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This article describes geological and geophysical studies of an underground nuclear explosion area in one of the boreholes at the Semipalatinsk test site in Kazakhstan. During these studies, the typical elements of mechanical impact of the underground explosion on the host medium—fracturing of rock, spall zones, faults, cracks, etc., were observed. This information supplements to the database of underground nuclear explosion phenomenology and can be applied in fulfilling on-site inspection tasks under the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty.  相似文献   

Oil field brine was applied to a gravel roadbed at an instrumented study site in Newark, Ohio, to simulate the use of brine as a deicer on roads in certain areas of Ohio. Brine was applied on a weekly basis eight times during the winter of 1988 as part of the deicing simulation. Eleven wells were installed at the site prior to brine application to permit collection of ground water quality samples. Surface geophysical methods — electrical resistivity and electromagnetic conductivity — were used to map the resulting brine plume. The accuracy of the methods was evaluated by comparing geophysical and ground water quality data. The presence of brine in ground water resulted in a decrease in resistivity and an increase in conductivity. Specific conductance measured in the field was used as a general indicator of the presence of the brine plume in ground water. Chloride concentration was an indicator of brine in the ground water. Results of the surface geophysical surveys correlated best with chloride and dissolved solids concentrations, and with specific conductance in ground water. The surface geophysical methods were found to be useful for qualitative interpretations of ground water quality changes resulting from the application of brine on roads.  相似文献   

Seasonal dynamics of the mineralization, ionic composition, and the concentrations of specific pollutants in subsoil water are studied in populated localities in the southern Rostov oblast. Four major water types are identified: hydrocarbonate–sulfate (sulfate–hydrocarbonate), sulfate, chloride–sulfate (sulfate–chloride), and mixed type of subsoil water. The quality of subsoil water was found to fail to meet the sanitarytoxicological standards in terms of many characteristics. The values of MAC are exceeded for calcium, magnesium, sodium, chloride and sulfate ions, oil products, cadmium, total iron, silicon, and nitrate and ammonium nitrogen. Relationships were found to exist between the concentrations in water of cadmium, potassium, and phosphorus ions; oil products; pH values; water mineralization and total hardness; and seasonal variations of subsoil water levels. The identified relationships were substantiated.  相似文献   

Direct-push sampling was conducted at a site previously characterized with conventional monitoring wells. Hydrogeological and chemical heterogeneities not represented in the original site conceptual model were detected by direct-push sampling. These heterogeneities were important in terms of their impact on the assessment of monitored natural attenuation at the site. This research suggests that additional sampling efforts could be attempted at some sites to test the accuracy of site conceptual models. The leading edge of a contaminant plume must be examined closely, because conceptual errors in this area could easily allow impacts to receptors to remain undetected.  相似文献   

The hydrogeology of the chemical waste disposal site in the closed basin at Alkali Lake, Oregon has been examined. Interest in the site is due to the burial (November 1976) of 25,000 drums of herbicide manufacturing residues in unlined trenches on the playa of the basin. Included in the wastes were large amounts of chlorophenols and polymeric chlorophenoxyphenols. The flow of the alkaline (pH ∼10) ground water in the site area is driven by: (1) springs which create a mound east of the site; and (2) the sump effect of “West Alkali Lake,” a topographic low to the west of the site. Porosity, bulk mass densities, and grain-size distributions were determined. At one piezometer, the depth to ground water ranged between 0.9 m and 2.2 m. With the bottoms of the trenches in which the chemicals were buried between 0.60 and 0.75 m below the level of the ground surface, the bottom portions of the trenches may, at least occasionally, be in direct contact with the ground water.  相似文献   

结合地质和遥感图像解译资料,以物探方法查找活断层是行之有效的方法。针对单一的物探方法在反演解释中具有多解性的弊端,本文提出以高密度电阻率法为主,浅层地震反射波法为辅的综合物探勘察组合模式。经实际钻探证明,这种综合物探模式对隐伏活断层的勘察是完全可行的,并具有较强的实用推广性。  相似文献   

There is often a need to estimate the variation in water quality and flow rate with depth in an aquifer given access only to an uncased borehole. In such situations, borehole logging techniques can be applied. This paper describes the Reversed Flow Test (RFT), a rarely used borehole logging method. The RFT is intended to provide information on pore water quality and inflow rates along the length of an uncased borehole profile. They are carried out by logging the conductivity of the borehole fluid under two pumping phases. During the first pumping phase the pump intake is located at the top of the borehole, and during the second the intake is located at the base. Provided the pumping rates are low and the system does not have marked lateral heterogeneity, stable conductivity profiles are often achieved within a relatively short time period. The data are interpreted to give estimates of electrical conductivity and inflow at each point in the profile. The test has been successfully carried out on a range of British aquifers, and four case histories are summarized here. In each case, the test was easily accomplished by two people in less than a day.  相似文献   

The soil and ground water at a General Motors plant site were contaminated with petroleum products from leaking underground storage tanks. Based on the initial assessment, the site was complex from the standpoint of geology (clay layers), hydrology (a recharge zone with a perched water table), and contaminant (approximately 4800 gallons of mixed gasoline and oil). After a thorough study of remedial alternatives, a synergistic remedial approach was adopted including pump and treat, product removal, vapor extraction, and bioventing. The system was designed and implemented at the site through 22 dual-extraction wells. Over a 21-month period, 4400 gallons of gasoline and oil were removed from the system, including 59 percent by vapor extraction, 28 percent by bioventing, and 13 percent by pump and treat. Synergism between the various remedial methods was demonstrated clearly. Ground water pump and treat lowered the water table, allowing air to flow for vapor extraction. The vacuum applied for vapor extraction increased the ground water removal rate and the efficiency of pump and treat. The vapor extraction system also added oxygen to the soil to stimulate aerobic biodegradation.  相似文献   

塔河油田普查地下淡水的地球物理工作模式   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文阐述了在塔河油田地下淡水普查工作过程中建立和应用的地球物理方法的工作模式。论述了建立工作模式的原则和应用效果,并提出了利用新技术找水的建议。  相似文献   

Phytoremediation, a plant‐based and cost‐effective technology for the cleanup of contaminated soil and water, is receiving increasing attention. In this study, the aquatic macrophyte Eleocharis acicularis was examined for its ability to take up multiple heavy metals and its potential application for phytoremediation at an abandoned mining area in Hokkaido, Japan. Elemental concentrations were measured in samples of E. acicularis, water, and soil collected from areas of mine tailing and drainage. The results reveal that Pb, Fe, Cr, Cu, Ni, and Mn accumulation in the plants increased over the course of the experiment, exceeding their initial concentrations by factors of 930, 430, 60, 25, 10, and 6, respectively. The highest concentrations of Fe, Pb, Zn, Mn, Cr, Cu, and Ni within the plants were 59500, 1120, 964, 388, 265, 235, and 47.4 mg/kg dry wt., respectively, for plants growing in mine drainage after 11 months of the experiment. These results indicate that E. acicularis is a hyperaccumulator of Pb. We also found high Si concentrations in E. acicularis (2.08%). It is likely that heavy metals exist in opal‐A within cells of the plant. The bioconcentration factors (BCF: ratio of metal concentration in the plant shoots to that in the soil) obtained for Cr, Cu, Zn, Ni, Mn, and Pb were 3.27, 1.65, 1.29, 1.26, 1.11, and 0.82, respectively. The existence of heavy metals as sulphides is thought to have restricted the metal‐uptake efficiency of E. acicularis at the mine site. The results of this study indicate that E. acicularis shows great potential in the phytoremediation of mine tailing and drainage rich in heavy metals.  相似文献   

Shil'krot  G. S.  Yasinskii  S. V. 《Water Resources》2002,29(3):312-318
Regularities of the formation of biogenic elements flow and water quality in the Istra River (downstream of the Istrinskoye Reservoir) and its tributaries are revealed. Temporal variability in water quality parameters is shown to be closely related to fluctuations in the river water abundance, whereas spatial variability is determined by different intensity of anthropogenic load on river watersheds. It was found that the mean annual (for the period of 1991–1995) concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus mineral compounds do not always meet the requirements of drinking water supply. A method of estimating the environmental state of the main river, taking into account biogenic elements input from its basin is suggested.  相似文献   

We have used stable water isotopes (δ18O, δ2H) in combination with lumped-parameter modeling for characterizing unsaturated flow in two lysimeters vegetated with maize. The lysimeters contained undisturbed soil cores dominated by sandy gravel (Ly1) and clayey sandy silt (Ly2). Stable water isotopes were analyzed in precipitation and lysimeter outflow water over about 3 years. The mean transit time of water T and dispersion parameter PD, obtained from modeling, were higher for the silt soil in Ly2 than for the gravel soil in Ly1 (T of 362 vs. 129 d, PD of 0.7 vs. 0.12). The consideration of preferential flow (PF) paths could substantially improve the model curve fits, with 13 and 11% contribution of PF for Ly1 and Ly2 as best estimates. Different assumptions were compared to estimate the input function, that is, stable water isotope content in the recharging water. Using the isotopic composition of precipitation as input (no modification) resulted in reasonable model estimations. Best model fits for the entire observation were obtained by weighting the recharging isotopes according to average precipitation within periods of 3 and 6 months, in correspondence to changing vegetation phases and seasonal influences. Input functions that consider actual evapotranspiration could significantly improve modeling at some periods, however, this led to deviations between modeled and observed δ18O at other periods. This may indicate the influence of variable flow, so that dividing the whole observation period into hydraulically characteristic sub-periods for lumped-parameter modeling (which implements steady-state flow) is recommended for possible further improvement.  相似文献   

A finite difference implicit scheme is presented in this paper for solution of the shallow water equations in one dimensional (1D) form. The present model has many advantages like, handling of discontinuous and complex bed topography, satisfying C-property (preservation of motionless water surface over a wet or dry bed) and capability of handling large value of temporal step etc. Another very important feature of the present model is that, no special treatment of the source vector of the governing equations is required here to deal with very less water depth. To investigate the performance of the present model in diverse situations, it is used to replicate four different problems of known analytical solution, and the model is found to be quite capable for varied situations.  相似文献   

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