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Different parameters were investigated to evaluate their effect on the process removal efficiency of reactive dye from simulated spent reactive dye bath, by solar / TiO2 / H2O2, including H2O2 concentration, TiO2 loading and pH. As a result 99% of reactive dye can be removed at a TiO2 loading of 400mg/l, H2O2 concentration of 150 mg/l and of pH: 5.2. The effect of photo-catalytic deactivation of TiO2 on reactive dye removal was studied for ten number of cycles, and found that the extent of deactivation was high for each consecutive repeated use.  相似文献   

由阴、阳离子表面活性剂对坡缕石黏土改性,通过静态吸附实验研究了有机坡缕石黏土对活性红的吸附性能,探讨了吸附平衡和吸附机理。结果表明,表面活性剂改性可增强坡缕石黏土表面的疏水性,影响ζ电位,适当配比的阴阳离子表面活性剂改性坡缕石黏土对活性红有协同吸附作用,吸附等温线呈非线性,符合Langmuir方程和Freundlich方程,ΔH为-12.23 k J/mol,吸附不存在强化学作用,是分配作用和氢键力、偶极间力及范德华力等多种作用的结果。  相似文献   

The Mediterranean seagrass Posidonia oceanica (L.) leaf sheaths were used as low cost, available and renewable biological adsorbent for the removal of reactive textile dye from aqueous solutions. Batch experiments were carried out for sorption kinetics and isotherms. Operating variables studied were temperature, pH and chemical pre-treatment. Biosorption capacity seems to be enhanced by increasing the temperature. Maximum colour removal was observed at pH 5. Pre-treating fibres with H3PO4 and HNO3 solutions increased the adsorption efficiency up to 80 %. Experimental sorption kinetic data were fitted to both Lagergren first-order and pseudo-second-order models and the data were found to follow first-order equation for raw fibres and pseudo-second-order for pre-treated ones. Equilibrium data were well represented by the Freundlich isotherm model for all tested adsorption systems. Besides, the thermodynamic study has showed that the dye adsorption phenomenon onto P. oceanica biomass was favourable, endothermic and spontaneous.  相似文献   

Magnesium hydroxide-coated pyrolytic bio-char composite was prepared by chemical precipitation, and the adsorption behavior of anionic dye (directly frozen yellow) onto magnesium hydroxide-coated pyrolytic bio-char was investigated in the batch mode. The Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction spectroscopy and X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy of adsorbents were characterized. Adsorption studies were performed at different pH, salt concentration, contacting time and dye concentration. The pH value of the solution influenced the adsorption capacity significantly, and adsorption is favored of pH 6–8. Salt coexisted in solution increased slightly directly frozen yellow adsorption capacity. The isotherm data were analyzed by Langmuir and Freundlich isotherm model, and Langmuir model was better to predict the equilibrium data. Thermodynamic calculations showed that the adsorption was a spontaneous and endothermic process. Exhausted magnesium hydroxide-coated pyrolytic bio-char was treated by microwave irradiation, and yield of regeneration was 98 % in the case of microwave irradiated time 5 min at 320 W. The magnesium hydroxide-coated pyrolytic bio-char can be reused.  相似文献   

Textile effluents are considered among the most polluted wastewaters all over the world. Among different textile processes, dyeing is the operation that produces the most important amounts of chemical pollution. Many studies have been carried out toward the treatment of these hazardous effluents, and a variety of techniques have been applied for this aim. In this work, the effluents coming from different steps of the dyeing cycle were treated following different mixtures of baths using membrane technology. Nanofiltration (NF) experiments were performed for color removal, but membrane fouling still a major limitation. To enhance NF performances, microfiltration (MF) was carried out as pretreatment to NF. The results showed almost above 99 % of color and turbidity removal and also an important decrease in COD, chloride and salts contents with an improvement in the MF and NF stabilized fluxes of different mixtures compared to that corresponding to the dyeing effluent treated separately. In order to accomplish a full reuse cycle, dyeing experiments were performed using the combined system (MF/NF) permeates. Results were evaluated regarding total color difference between samples and a standard test done with fresh water.  相似文献   

The mechanisms for storage of CO2 in rock formations include structural/stratigraphic, mineral, solubility and residual trapping. Residual trapping is very important in terms of both containment security and storage capacity. However, to date, the contribution from residual trapping (i.e. immobilisation of supercritical fluid via capillarity in pore spaces) is still relatively difficult to quantify accurately. Using a laboratory-based testing program, this study demonstrates the feasibility of using reactive ester tracers (i.e. triacetin, propylene glycol diacetate and tripropionin), which partition between a mobile water phase and a stationary supercritical CO2 phase, to quantify the residual CO2 saturation, Sgr, of a rock formation. The proposed single-well test involves injecting these tracers into the subsurface, followed by CO2 saturated water, where the ester tracers slowly hydrolyse to form products with differing partition coefficients. After a suitable period of time, allowing for partial hydrolysis, water containing the tracer mixture is produced from the subsurface and analysed using gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GCMS). A numerical simulator of the tracer behaviour in a reservoir is used to explain the differential breakthrough of these tracer compounds during water production to estimate Sgr. Computer modelling suggests that the use of esters tracers to determine CO2 residual saturation is a potentially robust method. The supercritical CO2/water partition coefficients directly dictate the amount of time that each tracer spends in the CO2 and water phases. As such for modelling of tracer behaviour and estimating Sgr, knowing the tracer partition coefficient is essential; in this paper, the first laboratory study to determine the partition coefficients of these reactive ester tracers is described.  相似文献   

Methylene blue and rhodamine 6G were used as molecular sensors for the spectrophotometric titrations of the aqueous colloids of clay minerals (montmorillonite, illite and kaolinite). The dyes adsorbed on colloid particles form molecular aggregates, which exhibit spectral properties significantly different from those of dye solutions. Spectrophotometric titrations provide the most sensitive detection of smectites in aqueous colloids (sub-ppm concentrations); and the sensitivity further increases using second derivative spectroscopy. The endpoint of spectrophotometric titrations can be used for the determination of exchange capacity of the mineral in colloids and in this way to estimate its amount. The method is selective only to expandable clays, which was proven by experiments with kaolinite and illite. Spectrophotometric titrations have promising future in the analysis of clays and can be applied in many fields of geology, mineralogy, chemistry, material sciences or in industry. Its application may expand to the analysis of other nanomaterials built from charged particles and exhibiting metachromasy in the systems with organic dyes.  相似文献   

Reactive tracer tests are performed to derive flow, transport and in situ biodegradation parameters. This paper describes the 3D simulation of a reactive tracer test using the transition probability geostatistical approach. Fifty different equally probable aquifer realizations were generated based on the geological information of 107 boreholes in an area of 62,500 m2. One realization was chosen for the reactive transport simulation based on the results of groundwater flow modeling and on particle tracking calculations for the site. Field velocities at the site vary between 0.4 and 3 m/d. The transport of the reactive tracers deuterium ring labeled toluene-d5 and fully deuterated toluene-d8 was simulated and first-order biodegradation rates of 0.017 d−1 for toluene-d5 and 0.012 d−1 for toluene-d8 were determined.  相似文献   

During dyeing process, industries consume large quantity of water and subsequently produce large volume of wastewater. This wastewater is rich in color and contains different dyes. Orange II is one of them. In this article, metal-impregnated TiO2 P-25 catalyst was used to enhance the photocatalytic degradation of Orange II dye. Photodegradation percentage was followed spectrophotometrically by the measurements of absorbance at λ max = 483 nm. The effect of copper-impregnated TiO2 P-25 photocatalyst for the degradation of Orange II has been investigated in terms of percentage removal of color, chemical oxygen demand (COD) and total organic carbon (TOC). As such 98 % color removal efficiency, 97 % percentage removal of COD and 89 % percentage removal of TOC was achieved with TiO2 P-25/Cu catalysts under typical conditions. Copper-impregnated TiO2 P-25 photocatalyst showed comparatively higher activity than UV/H2O2 homogeneous photodegradation. The relative electrical energy consumption for photocatalytic degradation was considerably lower with TiO2 P-25/Cu photocatalyst than that with homogeneous photodegradation. Transmission electron microscopic analysis was used for catalyst characterization.  相似文献   

资源枯竭型城市灾害衍生和控制实质上受多因素、多相、多场耦合综合作用,涉及地质学、环境学、采矿学、力学、信息学、测量学等多个交叉学科,是国际上尚未能有效解决的重大科学难题.文章以典型煤炭资源枯竭型城市--辽宁阜新市为例,在阐述资源枯竭城市灾害衍生和控制的国内外研究现状基础上,对其进行归纳分类.将其分为地下开采引起的动力灾害(包括冲击地压即矿震、煤与瓦斯突出、突水、瓦斯爆炸等);开采引起的环境灾害(包括地下水系流失、淋滤作用造成污染、矸石山自燃导致的大气污染、地表土地大量占用、植被生物群落的破坏、露天矿边坡失稳和地面建筑物受损、地表大面积裸露、地表塌陷变形等).系统全面总结了阜新矿区衍生各种灾害的孕育条件、发生特点和成因规律.指出阜新矿区深部冲击地压随采深增加将日益严重.其发生类型多以煤体压缩型为主,同时伴有地质构造应力影响;阜新市沉陷区面积达101.38km2,最大沉陷量8m,有20个下沉盆地,涉及人口78486人.地表沉陷主要是由于地质条件复杂、多年开采导致采空区日益扩大、多煤层重叠重复开采、岩浆岩侵入及断层影响造成的.阜新矿区矸石山356座,占地面积32.23km2,总堆积量13.12×108m3,长期侵占土地并暴露于外,使得其中有毒、有害物质渗透到土壤和水环境系统中,造成地表和地下水系严重污染.同时释放有毒气体污染大气.阜新海州露天矿边坡雨水冲刷导致滑坡失稳破坏、煤体露头自燃,从而严重污染大气环境.通过研究其所属百里矿区煤炭资源开采衍生各种灾害形成机理和发生规律,提出阜新深部开采安全措施、沉陷区治理办法、大型露天矿滑坡防治、矸石山植被和生物群落环境修复、地下水系污染治理等一系列具有针对性的控制方法.从多相多场耦合角度建立了灾害衍生与控制间关系框图.最后指出了今后我国煤炭资源枯竭型城市灾害衍生、控制应遵循的研究方向和技术路线.  相似文献   

In the present study, a widely used reactive dye, Color Index (C.I.) Reactive Blue 268 was utilized for mycoremediation by Aspergillus fumigatus isolated from textile effluent. Complete decolorization of the test dye (0.1 g L?1) was recorded within 6 days of static incubation at 27 °C in Czapek Dox broth (CDB). However, the isolate was unable to utilize the dye as a sole source of energy in Czapek Dox agar and CDB in absence of sucrose and obligate requirement of a labile carbon source, i.e., sucrose needed for induction of decolorization. Biosorption seems to play the pivotal role in decolorization as evident by coloring of the fungal biomass as that of dye color. The optimal conditions for the highest decolorization were found at 30 °C and pH 6.0 with 6-day-old inoculums supplemented with sucrose (10 g L?1) and ammonium chloride (2 g L?1) as a carbon and nitrogen source, respectively. The response of the isolate to increasing dye concentrations was found to be growth inhibitory. Surprisingly, about 65 % of dye decolorization was recorded with heat-inactivated biomass powder within 6 days of static incubation supporting the fact of fungal biosorption. Results of this study have established the candidature of the isolate for biotechnological removal of dyes from disreputable dying effluents.  相似文献   

人工快速渗透系统(constructed rapid infiltration system),简称CRI系统,是一种新型的污水土地处理技术。该系统的主反应单元是快渗池,池内人工填充一定颗粒级配的天然河砂,并掺入一定量的特殊填料,以干湿交替的方法运转,它既保证有较高的水力负荷,又能满足出水的处理目标,具有建设和运行成本低、处理效果好、管理简单的特点。这是中国地质大学(北京)水资源与环境学院钟佐燊教授所在的研究集体1998年开发的技术。从2001年开始,该研究集体与北京大学深圳研究生院杨小毛老师合作,对该技术进行实用化研究,并应用于实际污水处理工程。通…  相似文献   

The selectivity of clinoptilolite toward Pb2+ has stimulated many studies aimed to evaluate the metal uptake. Conversely, the management of a Pb-bearing clinoptilolite has not received the same attention, although it can release a harmful metal. This work aims to evaluate the possibility to control, through thermal treatments, the release of lead from a Pb-clinoptilolite, prepared to simulate the condition of highest dangerousness of an exhausted exchanger. A zeolite-rich rock from Sardinia (Italy) has been processed, obtaining a powder with almost 90 % (wt.) of clinoptilolite. This material has been initially Na- and then Pb-exchanged, reaching a Pb2+ content of 2.28 meq/g. The lead release has been tested before and after 2-h heating at eight different temperatures from 200 to 900 °C. The unheated material releases 64 % of the lead. Heating weakly affects lead release up to 400 °C (54 %), but higher temperatures determine an abrupt reduction from 44 % at 500 °C to 1 % at 700 °C, when the zeolite breakdown occurs. At 800 °C the nucleation of Pb-feldspar and silica polymorphs begins. Basically, the material heated at 900 °C does not release lead (0.03 %), because the metal is trapped in the lead feldspar, whose content attains 42 % (wt.). This solid-state transformation does not involve the emission of lead vapors, another significant environmental aspect.  相似文献   

Yang  Yang  Ruan  Shaoqin  Wu  Shifan  Chu  Jian  Unluer  Cise  Liu  Hanlong  Cheng  Liang 《Acta Geotechnica》2021,16(4):1113-1125
Acta Geotechnica - This paper presents a new microbial technique for soil improvement through microbially induced carbonate precipitation (MICP) incorporating with reactive magnesia cement (RMC)....  相似文献   

Zhang  Dong  Zhang  Wengang  Yang  Yang  Liu  Hanlong  Cheng  Liang 《Acta Geotechnica》2022,17(10):4761-4768

This short communication investigates the involvement of polypropylene fibers in the biocarbonated reactive magnesia cement mixes to improve the splitting tensile strength of sand for soil improvement. By varying the RMC content (5 and 10% by weight of sand) and fiber content (0, 0.5, and 1% by weight of sand), a suitable mix design was determined. The test results showed that the peak tensile strength of biocarbonated RMC-based sand samples with an optimum fiber content of 1% could improve by more than 4 times compared to the biocarbonated sand without fiber reinforcement. This was attributed to the generation of hydrated magnesium carbonates with the microbially induced CO2/carbonate process, bonding the fiber–matrix and eliminating the brittleness, consequently enhancing the tensile ductility of biocarbonated sand.


多孔介质中非均匀流动特性的染色示踪试验研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
通过土壤染色剂进行的4组试验,对不同介质结构条件下的水流和溶质非均匀运动规律,非均匀流动变异信息分布特征关系以及全局性非均匀流动示踪方法进行了研究。结果表明,即使在相对比较均匀的介质条件下,流动也表现出明显的非均匀特性;对数正态分布能够较好的反映水流的运动分布模式,相比水流运动,溶质的运动和分布规律明显不同,表现出更多的不确定性和变异性。  相似文献   

Mineral dissolution and precipitation reactions actively participate to control fluid chemistry during water-rock interaction. However, it is difficult to estimate and normalize bulk reaction rates if the mineral surface area effectively participating in the reactions is unknown. In this study, we evaluated the changing of the reactive mineral surface area during the interaction between CO2-rich fluids and albitite rock reacting under flow-through conditions. Our methodology, adopting an inverse modelling approach, is based on the measured chemical fluid composition as raw data. We estimated the rates of dissolution and the reactive surface areas of the different minerals by reconstructing the chemical evolution of the interacting fluids. This was done by a reaction process schema that was defined by a fractional degree of advance of the irreversible mass-transfer process and by attaining the continuum limit during the water-rock interaction. Calculations were carried out for albite, microcline, biotite and calcite assuming that the ion activity of dissolved silica and aluminium ions was limited by the equilibrium with quartz and kaolinite.We found that the absolute dissolution rate of albite, microcline, biotite and calcite remains essentially constant as a function of time, and the calcite dissolution rate is orders of magnitude higher than silicate minerals. On the contrary, the reactive surface area of the parent minerals varied by more than two orders of magnitude during the observed reaction time, especially for albite. We propose that the reactive surface area depends mainly on the stability of the secondary mineral coating that may passivate the effective reactive surface area of the parent minerals.  相似文献   

水平钻井连通水溶采卤一直是开采井矿盐资源最常用和最经济有效的手段,但由于地层条件复杂、饱和卤水结晶、套管破损等因素造成盐井组采卤运行过程中通道堵塞,一直是制约盐井组运行年限的主要原因。近些年,对堵塞井组修治常用方法有憋压、通井、开窗侧钻,其中水平井开窗侧钻重新对接现有溶腔在很多盐田区块修井中被广泛应用。在河北宁晋石盐田Y2-Y4井组修井过程中,存在老溶腔无法再利用的情况,此时老溶腔成为井组二次对接的“累赘”。在该区块首次采用井组井型互换(水平井改直井,直井改水平井)的方法,避开了老溶腔,实现了老井组的再利用。  相似文献   

We simulate the random front solutions of a nonlinear solute transport equation with spatial random coefficients modeling inhomogeneous sorption sites in porous media. The nonlinear sorption function is chosen to be Langmuir type, and the random coefficients are two independent stationary processes with fast decay of correlations. The model equation is in conservation form, and the random fronts are similar to random viscous shocks. We find that the average front speed is given by an ensemble averaged explicit Rankine–Hugoniot relation, and the front position fluctuates about its mean. Our numerical calculations show that the standard deviation is of the order O( $\sqrt t $ ) for large time, and the front fluctuation scaled by $\sqrt t $ converges to a Gaussian random variable wih mean zero. We come up with a formal theory of front fluctuation, yielding an explicit expression of the root t normalized front standard deviation in terms of the random media statistics. The theory agrees remarkably with the numerically discovered empirical formula.  相似文献   

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