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The problem of the propagation of an electromagnetic wave originating for instance in a lightning flash through the ionospheric medium is analysed in order to understand the formation at high ionospheric altitudes of the so-called proton whistler. It is shown that the accessibility of the hydrodynamic (or kinetic) proton resonance at the satellite altitude requires that a mode conversion process must take place slightly above the transition region separating the one ion (O+) from the two ion (O+ + H+) component plasmas. Moreover, the transformation conditions in the wave conversion region imply that the magnetic field should be (almost) perpendicular to the density gradient. Otherwise, the incident electromagnetic wave will never reach the satellite altitude in the frequency range of the proton whistler. However, some former proton whistler theories have postulated that the signal is the result of simple ionospheric propagation effects, in contradiction with the above results. These former proton whistler theories are reviewed and it is shown that the basic flaw in these theories lies in that the incident electromagnetic wave has been supposed from the beginning to have reached the high ionospheric altitudes where is located the satellite without being influenced by the lower ionospheric layers. Some various aspects, like the high variability of the wave electric to magnetic field ratio and the harmonics bands as observed by Injun are analysed in the light of the obtained results. Finally, numerical solutions of the wave dispersion relation for both the fast hydrodynamic mode (the extraordinary mode) and the slow ion kinetic mode are presented which shows that a coupling process between the two modes may take place at various frequencies between the O+ and the H+ gyrofrequencies.  相似文献   

The dispersion relation of an ion cyclotron wave propagating through a multicomponent plasma including the effect of ion thermal velocity is analysed and an analytical expression for the group travel time, and the temporal and spatial damping rate is derived. It is shown that the temporal and spatial damping rate increases with temperature and group travel time. The inclusion of thermal effect in group travel time causes a reduction in damping rate. The results are important in the study of the proton whistler propagating through the ionosphere.  相似文献   

Particle trajectories for the case of a whistler wave packet propagating in the direction of the ambient magnetic fields are computed. The computed trajectories enable the study of the distortion of a loss cone by such a wave. Currents are obtained and comparison with linear theory show that non-linear effects reduce the current. It is found that the time behaviour of the fields is such as to make the packet grow at the front and decay at the rear.  相似文献   

T. Takakura 《Solar physics》1982,75(1-2):277-292
It is demonstrated by a numerical simulation that both the whistler waves and plasma waves are excited by a common solar electron beam. The excitation of the whistler waves is ascribed to the loss-cone distribution which arises at a later phase of the passage of the beam at a given height due to a velocity dispersion in the electron beam with a finite length. It is highly probable that the fundamental of type III bursts are caused by the coalescence of the whistler waves and the plasma waves excited by a common electron beam, although the plasma waves must suffer induce scatterings by thermal ions to have small wave numbers before the coalescence to occur.  相似文献   

Results are given of the calculations of the group delay time propagating τ(ω, φ0) of hydromagnetic whistlers, using outer ionospheric models closely resembling actual conditions. The τ(ω, φ0) dependencies were compared with the experimental data of τexp(ω, φ0) obtained from sonagrams. The sonagrams were recorded in the frequency range ? ? (0.5?2.5) Hz at observation points located at geomagnetic latitudes φ0 = (53?66)° and in the vicinity of the geomagnetic poles. This investigation has led us to new and important conclusions.The wave packets (W.P.) forming hydromagnetic whistlers (H.W.) are mainly generated in the plasma regions at L = 3.5?4.0. This is not consistent with ideas already expressed in the literature that their generation region is L ? 3?10. The overwhelming majority of the τexp values differ considerably from the times at which wave packets would, in theory, propagate along the magnetic field lines corresponding to those of the geomagnetic latitudes φ0 of the observation points. The second important fact is that the W.P. frequency ω is less than ΩH everywhere along its propagation trajectory, including the apogee of the magnetic force line (ΩH is the proton gyrofrequency). Proton flux spectra E ? (30?120) keV, responsible for H.W. generation, were determined. Comparison of the Explorer-45 and OGO-3 measurements published in the literature, with our data, showed that the proton flux density energy responsible for the H.W. excitation Np(MV622) ? (5 × 10?3?10?1) Ha2 where Ha is the magnetic field force in the generation region of these W.P. The electron concentration is Na ? (102?103) cm?3. The values given in the literature are Na ? (10?10?103) cm?3. The e data considered also leads to the conclusion that the generating mechanism of the W.P. studied probably always co-exists with the mechanism of their amplification.  相似文献   

New ion cyclotron whistlers which have the asymptotic frequency of one half the local proton gyrofrequency, Gp2, and the minimum (or equatorial) proton gyrofrequency, Gpm, along the geomagnetic field line passing through the satellite have been found in the low-latitude topside ionosphere from the spectrum analysis of ISIS VLF electric field data received at Kashima, Japan. Ion cyclotron whistlers with asymptotic frequency of Gpm or Gpm2 are observed only in the region of Bm >B2 or rarely Bm >B4, where B is the local magnetic field and Bm is the mini magnetic field along the geomagnetic field line passing through the satellite.The particles with one half the proton gyrofrequency may be the deuteron or alpha particle. Theoretical spectrograms of the electron whistlers (R-mode) and the ion cyclotron whistlers (L-mode) propagating along the geomagnetic field lines are computed for the appropriate distributions of the electron density and the ionic composition, and compared with the observed spectrograms.The result shows that the ion cyclotron whistler with the asymptotic frequency of Gp2 is the deuteron whistler, and that the ion cyclotron whistlers with the asymptotic frequency of Gpm or Gpm2 are caused by the trans-equatorial propagation of the proton or deuteron whistler from the other hemisphere.  相似文献   

Wave normal directions of VLF signals propagating through the ionosphere can be determined by measuring Doppler frequency shift of the signals by means of rocket borne receivers. Two rockets were launched to detect the NWC signal of 22.3 kHz which was transmitted from Australia and propagated on two completely different paths, one being propagated through the Earth-ionosphere waveguide and up to the rocket, the other propagated down to the rocket by the whistler mode directly from the source in the opposite hemisphere. The wave normal directions of the latter mode were almost vertically downward in the ionosphere in the northern hemisphere, although substantial error was involved in the determination of the wave normal direction for a part of the upgoing flight of the rockets, due to the relative geometry of the directions of the rocket flight and the geomagnetic field. The effect of the horizontal gradients of the ionosphere on the above results were found to be not significant. From the experimental results it is concluded that field aligned ducts stretching down to the rocket altitudes did not exist, at least, during the rocket flights.  相似文献   

Wave conversion mechanisms causing large-frequency shifts are considered for an electron-positron plasma in a strong magnetic field. In particular, we discuss the effects of the nonlinear erenkov as well as the cyclotron resonances in order to associate pulsar radio-emissions with our present model for nonlinear conversion of high-frequency radiation into the low-frequency region.  相似文献   

Wave function of the universe in the superstring theory is discussed and using Vilenkin's boundary condition, the probability density of the scale factor a at a given value of the dilaton field, is obtained. It is shown that when the universe spontaneously nucleates, the minimum value of the scale factor of the classical universe is of the order of the Planck length, that is, quantum effects can prevent the universe from collapsing to a single point.  相似文献   

In this study, the physical structure for the propagation of whistler waves within a duct in the Earth's magnetosphere is investigated by means of magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) theory. Expressions for the current density and induced magnetic field are determined analytically and evaluated in terms of two models for the duct plasma density distribution. It is found that once the duct is formed, forces associated with the current structure will maintain it. MHD instabilities are examined briefly and found to be unlikely to threaten duct maintenance in regions where whistlers are typically observed. Examination of some effects of field-aligned currents suggest that this may be a viable mechanism for duct formation.  相似文献   

In this paper, we formulate the gravitational wave equations in the hybrid metric-Palatini gravity and solve these equations to find the polarization states. This newly proposed theory is very successful in explaining the observed phenomenology based on the hybrid combination of Einstein Hilbert action and Palatini formalism of \(f(R)\) gravity. We compare the obtained results of gravitational polarized modes with the existing results in the original approaches of the hybrid combination. The difference in the results is due to the coupling of the Ricci scalar with the trace of the energy momentum tensor.  相似文献   

Given a constant number of resonant protons in a field tube the unstable wave amplitude reaches a steady value rapidly due to nonlinear effects. Observations show that the pearl amplitudes grow gradually for a long time. Consistency with observations is obtained by taking into account the processes of proton injection.  相似文献   

It is shown that stationary turbulence consisting of an ensemble of small amplitude whistler wave packets becomes unstable against adiabatic perturbations. The rate of increase of the purely growing instability is presented. A stationary non-linear BGK solution for the whistler electric fields is obtained.  相似文献   

We investigate the effect of a strong large-scale magnetic field on the reflection of high-frequency acoustic modes in rapidly oscillating Ap stars. To that end, we consider a toy model composed of an isothermal atmosphere matched on to a polytropic interior and determine the numerical solution to the set of ideal magnetohydrodynamic equations in a local plane-parallel approximation with constant gravity. Using the numerical solution in combination with approximate analytical solutions that are valid in the limits where the magnetic and acoustic components are decoupled, we calculate the relative fraction of energy flux that is carried away in each oscillation cycle by running acoustic waves in the atmosphere and running magnetic waves in the interior. For oscillation frequencies above the acoustic cut-off, we show that most energy losses associated with the presence of running waves occur in regions where the magnetic field is close to vertical. Moreover, by considering the depth dependence of the energy associated with the magnetic component of the wave in the atmosphere we show that a fraction of the wave energy is kept in the oscillation every cycle. For frequencies above the acoustic cut-off frequency, such energy is concentrated in regions where the magnetic field is significantly inclined in relation to the local vertical. Even though our calculations were aimed at studying oscillations with frequencies above the acoustic cut-off frequency, based on our results we discuss what results may be expected for oscillations of lower frequency.  相似文献   

The present theory assumes that solar eruptive processes - such as flares or eruptive prominences - occur at a critical stage when a configuration evolves in a quasi-static way. The onset criterion is not based on standard linear stability considerations but on the fact that under suitable conditions static equilibrium configurations cease to exist. This starting point leads us to present a general discussion of existence properties of the corresponding set of equations. It turns out that the existing mathematical literature provides very useful pertinent information. In fact, some important questions of the existence can be answered without even solving the equations. Nevertheless, several explicit examples are discussed for reasons of illustration.For the major part of the paper the configurations are characterized by a single parameter. In a particularly simple (one-dimensional) case we also discuss solutions depending on two parameters. The results can be discussed in terms of catastrophe theory.The theory is valid for two space dimensions and contains topological changes of the magnetic field, although the latter feature is not necessary for the theory to apply. The theory of two-dimensional force-free fields is contained as a special case.  相似文献   

Terra-Homem  M.  Erdélyi  R.  Ballai  I. 《Solar physics》2003,217(2):199-223
The propagation of linear and non-linear magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) waves in a straight homogeneous cylindrical magnetic flux tube embedded in a homogeneous magnetic environment is investigated. Both the tube and its environment are in steady state. Steady flows break the symmetry of forward (field-aligned) and backward (anti-parallel to magnetic field) propagating MHD wave modes because of the induced Doppler shifts. It is shown that strong enough flows change the sense of propagation of MHD waves. The flow also induces shifts in cut-off values and phase-speeds of the waves. Under photospheric conditions, if the flow is strong enough, the slow surface modes may disappear and the fast body modes may become present. The crossing of modes is also observed due to the presence of flows. The effect of steady-state background has to be considered particularly carefully when evaluating observation signatures of MHD waves for diagnostics in the solar atmosphere.  相似文献   

During a long series of recordings of the Doppler shift of signals from NLK, Seattle, which have propagated in ducts in the whistler mode, a number of occasions have been noted where the duct has been acted on by the electric field of micropulsation events in the Pc4–5 range. Large oscillations are produced in the Doppler shift of the received VLF signal.It is shown that the field line has an antinode of motion in the equatorial plane, and that the Doppler shift is responding almost entirely to the radial component of the duct motion. The latter enables a comparison to be made between the magnetic disturbance in the magnetosphere and that seen on the ground. Some support is given to the prediction of Hughes (1974) and Inoue (1973) that the magnetospheric disturbance vector when seen on the ground is rotated 90° by the currents induced in the ionosphere. Models of the oscillating field line enable an estimate to be made of the azimuthal component of the electric field in the equatorial plane. This is typically 1 mVm. The model also predicts the north-south magnetic field strength of the transverse standing wave at the base of the magnetosphere, and this value may be compared with that seen on the ground. Values of the order 1–2 times the ground H-component or 5–10 times the ground D-component were found.  相似文献   

Analysis of the modifications introduced in a turbulent whistler noise spectrum with the injection of a coherent whistler leads to a nonlinear dispersion equation for the stochastic modes. These modes are submitted to real frequency shifts and corrections to their growth rates which are in qualitative agreement with observations made in the Siple Station VLF wave injection experiment showing the creation of noise-free bands when CW whistler modes are transmitted.  相似文献   

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