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In a cold dark matter (CDM) framework of structure formation, the dark matter haloes around galaxies assemble through successive mergers with smaller haloes. This merging process is not completely efficient, and hundreds of surviving halo cores, or subhaloes, are expected to remain in orbit within the halo of a galaxy like the Milky Way. While the dozen visible satellites of the Milky Way may trace some of these subhaloes, the majority are currently undetected. A large number of high-velocity clouds (HVCs) of neutral hydrogen are observed around the Milky Way, and it is plausible that some of the HVCs may trace subhaloes undetected in the optical. Confirming the existence of concentrations of dark matter associated with even a few of the HVCs would represent a dramatic step forward in our attempts to understand the nature of dark matter. Supersymmetric (SUSY) extensions of the Standard Model of particle physics currently suggest neutralinos as a natural well-motivated candidate for the non-baryonic dark matter of the universe. If this is indeed the case, then it may be possible to detect dark matter indirectly as it annihilates into neutrinos, photons or positrons. In particular, the centres of subhaloes might show up as point sources in gamma-ray observations. In this work, we consider the possibility that some of the unidentified EGRET γ-ray sources trace annihilating neutralino dark matter in the dark substructure of the Local Group. We compare the observed positions and fluxes of both the unidentified EGRET sources and the HVCs with the positions and fluxes predicted by a model of halo substructure, to determine up to what extent any of these three populations could be associated.  相似文献   

In the standard model of cosmic structure formation, dark matter haloes form by gravitational instability. The process is hierarchical: smaller systems collapse earlier, and later merge to form larger haloes. The galaxy clusters, hosted by the largest dark matter haloes, are at the top of this hierarchy and representing the largest as well as the last structures formed in the Universe, while the smaller and first haloes are those Earth-sized dark subhaloes that have been both predicted by theoretical considerations and found in numerical simulations, though there do not exist any observational hints of their existence. The probability that a halo of mass m at redshift z will be part of a larger halo of mass M at the present time can be described in the frame of the extended Press & Schecter theory making use of the progenitor (conditional) mass function. Using the progenitor mass function, we calculate analytically, at redshift zero, the distribution of subhaloes in mass, formation epoch and rarity of the peak of the density field at the formation epoch. That is done for a Milky Way size system, assuming both a spherical and an ellipsoidal collapse model. Our calculation assumes that small progenitors do not lose mass due to dynamical processes after entering the parent halo, and that they do not interact with other subhaloes. For a Λ cold dark matter power spectrum, we obtain a subhalo mass function  d n /d m   proportional to   m −α  with a model-independent  α∼ 2  . Assuming that the dark matter is a weakly interacting massive particle, the inferred distributions are used to test the feasibility of an indirect detection in the γ-ray energy band of such a population of subhaloes with a Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope like satellite.  相似文献   

We use a self-consistent model of galaxy formation and the evolution of the intergalactic medium to study the effects of the reionization of the Universe at high redshift on the properties of satellite galaxies like those seen around the Milky Way. Photoionization suppresses the formation of small galaxies, so that surviving satellites are preferentially those that formed before the Universe reionized. As a result, the number of satellites expected today is about an order of magnitude smaller than the number inferred by identifying satellites with subhaloes of the same circular velocity in high-resolution simulations of the dark matter. The resulting satellite population has an abundance similar to that observed in the Local Group, although the distribution of circular velocities differs somewhat from the available data. We explore many other properties of satellite galaxies, including their gas content, metallicity and star formation rate, and find generally good agreement with available data. Our model predicts the existence of many as yet undetected satellites in the Local Group. We quantify their observability in terms of their apparent magnitude and surface brightness, and also in terms of their constituent stars. A near-complete census of the Milky Way's satellites would require imaging to   V ≈20  and to a surface brightness fainter than 26 V -band magnitudes per square arcsecond. Satellites with integrated luminosity   V =15  should contain of order 100 stars brighter than   B =26  , with central stellar densities of a few tens per square arcminute. Discovery of a large population of faint satellites would provide a strong test of current models of galaxy formation.  相似文献   

We investigate a wide range of possible evolutionary histories for the recently discovered Bootes dwarf spheroidal galaxy, a Milky Way satellite. By means of N -body simulations, we follow the evolution of possible progenitor galaxies of Bootes for a variety of orbits in the gravitational potential of the Milky Way. The progenitors considered cover the range from dark matter-free star clusters to massive, dark matter-dominated outcomes of cosmological simulations. For each type of progenitor and orbit, we compare the observable properties of the remnant after 10 Gyr with those of Bootes observed today. Our study suggests that the progenitor of Bootes must have been, and remains now, dark matter-dominated. In general, our models are unable to reproduce the observed high velocity dispersion in Bootes without dark matter. Our models do not support time-dependent tidal effects as a mechanism able to inflate significantly the internal velocity dispersion. As none of our initially spherical models is able to reproduce the elongation of Bootes, our results suggest that the progenitor of Bootes may have had some intrinsic flattening. Although the focus of this paper is the Bootes dwarf spheroidal, these models may be of general relevance to understanding the structure, stability and dark matter content of all dwarf spheroidal galaxies.  相似文献   

High-resolution simulations of cosmological structure formation indicate that dark matter substructure in dense environments, such as groups and clusters, may survive for a long time. These dark matter subhaloes are the likely hosts of galaxies. We examine the small-scale spatial clustering of subhalo major mergers at high redshift using high-resolution N -body simulations of cosmological volumes. Recently merged, massive subhaloes exhibit enhanced clustering on scales  ∼100–300  h −1 kpc  , relative to all subhaloes of the same infall mass, for a short time after a major merger (<500 Myr). The small-scale clustering enhancement is smaller for lower mass subhaloes, which also show a deficit on scales just beyond the excess. Haloes hosting recent subhalo mergers tend to have more subhaloes; for massive subhaloes, the excess is stronger and it tends to increase for the most massive host haloes. The subhalo merger fraction is independent of halo mass for the scales we probe. In terms of satellite and central subhaloes, the merger increase in small-scale clustering for massive subhaloes arises from recently merged massive central subhaloes having an enhanced satellite population. Our mergers are defined via their parent infall mass ratios. Subhaloes experiencing major mass gains also exhibit a small-scale clustering enhancement, but these correspond to two-body interactions leading to two final subhaloes, rather than subhalo coalescence.  相似文献   

We conduct high-resolution collisionless N -body simulations to investigate the tidal evolution of dwarf galaxies on an eccentric orbit in the Milky Way (MW) potential. The dwarfs originally consist of a low surface brightness stellar disc embedded in a cosmologically motivated dark matter halo. During 10 Gyr of dynamical evolution and after five pericentre passages, the dwarfs suffer substantial mass loss and their stellar component undergoes a major morphological transformation from a disc to a bar and finally to a spheroid. The bar is preserved for most of the time as the angular momentum is transferred outside the galaxy. A dwarf spheroidal (dSph) galaxy is formed via gradual shortening of the bar. This work thus provides a comprehensive quantitative explanation of a potentially crucial morphological transformation mechanism for dwarf galaxies that operates in groups as well as in clusters. We compare three cases with different initial inclinations of the disc and find that the evolution is fastest when the disc is coplanar with the orbit. Despite the strong tidal perturbations and mass loss, the dwarfs remain dark matter dominated. For most of the time, the one-dimensional stellar velocity dispersion, σ, follows the maximum circular velocity, V max, and they are both good tracers of the bound mass. Specifically, we find that   M bound∝ V 3.5max  and     in agreement with earlier studies based on pure dark matter simulations. The latter relation is based on directly measuring the stellar kinematics of the simulated dwarf, and may thus be reliably used to map the observed stellar velocity dispersions of dSphs to halo circular velocities when addressing the missing satellites problem.  相似文献   

Galaxies are believed to be in one-to-one correspondence with simulated dark matter subhaloes. We use high-resolution N -body simulations of cosmological volumes to calculate the statistical properties of subhalo (galaxy) major mergers at high redshift ( z = 0.6–5). We measure the evolution of the galaxy merger rate, finding that it is much shallower than the merger rate of dark matter host haloes at   z > 2.5  , but roughly parallels that of haloes at   z < 1.6  . We also track the detailed merger histories of individual galaxies and measure the likelihood of multiple mergers per halo or subhalo. We examine satellite merger statistics in detail: 15–35 per cent of all recently merged galaxies are satellites, and satellites are twice as likely as centrals to have had a recent major merger. Finally, we show how the differing evolution of the merger rates of haloes and galaxies leads to the evolution of the average satellite occupation per halo, noting that for a fixed halo mass, the satellite halo occupation peaks at   z ∼ 2.5  .  相似文献   

We use an N -body/hydrodynamic simulation to forecast the future encounter between the Milky Way and the Andromeda galaxies, given present observational constraints on their relative distance, relative velocity, and masses. Allowing for a comparable amount of diffuse mass to fill the volume of the Local Group, we find that the two galaxies are likely to collide in a few billion years – within the Sun's lifetime. During the interaction, there is a chance that the Sun will be pulled away from its present orbital radius and reside in an extended tidal tail. The likelihood for this outcome increases as the merger progresses, and there is a remote possibility that our Sun will be more tightly bound to Andromeda than to the Milky Way before the final merger. Eventually, after the merger has completed, the Sun is most likely to be scattered to the outer halo and reside at much larger radii (>30 kpc). The density profiles of the stars, gas and dark matter in the merger product resemble those of elliptical galaxies. Our Local Group model therefore provides a prototype progenitor of late-forming elliptical galaxies.  相似文献   

The highly flattened distribution of satellite galaxies in the Milky Way (MW) presents a number of puzzles. First, its polar alignment stands out from the planar alignments commonly found in other galaxies. Secondly, recent proper-motion measurements reveal that the orbital angular momentum of at least three, and possibly as many as eight, of the MW's satellites points (within  30°  ) along the axis of their flattened configuration, suggesting some form of coherent motion. In this paper, we use a high-resolution cosmological simulation to investigate whether this pattern conflicts with the expectations of the cold dark matter model of structure formation. We find that this seemingly unlikely setup occurs often: approximately 35 per cent of the time, we find systems in which the angular momentum of three individual satellites points along, or close to, the short axis of the satellite distribution. In addition, in 30 per cent of the systems we find that the net angular momentum of the six best-aligned satellites lies within  35°  of the short axis of the satellite distribution, as observed for the MW.  相似文献   

We present a comparison of the properties of substructure haloes ( subhaloes ) orbiting within host haloes that form in cold dark matter (CDM) and warm dark matter (WDM) cosmologies. Our study focuses on selected properties of these subhaloes, namely their anisotropic spatial distribution within the hosts; the existence of a 'backsplash' population; the age–distance relation; the degree to which they suffer mass loss; and the distribution of relative (infall) velocities with respect to the hosts. We find that the number density of subhaloes in our WDM model is suppressed relative to that in the CDM model, as we would expect. Interestingly, our analysis reveals that backsplash subhaloes exist in both the WDM and CDM models. Indeed, there are no statistically significant differences between the spatial distributions of subhaloes in the CDM and WDM models. There is evidence that subhaloes in the WDM model suffer enhanced mass loss relative to their counterparts in the CDM model, reflecting their lower central densities. We note also a tendency for the (infall) velocities of subhaloes in the WDM model to be higher than in the CDM model. Nevertheless, we conclude that observational tests based on either the spatial distribution or the kinematics of the subhalo population are unlikely to help us to differentiate between the CDM model and our adopted WDM model.  相似文献   

Recent work by several groups has established the properties of the dwarf satellites to M31. We reexamine the reported kinematics of this group employing a fresh technique we have developed previously. By calculating the distribution of a χ statistic (which we define in the paper) for the M31 system, we conclude that the total mass (disc plus halo) of the primary is unlikely to be as great as that of our own Milky Way. In fact the χ distribution for M31 indicates that, like NGC 3992, it does not have a massive halo. In contrast, the analysis of the satellites of NGC 1961 and NGC 5084 provides strong evidence for massive haloes surrounding both spiral galaxies.  相似文献   

The spatial distributions of the most recently discovered ultra-faint dwarf satellites around the Milky Way and the Andromeda galaxy are compared to the previously reported discs-of-satellites (DoS) of their host galaxies. In our investigation, we pay special attention to the selection bias introduced due to the limited sky coverage of Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). We find that the new Milky Way satellite galaxies follow closely the DoS defined by the more luminous dwarfs, thereby further emphasizing the statistical significance of this feature in the Galactic halo. We also note a deficit of satellite galaxies with Galactocentric distances larger than  100 kpc  that are away from the DoS of the Milky Way. In the case of Andromeda, we obtain similar results, naturally complementing our previous finding and strengthening the notion that the DoS are optical manifestations of a phase-space correlation of satellite galaxies.  相似文献   

Possible orbital histories of the Sgr dwarf galaxy are explored. A special-purpose N -body code is used to construct the first models of the Milky Way–Sgr dwarf system in which both the Milky Way and the Sgr dwarf are represented by full N -body systems and followed for a Hubble time. These models are used to calibrate a semi-analytic model of the Sgr dwarf's orbit that enables us to explore a wider parameter space than is accessible to the N -body models. We conclude that the extant data on the Sgr dwarf are compatible with a wide range of orbital histories. At one extreme the Sgr dwarf initially possesses ∼1011 M and starts from a Galactocentric distance R D(0)≳200 kpc. At the other extreme the Sgr dwarf starts with ∼109 M and R D(0)∼60 kpc, similar to its present apocentric distance. In all cases the Sgr dwarf is initially dark matter dominated and the current velocity dispersion of the Sgr dwarf's dark matter is tightly constrained to be 21±2 km s−1. This number is probably compatible with the smaller measured dispersion of the Sgr dwarf's stars because of (i) the dynamical difference between dark and luminous matter, and (ii) velocity anisotropy.  相似文献   

We announce the discovery of a new Milky Way satellite Segue 2 found in the data of the Sloan Extension for Galactic Understanding and Exploration (SEGUE). We followed this up with deeper imaging and spectroscopy on the Multiple Mirror Telescope (MMT). From this, we derive a luminosity of   M v =−2.5  , a half-light radius of 34 pc and a systemic velocity of  ∼−40 km s−1  . Our data also provide evidence for a stream around Segue 2 at a similar heliocentric velocity, and the SEGUE data show that it is also present in neighbouring fields. We resolve the velocity dispersion of Segue 2 as 3.4 km s−1 and the possible stream as  ∼7 km s−1  . This object shows points of comparison with other recent discoveries, Segue 1, Boo II and Coma. We speculate that all four objects may be representatives of a population of satellites of satellites – survivors of accretion events that destroyed their larger but less dense parents. They are likely to have formed at redshifts   z > 10  and are good candidates for fossils of the reionization epoch.  相似文献   

We have modelled the spatial distribution of luminous X-ray binaries (XRBs) in spiral galaxies that are like the Milky Way using an evolutionary population synthesis code. In agreement with previous theoretical expectations and observations, we find that both high- and low-mass XRBs show clear concentrations towards the galactic plane and bulge. We also compare XRB distributions under the galactic potential with a dark matter halo and the modified Newtonian dynamics potential, and we suggest that the difference may serve as potential evidence to discriminate between these two types of model.  相似文献   

We use the Millennium Simulation, a large, high-resolution N -body simulation of the evolution of structure in a Λ cold dark matter cosmology, to study the properties and fate of substructures within a large sample of dark matter haloes. We find that the subhalo mass function departs significantly from a power law at the high-mass end. We also find that the radial and angular distributions of substructures depend on subhalo mass. In particular, high-mass subhaloes tend to be less radially concentrated and to have angular distributions closer to the direction perpendicular to the spin of the host halo than their less massive counterparts. We find that mergers between subhaloes occur. These tend to be between substructures that were already dynamically associated before accretion into the main halo. For subhaloes larger than 0.001 times the mass of the host halo, it is more likely that the subhalo will merge with the central or main subhalo than with another subhalo larger than itself. For lower masses, subhalo–subhalo mergers become equally likely to mergers with the main subhalo. Our results have implications for the variation of galaxy properties with environment and for the treatment of mergers in galaxy formation models.  相似文献   

We explore the implications for the high-redshift universe of 'state-of-the-art' models for the chemical and spectrophotometric evolution of spiral galaxies. The models are based on simple 'scaling relations' for discs, obtained in the framework of cold dark matter models for galaxy formation, and were 'calibrated' so as to reproduce the properties of the Milky Way and of nearby discs (at redshift z ∼0) . In this paper, we compare the predictions of our 'hybrid' approach to galaxy evolution to observations at moderate and high redshift. We find that the models are in fairly good agreement with observations up to z ∼1 , while some problems appear at higher redshift (provided there is no selection bias in the data); these discrepancies may suggest that galaxy mergers (not considered in this work) played a non-negligible role at z >1 . We also predict the existence of a 'universal' correlation between abundance gradients and disc scalelengths, independent of redshift.  相似文献   

We use a cosmological galactic evolutionary approach to model the Milky Way. A detailed treatment of the mass aggregation and dynamical history of the growing dark halo is included, together with a self-consistent physical treatment for the star formation processes within the growing galactic disc. This allows us to calculate the temporal evolution of star and gas surface densities at all galactic radii, in particular, the star formation history (SFH) at the solar radius. A large range of cosmological mass aggregation histories (MAHs) is capable of producing a galaxy with the present-day properties of the Milky Way. The resulting SFHs for the solar neighbourhood bracket the available observational data for this feature, the most probable MAH yielding the optimal comparison with these observations. We also find that the rotation curve for our Galaxy implies the presence of a constant density core in its dark-matter halo.  相似文献   

The present-day chemical and dynamical properties of the Milky Way are signatures of the Galaxy's formation and evolution. Using a self consistent chemodynamical evolution code we examine these properties within the currently favoured paradigm for galaxy formation – hierarchical clustering within a CDM cosmology. Our Tree N-body/Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics code includes a self-consistent treatment of gravity, hydrodynamics, radiative cooling, star formation, supernova feedback and chemical enrichment. Two models are described which explore the role of small-scale density perturbations in driving the evolution of structure within the Milky Way. The relationship between metallicity and kinematics of halo stars are quantified and the implications for galaxy formation discussed. While high-eccentricity halo stars have previously been considered a signature of `rapid collapse', we suggest that many such stars may have come from recently accreted satellites. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

We reassess the applicability of the Toomre criterion in galactic discs and we study the local star formation law in 16 disc galaxies for which abundance gradients are published. The data we use consist of stellar light profiles, atomic and molecular gas (deduced from CO with a metallicity-dependent conversion factor), star formation rates (from Hα emissivities), metallicities, dispersion velocities and rotation curves. We show that the Toomre criterion applies successfully to the case of the Milky Way disc, but it has limited success with the data of our sample; depending on whether or not the stellar component is included in the stability analysis, we find average values for the threshold ratio of the gas surface density to the critical surface density in the range 0.5–0.7. We also test various star formation laws proposed in the literature, i.e. either the simple Schmidt law or modifications of it, that take into account dynamical factors. We find only small differences among them as far as the overall fit to our data is concerned; in particular, we find that all three star formation laws (with parameters derived from the fits to our data) match observations in the Milky Way disc particularly well. In all cases we find that the exponent n of our best-fitting star formation rate has slightly higher values than in other recent works and we suggest several reasons that may cause that discrepancy.  相似文献   

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