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Sediment cores were collected for pore-water analysis from the eastern end of Devils Lake, located in northeastern North Dakota, to determine diagenetic reactions occurring in surficial bottom sediments and to evaluate the impact of these reactions on chemical concentrations in the overlying lake water. Sediment pore waters are enriched in major ions and nutrients relative to lake water. The principal sources of major ions to pore water are saline sediments located in the upper 1 m of bottom sediment. The principal source of titration alkalinity and nutrients to pore water is microbial decomposition of sedimentary organic matter by sulfate reduction. Sediment pore waters in the eastern part of Devils Lake have higher major-ion concentrations and solute-flux rates than the sediment pore waters in the central part of the lake. In contrast, sediment pore waters in the central part of Devils Lake have significantly higher nutrient concentrations and solute-flux rates. Major-ion concentrations and solute-flux rates in sediment pore water increase from west to east. These trends indicate that bottom-sediment diagenetic processes are, in part, responsible for the observed concentration gradient in the lake. The higher nutrient concentrations and the higher nutrient diffusional-flux rates in Main Bay are the result of more labile sedimentary organic matter and the occurrence of sulfate reduction. Environmentally-reactive trace-metal concentrations (Cu, Pb, Zn, and Fe) in bottom sediments decrease from west to east with distance from the surface-water sources and with increasing surface-water salinity.  相似文献   

Devils Lake is a closed, saline lake in North Dakota; it is typical of lake basins in the Great Plains Region, where windy conditions and fluctuating water-levels disturb sediment and confound chronostratigraphy. Pollen analysis and 210Pb dating of two cores collected from bathymetrically contrasting embayments demonstrate (1) how certain agriculture-related pollen types differ in their value as chronostratigraphic markers, (2) how pollen and 210Pb stratigraphies can be reconciled to determine the approximate depth of sediment mixing, and (3) the importance of coring-site selection, especially in lakes with unstable sedimentary conditions.  相似文献   

Diatom-salinity records from sediment cores have been used to construct climate records of saline-lake basins. In many cases, this has been done without thorough understanding of the preservation potential of the diatoms in the sediments through time. The purpose of this study was to determine the biogeochemistry of silica in Devils Lake and evaluate the potential effects of silica cycling on diatom preservation. During the period of record, 1867–1999, lake levels have fluctuated from 427 m above sea level in 1940 to 441.1 m above sea level in 1999. The biogeochemistry of silica in Devils Lake is dominated by internal cycling. During the early 1990s when lake levels were relatively high, about 94% of the biogenic silica (BSi) produced in Devils Lake was recycled in the water column before burial. About 42% of the BSi that was incorporated in bottom sediments was dissolved and diffused back into the lake, and the remaining 58% was buried. Therefore, the BSi accumulation rate was about 3% of the BSi assimilation rate. Generally, the results obtained from this study are similar to those obtained from studies of the biogeochemistry of silica in large oligotrophic lakes and the open ocean where most of the BSi produced is recycled in surface water. During the mid 1960s when lake levels were relatively low, BSi assimilation and water-column dissolution rates were much higher than when lake levels were high. The BSi assimilation rate was as much as three times higher during low lake levels. Even with the much higher BSi assimilation rate, the BSi accumulation rate was about three times lower because the BSi water-column dissolution rate was more than 99% of the BSi assimilation rate compared to 94% during high lake levels. Variations in the biogeochemistry of silica with lake level have important implications for paleolimnologic studies. Increased BSi water-column dissolution during decreasing lake levels may alter the diatom-salinity record by selectively removing the less resistant diatoms. Also, BSi accumulation may be proportional to the amount of silica input from tributary sources. Therefore, BSi accumulation chronologies from sediment cores may be effective records of tributary inflow.  相似文献   

A series of water samples (precipitation, surface water and ground water) from the Devils Lake drainage basin in central North Dakota have been analyzed for their 18O and D and 87Sr/86Sr. The 18O and D of snow and most ground water samples fall near the meteoric water line, with the ground water being isotopically heavier than the snow, indicating that a portion of the recharge must come from non-winter precipitation events. One ground water and all the surface water samples fall below the meteoric water line, demonstrating extensive evaporation. The 87Sr/86Sr ratio of the snow is more radiogenic than those of the ground water samples, indicating that the ground water has increased its 86Sr content by the dissolution of mafic rock in the aquifer. Stump Lake has a much more radiogenic Sr isotopic ratio than the waters of Devils Lake suggesting a source of water different from that of Devils Lake. The East Stump Lake water, on the other hand, appears to be either a mix of Devils Lake and Stump Lake waters, or Devils Lake water diluted with precipitation.  相似文献   

Sedimentological parameters and stable O- and C-isotopic composition of marl and ostracode calcite selected from a 17.7-m-long core from the 8-m-deep center of Pickerel Lake, northeastern South Dakota, provide one of the longest (ca. 12ky) paleoenvironmental records from the northern Great Plains. The late Glacial to early Holocene climate in the northern Great Plains was characterized by changes from cold and wet to cold and dry, and back to cold and wet conditions. These climatic changes were controlled by fluctuations in the positions of the Laurentide ice sheet and the extent of glacial Lake Agassiz. We speculate that the cold and dry phase may correspond to the Younger Dryas event. A salinity maximum was reached between 10.3 and 9.5 ka, after which Pickerel Lake shifted from a system controlled by atmospheric changes to a system controlled by groundwater seepage that might have been initiated by the final withdrawal of Glacial Lake Agassiz. A prairie lake was established at approximately 8.7 ka, and lasted until about 2.2 ka. During this mid-Holocene prairie period, drier conditions than today prevailed, interrupted by periods of increased moisture at about 8, 4, and 2.2 ka. Prairie conditions were more likely dry and cool rather than dry and warm. The last 2.2 ka are characterized by higher climatic variability with 400-yr aridity cycles including the Medieval Warm Period and the Little Ice Age.Although the signal of changing atmospheric circulation is overprinted by fluctuations in the positions of the ice sheet and glacial Lake Agassiz during the late Glacial-Holocene transition, a combination of strong zonal circulation and strong monsoons induced by the presence of the ice sheet and high insolation may have provided mechanisms for increased precipitation. Zonal flow introducing dry Pacific air became more important during the prairie period but seems to have been interrupted by short periods of stronger meridional circulation with intrusions of moist air from the Gulf of Mexico. More frequent switching between periods of zonal and meridional circulation seem to be responsible for increased climatic variability during the last 2.2 ka.  相似文献   

Macroscopic opal-A concretions were observed in lake marl deposited in a small Flemish lake (Belgium) during the Allerød biozone of the Weichselian Late-glacial (ca. 12–11 ka BP). The silica from these concretions was derived within the profile, by the leaching of siliceous microfossils – mainly diatom frustules. Formation of the concretions probably resulted from pH- and/or evaporation related precipitation of the silica at a lower stratigraphic level, presumably corresponding more or less to a former low position of the groundwater table. The presence of these concretions is probably related to alternatingly wet and dry local conditions during the middle and later part of the Allerød.  相似文献   

This study of fossils (pollen, plant macrofossils, stomata and fish) and sediments (lithostratigraphy and geochemistry) from the Wendel site in North Dakota, USA, emphasizes the importance of considering ground-water hydrology when deciphering paleoclimate signals from lakes in postglacial landscapes. The Wendel site was a paleolake from about 11,500 14C yr BP to 11,100 14C yr BP. Afterwards, the lake-level lowered until it became a prairie marsh by 9,300 14C yr BP and finally, at 8,500 14C yr BP, an ephemeral wetland as it is today. Meanwhile, the vegetation changed from a white spruce parkland (11,500 to 10,500 14C yr BP) to deciduous parkland, followed by grassland at 9,300 14C yr BP. The pattern and timing of these aquatic and terrestrial changes are similar to coeval kettle lake records from adjacent uplands, providing a regional aridity signal. However, two local sources of ground water were identified from the fossil and geochemical data, which mediated atmospheric inputs to the Wendel basin. First, the paleolake received water from the melting of stagnant ice buried under local till for about 900 years after glacier recession. Later, Holocene droughts probably caused the lower-elevation Wendel site to capture the ground water of up-gradient lakes.  相似文献   

Preliminary results of a multidisciplinary study of cores in southwestern Lake Michigan suggest that the materials in these cores can be interpreted in terms of both isostatically and climatically induced changes in lake level. Ostracodes and mollusks are well preserved in the Holocene sediments, and they provide paleolimnologic and paleoclimatic data, as well as biogenic carbonate for stable-isotope studies and radiocarbon dating. Pollen and diatom preservation in the cores is poor, which prevents comparison with regional vegetation records. New accelerator-mass spectrometer 14C ages, from both carbon and carbonate fractions, provide basin-wide correlations and appear to resolve the longstanding problem of anomalously old ages that result from detrital organic matter in Great Lakes sediments.Several cores contain a distinct unconformity associated with the abrupt fall in lake level that occurred about 10.3 ka when the isostatically depressed North Bay outlet was uncovered by the retreating Laurentide Ice Sheet. Below the unconformity, ostracode assemblages imply deep, cold water with very low total dissolved solids (TDS), and bivalves have 18O (PDB) values as light as — 10 per mil. Samples from just above the unconformity contain littoral to sublittoral ostracode species that imply warmer, higher-TDS (though still dilute) water than that inferred below the unconformity. Above this zone, another interval with 18O values more negative than — 10 occurs. The isotopic data suggest that two influxes of cold, isotopically light meltwater from Laurentide ice entered the lake, one shortly before 10.3 ka and the other about 9 ka. These influxes were separated by a period during which the lake was warmer, shallower, but still very low in dissolved solids. One or both of the meltwater influxes may be related to discharge from Lake Agassiz into the Great Lakes.Sedimentation rates appear to have been constant from about 10 ka to 5 ka. Bivalve shells formed between about 8 and 5 ka have 18O values that range from-2.3 to-3.3 per mil and appear to decrease toward the end of the interval. The ostracode assemblages and the stable isotopes suggest changes that are climatically controlled, including fluctuating water levels and increasing dissolved solids, although the water remained relatively dilute (TDS < 300 mg/l).A dramatic decrease in sedimentation rates occurred at about 5 ka, about the time of the peak of the Nippissing high lake stage. This decrease in sedimentation rate may be associated with a large increase in effective wave base as the lake approached its present size and fetch. A dramatic reduction in ostracode and mollusk abundances during the late Holocene is probably due to this decrease in sedimentation rates, which would result in increased carbonate dissolution. Ostracode productivity may also have declined due to a reduction in bottom-water oxygen caused by increased epilimnion algal productivity.Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute Contribution No. 7492  相似文献   

Lake Manitoba, the largest lake in the Prairie region of North America, contains a fine-grained sequence of late Pleistocene and Holocene sediment that documents a complex postglacial history. This record indicates that differential isostatic rebound and changing climate have interacted with varying drainage basin size and hydrologic budget to create significant variations in lake level and limnological conditions. During the initial depositional period in the basin, the Lake Agassiz phase (12–9 ka), 18O of ostracodes ranged from –16 to –5 (PDB), implying the lake was variously dominated by cold, dilute glacial meltwater and warm to cold, slightly saline water.Candona subtriangulata, which prefers cold, dilute water, dominates the most negative 18O intervals, when the basin was part of proglacial Lake Agassiz. At times during this early phase, the 18O of the lake abruptly shifted to higher values; euryhaline taxa such asC. rawsoni orLimnocythere ceriotuberosa, and halobiont taxa such asL. staplini orL. sappaensis are dominant in these intervals. This positive covariance of isotope and ostracode records implies that the lake level episodically fell, isolating the Lake Manitoba basin from the main glacial lake.18O values from inorganic endogenic Mg-calcite in the post-Agassiz phase of Lake Manitoba trend from –4 at 8 ka to –11 at 4.5 ka. We interpret that this trend indicates a gradually increasing influence of isotopically low (–20 SMOW) Paleozoic groundwater inflow, although periods of increased evaporation during this time may account for zones of less negative isotopic values. The 18O of this inorganic calcite abruptly shifts to higher values (–6) after 4.5 ka due to the combined effects of increased evaporative enrichment in a closed basin lake and the increased contribution of isotopically high surface water inflow on the hydrologic budget. After 2 ka, the 18O of the Mg-calcite fluctuates between –13 and –7, implying short-term variability in the lake's hydrologic budget, with values indicating the lake varied from outflow-dominated to evaporation-dominated. The 13C values of Mg-calcite remain nearly constant from 8 to 4.5 ka and then trend to higher values upward in the section. This pattern suggests primary productivity in the lake was initially constant but gradually increased after 4.5 ka.This is the sixth in a series of papers published in this issue on the paleolimnology of arid regions. These papers were presented at the Sixth International Palaeolimnology Symposium held 19–21 April, 1993 at the Australian National University, Canberra, Australia. Dr A. R. Chivas served as guest editor for these papers.  相似文献   

Three piston cores from Lake Victoria (East Africa) have been analysed for organic carbon (TOC) and nitrogen (TN) content, stable isotopes (13C and 15N), and Hydrogen Index (HI). These data are combined with published biogenic silica and water content analyses to produce a detailed palaeolimnological history of the lake over the past ca. 17.5 ka. Late Pleistocene desiccation produced a lake-wide discontinuity marked by a vertisol. Sediments below the discontinuity are characterised by relatively low TOC and HI values, and high C/N, 13C and 15N, reflecting the combined influence of abundant terrestrial plant material and generally unfavourable conditions for organic matter preservation. A thin muddy interval with lower 13C and higher HI and water content indicates that dry conditions were interrupted by a humid period of a few hundred years duration when the lake was at least 35 m deep. The climate changed to significantly more humid conditions around 15.2 ka when the dry lake floor was rapidly flooded. Abundant macrophytic plant debris and high TOC and 13C values at the upper vertisol surface probably reflect a marginal swamp. 13C values decrease abruptly and HI begins to increase around 15 ka BP, marking a shift to deeper-water conditions and algal-dominated lake production. C/N values are relatively low during this period, suggesting a generally adequate supply of nitrogen, but increasing 15N values reflect intense utilisation of the lake's DIN reservoir, probably due to a dramatic rise in productivity as nutrients were released to the lake from the flooded land surface.An abrupt drop in 13C and 15N values around 13.8-13.6 ka reflects a period of deep mixing. Productivity increased due to more efficient nutrient recycling, and 13C values fell as 12C-rich CO2 released by bacterial decomposition of the organic material was brought into the epilimnion. A weak drop in HI values suggests greater oxygen supply to the hypolimnion at this time. Better mixing was probably due to increased wind intensity and may mark the onset of the Younger Dryas in the region.After the period of deep mixing, the water column became more stable. TOC, C/N, 13C and HI values were at a maximum during the period between 10 and 4 ka, when the lake probably had a stratified water column with anoxic bottom waters. A gradual decrease in values over the last 4000 yrs suggest a change to a more seasonal climate, with periodic mixing of the water column. Rising sediment accumulation rates and a trend to more uniform surface water conditions over the last 2000 yrs are probably a result of increased anthropogenic impact on the lake and its catchment.Following a maximum at the time of the rapid lake-level rise during the terminal Pleistocene, 15N has remained relatively low and displays a gradual but consistent trend to lower values from the end of the Pleistocene to the present. TN values have risen during the same period. The lack of correlation between 13C and 15N, and the absence of any evidence for isotopic reservoir effects despite the rise in TN, suggests that the atmosphere, rather than the lake's dissolved nitrogen pool has been the principal source of nitrogen throughout the Holocene. The importance of atmospheric N fixation to Lake Victoria's nitrogen cycle thus predates by a very considerable margin any possible anthropogenic eutrophication of the lake.  相似文献   

Lake Rotoiti in Taupo Volcanic Zone was formed by damming of the drainage system through the floor of Okataina Caldera. Basin sediments are predominantly silt or sand, with mineralogy consistent with derivation from local silicic rocks and airfall tephras. Sandy lithofacies around the shoreline are wave worked deposits. Sand and gravel lithofacies in deeper water and on steep slopes are largely relict or airfall tephras, or both. Profundal sediments are diatomaceous silts. Organic-rich diatomaceous silts also accumulate in near-shore wave-damped zones under weed beds.Short cores penetrated the Tarawera (1886 AD) and Kaharoa (1180 AD) Tephras, identified by their stratigraphic position, geochemistry and mineralogy. Localised slumping is evidenced from secondary tephras interbedded and redeposited within the basin silts. Sedimentation rates in the basins, estimated from the age of bounding tephras, are 0.9 to 4.0 mm y-1, and are highest under the influence of inflowing water from adjacent Lake Rotorua. For several hundred years prior to the Tarawera eruption sediment accumulation rates and the sediment geochemistry remained unchanged; deposition was predominantly biogenic opaline silica with a small terrestrial component. The Tarawera eruption deposited a terrestrial-silica, aluminum-rich primary tephra across the lake, which was followed by reworked tephra from within the catchment, the effects of which were progressively diluted by biogenic opaline silica as conditions stabilised. While the major effects of the eruption have been rapidly absorbed the lake has not returned to pre-eruption background conditions. A new equilibrium has been attained in which Tarawera Tephra continues to be eroded into the lake and is the principal source for a doubling of sedimentation rates following the eruption. High arsenic levels in some diatomaceous silts are attributed to episodic venting of hydrothermal fluids or gases into the water column.  相似文献   

The first marine sediment cores from the unexplored Independence Fjord system and the Wandel Sea, North Greenland, have been investigated to reveal the glacial marine history of the region. Two key sites in the Independence Fjord system, and an earlier analysed site from the Wandel Sea continental slope, off the mouth of Independence Fjord, are presented. The Independence Fjord sites reveal an early Holocene record (10.0–8.9 Kya) of fine-grained reddish muds with calcareous microfossils, dominated by the benthic foraminifera Cassidulina neoteretis . We suggest that a semi-permanent fast ice cover characterized the region in the early Holocene, and that the deeper troughs in the mouth region of the Independence Fjord system were intruded by subsurface Atlantic water. A stiff diamicton, at least 1.3 m thick, with coal and sandstone clasts of mainly local origin, and a 0.5-m-thick Holocene cover, are found in one of the sites. The diamicton is assumed to represent a subglacial till predating the early Holocene sediments (>10 Kya). Shallow seismic records off the mouth of Independence Fjord reveal kilometre-sized troughs with signs of glacial erosion, till deposition and a Holocene glaciomarine deposition. These features could indicate that glacial ice debouching from the Independence Fjord system at some time during the last glacial period extended to the mid-outer Wandel Sea shelf. Data from a high-resolution sediment core previously retrieved from the adjacent Wandel Sea slope indicate that the maximum ice sheet advance in this area culminated about 25–20 Kya.  相似文献   

Devils Lake, a terminal lake in eastern North Dakota, has risen nearly 9.0 m since 1993, resulting in over $1 Billion in direct federal payments for disaster mitigation. More than 500 homes and 700 total structures have either been relocated or destroyed by the rising lake. The City of Minnewaukan, once nearly 13.0 km from the lake shoreline, is now facing the possibility of partial or complete relocation.We use the Hazus-MH MR4 Flood Model to examine potential flood damages in Minnewaukan associated with potential future lake levels ranging from 442.57 to 445.01 m at fixed water surface elevation (WSE) increments. We use three data sets to conduct a level 2 analysis in which user-supplied data allows for a site-specific analysis of flood damages. These include: 1) structure elevation surveyed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, b) the 2010 Real Property Assessment Book for the City of Minnewaukan, and c) more than 200 individual property cards. Flood depth grids were provided by the Federal Emergency Management Agency in the form of bare-earth digital elevation models derived from LiDAR point clouds. Results include a series of graduated circle flood maps showing the location and assessed value of inundated buildings, and flood damage profiles showing the cumulative number of buildings inundated and their assessed value over a range of WSE increments.We show that the functionality of Hazus-MH can be extended to examine lakeshore flood hazards, and that it provides an important geovisualization tool in evaluating relocation as a flood mitigation alternative.  相似文献   

Sediment cores from the shallow and deep basins of Pyramid Lake, Nevada, revealed variations in composition with depth reflecting changes in lake level, river inflow, and lake productivity. Recent sediments from the period of historical record indicate: (1) CaCO3 and organic content of sediment in the shallow basin decrease at lower lake level, (2) CaCO3 content of deep basin sediments increases when lake level decreases rapidly, and (3) the inorganic P content of sediments increases with decreasing lake volume. Variations in sediment composition also indicate several periods for which productivity in Pyramid Lake may have been elevated over the past 1000 years. Our data provide strong evidence for increased productivity during the first half of the 20th Century, although the typical pattern for cultural eutrophication was not observed. The organic content of sediments also suggests periods of increased productivity in the lake prior to the discovery and development of the region by white settlers. Indeed, a broad peak in organic fractions during the 1800's originates as an increase starting around 1600. However, periods of changing organic content of sediments also correspond to periods when inflow to the lake was probably at extremes (e.g. drought or flood) indicating that fluctuations in river inflow may be an important factor affecting sediment composition in Pyramid Lake.  相似文献   

Measurements of anhysteretic (ARM) and isothermal (IRM) remanences in cores 6 and 8 from Big Moose Lake reveal evidence for changes in magnetic mineralogy and grain size within and between the two cores. It is proposed that changes in the strength and demagnetization characterizations of the IRM reflect the accumulation of atmospherically deposited magnetic minerals resulting from industrial processes. The record of magnetite deposition especially in Core 6 parallels that for coal soot at the site. In both cores, the record of haematite deposition parallels that for several anthropogenic indicators.This is the fourth of a series of papers to be published by this journal which is a contribution of the Paleoecological Investigation of Recent Lake Acidification (PIRLA) project. Drs. D. F. Charles and D. R. Whitehead are guest editors for this series.  相似文献   

The results of a series of magnetic measurements on sediment samples are illustrated by means of examples selected from a more specialized parallel publication (Hu & Oldfield, submitted). They are interpreted in terms of magnetic components, notably, 'magnetite' of varying grain size/domain state, haematite, goethite and greigite. Wherever possible, some indication is given of changes in the relative importance of the various magnetic grain size and mineral phases through time. The main components of the magnetic assemblage are described for each of the main lithological units identified in the long core which is considered elsewhere in this volume. These assemblages are related to source areas and to depositional processes, especially in the pre-Holocene parts of the core. In the Holocene sediments, the magnetic properties cannot be interpreted solely in terms of shifts in detrital mineral sources. Evidence is presented for the presence of both biogenic magnetite and authigenic greigite. The most recent sediments point to renewed catchment erosion, probably as a result of human activity during historical times.  相似文献   

Medicine Lake is a highly saline meromictic lake in eastern South Dakota. A lithostratigraphic and biostratigraphic study of the late-glacial and early post-glacial sediments shows that it was a relatively deep dilute freshwater lake during the period of the Picea pollen zone. When spruce forest changed to a Betula and then to a Quercus/Ulmus woodland in the early post-glacial period, the lake water became more concentrated but remained fresh. However, during the subsequent rapid transition to prairie in the early Holocene, when Gramineae, Ambrosia, and Artemisia dominated dry-land vegetation, the freshwater diatom flora was progressively replaced by a saline assemblage characterized by Cyclotella quillensis, Chaetoceros, and eventually Cyclotella caspia. The lake became permanently saline at about 9000 yr BP. A comparison of the fossil diatom assemblages with surface-sediment samples from a range of lakes in the Dakotas indicates that the change involved an increase in conductivity from about 500 S cm–1 in the late-glacial period to > 10 000 S cm–1 in the early Holocene. This rapid change is also marked by an abrupt increase in sulphate concentration in the sediment, the first appearance of bands of gypsum crystals, and the beginning of a well-laminated core sequence that continues through the remaining sediment record. Conditions of high salinity have prevailed to the present day.Contribution 299, Limnological Research Center.  相似文献   

Variations in pollen assemblages and in physical and chemical composition of a dated sediment record from the small Lake Haubi in north central Tanzania, reveal lake level fluctuations since the late 19th century. Lake Haubi changed from a seasonally inundated swamp to a lake in the beginning of the 20th century. With the exception of 1942-44, when it dried out completely, it remained water filled until 1994 when it again turned into a swamp. The lake level fluctuations in Lake Haubi are largely in phase with fluctuations of the larger East African lakes levels during the 20th century, and are therefore interpreted as being mainly controlled by regional climatic fluctuations. However, the initial formation of Lake Haubi at the turn of the century was likely due to local catchment specific causes, e.g. changes in land use, as the rapid increase in the water level at this time does not correspond to other lake level records from the region.  相似文献   

Ostracodes document a series of late Quaternary climatic and limnologic changes within the Lake Winnebago basin of east-central Wisconsin. Using a 14 C, 137Cs, and 210Pb-based geochronology, Lake Winnebago ostracode abundances were compared to regional patterns of ostracode biogeography and the paleontological, sedimentological, and geochemical records of Elk Lake (Clearwater County), Minnesota, in order to interpret past temperature and hydrochemical changes in Lake Winnebago. Lake Winnebago sediments contain five major ostracode species, Candona ohioensis, Candona rawsoni, Cytherissa lacustris, Limnocythere verrucosa, and Physocypria pustulosa. In combination with sedimentology and geochronology, variations in the abundances of these species allow the late Quaternary record of the Lake Winnebago basin to be subdivided into five major climatic intervals: (1) glacial to post-glacial (15.5–11.0 ka), (2) cold and variable immediate post-glacial (11.0–10.4 ka), (3) warmer and wet early Holocene (10.4–7.8 ka), (4) warm but not particularly dry middle Holocene (7.8–4.2 ka), and (5) warm and moist late Holocene (4.2 ka-present).  相似文献   

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