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We show that a forward Lagrangian stochastic (LS) model simulates well the ensemble-averaged concentration transient due to a short time (5 min) point source in the uniform atmospheric surface layer. In LS models, computational particles, which may not descend below ground level, are necessarily reflected at an imposed (artificial) boundary above ground. Model results were rather insensitive to the placing of the lower reflection boundary, and no definite benefit stemmed from including a parametrization for unresolved delays/displacements beneath the lower boundary.  相似文献   

A number of authors have reported the problem of unrealistic velocities (“rogue trajectories”) when computing the paths of particles in a turbulent flow using modern Lagrangian stochastic (LS) models, and have resorted to ad hoc interventions. We suggest that this problem stems from two causes: (1) unstable modes that are intrinsic to the dynamical system constituted by the generalized Langevin equations, and whose actual triggering (expression) is conditional on the fields of the mean velocity and Reynolds stress tensor and is liable to occur in complex, disturbed flows (which, if computational, will also be imperfect and discontinuous); and, (2) the “stiffness” of the generalized Langevin equations, which implies that the simple stochastic generalization of the Euler scheme usually used to integrate these equations is not sufficient to keep round-off errors under control. These two causes are connected, with the first cause (dynamical instability) exacerbating the second (numerical instability); removing the first cause does not necessarily correct the second, and vice versa. To overcome this problem, we introduce a fractional-step integration scheme that splits the velocity increment into contributions that are linear (U i ) and nonlinear (U i U j ) in the Lagrangian velocity fluctuation vector U, the nonlinear contribution being further split into its diagonal and off-diagonal parts. The linear contribution and the diagonal part of the nonlinear contribution to the solution are computed exactly (analytically) over a finite timestep Δt, allowing any dynamical instabilities in the system to be diagnosed and removed, and circumventing the numerical instability that can potentially result in integrating stiff equations using the commonly applied explicit Euler scheme. We contrast results using this and the primitive Euler integration scheme for computed trajectories in a drastically inhomogeneous urban canopy flow.  相似文献   

The knowledge of the concentration probability density function (pdf) is of importance in a number of practical applications, and a Lagrangian stochastic (LS) pdf model has been developed to predict statistics and concentration pdf generated by continuous releases of non-reactive and reactive substances in canopy generated turbulence. Turbulent dispersion is modelled using a LS model including the effects of wind shear and along-wind turbulence. The dissipation of concentration fluctuations associated with turbulence and molecular diffusivity is simulated by an Interaction by Exchange with the Conditional Mean (IECM) micromixing model. A general procedure to obtain the micromixing time scale needed in the IECM model useful in non-homogeneous conditions and for single and multiple scalar sources has been developed. An efficient algorithm based on a nested grid approach with particle splitting, merging techniques and time averaging has been used, thus allowing the calculation for cases of practical interest. The model has been tested against wind-tunnel experiments of single line and multiple line releases in a canopy layer. The approach accounted for chemical reactions in a straightforward manner with no closure assumptions, but here the validation is limited to non-reacting scalars.  相似文献   

We propose a two-dimensional Lagrangian analytical solution for relating source strength and concentration profiles within and above a plant canopy. The new solution describes passive scalar dispersion under conditions of local advection through a fetch correction function in a one-dimensional Lagrangian analytical dispersion model. The model is capable of predicting absolute concentration profiles of passive scalars for different fetches for situations in which the reference concentration is known or the background concentration is available. Tests of the model showed good agreement with measurements from field and wind-tunnel experiments.  相似文献   

The micromixing technique, widely used in engineering calculations of mixing and chemical reaction, is extended to atmospheric boundary-layer flows. In particular, a model based on the interaction-by-exchange-with-the-conditional-mean (IECM) micromixing approach is formulated to calculate concentration fluctuation statistics for a line source and a point source in inhomogeneous and non-Gaussian turbulence in the convective boundary layer. The mixing time scale is parameterised as a linear function of time with the intercept value determined by the source size at small times. Good agreement with laboratory data for the intensity of concentration fluctuations is obtained with a value of 0.9 for the coefficient of the linear term in the time-scale parameterisation for a line source, and a value of 0.6 for a point source. Calculation of higher-order moments of the concentration field for a line source shows that non-Gaussian effects persist into the vertically well-mixed region. The cumulative distribution function predicted by the model for a point source agrees reasonably well with laboratory data, especially in the far field. In the limit of zero mixing time scale, the model reduces to a meandering plume model, thus enabling the concentration variance to be partitioned into meandering and relative components. The meandering component is shown to be more persistent for a point source than for a line source.  相似文献   

The dispersion of heavy particles and pollutants is often simulated with Lagrangian stochastic (LS) models. Although these models have been employed successfully over land, the free surface at the air-sea interface complicates the implementation of traditional LS models. We present an adaptation of traditional LS models to the atmospheric marine boundary layer (MBL), where the bottom boundary is represented by a realistic wavy surface that moves and deforms. In addition, the correlation function for the turbulent flow following a particle is extended to the anisotropic, unsteady case. Our new model reproduces behaviour for Lagrangian turbulence in a stratified air flow that departs only slightly from the expected behaviour in isotropic turbulence. When solving for the trajectory of a heavy particle in the air flow, the modelled turbulent forcing on the particle also behaves remarkably well. For example, the spectrum of the turbulence at the particle location follows that of a massless particle for time scales approximately larger than the Stokes’ particle response time. We anticipate that this model will prove especially useful in the context of sea-spray dispersion and its associated momentum, sensible and latent heat, and gas fluxes between spray droplets and the atmosphere.  相似文献   

Two simple analytical Lagrangian and a Lagrangian random walk model,together with three options for the parameterisation of the Lagrangian timescale, are compared in their ability to predict fluxes and scalar concentrationsof CO2, H2O and sensible heat within and above a mountain meadowin the eastern Alps. Results indicate that both scalar concentrations and ecosystemfluxes exhibit little sensitivity to the differences between the investigated modelsand may be predicted satisfactorily by one of the simpler models so long as thesource/sink strength is parameterised correctly. Model results also show littlesensitivity to the parameterisation of the vertical variation of the Lagrangiantime scale, yet the increase of the Lagrangian time scale towards the groundpredicted by one of the three investigated parameterisation options resulted inless agreement with measurements as compared to the other two, which assumedthe Lagrangian time scale to be either constant with height or to decay towardszero at the ground surface. Correspondence between simulated and measuredfluxes and scalar concentrations of CO2, H2O and sensible heat weregenerally satisfactory, except for shortly after the meadow was cut, when thesignificant increase of respiratory carbon losses could not be captured by themodel.  相似文献   

Large-eddy simulation and Lagrangian stochastic dispersion models were used to study heavy particle dispersion in the convective boundary layer (CBL). The effects of various geostrophic winds, particle diameters, and subgrid-scale (SGS) turbulence were investigated. Results showed an obvious depression in the vertical dispersion of heavy particles in the CBL and major vertical stratification in the distribution of particle concentrations, relative to the passive dispersion. Stronger geostrophic winds tended to increase the dispersion of heavy particles in the lower CBL. The SGS turbulence, particularly near the surface, markedly influenced the dispersion of heavy particles in the CBL. For reference, simulations using passive particles were also conducted; these simulation results agreed well with results from previous convective tank experiments and numerical simulations.  相似文献   

安庆地区ECMWF细网格降水预报的质量检验与释用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
利用安庆市逐日降水实况资料,针对2011—2016年ECMWF细网格降水预报产品对安庆地区的12 h、24 h分辨率晴雨和降水分级预报质量进行检验,基于检验结果对此降水预报产品进行解释应用。结果表明,ECMWF细网格数值降水预报在安庆地区晴雨预报正确率无明显区域差异,夏季晴雨预报正确率明显低于其他各季节,对夜间的预报能力明显优于白天。TS评分中,小雨最高,中雨次之,大雨及以上量级较低且无明显规律。若将冬、春两季0.2 mm以下、夏季1.0 mm以下和秋季0.8 mm以下的降水预报进行消空处理,则晴雨预报正确率会有所提升,且小雨预报的TS评分达最佳;若将≥40 mm的降水预报修正为暴雨,则暴雨预报TS评分提高接近1倍,且大雨和暴雨的预报偏差更接近1。  相似文献   

A microscale air pollutant dispersion model system is developed for emergency response purposes. The model includes a diagnostic wind field model to simulate the wind field and a random-walk air pollutant dispersion model to simulate the pollutant concentration through consideration of the influence of urban buildings. Numerical experiments are designed to evaluate the model's performance, using CEDVAL(Compilation of Experimental Data for Validation of Microscale Dispersion Models) wind tunnel experiment data, including wind fields and air pollutant dispersion around a single building. The results show that the wind model can reproduce the vortexes triggered by urban buildings and the dispersion model simulates the pollutant concentration around buildings well. Typically, the simulation errors come from the determination of the key zones around a building or building cluster. This model has the potential for multiple applications; for example, the prediction of air pollutant dispersion and the evaluation of environmental impacts in emergency situations; urban planning scenarios;and the assessment of microscale air quality in urban areas.  相似文献   

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