 to 450 m. Moreover, gravity measurements are conducted at 2,250 stations using a CG-3 gravimeter. The measured values are corrected to construct a Bouger anomaly map. The least squares technique is then applied for regional–residual separation. The third order of least squares is found to be the most suitable to separate the residual anomalies from the regional one. The resultant third-order residual gravity map is used to delineate the structural fault systems of different characteristic trends. The trends show an NW–SE trend parallel to that of Gulf of Suez, an NE–SW trend parallel to the Gulf of Aqaba and an E–W trend parallel to that of the Mediterranean Sea. Taking seismological records into consideration, it is found that most of the 24 earthquake events recorded in the study area are located on fault elements. This gives an indication that the delineated fault elements are active.  相似文献   

This report details the result of geophysical exploration for iron ore; which involved vertical magnetic intensity (?Z) and gravity measurements, to delineate the geometry and depth extent of the deposit and acquiring quantitative and qualitative information for pre-drilling purposes in Agbado-Okudu. It is located about 3 km from Jakura along Lokoja-Jakura marble quarry and within low latitude precambrian basement complex district of Kogi State, Nigeria. A total of 517 magnetic measurement points along 16 traverses and 330 gravity reading along 11 profiles on the deposit in northeast–southwest azimuth were undertaken. The magnetic and gravity data enhancement involved linear regression curve fitting and fast Fourier transform, which were used to construct residual magnetic (RM) and gravity (RG) anomalies, analytic signal amplitude, Euler deconvolution at varying spectral indices (SI), power spectrum, and source parameter image (SPI), using the submenu of Geosoft Oasis Montaj software. Interpretation of the RM and RG anomalies revealed a primary causative body which perfectly correlates the positive anomalies and iron ore deposit, in form of a horizontal or gently dipping dyke with strike length of 600 m and average width of 110–130 m, within the gneiss complex in the north and trending south of the area. A secondary causative body associated with the negative anomalies and inferred as a vertical/near vertical thin sheet striking northeast–southwest coincided with the granitic and quartzitic intrusion. The NW–SE and E–W lineament trend conformed Kibarian and Liberian orogeny cycles of generally known structural trends in Nigeria, which shows that the iron ore deposit is structurally controlled. Depths to sources were estimated within range ≤ 2–24 m and 37.5–60 m, regarded as shallow and relatively deep depths, respectively. Ten vertical boreholes ranging in depth between 50 and 100 m are recommended, five of which require a priority attention to ascertain the thickness of the primary causative body.  相似文献   

The Gnargoo structure is located on the Gascoyne Platform, Southern Carnarvon Basin, Western Australia, and is buried beneath about 500 m of Cretaceous and younger strata. The structure is interpreted as being of possible impact origin from major geophysical and morphometric signatures, characteristic of impact deformation, and its remarkable similarities with the proven Woodleigh impact structure, about 275 km to the south on the Gascoyne Platform. These similarities include: a circular Bouguer anomaly (slightly less well-defined at Gnargoo than at Woodleigh); a central structurally uplifted area comprising a buried dome with a central uplifted plug; and the lack of a significant magnetic anomaly. Gnargoo shows a weakly defined inner 10 km-diameter circular Bouguer anomaly surrounded by a broadly circular zone, ~75 km in diameter. The north?–?south Bouguer anomaly lineament of the Giralia Range (a regional topographic and structural feature) terminates abruptly against the outer circular zone which is, in turn, intersected on the eastern flank by the Wandagee Fault. A <?28 km-diameter layered sedimentary dome of Ordovician to Lower Permian strata, surrounding a cone-shaped, central uplift plug of 7?–?10 km diameter, are inferred from the seismic data. Seismic-reflection data indicate a minimum central structural uplift of 1.5 km, as compared to a model uplift of 7.3 km calculated from the outer structural diameter. An interpretation of Gnargoo in terms of a plutonic or volcanic caldera/ring origin is unlikely as these features display less regular geometry, are typically smaller and no volcanic rocks are known in the onshore Gascoyne Platform. An interpretation of Gnargoo as a salt dome is likewise unlikely because salt structures tend to have irregular geometry, and no extensive evaporite units are known in the Southern Carnarvon Basin. Morphometric estimates of the rim-to-rim diameter based on seismic data for the central dome correspond to the observed diameter deduced from gravity data, and fall within the range of morphometric parameters of known impact structures. The age of Gnargoo is constrained between the deformed Lower Permian target rocks and unconformably overlying undeformed Lower Cretaceous strata. Because of its large dimensions, if Gnargoo is an impact structure, it may have influenced an environmental catastrophe during this period.  相似文献   

The Trans-Tanami Fault in the poorly exposed Paleoproterozoic Granites-Tanami Orogen of Western Australia is an ~100 km long curvilinear structure with ~6 km right lateral displacement. Multi-scale integration and analysis of aeromagnetic, gravimetric, reflection seismic and remote sensing data have constrained the relative timing and architectural relationship of this structure. Interpretation of regional scale long-wavelength potential field (gravity and magnetic) anomalies, which are commonly used to define first-order structures, show that the fault is not a terrane boundary. Structural interpretation of short-wavelength potential field data illustrates that the structural domains on either side of the fault represent the products of a non-homogeneous stress regime developed between rigid granitic plutons. Additionally, 2D joint forward modelling of gravity and magnetic data and interpretation of reflection seismic data confirms the vertical displacement across this fault to be negligible indicating a predominant lateral displacement. The lateral displacement along a portion of this structure has exploited a pre-existing plane of a north-dipping thrust fault. Where this early thrust fault terminates, the Trans-Tanami Fault displaces previously unfaulted rock as a wrench fault step-over. These observations differ from previous findings in the area by constraining the absolute displacement of this structure and through the recognition of a wrench fault system that includes lateral step-overs between re-activated early thrust fault planes.  相似文献   

The present study aims mainly to delineate and outline the regional subsurface structural and tectonic framework of the buried basement rocks of Abu El Gharadig Basin, Northern Western Desert, Egypt. The potential field data (Bouguer gravity and total intensity aeromagnetic maps) carried out in the Abu El Gharadig Basin had been analyzed together with other geophysical and geological studies. The execution of this study is initiated by transformation of the total intensity aeromagnetic data to the reduced to pole (RTP) magnetic map. This is followed by applying several transformation techniques and various filtering processes through qualitative and quantitative analyses on both of the gravity and magnetic data. These techniques include the qualitative interpretation of gravity, total intensity magnetic and RTP magnetic maps. Regional–residual separation is carried out using the power spectrum. Also, the analytic signal and second vertical derivative techniques are applied to delineate the hidden anomalies. Aeromagnetic anomalies in the area reflect significant features on the basement tectonics, on the deep-seated structures and on the shallow-seated ones. Major faults and intrusions in the area are indicated to be mainly along the NE–SW, NW–SE, ENE–WSW and E–W directions. The Bouguer gravity map indicates major basement fracturing, as well as variations in the sedimentary basins and ridges and subsequent tectonic disturbances. The most obvious anomalous trends on the gravity map, based on their frequencies and amplitudes, are along the NE–SW, ENE–WSW, E–W and NW–SE trends. The main of Abu EL Gharadig Basin depositional center does not show sharp variations, because of the homogeneity of the marine rocks and the great basement depths.  相似文献   

In this work, we present a reconnaissance study to elucidate and delineate subsurface fault structures for an active tectonics area that lies between Cairo and El Fayoum provinces and consider major sources of seismicity in Egypt. Well logging, aeromagnetic, land magnetic, and magnetotelluric data have been used. The well-logging data were used for several drilled wells along W–E direction. The magnetic data were analyzed using trend analysis, 3D magnetic modeling, and Werner deconvolution techniques. The magnetotelluric data were interpreted using 2D (TM–TE) modeling techniques. The results show that there are eight major fault structures having E–W, N–S, and NW–SE directions. These faults extend downward for about 20 km at the Dahshour and Qatrani areas. The epicenter sources of the earthquakes are clustering around the intersections of these structures. The Kattaniya horst structure has been interpreted as a regional structure that exceeds the limits previously determined by geologists. The depth to this horst reaches about 1.8 km at the NW and more than 4.3 km at the southern parts. The interpreted values of magnetic susceptibility at the horst zone indicate that they are ultrabasic/basic intrusion bodies.  相似文献   

The integrated geophysical interpretation for the different geophysical tools such as resistivity and gravity is usually used to define the structural elements, stratigraphic units, groundwater potentiality, and depth to the basement rocks. In the present work, gravity and resistivity data were utilized for detecting the groundwater aquifer and structural elements, as well as the upper and lower surfaces of the subsurface basaltic sheet in an area located at the eastern side of Ismailia Canal, northeastern Greater Cairo, Egypt. Two hundred and ten gravity stations were measured using an Autograv instrument through a grid pattern of 50?×?50 m. The different required corrections were carried out, such as drift, elevation, tide, and latitude corrections. The final corrected data represented by the Bouguer anomaly map were filtered using high- and low-pass filters into regional and residual gravity anomaly maps. The resulting residual gravity anomaly map was used for gravity modeling to calculate the depths to the upper and lower surfaces of the basaltic sheet. The resulting gravity models indicated that the depths to the upper surface of the basaltic sheet are ranged between 26 and 314 m, where the shallower depths were found around the southern and eastern parts. The depths to the lower surface of the basaltic sheet are varied from 86 to 338 m, and the thickness of the basaltic sheet is ranged from 24 to 127 m, where the biggest thicknesses were found around the southern and northern parts of the study area. Forty-two vertical electrical soundings (VES) were carried out using Schlumberger configuration with AB/2 spacings ranged from 1.5 to 500 m. 1D quantitative interpretation was carried out through manual and analytical interpretations. The VES data were also inverted assuming a 3D resistivity distribution. The results from the 3D resistivity inversion indicated that the subsurface section consists of sand, sandstone, and sandy–clays of Miocene deposits overlying the basalts. Such basaltic features (of Oligocene age) are underlain by Gabal Ahmar Formation of Oligocene deposits, which are composed of sand and sandstone. Therefore, two aquifers were deduced in the area. The first is the Miocene aquifer (shallower) and the other is the Oligocene aquifer (deeper).  相似文献   

This paper presents a structural evolution study of the Farasan Bank using an integration of field work, remote sensing data, and regional Bouguer gravity data interpretation. The architecture of the Farasan Islands is influenced by normal faults parallel to the Red Sea rift axis delineating a series of graben and asymmetric half-graben structures as well as salt domes. Geological data suggest that the negative gravity anomaly over the Farasan Bank reflects thick salt deposits. The gravity data shows a general NW-SE trend with the main negative anomaly coincident with the Farasan Islands. Gravity data together with seismic reflection data suggest that salt diapirs are elongated and parallel to the main rift orientation (NW-SE). This indicates that salt deposition and diapirism was controlled by rift-related basement structures. Forward modeling of gravity data constrained by marine seismic reflection interpretation reveals that the evaporites directly overlie the basement in most places. No pre-evaporite formation was detected. Integration of the modeling with field observations and interpretations suggests that the Farasan Islands are in an area of active extension. Extension and salt diapirism on the flank of the mid-ocean ridge is likely to be synchronous with renewed spreading at 5 Ma.  相似文献   

The study area encompasses the Eastern Continental Margin of India (ECMI) and the adjoining deep water areas of Bay of Bengal. The region has evolved through multiple phases of tectonic activity and fed by abundant supply of sediments brought by prominent river systems of the Indian shield. Detailed analysis of total field magnetic and satellite-derived gravity data along with multi channel seismic reflection sections is carried out to decipher major tectonic features, basement structure, and the results have been interpreted in terms of basin configuration and play types for different deep water basins along the ECMI. Interpretation of various image enhanced gravity and magnetic anomaly maps suggest that in general, the ENE–WSW trending faults dominate the structural configuration at the margin. These maps also exhibit a clear density transition from the region of attenuated continental crust/proto oceanic crust to oceanic crust based on which the Continent Ocean Boundary (COB) has been demarcated along the margin. Basement depths estimated from magnetic data indicate that the values range from 1 to 12 km below sea level and deepen towards the Bengal Fan in the north and reveal horst–graben features related to rifting. A comparison of basement depths derived from seismic data indicates that in general, the basement trends and depths are comparable in Cauvery and Krishna–Godavari basins, whereas, in the Mahanadi basin, basement structure over the 85°E ridge is clearly revealed in seismic data. Further, eight multichannel seismic sections across different basins of the margin presented here reveal fault pattern, rift geometries and depositional trends related to canyon fills and channel–levee systems and provide a basic framework for future petroleum in this under explored frontier.  相似文献   

New insights into the 3D structure, composition and origin of the Mt Ashmore dome, west Bonaparte Basin, Timor Sea, are enabled by reprocessed seismic-reflection data and by optical microscopic, X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM)/energy dispersive spectrometry (EDS) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) analyses of drill cuttings. The structural dome, located below a major pre-Oligocene post-Late Eocene unconformity and above a ~6 km-deep-seated basement high indicated by marked gravity and magnetic anomalies, displays chaotic deformation at its core and a centripetal kinematic deformation pattern. A study of drill cuttings of Lower Oligocene to Lower Jurassic sedimentary rocks intersected by the Mt Ashmore 1B petroleum-exploration well reveals microbrecciation and extreme comminution and flow-textured fluidisation of altered sedimentary material. The microbreccia is dominated by aggregates of poorly diffracting micrometre to tens of micrometres-scale to sub-millimetre particles, including relic subplanar fractured quartz grains, carbonate, barite, apatite and K-feldspar. A similar assemblage occurs in fragments in basal Oligocene sediments, probably derived from the eroded top section of the dome, which protrudes above the unconformity. SEM coupled with EDS show the micrometre to tens of micrometres-scale particles are characterised by very low totals and non-stoichiometric compositions, including particles dominated by Si, Al–Si, Si–Ca–Al, Si–Al–Ca, Si–Mg, Fe–Mg–Ca, Fe–Mg and carbonate. XRD analysis identifies a high proportion of amorphous poorly diffracting material. TEM indicates internally heterogeneous, fragmented and recrystallised structure of the amorphous grains, which accounts for the low totals in terms of the high-volatile and porous nature of the particles. Another factor for the low totals is the uneven thin-section surfaces which affect the totals. No volcanic material or evaporites were encountered in the drillcore, militating against interpretations of the structure in terms of magmatic intrusion or salt diapirism. Such models are also inconsistent with the strong gravity and magnetic anomalies, which signify a basement high below the dome. An interpretation of the dome in terms of a central rebound uplift of an impact structure can not be proven due to the lack of shock metamorphic effects such as planar deformation features, impact melt or coesite. However, an impact model is consistent with the chaotic structure of the domal core, centripetal sense of deformation, microbrecciation, comminution and fluidisation of the Triassic to Eocene rocks. In this respect, an analogy can be drawn between the Mt Ashmore structural dome and likely but unproven impact structures formed in volatile (H2O, CO2)-rich sediments where shock is attenuated by high volatile pressure, such as Upheaval Dome, Utah. In terms of an impact hypothesis the Mt Ashmore dome is contemporaneous with a Late Eocene impact cluster (Popigai: D = 100 km, 35.7 ± 0.2 Ma; Chesapeake Bay: D = 85 km, 35.3 ± 0.1 Ma).  相似文献   

The study area lies to the south of El-Dakhla Oasis in the central part of the western desert, Egypt. It is limited by the latitudes 24–25°?N and the longitudes 28–30°?E. The main purpose of this work is the investigation of the subsurface structure and the delineation of the main structural elements at different subsurface levels. This study aims also to estimate the basement depth, the basement relief, and consequently, the thickness of the sedimentary cover. The study is based on acquired aeromagnetic data prepared by "La Compagnie General De Géophysique" for the Egyptian General Petroleum Company and Conoco (1977), geological information and results of previous studies in the region. The study involves the analysis for the aeromagnetic data and generating of reduced to pole magnetic map from which different magnetic maps are calculated. The calculated maps are first vertical derivative map and downward continuation map at depth level 400 m. Trend analysis technique is used to define the fault pattern affecting the studied area at different subsurface levels. It is applied to the reduced to pole magnetic map, the first vertical derivative map, and the downward continuation map at depth level 400 m of the study area. All results obtained from the interpretation process were combined together to draw the general view of the subsurface structures of the area. The NE–SW, E–W, and N–S trends are important surface and subsurface (basement) structural trends. This is attributed to the rejuvenation of movements on these old (basement) tectonic trends after the deposition of the sedimentary cover. Basement depth calculation from the aeromagnetic data is achieved using different techniques. The applied techniques included natural spectral analysis and Euler deconvolution. The depth values obtained vary from 400 to 1,700 m.  相似文献   

In the Barramiya area, the majority of gold deposits are generally related with the quartz veins that associated with shear zones cutting the crystalline basement rocks. The quartz vein system is controlled by shear zone and general faults. The present study is to delineate the general faults, shear zones, geological limits, and basement rock relief, using airborne magnetic and gravity data analysis at the Barramiya gold mine and surrounding area, Eastern Desert of Egypt. To achieve our goal, we have applied on magnetic and gravity data the following techniques: reduction to pole (RTP), analytical signal, tilt derivative, total horizontal derivative, 3D Euler deconvolution, downward continuation, and source parameter imagining power spectrum techniques. The analytical signal used to map the types of rock boundaries. Tilt derivative and total horizontal derivative filters helped to delineate fractures and the contact zones of the formations that host the main Barramiya shear zone. 3D Euler deconvolution techniques helped to delineate the fault trends which represented at the following direction: NNE–SSW and NNW–SSE. The average depths of both regional and residual causes have been estimated by applying downward continuation, source parameter imagining, and power spectrum techniques. According to the results of the present study, the depth of the basement rocks is relatively high (~?80-m depth) in the western part of the study area and the basement rocks cropped out in the surface at the rest of the area. Our results are coinciding with the previous geological studies.  相似文献   

Due to its geological and economic importance, the Zagros Mountains have been investigated by many researchers during the last decades. Nevertheless, in spite of all the studies conducted on the region, there are still some controversial problems concerning the structure of the Zagros Mountains, including crustal depths, demanding more insights into understanding the crustal constraints of the region. Accordingly, we have conducted a gravity study to determine Moho depth map of the Zagros Mountains region, including its major structural domains from the coastal plain of the Persian Gulf to central Iran. The employed data are the densest and most accurate terrestrial gravity data set observed until now with the precision of 5 μGal and resolution of 5 arc-minute by 5 arc-minute. To image Moho depth variations, gravity inversion software GROWTH2.0 is used, proposing the possibility to model stratified structures by means of a semi-objective exploratory 3D inversion approach. The obtained results reveal the crustal thickness of ~?30–35 km underneath the southwestern most Zagros Fold-Thrust Belt increasing northeastward to 48 km. The maximum Moho depth is estimated ~?62 km below the Zagros Mountains belt along the Main Zagros Thrust. Northeast of the study area, an average crustal thickness of 46 km is computed beneath Urumieh–Dokhtar magmatic arc and central Iran.  相似文献   

This study deals with the evaluation of the structural setup of the Ras Banas area on the northwestern part of the Red Sea by using magnetic data. Different analyzing techniques were applied to achieve this goal including regional-residual separation, trend analysis, depth estimation, Euler deconvolution, horizontal gradient, analytic signal, and magnetic modeling. The results of these techniques were used to construct a deep-seated structural feature map.Lineament analysis indicates that the area was mainly affected by the NW, WNW, and NE tectonic trends. The magnetic modeling was performed along four profiles supported by Euler deconvolution, horizontal gradient, and analytic signal profiles. The modeled profiles show that the basement rocks composed of uplifted and down-faulted blocks at different depths as well as step-like structure. The basement rocks seem to be acidic in nature intruded by basic/ultrabasic dikes. Generally, the magnetic susceptibility ranges from 0.0003 to 0.04 cgs indicating acidic to basic/ultrabasic rock composition. The basement relief map shows an irregular basement surface, which varies greatly in depth from 1 to 5.6 km below sea level. The deep-seated structure map shows that the basement was highly affected by two main fault trends in the NW and NNE directions. The NW trending structures were intersected by younger left lateral NNE transform faults. These cross-faults dissect the area into a number of alternated and elongated blocks.  相似文献   

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