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Previous K-Ar and Rb-Sr datings of the metamorphic and granitic rocks from the northwestern basement region of Spitsbergen mainly show the cooling time of the rocks, except for a Rb-Sr isochron age of the Hornemantoppen granitoid. New samples were collected during several years of geological mapping in the area and the Rb-Sr whole rock isochron and single-grain zircon evaporation methods were applied to the Hornemantoppen granitoids and the grey granites. A dioritic dyke was also dated by the latter method. The bulk rock chemistry study shows that most of both granitic rocks are of the S-type and probably post orogenic, with distinctive incorporation of crustal materials. The isotopic data also support this interpretation. The results of the Rb-Sr isotope analyses, 412 ± 4.8 Ma and the zircon Pb evaporation age of 424 ± 56 Ma, confirm the previous age of the Hornemantoppen granitoid, 414 ± 10 Ma. An older zircon age of 547 ± 19 Ma is considered to be the minimum age of inherited zircon. Zircons from the grey granites suggest an age of ca. 420 Ma with a large error. Field relations demonstrate that the grey granites are older than the Hornemantoppen granitoids. A minimum inherited zircon age, 952 ± 20 Ma, has been obtained from the grey granites. Three multi-grain Pb ages, 423 ± 22 Ma (2 grains), 461 ± 42 Ma and 561 ± 93 Ma (the last two 3 grains) were considered to be mixed ages. Although no definitive evidence for the presence of Grenvillian granites in this area has been obtained in the present study, preliminary results from the multi-grain zircon evaporation method, carried out in the Russian laboratory at Apatity, infer Paleo- and Mesoproterozoic protoliths for the metamorphic rocks of northwestern Spitsbergen.  相似文献   

The island Peter I 0y is located in the BeUinghausen Sea 400 km off the coast of West Antarctica. It is situated at the transition between oceanic and contintental crust close to a former transform fault, the Tharp fracture zone. The island is completely volcanic, consisting of predominantly alkali basalt and hawaiite and some more evolved rocks. Sampling done by the Aurora expedition in 1987 has made dating and detailed petrological studies possible. The island appears to be much younger (<0.5 Ma) than previously believed. However, the volcanic activity responsible for this oceanic island may have lasted for 10-20 Ma. Volcanic activity at the island thus took place at the same time as post-subduction rift-related volcanism took place along the Antarctic Peninsula and in Marie Byrd Land. However, the petrologic data indicate that this may be coincidental and that the Peter I 0y activity is independent and related to transtensional rifting along the Tharp fracture zone.  相似文献   

Recent remapping and new age determinations has shed light on the understanding of Precambrian rocks northwest of Hornsund, southwest Spitsbergen. The Skålfjellet Subgroup has been regarded as the eastern equivalent of the Vimsodden Subgroup, and both of these occur within the Precambrian Eimfjellet Group of southwest Spitsbergen. Although the Eimfjellet Group is considered to be older than the oldest unconformity in the area, the age of the rocks has not been known. The granitic-gabbroic rocks in the Skålfjellet Subgroup have been considered to be the products of granitisation for many years, but recent observations show that they are exotic blocks incorporated into the basic eruptive rocks which are the main constituents of the subgroup. These plutonic rocks have a wide range of compositions, from syenite via granite to gabbroic cumulates, which suggests the existence of a well-differentiated plutonic body at depth.
U-Pb zircon and Pb evaporation datings yielded magmatic ages of ca. 1,100 to 1,200 Ma, and a conformable age has been obtained by Rb-Sr whole rock dating. Detrital zircons from the micaceous schists of the Isbjørnhamna Group, which underlies the Skålfjellet Subgroup, show a poorly defined discordia with an upper intercept age of ca. 2,200 Ma and a lower intercept age of ca. 360 Ma. These dating results define the magmatic age of the granitic-gabbroic rocks as late Mesoproterozoic, early Grenvillian. This age is in broad agreement with that of the metavolcanic rock clasts of the Pyttholmen meta-pyroclastic-conglomeratic unit at Vimsodden, which is considered to be the westernmost occurrence of the Skålfjellet Subgroup.
A Rb-Sr whole rock age determination of the shaly phyllites from the Deilegga Group was performed in order to place constraints on the age of younger Precambrian event; however, no good isochron was obtained.  相似文献   

Note on rain-triggered earthquakes and their dependence on karst geology   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Recently reported rain-triggered seismicity from three separate storms occurred exclusively in karst geology. In this paper, I discuss how the hydrogeology of karst controls rain-triggered seismicity by channeling of the watershed after intense rainfall directly into the karst network. Such channeling results in very large increases in hydraulic head, and more importantly, substantially increases the vertical stress acting on the underlying pore-elastic media. Rapid loading upon a pore-elastic media induces seismicity by increasing pore pressure at depth in a manner similar to that observed from reservoir impounding. Using a simple 1-D model of a pore-elastic medium, it is shown that the instantaneous fluid pressure increase at depth is a substantial fraction of the pressure step applied at the boundary, followed by time-dependent pore pressure increases associated with the typical linear diffusion problem. These results have implications for the change in fluid pressure necessary to trigger earthquakes, and leads to the following hypothesis to be tested: Unambiguous rain-triggered seismicity will only occur in karst regions.  相似文献   

Permian rhyodacites, melaphyres and tuffs from the Cracow area (South Poland) were sampled for the palaeomagnetic and isotope studies. Single-grain U-Pb dating of most zircon grains separated from the rhyodacites gave mean age of magma emplacement of 294.2 ± 2.1 Ma. Some zircons, however, displayed younger ages (268.7 ± 3.4 Ma), probably related to the metasomatic alterations of these rocks. Two Permian components of magnetizations related to these processes were isolated and together with previously defined Late Carboniferous–Permian palaeomagnetic poles from South Poland were used for construction of the regional apparent polar wander path (APWP). The Early Permian segment of this APWP shows a certain departure from the coeval part of the Fennoscandian APWP due to anticlockwise rotations of studied rocks most probably caused by mid-Permian sinistral tectonic movements along reactivated prominent Variscan faults of Central Europe. This sense of tectonic mobility does not support the hypothesis about transformation from Pangea 'B' to Pangea 'A' along an intra-Pangea dextral megashear during the Permian. Older than previously assumed ages of the post-Variscan igneous rocks of Central Europe reduce overlap of Gondwana's and Laurussia's parts of the Early Permian Pangea 'A'.  相似文献   

The unit regional value of the mineral resources of a large region may be estimated by accumulating past production records and prorating them over the area of the region. The geological characteristics of a large region is a prime conditioning variable for this purpose. To be useful, however, the geology of a large region must be represented in a standardized form. The “geology,” as here measured, refers to a standardized set of rock types common to the legends in geological maps. By using standardized procedures, the legends of 413 geologic maps at 292 different scales that cover the Earth’s land surface were transformed into a set of 65 three-digit numbers. The set of numbers called the time-petrographic index is associated with the contemporaneous tectonic environments that led to the formation of the rocks and their associated mineral deposits. Application of the time-petrographic index to geologic maps leads to more precise estimates of the mineral-resource values of a large region. Deceased, June 2, 1992  相似文献   

Summary. Study of the palaeomagnetism of two complexes from the Newer Granite Suite in Scotland, at Ratagan (NW Highlands) and Comrie (central Highlands), reveals the variable nature of the natural remanence encountered in granodioritic intrusions and the surrounding metamorphic country rock. Forty-eight specimens from Ratagan, dated at 415 ± 5 Ma, gave a mean direction: D = 8°, I =−32°, and a palaeomagnetic south pole: 15°S, 346°E (δ p = 5°, δ m = 9°). Twenty-eight specimens from Comrie, dated at 408±5 Ma, gave a mean direction: D = 75°, I =−30°, and a palaeomagnetic south pole: 6°S, 287°E (δ p = 4°, δ m = 7°). These results have been compared with the established apparent polar wander path (APWP) for Britain. The Ratagan pole improves the reliability of the APWP but doubt remains as to whether the primary magnetization from Comrie represents a true late Silurian direction or whether it has been affected by post-cooling rotation, possibly associated with the nearby Highland Boundary Fault.  相似文献   

There are three areas in eastern Svalbard where Vendian tillites are exposed: eastern Ny Friesland, western Nordaustlandet (north and south of Murchisonfjorden) and further east in inner Wahlenbergfjorden, near Aldousbreen. Clasts within the massive unmetamorphosed clay-mica-carbonate matrix of the tillites include carbonates, sandstones, siltstones, metavolcanics, schists and different granitoids, the metamorphic and igneous rock types being more frequent in the upper levels of the formation. Large granite boulders, up to 1 m in diameter, are known from the easternmost outcrop at Aldousbreen. Three granitoid boulders from the Aldousbreen outcrop, differing in petrography and chemistry. have been dated by the Pb-Pb singlezircon method. They yield ages of 2830 ± 5 Ma, 1802 ± 4 Ma and 1497 ± 26 Ma. These clasts also differ in petrography, chemistry and age from all known granitic rocks on Nordaustlandet, which have recently yielded Grenvillian (950-960 Ma) and Caledonian (ca. 410 Ma) ages. The concentration of large granitic clasts in the easternmost known tillite outcrops suggests derivation from the east and/or south. Possible areas include those beneath the ice of Austfonna and below the Carboniferous strata of southeastem Nordaustlandet. The apparent lack of a significant Grenvillian overprint suggests the possibility of a more distant source.  相似文献   

Surficial deposits in eastern and central Wright Valley, Antarctica, record multiple inland incursions of grounded ice from the Ross Sea Embayment. Glacial geologic mapping, coupled with 42 AMS 14C dates of lacustrine algae and 10 40Ar/39Ar dates of basalt erratics, indicate westward ice expansion at least eight times during the Pliocene and Quaternary. The most extensive westward incursion resulted in an advance of at least 21 km beyond the margin of present-day Wright Lower Glacier, accompanied by ice thickening of ≥500 m at the location of the present-day Wilson Piedmont Glacier in the eastern valley mouth. Large proglacial lakes and glaciolacustrine sedimentation coincide with at least some of these advances.  相似文献   

1Introduction“Anti-adsorptionphysicalycoatedmercuryfilmelectrodesystem”ASVmethodwasproposedbyInstituteofOceanology,ChineseAca...  相似文献   

Holocene lithified sediments of glacial and glaciofluvial origin have been found in environments where carbonate cementation is a present-day process. The rocks occur as well cemented tillites, conglomerates, coarse sandstones and breccias, indicating a complex depositional pattern within a limited area. Both clasts and carbonate cement are mainly derived from underlying Carboniferous and Permian sequences which form the bedrock of this area.  相似文献   

Palynological investigations of nine sections covering the upper part of the Nordenskioldbreen Formation, Gipshuken Formation, and the lower part of the Kapp Starostin Formation in the Wahlenbergfjorden area, Nordaustlandet. yielded palynomorphs in three sections. Three assemblages are recognized. A tentative correlation with the Sverdrup Basin suggests a Sakmarian to Artinskian age for the uppermost Nordenskioldbreen and lower Gipshuken Formations. Thermal maturity is low. The palynoflora is dominated by striate pollen suggesting an arid climate throughout the deposition of the Nordenskioldbreen and Gipshuken Formations.  相似文献   

The Hunter Mountain fault zone strikes northwesterly, is right-lateral strike-slip, and kinematically links the northern Panamint Valley fault zone to the southern Saline Valley fault zone. The most recent displacement of the fault is recorded in the offset of Holocene deposits along the entire length of the fault zone. Right-lateral offsets of drainage channels within Grapevine Canyon reach up to 50 to 60 m. Initial incision of the offset channels is interpreted on the basis of geomorphic and climatic considerations to have occurred approximately 15 ka. The 50 to 60 m of offset during 15 ka corresponds to a right-lateral fault slip rate of 3.3–4.0 mm/year within Grapevine Canyon. Further to the north along the Nelson Range front, the fault is composed of two sub-parallel fault strands and the fault begins to show an increased normal component of motion. A channel margin that is incised into a Holocene surface that is between 10 and 128 ka in age is offset 16–20 m, which yields a broad minimum bound on the lateral slip rate of 0.125–2.0 mm/year. The best preserved single-event displacements recorded in Holocene deposits range from 1.5 to 2.5 m. In addition to faulting within Grapevine Canyon and the main rangefront fault along the southwest edge of Saline Valley, there also exist normal fault strands within the Valley that strike northeasterly and towards Eureka Valley. The northeasterly striking normal faults in the Valley appear to be actively transferring dextral slip from the Hunter Mountain fault zone north and east onto the Furnace Creek fault zone. Separations on northerly trending, normal faults within Saline Valley yield estimates of slip rates in the hundredths of millimeters per year.  相似文献   

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