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云南程海浮游植物初级生产力的时空变化及其影响因子   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2016年4月-2017年2月,采用黑白瓶法研究了云南程海单点(码头点位)浮游植物初级生产力的垂直分布及其季节变化,同时基于全湖9个点位的现场调查和生产力垂向归纳模型(VGPM)估算并探讨了程海浮游植物初级生产力的时空变化及其主要影响因子.结果显示,码头点位的年均(均值±标准误)水柱(0~3 m)总初级生产力(GPPC)、净初级生产力(NPPC)和呼吸消耗量(RC)分别为5.40×103±0.64×103、2.36×103±0.63×103和3.06×103±0.82×103 mg O2/(m2·d);不论春夏季(4-8月)、秋冬季(9月-次年2月)还是全年,码头点位的单位生物量GPP(GPP/Chl.a)和单位生物量NPP(NPP/Chl.a)的最大值和最小值均分别出现在水下0.5 m和3.0 m处.经VPGM估算,程海全湖的初级生产力(PPeu)年均值为6.54×103±0.30×103 mg C/(m2·d)(2.74×103~18.62×103 mg C/(m2·d)).PPeu的时空变化方面,春夏季是PPeu快速上升的时节,秋冬季PPeu的月变化则呈波动状态,春夏季与秋冬季PPeu无显著性差异;PPeu整体空间异质性较弱,仅在降水最为充沛的7、8月表现出南北向的异质性,这与降水条件和流域营养盐输入的空间异质性有关.回归分析发现,虽然程海PPeu的主要影响因子具有季节异质性,但不论春夏季、秋冬季还是全年,浮游植物生物量均是重要的影响因子,水温亦是春夏季的重要影响因子.  相似文献   

The Pearl River Estuary is among the largest estuaries in the subtropical areas of the world. Along the salinity and turbidity gradient between the freshwater reach of the Pearl River and the marine water of the South China Sea, the spatial and temporal composition and abundance of phytoplankton was examined in relation to physic-chemical variables during the dry and wet seasons of 2009. Water samples for phytoplankton and environmental parameters were collected from 18 stations during two seasons along a transect from upper estuary to estuarine and marine sectors. A total of 162 species belonging to 7 phyla were identified, with diatoms dominated in both seasons while dinoflagellates proliferated in autumn. Two main clusters and three sub-clades under each main cluster corresponding to seasons and water sectors were defined with multivariate analysis (cluster and nMDS). Based on the species composition and abundance of phytoplankton, both seasonal and spatial variability were observed at a significant level (ANOSIM: season effect, R=0.896, P<0.01; station effect, R=0.463, P<0.01). The correlation analysis between biotic and abiotic variables indicated that instead of the “proverbial” anthropogenic nutrients loading and salinity gradient, the best 2-variable combination (temperature and turbidity) showed a significant effect on the pattern of phytoplankton assemblages (ρw=0.49, BIOENV analysis) between wet and dry seasons in the Pearl River Estuary. This result suggests that physical disturbance either natural or manmade is a more important factor in regulating the phytoplankton community structure within the hydrologically distinct zone of estuaries.  相似文献   

于2011年4月—2012年5月丰、平、枯3个水期对江汉平原水面面积为10 km2以上的22个湖泊进行了水质和藻类同步监测.结果显示:江汉平原主要湖泊中鉴定出藻类7门100属191种(亚种、变种),其中蓝藻门17属29种,绿藻门45属99种,硅藻门26属40种,隐藻门2属5种,裸藻门4属9种,甲藻门3属5种,金藻门3属4种;全年平均藻细胞丰度为0.93×106~84.18×106cells/L,细胞丰度以蓝藻门最高(50.65%),其次是绿藻门(29.56%),再次是硅藻门(12.30%)、隐藻门(6.19%)、裸藻门(0.56%)、甲藻门(0.39%)和金藻门(0.35%);丰水期生物量显著高于平水期和枯水期,Shannon-Wiener多样性指数年均值在1.44~2.10之间,丰水期的多样性指数略高于其他水期;藻类种类组成及优势种有明显的季节变化和空间差异.依据藻相特征的PCA分析将22个湖泊分为4个类群,不同类群具有显著不同的环境状况,氮磷营养负荷、水质状况和开发利用程度的不同是导致湖泊分化的内在原因;研究结果显示,江汉平原湖群总体上属于轻度污染状况,水体主要是中营养状态,丰水期与枯水期的湖泊生态环境状况具有显著差异;以藻相特征判断22个湖泊存在明显的时空异质性,部分湖泊因过度开发利用存在严重的富营养化风险;基于湖泊生态状况的显著时空异质性,对江汉平原湖群的管理应"因湖而异"制订科学合理的方法.  相似文献   

湖北浮桥河水库浮游植物初级生产力及其管理   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
浮桥河水库浮游植物水柱日生产量变幅为0.34-4.99 g/(m2·d),最低值出现在下游冬季,最高值出现在中游秋季,年平均值2.75 g/(m2·d)季节变化:秋季>夏季>春季>冬季,与浮游植物叶绿素a含量和生物量的季节变化一致;水平分布:中游略高于上游,下游最低,与浮游植物叶绿素a含量的水平分布完全一致表层日生产量占水柱日生产量53.81%.与1980年同期相比,浮游植物初级生产力增加了1.2倍.分析表明,磷含量增加是浮游植物初级生产力提高的关键因子.应用能量收支法估算浮桥河水库鲢鳙渔产潜力为772t,516.0 kh/hm2.从渔业管理和水质管理角度讨论了合理利用浮游植物初级生产力的措施.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to: (1) measure water column concentrations of Irgarol 1051 and its major metabolite GS26575 annually (2004-2006) during mid-June and mid-August at 14 sites in a study area comprised of three sub-regions chosen to reflect a gradient in Irgarol exposure (Port Annapolis marina, Severn River and Severn River reference area); (2) use a probabilistic approach to determine ecological risk of Irgarol and its major metabolite in the study area by comparing the distribution of exposure data with toxicity-effects endpoints; and (3) measure both functional and structural resident phytoplankton parameters concurrently with Irgarol and metabolite concentrations to assess relationships and determine ecological risk at six selected sites in the three study areas described above. The three-year summer mean Irgarol concentrations by site clearly showed a gradient in concentrations with greater values in Back Creek (400-500 ng/L range), lower values in the Severn River sites near the confluence with Back Creek (generally values less than 100 ng/L) and still lower values (<10 ng/L) at the Severn River reference sites at the confluence with Chesapeake Bay. A similar spatial trend, but with much lower concentrations, was also reported for GS26575. The probability of exceeding the Irgarol plant 10th centile of 193 ng/L and the microcosm NOEC (323 ng/L) suggested high ecological risk from Irgarol exposure at Port Annapolis marina sites but much lower risk at the other sites. There were no statistically significant differences among the three site types (marina, river and reference) with all years combined or among years within a site type for the following functional and structural phytoplankton endpoints: algal biomass, gross photosynthesis, biomass normalized photosynthesis, chlorophyll a, chlorophyll a normalized photosynthesis and taxa richness. Therefore, based on the above results, Irgarol adverse effects predicted from the plant 10th centile and the microcosm NOEC in the high Irgarol exposure area (Back Creek/Port Annapolis marina) were not confirmed with the actual field data for the receptor species (phytoplankton). These results also highlight the importance of unconfined field studies with a chemical gradient in providing valuable information regarding the responses of resident phytoplankton to herbicides.  相似文献   

太湖浮游植物群落的有机碳生产及其影响因子分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2007年1-12月对中国科学院太湖湖泊生态系统站栈桥附近进行了每月1次以及太湖4个典型湖区每季度1次的有机碳生产实验,分析了太湖浮游植物群落的有机碳生产情况及其影响因子.结果表明,浮游植物有机碳生产与光照、温度以及浮游植物的群落组成有着密切的关系.舂、夏季浮游植物光合效率比秋、冬季高,空间上蓝藻占优势的湖区较高,水草区较低.  相似文献   

河流中浮游植物的动态变化能够较好的指示河流水质状况.为探索水文气象过程对筑坝河流浮游植物群落结构的影响,2020年夏季,以钱塘江干流为例,对包括富春江水库在内的11个河段开展了浮游植物群落结构及相关环境因子的调查分析.结果 表明:夏季在钱塘江干流共鉴定出浮游植物6门59属95种,优势属为沟链藻(Aulacoseir、菱...  相似文献   

Tides and wind-driven mixing play a major role in promoting post-bloom productivity in subarctic shelf seas. Whether this is also true in the high Arctic remains unknown. This question is particularly relevant in a context of increasing Arctic Ocean stratification in response to global climatic change. We have used a three-dimensional ocean-sea ice-plankton ecosystem model to assess the contribution of tides and strong wind events to summer (June-August 2001) primary production in the Barents Sea. Tides are responsible for 20% (60% locally) of the post-bloom primary production above Svalbard Bank and east of the Kola Peninsula. By contrast, more than 9% of the primary production is due to winds faster than 8 m s−1 in the central Barents Sea. Locally, this contribution reaches 25%. In the marginal ice zone, both tides and wind events have only a limited effect on primary production (<2%). Removing tides or winds faster than 8 m s−1 promotes a regime more sustained by regenerated production with a f-ratio (i.e. the proportion of nitrate-based “new” primary production in the total primary production) that decreases by up to 26% (east of the Kola Peninsula) or 35% (central Barents Sea), respectively. When integrated over all Barents Sea sub-regions, tides and strong wind events account, respectively, for 6.8% (1.55 Tg C; 1 Tg C=1012 g C) and 4.1% (0.93 Tg C) of the post-bloom primary production (22.6 Tg C). To put this in context, this contribution to summer primary production is equivalent to the spring bloom integrated over the Svalbard area. Tides and winds are significant drivers of summer plankton productivity in the Barents Sea.  相似文献   

In this study, variations in the particulate organic carbon (POC) were monitored during a phytoplankton bloom event, and the corresponding changes in bio-optical properties were tracked at one station (114.29°E, 22.06°N) located in the Pearl River estuary. A greater than 10-fold increase in POC (112.29-1173.36 mg m−3) was observed during the bloom, with the chlorophyll a concentration (Chl-a) varying from 0.984 to 25.941 mg m−3. A power law function is used to describe the relationship between POC and Chl-a, and the POC:Chl-a ratio tends to change inversely with Chl-a. Phytoplankton carbon concentration is indirectly estimated using the conceptual model proposed by Sathyendranath et al. (2009), and this carbon is found to contribute 47.21% (±10.65%) to total POC. The estimated carbon-to-chlorophyll ratio of phytoplankton in diatom-dominated waters is found to be comparable with results reported in the literature. Empirical algorithms for determining the concentrations of Chl-a and POC were developed based on the relationships of these variables with the blue-to-green reflectance ratio. With these bio-optical models, the levels of particulate organic carbon and Chl-a could be predicted from the radiometric data measured by a marine optical buoy, which showed much more detailed information about the variability in biogeochemical parameters during this bloom event.  相似文献   

筑坝改变河流生源要素迁移转化过程及浮游植物群落分布特征,影响河流生态系统结构与功能。为探究梯级筑坝河流浮游植物群落结构特征及其关键驱动因子,2016年丰水期、2018和2021年丰、枯水期在澜沧江开展了浮游植物群落及相关环境要素的调研。本文重点对比分析了丰水期自然河道段和水库浮游植物间的差异,基于广义相加模型(GAM)建立浮游植物与环境要素间的关系,研究发现:丰水期浮游植物生物量显著高于枯水期,丰、枯水期浮游植物群落结构均呈现上游以硅藻门为主,中下游以绿藻门、蓝藻门为主的变化特征。营养盐和水库的水力停留时间(HRT)是导致上、下游浮游植物生物量差异的关键环境要素;总磷、水温和HRT是影响浮游植物群落多样性指数的主要环境要素;总磷、氨氮是影响丰富度指数的关键环境要素。本研究结果有助于深化理解梯级筑坝河流生态环境效应。  相似文献   

Phytoplankton biomass, community and size structure, primary production and bacterial production were measured at shelf and continental slope sites near North West Cape, Western Australia (20.5°S–22.5°S) over two summers (October–February 1997–1998 and 1998–1999), and in April 2002. The North West Cape region is characterized by upwelling-favorable, southwesterly winds throughout the summer. Surface outcropping of upwelled water is suppressed by the geostrophic pressure gradients and warm low-density surface waters of the southward flowing Leeuwin Current. Strong El Niño (ENSO) conditions (SOI <0) prevailed through the summer of 1997–1998 which resulted in lower sea levels along the northwestern Australian coast and a weaker Leeuwin Current. La Niña conditions prevailed during the 1998–1999 summer and in April 2002. During the summer of 1997–1998, the North West Cape region was characterized by a shallower thermocline (nutricline), resulting in larger euphotic zone stocks of inorganic nitrogen and silicate over the continental slope. There was evidence for episodic intrusions of upper thermocline waters and the sub-surface chlorophyll maximum onto the outer continental shelf in 1997–1998, but not in 1998–1999. Pronounced differences in phytoplankton biomass, community size structure and productivity were observed between the summers of 1997–1998 and 1998–1999 despite general similarities in irradiance, temperature and wind stress. Phytoplankton primary production and bacterial production were 2- to 4-fold higher during the summer of 1997–1998 than in 1998–1999, while total phytoplankton standing crop increased by<2-fold. Larger phytoplankton (chiefly diatoms in the >10 μm size fraction) made significant contributions to phytoplankton standing crop and primary production during the summer of 1997–1998, but not 1998–1999. Although there were no surface signs of upwelling, primary production rates near North West Cape episodically reached levels (3–8 g C m−2 day−1) characteristic of eastern boundary Ekman upwelling zones elsewhere in the world. Bacterial production (0.006–1.2 g C m−2 day−1) ranged between 0.6 and 145 percent (median=19 percent) of concurrent primary production. The observed differences between years and within individual summers suggest that variations in the Leeuwin Current driven by seasonal or ENSO-related changes in the Indonesian throughflow region may have episodic, but significant influences on pelagic productivity along the western margin of Australia.  相似文献   

用黑白瓶测氧法测定了水生高等植物马来眼子菜(竹叶眼子菜,Potamogeton malaianus)和金鱼藻(Ceratophyllum demersum)的初级生产。按单位鲜重或干重表示的毛生产率,马来眼子菜为0.43—1.50mg O_2/g FWt.h(3.76—13.03mg O_2/g DWt.h);金鱼藻为0.44—0.45mg O_2/g FWt.h(5.12—5.27mg O_2/g DWt.h)。净生产率则分别为0.15—1.44mg O_2/g FWt.h(1.31—12.51mg O_2/g DWt.h)和0.08—0.25mg O_2/g FWt.h(0.93—2.95mg O_2/g DWt.h)。讨论了测定时的样品重量和光照强度对生产率的影响。  相似文献   

Phytoplankton cells in estuary waters usually experience drastic changes in chemical and physical environments due to mixing of fresh and seawaters. In order to see their photosynthetic performance in such dynamic waters, we measured the photosynthetic carbon fixation by natural phytoplankton assemblages in the Jiulong River estuary of the South China Sea during April 24-26 and July 24-26 of 2008, and investigated its relationship with environmental changes in the presence or the absence of UV radiation. Phytoplankton biomass (Chl a) decreased sharply from the river-mouth to seawards (17.3-2.1 μg L−1), with the dominant species changed from chlorophytes to diatoms. The photosynthetic rate based on Chl a at noon time under PAR-alone increased from 1.9 μg C (μg Chl a)−1 L−1 in low salinity zone (SSS < 10) to 12.4 μg C (μg Chl a)−1 L−1 in turbidity front (SSS within 10-20), and then decreased to 2.1 μg C (μg Chl a)−1 L−1 in mixohaline zone (SSS > 20); accordingly, the carbon fixation per volume of seawater increased from 12.8 to 149 μg C L−1 h−1, and decreased to 14.3 μg C L−1 h−1. Solar UVR caused the inhibition of carbon fixation in surface water of all the investigated zones, by 39% in turbidity area and 7-10% in freshwater or mixohaline zones. In the turbidity zone, higher availability of CO2 could have enhanced the photosynthetic performance; while osmotic stress might be responsible for the higher sensitivity of phytoplankton assemblages to solar UV radiation.  相似文献   

The effects of colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM) from freshwater runoff and seasonal cycle of temperature on the dynamic of phytoplankton and zooplankton biomass and production in the Gulf of St. Lawrence (GSL) are studied using a 3-D coupled physical-plankton ecosystem model. Three simulations are conducted: (1) the reference simulation based on Le Fouest et al. (2005), in which light attenuation by CDOM is not considered and maximum growth rate (μmaxμmax) of phytoplankton and zooplankton are not temperature-dependent (REF simulation); (2) light attenuation by CDOM is added to REF simulation (CDOM simulation); and (3) in addition to CDOM, the μmaxμmax of phytoplankton and zooplankton are regulated by temperature (CDOM+TEMP simulation). CDOM simulation shows that CDOM substantially reduces phytoplankton biomass and production in the Lower St. Lawrence Estuary (LSLE), but slightly reduces overall primary production in the GSL. In the LSLE, the spring phytoplankton bloom is delayed from mid-March to mid-April, resulted from light attenuation by CDOM. The CDOM+TEMP simulation shows that the spring phytoplankton bloom in the LSLE is further delayed to July, which is more consistent with observations. Annual primary production is reduced by 33% in CDOM+TEMP simulation from REF and CDOM simulations. Zooplankton production is the same in all three simulations, and export of organic matter to depth is reduced in CDOM+TEMP simulation, suggesting that temperature controlled growth of phytoplankton and zooplankton enhances the coupling between primary production and zooplankton production under the seasonal temperature cycle of the GSL.  相似文献   

Plastic production pellets sampled from four beaches along a stretch of coastline (south Devon, SW England) and accompanying, loosely adhered and entrapped material removed ultrasonically have been analysed for major metals (Al, Fe, Mn) and trace metals (Cu, Zn, Pb, Ag, Cd, Co, Cr, Mo, Sb, Sn, U) following acid digestion. In most cases, metal concentrations in composite pellet samples from each site were less than but within an order of magnitude of corresponding concentrations in the pooled extraneous materials. However, normalisation of data with respect to Al revealed enrichment of Cd and Pb in plastic pellets at two sites. These observations are not wholly due to the association of pellets with fine material that is resistant to ultrasonication since new polyethylene pellets suspended in a harbour for 8 weeks accumulated metals from sea water through adsorption and precipitation. The environmental implications and potential applications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

2009年7月至2010年6月,以每月一次的频率对百花湖(水库)麦西河河口浮游植物群落结构和环境因子进行调查.监测到浮游植物66种(属),浮游植物主要由绿藻、硅藻和蓝藻组成,夏秋季湖泊假鱼腥藻(Pseudanabaena limnetica)为优势浮游植物,而冬春季梅尼小环藻(Cyclotella meneghinia...  相似文献   

本文利用地震海洋学新的反演结果,对地中海涡旋的温度、密度、声速以及波阻抗等物理性质进行了详细的分析与讨论,特别对地中海涡旋的一些细结构、混合过程进行了相关描述.研究分析取得以下认识:(1)涡旋具有涡旋核心水与涡旋混合水双层结构,这种结构特征可以在温度图、声速图和波阻抗图中识别出来;(2)涡旋核心水并不是均匀的稳定结构,内部有微弱的混合作用;(3)在涡旋上部以及周围边缘区域,海水的混合比较复杂;在涡旋下部边缘区域,除了有小尺度的盐指混合,内波也是非常重要的动力混合作用;(4)海水密度在涡旋核心水的分布比较稳定,成层性较强,在混合水区域由于不同的混合作用及其强烈程度不同,会发生波动甚至反转;(5)涡旋本身并不是一个严格对称的结构,涡旋与背景海水的上部以及周围边界比较模糊和复杂,而涡旋下部边界则比较明显.地震海洋学反演提供的涡旋物理性质数据能够为涡旋进一步的研究提供更为准确、更高精度以及更高分辨率的参考数据,同时对涡旋的运动学以及动力学研究提供了更进一步的研究方法和研究方向.  相似文献   

武汉东湖主要湖区的藻类与营养型评价   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:8  
况琪军  夏宜琤 《湖泊科学》1995,7(4):351-356
对东湖9个湖区藻类的群落结构、生长潜力、初级生产力和营养状况进行了比较研究。结果表明,9个湖区藻类的种类组成无明显差异,绿藻为主,蓝藻和硅藻次之;藻类的生长潜力和初级生产力各湖区差异较大,均以茶港湾重污染区最高和牛巢湖最低。根据各项指标综合分析,9个湖区水质优劣的顺序是:牛巢湖、汤林湖、后湖、郭郑湖、菱角湖、筲箕湖、庙湖、喻家湖和茶港湾重污染区。对东湖的大水面郭郑湖40年来藻类的有关参数进行比较发  相似文献   

针对武汉东湖存在营养状态梯度的5个子湖(郭郑湖、汤菱湖、团湖、庙湖、水果湖),结合"空间换时间"理论,研究湖泊富营养状况改善过程中浮游植物群落对环境因子的响应.全年调查期间,各子湖综合营养状态指数分布范围为45.4~76.8,浮游植物密度及生物量变化范围分别为2.03×106~245×106 cells/L和0.819~19.9 mg/L.冗余分析结果显示,浮游植物的物种分布与水温、总氮、透明度、总溶解性固体、氨氮呈显著相关.采用多元逐步回归分析构建浮游植物密度、生物量与环境因子之间的最优响应方程,结果显示,总氮、水温是影响浮游植物密度的主要因子;对于浮游植物生物量而言,总磷、总氮浓度降低能够降低浮游植物生物量.通过对富营养程度改善进程中浮游植物群落组成的动态变化进行分析,发现浮游植物密度及生物量显著下降,但物种组成及生物多样性并未发生明显转变.此外,浮游植物物种多样性与水体富营养水平梯度并不呈现简单的线性相关.因此,在对富营养化湖泊进行修复时,应制定短期修复与长期维护双重措施,同时应重视生物多样性的重建,进而达到理想的修复效果.  相似文献   

The contents of 31 samples from free-drifting sediment traps deployed in the Gulf of St. Lawrence (GSL) were analyzed for the individual contribution of the different types of particles encountered to the total particulate organic carbon (POC) flux. Two trap models were used in 1993-1994: small traps at 50 m depth and large traps at 50 and 150 m. Total POC fluxes averaged 42 mg C m−2 d−1 for the more reliable large trap and 149 mg C m−2 d−1 for the small trap. The POC fluxes were attributed to different classes of particles based upon microscopically determined particle dimensions and carbon/volume algorithms available in the literature. Fecal pellets, followed by phytoplankton, were the major attributable components, with important contributions by microzooplankton, particularly during the summer of 1994. The mean fluxes for pellets (6 and 60 mg  C m−2 d−1, for the large and small traps, respectively) and phytoplankton (3.2 and 42.9 mg C m−2 d−1) were in the range of those encountered in other areas of moderate primary productivity. Mean zooplankton carbon fluxes (1.8 and 8.5 mg C m−2 d−1, respectively), however, reflect higher than average zooplankton abundances in the GSL. The C fluxes of specific algal groups confirmed the existence of three trophic regimes previously identified from water column studies and numeric cell fluxes: (1) a period when diatoms were dominant during the spring, (2) a longer interval, which was dominated by dinoflagellates at most others times of the year, and (3) a period of transition during summer. Carbon of animal origin dominated the attributable flux, including an important fraction associated with heterotrophic dinoflagellates. The contribution of marine snow to the total flux (estimated as the difference between the total POC flux and the sum of the attributed components) frequently amounted to more than 60%. The true importance of marine snow remains uncertain, however, because the errors associated with each of the measured components accumulate to produce large uncertainties. The methodological problems involved are discussed.  相似文献   

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