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Transverse dispersion, or tracer spreading orthogonal to the mean flow direction, which is relevant e.g, for quantifying bio-degradation of contaminant plumes or mixing of reactive solutes, has been studied in the literature less than the longitudinal one. Inferring transverse dispersion coefficients from field experiments is a difficult and error-prone task, requiring a spatial resolution of solute plumes which is not easily achievable in applications. In absence of field data, it is a questionable common practice to set transverse dispersivities as a fraction of the longitudinal one, with the ratio 1/10 being the most prevalent. We collected estimates of field-scale transverse dispersivities from existing publications and explored possible scale relationships as guidance criteria for applications. Our investigation showed that a large number of estimates available in the literature are of low reliability and should be discarded from further analysis. The remaining reliable estimates are formation-specific, span three orders of magnitude and do not show any clear scale-dependence on the plume traveled distance. The ratios with the longitudinal dispersivity are also site specific and vary widely. The reliability of transverse dispersivities depends significantly on the type of field experiment and method of data analysis. In applications where transverse dispersion plays a significant role, inference of transverse dispersivities should be part of site characterization with the transverse dispersivity estimated as an independent parameter rather than related heuristically to longitudinal dispersivity.  相似文献   

This study investigates and quantifies the influence of physical heterogeneity in granular porous media, represented by materials with different hydraulic conductivity, on the migration of nitrate, used as an amendment to enhance bioremediation, under an electric field. Laboratory experiments were conducted in a bench‐scale test cell under a low applied direct current using glass bead and clay mixes and synthetic groundwater to represent ideal conditions. The experiments included bromide tracer tests in homogeneous settings to deduce controls on electrokinetic transport of inorganic solutes in the different materials, and comparison of nitrate migration under homogeneous and heterogeneous scenarios. The results indicate that physical heterogeneity of subsurface materials, represented by a contrast between a higher‐hydraulic conductivity and lower‐hydraulic conductivity material normal to the direction of the applied electric field exerts the following controls on nitrate migration: (1) a spatial change in nitrate migration rate due to changes in effective ionic mobility and subsequent accumulation of nitrate at the interface between these materials; and (2) a spatial change in the voltage gradient distribution across the hydraulic conductivity contrast, due to the inverse relationship with effective ionic mobility. These factors will contribute to higher mass transport of nitrate through low hydraulic conductivity zones in heterogeneous porous media, relative to homogeneous host materials. Overall electrokinetic migration of amendments such as nitrate can be increased in heterogeneous granular porous media to enhance the in situ bioremediation of organic contaminants present in low hydraulic conductivity zones.  相似文献   

It has been known for many years that dispersivities increase with solute displacement distance in a subsurface. The increase of dispersivities with solute travel distance results from significant variation in hydraulic properties of porous media and was identified in the literature as scale‐dependent dispersion. In this study, Laplace‐transformed analytical solutions to advection‐dispersion equations in cylindrical coordinates are derived for interpreting a divergent flow tracer test with a constant dispersivity and with a linear scale‐dependent dispersivity. Breakthrough curves obtained using the scale‐dependent dispersivity model are compared to breakthrough curves obtained from the constant dispersivity model to illustrate the salient features of scale‐dependent dispersion in a divergent flow tracer test. The analytical results reveal that the breakthrough curves at the specific location for the constant dispersivity model can produce the same shape as those from the scale‐dependent dispersivity model. This correspondence in curve shape between these two models occurs when the local dispersivity at an observation well in the scale‐dependent dispersivity model is 1·3 times greater than the constant dispersivity in the constant dispersivity model. To confirm this finding, a set of previously reported data is interpreted using both the scale‐dependent dispersivity model and the constant dispersivity model to distinguish the differences in scale dependence of estimated dispersivity from these two models. The analytical result reveals that previously reported dispersivity/distance ratios from the constant dispersivity model should be revised by multiplying these values by a factor of 1·3 for the scale‐dependent dispersion model if the dispersion process is more accurately characterized by scale‐dependent dispersion. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Fluid‐filled granular soils experience changes in total stress because of earth and oceanic tides, earthquakes, erosion, sedimentation, and changes in atmospheric pressure. The pore volume may deform in response to the changes in stress and this may lead to changes in pore fluid pressure. The transient fluid flow can therefore be induced by the gradient in excess pressure in a fluid‐saturated porous medium. This work demonstrates the use of stochastic methodology in prediction of induced one‐dimensional field‐scale groundwater flow through a heterogeneous aquifer. A closed‐form of mean groundwater flux is developed to quantify the induced field‐scale mean behavior of groundwater flow and analyze the impacts of the spatial correlation length scale of log hydraulic conductivity and the pore compressibility. The findings provided here could be useful for the rational planning and management of groundwater resources in aquifers that contain lenses with large vertical aquifer matrix compressibility values.  相似文献   

The Henry problem has played a key role in our understanding of seawater intrusion into coastal aquifers and in benchmarking density dependent flow codes. This paper seeks to modify Henry’s problem to ensure sensitivity to density variations and vertical salinity profiles that resemble field observations. In the proposed problem, the “dispersive Henry problem”, mixing is represented by means of the traditional Scheidegger dispersion tensor (dispersivity times water flux). Anisotropy in the hydraulic conductivity is acknowledged and Henry’s seaside boundary condition of prescribed salt concentration is replaced by a flux dependent boundary condition, which represents more realistically salt transport across the seaside boundary. This problem turns out to be very sensitive to density variations and its solution gets closer to reality. However, an improvement in the traditional Henry problem (gain in sensitivity and realism) can be also achieved if the value of the Peclet number is significantly reduced.Although the dispersive problem lacks an analytical solution, it can shed light on flow in coastal aquifers. It provides significant information about the factors controlling seawater penetration, width of the mixing zone and influx of seawater. The width of the mixing zone depends basically on dispersion with longitudinal and transverse dispersion controlling different parts of the mixing zone but displaying similar overall effects. Toe penetration is mainly controlled by the horizontal permeability and by the geometric mean of the dispersivities. Finally, transverse dispersivity and the geometric mean of the hydraulic conductivity are the leading parameters controlling the amount of saltwater that enters the aquifer.  相似文献   

Radar determination of the spatial structure of hydraulic conductivity   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Spatial variability of hydraulic conductivity exerts a predominant control on the flow of fluid through porous media. Heterogeneities influence advective pathways, hydrodynamic dispersion, and density-dependent dispersion; they are, therefore, a key concern for studies of ground water resource development, contaminant transport, and reservoir engineering. Ground-penetrating radar contributes to the remote, geophysical characterization of the macroscale variability of natural porous media. On a controlled excavation of a glacial-fluvial sand and gravel deposit in the Fanshawe Delta area (Ontario, Canada), the hydraulic conductivity field of a 45 x 3 m vertical exposure was characterized using constant-head permeameter measurements performed on undisturbed horizontal sediment cores. Ground-penetrating radar data were collected along the excavation face in the form of both reflection and common midpoint surveys. Comparison of geostatistical analyses of the permeameter measurements and the radar data suggests thatthe horizontal correlation structure of radar stack velocity can be used to directly infer the horizontal correlation structure of hydraulic conductivity. The averaging nature of the common midpoint survey is manifest in the vertical correlation structure of stack velocity, making it less useful. Radar reflection data do not exhibit a spatial structure similar to that of hydraulic conductivity possibly because reflections are a result of material property contrasts rather than the material properties themselves.  相似文献   

A number of experimental studies have tackled the issue of solute transport parameter assessments either in the laboratory or in the field. But yet, the behavior of a plume in the field under density driven forces, is not well known due to possible development of instabilities. Some field tracer tests on the fate of plumes denser than native groundwater such as those encountered under waste disposal facilities, have pointed out the processes of sinking and splitting at the early stage of migration. The process of dispersion was widely investigated, but the range of dispersivity values obtained from either experimental tests, or numerical and theoretical calculations is still very large, even for the same type of aquifers. These discrepancies were considered to be essentially caused by soil heterogeneities and scale effects. In the meantime, studies on the influence of sinking and fingering have remained more scarce. The objective of the work is to analyze how transport parameters such as dispersivities can be affected by unstable conditions, which lead to plume sinking and fingering. A series of tracer tests were carried out to study under natural conditions, the transport of a dense chloride solution injected in a shallow two-layered aquifer. Two types of experiments were performed: in the first type, source injection was such that the plume could travel downward from one layer to the other of higher pore velocity, and in the second one, the migration took place only in the faster layer. The results suggest some new insights in the processes occurring at the early stages of a dense plume migration moving in a stratified aquifer under groundwater fluctuations, which can be summarized through the following points: (i) Above a stability criterion threshold, a fingering process and a multi modal plume transport take place, but local dispersivities can be cautiously derived, using breakthrough curves matching. (ii) When water table is subject to some cycling or rising, the plume can be significantly distorted in the transverse direction, leading to unusual values of the ratio between longitudinal and transverse dispersivities. (iii) Under stable conditions, for example in the case of straightforward injection in the faster aquifer layer, longitudinal dispersivity is greater than the transverse component as usually encountered, and the obtained transport parameters are closed to macro dispersivity values, which reach their asymptotic limit at very short distances. (iv) The classical scale effect about the varying dispersivity at short distances could be a process mainly due to the distance required for a plume stabilization.  相似文献   

Sand lenses at various spatial scales are recognized to add heterogeneity to glacial sediments. They have high hydraulic conductivities relative to the surrounding till matrix and may affect the advective transport of water and contaminants in clayey till settings. Sand lenses were investigated on till outcrops producing binary images of geological cross‐sections capturing the size, shape and distribution of individual features. Sand lenses occur as elongated, anisotropic geobodies that vary in size and extent. Besides, sand lenses show strong non‐stationary patterns on section images that hamper subsequent simulation. Transition probability (TP) and multiple‐point statistics (MPS) were employed to simulate sand lens heterogeneity. We used one cross‐section to parameterize the spatial correlation and a second, parallel section as a reference: it allowed testing the quality of the simulations as a function of the amount of conditioning data under realistic conditions. The performance of the simulations was evaluated on the faithful reproduction of the specific geological structure caused by sand lenses. Multiple‐point statistics offer a better reproduction of sand lens geometry. However, two‐dimensional training images acquired by outcrop mapping are of limited use to generate three‐dimensional realizations with MPS. One can use a technique that consists in splitting the 3D domain into a set of slices in various directions that are sequentially simulated and reassembled into a 3D block. The identification of flow paths through a network of elongated sand lenses and the impact on the equivalent permeability in tills are essential to perform solute transport modeling in the low‐permeability sediments.  相似文献   

Hydraulic tomography (HT) is a method for resolving the spatial distribution of hydraulic parameters to some extent, but many details important for solute transport usually remain unresolved. We present a methodology to improve solute transport predictions by combining data from HT with the breakthrough curve (BTC) of a single forced‐gradient tracer test. We estimated the three dimensional (3D) hydraulic‐conductivity field in an alluvial aquifer by inverting tomographic pumping tests performed at the Hydrogeological Research Site Lauswiesen close to Tübingen, Germany, using a regularized pilot‐point method. We compared the estimated parameter field to available profiles of hydraulic‐conductivity variations from direct‐push injection logging (DPIL), and validated the hydraulic‐conductivity field with hydraulic‐head measurements of tests not used in the inversion. After validation, spatially uniform parameters for dual‐domain transport were estimated by fitting tracer data collected during a forced‐gradient tracer test. The dual‐domain assumption was used to parameterize effects of the unresolved heterogeneity of the aquifer and deemed necessary to fit the shape of the BTC using reasonable parameter values. The estimated hydraulic‐conductivity field and transport parameters were subsequently used to successfully predict a second independent tracer test. Our work provides an efficient and practical approach to predict solute transport in heterogeneous aquifers without performing elaborate field tracer tests with a tomographic layout.  相似文献   

The distribution of particulate matter within river channels, including sediments, nutrients and pollutants, is fundamental to the survival of aquatic organisms. However, the interactions between flow and sediment transport at the patch scale of river systems represents an under‐researched component of physical habitat studies, particularly those concerning the characterization of ‘physical biotopes’ (riffles, runs, pools, glides). This paper describes a field methodology for exploring the transfer of particulate matter at small scales within river channels, which may be used to aid hydraulic habitat characterization. The field protocol combines field measurement of high frequency flow properties, to characterize hydraulic habitat units, and deployment of spatial arrays of turbidity probes, to detect the passage of artificially‐induced sediment plumes through different biotope units. Sediment plumes recorded by the probes are analysed quantitatively in the manner of the flood hydrograph, and qualitative inferences are made on the dominant mixing processes operating within different parts of the channel. Relationships between the nature of spatio‐temporal hydraulic variations within glide, riffle and pool biotopes, and the character and mixing behaviour of sediment plumes within these habitat units are identified. Results from these preliminary experiments suggest that investigating and characterizing the transfer and storage of sediments, nutrients and pollutants within and between different biotopes is a viable avenue for further research, with potential to contribute to improved physical habitat characterization for river management and habitat restoration. The experiments are also an illustration of the value of neglected synergies between process geomorphology, ecology and river hydraulics. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

 A stochastic simulation is performed to study multiphase flow and contaminant transport in fractal porous media with evolving scales of heterogeneity. Numerical simulations of residual NAPL mass transfer and subsequent transport of dissolved and/or volatilized NAPL mass in variably saturated media are carried out in conjunction with Monte Carlo techniques. The impact of fractal dimension, plume scale and anisotropy (stratification) of fractal media on relative dispersivities is investigated and discussed. The results indicate the significance of evolving scale of porous media heterogeneity to the NAPL transport in the subsurface. In general, the fractal porous media enhance the dispersivities of NAPL mass plume transport in both the water phase and the gas phase while the influence on the water phase is more significant. The porous media with larger fractal dimension have larger relative dispersivities. The aqueous horizontal dispersivity exhibits a most significant increase against the plume scale.  相似文献   

There are many factors affecting submarine groundwater discharge (SGD). However, systematic study of the influences of these factors is still limited. In this study, numerical modeling is performed to quantitatively explore the influences of various factors on SGD in a coastal aquifer. In such locations, tidal and terrestrial hydraulic gradients are the primary forces driving fresh and salt water movement. Unlike steady-state flow, dynamic fresh and salt water mixing at the near-shore seafloor may form an intertidal mixing zone (IMZ) near the surface. By constructing a general SGD model, the effects of various model components such as boundary conditions, model geometry and hydraulic parameters are systematically studied. Several important findings are obtained from the study results: (1) Previous studies have indicated there will be a freshwater discharge tube between the classic transition zone and the IMZ. However, this phenomenon may become unclear with the increase of heterogeneity and anisotropy of the medium’s conductivity field. (2) SGD and IMZ are both more sensitive to the vertical anisotropy ratio of hydraulic conductivity (Kx/Kz) than to the horizontal ratio (Kx/Ky). (3) Heterogeneity of effective porosity significantly affects SGD and IMZ. (4) Increase of the storage coefficient decreases fresh water discharge but increases mixing salt water discharge and total SGD. The increase will also change the shape of the IMZ. (5) Variation of dispersivities does not affect SGD, but significantly changes the distributions of the IMZ and the whole mixing zone. These findings will be helpful to the sampling design of field studies of SGD and to the application of dynamic SGD models to field sites for model development and calibration.  相似文献   

Hydrological modelling is an important tool for research, policy, and management, but uncertainty remains about parameters transferability from field observations made at small scale to models at the catchment scale and larger. This uncertainty compels the need to develop parameter relationships that are translatable across scale. In this study, we compare the changes to modelled processes as resolution is coarsened from 100‐m to 1‐km in a topographically complex, 255‐km2 Colorado River headwater catchment. We conducted a sensitivity analysis for hydraulic conductivity (K) and Manning's n parameters across four orders of magnitude. Results showed that K acts as a moderator between surface and subsurface contributions to streamflow, whereas n moderates the duration of high intensity, infiltration‐excess flow. The parametric sensitivity analysis informed development of a new method to scale effective hydraulic conductivity across modelling resolutions in order to compensate for the loss of topographic gradients as resolution is coarsened. A similar mathematical relationship between n and lateral resolution changes was not found, possibly because n is also sensitive to time discretization. This research provides an approach to translate hydraulic conductivity parameters from a calibrated coarse model to higher resolutions where the number of simulations are limited by computational demand.  相似文献   

This paper presents a stochastic model for multicomponent competitive monovalent cation exchange in hierarchical porous media. Reactive transport in porous media is highly sensitive to heterogeneities in physical and chemical properties, such as hydraulic conductivity (K), and cation exchange capacity (CEC). We use a conceptual model for multimodal reactive mineral facies and develop a Eulerian-based stochastic theory to analyze the transport of multiple cations in heterogeneous media with a hierarchical organization of reactive minerals. Numerical examples investigate the retardation factors and dispersivities in a chemical system made of three monovalent cations (Na+, K+, and Cs+). The results demonstrate how heterogeneity influences the transport of competitive monovalent cations, and highlight the importance of correlations between K and CEC. Further sensitivity analyses are presented investigating how the dispersion and retardation of each cation are affected by the means, variances, and integral scales of K and CEC. The volume fraction of organic matter is shown to be another important parameter. The Eulerian stochastic framework presented in this work clarifies the importance of each system parameters on the migration of cation plumes in formations with hierarchical organization of facies types. Our stochastic approach could be used as an alternative to numerical simulations for 3D reactive transport in hierarchical porous media, which become prohibitively expensive for the multicomponent applications considered in this work.  相似文献   

Geochemical and isotopic tracers were often used in mixing models to estimate glacier melt contributions to streamflow, whereas the spatio‐temporal variability in the glacier melt tracer signature and its influence on tracer‐based hydrograph separation results received less attention. We present novel tracer data from a high‐elevation catchment (17 km2, glacierized area: 34%) in the Oetztal Alps (Austria) and investigated the spatial, as well as the subdaily to monthly tracer variability of supraglacial meltwater and the temporal tracer variability of winter baseflow to infer groundwater dynamics. The streamflow tracer variability during winter baseflow conditions was small, and the glacier melt tracer variation was higher, especially at the end of the ablation period. We applied a three‐component mixing model with electrical conductivity and oxygen‐18. Hydrograph separation (groundwater, glacier melt, and rain) was performed for 6 single glacier melt‐induced days (i.e., 6 events) during the ablation period 2016 (July to September). Median fractions (±uncertainty) of groundwater, glacier melt, and rain for the events were estimated at 49±2%, 35±11%, and 16±11%, respectively. Minimum and maximum glacier melt fractions at the subdaily scale ranged between 2±5% and 76±11%, respectively. A sensitivity analysis showed that the intraseasonal glacier melt tracer variability had a marked effect on the estimated glacier melt contribution during events with large glacier melt fractions of streamflow. Intra‐daily and spatial variation of the glacier melt tracer signature played a negligible role in applying the mixing model. The results of this study (a) show the necessity to apply a multiple sampling approach in order to characterize the glacier melt end‐member and (b) reveal the importance of groundwater and rainfall–runoff dynamics in catchments with a glacial flow regime.  相似文献   

We investigated the role of increasingly well‐constrained geologic structures in the subsurface (i.e., subsurface architecture) in predicting streambed flux and hyporheic residence time distribution (RTD) for a headwater stream. Five subsurface realizations with increasingly resolved lithological boundaries were simulated in which model geometries were based on increasing information about flow and transport using soil and geologic maps, surface observations, probing to depth to refusal, seismic refraction, electrical resistivity (ER) imaging of subsurface architecture, and time‐lapse ER imaging during a solute tracer study. Particle tracking was used to generate RTDs for each model run. We demonstrate how improved characterization of complex lithological boundaries and calibration of porosity and hydraulic conductivity affect model prediction of hyporheic flow and transport. Models using hydraulic conductivity calibrated using transient ER data yield estimates of streambed flux that are three orders of magnitude larger than uncalibrated models using estimated values for hydraulic conductivity based on values published for nearby hillslopes (10?4 vs. 10?7 m2/s, respectively). Median residence times for uncalibrated and calibrated models are 103 and 100 h, respectively. Increasingly well‐resolved subsurface architectures yield wider hyporheic RTDs, indicative of more complex hyporheic flowpath networks and potentially important to biogeochemical cycling. The use of ER imaging to monitor solute tracers informs subsurface structure not apparent from other techniques, and helps to define transport properties of the subsurface (i.e., hydraulic conductivity). Results of this study demonstrate the value of geophysical measurements to more realistically simulate flow and transport along hyporheic flowpaths.  相似文献   

Heat as a tracer in fractured porous aquifers is more sensitive to fracture-matrix processes than a solute tracer. Temperature evolution as a function of time can be used to differentiate fracture and matrix characteristics. Experimental hot (50 °C) and cold (10 °C) water injections were performed in a weathered and fractured granite aquifer where the natural background temperature is 30 °C. The tailing of the hot and cold breakthrough curves, observed under different hydraulic conditions, was characterized in a log–log plot of time vs. normalized temperature difference, also converted to a residence time distribution (normalized). Dimensionless tail slopes close to 1.5 were observed for hot and cold breakthrough curves, compared to solute tracer tests showing slopes between 2 and 3. This stronger thermal diffusive behavior is explained by heat conduction. Using a process-based numerical model, the impact of heat conduction toward and from the porous rock matrix on groundwater heat transport was explored. Fracture aperture was adjusted depending on the actual hydraulic conditions. Water density and viscosity were considered temperature dependent. The model simulated the increase or reduction of the energy level in the fracture-matrix system and satisfactorily reproduced breakthrough curves tail slopes. This study shows the feasibility and utility of cold water tracer tests in hot fractured aquifers to boost and characterize the thermal matrix diffusion from the matrix toward the flowing groundwater in the fractures. This can be used as complementary information to solute tracer tests that are largely influenced by strong advection in the fractures.  相似文献   

In this paper, we describe carefully conducted numerical experiments, in which a dense salt solution vertically displaces fresh water in a stable manner. The two-dimensional porous media are weakly heterogeneous at a small scale. The purpose of these simulations, conducted for a range of density differences, is to obtain accurate concentration profiles that can be used to validate nonlinear models for high-concentration-gradient dispersion. In this part we focus on convergence of the computations, in numerical and statistical sense, to ensure that the uncertainty in the results is small enough.Concentration variances are computed, which give estimates of the uncertainty in local concentration values. These local variations decrease with increasing density contrast. For tracer transport, obtained longitudinal dispersivities are in accordance with analytical findings. In the case of high-density contrasts, stabilizing gravity forces counteract the growth of dispersive fingers, decreasing the effective width of the transition zone. For small log-permeability variances, the decrease of the apparent dispersivity that is found is in agreement with laboratory results for homogeneous columns.  相似文献   

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