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C.D. Mackie 《Ground water》2014,52(4):613-617
Impacts of underground longwall mining on groundwater systems are commonly assessed using numerical groundwater flow models that are capable of forecasting changes to strata pore pressures and rates of groundwater seepage over the mine life. Groundwater ingress to a mining operation is typically estimated using zone budgets to isolate relevant parts of a model that represent specific mining areas, and to aggregate flows at nominated times within specific model stress periods. These rates can be easily misinterpreted if simplistic averaging of daily flow budgets is adopted. Such misinterpretation has significant implications for design of underground dewatering systems for a new mine site or it may lead to model calibration errors where measured mine water seepage rates are used as a primary calibration constraint. Improved estimates of groundwater ingress can be made by generating a cumulative flow history from zone budget data, then differentiating the cumulative flow history using a low order polynomial convolved through the data set.  相似文献   

目的:分析Chiari病合并神经性关节病的影像表现。方法:回顾性分析8例Chiari病所致神经性关节病的影像学表现。结果:8例中全部为Chiari病合并脊髓空洞症,其中3例为Chiari病术后。17个关节病累及肩关节11例,肘关节6例。增生为主型7例,影像学表现为关节增生硬化及骨赘形成。吸收为主型10例,影像学表现为关节面不规则骨质碎裂、溶解、残端刀削样改变。两型均可伴骨髓水肿(其中5个部位累及骨干)、关节游离体及关节肿胀积液。X线能较好显示关节脱位、骨质增生硬化及吸收。16层CT结合后处理还可多角度观察到大部分游离体位置及数目。MRI能准确地诊断Chiari病合并的脊髓空洞、显示骨干水肿及软组织改变能力优于X线及CT,水成像序列显示关节积液内微小游离体的能力优于其他检查。结论:X线、CT与MRI检查手段相结合有助于Chiari病合并神经性关节病的影像学诊断。  相似文献   

The impact of groundwater withdrawal on surface water is a concern of water users and water managers, particularly in the arid western United States. Capture maps are useful tools to spatially assess the impact of groundwater pumping on water sources (e.g., streamflow depletion) and are being used more frequently for conjunctive management of surface water and groundwater. Capture maps have been derived using linear groundwater flow models and rely on the principle of superposition to demonstrate the effects of pumping in various locations on resources of interest. However, nonlinear models are often necessary to simulate head‐dependent boundary conditions and unconfined aquifers. Capture maps developed using nonlinear models with the principle of superposition may over‐ or underestimate capture magnitude and spatial extent. This paper presents new methods for generating capture difference maps, which assess spatial effects of model nonlinearity on capture fraction sensitivity to pumping rate, and for calculating the bias associated with capture maps. The sensitivity of capture map bias to selected parameters related to model design and conceptualization for the arid western United States is explored. This study finds that the simulation of stream continuity, pumping rates, stream incision, well proximity to capture sources, aquifer hydraulic conductivity, and groundwater evapotranspiration extinction depth substantially affect capture map bias. Capture difference maps demonstrate that regions with large capture fraction differences are indicative of greater potential capture map bias. Understanding both spatial and temporal bias in capture maps derived from nonlinear groundwater flow models improves their utility and defensibility as conjunctive‐use management tools.  相似文献   

时瑾  杨雪 《地震工程学报》2015,37(3):851-856,861
重载货车作用下线路破坏问题与基床表层应力状态密切相关。通过建立货车-线路动力分析模型,分析货车通过时基床表层应力状态变化规律,研究道床厚度、轴重、速度、基床表层模量等因素对基床表层破坏的影响规律。结果表明:基床表层在车辆作用下遵循从纯剪到三轴剪切再回到纯剪状态的变化规律,主应力轴连续旋转180°;道床厚度低于0.5m、速度超过70km/h、基床表层模量低于160 MPa、轴重超过27t都有可能造成基床表层塑性变形;当应力路径超过破坏线情况下,路基弹性假设将不再适用。  相似文献   

The objective of this paper was to provide new insights into processes affecting riverbank filtration (RBF). We consider a system with an inflatable dam installed for enhancing water production from downstream collector wells. Using a numerical model, we investigate the impact of groundwater pumping and dam operation on the hydrodynamics in the aquifer and water production. We focus our study on two processes that potentially limit water production of an RBF system: the development of an unsaturated zone and riverbed clogging. We quantify river clogging by calibrating a time‐dependent riverbed permeability function based on knowledge of pumping rate, river stage, and temperature. The dynamics of the estimated riverbed permeability reflects clogging and scouring mechanisms. Our results indicate that (1) riverbed permeability is the dominant factor affecting infiltration needed for sustainable RBF production; (2) dam operation can influence pumping efficiency and prevent the development of an unsaturated zone beneath the riverbed only under conditions of sufficient riverbed permeability; (3) slow river velocity, caused by dam raising during summer months, may lead to sedimentation and deposition of fine‐grained material within the riverbed, which may clog the riverbed, limiting recharge to the collector wells and contributing to the development of an unsaturated zone beneath the riverbed; and (4) higher river flow velocities, caused by dam lowering during winter storms, scour the riverbed and thus increase its permeability. These insights can be used as the basis for developing sustainable water management of a RBF system.  相似文献   

“Random” variability in groundwater monitoring data sets reduces the ability to identify long‐term concentration trends. This, in turn, increases the time and cost required to evaluate the effectiveness of natural attenuation and other groundwater remedies. To better understand the factors influencing variability in groundwater monitoring results, we have analyzed three large groundwater monitoring data sets. For the three data sets, the long‐term trend in contaminant concentration in each well accounted for an average of 30% to 40% of the overall variation in contaminant concentration. Understanding the causes of the remaining variability would support the development of improved groundwater monitoring methods. All three data sets show large differences in the temporal monitoring records between individual wells (e.g., coefficient of variation for monitoring results from individual wells ranges from 0.08 to 4.6) indicating that well and aquifer factors are more important contributors to variability than sample collection and analysis factors. However, the depth to groundwater (R2 = 0.020) and distance between water level and screened interval (R2 = 0.049) accounted for only a portion of the differences in variability between wells and other aquifer characteristics evaluated and were not correlated with the observed variability in monitoring results. Unidentified factors were apparently much more important contributors to variability than these factors. The monitoring data sets exhibited two distinct timescales for variability: Time‐independent variability that was apparent even when wells were re‐sampled within a few days and a long‐term variability likely associated with the long‐term concentration trend. The observation of time‐independent variability suggests that frequent monitoring of contaminated monitoring wells serves primarily to characterize sources of variability unrelated to the long‐term trend of primary interest.  相似文献   

This study examines the effect of pumping, hydrogeology, and pesticide characteristics on pesticide concentrations in production wells using a reactive transport model in two conceptual hydrogeologic systems; a layered aquifer with and without a stream present. The pumping rate can significantly affect the pesticide breakthrough time and maximum concentration at the well. The effect of the pumping rate on the pesticide concentration depends on the hydrogeology of the aquifer; in a layered aquifer, a high pumping rate resulted in a considerably different breakthrough than a low pumping rate, while in an aquifer with a stream the effect of the pumping rate was insignificant. Pesticide application history and properties have also a great impact on the effect of the pumping rate on the concentration at the well. The findings of the study show that variable pumping rates can generate temporal variability in the concentration at the well, which helps understanding the results of groundwater monitoring programs. The results are used to provide guidance on the design of pumping and regulatory changes for the long‐term supply of safe groundwater. The fate of selected pesticides is examined, for example, if the application of bentazone in a region with a layered aquifer stops today, the concentration at the well can continue to increase for 20 years if a low pumping rate is applied. This study concludes that because of the rapid response of the pesticide concentration at the drinking water well due to changes in pumping, wellhead management is important for managing pesticide concentrations.  相似文献   

Although the ingestion of vanadium (V) in drinking water may have possible adverse health effects, there have been relatively few studies of V in groundwater. Given the importance of groundwater as a source of drinking water in many areas of the world, this study examines the potential sources and geochemical processes that control the distribution of V in groundwater on a regional scale. Potential sources of V to groundwater include dissolution of V rich rocks, and waste streams from industrial processes. Geochemical processes such as adsorption/desorption, precipitation/dissolution, and chemical transformations control V concentrations in groundwater. Based on thermodynamic data and laboratory studies, V concentrations are expected to be highest in samples collected from oxic and alkaline groundwater. However, the extent to which thermodynamic data and laboratory results apply to the actual distribution of V in groundwater is not well understood. More than 8400 groundwater samples collected in California were used in this study. Of these samples, high (≥50 µg/L) and moderate (25 to 49 µg/L) V concentrations were most frequently detected in regions where both source rock and favorable geochemical conditions occurred. The distribution of V concentrations in groundwater samples suggests that significant sources of V are mafic and andesitic rock. Anthropogenic activities do not appear to be a significant contributor of V to groundwater in this study. High V concentrations in groundwater samples analyzed in this study were almost always associated with oxic and alkaline groundwater conditions, which is consistent with predictions based on thermodynamic data.  相似文献   

Gaining streams can provide an integrated signal of relatively large groundwater capture areas. In contrast to the point‐specific nature of monitoring wells, gaining streams coalesce multiple flow paths. Impacts on groundwater quality from unconventional gas development may be evaluated at the watershed scale by the sampling of dissolved methane (CH4) along such streams. This paper describes a method for using stream CH4 concentrations, along with measurements of groundwater inflow and gas transfer velocity interpreted by 1‐D stream transport modeling, to determine groundwater methane fluxes. While dissolved ionic tracers remain in the stream for long distances, the persistence of methane is not well documented. To test this method and evaluate CH4 persistence in a stream, a combined bromide (Br) and CH4 tracer injection was conducted on Nine‐Mile Creek, a gaining stream in a gas development area in central Utah. A 35% gain in streamflow was determined from dilution of the Br tracer. The injected CH4 resulted in a fivefold increase in stream CH4 immediately below the injection site. CH4 and δ13CCH4 sampling showed it was not immediately lost to the atmosphere, but remained in the stream for more than 2000 m. A 1‐D stream transport model simulating the decline in CH4 yielded an apparent gas transfer velocity of 4.5 m/d, describing the rate of loss to the atmosphere (possibly including some microbial consumption). The transport model was then calibrated to background stream CH4 in Nine‐Mile Creek (prior to CH4 injection) in order to evaluate groundwater CH4 contributions. The total estimated CH4 load discharging to the stream along the study reach was 190 g/d, although using geochemical fingerprinting to determine its source was beyond the scope of the current study. This demonstrates the utility of stream‐gas sampling as a reconnaissance tool for evaluating both natural and anthropogenic CH4 leakage from gas reservoirs into groundwater and surface water.  相似文献   

In "Airs, Waters and Places, " Hippocrates taught aspiring physicians that, to understand their patient's illness, they needed to understand their patient's environment. He recognized that people's well-being was linked to their environment. Hippocrates instructed his readers to use observations of the seasons, the water and the orientation of a city to classify the major health problems of the inhabitants. While his causal framework for explaining the pathogenesis of disease may seem rudimentary and misguided in light of today's medical understanding, Hippocrates knew that many health problems arose from our interactions with the environment and he tried to do what we continue to want to do today: to predict the occurrence of disease in order to better care for his patients.  相似文献   

Permafrost covers approximately 24% of the Northern Hemisphere, and much of it is degrading, which causes infrastructure failures and ecosystem transitions. Understanding groundwater and heat flow processes in permafrost environments is challenging due to spatially and temporarily varying hydraulic connections between water above and below the near-surface discontinuous frozen zone. To characterize the transitional period of permafrost degradation, a three-dimensional model of a permafrost plateau that includes the supra-permafrost zone and surrounding wetlands was developed. The model is based on the Scotty Creek basin in the Northwest Territories, Canada. FEFLOW groundwater flow and heat transport modeling software is used in conjunction with the piFreeze plug-in, to account for phase changes between ice and water. The Simultaneous Heat and Water (SHAW) flow model is used to calculate ground temperatures and surface water balance, which are then used as FEFLOW boundary conditions. As simulating actual permafrost evolution would require hundreds of years of climate variations over an evolving landscape, whose geomorphic features are unknown, methodologies for developing permafrost initial conditions for transient simulations were investigated. It was found that a model initialized with a transient spin-up methodology, that includes an unfrozen layer between the permafrost table and ground surface, yields better results than with steady-state permafrost initial conditions. This study also demonstrates the critical role that variations in land surface and permafrost table microtopography, along with talik development, play in permafrost degradation. Modeling permafrost dynamics will allow for the testing of remedial measures to stabilize permafrost in high value infrastructure environments.  相似文献   

Groundwater is the major water resource in Jordan and most of the groundwater basins are already exploited beyond their estimated safe yield. Azraq basin is one of the most important groundwater basins in Jordan, which supplies Amman with drinking water. However, due to overpumping from the shallow groundwater aquifers, the water level dropped dramatically and signs of salinization and depletion are starting to occur. The severe drawdown in the Azraq well‐field caused a reverse in the hydraulic gradient and consequently, the saltwater in the center of the basin (Qa‐Azraq) started to move in the direction of the well‐field. The salinization in the shallow aquifer (basalt/B5/B4) is believed to result from one of the following scenarios: (i) a reverse flow from Sabkha to the AWSA well field, (ii) an upward leakage from the middle aquifer system (B2/A7) and the combined B3 Aquitard‐B2/A7 aquifer, (iii) a dissolution process between the water and rock matrix due to lowering of the dynamic water levels during pumping which reached the mineralized formations underlying the Basalt. The salinization trend of some AWSA wells represented by the gradual increase of major ions is associated with rather constant stable isotopic contents. This indicates that these constituents originate from the main minerals existing in the matrix of the aquifers and thus this scenario is the most likely to occur.  相似文献   

Soil and groundwater contamination are often managed by establishing on‐site cleanup targets within the context of risk assessment or risk management measures. Decision‐makers rely on modeling tools to provide insight; however, it is recognized that all models are subject to uncertainty. This case study compares suggested remediation requirements using a site‐specific numerical model and a standardized analytical tool to evaluate risk to a downgradient wetland receptor posed by on‐site chloride impacts. The base case model, calibrated to observed non‐pumping and pumping conditions, predicts a peak concentration well above regulatory criteria. Remediation scenarios are iteratively evaluated to determine a remediation design that adheres to practical site constraints, while minimizing the potential for risk to the downgradient receptor. A nonlinear uncertainty analysis is applied to each remediation scenario to stochastically evaluate the risk and find a solution that meets the site‐owner risk tolerance, which in this case required a risk‐averse solution. This approach, which couples nonlinear uncertainty analysis with a site‐specific numerical model provides an enhanced level of knowledge to foster informed decision‐making (i.e., risk‐of‐success) and also increases stakeholder confidence in the remediation design.  相似文献   

Groundwater is a critical resource not only for human communities but also for many terrestrial, riparian, and aquatic ecosystems and species. Yet groundwater planning and management decisions frequently ignore or inadequately address the needs of these natural systems. As a consequence, ecosystems dependent on groundwater have been threatened, degraded, or eliminated, especially in arid regions. There is growing acknowledgment that governmental protections for these ecological resources are necessary, but current legal, regulatory and voluntary provisions are often inadequate. Groundwater management premised on “safe yield,” which aims to balance human withdrawals with natural recharge rates, typically provides little to no consideration for water needed by ecosystems. Alternatively, the “sustainable yield” concept aims to integrate social, economic and environmental needs for groundwater, but the complexity of groundwater systems creates substantial uncertainty about the impact that current or future groundwater withdrawals will have on ecosystems. Regardless of the legal or regulatory framework, guidance is needed to help ensure environmental water needs will be met, especially in the face of pressure to increase human uses of groundwater resources. In this paper, we describe minimum provisions for planning, managing, and monitoring groundwater that collectively can lower the risk of harm to groundwater-dependent ecosystems and species, with a special emphasis on arid systems, where ecosystems and species may be especially reliant upon and sensitive to groundwater dynamics.  相似文献   

We infer the groundwater-level anomalies associated with a hypothetical preslip prior to the anticipated M 8 Tokai earthquake, and evaluate the detectability of the anomalies using data from seven groundwater wells. We evaluate the detectability of the anomalies under the following assumptions: (1) an Mw 5.5–6.5 aseismic preslip event occurs at the plate boundary in and around the hypothetical focal zone of the Tokai earthquake; (2) the total amount of the strain step at each observation associated with the preslip can be calculated by tensile and shear faulting based on the dislocation model; (3) a normalized strain history associated with the preslip is defined from the results of numerical simulations based on rate- and state-dependent friction laws; and (4) the groundwater-level anomaly prior to the earthquake is proportional to the estimated history of the strain change associated with the preslip. We investigate the detection time of the anomaly at seven wells given an Mw 5.5, 6.0, or 6.5 aseismic preslip at one of the 272 grid points in and around the area of the hypothetical focal zone of the Tokai earthquake. As a result, over the time interval between 1 and 48 hours prior to the hypothetical Tokai earthquake, we are able to detect at each of the seven wells a hypothetical Mw 6.5 preslip at 10–86 of the 272 grid points, an Mw 6 preslip at 0–19 grid points, and an Mw 5.5 preslip at 0–5 grid points.  相似文献   

As a component of arid ecosystems, groundwater plays an important role in plant growth; therefore, it is essential to use deterministic models to reconstruct the process of groundwater level change. Typically, the linearized solution of the one-dimensional (1-D) Boussinesq equation yields acceptable performance in simulating transient conditions over short recharge periods in ephemeral stream systems, but the ability of this solution to simulate multiyear changes in groundwater levels is limited. In this study, an improved groundwater hydraulics (GH-D2) model is built based on the groundwater hydraulics (GH) solution of the 1-D Boussinesq equation to simulate multiyear changes in the groundwater level in ephemeral stream systems. The model is validated in the lower reaches of the Tarim River to simulate groundwater level fluctuations within the scope of influence of the river (300, 500, 750, 1050 m) over a 16-year period (2000 to 2015). To evaluate the performance of the models, the bias, mean absolute error, root mean squared error, Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency (NSE), and coefficient of determination (R2) are calculated. The results show that the improved GH-D2 model, which considers ephemeral streamflow, unsteady flow theory and the delayed response effect of groundwater level changes, performs well in simulating multiyear changes in the groundwater level in the ephemeral stream system. The observed and simulated values of the groundwater level at different river distances are consistent, and the model provides a new basis for multiyear simulations of groundwater level fluctuations in ephemeral stream systems.  相似文献   

In the arid to semi-arid district of Chengcheng, Weinan City, in central Shaanxi Province, diminishing groundwater reserves in the shallow Quaternary (QLB) aquifer and elevated fluoride in the similarly shallow Permo-Triassic (PTF) aquifer, have promoted interest in the development of groundwater resources in the deep but poorly understood Cambrian-Ordovician carbonate aquifer system (COC). To investigate the origin of the COC groundwaters and the relationship between the deep and shallower systems, a hydrochemical study was undertaken involving 179 major and minor ion analyses, 39 stable isotope analyses (δD and δ18O), and 14 carbon isotope analyses (14C and δ13C). PHREEQC 3.0 was used to investigate mixing. Hydrochemical data support the presence of a well-connected regional flow system extending southwards from the more mountainous north. Stable isotope data indicate that the COC groundwaters originate as soil zone infiltration, under a much cooler regime than is found locally today. This is confirmed by 14C, which indicates the groundwater to be palaeowater recharged during the late Pleistocene (∼10–12 ka B.P.). The presence of nitrate in the COC groundwaters suggests leakage from overlying shallow aquifers currently provides an additional source of COC recharge, with major faults possibly providing the primary pathways for downward vertical flow.  相似文献   

The recent boom in shale gas development in the Marcellus Shale has increased interest in the methods to distinguish between naturally occurring methane in groundwater and stray methane associated with drilling and production operations. This study evaluates the relationship between natural methane occurrence and three principal environmental factors (groundwater redox state, water type, and topography) using two pre‐drill datasets of 132 samples from western Pennsylvania, Ohio, and West Virginia and 1417 samples from northeastern Pennsylvania. Higher natural methane concentrations in residential wells are strongly associated with reducing conditions characterized by low nitrate and low sulfate ([NO3?] < 0.5 mg/L; [SO42?] < 2.5 mg/L). However, no significant relationship exists between methane and iron [Fe(II)], which is traditionally considered an indicator of conditions that have progressed through iron reduction. As shown in previous studies, water type is significantly correlated with natural methane concentrations, where sodium (Na) ‐rich waters exhibit significantly higher (p<0.001) natural methane concentrations than calcium (Ca)‐rich waters. For water wells exhibiting Na‐rich waters and/or low nitrate and low sulfate conditions, valley locations are associated with higher methane concentrations than upland topography. Consequently, we identify three factors (“Low NO3? & SO42?” redox condition, Na‐rich water type, and valley location), which, in combination, offer strong predictive power regarding the natural occurrence of high methane concentrations. Samples exhibiting these three factors have a median methane concentration of 10,000 µg/L. These heuristic relationships may facilitate the design of pre‐drill monitoring programs and the subsequent evaluation of post‐drill monitoring results to help distinguish between naturally occurring methane and methane originating from anthropogenic sources or migration pathways.  相似文献   

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