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A section across the Haast Schist Group in the Southern Alps of New Zealand shows a sequence of metamorphosed eugeosynclinal sediments. Meta-basic rocks (greenschists) have been studied to determine the nature of the actinolite-hornblende transition and to investigate the change in amphibole composition through the Metamorphic Facies Series.Electron microprobe analyses of 21 representative amphiboles, including 3 amphibole pairs can be shown to support theories of a miscibility break in the calciferous amphibole solid solution series. The existence of a miscibility break is further supported by the widespread appearance, even at low metamorphic grades, of exsolution lamellae in actinolite and hornblende amphiboles.Amphibolite facies amphiboles differ from greenschist facies amphiboles in that (a) there are increased amounts of Ti entering the lattice and (b) that there is an increased occupancy of the A site at higher metamorphic grades.  相似文献   

Antimony is an element that is becoming of increasing concern as an environmental contaminant. Geothermal systems are a source of Sb into some fresh waters of New Zealand’s North Island. The purpose of this research was to determine the factors controlling the behaviour of geothermally-derived Sb in the large lowland Waikato River system. The Waikato River is New Zealand’s longest and most utilised river. Antimony in the system exhibited mainly conservative behaviour, and seasonally variable dilution was found to be the most important control on Sb concentrations. The most significant potential removal process was identified as adsorption of Sb onto suspended particulate material (SPM). The adsorption of Sb onto the SPM is enhanced at low (<5) pH conditions, and in the anoxic base of stratified lakes. There was evidence that the adsorption of Sb is mainly onto Fe oxides in SPM, and changes with changing Fe concentrations. Therefore, Sb adsorption was higher in winter (when Fe concentrations in SPM were higher) than in summer. In Lake Ohakuri, which was stratified during the late summer/early autumn of 2007, there was also potential for removal of Sb as Sb2S3 in the presence of sulfide formed in the anoxic layer. The behaviour of Sb was conservative through the estuary at the mouth of the river.  相似文献   

The interaction between channel geometry, flow, sediment transport and deposition associated with a midstream island was studied in a braided to meandering reach of the Calamus River, Nebraska Sandhills. Hydraulic and sediment transport measurements were made over a large discharge range using equipment operated from catwalk bridges. The relatively low sinuosity channel on the right-hand side of the island carries over 70% of the water discharge at high flow stages and 50–60% at low flow stages. As a result, mean velocity, depth, bed shear stress and sediment transport rate tend to be greater here than in the more strongly curved left-hand channel. The loci of maximum flow velocity, depth and bed shear stress are near the centre of the channel upstream of the island, but then split and move towards the outer banks of both channels downstream. Variations in these loci depend on the flow stage. Topographically induced across-stream flows are generally stronger than the weak, curvature-induced secondary circulations. Water surface topography is controlled mainly by centrifugal accelerations and local changes in downstream flow velocity. The averaged water surface slope of the study reach varies very little with discharge, having values between 0·00075 and 0·00090. As bed shear stress generally varies in a similar way to mean velocity, friction coefficients vary little, normally being in the range 0·07–0·13. These values are similar to those in straight channels with sandy dune-covered beds. Bedload is moved mainly as dunes at all flow stages. Grain size is mainly medium sand with coarse sand moved in thalwegs adjacent to the cut banks, and with fine sand at the downstream end of the island. These patterns of flow velocity, depth, water surface topography, bed shear stress, bedload transport rate and mean grain size can be accurately predicted using theoretical models of flow, bed topography and sediment transport rate in single river bends, applied separately to the left and right channels. During high flow stages deposition occurs persistently near the downstream end of the island, and cut banks are eroded. Otherwise, erosion and deposition occurs only locally within the channel as discharge varies. Abandonment and filling of a strongly curved channel segment may occur by migration of an upstream bar into the channel entrance at a high flow stage.  相似文献   

饶阳凹陷沙河街组辫状河三角洲沉积特征及储集性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
饶阳凹陷沙河街组主要为砾岩、含砾砂岩、砂岩、粉砂岩和泥岩构成的一套碎屑岩组合,根据沉积特征将其确定为辫状河三角洲沉积.该沉积三层结构清楚,由下而上出现前辫状河三角洲亚相、辫状河三角洲前缘亚相及辫状河三角洲平原亚相,呈明显的进积层序,主要发育辫状河道、洪泛平原、水下分流河道、水下分流河道间、河口坝和席状砂等沉积微相.据其岩性、沉积构造、粒度及沉积序列等特征,建立了沉积模式.从岩性特征看,沙河街组辫状河三角洲沉积物具有分布较广、储集物性较好的特点,辫状河三角洲前缘水下分流河道砂体和河口坝砂体储集物性最好,是下一步勘探的有利目标.  相似文献   

Human impacts on the Waikato River system, New Zealand   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
M. A. Chapman 《GeoJournal》1996,40(1-2):85-99
The Waikato River drains 13% of the North Island. It rises in the Central Volcanic Plateau; the headwaters, including the Tongariro R., drain into oligotrophic Lake Taupo, important for fishing and holidaying. The river flows north from Taupo for 450 km to the sea near Auckland. Human impacts on the river system have been extensive, primarily dating from European colonisation begun in the 1800s. Most of the catchment below L. Taupo has been altered by agricultural development (mainly sheep and cattle rearing); the original forests and swamps have been lost leading to increased nutrient levels, erosion, light intensities, and water temperatures. There is also extensive use of the water for electricity generation. The Tongarino Power Scheme involves impoundment of water, and the diversion of additional water from the Whanganui River and other catchments with consequent effects on their biota. There are 8 hydro-electric dams on the Waikato River below Taupo causing barriers to migratory animals, downstream effects due to impoundments, and alterations to water flow regimes. Impacts of geothermal power stations, and the water-cooled Huntly Power Station in the lower Waikato are more localised. Eutrophication is enhanced by sewage and stormwater discharges, but all wastes now receive some form of treatment. There are only 340,000 people in the catchment and the major industrial pollution comes from meat and dairy processing and forestry. Some natural pollution results from geothermal inputs. Water abstraction and discharges into the river are now closely regulated. Extensive introductions of exotic biota have been made, notably trout, coarse fish, and macrophytes. The native biota has been little-studied and the biological processes operating in the river are poorly understood. It is not possible to assess the relative importance of eutrophication and habitat change, nor to predict the impacts of future changes.  相似文献   

为了精细刻画辫状河储层内部构型单元,提出了一种基于目标逐层递进式约束的建模方法。具体实现过程为通过基于目标的算法依次生成三个目标体:复合河道、心滩和落淤层,并设置相应规则使其满足辫状河构型模式,同时结合现代沉积和野外露头统计分析得到的经验数据与公式,来约束各目标体的参数分布范围,从而控制其在平面和剖面上的几何形态和规模,形成一套完整的递进式建模技术流程。该方法能够较好地刻画不同级次构型单元的几何形态、空间分布和相互之间的关系,生成的三维模型比较符合辫状河地质模式,实现了辫状河内部构型的三维表征,为剩余油的挖潜提供借鉴。  相似文献   

Rivers and their floodplains are dynamic systems, sediments are continually added to floodplain surfaces, while erosion and scour may remove sediments to be added to floodplains further downstream. When mining sediments were introduced into some catchments in Britain as ore deposits were exploited, river channels and floodplains were grossly polluted with metals. The legacy of this uncontrolled release of contaminants is apparent still, and contemporary channel deposits are enriched in metals. While the floodplains acted as a buffer to the dispersal of metals straight through the catchment, metals are still being released hundreds of years later as the floodplains are eroded and this secondary pollution of the river is a long-term problem.By studying a range of mining catchments, the effects of key variables on heavy metal dispersal in the fluvial environment can be assessed. As no single catchment displays the whole array of possible situations, a mosaic of case studies from several areas provides a good representation of potential conditions.  相似文献   

Many alluvial placer deposits around the world occur in river systems that have been affected by tectonic events, causing drainage reorientation and severance of links between placers and their sources. This study documents tectonic rejuvenation of topography in the Otago giant placer goldfield, New Zealand, which has resulted in numerous river capture and drainage reorientation events. These events have induced changes to gold transport directions and numerous stages of separation of detrital gold from primary sources. Goldfield-wide reconstructions of drainage patterns through time are as yet only possible for Miocene–Recent, and numerous earlier drainage changes back to Cretaceous primary orogenic mineralisation are probable. Variations in basement lithologies permit auriferous gravel provenance determinations, facilitating paleodrainage pattern reconstruction and documentation of river capture events. River capture events and timing of these events for gold-bearing paleodrainages have also been documented using genetic divergences of populations of freshwater galaxiid fish that were isolated by drainage reorientation. Gold-bearing quartz pebble conglomerates had a southeastward drainage in the Miocene. This was disrupted in the Pliocene by mountain range uplift and gold placer recycling, with deposition of lithic conglomerates containing only minor gold placers. The most dramatic changes in gold transport directions occurred through the Quaternary, as antiformal ranges grew across the pre-existing drainages. Miocene and Pliocene placers were recycled with numerous local (1–10 km scale) changes in river directions and numerous capture events. Large axial rivers were segmented into a more complex drainage pattern, and on-going river capture resulted in growth of the main Clutha River catchment at the expense of neighbouring catchments. The most productive placers developed in the Clutha River in late Quaternary when increased discharge from captured mountain catchments enhanced gold transport and concentration. Similar river drainage reorientation has occurred in other placer fields around the world, but the lack of preserved evidence inhibits documentation of most such changes.  相似文献   

以高分辨率层序地层学理论为指导,以野外露头、钻井岩心、测井及地震资料的综合研究为基础,研究了黄骅坳陷新近系馆陶组Ⅲ段的高分辨率层序地层特征,识别出1个长期、两个中期和若干个短期基准面旋回层序。其中短期、中期旋回都可分为向上“变深”非对称型和向上“变深”复“变浅”对称型两类。深入探讨了不同结构类型和充填样式的各级次基准面旋回层序对储层的控制作用,认为储集砂体主要发育于长期及中期基准面旋回上升的早期。  相似文献   

针对砂质辫状河,采用水驱油物理模拟的手段,旨在总结心滩内部泥质夹层(落淤层与沟道)控制的剩余油分布模式。模拟结果显示,夹层延伸长度、注采井与夹层的匹配关系、射孔位置等因素均对剩余油分布有控制作用。夹层水平延伸长度越大,夹层顶部和底部剩余油富集范围越大;如果两组模拟试验注采井射孔层位相同,采油井钻遇夹层的情况下剩余油更为富集;在注水井全井段射孔的条件下,与采油井全井段射孔相比,采油井上部射孔夹层附近剩余油富集范围较大,采出程度较小。  相似文献   

以海安南地区堡1断块泰州组一段为例,在岩石薄片和压汞资料分析的基础上,从砂体的内部结构入手对水下分流河道储层特征进行了研究,将泰一段储层的孔隙结构划分为三种类型。经研究表明:泰一段辫状河三角洲前缘水下分流河道砂体内部结构单元为典型的中一低孔、中一低渗储层,碎屑组份成分成熟度和结构成熟度均较低,储层孔隙类型以次生孔隙为主,原生孔隙较不发育;填隙物为泥质杂基和碳酸盐矿物胶结物,属长石岩屑质砂岩和岩屑长石质砂岩;成岩作用主要发育压实作用、胶结交代作用和溶解溶蚀作用等,塑性颗粒的变形、碎屑颗粒的破裂甚至错断、石英次生加大、方解石及铁白云石交代碎屑组份、溶蚀现象等均较普遍。对各结构单元孔隙结构类型参数分析表明,水下分流河道内部结构单元河道主体砂岩储集性能好于河道侧缘,认为岩相类型和沉积环境是影响储层物性的原生因素。  相似文献   

《Quaternary Science Reviews》2007,26(5-6):743-758
Detailed examination of the Tekapo Formation in the Tasman Valley, New Zealand has identified 20 facies, and five facies associations. These associations are delta foresets and bottomsets, sediment density flows, ice-contact lake sediments with ice-rafted debris and resedimentation deposits, and outwash gravels. Interpretation of the sediment-landform associations informed by observations at modern glacier termini suggests that the Late Pleistocene Tekapo Formation moraines have been formed by downwasting of a more expanded Tasman Glacier. During the early stages of glacier retreat, ponds on the glacier surface develop into thermokarst lakes which enlarge and coalesce to form a large supraglacial lake. Continued downwasting causes the lake outlet river to entrench into the impounding latero-frontal ice-cored moraine, lowering the lake level. This exposes lake-bottom sediments and forms shorelines on the proximal slopes of the ice-cored moraine. As the ice-cored moraine melts, these lake sediments are deformed and deposited against the Mt. John moraine. The observations and interpretations reported here suggest the Late Pleistocene end moraine is a constructional feature not a structural (glaciotectonic) feature as suggested by previous studies.  相似文献   

Since the first occupation of New Zealand by Polynesians 1000 years B.P., there have been three major phases of sedimentation in river valleys. These occurred in broad periods of 700 to 600 years B.P., 450 to 300 years B.P., and from 1880 to the present. This offers a useful opportunity to develop a field procedure for rapidly setting maximum ages for pre-European settlements on river terraces. Radiocarbon dates confirm the value of the procedure. Fortified settlements on alluvium in the New Zealand North Island East Coast area date to the period after about 450 years B.P., in a chronological pattern similar to that elsewhere in New Zealand. the generalized phases of terrace age are not always easily applied to particular field situations and the real advantages of the method lie in the provision of approximate dates for surface surveys of settlement pattern.  相似文献   

Historic antimony mining at Endeavour Inlet, New Zealand, was developed in a stibnite-rich mesothermal vein system hosted in a km scale shear zone in metasedimentary schist. The schist contains calcite, and all waters have pH between 7 and 8. Underground tunnels (adits) have largely collapsed, but two adits provided access to waters which have interacted chemically with mineralised rock. Natural groundwater entering an adit at the top of the mineralised catchment had 190 μg/l Sb and 10 μg/l As. The amount of arsenic increased along the adit as the water interacted with arsenopyrite-bearing rocks and debris (up to 2000 mg/kg As, 500 mg/kg Sb) on the adit floor. Sb(III) was below 14 μg/l, and there was no detectable As(III). Antimony content remained near constant in the adit but increased outside the adit because of interaction with stibnite-rich debris. Negligible attenuation of metalloids occurred via adsorption outside the adit, as iron oxyhydroxide is rare. Metalloid attenuation was by dilution in a nearby natural stream, which carried <30 μg/s Sb and <10 μg/s As away from the site. An adit 500 m downstream was developed in a lower, more arsenopyrite-rich portion of the mineralised system with debris containing up to 15,000 mg/kg As and 5000 mg/kg Sb. Water from this adit had up to 200 μg/l Sb and 1650 μg/l As. Arsenic was attenuated by adsorption outside this adit, and by dilution by the natural stream. Antimony was not attenuated by adsorption, nor by dilution as the natural stream contained up to 200 μg/l Sb. Metalloid flux away from this site was ca. 200 μg/s Sb and 40 μg/s As, and the adit contributed negligible amounts of metalloids to this flux. Total metalloid flux from the catchment is 14,000 μg/s antimony and 5000 μg/s arsenic, which is around three orders of magnitude greater than observed mine inputs to the catchment. Highest flux occurred in September as water tables rose in the winter. Nearly all the metalloid flux is derived by natural groundwater and surface water interaction with mineralised rock. This interaction between water and mineralised rock is enhanced in this area because the catchment runs subparallel to the shear zone which controls the mineralised veins.  相似文献   

以大庆油田葡I23单元辫状河砂体沉积背景为基础设计沉积物理模拟实验,通过6个轮次实验,识别并分析了辫状河道、心滩、废弃河道、堤岸沉积、越岸沉积5种主要微相类型及其分布特征。其中河道及心滩坝沉积广泛发育,占到辫状河沉积的90%左右, 心滩坝多发育在河道中下游,心滩坝与心滩坝之间连通程度较高,连通部分约占心滩厚度的60%~80%,且心滩下部连通性好,上部较差。建立了沉积微相砂体构型参数相关关系及物性参数模型,初步认为河道砂体的宽厚比为70~120,长宽比为3~5;心滩坝砂体宽厚比为80~100,长宽比为1~3。河道面孔率分布区间为10%~11%,向上有逐渐变小的趋势;心滩坝面孔率分布区间为9%~10%,剖面上变化趋势不明显,心滩坝的中心部位夹层几乎是近似水平的,绝大多数情况下倾角小于3°,在长轴方向上迎水面夹层稍陡(<5°)而背水面较平缓,短轴方向夹层在心滩两翼略有倾斜(<8°)。研究对大庆油田辫状河储层沉积微相内部构型参数预测具有重要意义。  相似文献   

The Otekura Formation (Early Jurassic, Pseudaucella zone) at Sandy Bay comprises part of a 10+ km thick, regressive, forearc shelf and slope sequence, the Hokonui facies belt of the Rangitata Geosyncline. The Otekura Formation is dominantly fine grained, being mostly mudstone, silty mudstone and siltstone. The sediments are volcanogenic throughout. The upper 150 m of the formation contains two 20 m thick, channelized bodies of medium-thick bedded sandy flysch, each associated with thin bedded muddy flysch interpreted as overbank turbidites. Directional indicators within the channel sequence indicate emplacement from the south-southwest. In contrast, rare turbidites that occur below the channel sequence, within the background mudstone sediment, were emplaced from the east, i.e. at right angles to the channelized flows. The immediately overlying Omaru Formation contains more abundant macrofossils, intraclastic conglomerates, and appreciable amounts of traction-emplaced cross-bedded sand. Bioturbated calcareous siltstones with an in situ molluscan fauna follow (Boatlanding Formation), and are of shelf origin. The Omaru Formation is therefore interpreted as a shelf-slope break deposit, and the Otekura Formation as an upper slope facies. Reconnaissance studies indicate that the Otekura Formation is underlain by several kilometres of dominantly fine grained, deep water slope sediments, containing occasional sand and conglomerate filled channels similar to those here described in detail from the Otekura Formation. Such channels are inferred to form when a mass-transported sand, derived from failure higher on the slope, ploughs erosively into the sea floor. After their incision, the channels served for a short time as conduits for downslope transport of sediment, the redeposited deposits of which are found filling each channel. Both channel fills at Sandy Bay are capped by thin-bedded turbidites inferred to have overspilled from similar channels nearby on the slope.  相似文献   

Half a millennium mercury production at Idrija is reflected in increased mercury contents in all environmental segments. The bulk of roasting residues from the middle of the 19th century to 1977 was discharged directly into the Idrijca River, and the material was carried at high waters to the Soca River and farther into the Adriatic Sea. It has been estimated that 45500 tons of mercury were emitted into the environment during the operating period of the mine, which ceased production in 1994. In the lower reaches of the Idrijca the riverine deposits with high mercury contents have been, and will be in the future a source of mercury polluted sediment. Stream sediments were monitored at the same locations along the Idrijca and Soca rivers (70 kin) every 5 years since 1991 (1991-2005). Grain size distribution was determined by dry sieving and fractions for geochemical analysis were prepared (〈0.04 and 〈0.125 mm). Soils on river terraces were sampled at 5 localities in the lower course of Idrijca. At two locations of the terrace profiles the samples of averaged meadow forage and plantain (Plantago lanceolata) were collected within a 50-meters radius. We found that there was no decrease in mercury concentration in active river sediments during the last 20 years. Upstream from the Idrija Town the mercury concentrations in active river sediments vary from 1 to 10 mg/kg (average 3.3 mg/kg). From Idrija to Spodnja Idrija the mercury concentrations increase extremely and vary greatly (32-4,121 mg/kg, the average is 734 mg/kg). From Spodnja ldrija to the Idrijca-Soca confluence is the average 218 mg/kg, and 57 mg/kg downstream in the Soca River sediments.  相似文献   

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