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文章阐述人类共同继承财产原则的提出和确立过程,从不同角度论述该原则在国际海底区域法律制度的适用和发展;我国应在阐释、适用和发展人类共同继承财产原则,参与深海治理和深海国际规则构建以及规章制定和制度设计等方面谋取长远利益。 相似文献
为适应国际海洋事务发展形势,促进我国积极参与国际海底区域活动,文章通过分析国际海底区域活动与其他海洋开发利用活动的内涵、范围适用、支配原则和理论依据等,提出二者产生冲突的原因,并探讨协调途径。研究结果表明:国际海底区域活动与其他海洋开发利用活动产生冲突的本质是人类共同继承财产原则与公海自由原则适用的冲突;公海自由原则不适用于国际海底区域;协调国际海底区域活动与其他海洋开发利用活动的核心是坚持国际海底区域的人类共同继承财产原则,发挥国际海底管理局职能,促进国际合作,相关国际组织和国际海底区域组织建立沟通机制,进一步建立健全国际和国内的立法和技术规范。 相似文献
文章结合国际深海采矿的现状和中国现有国际海底区域矿区的情况,分析中国国际海底区域矿区采矿存在缺少法律依据、尚未完成矿区资源评价和"区域"放弃、深海采矿技术发展相对滞后、海洋环境影响评估尚有不足等问题;在此基础上提出未来发展建议,即开展与国际海底管理局的深度合作,在制定"区域"内矿产资源开发规章中有所作为;加快对中国国际海底区域的勘探工作,尽快完成矿区资源评价和"区域"放弃;跟踪国际深海采矿行业进展,加快推进中国深海采矿系统的建造并尽快试开采;继续加大深海采矿对海洋环境的影响研究,尽快形成深海采矿环境影响预测评价技术指南。 相似文献
海底矿产资源的实质性开发有可能引发国际社会的政治、经济和环境问题,全球治理是协调各方利益、调节相互冲突和解决系列问题的有效途径和方式。文章概述国际海底区域的全球治理体系,在此机制框架下通过具体案例分析海底矿产资源开发利用的潜在生态环境风险和治理挑战,介绍了可实现深海资源商业开发和深海生境保护平衡发展的区域环境管理计划,并对其在全球海洋治理中发挥的作用进行探讨。在分析中国国际海底区域利益的基础上,提出中国参与国际海底区域治理的策略建议,即参与制定国际规则、完善国内相关立法、研究海底空间规划、发展关键技术装备和加强国际联系合作。 相似文献
保护国际海底区域的环境是维护"人类的共同继承财产"原则的重要内容。国际海底管理局通过的有关规章极大地发展了《联合国海洋法公约》确立的国际海底区域环境保护制度。国际海底管理局是代表全人类管理和保护国际海底区域的组织,在国际海底区域环境保护方面具有广泛的职权和责任。承包者是国际海底区域活动的直接主体,对于其国际海底区域内活动对海洋环境造成的污染和危害应承担主要的责任。担保国对于国际海底区域环境的保护也负有一定的责任。作为国际海底区域资源的主要利用者以及担保国内实体从事国际海底区域勘探开发活动的担保国,我国应高度重视国际海底区域的环境保护。 相似文献
1 国际海底及其开发制度 第三次联合国海洋法会议通过的《联合国海洋公约》(以下简称《公约》)提出了一个崭新的概念——国际海底,它是指国家管辖范围以外的海床洋底及其底土。《公约》明确规定,国际海底及其资源是人类共同继承财产,国际海底内的活动应由国际海底管理局代表全人类,根据公约予以安排、进行和控制。在此基础上,公约还建立了一套国际海底开发的法律制度。 相似文献
按照 1982年《联合国海洋法公约》(以下简称《公约》) ,国际海底区域是指各国管辖水域范围以外的海床、洋底及其底土。换言之 ,它是各国大陆架以外的深海海底及其底土。国际海底区域面积约为 2 5 17亿平方千米 ,占全球海洋总面积的近 70 % ,深度为 2 0 0 0m~ 6 0 0 0m或更深。“区域”内蕴藏着丰富的战略金属能源和生物资源。随着陆地资源的日趋减少与科学技术的发展 ,国际海底区域必将成为 2 1世纪国际社会经济、科技竞争的重要场所。国际海底区域及其资源是人类的共同继承财产。 1970年 12月 17日第 2 5届联合国大会在无反对票的情况… 相似文献
国际海底区域是指国家管辖以外的海底区域,面积约2.517亿平方公里,占地球表面积的49%。在这一广阔海域内蕴藏着丰富的战略金属矿产、海洋能源和生物资源。按《联合国海洋法公约》的规定,这些资源是全人类的共同继承财富,也是21世纪重要的陆地可接替资源。随着陆地资源的耗竭, 相似文献
国际海底先驱投资 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
国际海底区域占世界海洋面积的65%,蕴藏着丰富的矿产资源。目前最有可能进行商业开采的是大洋多金属结核,该资源分布于世界大洋底层,以太平洋分布最广,估计储量为17000亿吨,是一项巨大的战略资源。从20世纪50年代开始,一些工业发达国家及其财团对大洋多金属结核资源展开勘察活动;20世纪60年代末期至70年代,这一活动达到了高潮,采矿、冶炼技术研究和试验工作已具相当规模;进入80年代,一些国家已完成勘探目标区的圈定工作,并进行了大量的采矿和选矿试验研究;估计21世纪20年代后即可进入商业性开采,国际海底矿产资源勘探开发正在引起激烈的国际竞争。[第一段] 相似文献
《Marine Policy》2017
The seabed in areas beyond national jurisdiction is the common heritage of mankind (CHM), as declared in the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. The CHM principle requires not only the sharing of benefits (the subject of a parallel article by the authors) but also the conservation and preservation of natural and biological resources for both present and future generations. The International Seabed Authority, tasked with operationalising the CHM principle in the context of deep-seabed mining, has not yet defined which measures it will take to give effect to environmental aspects of the CHM principle. This article seeks to contribute to the discussion about the operationalization of the CHM principle by specifically examining the environmental dimension of the CHM principle. To this end, the article interprets the CHM principle in the context of sustainable development and discusses a number of potential options the Authority could consider to support the application of the CHM principle. These include: funding scientific research to increase knowledge about the deep ocean for humankind; ensuring public participation in the decision-making process; debating the need for and alternatives to deep-seabed mining; determining conservation targets and levels of harm deemed acceptable; limiting environmental impacts; preserving mineable sites for future generations; compensating humankind for environmental harm; and ensuring enforcement. 相似文献
《Marine Policy》2016
The 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea declares the seabed beyond national jurisdiction and its mineral resources as the “common heritage of mankind” (CHM). This article examines the operationalisation of the CHM principle in the international seabed mining regime, with focus placed on the sharing of benefits derived from mining. The article begins by providing an overview of the CHM principle, before examining four modalities provided for in the Convention, both institutional and substantial, and their role in giving effect to the CHM principle: (1) financial benefits; (2) the “Enterprise”; (3) the parallel system of reserved areas; and, (4) marine scientific research. Finally, overarching issues are discussed and some suggestions on ways forward are presented. The article considers that the deep seabed mining regime is not yet ready to effectively share the benefits derived from the common heritage of mankind. In particular, the future of the Enterprise is uncertain and changes to the so-called parallel system that affect the CHM have received minimal discussion. Moreover, a lack of publicly available research data related to seabed mining is hindering current benefits for humankind. However, work is underway at the International Seabed Authority to establish rules and policies with respect to the sharing of financial benefits. While the CHM principle remains largely untested, approaches that are transparent, inclusive, accountable, and equitable are more likely to be successful. 相似文献
A code of practice for ocean mining has been developed by the International Marine Minerals Society. The code provides general guiding Principles for development of marine mineral resources and delineates Operating Guidelines for application, as appropriate, at specific mining sites. In total 11 operating guidelines are provided to serve as benchmarks for industry and targets for regulatory agencies and other stakeholders. They include the following commitments: •To sustainable development, •To environmentally responsible corporate ethics, •To the development of effective community partnership, •To implementation of environmental risk management, •To the integration of environmental management into all phases of development, •To the establishment of corporate environmental performance targets, •To timely environmental improvements and upgrading, •To responsible rehabilitation of operations sites and decommissioning of facilities, and •To accurate and timely, reporting and documentation, archiving, and performance review. 相似文献
《Marine Policy》2016
The conservation of marine biological diversity has been identified as a crucial issue in need of legal regulation. The UNCLOS does not sufficiently address all issues relevant to viably conserve biological diversity. Legal developments concerning marine genetic resources, area-based management tools such as marine protected areas, environmental impact assessment and capacity building are being discussed as elements of a new implementing agreement. In particular, more precise legal rules concerning marine protected areas beyond national jurisdiction are needed to supplement the frame left by UNCLOS. As concerns the issue of access to genetic resources and the sharing of benefits the UNCLOS regime has gaps because the relevant activities had not been foreseen at the time of the convention's adoption. Divergent views exist as to whether the concept of the common heritage of mankind should be extended to genetic resources. 相似文献
In 2005, the Baltic Sea, except for its Russian waters, was designated as a particularly sensitive sea area (PSSA) by the International Maritime Organization (IMO). The previous designation of the Western European waters as a PSSA—intensely debated within the IMO—had repercussions for this process. Reviewing the case exposes the conflict between the fundamental principles, territorial sovereignty, and freedom of the high seas that international law seeks to balance. Likewise, review indicates that the PSSA concept is under almost constant reconceptualization as it is put to test in practice. 相似文献
近年来,随着发展"绿色航运经济"的话题热度不断升温,北极西北航道因其潜在的巨大通航价值成为各国诉争的焦点,与此同时,船舶通行所带来的对海洋生态的侵蚀破坏,例如燃油废料和塑料垃圾等,引发了国际法视域内的诸多争议。以加拿大为代表的西北航道沿岸国滥用国际海洋法框架下关于航行自由和环境保护的模糊地带,肆意扩张国内法的管制范围对他国的航行自由进行不合理限制的问题愈加凸显。为了国际航海秩序的和平稳定,实现北极航运的可持续发展,文章以北极西北航道沿岸国借助"环境保护"名义限制他国在西北航道航行自由权的法律援引模式为切入,对航行安全控制区制度和特别敏感海域制度的法律争议进行分析,综合体系解释的方法和国际法实践判例的指引,构建北极西北航道航行自由与环境保护的平衡路径。 相似文献
山东昌邑国家级海洋生态特别保护区是目前国内唯一以柽柳林生态系统为主要管理和保护对象的国家级海洋保护区。为系统、全面地了解保护区内生态环境和保护物种的变化趋势,文章对山东昌邑国家级海洋生态特别保护区生态环境现状进行了监测与评价,并根据评价结果,分析了保护区保护与管理中存在的问题。研究表明,该保护区生态环境一直处于亚健康状态,为促进保护及管护,提出了加强保护区生态建设,改变保护区开发利用模式;加强能力建设,实现保护区动态监控;协调发展与保护的关系,实现资源可持续利用;大力开展柽柳生态修复,恢复柽柳的资源状况的对策建议。 相似文献
《Marine Policy》2016
China is one of the most significant country with regard to underwater cultural heritage (UCH). One prominent feature of the Chinese regime on UCH protection is that the government has played a dominant and leading role. This paper first surveys this State-led working model and typical cases and then points out this model's major problems, including lack of staff and funds, the threat of looting and destruction, and the pressure from neighboring countries. Possible solutions consistent with the basic principles of the UNESCO Convention on the Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage are explored. It is argued that China shall strengthen preservation in situ as the first option. Considering the limitations of preservation in situ, an appropriate approach to excavation is also required, and a two-tier system of excavation is proposed. Under the proposed system, all sites of UCH should be protected; however, the government should concentrate its resources on the most significant UCH sites. For other sites, commercial involvement may be introduced in rescue excavation. Economic income from deposition and exhibition may provide the main incentive to salvage corporations. Nevertheless, the sale of artifacts recovered should be strictly forbidden. 相似文献