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In confined aquifers, the influence of neighboring active wells is often neglected when interpreting a pumping test. This can, however, lead to an erroneous interpretation of the pumping test data. This paper presents simple methods to evaluate the transmissivity (T) and storativity (S) of a confined aquifer under Theis conditions, when an interfering well starts pumping in the neighborhood of the tested well before the beginning of the test. These new methods yield better estimates of the T and especially S values than when the interfering well influence is neglected. They also permit to distinguish between interfering wells and other deviations from the Cooper‐Jacob straight line, such as impermeable boundaries. The new methods were then applied on data obtained from a numerical model. The new methods require knowing the pumping rate of the interfering well and the time elapsed since the pumping started in each well, but contrary to previous methods, they do not require the aquifer natural level at the beginning of the test, which is often unknown if the interfering well has started pumping before the tested well.  相似文献   

For a well in the vicinity of a surface water body, a formula is developed that relates the share of bank filtrate on total pumpage, that is, the discharge ratio, on one side, to basic well and aquifer characteristics on the other. The application of the formula is demonstrated for solving the inverse problem: for an aimed discharge ratio, well characteristics (pumping rate, distance to shore) can be determined. Other useful applications of the formula are outlined.  相似文献   

Explicit algebraic equations are derived to determine approximate maximum pumping rates or minimum injection rates to limit sea water intrusion to a prespecified distance from the coastline. The equations are based on Strack's (1976) single-potential solution. The maximum pumping rates and minimum injection rates applied at wells with uniform spacing to control the inland movement of the fresh water-salt water interface in a coastal aquifer could be calculated from Strack's (1976) solution without the need of a numerical optimization algorithm. When wells are distributed in a simple fashion, the maximum intrusion location can be identified precisely for pumping cases and approximately for injection cases. For pumping cases, critical points are the limit of allowable salt water intrusion, whereas no such limit exists for injection cases. Once an application site is identified, a series of design curves for pumping and injection rates can be developed for arbitrary intrusion limits. When a user is interested only in the largest pumping rates associated with critical points, one design curve can yield complete information.  相似文献   

Vertical wells with radial extension at the well bottom can improve the rate of water production. No study has yet investigated the effects of the transient state and anisotropy in directional hydraulic conductivities on the wellbore flux rate for this type of well. This study derives a semianalytical transient drawdown solution for constant-head pumping at a fully penetrating well radially extended at the bottom of a confined, anisotropic aquifer by applying Laplace transform and separation of variables as well as conducting a Fourier analysis. The results of this new solution indicate that transient and steady-state wellbore flux rates can be increased by a factor of two for greater radial extension of the well. Compared with an isotropic aquifer (a ratio of vertical and horizontal hydraulic conductivities equal to one), an anisotropic aquifer with the ratio less than one may produce a higher transient wellbore flux rate and lower steady-state wellbore flux rate. Moreover, the time required to achieve the steady-state wellbore flux rate can be substantially affected by anisotropy of the aquifer.  相似文献   

In confined aquifers the influence of neighboring active wells is often neglected when interpreting a pumping test. This can, however, lead to an erroneous interpretation of the pumping test data. This article presents simple methods to evaluate the transmissivity tensor and storativity of an anisotropic confined aquifer when there is an interfering well in the neighborhood of the tested well. Two methods have been developed depending on whether the tested well or the interfering well is the first in operation. These new methods yield better estimates of the hydraulic parameters than when the influence of the interfering well is neglected. These methods have then been used on data obtained from numerical models with an interfering well and the results have been compared to an analytical method that neglects the influence of the interfering well. The methods require knowledge of the pumping rate of the interfering well and the time elapsed since the pumping started in each well. If the interfering well started pumping before the tested well, the method does not require knowledge of the aquifer piezometric level at the beginning of the test, which is often unknown in this case. As for the method without interference, at least three monitoring wells (MWs) are needed, the position of which influences the accuracy of the estimated parameters. Some recommendations concerning MWs position have been given to get more accurate results according to the sought parameter.  相似文献   

针对层析成像模型矩形网格剖分存在的一些问题,提出了复杂结构三角网最小走时射线追踪层析成像方法。以Delaunay三角剖分的优化准则,根据模型点、线、面的几何结构关系,进行三角网格剖分;采用三角网波行面扩展法计算声波初至走时,追踪出任意接收点至激发点处的射线路径,射线路径包含了从接收点至源点的坐标、所在三角单元等信息,形成矩阵方程。应用稳定性较好的联合迭代重构技术求解矩阵方程,得到模型的速度分布。数值模拟结果表明,三角网射线层析成像方法分辨率高,成像结果更接近实际结构形态,有效地解决了矩形网剖分对复杂区域网格参数化灵活性差,速度界面描述精度低等问题。  相似文献   

Oscillatory pumping tests—in which flow is varied in a periodic fashion—provide a method for understanding aquifer heterogeneity that is complementary to strategies such as slug testing and constant‐rate pumping tests. During oscillatory testing, pressure data collected at non‐pumping wells can be processed to extract metrics, such as signal amplitude and phase lag, from a time series. These metrics are robust against common sensor problems (including drift and noise) and have been shown to provide information about aquifer heterogeneity. Field implementations of oscillatory pumping tests for characterization, however, are not common and thus there are few guidelines for their design and implementation. Here, we use available analytical solutions from the literature to develop design guidelines for oscillatory pumping tests, while considering practical field constraints. We present two key analytical results for design and analysis of oscillatory pumping tests. First, we provide methods for choosing testing frequencies and flow rates which maximize the signal amplitude that can be expected at a distance from an oscillating pumping well, given design constraints such as maximum/minimum oscillator frequency and maximum volume cycled. Preliminary data from field testing helps to validate the methodology. Second, we develop a semi‐analytical method for computing the sensitivity of oscillatory signals to spatially distributed aquifer flow parameters. This method can be quickly applied to understand the “sensed” extent of an aquifer at a given testing frequency. Both results can be applied given only bulk aquifer parameter estimates, and can help to optimize design of oscillatory pumping test campaigns.  相似文献   

An analytical method is provided where the ground water practitioner can quickly determine the size (number of wells) and spacing of a well network capable of meeting a known ground water demand. In order to apply the method, two new parameters are derived that relate theoretical drawdown to the maximum drawdown that is achievable without mining the aquifer. The size of a well network is shown to be proportional to the ground water demand and inversely proportional to the transmissivity and available head. The spacing between wells in a supply well network is shown to be most sensitive to a derived parameter r HA/ 3, which is related to the available head and the propagation of drawdown away from a theoretical well if the total ground water demand was applied to that well. The method can be used to quickly determine the required spacing between wells in well networks of various sizes that are completed in confined aquifers with no leakance.  相似文献   

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