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In the polder region of coastal Bangladesh, shallow groundwater is primarily brackish with unpredictable occurrence of freshwater pockets. Delta building processes, including the codeposition of fresh-to-saline porewater and sediments, have formed the shallow aquifer. Impermeable clay facies and the lack of a topographical gradient limit the flow of groundwater and its mixing with surface water so controls on spatial variability of salinity are not obvious. By characterizing groundwater-surface water (GW-SW) interactions, this study attempted to identify areas of potable groundwater for the polder communities. We used transects of piezometers, cores, electromagnetic induction, and water chemistry surveys to explore two sources of potential fresh groundwater: (1) tidal channel-aquifer exchange and (2) meteoric recharge. Fresh groundwater proved difficult to find due to heterogeneous subsurface lithology, asymmetrical tidal dynamics, extreme seasonal fluctuations in rainfall, and limited field data. Geophysical observations suggest substantial lateral variability in shallow subsurface conductivity profiles. Piezometers show varying degrees of tidal pressure attenuation away from the channels. Nevertheless, the active exchange of freshwater appears to be limited due to low permeability of banks and surface sediments. Results indicate that pockets of fresh groundwater cannot be identified using readily available hydrogeological methods, so alternative drinking water sources should be pursued. By better understanding the hydrogeology of the system, however, communities will be better equipped to redirect water management resources to more feasible and sustainable drinking water options.  相似文献   

Wells designated as groundwater under the direct influence (GUDI) of surface water have caused an ongoing boil-water advisory afflicting the island of Tutuila, American Samoa for almost a decade. Regulatory testing at these wells found turbidity and indicator bacteria spikes correlated with heavy rainfall events. However, the mechanism of this contamination has, until now, remained unknown. Surface water may reach wells through improperly sealed well casings, or through the aquifer matrix itself. In this study, three independent surface water tracers, turbidity, indicator bacteria, and water isotopes were used to assess recharge timing and determine contamination mechanisms. Results from each method were reasonably consistent, revealing average GUDI well breakthrough times of 37 ± 21 h for turbidity, 18 to 63 h for bacteria, and 1 to 5 days for water isotopes. These times match well with estimated subsurface flow rates through highly permeable aquifer materials. In contrast, where one well casing was found to be compromised, turbidity breakthrough was observed at 3 to 4 h. These results support local management decisions and show repairing or replacing wells will likely result in continued GUDI contamination. Additionally, differences in observed rainfall response for each tracer provide insight into the recharge dynamics and subsurface flow characteristics of this and other highly conductive young-basaltic aquifers.  相似文献   

Previous studies of the Dakota Aquifer in South Dakota attributed elevated groundwater sulfate concentrations to Madison Aquifer recharge in the Black Hills with subsequent chemical evolution prior to upward migration into the Dakota Aquifer. This study examines the plausibility of a Madison Aquifer origin for groundwater in northeastern Nebraska. Dakota Aquifer water samples were collected for major ion chemistry and isotopic analysis (18O, 2H, 3H, 14C, 13C, 34S, 18O-SO4, 87Sr, 37Cl). Results show that groundwater beneath the eastern, unconfined portion of the study area is distinctly different from groundwater sampled beneath the western, confined portion. In the east, groundwater is calcium-bicarbonate type, with δ18O values (−9.6 to −12.4) similar to local, modern precipitation (−7.4 to −10), and tritium values reflecting modern recharge. In the west, groundwater is calcium-sulfate type, having depleted δ18O values (−16 to −18) relative to local, modern precipitation, and 14C ages 32,000 to more than 47,000 years before present. Sulfate, δ18O, δ2H, δ34S, and δ18O-SO4 concentrations are similar to those found in Madison Aquifer groundwater in South Dakota. Thus, it is proposed that Madison Aquifer source water is also present within the Dakota Aquifer beneath northeastern Nebraska. A simple Darcy equation estimate of groundwater velocities and travel times using reported physical parameters from the Madison and Dakota Aquifers suggests such a migration is plausible. However, discrepancies between 14C and Darcy age estimates indicate that 14C ages may not accurately reflect aquifer residence time, due to mixtures of varying aged water.  相似文献   

Water Resources - The Mitidja-plain is very important in size and role, it contains two important aquiferous tanks exploited to serve Algiers and the surrounding agglomerations, these resources...  相似文献   

A computational program, called the groundwater flow calculator, was created to quickly and easily determine the hydraulic gradient and direction of groundwater flow. The groundwater flow calculator automates the hand‐drawn process by Ralph Heath in the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Water Supply Paper 2220. In addition, a mobile app was developed to allow this procedure to run on a smart phone for use in the field.  相似文献   

Traditional aquifer vulnerability techniques primarily rely on spatial property data for a region and are limited by their ability to directly or indirectly assess flow and transport processes occurring from the surface to depth within an aquifer system. The main objective of this study was to investigate groundwater vulnerability in terms of aquifer interconnectivity and flow dynamics. A combination of stable isotopes, groundwater age‐dating (radiocarbon), and geomorphic/geogenic spatial analyses was applied to a regional, highly developed coastal aquifer to explain the presence of nitrate at depth. The average δ13C value (?17.3 ± 2‰ VPDB, n = 27) is characteristic of groundwater originating from locally infiltrated precipitation through extensively cultivated soils. The average δ18O and δD values (?4.0 ± 0.1‰ VSMOW, n = 27; δD: ?19.3 ± 1‰ VSMOW, n = 27, respectively) are similar to precipitation water derived from maritime sources feeding the region's surface water and groundwater. Stable and radioactive isotopes reveal significant mixing between shallow and deep aquifers due to high velocities, hydraulic connection, and input of local recharge water to depths. Groundwater overdevelopment enhances deeper and faster modern water downward flux, amplifying aquifer vulnerability. Therefore, aquifer vulnerability is a variable, dependent on the type and degree of stress conditions experienced by a groundwater system as well as the geospatial properties at the near surface.  相似文献   

Groundwater constitutes the main source of freshwater in Shalatein, on the western coast of the Red Sea, in Egypt. The fresh aquifer of Shalatein is intensively dissected by shallow and deep faults associated with the occurrence of dykes and/or dyke swarms. In this context, synthesis of electrical resistivity, ground magnetics, and borehole data was implemented to investigate the freshwater aquifer condition, locate the intrusive dykes and/or dyke swarms, and demarcate the potential freshwater zones. Nine Schlumberger VES’s with maximum current electrode half-spacing (AB/2) of 682 m were conducted. The subsurface was successfully delineated by general four layers. The fresh aquifer of the Quaternary and Pre-Quaternary alluvium sediments was effectively demarcated with true resistivities ranged from 30 to 105 Ωm and thickness ranged between 20 and 60 m. A ground magnetic survey comprised 35 magnetic profiles, each 7 km in length. Magnetic data interpretation of the vertical derivatives (first and second order), downward continuation (100 m), apparent susceptibility (depth of 100 m), and wavelength filters (Butterworth high-pass of wavelengths <100 m and Band-Pass of wavelengths 30–100 m) successfully distinguished the near surface structure with five major clusters of dyke swarms, whereas filters of the upward continuation (300 m) and Butterworth low-pass (wavelengths >300 m) clearly reflected the deep-seated structure. The computed depth by the 3D Euler deconvolution for geological contacts and faults (SI = 0) ranged from 14 to 545 m, whereas for dyke and sill (SI = 1), it ranged from 10 to 1,095 m. The western part of the study area is recommended as a potential freshwater zone as it is characterized by depths >100 m to the top of the dykes, higher thickness of the fresh aquifer (45–60 m), depths to the top of the fresh aquifer ranging from 25 to 40 m, and higher resistivities reflecting better freshwater quality (70–105 Ωm).  相似文献   

Regular aquifer storage recovery, ASR, is often not feasible for small‐scale storage in brackish or saline aquifers because fresh water floats to the top of the aquifer where it is unrecoverable. Flow barriers that partially penetrate a brackish or saline aquifer prevent a stored volume of fresh water from expanding sideways, thus increasing the recovery efficiency. In this paper, the groundwater flow and mixing is studied during injection, storage, and recovery of fresh water in a brackish or saline aquifer in a flow‐tank experiment and by numerical modeling to investigate the effect of density difference, hydraulic conductivity, pumping rate, cyclic operation, and flow barrier settings. Two injection and recovery methods are investigated: constant flux and constant head. Fresh water recovery rates on the order of 65% in the first cycle climbing to as much as 90% in the following cycles were achievable for the studied configurations with constant flux whereas the recovery efficiency was somewhat lower for constant head. The spatial variation in flow velocity over the width of the storage zone influences the recovery efficiency, because it induces leakage of fresh water underneath the barriers during injection and upconing of salt water during recovery.  相似文献   

The Effect of Tidal Fluctuation on a Coastal Aquifer in the UK   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
A. D. Erskine 《Ground water》1991,29(4):556-562

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