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Evaluation of Methane Sources in Groundwater in Northeastern Pennsylvania   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Testing of 1701 water wells in northeastern Pennsylvania shows that methane is ubiquitous in groundwater, with higher concentrations observed in valleys vs. upland areas and in association with calcium‐sodium‐bicarbonate, sodium‐bicarbonate, and sodium‐chloride rich waters—indicating that, on a regional scale, methane concentrations are best correlated to topographic and hydrogeologic features, rather than shale‐gas extraction. In addition, our assessment of isotopic and molecular analyses of hydrocarbon gases in the Dimock Township suggest that gases present in local water wells are most consistent with Middle and Upper Devonian gases sampled in the annular spaces of local gas wells, as opposed to Marcellus Production gas. Combined, these findings suggest that the methane concentrations in Susquehanna County water wells can be explained without the migration of Marcellus shale gas through fractures, an observation that has important implications for understanding the nature of risks associated with shale‐gas extraction.  相似文献   

The vertical portion of a shale gas well, known as the “tophole” is often drilled using an air‐hammer bit that may introduce pressures as high as 2400 kPa (350 psi) into groundwater while penetrating shallow aquifers. A 3‐D TOUGH2 model was used to simulate the flow of groundwater under the high hydraulic heads that may be imposed by such trapped compressed air, based on an observed case in West Virginia (USA) in 2012. The model realizations show that high‐pressure air trapped in aquifers may cause groundwater to surge away from the drill site at observable velocities. If dissolved methane is present within the aquifer, the methane can be entrained and transported to a maximum distance of 10.6 m per day. Results from this study suggest that one cause of the reported increase in methane concentrations in groundwater near shale gas production wells may be the transport of pre‐existing methane via groundwater surges induced by air drilling, not necessarily direct natural gas leakage from the unconventional gas reservoir. The primary transport mechanisms are advective transport of dissolved methane with water flow, and diffusive transport of dissolved methane.  相似文献   

The recent boom in shale gas development in the Marcellus Shale has increased interest in the methods to distinguish between naturally occurring methane in groundwater and stray methane associated with drilling and production operations. This study evaluates the relationship between natural methane occurrence and three principal environmental factors (groundwater redox state, water type, and topography) using two pre‐drill datasets of 132 samples from western Pennsylvania, Ohio, and West Virginia and 1417 samples from northeastern Pennsylvania. Higher natural methane concentrations in residential wells are strongly associated with reducing conditions characterized by low nitrate and low sulfate ([NO3?] < 0.5 mg/L; [SO42?] < 2.5 mg/L). However, no significant relationship exists between methane and iron [Fe(II)], which is traditionally considered an indicator of conditions that have progressed through iron reduction. As shown in previous studies, water type is significantly correlated with natural methane concentrations, where sodium (Na) ‐rich waters exhibit significantly higher (p<0.001) natural methane concentrations than calcium (Ca)‐rich waters. For water wells exhibiting Na‐rich waters and/or low nitrate and low sulfate conditions, valley locations are associated with higher methane concentrations than upland topography. Consequently, we identify three factors (“Low NO3? & SO42?” redox condition, Na‐rich water type, and valley location), which, in combination, offer strong predictive power regarding the natural occurrence of high methane concentrations. Samples exhibiting these three factors have a median methane concentration of 10,000 µg/L. These heuristic relationships may facilitate the design of pre‐drill monitoring programs and the subsequent evaluation of post‐drill monitoring results to help distinguish between naturally occurring methane and methane originating from anthropogenic sources or migration pathways.  相似文献   

Environmental concerns regarding the potential for drinking water contamination in shallow aquifers have accompanied unconventional energy development in the northern Appalachian Basin. These activities have also raised several critical questions about the hydrogeological parameters that control the naturally occurring presence and migration of hydrocarbon gases in shallow aquifers within petroliferous basins. To interrogate these factors, we analyzed the noble gas, dissolved ion, and hydrocarbon gas (molecular and isotopic composition) geochemistry of 98 groundwater samples from south‐central New York. All samples were collected ?1km from unconventional drilling activities and sample locations were intentionally targeted based on their proximity to various types of documented fault systems. In agreement with studies from other petroliferous basins, our results show significant correlations between elevated levels of radiogenic [4He], thermogenic [CH4], and dissolved ions (e.g., Cl, Br, Sr, Ba). In combination, our data suggest that faults have facilitated the transport of exogenous hydrocarbon‐rich brines from Devonian source rocks into overlying Upper Devonian aquifer lithologies over geologic time. These data conflict with previous reports, which conclude that hydrodynamic focusing regulates the occurrence of methane and salt in shallow aquifers and leads to elevated levels of these species in restricted flow zones within valley bottoms. Instead, our data suggest that faults in Paleozoic rocks play a fundamental role in gas and brine transport from depth, regulate the distribution of their occurrence in shallow aquifers, and influence the geochemistry of shallow groundwater in this petroliferous basin.  相似文献   

Six surface water samples from locations along Otter Creek in Southeastern Montana and a groundwater sample from a nearby monitoring well completed in the Knobloch coal were analyzed for stable carbon isotope ratios. Along the length of its perennial reach, between the towns of Otter and Ashland, Otter Creek crosses several coal outcrops, including the Knobloch coal zone. The carbon isotope ratio of the creek becomes progressively more similar to that of the Knobloch coal aquifer groundwater in samples collected downgradient from the town of Otter. The isotope ratio of the stream changes from ?10.5 to ?8.9‰ reflecting the influence of the coal‐aquifer base flow contribution, as represented by Knobloch coal groundwater, which has a carbon isotope value of +3.9‰. The dissolved inorganic carbon concentrations of the groundwater and surface water are similar (~100 mg/L), which allowed the use of the simplified, first‐order, two‐end‐member mixing equation. Using carbon isotope ratios, calculations of the fraction of water contributed by coal aquifers indicate that approximately 11% of the surface water in Otter Creek at its mouth near Ashland was supplied by groundwater from the coal aquifers that crop out between Otter and Ashland. This study was conducted in December, when Otter Creek is at low flow. At times of higher surface flow, the contribution from groundwater base flow will be correspondingly smaller. This study illustrates that carbon isotopes can be an effective, low‐cost tool in base flow studies.  相似文献   

Enhanced production of unconventional hydrocarbons in the United States has driven interest in natural gas development globally, but simultaneously raised concerns regarding water quantity and quality impacts associated with hydrocarbon extraction. We conducted a pre‐development assessment of groundwater geochemistry in the critically water‐restricted Karoo Basin, South Africa. Twenty‐two springs and groundwater samples were analyzed for major dissolved ions, trace elements, water stable isotopes, strontium and boron isotopes, hydrocarbons and helium composition. The data revealed three end‐members: a deep, saline groundwater with a sodium‐chloride composition, an old, deep freshwater with a sodium‐bicarbonate‐chloride composition and a shallow, calcium‐bicarbonate freshwater. In a few cases, we identified direct mixing of the deep saline water and shallow groundwater. Stable water isotopes indicate that the shallow groundwater was controlled by evaporation in arid conditions, while the saline waters were diluted by apparently fossil meteoric water originated under wetter climatic conditions. These geochemical and isotopic data, in combination with elevated helium levels, suggest that exogenous fluids are the source of the saline groundwater and originated from remnant seawater prior to dilution by old meteoric water combined with further modification by water‐rock interactions. Samples with elevated methane concentrations (>14 ccSTP/kg) were strongly associated with the sodium‐chloride water located near dolerite intrusions, which likely provide a preferential pathway for vertical migration of deeply sourced hydrocarbon‐rich saline waters to the surface. This pre‐drill evaluation indicates that the natural migration of methane‐ and salt‐rich waters provides a source of geogenic contamination to shallow aquifers prior to shale gas development in the Karoo Basin.  相似文献   

The expanding use of horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing technology to produce oil and gas from tight rock formations has increased public concern about potential impacts on the environment, especially on shallow drinking water aquifers. In eastern Kentucky, horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing have been used to develop the Berea Sandstone and the Rogersville Shale. To assess baseline groundwater chemistry and evaluate methane detected in groundwater overlying the Berea and Rogersville plays, we sampled 51 water wells and analyzed the samples for concentrations of major cations and anions, metals, dissolved methane, and other light hydrocarbon gases. In addition, the stable carbon and hydrogen isotopic composition of methane (δ13C‐CH4 and δ2H‐CH4) was analyzed for samples with methane concentration exceeding 1 mg/L. Our study indicates that methane is a relatively common constituent in shallow groundwater in eastern Kentucky, where methane was detected in 78% of the sampled wells (40 of 51 wells) with 51% of wells (26 of 51 wells) exhibiting methane concentrations above 1 mg/L. The δ13C‐CH4 and δ2H‐CH4 ranged from ?84.0‰ to ?58.3‰ and from ?246.5‰ to ?146.0‰, respectively. Isotopic analysis indicated that dissolved methane was primarily microbial in origin formed through CO2 reduction pathway. Results from this study provide a first assessment of methane in the shallow aquifers in the Berea and Rogersville play areas and can be used as a reference to evaluate potential impacts of future horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing activities on groundwater quality in the region.  相似文献   

Groundwater in the Bengal Basin is badly polluted by arsenic (As) which adversely affects human health. To provide low‐As groundwater for As mitigation, it was sought across 235 km2 of central West Bengal, in the western part of the basin. By drilling 76 boreholes and chemical analysis of 535 water wells, groundwater with <10 µg/L As in shallow aquifers was found under one‐third of a study area. The groundwater is in late Pleistocene palaeo‐interfluvial aquifers of weathered brown sand that are capped by a palaeosol of red clay. The aquifers form two N‐S trending lineaments that are bounded on the east by an As‐polluted deep palaeo‐channel aquifer and separated by a shallower palaeo‐channel aquifer. The depth to the top of the palaeo‐interfluvial aquifers is mostly between 35 and 38 m below ground level (mbgl). The palaeo‐interfluvial aquifers are overlain by shallow palaeo‐channel aquifers of gray sand in which groundwater is usually As‐polluted. The palaeosol now protects the palaeo‐interfluvial aquifers from downward migration of As‐polluted groundwater in overlying shallow palaeo‐channel aquifers. The depth to the palaeo‐interfluvial aquifers of 35 to 38 mbgl makes the cost of their exploitation affordable to most of the rural poor of West Bengal, who can install a well cheaply to depths up to 60 mbgl. The protection against pollution afforded by the palaeosol means that the palaeo‐interfluvial aquifers will provide a long‐term source of low‐As groundwater to mitigate As pollution of groundwater in the shallower, heavily used, palaeo‐channel aquifers. This option for mitigation is cheap to employ and instantly available.  相似文献   

Unconventional natural gas extraction from tight sandstones, shales, and some coal‐beds is typically accomplished by horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing that is necessary for economic development of these new hydrocarbon resources. Concerns have been raised regarding the potential for contamination of shallow groundwater by stray gases, formation waters, and fracturing chemicals associated with unconventional gas exploration. A lack of sound scientific hydrogeological field observations and a scarcity of published peer‐reviewed articles on the effects of both conventional and unconventional oil and gas activities on shallow groundwater make it difficult to address these issues. Here, we discuss several case studies related to both conventional and unconventional oil and gas activities illustrating how under some circumstances stray or fugitive gas from deep gas‐rich formations has migrated from the subsurface into shallow aquifers and how it has affected groundwater quality. Examples include impacts of uncemented well annuli in areas of historic drilling operations, effects related to poor cement bonding in both new and old hydrocarbon wells, and ineffective cementing practices. We also summarize studies describing how structural features influence the role of natural and induced fractures as contaminant fluid migration pathways. On the basis of these studies, we identify two areas where field‐focused research is urgently needed to fill current science gaps related to unconventional gas extraction: (1) baseline geochemical mapping (with time series sampling from a sufficient network of groundwater monitoring wells) and (2) field testing of potential mechanisms and pathways by which hydrocarbon gases, reservoir fluids, and fracturing chemicals might potentially invade and contaminate useable groundwater.  相似文献   

Horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing have enhanced unconventional hydrocarbon recovery but raised environmental concerns related to water quality. Because most basins targeted for shale‐gas development in the USA have histories of both active and legacy petroleum extraction, confusion about the hydrogeological context of naturally occurring methane in shallow aquifers overlying shales remains. The Karoo Basin, located in South Africa, provides a near‐pristine setting to evaluate these processes, without a history of conventional or unconventional energy extraction. We conducted a comprehensive pre‐industrial evaluation of water quality and gas geochemistry in 22 groundwater samples across the Karoo Basin, including dissolved ions, water isotopes, hydrocarbon molecular and isotopic composition, and noble gases. Methane‐rich samples were associated with high‐salinity, NaCl‐type groundwater and elevated levels of ethane, 4He, and other noble gases produced by radioactive decay. This endmember displayed less negative δ13C‐CH4 and evidence of mixing between thermogenic natural gases and hydrogenotrophic methane. Atmospheric noble gases in the methane‐rich samples record a history of fractionation during gas‐phase migration from source rocks to shallow aquifers. Conversely, methane‐poor samples have a paucity of ethane and 4He, near saturation levels of atmospheric noble gases, and more negative δ13C‐CH4; methane in these samples is biogenic and produced by a mixture of hydrogenotrophic and acetoclastic sources. These geochemical observations are consistent with other basins targeted for unconventional energy extraction in the USA and contribute to a growing data base of naturally occurring methane in shallow aquifers globally, which provide a framework for evaluating environmental concerns related to unconventional energy development (e.g., stray gas).  相似文献   

This study uses Sr isotope composition (87Sr/86Sr) and Sr content of waters of the Oder, one of the largest rivers in central Europe, to fingerprint natural and anthropogenic contributions to its Sr budget and to evaluate water mixing processes in its hydrological system. It also demonstrates a simple method of quantifying natural and anthropogenic Sr inputs in the watershed. The method has potential for environmental and archaeological research because past Sr geochemistry of river water can easily be reconstructed. For the first time, a catchment‐scale impact of anthropogenic sources on the Sr budget of a middle‐size river is shown in a quantitative way. The water of the Oder is characterized by a relatively uniform Sr isotope composition, from 0.7100 to 0.7108, contrasting with strong variations in Sr concentration, from 0.25 to 1.27 mg/L. There is a general seasonal trend in variability, with waters becoming more radiogenic and dilute with respect to the Sr in the spring time. This Sr systematics differs significantly from the Sr budgets of the majority of the Oder tributaries that exhibit more radiogenic composition and systematically lower Sr concentrations. A mixing scenario in the Oder involves Sr contribution from four principal water sources: (a) shallow ground waters with Sr derived from near‐surface weathering of silicates, (b) moderately radiogenic mine waters from the Upper Silesian Coal Basin, (c) unradiogenic mine waters from the Permian sequence of the copper district, and (d) unradiogenic ground waters from shallow‐seated Palaeogene, Neogene, and Mesozoic aquifers. The Sr budget of the Oder is primarily controlled by inputs of dissolved Sr from anthropogenic sources, which overprint the natural background, controlled by geology. Thus, about 47.5% of Sr originates from agriculture, industrial, and municipal additions, 31.5% from mine water inputs, and only 21% from natural sources, that is, rock weathering and atmospheric precipitation. Reconstruction of the past Sr chemistry of the Oder reveals that its present‐day Sr isotope composition is temporary and significantly different from that of the preindustrial times.  相似文献   

Understanding the source of dissolved methane in drinking‐water aquifers is critical for assessing potential contributions from hydraulic fracturing in shale plays. Shallow groundwater in the Texas portion of the Haynesville Shale area (13,000 km2) was sampled (70 samples) for methane and other dissolved light alkanes. Most samples were derived from the fresh water bearing Wilcox formations and show little methane except in a localized cluster of 12 water wells (17% of total) in a approximately 30 × 30 km2 area in Southern Panola County with dissolved methane concentrations less than 10 mg/L. This zone of elevated methane is spatially associated with the termination of an active fault system affecting the entire sedimentary section, including the Haynesville Shale at a depth more than 3.5 km, and with shallow lignite seams of Lower Wilcox age at a depth of 100 to 230 m. The lignite spatial extension overlaps with the cluster. Gas wetness and methane isotope compositions suggest a mixed microbial and thermogenic origin with contribution from lignite beds and from deep thermogenic reservoirs that produce condensate in most of the cluster area. The pathway for methane from the lignite and deeper reservoirs is then provided by the fault system.  相似文献   

Groundwater discharges in the western Canadian oil sands region impact river water quality. Mapping groundwater discharges to rivers in the oil sands region is important to target water quality monitoring efforts and to ensure injected wastewater and steam remain sequestered rather than eventually resurfacing. Saline springs composed of Pleistocene‐aged glacial meltwater exist in the region, but their spatial distribution has not been mapped comprehensively. Here we show that formation waters discharge into 3 major rivers as they flow through the Athabasca Oil Sands Region adjacent to many active oil sands projects. These discharges increase river chloride concentrations from river headwaters to downstream reaches by factors of ~23 in the Christina River, ~4 in the Clearwater River, and ~5 in the Athabasca River. Our survey provides further evidence for the substantial impact of formation water discharges on river water quality, even though they comprise less than ~2% of total streamflow. Geochemical evidence supporting formation water discharges as the leading control on river salinity include increases in river chloride concentrations, Na/(Na + Ca) ratios, Cl/(Cl + SO4) ratios and decreases in 87Sr/86Sr ratios; each mixing trend is consistent with saline groundwater discharges sourced from Cretaceous or Devonian aquifers. These regional subsurface‐to‐surface connections signify that injected wastewater or steam may potentially resurface in the future, emphasizing the critical importance of mapping groundwater flow paths to understand present‐day streamflow quality and to predict the potential for injected fluids to resurface.  相似文献   

The rapid expansion in unconventional gas development over the past two decades has led to concerns over the potential impacts on groundwater resources. Although numerical models are invaluable for assessing likelihood of impacts at particular sites, simpler analytical models are also useful because they help develop hydrological understanding. Analytical approaches are also valuable for preliminary assessments and to determine where more complex models are warranted. In this article, we present simple analytical solutions that can be used to predict: (1) the spatial extent of drawdown from horizontal wells drilled into the gas‐bearing formation, and rate of recovery after gas production ceases; (2) the potential for upward transport of contaminants from the gas‐bearing formation to shallow aquifers during hydraulic fracturing operations when pressures in the gas‐bearing formation are greatly increased; and (3) the potential downward leakage of water from shallow aquifers during depressurization of gas‐bearing formations. In particular, we show that the recovery of pressure after production ceases from gas‐bearing shale formations may take several hundred years, and we present critical hydraulic conductivity values for intervening aquitards, below which the impact on shallow aquifers will be negligible. The simplifying assumptions inherent in these solutions will limit their predictive accuracy for site‐specific assessments, compared to numerical models that incorporate knowledge of spatial variations in formation properties and which may include processes not considered in the simpler solutions.  相似文献   

Assessing natural vs. anthropogenic sources of methane in drinking water aquifers is a critical issue in areas of shale oil and gas production. The objective of this study was to determine controls on methane occurrences in aquifers in the Eagle Ford Shale play footprint. A total of 110 water wells were tested for dissolved light alkanes, isotopes of methane, and major ions, mostly in the eastern section of the play. Multiple aquifers were sampled with approximately 47 samples from the Carrizo‐Wilcox Aquifer (250‐1200 m depth range) and Queen City‐Sparta Aquifer (150‐900 m depth range) and 63 samples from other shallow aquifers but mostly from the Catahoula Formation (depth <150 m). Besides three shallow wells with unambiguously microbial methane, only deeper wells show significant dissolved methane (22 samples >1 mg/L, 10 samples >10 mg/L). No dissolved methane samples exhibit thermogenic characteristics that would link them unequivocally to oil and gas sourced from the Eagle Ford Shale. In particular, the well water samples contain very little or no ethane and propane (C1/C2+C3 molar ratio >453), unlike what would be expected in an oil province, but they also display relatively heavier δ13Cmethane (>?55‰) and δDmethane (>?180‰). Samples from the deeper Carrizo and Queen City aquifers are consistent with microbial methane sourced from syndepositional organic matter mixed with thermogenic methane input, most likely originating from deeper oil reservoirs and migrating through fault zones. Active oxidation of methane pushes δ13Cmethane and δDmethane toward heavier values, whereas the thermogenic gas component is enriched with methane owing to a long migration path resulting in a higher C1/C2+C3 ratio than in the local reservoirs.  相似文献   

An environmental concern with hydraulic fracturing for shale gas is the risk of groundwater and surface water contamination. Assessing this risk partly involves the identification and understanding of groundwater–surface water interactions because potentially contaminating fluids could move from one water body to the other along hydraulic pathways. In this study, we use water quality data from a prospective shale gas basin to determine: if surface water sampling could identify groundwater compartmentalisation by low-permeability faults; and if surface waters interact with groundwater in underlying bedrock formations, thereby indicating hydraulic pathways. Variance analysis showed that bedrock geology was a significant factor influencing surface water quality, indicating regional-scale groundwater–surface water interactions despite the presence of an overlying region-wide layer of superficial deposits averaging 30–40 m thickness. We propose that surface waters interact with a weathered bedrock layer through the complex distribution of glaciofluvial sands and gravels. Principal component analysis showed that surface water compositions were constrained within groundwater end-member compositions. Surface water quality data showed no relationship with groundwater compartmentalisation known to be caused by a major basin fault. Therefore, there was no chemical evidence to suggest that deeper groundwater in this particular area of the prospective basin was reaching the surface in response to compartmentalisation. Consequently, in this case compartmentalisation does not appear to increase the risk of fracking-related contaminants reaching surface waters, although this may differ under different hydrogeological scenarios.  相似文献   

Understanding the nature of communication between aquifers can be challenging when using traditional physical and geochemical groundwater sampling approaches. This study uses two multiport wells completed within Edwards and Trinity aquifers in central Texas to determine the degree of groundwater inter‐flow between adjacent aquifers. Potentiometric surfaces, hydraulic conductivities, and groundwater major ion concentrations and Sr isotope values were measured from multiple zones within three hydrostratigraphic units (Edwards and Upper and Middle Trinity aquifers). Physical and geochemical data from the multiport wells were combined with historical measurements of groundwater levels and geochemical compositions from the region to characterize groundwater flow and identify controls on the geochemical compositions of the Edwards and Trinity aquifers. Our results suggest that vertical groundwater flow between Edwards and Middle Trinity aquifers is likely limited by low permeability, evaporite‐rich units within the Upper and Middle Trinity. Potentiometric surface levels in both aquifers vary with changes in wet vs. dry conditions, indicating that recharge to both aquifers occurs through distinct recharge areas. Geochemical compositions in the Edwards, Upper, and Middle Trinity aquifers are distinct and likely reflect groundwater interaction with different lithologies (e.g., carbonates, evaporites, and siliceous sediments) as opposed to mixing of groundwater between the aquifers. These results have implications for the management of these aquifers as they indicate that, under current conditions, pumping of either aquifer will likely not induce vertical cross‐formational flow between the aquifers. Inter‐flow between the Trinity and the Edwards aquifers, however, should be reevaluated as pumping patterns and hydrogeologic conditions change.  相似文献   

The southern coastal plain of Laizhou Bay, which is the area most seriously affected by salt water intrusion in north China, is a large alluvial depression, which represents one of the most important hydrogeological units in the coastal region of northern China. Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs, including CFC‐11, CFC‐12 and CFC‐113) and tritium were used together for dating groundwater up to 50 years old in the study area. There are two cones of depression, caused by intensive over‐exploitation of fresh groundwater in the south and brine water in the north. The assigned CFC apparent ages for shallow groundwater range from 8 a to >50 a. A binary mixing model based on CFC‐113 and CFC‐12 concentrations in groundwater was used to estimate fractions of young and pre‐modern water in shallow aquifers and to identify groundwater mixing processes during saltwater intrusion. Discordance between concentrations of different CFC compounds indicate that shallow groundwater around the Changyi cone of depression is vulnerable to contamination. Pumping activities, CFC contamination, mixing and/or a large unsaturated zone thickness (e.g. >20 m) may be reasons for some groundwater containing CFCs without tritium. Saline intrusion mainly occurs because of large head gradients between fresh groundwater in the south and saline water bodies in the north, forming a wedge of saline water below/within fresh aquifer layers. Both CFC and tritium dates indicate that the majority of the saline water is from >50 a, with little or no modern seawater component. Based on the distribution of CFC apparent ages, tritium contents plus chemical and physical data, a conceptual model of groundwater flow along the investigated Changyi‐Xiaying transect has been developed to describe the hydrogeological processes. Three regimes are identified from south to north: (i) fresh groundwater zone, with a mixing fraction of 0.80–0.65 ‘young’ water calculated with the CFC binary mixing model (groundwater ages <34 a) and 1.9–7.8TU of tritium; (ii) mixing zone characterized by a mixing fraction of 0.05–0.65 young groundwater (ages of 23–44 a), accompanied by local vertical recharge and upward leakage of older groundwater; and (iii) salt water zone, mostly comprising waters with ages beyond the dating range of both CFCs and tritium. Some shallow groundwater in the north of the Changyi groundwater depression belongs to the >50a water group (iii), indicating slow velocity of groundwater circulation and possible drawing in of saline or deep groundwater that is tracer‐free. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

深水钻探面临的挑战:浅水流灾害问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
浅水流(shallow water flow,简称SWF)灾害被看作深水钻探中面临的重要挑战之一,它是指深水钻探中,钻头钻过一超压砂层时,孔隙压力太大以致砂和水激烈流进到井眼里,导致了井和钻井平台损坏的事件.SWF问题仅发生在深水区,位于海底泥线下几百米以下,主要出现在一种原位超压的未固结的斜状砂体中,这种砂体一般被低渗透的泥覆盖.超压的形成常认为是快速沉积压实所致,也可能与构造因素或水合物分解有关.SWF砂体具有低密度、低速度和高Vp/Vs的性质,是可能被地震勘探方法所检测的.我国即将进入深水钻探领域,为了避免或减轻深水钻探中可能面对的SWF灾害,我们建议开展有关SWF灾害问题的前期研究.  相似文献   

G. Stamatis  K. Voudouris 《水文研究》2003,17(12):2327-2345
In this paper the groundwater quality of the southern part of Korinthos region (north‐east Peloponnese) is discussed. The geology is characterized by a thick sequence of Neogene marls alternating with sandstones, overlain by superficial Quaternary deposits. The latter consist of a mixture of loose materials such as conglomerates, marly sandstones, sands and clay to silty sands. The area is crossed by a fault system parallel to the coastline, and the Quaternary sediments have formed extended Tyrrhenian marine terraces. Two aquifers have been identified in the area. The first is unconfined and occurs within the Quaternary sediments whereas the other is a deep confined aquifer occurring within the underlying Neogene marl series. Analysis of hydrochemical evolution over the past 30 years has indicated significant deterioration of quality owing to seawater intrusion and nitrate pollution. The various sources of pollution have rendered, to a large extent, shallow groundwater unsuitable not only for potable water supply but also for irrigation purposes. However, this is not the case for the deeper confined aquifer. Statistical analysis was used to explore the evolution of salinization during the years 1968 and 1998. In view of the alarming conditions caused by the documented groundwater quality deterioration, the need for integrated water resources management is stressed to maintain the socio‐economic growth of the region studied. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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