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Natural depletion of subsurface petroleum liquids releases energy in the form of heat. The rate of natural source zone depletion (NSZD) can be derived from subsurface temperature data. An energy balance is performed to resolve NSZD‐generated energy in terms of W/m2. Biodegradation rates are resolved by dividing the NSZD energy by the heat of reaction in joules/mol. Required temperature data are collected using data loggers, wireless connections, and automated data storage and analysis. Continuous thermal resolution of monthly NSZD rates at a field site indicates that apparent monthly NSZD rates vary through time, ranging from 10,000 to 77,000 L/ha/year. Temporal variations in observed apparent NSZD rates are attributed to processes governing the conversion of CH4 to CO2, as opposed to the actual rates of NSZD. Given a year or more of continuous NSZD rate data, it is anticipated that positive and negative biases in apparent NSZD rates will average out, and averaged apparent NSZD rates will converge to true NSZD rates. An 8.4% difference between average apparent NSZD rates over a 31‐month period using the thermal monitoring method and seven rounds of CO2 efflux measurements using CO2 traps supports the validity of both CO2 trap and thermal monitoring methods. A promising aspect of thermal monitoring methods is that continuous data provide a rigorous approach to resolving the true mean NSZD rates as compared to temporally sparse CO2 trap NSZD rate measurements. Overall, a vision is advanced of real‐time sensor‐based groundwater monitoring that can provide better data at lower costs and with greater safety, security, and sustainability.  相似文献   

Natural source zone depletion (NSZD) refers to processes within chemically impacted vadose and saturated zones that reduce the mass of contaminants remaining in a defined source control volume. Studies of large petroleum hydrocarbon release sites have shown that the depletion rate by vapor phase migration of degradation products from the source control volume through the vadose zone (V‐NSZD) is often considerably higher than the rate of depletion from the source control volume by groundwater flow carrying dissolved petroleum hydrocarbons arising from dissolution, desorption, or back diffusion, and degradation products arising from biodegradation (GW‐NSZD). In this study, we quantified vadose zone and GW‐NSZD at a small unpaved fuel release site in California typical of those in settings with predominantly low permeability media. We estimated vadose zone using a dense network of efflux monitoring locations at four sampling events over 2 years, and GW‐NSZD using groundwater monitoring data downgradient of the source control volume in three depth intervals spanning up to 9 years. On average, vadose zone was 17 times greater than GW‐NSZD during the time interval of comparison, and vadose zone was in the range of rates quantified at other sites with petroleum hydrocarbon releases. Estimating vadose zone and GW‐NSZD rates is challenging but the vadose zone rate is the best indicator of overall source mass depletion, whereas GW‐NSZD rates may be useful as baselines to quantify progress of natural or engineered remediation in portions of the saturated zone in which there are impediments to loss of methane and other gases to the vadose zone.  相似文献   

There are several key data gaps in our understanding of Natural Source Zone Depletion (NSZD) processes at sites impacted by light nonaqueous phase liquid (LNAPL), and quantifying NSZD rates can be challenging due to the inherent differences in measurement methods. In this study, four different NSZD measurement methods (oxygen influx measured by the Gradient Method, long-term carbon dioxide efflux measured with Carbon Traps, instantaneous carbon dioxide efflux measured with Dynamic Closed Chambers (DCC LI-COR), and the long-term heat flux from biodegradation measured by Thermal NSZD monitoring), as well as LNAPL composition and dissolved gas sampling, were applied at a site in Southern California. These techniques were used to evaluate key questions such as: (1) how do different NSZD rate measurement methods compare, and what causes variability in NSZD results?; (2) to what extent NSZD processes are occurring in LNAPL within the saturated zone?; and (3) how is NSZD related to LNAPL composition change over time? Carbon Traps and Thermal NSZD monitoring measurement methods provided the most consistent NSZD data at this geologically heterogeneous site, with two location average NSZD rates of 540 and 480 gal/acre/year, respectively. Overall, comparisons of NSZD rates between methods were challenging due to different measurement timeframes, significant temporal and spatial heterogeneity, and operational challenges with two of the NSZD methods. Finally, samples of subsurface LNAPL were collected for analysis in 2007 and 2016; results indicated that diesel-range constituents were already very degraded and anaerobic degradation of gasoline-range constituents was ongoing. A LNAPL depletion model (Douglas et al. 1996) applied to the measured LNAPL composition change appeared to greatly overestimate the amount of LNAPL depletion compared to the measured NSZD rate, but did provide an independent semiqualitative line of evidence that LNAPL was being depleted by active NSZD processes at the site.  相似文献   

Natural source zone depletion (NSZD) has emerged as a practical alternative for restoration of light non‐aqueous phase liquid (LNAPL) sites that are in the later stages of their remediation lifecycle. Due to significant research, the NSZD conceptual model has evolved dramatically in recent years, and methanogenesis is now accepted as a dominant attenuation process (e.g., Lundegard and Johnson 2006 ; Ng et al. 2015 ). Most of the methane is generated within the pore space adjacent to LNAPL (Ng et al. 2015 ) from where it migrates through the unsaturated zone (e.g., Amos and Mayer 2006 ), where it is oxidized. While great progress has been made, there are still some important gaps in our understanding of NSZD. NSZD measurements provide little insight on which constituents are actually degrading; it is unclear which rate‐limiting factors that can be manipulated to increase NSZD rates; and how longevity of the bulk LNAPL and its key constituents can be predicted. Various threads of literature were pursued to shed light on some of the questions listed above. Several processes that may influence NSZD or its measurement were identified: temperature, inhibition from acetate buildup, protozoa predation, presence of electron acceptors, inhibition from volatile hydrocarbons, alkalinity/pH, and the availability of nutrients can all affect methanogenesis rates, while factors such as moisture content and soil type can influence its measurement. The methanogenic process appears to have a sequenced utilization of the constituents or chemical classes present in the LNAPL due to varying thermodynamic feasibility, biodegradability, and effects of inhibition, but the bulk NSZD rate appears to remain quasi‐zero order. A simplified version of the reactive transport model presented by Ng et al. 2015 has the potential to be a useful tool for predicting the longevity of key LNAPL constituents or chemical fractions, and of bulk LNAPL, but more work is needed to obtain key input parameters such as chemical classes and their biodegradation rates and any potential inhibitions.  相似文献   

Two groundwater plumes in north central Minnesota with residual crude oil sources have 20 to 50 mg/L of nonvolatile dissolved organic carbon (NVDOC). These values are over 10 times higher than benzene and two to three times higher than Diesel Range Organics in the same wells. On the basis of previous work, most of the NVDOC consists of partial transformation products from the crude oil. Monitoring data from 1988 to 2015 at one of the sites located near Bemidji, MN show that the plume of metabolites is expanding toward a lakeshore located 335 m from the source zone. Other mass balance studies of the site have demonstrated that the plume expansion is driven by the combined effect of continued presence of the residual crude oil source and depletion of the electron accepting capacity of solid phase iron oxide and hydroxides on the aquifer sediments. These plumes of metabolites are not covered by regulatory monitoring and reporting requirements in Minnesota and other states. Yet, a review of toxicology studies indicates that polar metabolites of crude oil may pose a risk to aquatic and mammalian species. Together the results suggest that at sites where residual sources are present, monitoring of NVDOC may be warranted to evaluate the fates of plumes of hydrocarbon transformation products.  相似文献   

Natural source zone depletion (NSZD) is increasingly being integrated into management strategies for petroleum release sites. Measurements of NSZD rates can be used to evaluate naturally occurring hydrocarbon (HC) mass losses, and provide a baseline for evaluating engineered recovery systems. Here, nominal saturated and unsaturated zone HC losses were quantified by groundwater sampling and ground surface CO2 effluxes approximately monthly over a 1-year period. In addition, subsurface gas profiles and temperature, precipitation, and groundwater elevation were evaluated to elucidate dominant environmental factors controlling NSZD rates. Results showed that NSZD rates estimated by surface CO2 effluxes were, on average, more than a factor of 3 greater than those estimated by uptake of electron acceptors (primarily sulfate) in extracted groundwater. This may indicate that vadose zone mass loss mechanisms (e.g., volatilization and subsequent biodegradation) were dominant in this system, but possible transfer of gases from the saturated zone to the vadose zone confounds this interpretation. Results for this semiarid site revealed that increasing NSZD rates tended to occur with increasing ambient monthly precipitation and temperature when accounting for time lags associated with subsurface transport. However, groundwater elevation was not found to be significantly related to NSZD rates. This result is counter to an expectation that increased smear zone exposure increases HC mass losses, and suggests that the pump-and-treat system did not greatly influence total NSZD rates directly through smear zone flushing or indirectly by lowering the regional water table.  相似文献   

Soil gas was sampled using active sampling techniques and passive collectors at three sites in Tennessee to evaluate the effectiveness of these techniques for locating chlorinated solvent sources and flowpaths in karst aquifers. Actively collected soil gas samples were analyzed in the field with a portable gas chromatograph, and the passive soil gas collectors were analyzed in the lab with gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. Results of the sampling indicate that the effectiveness of both techniques is highly dependent on the distribution of the contaminants in the subsurface, the geomorphic and hydrogeologic characteristics of the site, and, in one case, on seasonal conditions. Both active and passive techniques identified areas of elevated subsurface chlorinated solvent concentrations at a landfill site where contamination remains concentrated in the regolith. Neither technique detected chlorinated solvents known to be moving in the bedrock at a manufacturing site characterized by thick regolith and an absence of surficial karst features. Passive soil gas sampling had varied success detecting flowpaths for chloroform in the bedrock at a train derailment site characterized by shallow regolith and abundant surficial karst features. At the train derailment site, delineation of the contaminant flowpath through passive soil gas sampling was stronger and more detailed under winter conditions than summer.  相似文献   

We compare two methods for estimating the natural source zone depletion (NSZD) rate at fuel release sites that occurs by groundwater flow through the source zone due to dissolution and transport of biodegradation products. Dissolution is addressed identically in both methods. The “mass budget method”, previously proposed and applied by others, estimates the petroleum hydrocarbon biodegradation rate based on dissolved electron acceptor delivery and dissolved biodegradation product removal by groundwater flow. The mass budget method relies on assumed stoichiometry for the degradation reactions and differences in concentrations of dissolved species (oxygen, nitrate, sulfate, reduced iron, reduced manganese, nonvolatile dissolved organic carbon, methane) at monitoring locations upgradient and downgradient of the source zone. We illustrate a refinement to account for degradation reactions associated with loss of reduced iron from solution. The “carbon budget method,” a simplification of approaches applied by others, addresses carbon‐containing species in solution or lost from solution (precipitated) and does not require assumptions about stoichiometry or information about electron acceptors. We apply both methods to a fuel release site with unusually detailed monitoring data and discuss applicability to more typical and less thoroughly monitored sites. The methods, as would typically be applied, yield similar results but have different constraints and uncertainties. Overall, we conclude that the carbon budget method has greater practical utility as it is simpler, requires fewer assumptions, accounts for most iron‐reducing reactions, and does not include CO2 that escapes from the saturated to the unsaturated zone.  相似文献   

The risk that benzene and toluene from spills of gasoline will impact drinking water wells is largely controlled by the natural anaerobic biodegradation of benzene and toluene. Benzene and toluene, as well as ethanol and other biofuels, are degraded under anaerobic conditions to the same pool of degradation products. Biodegradation of biofuels may produce concentrations of degradation products that make the thermodynamics for degradation of benzene and toluene infeasible under methanogenic conditions and produce larger plumes of benzene and toluene. This study evaluated the concentrations of fuel alcohols that are necessary to inhibit the anaerobic degradation of benzene and toluene under methanogenic conditions. At two ethanol spill sites, concentrations of ethanol greater ≥42 mg/L inhibited the anaerobic degradation of toluene. The pH and concentrations of acetate, dissolved inorganic carbon, and molecular hydrogen were used to calculate the Gibbs free energy for the biodegradation of toluene. In general, the anaerobic biodegradation of toluene was not thermodynamically feasible in water with ≥42 mg/L ethanol. In a microcosm study, when the concentrations of ethanol were ≥14 mg/L or the concentrations of n‐butanol were ≥16 mg/L, the biodegradation of the alcohols consistently produced concentrations of hydrogen, dissolved inorganic carbon, and acetate that would preclude natural anaerobic biodegradation of benzene and toluene by syntrophic organisms. In contrast, iso‐butanol and n‐propanol only occasionally produced conditions that would preclude the biodegradation of benzene and toluene.  相似文献   

The temperature sensitivity of microbial populations is reflected in measured source attenuation rates at hydrocarbon‐impacted sites. The objective of this study was to evaluate the correlation between temperature and source attenuation rates (concentration vs. time attenuation rate over many years) of benzene and toluene by analyzing groundwater monitoring data from >2000 hydrocarbon sites. Historical monitoring records were obtained from three databases, processed to yield long‐term multiyear source attenuation rates, and then compared with representative temperatures at each site. Statistically significant and positive relationships between temperature and source attenuation rates were established for benzene and toluene, indicating that temperature does impact hydrocarbon degradation, but is one of many factors that contribute to source attenuation. There was an observed 1.1 to 1.6 times increase in attenuation rates per 10 °C increase in temperature, which is less than the rate increases predicted by the Arrhenius equation. The temperature dependence on attenuation rate is consistent with several lines of evidence that methanogenesis plays a key role in the rate of hydrocarbon source zone attenuation rather than being controlled strictly by the availability of electron acceptors. First, methanogenesis is known to be strongly influenced by temperature, with significantly higher rates up to about 35 °C. Second, the temperature‐degradation rate relationship was stronger at sites with deeper water tables (>30 ft) that are less susceptible to oxygen influx than sites with shallow water tables (<15 ft). Third, dissolved methane concentrations were higher at sites with warmer temperatures. Overall, these results provide indirect support for a conceptual model where methanogenesis is a key degradation process at hydrocarbon sites, and that attenuation of these source zones is temperature‐sensitive.  相似文献   

Like tree rings, high‐resolution soil sampling of low‐permeability (low‐k) zones can be used to evaluate the style of source history at contaminated sites (i.e., historical pattern of concentration and composition vs. time since releases occurred at the interface with the low‐k zone). This is valuable for the development of conceptual site model (CSM) and can serve as an important line of evidence supporting monitored natural attenuation (MNA) as a long‐term remedy. Source histories were successfully reconstructed at two sites at Naval Air Station Jacksonville using a simple one‐dimensional (1D) model. The plume arrival time and historical composition were reconstructed from the time initial releases that were suspected to occur decades earlier. At the first site (Building 106), the source reconstructions showed relatively constant source concentrations, but significant attenuation over time in the downgradient plume in the transmissive zone, suggesting MNA may not be an appropriate remedy if source control is a requirement, but attenuation processes are clearly helping to maintain plume stability and reduce risk. At the second site (Building 780), source concentrations in the transmissive zone showed an approximately a one order of magnitude over time, but apparently less attenuation in the downgradient plume. The source reconstruction method appeared to reflect site remediation efforts (excavation, soil vapor extraction) implemented in the 1990s. Finally, a detailed analysis using molecular biological tools, carbon isotopes, and by‐products suggests that most degradation activity is associated with high‐k zones but not with low‐k zones at these source areas. Overall, the source reconstruction methodology provided insight into historical concentration trends not obtainable otherwise given the limited long‐term monitoring data.  相似文献   

We develop a data set of aftershock recordings of the 1999, M = 7.4 Izmit and M = 7.2 Duzce (Turkey) earthquakes to study their source parameters. We combined seismograms from 44 stations maintained by several sources (organizations) to obtain a unified data set of events (2.1 ≤ Mw ≤ 5.5). We calculate source parameters of these small earthquakes by two methods that use different techniques to address the difficulty in obtaining source spectra for small earthquakes subject to interference from site response. One method (program NetMoment (NM), Hutchings, 2004) uses spectra of direct S waves in a simultaneous inversion of local high-frequency network data to estimate seismic moment, source corner frequency (fc), site attenuation (k) and whole-path Q. This approach takes advantage of the source commonality in all recordings for a particular earthquake by fitting a common Brune source spectrum to the data with a and individual k. The second approach (Mayeda et al., 2003) uses the coda method (CM) to obtain “nonmodel-based” source spectra and moment estimates from selected broadband recording sites. We found that both methods do well for events that allow the comparison with seismic moment estimates derived from waveform modeling. Also, source spectra obtained from the two methods are very closely matched for most of the events they have in common. We use an F test to examine the trade-off between k and fc picks identified by the direct S-wave method. About half of the events could be constrained to have less than a 50% average uncertainty in fc and k. We used these source spectra solutions to calculate energy and apparent stress and compare these to estimates from the selected “good quality” source spectra from CM. Both studies have values mutually consistent and show a similar increase in apparent stress with increasing moment. This result has added merit due to the independent approaches to calculate apparent stress. We conclude that both methods are at least partially validated by our study, and they both have usefulness for different circumstances of recording local small earthquakes. CM would work well in studies for which there is a broad magnitude range of events and NM works well for local events recorded by band-limited recorders.  相似文献   

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