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The Pleistocene deposits in the area of the village of Beckford, in the Carrant Valley, Worcestershire are described. A radio-carbon date of 27,650±250 years B.P. has been obtained from plant material in the terrace deposits in the valley. Detailed studies have been made of the terrace sediments and of the remains of Mollusca and Coleoptera in fossiliferous layers. Frost structures are described and their stratigraphy considered. The nature of the local environment and regional climate in the final stages of the Upton Warren Interstadial period is reconstructed in detail. The terrace appears to have aggraded in a periglacial environment, dominated initially by solifluction processes. Extensive solifluction may have led to local diversions of drainage. In time, the climate deteriorated, becoming cooler and somewhat less continental with the onset of the main Devensian glaciation. This latter stage was characterised by extensive ice-wedge growth, aeolian activity and, subsequently, by river incision.  相似文献   

Karst aquifers supply a significant fraction of the world's drinking water. These types of aquifers are alsohighly susceptible to pollution from the surface with recharge usually occurring through fractures and solution openings at the bedrock surface. Thickness of the protective soil cover, macropores and openings within the soil cover, and the nature of the weathered bedrock surface all influence infiltration. Recharge openings at the bedrock surface, however, are often covered by unconsolidated sediments, resulting in the inadvertent placement of landfills, unregulated dump sites, tailing piles, waste lagoons and septic systems over recharge zones. In these settings surface geophysical surveys, calibrated by a few soil cores, could be employed to identify these recharge openings, and qualitatively assess the protection afforded by the soil cover. In a test of this hypothesis, geophysical measurements accurately predicted the thickness of unconsolidated deposits overlying karstic dolomite at a site ab  相似文献   

Karst aquifers are often protected by a thin mantle of unconsolidated sediment. Soil pipes and sinkholes may breach this natural protective barrier and open pathways for contaminants to quickly reach bedrock aquifers. Geophysical surveys offer a quick and noninvasive way to identify these features; such surveys may also be sequenced to reveal increasing detail in critical areas. At a study site in east-central Illinois, electromagnetic (EM) surveys mapped high conductivity anomalies over filled sinkholes and soil pipes that penetrated the unconsolidated cover. Two-dimensional inverted resistivity sections, made over these anomalies, depict filled sinkholes and soil pipes as conductive zones above deeply weathered bedrock fractures. Borings verified the geophysical models and suggest high conductivities associated with the filled sinkholes are the result of enhanced moisture near active soil pipes. EM surveys also identified conductive zones in the overburden above a probable bedrock fracture linking sinkhole areas 0.5 km apart. Resistivity and EM methods, used in a phased and sequential manner, thus proved useful in mapping filled sinkholes and in delineating the vertical and lateral connections between soil pipes and hydraulically active bedrock fractures.  相似文献   

黔西北位于川滇黔铅锌成矿域乌蒙山重力梯级带上,地质构造异常复杂,找矿前景巨大,但研究程度低。近年来,在织金五指山、赫章猪拱塘等地取得了大型、超大型铅锌找矿历史性突破,指示区内具有形成超大型铅锌矿床的潜力。根据区域重力、航磁、地质以及1∶5万地面磁测等资料,划定了区内的深、浅部断裂构造。结果显示,铅锌矿床的分布与推测的深部及浅表断裂带具有良好的耦合关系。在威宁李子沟一带,北西向断裂F_1与北东向断裂F_2呈"十"字形分布,为两条典型的控矿构造;在以那架—小猫场地区,两条大致平行的北东向断裂(F10、F11)联合控矿。结合区域资料综合分析认为,深部断裂主要为导矿-容矿构造,是形成大型-超大型铅锌矿床的有利地段;浅表断裂则主要为容矿构造,推测的主要断裂(F_1—F16)分布区有望成为铅锌成矿的重点找矿地段。  相似文献   

为了深入研究硬岩型铀矿化(点、带)的地球物理特征,在桃山、红山子地区开展了综合物探测量.结果表明,在△T磁异常平面等值线图中,铀矿床(点、带)一般位于强弱磁异常过渡地带偏弱磁异常一侧,电阻率断面图中多位于高低阻梯度变化带或中低阻区,电阻率平面图中多位于中低阻过渡带偏低阻一侧.该硬岩型铀矿化地球物理特征为寻找该类铀矿有利地段提供了重要信息.  相似文献   

《China Geology》2021,4(1):126-146
The Beishan rift zone in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region was formed due to strong activities of faults on the basement of the Tarim continental crust. Despite the fact that many geological research results of the rift zone have been achieved, only a few studies have been conducted on its regional geophysical characteristics. In this paper, the gravity and magnetic anomalies of the rift zone were highlighted through specific data processing of 1:50000 high-precision aeromagnetic data and gravity data with a grid spacing of 2 km × 2 km. Based on this, the geophysical evidence for the scope and internal structures of the Beishan rift zone was obtained for the first time. The distinct characteristics of magnetic and gravity fields in the areas to the north and south of the Beishan rift zone reveal that deep faults exist between the Beishan rift zone and the geological units on the southern and northern sides. Furthermore, the faults on the two areas contain the bidirectional thrusts and have flower-shaped structures according to the characteristics of the magnetic and gravity fields. The Beishan rift zone can be divided into two tectonomagmatic zones, namely the Zhongposhan-Bijiashan-Cihai-Baishanliang zone (the northern zone) and the Bayiquan-Qixin-Baishan zone (the southern zone). The northern zone can be further subdivided into three comet-shaped anomaly groups (tectonomagmatic areas), while the southern zone can be further subdivided into two tectonomagmatic areas. According to the characteristics of aeromagnetic anomalies and gravity field, 19 mafic-ultramafic complexes were delineated. The known Pobei, Hongshishan, and Qixin complexes are all located within the inferred complexes, with estimates of total explored resources of Ni, Cu, and Au of 3×106 t, 10×103 t and 10 t, respectively. The prospecting of high-grade copper-nickel deposits should focus on the periphery and deep parts of the known and inferred mafic-ultramafic complexes. Among them, the peripheral strata of the complexes specifically have great prospecting potential of large-scale high-grade copper-nickel deposits of magma injection type. Finally, this paper analyzed the application effects of the rapid airborne-ground-drilling synergetic exploration method in the prospecting of copper-nickel deposits in Qixin, Beishan, Xinjiang, which will provide references for further exploration of copper-nickel deposits in Beishan area, Xinjiang.©2021 China Geology Editorial Office.  相似文献   

Palaeoflood slackwater deposits (SWDs), are the natural record of overbank flooding and are often found within aeolian loess‐soil profiles along the river valleys of the middle Yellow River basin. These pedo‐stratigraphic sequences are studied using a multi‐disciplinarily approach to reconstruct Holocene hydro‐climatic variations. Our field investigations along the lower Jinghe River valley have identified palaeoflood SWDs at several sites along the riverbanks based on sedimentological criteria. Analytical results, including magnetic susceptibility, particle‐size distribution and concentrations of chemical elements, indicate that these well‐sorted palaeoflood SWD beds were deposited from the suspended sediment load in floodwaters. We identify two episodes of extraordinary palaeoflood events along the Jinghe River valley. These hydro‐climatic events were dated to 4200–4000 and 3200–2800 a BP, by using the optically stimulated luminescence method in combination with archaeological dating of retrieved anthropogenic remains, and with pedo‐stratigraphic correlations with the previously studied Holocene pedo‐stratigraphy in the Jinghe River drainage basin. The flooding events are therefore considered to be a regional expression of known climatic events in the northern hemisphere and demonstrate Holocene climate was far from stable. This study provides important data in understanding the interactions between regional hydro‐climatic systems and global change in semi‐arid and sub‐humid regions. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

铬铁矿是关键金属铬唯一可经济利用的自然资源,主要有层状铬铁矿和蛇绿岩中的豆荚状铬铁矿两种类型,其中豆荚状铬铁矿矿体规模小、发育不规律,是一个长期存在的勘探难题。由于铬铁矿特殊的经济战略地位,美国、欧洲、苏联和中国都非常重视铬铁矿地球物理勘探。铬铁矿地球物理探测技术发展始于20世纪30年代,至20世纪80年代,发展了以重力、磁法为主导的铬铁矿地球物理勘探技术,地震、电法也被应用。这一阶段在苏联乌拉尔肯皮尔赛等超大型蛇绿岩型隐伏铬铁矿勘探取得重大突破,在其他矿区取得一定的进展。自21世纪以来,高精度的便携式仪器和新兴地球物理技术逐渐运用到铬铁矿地球物理勘探,综合地球物理成为铬铁矿勘探的主流方法,在我国罗布莎等多个岩体隐伏铬铁矿勘探中取得突破,在印度、阿尔巴尼亚等国家也取得进展。本文回顾了铬铁矿地球物理勘探的发展历程,综述了铬铁矿岩石物理特征与测量方法、重磁勘探主要应用及存在问题、电磁法勘探的主要方法,并重点介绍了音频大地电磁测深在罗布莎铬铁矿的探测效果和电磁法勘探模式,展望了张量CSAMT技术、磁异常模量反演、高光谱遥感、高密度激电、无人机物探等有望在铬铁矿地球物理勘探中发挥重要作用的前沿...  相似文献   

Palaeohydrological investigations were carried out in the middle Beiluohe River valley in the middle Yellow River basin. Palaeoflood slackwater deposits (SWDs) are natural records of overbank flooding and are often identified in the Holocene aeolian loess–soil profiles along the river valley. Three bedsets of palaeoflood SWDs were found within the mid‐Holocene Climatic Optimum palaeosol (S0) on the right riverbank. Both the sedimentary and the analytical results, including magnetic susceptibility, grain‐size distribution and concentrations of chemical elements, indicate that these palaeoflood SWDs were deposited from the suspended sediment load of overbank flooding. We identified three episodes of extraordinary overbank flooding events. These hydro‐climatic events were dated to 7600–7400, 5800–5000 and 4200–4000 a BP, from optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating and pedostratigraphical correlation. The minimum flood peak discharges were estimated to have been between 12 600 and 14 100 m3 s?1 using the slope–area method. These hydro‐climatic events are considered to be a regional expression of known climatic events and demonstrate that the mid‐Holocene climate was far from stable. These results show that the magnitudes of floods are highly sensitive to climate change in semi‐arid and sub‐humid regions with a monsoonal climate.  相似文献   

深水砂质碎屑流沉积:概念、沉积过程与沉积特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
金杰华  操应长  王健  杨田  周磊 《地质论评》2019,65(3):689-702
在总结国内外相关文献的基础上,对砂质碎屑流的相关概念、沉积动力学过程及沉积特征进行系统梳理,并对争议问题进行了讨论。砂质碎屑流是一种富砂质具塑性流变性质的宾汉塑性流体,代表一个从黏性至非黏性碎屑流连续系列,具有中—高碎屑浓度(体积浓度25%~95%)、较低的泥质含量(体积浓度可低至0. 5%)、湍流不发育。其沉积物以块状砂岩、含碎屑逆粒序砂岩沉积为代表,局部可见滑动剪切构造和液化漩涡构造。砂质碎屑流的形成多经历滑动→滑塌→砂质碎屑流→浊流的有序演化过程;滑水作用和基底剪切润湿作用是克服砂质碎屑流与基底剪切摩擦拖拽的重要机制,流体强度则是克服上覆环境水体混入稀释的重要原因;砂质碎屑流头部和边部优先固结沉积,进而控制流体整体沉降。砂质碎屑流是形成深水块状砂岩的主要原因之一,砂质碎屑流在相对低流体效率的深水重力流沉积环境广泛发育。  相似文献   

卢菲利安弧是全球极为重要的铜钴成矿带,赞比亚西北省铜-金-钴-镍-铀成矿亚带为该成矿带的重要组成部分,但其基础地质工作薄弱,缺乏系统的成矿机制研究。通过水系沉积物地球化学、土壤地球化学、地球物理特征和典型矿床研究,总结梳理了赞比亚西北省的成矿地质演化和成矿规律,提出区域找矿方向,以期在该地区实现找矿新突破。卢菲利安弧穹窿区主要分布于赞比亚西北省内,产有铜、金、钴、铀、镍等重要金属矿种,含矿岩层为罗安群炭质页岩、千枚岩,成矿类型主要为变质热液脉型,矿床成因为在泛非期NW—SE向挤压作用下,成矿物质活化,含矿热液沿断裂迁移,因物理化学条件改变沉淀、富集成矿;复向斜带南缘希富玛IOCG型铜-金-钴矿赋存于NE向的含铜碳酸岩中,矿床成因为初始地幔物质沿深大断裂上升至地壳浅部过程中,由于温度和压力下降,初始岩浆不断演化并最终成矿。通过研究赞比亚西北省典型矿床的成因和成矿模式,提出未来找矿方向应注重在穹窿区基底周缘推覆带内寻找受构造和地层双重控矿的铜-金-铀矿,在复向斜带内的构造岩浆带内应充分利用航磁异常、化探异常来寻找NW向深断裂与NE向断裂交会部位的(碳酸岩型)IOCG型铜-金-钴-银-铁矿。  相似文献   

柴达木盆地西缘砂岩型铀矿目标层地球物理响应特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
柴达木盆地西缘地区位于柴西坳陷构造带,断裂构造活动强烈,油气广泛分布,具有较大的铀成矿潜力.为研究砂岩型铀矿找矿目的层地球物理特征与铀成矿关系,先基于地球物理测井响应特征,查明区内砂体发育以及放射性异常范围,分析铀成矿环境;再结合能谱-地质剖面,研究不同地层岩性放射性特征;采用化学分析与伽玛测井,分析铀矿化段岩体中烃类...  相似文献   

The Quaternary stratigraphy of the Alpine Foreland consists of distinct terrace levels, which have been assigned to four morphostratigraphic units: Höhere (Higher) Deckenschotter, Tiefere (Lower) Deckenschotter, Hochterrasse (High Terrace) and Niederterrasse (Lower Terrace). Here, we focus on the terrace gravels at Hohle Gasse, SSE of Pratteln near Basel, which are mapped as Tiefere Deckenschotter. Petrographic and morphometric data established from clasts allowed to infer the transport mechanisms and sources of the gravels. Sedimentological analyses indicate that the gravels were transported by a braided river and deposited in a distal glaciofluvial setting. In addition, it can be shown that the majority of the clasts display multiple reworking and only a minority maintained a distinct glaciofluvial shape. Cosmogenic multi-isotope dating using 10Be and 36Cl allowed direct dating of the sediments at the study site. A depth-profile age of \(2 70_{ - 1 90}^{ + 8 30}\) ka for 10Be was achieved for the deposits at Hohle Gasse. Unfortunately, no age could be modelled from the 36Cl concentrations as the blank correction was too high. Furthermore, this age proves that the studied terrace level should be assigned to the morphostratigraphic unit Hochterrasse.  相似文献   

The bedrock valley of the Pecatonica River north of Freeport, Illinois, contains a thick valley-fill complex of alluvium and drift. Within the valley, loess-capped benches surround hills of silty Illinoian drift. Beneath these benches lie thick deposits of poorly sorted stony silt interbedded with thin lenses of silt, sand, and organic-rich loam. Channel deposits and peat cap the diamicton in places. We interpret the stony silts as solifluction debris shed from silty slopes within the valley-fill during the Early or Middle Wisconsinan (Altonian). Top and bottom radiocarbon dates from a 2.5-m section of peat overlying the diamicton are 26,820 ± 200 and 40,500 ± 1700 yr B.P., respectively. We informally refer to the stony silts, channel sediments, and peat as the “Martintown unit.” Geomorphic position, sediment input, and macrofossils suggest that the dated peat was deposited in a floodplain pond (oxbow?). The pollen record from the peat indicates that a boreal forest dominated this area during the Middle Wisconsinan (late Altonian and Farmdalian). Two pollen zones are recognized: a basal Zone I with Pinus slightly more abundant than Picea and with few herbs and shrubs, and an upper Zone II dominated by Picea and with a larger representation of herbaceous and shrub taxa. Little displacement of vegetation zones is indicated, even though ice advanced to within 100 km of the site during the time of peat accumulation. Because of the problems involved in clearly defining Middle Wisconsinan forest-tundra in mid-latitudes by using analogs of Holocene forest-tundra in high latitudes, caution is required in making geomorphic inferences solely from vegetation data. Together, though, pollen and sediment data indicate that during the Middle Wisconsinan, Pecatonica hillslopes progressed through a sequence of instability-stability-instability related to climatic fluctuations.  相似文献   

For much of the Middle and all of the Upper Pleistocene the Upper Thames valley has remained outside the limit of ice advance. The main agents of landform evolution have been the River Thames and its tributaries, which have cut down episodically and in so doing have abandoned a series of river terraces. This study reports the findings of an investigation into exposures in the deposits underlying the Floodplain Terrace at Cassington, near Oxford, England. The sequence exposed reveals a stratigraphy of basal, predominantly fine-grained, lithofacies overlain by coarser gravel lithofacies. The fluvial architecture of these deposits indicates a major change in fluvial style from a low-energy (meandering) to a high energy (braided) channel system. The flora and fauna from the lower fine-grained lithofacies display a marked change from temperate at the base, to colder conditions towards the top, indicating a close association between deteriorating climate and changing fluvial depositional style. Amino acid and luminescence geochronology from the basal fine-grained lithofacies suggest correlation with Oxygen Isotope Stage 5 and hence it is argued that the major environmental change recorded at the site relates to the Oxygen Isotope Stage 5–4 transition. Deposition of much of the overlying gravel sequence probably occurred during Oxygen Isotope Stage 4, suggesting that the latter half of the Devensian may be less significant, in terms of fluvial landscape evolution in the Upper Thames valley, than was believed previously. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

刘道荣 《地质与勘探》2017,53(5):947-959
近年来浙西北地区在岩浆期后热液型萤石矿床勘查中取得重大突破,先后探明常山、淳安、开化、安吉等地多个大中型萤石矿床。这些矿床主要分布在燕山期(早白垩世)花岗岩类内外接触带中,成矿作用与岩浆侵入活动密切相关。通过对浙西北地区7个典型矿床进行矿床地质特征、成矿岩体及控矿构造研究,探讨岩体与萤石成矿之间的关系,将萤石矿床成因初步划分成2个亚类:与A型花岗岩有关的岩浆期后热液型萤石矿床和与I型花岗岩有关的岩浆期后热液型萤石矿床。通过对该区萤石矿床成矿物质来源、成矿温度、萤石稀土地球化学特征、成矿时代与成矿构造环境分析,较系统总结了浙西北主要萤石矿床的成因。在此基础上,结合区域F元素地球化学特征及剩余重力异常特征,提出本区萤石矿的找矿方向为高氟岩体分布区、F元素异常区及剩余重力异常负值区。  相似文献   

Interpretation of reprocessed seismic reflection profiles reveals three highly coherent, layered, unconformity-bounded sequences that overlie (or are incorporated within) the Proterozoic “granite–rhyolite province” beneath the Paleozoic Illinois basin and extend down into middle crustal depths. The sequences, which are situated in east–central Illinois and west–central Indiana, are bounded by strong, laterally continuous reflectors that are mappable over distances in excess of 200 km and are expressed as broad “basinal” packages that become areally more restricted with depth. Normal-fault reflector offsets progressively disrupt the sequences with depth along their outer margins. We interpret these sequences as being remnants of a Proterozoic rhyolitic caldera complex and/or rift episode related to the original thermal event that produced the granite–rhyolite province. The overall thickness and distribution of the sequences mimic closely those of the overlying Mt. Simon (Late Cambrian) clastic sediments and indicate that an episode of localized subsidence was underway before deposition of the post-Cambrian Illinois basin stratigraphic succession, which is centered farther south over the “New Madrid rift system” (i.e., Reelfoot rift and Rough Creek graben). The present configuration of the Illinois basin was therefore shaped by the cumulative effects of subsidence in two separate regions, the Proterozoic caldera complex and/or rift in east–central Illinois and west–central Indiana and the New Madrid rift system to the south. Filtered isostatic gravity and magnetic intensity data preclude a large mafic igneous component to the crust so that any Proterozoic volcanic or rift episode must not have tapped deeply or significantly into the lower crust or upper mantle during the heating event responsible for the granite–rhyolite.  相似文献   

Drift deposits exposed in a large open cut are described. The basal member of the sequence consists of bedded sandy gravels, and these are overlain by a grey silty sand containing abundant striated pebbles and boulders. The uppermost deposit consists of a brown poorly sorted drift containing silty and sandy lenses. Analysis of the texture, index properties and densities of the sediments, together with the shape, lithology and fabric of the contained pebbles suggests that the basal gravels were deposited by subglacial meltwater, the grey drift is a lodgement till, and the uppermost brown rubbly drift was formed by solifluction of the till, with the addition of frost shattered sandstone from the hilltop above. It is suggested that the glacigenic sediments are of Devensian age, and the solifluction layer Late Devensian.  相似文献   

Gözeçukuru As-Sb-Pb-Zn mine is located 1.2 km NW of Sahin village and 22 km west of Kütahya in NW Turkey. The aim of this study is to explain the genetic characteristics of the As-Sb deposits by using multivariate statistical analysis methods. Low-grade metamorphic rocks of the upper Paleozoic Sahin Formation occur as the basement of the study area. Cenozoic volcano-sedimentary units (Tavsanli volcanites and Emet Formation) overlie the Sahin Formation unconformably. The mineralization occurs mainly as veins and partly as disseminations and fillings of interstices in the rhyodacitic and rhyolitic tuffs of Tavsanli Volcanics. Common primary ore minerals are stibnite, realgar, galena, sphalerite, pyrite and arsenopyrite, and secondary minerals are orpiment, senarmontite and valentinite. Barite is the dominant gangue mineral, with a small amount of quartz, calcite and dolomite. Average As, Sb, Pb, Zn and Ba concentrations in the samples from the study area are 6.04%, 4938 ppm, 4589 ppm, 1.17% and 10.36 % respectively. Three significant groups appear in the cluster analysis of ore samples. First group consists of Pb-Ag and Zn-Cd. The second group consists of Sb-Tl-Hg and As. The last group is the Ba-Sr. There are three significant factors in the factor analysis. First factor reflects the formation of primary sulphide minerals, the second factor represents the formation of low temperature sulphide and sulphosalt minerals and the last factor depicts interstices-filling mineralization. Average homogenization temperature of the fluid inclusion in barites is 221 °C. Geological, petrographical and geochemical data suggest that the Gözeçukuru As-Sb deposit was formed under epithermal conditions.  相似文献   

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