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The paper presents an experimental study on critical sensitivity in rocks. Critical sensitivity means that the response of a system to external controlling variable may become significantly sensitive as the system approaches its catastrophic rupture point. It is found that the sensitivities measured by responses on three scales (sample scale, locally macroscopic scales and mesoscopic scale) display increase prior to catastrophic transition point. These experimental results do support the concept that critical sensitivity might be a common precursory feature of catastrophe. Furthermore, our previous theoretical model is extended to explore the fluctuations in critical sensitivity in the rock tests.  相似文献   

井下地电阻率观测影响系数分析——以江宁地震台为例   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
樊晓春  解滔  吴帆  袁慎杰 《中国地震》2019,35(2):347-358
采用水平层状均匀介质中点电源位于任意深度时的电位解析表达式,以江宁台3层电性结构为例,分析了井下对称四极地电阻率观测时各层影响系数随深度、极距的变化,并结合探测深度探讨了实施井下观测时影响系数在选择供电极距和电极埋深时的作用。结果表明,对于"K"型电性结构,江宁台井下观测对地表、浅层干扰有较强的抑制作用,其短极距观测对地表、浅层干扰的抑制能力显著优于长极距观测;长极距观测在电极埋深H小于100m时对地表介质季节性的干扰具有放大作用;浅层影响系数一定时,电极埋深和供电极距需同时增加;江宁台井下观测供电极距AB/2取100~150m、电极埋深H为250m较为合理。  相似文献   

Standard models of flow of two immiscible fluids in a porous medium make use of an expression for the dependence of capillary pressure on the saturation of a fluid phase. Data to support the mathematical expression is most often obtained through a sequence of equilibrium experiments. In addition to such expressions being hysteretic, recent experimental and theoretical studies have suggested that the equilibrium functional forms obtained may be inadequate for modeling dynamic systems. This situation has led to efforts to express relaxation of a system to an equilibrium capillary pressure in relation to the rate of change of saturation. Here, based on insights gained from the thermodynamically constrained averaging theory (TCAT) we propose that dynamic processes are related to changes in interfacial area between phases as well as saturation. A more complete formulation of capillary pressure dynamics is presented leading to an equation that is suitable for experimental study.  相似文献   

以新城子观测站地电阻率为研究对象,结合新城子观测站电测深资料通过影响系数理论用水平层状介质模型对比分析地表、井下地电阻率两种手段的观测效果,对新城子地电阻率观测各层影响系数随深度和极距的变化分析新城子井下地电阻率观测布极的合理性。其结果反应为新城子地电阻率井下观测设计较为合理,减少场地资源的同时对地表和浅层干扰有更好的抑制作用,对深层的映震能力优于地表观测,分析结果可为类似台址电性结构中实施井下地电阻率观测提供参考。  相似文献   

地震危险性分析冈布尔方法具有简明、快速而准确的特征,前两个特征似乎已在文献中得以澄清,后一特征将在本文的研究中证实。根据公认明清以来历史地震目录大体完整的事实,作出“1981年版”的四川及邻区乃至全国范围的两个地震烈度区划,都以几近精确的水平,通过了其后10年间地震实践的检验。本文还讨论了该方法与抗震设防、地震保险的接口关系,以及它与地震地质、地震危险性分析科内尔方法的协调性接口关系。  相似文献   

通过对部分换索桥梁换索顺序的调研,按照拉索不同的布置形式,总结了目前拉索更换所采用的主要顺序,并利用有限元分析方法对某双塔双索面斜拉桥进行了模拟换索,分析得到了偏于安全的换索顺序。通过拆单根索的弯曲应变能的变化,分析了斜拉桥换索的整体顺序。通过分析不同换索工况下的索力增量变化规律,包括单塔拆1根、双塔同侧索面对称拆4根、双塔不同侧索面反对称拆4根等3种工况,对拉索更换顺序进行了研究,并对其中的同侧索面和不同侧索面拆除4根拉索的工况进行了主梁线形的分析,建立了有限元模型。分析认为,斜拉桥拉索的更换宜从短索向长索反对称进行。  相似文献   

本文假设马尼拉海沟北段为潜在海啸源,基于中国地震台网对马尼拉海沟地区震级测定偏差,采用COMCOT(comell Multi-grid Coupled Tsunami Model)海啸数值模型,模拟南海海啸波传播.选取南海北缘3个特定地点,其中两个位于华南近海区域,另一个位于台湾岛南端近海区域,此外还在临近马尼拉海沟北段的深海地区选取了1个特定地点.分析这些特定地点最大海啸波以及最大海啸波到时对于震级测定偏差的敏感性.结果表明:马尼拉海沟北段地震如触发海啸,华南近海区域以及台湾岛南部近海区域最大海啸波振幅对震级偏差敏感,但最大海啸波振幅到时对于震级测定偏差不敏感;振幅最大的海啸波,二十几分钟即可波及台湾岛南端近岸区域,大约1小时后波及大陆华南近海北部区域.  相似文献   

First-principles electronic structure calculations based on DFT have been used to study the thermodynamic, structural and transport properties of solid solutions and liquid alloys of iron and oxygen at Earth's core conditions. Aims of the work are to determine the oxygen concentration needed to account for the inferred density in the outer core, to probe the stability of the liquid against phase separation, to interpret the bonding in the liquid, and to find out whether the viscosity differs significantly from that of pure liquid iron at the same conditions. It is shown that the required concentration of oxygen is in the region 25–30 mol%, and evidence is presented for phase stability at these conditions. The Fe/O bonding is partly ionic, but with a strong covalent component. The viscosity is lower than that of pure liquid iron at Earth's core conditions. It is shown that earlier first-principles calculations indicating very large enthalpies of formation of solid solutions may need reinterpretation, since the assumed crystal structures are not the most stable at the oxygen concentration of interest.  相似文献   

潘冰 《华南地震》2020,40(1):94-99
为探究高层建筑桁架转换层地震作用下的动力反应情况,采用SAP2000程序中平面壳单元和杆系单元对高层建筑桁架转换层进行有限元建模,采用模态分析法和地震反应谱分析法对高层建筑桁架转换层结构进行地震反应分析,结果表明:高层建筑中桁架转换层前8阶振型对自振周期影响较大,分析高层建筑桁架转换层地震作用反应时,主要采用前8阶振型...  相似文献   

介绍了山西数字测震台网EDAS-24IP+BBVS型数字地震仪传递函数的特征和测定方法,对地震仪阶跃标定及正弦标定计算分析,得出台站工作状态、地震计周期、阻尼、主零极点参数的变化情况;并对数字地震仪的频带范围、通频带的平坦程度、三分向幅频响应的一致性进行了讨论和分析。认为台网的系统特性是稳定和可靠的。  相似文献   

A three-dimensional model was established to investigate water exchange in coastal waters, and applied to Qinzhou Bay(QZB) in the South China Sea. Given the strong tidal current in QZB, a half-life time was calculated for water exchange by filtering the tidal signal from the concentrations of a conservative substance. In a control run driven by the tide, without external inputs and an open boundary concentration of zero, it was estimated that the average half-life time in QZB was 54.8 d. Numerical experiments showed that wind accounted for an 11.9% reduction in the half-life time to 48.3 d. When rivers were included in the model, the half-life time decreased by 74.6% to 13.9 d. Sensitivity experiments showed that the half-life time for water exchange was greatly affected by the concentration of the conservative substance which was used at the open boundary. In response to 10,20, 30, and 40% increases in the boundary concentration, the half-life time increased to 91.5, 168.3, 186.2, and 229.1 d,respectively. Results also suggested that for coastal bays with large intertidal areas such as QZB, consideration of the wet and dry processes produced more accurate simulations of the hydrodynamics and the half-life times. Simulations, which did not incorporate wet and dry processes, were more than likely to have overestimated or underestimated the half-life times for water exchange.  相似文献   

Gold has been measured in water and suspended particulate matter samples coming from the Oubangui-Congo system. Gold anomalies up to 800 pico M/l were measured at two different locations. These are interpreted as the result of gold transport by dissolved organic complexes. Everywhere else the gold content is in the range of 10−11M/l and gold is present as an aurous hydroxichloride complex.The knowledge of both discharge rates and gold content allows a quantification of the gold input into the Atlantic ocean. Respective values for dissolved and particulate gold input are equal to 2.86 t/a and 2.95 t/a. Both chemical denudation and physical weathering rates were computed from this new set of data.  相似文献   

Oxygen and water vapor absorption of radio waves in the atmosphere   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Calculated values of the gaseous atmospheric absorption are presented for the frequency range 100 to 50,000 Mc at elevations above ground up to at least 130,000 feet, for average conditions during February and August at Bismarck, N. D. and Washington, D. C. Total radio path absorptionsare presented for tropospheric forward scatter communication links for distances of 100, 300 and 1000 miles. The total path absorptions were calculated by summing the absorption contributed by each portion of the atmosphere traversed by a radio ray passing from a 60 foot parabolic antenna resting on the ground to the scattering center and then to a similar receiving antenna. A correlation of total path absorption with the surface value of absolute humidity is developed, thus providing estimates of the range of absorption values in different geographic areas. Maps of average absolute humidity for the world are presented. Previous work on rain absorption is then combined with the present study to provide estimates of the radio power loss due to absorption expected to be exceeded 1 per cent of the time.Portions of this paper were presented in preliminary form at the Symposium on Communication by Scatter Techniques-George Washington University, Washington, D. C., November 14 and 15, 1955.  相似文献   

前驱地震波的试验研究及波谱分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
研究了含预置裂纹的有机玻璃试样在加载实验过程中,大破裂之前出现的长周期、小振幅低频事件,并与大地震前可能出现的同类现象(即前驱地震波)进行了对比研究,根据波形记录和频谱分析得出:前驱地震波是地壳介质的长周期波动,是一种客观存在的前兆特征,具有短临前兆意义。  相似文献   

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