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Introduction To the impact pattern, the dynamic test with high strain is generally grouped into two kinds.One is stricken by hammer and another is by rocket. The former is widely used and the latter isused widely abroad and seldom used at home. To the analyzing method, it is also divided into twokinds. One is the method of wave equation and another is the method of experimental formula.The methods of Smith, Case and Capwap and other improved methods belong to the former, andthe methods …  相似文献   

By studying the pile-formula and stress-wave methods (e.g., CASE method), the authors propose a new method for testing piles using the single-impact energy and P-S curves. The vibration and wave figures are recorded, and the dynamic and static displacements are measured by different transducers near the top of piles when the pile is impacted by a heavy hammer or micro-rocket. By observing the transformation coefficient of driving energy (total energy), the consumed energy of wave motion and vibration and so on, the vertical bearing capacity for single pile is measured and calculated. Then, using the vibration wave diagram, the dynamic relation curves between the force (P) and the displacement (S) is calculated and the yield points are determined. Using the static-loading test, the dynamic results are checked and the relative constants of dynamic-static P-S curves are determined. Then the subsidence quantity corresponding to the bearing capacity is determined. Moreover, the shaped quality of the pile body can be judged from the formation of P-S curves. Foundation item: Key Projects of Tenth Five-year Plan of Yunnan Province (54-02-02).  相似文献   

叙述一种新的大应变检测单桩竖向承载力的方法. 用重锤或小型火箭筒冲击桩顶,用检波器记录振波图. 引入应变(变形力)的高次项,从理论上证明当为大位移大应变, 即桩相对于土体产生整体滑动时,位移、速度和加速度则不能经过简单积分加速度和微分速度得到,即它们为非线性关系. 由此导出:通过波列振幅计算力(P)和位移(S),并作(动态)P-S曲线、确定屈服点,进而阐述确定单桩竖向承载力的方法,并利用静载荷试验检验动测结果和确定动静P(Q)S曲线的相关常数.   相似文献   

Introduction Through many year's practices by vast numbers of scientific and technological workers andefforts from all aspects, the dynamic testing method of high-low strain has formally entered intothe technical code of foundation pile test of construction at last (The Industry Standards of thePeople's Republic of China, 2003). The striking mode of the dynamic testing method of high strainis stipulated as hammer in the code, the striking of rocket can also be used. The latter is widely…  相似文献   

通过对波动、振动和尾波的特征分析,提出以足够大的力冲击桩顶,在桩顶附近记录综合波列图,利用其振幅衰减、周期变化和反射波震相等判断桩身成型质量:波列周期均匀且较小,同时波列振幅衰减较快,而又未见明显反射波震相者桩身成型良好;而有缺陷如断裂、缩径等时波列振幅衰减变慢,反射波震相明显,且有大周期出现.它对桩的浅部(特别是桩顶下5米以内的)缺陷检测特别有效.另外利用动态PS曲线也可判断桩身成型质量:曲线较平滑者,桩身成型良好;曲线出现弯折者桩身存在缺陷,缺陷程度可参照承载力受影响大小确定.  相似文献   

A new method of detecting the vertical bearing capacity for single-pile with high strain is discussed in this paper. A heavy hammer or a small type of rocket is used to strike the pile top and the detectors are used to record vibration graphs. An expression of higher degree of strain (deformation force) is introduced. It is testified theoretically that the displacement, velocity and acceleration cannot be obtained by simple integral acceleration and differential velocity when long displacement and high strain exist, namely when the pile phase generates a whole slip relative to the soil body. That is to say that there are non-linear relations between them. It is educed accordingly that the force P and displacement S are calculated from the amplitude of wave train and (dynamic) P-S curve is drew so as to determine the yield points. Further, a method of determining the vertical bearing capacity for single-pile is discussed. A static load test is utilized to check the result of dynamic test and determine the correlative constants of dynamic-static P(Q)-S curve.  相似文献   

由于油田井下作业井架为一两腿落地的空间钢架结构,需要用绷绳作支撑,所以用于固定油田井下作业井架绷绳的地锚桩,其抗拔极限承载力的研究与确定对保证井下作业安全至关重要。本文用机械阻抗法对井下作业系统中地锚桩的极限抗拔载荷进行了测试与研究。采用瞬态激励法,用变时基技术分别测试了4种规格尺寸的油管桩和一种规格尺寸的水泥桩在瞬态激励下的速度信号,进行变时基传函分析得出动刚度,确定了极限承载力。结果分析表明,在大庆油田粘性土使用条件下,水泥桩的极限抗拔拉力很大,完全可以满足井下作业需要;不同尺寸油管桩的极限抗拔拉力差异较大,井下作业时应使用2.5m以上长度的油管桩。  相似文献   

可液化场地大直径扩底桩-土动力相互作用p-y曲线研究对扩底桩抗震设计具有重要意义。基于有限差分程序FLAC~(3D),分别建立扩底桩和等直径桩的三维有限差分模型,通过在模型底部输入正弦波,得到可液化场地中不同埋深下扩底桩与等直径桩的桩-土动力相互作用p-y曲线,对两者的动力p-y曲线特征进行对比分析。结果表明:正弦波输入下扩底桩动力p-y曲线多呈倒"S"形,随着埋深增加,动力p-y曲线滞回圈面积及面积增长速度逐渐减小,斜率逐渐增大;扩底桩与等直径桩动力p-y曲线所围成的图形相似,两者动力p-y曲线斜率均随埋深增加逐渐增大,扩底桩动力p-y曲线滞回圈面积及面积增长速度在各埋深处均大于等直径桩,利于能量耗散,抗震性能更好。  相似文献   

2017年8月8日四川省九寨沟县发生MS7.0地震,成都地震基准台距此次地震震中约255km,震前该台地磁谐波振幅比出现趋势性异常。对成都台GM4磁通门磁力仪秒数据进行谐波振幅比计算,结果显示,谐波振幅比在九寨沟MS7.0地震前表现出下降—转折—恢复上升的异常变化形态,地震发生在异常恢复期,同时,异常表现出由长周期向短周期迁移、SN向与EW向变化不同步的特征,芦山MS7.0地震前成都台地磁谐波振幅比亦呈现了相似的异常变化特征。  相似文献   

应用多台和达法测定温州珊溪水库地区地震的平均波速比   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
邹振轩  李金龙  俞铁宏 《地震》2006,26(4):133-137
应用多台和达法计算了2006年 2月 4日至4月3日发生在温州珊溪水库地区ML≥2.0地震的平均波速比。 计算使用高质量的数字地震记录, 在较强地震前观察到持续的低值异常现象, 在时间分布上出现较明显的异常过程: 下降—持续异常—回升—发震, 分析表明异常变化结果可信。  相似文献   

Variation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) levels was assessed in Tapes philippinarum from the Lagoon of Venice. Clams were transplanted from a polluted area next to Porto Marghera to two rearing areas of the Southern Lagoon. Analyses of PAHs were made in sediments and clams by GC/MS at first sampling and after 30, 60 and 180 days. Principal component analysis was performed to elucidate bioaccumulation and depuration pattern and input sources. Biota-Sediment-Accumulation-Factor (BSAF) was applied to evaluate the PAHs input sources from sediment. Condition index was calculated to compare the seasonal variation of clam tissue to PAHs levels. To propose results not affected by seasonal changes in flesh weight of clams, the approach based on the calculation of PAHs/SW index was applied. From the results, it was concluded that PAHs/SW index is more recommendable to asses temporal variation of PAHs levels in Manila clams.  相似文献   

The borehole strain meter at Wushi station recorded obvious anomaly before Jiashi M s=6.8 earthquake occurred on February 24, 2003. Its features are as follows. (1) Anomaly types are complete. The trend anomaly, short-term anomaly, short-imminent anomaly and exponential anomaly appeared 19 months, 56 days, 4 days, and more than 1 month before the event, respectively; (2) Anomaly is large in magnitude. The maximal magnitude of strain anomaly is 1.7×10−5, which is rare in the past 20-year observation records at Wushi station; (3) Strain rate fluctuates sharply with obvious alternation of tension and compression. According to the magnitude of strain anomaly, time of exponential anomaly appearance and regional features of recorded anomaly, we could predict the magnitude, occurrence time and potential region to a certain degree.  相似文献   

地震烈度快速评估产品是破坏性地震发生后应急工作"黑箱期"内研判灾情的重要依据.文章基于青海门源6.9级地震震后2 h内的余震序列,采用最短断层距地震动衰减模型快速评估地震烈度.研究结果显示:利用震后30分钟内的余震序列得到的烈度分布可以初步判定重灾区及灾区范围,但灾区范围略小于实际调查结果;利用1.5 h内的余震序列得...  相似文献   

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