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The Haenam volcanic field was formed in the southern part of the Korean peninsula by the climactic igneous activity of the Late Cretaceous. The volcanic field hosts more than nine hydrothermal clay deposits and two epithermal Au–Ag deposits. This study focuses on the relationship between hydrothermal clay alteration and epithermal Au–Ag mineralization based on the geology, alteration mineralogy, geochronology, and mineralization characteristics.These clay and epithermal Au–Ag deposits are interpreted to have formed by the same hydrothermal event which produced two distinct types of mineral systems: 1) Au-dominant epithermal Au–Ag deposit and 2) clay-dominant hydrothermal clay deposit. The two types of mineral systems show a close genetic relationship as suggested by their temporal and spatial relationships. The Seongsan hydrothermal system progressively evolved from a low-intermediate sulfidation epithermal system with Au–Ag mineralization and phyllic alteration to an acid–sulfate high-sulfidation system with Au–Ag mineralization and/or barren advanced argillic/argillic alteration. The Seongsan system evolved during post volcanic hydrothermal activity for at least 10 Ma in the Campanian stage of the late Cretaceous.The Seongsan hydrothermal system shows the rare and unique occurrence of superimposed high to low (intermediate) sulfidation episodes, which persisted for about 10 Ma.  相似文献   

Au–Ag mineralization of the Olcha and Teploe epithermal deposits underwent thermal metamorphism due to porphyritic intrusions. The presence of Bi-bearing galena and matildite in the ores (Teploe), Cu–Te-bearing naumannite (Olcha), the occurrence of middle- and high-temperature facies of metasomatic rocks (epidote and actinolite), and temperature formation conditions are related, firstly, to the influence of granitoids on the ore process, which supplied not only Cu and Mo, but also Bi, Te, and, secondly, to the heating of host rocks containing pre-porphyritic epithermal Au–Ag mineralization. The abundance of Cu–Ag sulfides and Cu-acanthite resulted from the enrichment of later mineral phases in Cu and Ag under the substance redistribution with the formation of Ag-acanthite ores. The data considered in the paper are of practical importance for regional forecasting of metallogenic constructions, exploration, and evaluation of the epithermal Au–Ag deposits.  相似文献   

The geochemical features and conditions of formation of the Paleozoic epithermal Au–Ag mineralization in the pre-accretion Kedon (D2–3) volcanoplutonic belt located within the Omolon craton terrain are described. The new data on the composition and contents of trace and rare-earth elements (REEs) in igneous ores of epithermal deposits is provided. The elevated grades of a wide range of trace elements as compared to the average values of the upper crust have been identified.  相似文献   

At Colquijirca, central Peru, a predominantly dacitic Miocene diatreme-dome complex of 12.4 to 12.7 Ma (40Ar/39Ar biotite ages), is spatially related to two distinct mineralization types. Disseminated Au–(Ag) associated with advanced argillic alteration and local vuggy silica typical of high- sulfidation epithermal ores are hosted exclusively within the volcanic center at Marcapunta. A second economically more important mineralization type is characterized as "Cordilleran base metal lode and replacement deposits." These ores are hosted in Mesozoic and Cenozoic carbonate rocks surrounding the diatreme-dome complex and are zoned outward from pyrite–enargite–quartz–alunite to pyrite–chalcopyrite–dickite–kaolinite to pyrite–sphalerite–galena–kaolinite–siderite. Alunite samples related to the Au–(Ag) epithermal ores have been dated by the 40Ar/39Ar method at 11.3–11.6 Ma and those from the Cordilleran base metal ores in the northern part of the district (Smelter and Colquijirca) at 10.6–10.8 Ma. The significant time gap (~0.5 My) between the ages of the two mineralization types in the Colquijirca district indicates they were formed by different hydrothermal events within the same magmatic cycle. The estimated time interval between the younger mineralization event (base metal mineralization) at ~10.6 Ma and the ages of ~12.5 Ma obtained on biotites from unmineralized dacitic domes flanking the vicinity of the diatreme vent, suggest a minimum duration of the magmatic–hydrothermal cycle of around 2 Ma. This study on the Colquijirca district offers for the first time precise absolute ages indicating that the Cordilleran base metal lode and replacement deposits were formed by a late hydrothermal event in an intrusive-related district, in this case post Au–(Ag) high-sulfidation epithermal mineralization.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available for this article if you access the article at . A link in the frame on the left on that page takes you directly to the supplementary material.Editorial handling: O. Christensen  相似文献   

The San José district is located in the northwest part of the Deseado massif and hosts a number of epithermal Ag–Au quartz veins of intermediate sulfidation style, including the Huevos Verdes vein system. Veins are hosted by andesitic rocks of the Bajo Pobre Formation and locally by rhyodacitic pyroclastic rocks of the Chon Aike Formation. New 40Ar/39Ar constraints on the age of host rocks and mineralization define Late Jurassic ages of 151.3 ± 0.7 Ma to 144.7 ± 0.1 Ma for volcanic rocks of the Bajo Pobre Formation and of 147.6 ± 1.1 Ma for the Chon Aike Formation. Illite ages of the Huevos Verdes vein system of 140.8 ± 0.2 and 140.5 ± 0.3 Ma are 4 m.y. younger than the volcanic host rock unit. These age dates are among the youngest reported for Jurassic volcanism in the Deseado massif and correlate well with the regional context of magmatic and hydrothermal activity. The Huevos Verdes vein system has a strike length of 2,000 m, with several ore shoots along strike. The vein consists of a pre-ore stage and three main ore stages. Early barren quartz and chalcedony are followed by a mottled quartz stage of coarse saccharoidal quartz with irregular streaks and discontinuous bands of sulfide-rich material. The banded quartz–sulfide stage consists of sulfide-rich bands alternating with bands of quartz and bands of chlorite ± illite. Late-stage sulfide-rich veinlets are associated with kaolinite gangue. Ore minerals are argentite and electrum, together with pyrite, sphalerite, galena, chalcopyrite, minor bornite, covellite, and ruby silver. Wall rock alteration is characterized by narrow (< 3 m) halos of illite and illite/smectite next to veins, grading outward into propylitic alteration. Gangue minerals are dominantly massive quartz intergrown with minor to accessory adularia. Epidote, illite, illite/smectite, and, preferentially at deeper levels, Fe-chlorite gangue indicate near-neutral pH hydrothermal fluids at temperatures of >220°C. Kaolinite occurring with the late sulfide-rich veinlet stage indicates pH < 4 and a temperature of <200°C. The Huevos Verdes system has an overall strike of 325°, dipping on average 65° NE. The orientations of individual ore shoots are controlled by vein strike and intersecting north-northwest-striking faults. We propose a structural model for the time of mineralization of the San José district, consisting of a conjugate shear pair of sinistral north-northwest- and dextral west-northwest-striking faults that correspond to R and R′ in the Riedel shear model and that are related to master faults (M) of north-northeast-strike. Veins of 315° strike can be interpreted as nearly pure extensional fractures (T). Variations in vein strike predict an induced sinistral shear component for strike directions of >315°, whereas strike directions of <315° are predicted with an induced dextral strike–slip movement. The components of the structural model appear to be present on a regional scale and are not restricted to the San José district.  相似文献   

Epithermal deposits with bonanza Au–Ag veins in the northern Great Basin (NGB) are spatially and temporally associated with Middle Miocene bimodal volcanism that was related to a mantle plume that has now migrated to the Yellowstone National Park area. The Au–Ag deposits formed between 16.5 and 14 Ma, but exhibit different mineralogical compositions, the latter due to the nature of the country rocks hosting the deposits. Where host rocks were primarily of meta-sedimentary or granitic origin, adularia-rich gold mineralization formed. Where glassy rhyolitic country rocks host veins, colloidal silica textures and precious metal–colloid aggregation textures resulted. Where basalts are the country rocks, clay-rich mineralization (with silica minerals, adularia, and carbonate) developed. Oxygen isotope data from quartz (originally amorphous silica and gels) from super-high-grade banded ores from the Sleeper deposit show that ore-forming solutions had δ 18O values up to 10‰ heavier than mid-Miocene meteoric water. The geochemical signature of the ores (including their Se-rich nature) is interpreted here to reflect a mantle source for the “epithermal suite” elements (Au, Ag, Se, Te, As, Sb, Hg) and that signature is preserved to shallow crustal levels because of the similar volatility and aqueous geochemical behavior of the “epithermal suite” elements. A mantle source for the gold in the deposits is further supported by the Pb isotopic signature of the gold ores. Apparently the host rocks control the mineralization style and gangue mineralogy of ores. However, all deposits are considered to have derived precious metals and metalloids from mafic magmas related to the initial emergence of the Yellowstone hotspot. Basalt-derived volatiles and metal(loid)s are inferred to have been absorbed by meteoric-water-dominated geothermal systems heated by shallow rhyolitic magma chambers. Episodic discharge of volatiles and metal(loid)s from deep basaltic magmas mixed with heated meteoric water to create precious metal ore-forming fluids. Colloidal nanoparticles of Au–Ag alloy (electrum), naumannite (Ag2Se), silica, and adularia, likely nucleated at depth, traveled upward, and deposited where they grew large enough to aggregate along vein walls. Silica and gold colloids have been reported in hot springs from Yellowstone National Park, suggesting that such processes may continue to some extent to the present. However, it is possible that the initial development of the mantle plume led to a major but short-lived “distillation” process which led to the mid-Miocene bonanza ore-forming event.
J. A. SaundersEmail:

《Applied Geochemistry》2001,16(11-12):1369-1375
The heavy metal contamination of soils and waters by metalliferous mining activities in an area of Korea was studied. In the study area of the Imcheon Au–Ag mine, soils and waters were sampled and analyzed using AAS for Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn. Analysis of HCO3, F, NO3 and SO42− in water samples was also undertaken by ion chromatography. Elevated concentrations of the metals were found in tailings. The maximum contents in the tailings were 9.4, 229, 6160 and 1640 mg/kg extracted by aqua regia and 1.35, 26.4, 70.3 and 410 mg/kg extracted by 0.1 N HCl solution for Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn, respectively. These metals are continuously dispersed downstream and downslope from the tailings by clastic movement through wind and water. Because of the existence of sulfides in the tailings, a water sample taken on the tailings site was very acidic with a pH of 2.2, with high total dissolved solids (TDS) of 1845 mg/l and electric conductivity (EC) of 3820 μS/cm. This sample also contained up to 0.27, 1.90, 2.80, 53.4, 4,700 mg/l of Cd, Cu, Pb, Zn and SO42−, respectively. TDS, EC and concentrations of metals in waters decreased with distance from the tailings. The total amount of pulverized limestone needed for neutralizing the acid tailings was estimated to be 46 metric tons, assuming its volume of 45,000 m3 and its bulk density of 1855 kg/m3.  相似文献   

The Toodoggone district comprises Upper Triassic to Lower Jurassic Hazelton Group Toodoggone Formation volcanic and sedimentary rocks, which unconformably overlie submarine island-arc volcanic and sedimentary rocks of the Lower Permian Asitka Group and Middle Triassic Takla Group, some of which are intruded by Upper Triassic to Lower Jurassic plutons and dikes of the Black Lake suite. Although plutonism occurred episodically from ca. 218 to 191 Ma, the largest porphyry Cu–Au ± Mo systems formed from ca. 202 to 197 Ma, with minor mineralization occurring from ca. 197 to 194 Ma. Porphyry-style mineralization is hosted by small-volume (<1 km3), single-phase, porphyritic igneous stocks or dikes that have high-K calc-alkaline compositions and are comparable with volcanic-arc granites. The Fin porphyry Cu–Au–Mo deposit is anomalous in that it is 16 m.y. older than any other porphyry Cu–Au ± Mo occurrence in the district and has lower REEs. All porphyry systems are spatially restricted to exposed Asitka and Takla Group basement rocks, and rarely, the lowest member of the Hazelton Group (i.e., the ca. 201 Ma Duncan Member). The basement rocks to intrusions are best exposed in the southern half of the district, where high rates of erosion and uplift have resulted in their preferential exposure. In contrast, low- and high-sulfidation epithermal systems are more numerous in the northern half of the district, where the overlying Hazelton Group rocks dominate exposures. Cogenetic porphyry systems might also exist in the northern areas; however, if they are present, they are likely to be buried deeply beneath Hazelton Group rocks. High-sulfidation epithermal systems formed at ca. 201 to 182 Ma, whereas low-sulfidation systems were active at ca. 192 to 162 Ma. Amongst the studied epithermal systems, the Baker low-sulfidation epithermal deposit displays the strongest demonstrable genetic link with magmatic fluids; fluid inclusion studies demonstrate that its ore fluids were hot (>468°C), saline, and deposited metals at deep crustal depths (>2 km). Sulfur, C, O, and Pb isotope data confirm the involvement of a magmatic fluid, but also suggest that the ore fluid interacted with Asitka and Takla Group country rocks prior to metal deposition. In contrast, in the Shasta, Lawyers, and Griz-Sickle low-sulfidation epithermal systems, there is no clear association with magmatic fluids. Instead, their fluid inclusion data indicate the involvement of low-temperature (175 to 335°C), low-salinity (1 to 11 equiv. wt.% NaCl) fluids that deposited metals at shallow depths (<850 m). Their isotope (i.e., O, H, Pb) data suggest interaction between meteoric and/or metamorphic ore fluids with basement country rocks.  相似文献   

The Rosario–Bunawan district is situated about 200 km north of Davao City, the capital of the Mindanao Island, Southern Philippines. Gold is produced from the Co-O mine, containing about 2,034,000 t of ore at 10.9 g/t Au, and in numerous small-scale operations by local miners. Epithermal gold mineralization in the Rosario–Bunawan district and the Co-O mine is confined to narrow (0.2–4 m) low-sulfidation quartz–chalcedony–calcite veins in volcanic and volcaniclastic wall rocks. Three major vein orientations are distinguished: (1) the NNW–SSE-trending set with a sinistral strike-slip sense of deformation (Philippine Fault trend); (2) the ENE–WSW-trending dextral strike-slip set (Palawan trend) and associated veins in the Riedel geometry; and (3) the WNW–ESE-trending conjugate set (Co-O trend). Three structural stages are defined: (1) extensional shear or shear veins formed in the Co-O, the Philippine Fault, and Palawan trends during regional NW–SE compression and near vertical vein opening (D1); (2) reactivation of veins in the Philippine Fault, veins associated with the Palawan, and, to a lesser extent, the Co-O trends during E–W compression and near horizontal N–S-oriented vein opening (D2). New D2 extensional shear or shear veins formed in the Philippine Fault, and structures associated with the Palawan and associated Riedel trends; (3) the D3-stage block faulting subsequently displaced all of the auriferous veins. The auriferous Rosario–Bunawan district is situated between two splays of the Philippine Fault, which acted as a lateral ramp system during the oblique convergence of the Philippine Sea plate and the Eurasian plate. The oblique convergence resulted in a change from a compressional (D1) to a transpressional (D2) regime, which was a prerequisite for the two-stage vein opening and hydrothermal mineralization, leading to an economic gold enrichment. D1 compressional tectonics may have caused an elevated geothermal gradient in shallow crustal levels, forming the heat source for the fluid plumbing system, which is at variance to typical epithermal deposits formed in extensional zones. D2 thrusting of a limestone nappe together with syn-tectonic diorite intrusions may have further increased the geothermal gradient, maintaining the fluid plumbing system. The limestone nappe may, at the same time, have represented an aquitard forcing the hydrothermal fluids into the volcanic and volcaniclastic wall rocks, which is regarded as critical for the two-stage gold mineralization in the Rosario–Bunawan district.  相似文献   

The Guanajuato epithermal district is one of the largest silver producers in Mexico. Mineralization occurs along three main vein systems trending dominantly northwest–southeast: the central Veta Madre, the La Luz system to the northwest, and the Sierra system to the east. Mineralization consists dominantly of silver sulfides and sulfosalts, base metal sulfides (mostly chalcopyrite, galena, sphalerite, and pyrite), and electrum. There is a broad zonation of metal distribution, with up to 10 % Cu+Pb+Zn in the deeper mines along the northern and central portions of the Veta Madre. Ore occurs in banded veins and breccias and as stockworks, with gangue composed dominantly of quartz and calcite. Host rocks are Mesozoic sedimentary and intrusive igneous rocks and Tertiary volcanic rocks. Most fluid inclusion homogenization temperatures are between 200 and 300 °C, with salinities below 4 wt.% NaCl equivalent. Fluid temperature and salinity decreased with time, from 290 to 240 °C and from 2.5 to 1.1 wt.% NaCl equivalent. Relatively constant fluid inclusion liquid-to-vapor ratios and a trend of decreasing salinity with decreasing temperature and with increasing time suggest dilution of the hydrothermal solutions. However, evidence of boiling (such as quartz and calcite textures and the presence of adularia) is noted along the Veta Madre, particularly at higher elevations. Fluid inclusion and mineralogical evidence for boiling of metal-bearing solutions is found in gold-rich portions of the eastern Sierra system; this part of the system is interpreted as the least eroded part of the district. Oxygen, carbon, and sulfur isotope analysis of host rocks, ore, and gangue minerals and fluid inclusion contents indicate a hydrothermal fluid, with an initial magmatic component that mixed over time with infiltrating meteoric water and underwent exchange with host rocks. Mineral deposition was a result of decreasing activities of sulfur and oxygen, decreasing temperature, increasing pH, and, in places, boiling.  相似文献   

The 7.1 Ma Broken Hills adularia-sericite Au–Ag deposit is currently the only producing rhyolite-hosted epithermal deposit in the Hauraki Goldfield of New Zealand. The opaque minerals include pyrite, electrum, acanthite (Ag2S), sphalerite, and galena, which are common in other adularia-sericite epithermal deposits in the Hauraki Goldfield and elsewhere worldwide. Broken Hills ores also contain the less common minerals aguilarite (Ag4SeS), naumannite (Ag2Se), petrovskaite (AuAgS), uytenbogaardtite (Ag3AuS2), fischesserite (Ag3AuSe2), an unnamed silver chloride (Ag2Cl), and unnamed Ag?±?Au minerals. Uytenbogaardtite and petrovskaite occur with high-fineness electrum. Broken Hills is the only deposit in the Hauraki Goldfield where uytenbogaardtite and petrovskaite have been identified, and these phases appear to have formed predominantly from unmixing of a precursor high-temperature phase under hypogene conditions. Supergene minerals include covellite, chalcocite, Au-rich electrum, barite, and a variety of iron oxyhydroxide minerals. Uytenbogaardtite can form under supergene and hypogene conditions, and textural relationships between uytenbogaardtite and associated high-fineness electrum may be similar in both conditions. Distinguishing the likely environment of formation rests principally on identification of other supergene minerals and documenting their relationships with uytenbogaardtite. The presence of aguilarite, naumannite, petrovskaite, and fischesserite at Broken Hills reflects a Se-rich mineral assemblage. In the Hauraki Goldfield and the western Great Basin, USA, Se-rich minerals are more abundant in provinces that are characterized by bimodal rhyolite–andesite volcanism, but in other epithermal provinces worldwide, the controls on the occurrences of Se-bearing minerals remain poorly constrained, in spite of the unusually high grades associated with many Se-rich epithermal deposits.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2001,16(11-12):1377-1386
The heavy metal contamination and seasonal variation of the metals in soils, plants and waters in the vicinity of an abandoned metalliferous mine in Korea were studied. Elevated levels of Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn were found in tailings with averages of 8.57, 481, 4,450 and 753 mg/kg, respectively. These metals are continuously dispersed downstream and downslope from the tailings by clastic movement through wind and water. Thus, significant levels of the elements in waters and sediments were found up to 3.3 km downstream from the mining site, especially for Cd and Zn. Enriched concentrations of heavy metals were also found in various plants grown in the vicinity of the mining area, and the metal concentrations in plants increased with those in soils. In a study of seasonal variation on the heavy metals in paddy fields, relatively high concentrations of heavy metals were found in rice leaves and stalks grown under oxidizing conditions rather than a reducing environment (P<0.05).  相似文献   

The Xiongcun district, located in the western segment of the Gangdese porphyry copper belt (GPCB), hosts the only known Jurassic mineralization in the GPCB, Tibet, PRC. The No. I deposit in the Xiongcun district is related to the Middle Jurassic quartz diorite porphyry (167–161 Ma) and the mineralization was formed at ca. 161.5 ± 2.7 Ma. Ore-bearing Middle Jurassic quartz diorite porphyry emplaced into the Early Jurassic volcano-sedimentary rock sequences of the Xiongcun Formation. Veinlets and disseminated mineralization developed within the Middle Jurassic quartz diorite porphyry and the surrounding metamorphosed tuff, hosting a measured and indicated resource of 1.04 Mt copper, 143.31 t gold and 900.43 t silver with an average grade of 0.48% copper, 0.66 g/t gold, and 4.19 g/t silver. The mineralization can be assigned to four stages, including three main stages of hypogene mineralization and one epigenetic stage. The main alteration associated with mineralization is potassic. Seven mineralization-related hydrothermal veins have been recognized, including quartz–sulfide, biotite–sulfide, magnetite–sulfide, quartz–molybdenite–sulfide, chalcopyrite–pyrite–pyrrhotite, pyrite and polymetallic veins. The S and Pb isotopic compositions of the ore sulfides and the Re contents of the molybdenite suggest a mantle source for the ore-forming materials with minor contamination from the subducted sediments. Hydrogen and oxygen isotope compositions of quartz in the ores suggest that both magmatic and meteoric waters were involved in the ore-forming process. The ore-bearing porphyry (167–161 Ma) and ore-forming (161.5 ± 2.7 Ma) ages of the No. I deposit correspond to the time of northward subduction of Neo-Tethys oceanic slab. The geochemical data of the ore-bearing porphyry indicate that the No. I deposit formed in an intra-oceanic island arc setting and the ore-bearing porphyry originated from the partial melting of mantle with limited contribution of subducted sediments. The genesis of the ore-bearing porphyry and No. I deposit is interpreted as being related to northward intra-oceanic subduction of Neo-Tethys oceanic slab in the Middle Jurassic time (167–161 Ma).  相似文献   

Kafang is one of the main ore deposits in the world-class Gejiu polymetallic tin district, SW China. There are three main mineralization types in the Kafang deposit, i.e., skarn Cu–Sn ores, stratiform Cu ores hosted by basalt and stratiform Cu–Sn ores hosted by carbonate. The skarn mainly consists of garnet and pyroxene, and retrograde altered rocks. These retrograde altered rocks are superimposed on the skarn and are composed of actinolite, chlorite, epidote and phlogopite. Major ore minerals are chalcopyrite, pyrrhotite, cassiterite, pyrite and scheelite. Sulfur and Pb isotopic components hint that the sources of different types of mineralization are distinctive, and indicate that the skarn ore mainly originated from granitic magma, whereas the basalt-hosted Cu ores mainly derived from basalt. Microthermometry results of fluid inclusions display a gradual change during the ore-forming process. The homogenization temperature of different types of inclusions continuously decreases from early to late mineralization stages. The salinities and freezing temperatures exhibit similar evolutionary tendencies with the T homogenization, while the densities of the different types keep constant, the majority being less than 1. Oxygen and hydrogen isotopic values (δ18O and δD) of the hydrothermal fluids fall within ranges of 3.1 to 7.7‰ with an average of 6.15‰, calculated at the corresponding homogenization temperature, and − 73 and − 98‰ with an average of − 86.5‰, respectively. Microthermometry data and H–O isotopes indicate that the ore-forming fluid of the Kafang deposit is mainly derived from magma in the early stage and a mixture of meteoric and magmatic water in late stage. Molybdenite Re–Os age of the skarn type mineralization is 83.4 ± 2.1 Ma, and the stratiform ores hosted by basalt is 84.2 ± 7.3 Ma, which are consistent with the LA-ICP-MS zircon age of the Xinshan granite intrusion (83.1 ± 0.4 Ma). The evidence listed above reflects the fact that different ore styles in the Kafang deposit belong to the same mineralization system.  相似文献   

The Outokumpu district within the North Karelia Schist Belt in eastern Finland hosts a number of Cu–Co–Zn–Ni–Ag–Au sulfide deposits that are associated with Palaeoproterozoic ophiolitic metaserpentinites derived from depleted mantle peridotites that were subsequently tectonically interleaved with allochthonous metaturbidites. The metaperidotites have been extensively metasomatized to quartz–carbonate–calc–silicate rocks of the Outokumpu assemblage. The Outokumpu area has been affected by a multiple-phase tectonic history comprising various phases of folding and shearing followed by several faulting events. Future exploration has to expand the search into deeper areas and requires knowledge of the subsurface geology. In order to unravel the complex structure 3D geologic models of different scales have been built using a variety of information including geological aeromagnetic and gravity maps, digital terrain models, and mine cross sections as well as data like drill core logs combined with observations from underground mine galleries, structural measurements, aeromagnetic data, and seismic surveys. For crustal structures, data from seismic surveys lines have been reprocessed for our purpose. Both deposit-scale and regional-scale models allow the reconstruction of a sequence of structural events. The mined ore has formed during remobilization of a proto-ore and is closely related to shear zones (thrusts) that truncate the Outokumpu assemblage. Later faults dismembered the ore explaining the variable depth of the different ore bodies along the Outokumpu ore zone. On larger scale at least four km-scale thrust sheets, separated by major listric shear zones can be identified in the ore belt, which are internally further imbricated by subordinate shear zones. These thrusts separate a number of lens-shape metaperidotite bodies that are probably surrounded by Outokumpu assemblage rocks. Thrust stacking was followed by at least three stages of faulting that divided the ore belt into fault-bounded blocks with heterogeneous displacements: (i) faulting along NW-dipping faults with unresolved kinematics, (ii) reverse faulting along c. 50°–60° SE-dipping faults, and (iii) SW–NE to SSW–NNE striking faults which may have formed at an earlier stage and have been reactivated.The specific Outokumpu alteration assemblage around metaperidotite bodies combined with shear zones acting as path ways for fluids are the main vectors to mineralization. Seismic reflection data do not provide a simple tool to directly detect the sites of Outokumpu assemblage bodies at depth but they identify strong reflector zones which are characteristic for though not exclusive to the assemblage, shear zones can be recognized as curved dislocations in the seismic lines. Our study shows that 3D modeling, when used in combination with surface geology and other geophysical data and good knowledge about the structural evolution clearly improves the interpretation of reflectors and enables the identification of strong reflector packages as Outokumpu assemblage that, due to absent geological control, have first been mapped as “unknown reflector”. It thus enhances the chances for locating potentially economic horizons at depth and to delineate target areas for detailed exploration.  相似文献   

Zijinshan is a large porphyry–epithermal Cu–Au–Mo–Ag ore system located in the Zijinshan mineral field (ZMF) of southwestern Fujian Province, China. Although it is commonly accepted that the early Cretaceous magmatism and the metallogenesis of the mineral field are closely related, the tectonic setting for the ore-forming event(s) has been controversial and regarded as either extensional or subduction-related. New U–Pb zircon geochronology, Sr–Nd–Pb isotopic systematics, and geochemical data presented here from granites and volcanic rocks in the mineral field help to clarify this uncertainty.LA–MC–ICP-MS U–Pb zircon analyses yield weighted mean ages of between ca. 165 and 157 for the monzogranite, ca. 112 Ma for granodiorite, and between ca. 111 and 102 Ma for nine samples of volcanic units in the study area. These dates, integrated with previous geochronological data, indicate that there were two magmatic events in the area during the Middle to Late Jurassic and the Early Cretaceous. Major and trace element geochemistry indicates that these rocks are high-K, calc-alkaline granites, are enriched in LREE and Th, U, Ta, Nd, Sm and Yb, and depleted in Ba, K, Sr, P, Ti and Y. These features are characteristic of volcanic-arc granites or active-continental margin granites. The Middle to Late Jurassic monzogranitic plutons in the region have initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios of 0.7096 to 0.7173, εNdT values of − 10.1 to − 7.6, 206Pb/204Pb isotope ratios of 18.51–18.86, 207Pb/204Pb isotope ratios of 15.64–15.73, and 208Pb/204Pb isotope ratios of 38.76–39.18. The Early Cretaceous granodiorite and volcanic rocks are distinctly different with initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios of 0.7055–0.7116, εNdT values of − 8 to 0.5, 206Pb/204Pb ratios ranging between 18.49 and 19.77, 207Pb/204Pb ratios of 15.63–15.71, and 208Pb/204Pb ratios of 38.71–40.62. These characteristics suggest that the source for the Middle to Late Jurassic monzogranitic plutons is a partially melted Mesoproterozoic substrate, with a minor component from Paleozoic material, whereas the Early Cretaceous granodiorite and volcanic rocks may represent mixing of crustal and mantle-derived melts. It is therefore suggested that the Middle to Late Jurassic monzogranitic plutons, and the Early Cretaceous granodiorite and volcanic rocks in the ZMF are the result of an active continental-margin setting related to the subduction of the Paleo-Pacific Plate beneath the Eurasian continent. Given that the mineralization and the early Cretaceous granodiorite and volcanic rocks in the area are genetically related, the Zijinshan porphyry–epithermal ore system formed in the subduction-related tectonic setting.  相似文献   

Vlaykov Vruh–Elshitsa represents the best example of paired porphyry Cu and epithermal Cu–Au deposits within the Late Cretaceous Apuseni–Banat–Timok–Srednogorie magmatic and metallogenic belt of Eastern Europe. The two deposits are part of the NW trending Panagyurishte magmato-tectonic corridor of central Bulgaria. The deposits were formed along the SW flank of the Elshitsa volcano-intrusive complex and are spatially associated with N110-120-trending hypabyssal and subvolcanic bodies of granodioritic composition. At Elshitsa, more than ten lenticular to columnar massive ore bodies are discordant with respect to the host rock and are structurally controlled. A particular feature of the mineralization is the overprinting of an early stage high-sulfidation mineral assemblage (pyrite ± enargite ± covellite ± goldfieldite) by an intermediate-sulfidation paragenesis with a characteristic Cu–Bi–Te–Pb–Zn signature forming the main economic parts of the ore bodies. The two stages of mineralization produced two compositionally different types of ores—massive pyrite and copper–pyrite bodies. Vlaykov Vruh shares features with typical porphyry Cu systems. Their common geological and structural setting, ore-forming processes, and paragenesis, as well as the observed alteration and geochemical lateral and vertical zonation, allow us to interpret the Elshitsa and Vlaykov Vruh deposits as the deep part of a high-sulfidation epithermal system and its spatially and genetically related porphyry Cu counterpart, respectively. The magmatic–hydrothermal system at Vlaykov Vruh–Elshitsa produced much smaller deposits than similar complexes in the northern part of the Panagyurishte district (Chelopech, Elatsite, Assarel). Magma chemistry and isotopic signature are some of the main differences between the northern and southern parts of the district. Major and trace element geochemistry of the Elshitsa magmatic complex are indicative for the medium- to high-K calc-alkaline character of the magmas. 87Sr/86Sr(i) ratios of igneous rocks in the range of 0.70464 to 0.70612 and 143Nd/144Nd(i) ratios in the range of 0.51241 to 0.51255 indicate mixed crustal–mantle components of the magmas dominated by mantellic signatures. The epsilon Hf composition of magmatic zircons (+6.2 to +9.6) also suggests mixed mantellic–crustal sources of the magmas. However, Pb isotopic signatures of whole rocks (206Pb/204Pb = 18.13–18.64, 207Pb/204Pb = 15.58–15.64, and 208Pb/204Pb = 37.69–38.56) along with common inheritance component detected in magmatic zircons also imply assimilation processes of pre-Variscan and Variscan basement at various scales. U–Pb zircon and rutile dating allowed determination of the timing of porphyry ore formation at Vlaykov Vruh (85.6 ± 0.9 Ma), which immediately followed the crystallization of the subvolcanic dacitic bodies at Elshitsa (86.11 ± 0.23 Ma) and the Elshitsa granite (86.62 ± 0.02 Ma). Strontium isotope analyses of hydrothermal sulfates and carbonates (87Sr/86Sr = 0.70581–0.70729) suggest large-scale interaction between mineralizing fluids and basement lithologies at Elshitsa–Vlaykov Vruh. Lead isotope compositions of hydrothermal sulfides (206Pb/204Pb = 18.432–18.534, 207Pb/204Pb = 15.608–15.647, and 208Pb/204Pb = 37.497–38.630) allow attribution of ore-formation in the porphyry and epithermal deposits in the Southern Panagyurishte district to a single metallogenic event with a common source of metals.  相似文献   

The Yinshan Cu–Au–Pb–Zn–Ag deposit is located in Dexing, South China. Ore bodies are primarily hosted in low-grade phyllite of the Neoproterozoic Shuangqiaoshan Group along EW- and NNW-striking fault zones. Pb–Zn–Ag mineralization is dictated by Jurassic rhyolitic quartz porphyries (ca. 172 Ma), whereas Cu–Au mineralization is associated with Jurassic dacite porphyries (ca. 170 Ma). The main ore minerals are pyrite, chalcopyrite, galena, sphalerite, tetrahedrite–tennatite, gold, silver, and silver sulphosalt, and the principal gangue minerals are quartz, sericite, calcite, and chlorite. Two-phase liquid-rich (type I), two-phase vapor-rich (type II), and halite-bearing (type III) fluid inclusions can be observed in the hydrothermal quartz-sulfides veins. Type I inclusions are widespread and have homogenization temperatures of 187–303 °C and salinities of 4.2–9.5 wt.% NaCl equivalent in the Pb–Zn–Ag mineralization, and homogenization temperatures of 196–362 °C and salinities of 3.5–9.9 wt.% NaCl equivalent in the Cu–Au mineralization. The pervasive occurrence of type I fluid inclusions with low-moderate temperatures and salinities implies that the mineralizing fluids formed in epithermal environments. The type II and coexisting type III inclusions, from deeper levels below the Cu–Au ore bodies, share similar homogenization temperatures of 317–448 °C and contrasting salinities of 0.2–4.2 and 30.9–36.8 wt.% NaCl equivalent, respectively, which indicates that boiling processes occurred. The sulfur isotopic compositions of sulfides (δ34S = −1.7‰ to +3.2‰) suggest a homogeneous magmatic sulfur source. The lead isotopes of sulfides (206Pb/204Pb = 18.01–18.07; 207Pb/204Pb = 15.55–15.57; and 208Pb/204Pb = 38.03–38.12) are consistent with those of volcanic–subvolcanic rocks (206Pb/204Pb = 18.03–18.10; 207Pb/204Pb = 15.56–15.57; and 208Pb/204Pb = 38.02–38.21), indicating a magmatic origin for lead in the ore. The oxygen and hydrogen isotope compositions (δ18O = +7.8‰ to +10.5‰, δD = −66‰ to −42‰) of inclusion water in quartz imply that ore-forming fluids were mainly derived from magmatic sources. The local boiling process beneath the epithermal Cu–Au ore-forming system indicates the possibility that porphyry-style ore bodies may exist at even deeper zones.  相似文献   

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