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中国大陆重力场非潮汐时空变化特征的初步分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文基于Tsoft软件在潮汐数据预处理中的应用,采用Tsoft数据预处理软件和别尔采夫滤波相结合方法,提取了覆盖中国大陆28个重力固体潮台站连续观测数据的非潮汐分量.对各台站2008~2011年的连续数据,进行了缺失数据补接、地震动事件提取和去除非线性漂移等预处理工作,并通过滤波提取固体潮非潮汐分量.结果表明:除在贵阳、勐腊和十堰3个原始数据质量较差的台站外,其它台站观测数据应用本文方法均取得良好的结果.在此基础上,对处理结果采用滑动平均,将非潮汐分量结果的月均值与GRACE卫星和CMAP降水记录的月采样数据进行对比,结果显示了地表降水同重力变化具有一定相关性特征.此外,基于Tsoft软件的分段曲线漂移拟合能有效去除原始数据中的漂移.  相似文献   

Summary The secular positive acceleration of the Earth's rotation has been computed on the basis of the observed secular decrease of the second zonal harmonic[5]. It corresponds to the observed secular deceleration of the Earth's rotation which should be greater because of oceanic tides.
¶rt; u a¶rt;a u m aauu [5], u ¶rt;a num u au. m mmmu a¶rt;a u mu au u, m.. n¶rt; n m uu , ¶rt; m n auu nuua.

This note summarizes recent studies of atmospheric excitation of short-term changes in the length of the day and polar motion which set useful limits on the timescales associated with angular momentum transfer between the Earth's core and mantle. It also speculates about the nature of the recently-discovered phenomenon of “impulses” or “jerks” in the geomagnetic secular variation, proposing that they might be manifestations of “loop” instability of the magnetic field within the core. Finally, it outlines novel properties of high magnetic Reynolds number flows that bear on the inverse problem of deducing core motions from geomagnetic secular variation data.  相似文献   

The geomagnetic secular variation is not well known. This limits the useful life of geomagnetic models. The secular variation is usually assumed to be linear with time. It is found that attenative schemes that employ quasiperiodic variations from internal and external sources can improve the extrapolation of secular variation at high-quality observatories. Although the schemes discussed are not yet fully applicable in worldwide model making, they do suggest some basic ideas that may be developed into useful tools in future model work.  相似文献   

The geomagnetic field components are periodically measured at repeat stations. The main objective of the repeat stations is to provide data for tracing the secular variation of the geomagnetic field components. Secular variation at the repeat station is generally different from that at geomagnetic observatory used in the data reduction. The effect of the secular variation differences on geomagnetic data reduction was estimated for the regions of Europe, North America (below 60°N) and Australia, respectively, during the period of 2000-2010. These estimations were obtained by using the monthly mean values of north, east and vertical components of geomagnetic field, recorded at geomagnetic observatories. The effects were calculated by using observatories pairs, with distances from 350 km (in Europe) to 3100 km (in North America and Australia). The maximal effects were found to be the smallest in east component in Europe and North America, and vertical component in Australia; the effects increase with time from a central reduction epoch and they are not constant during mentioned eleven years; they were less than 1 nT only in Europe, for distances between the observatories up to 1000 km in all three components and for periods spanning ±1 month from a central epoch. It was found that their year to year variability is mostly due to the non-eliminated external field residuals in the observatories monthly means; their effect is up to 3 nT for ±3 months from a central epoch. Further, the real effects were compared to those modeled by IGRF-12 model. The maximal differences between the real and the modeled values are below 4.5 nT in all three components, for ±3 months from a central epoch.  相似文献   

Methods of producing spherical harmonic models of the secular variation of the geomagnetic field are reviewed and classified, more emphasis being given to modern methods. The relative merits of the different techniques are discussed and their relevance to possible procedures for updating the International Geomagnetic Reference Field (IGRF) are considered.  相似文献   

A note on the general concept of wave breaking for Rossby and gravity waves   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A recently proposed general definition of wave breaking is further discussed, in order to deal with some points on which misunderstanding appears to have arisen. As with surface and internal gravity waves, the classification of Rossby waves into breaking and not breaking is a generic classification based on dynamical considerations, and not a statement about any unique signature or automatically recognizable shape. Nor is it a statement about passive tracers uncorrelated with potential vorticity on isentropic surfaces. A strong motivation for the definition is that proofs of the nonacceleration theorem of wave, mean-flow interaction theory rely, explicitly or implicitly, on a hypothesis that the waves do not break in the sense envisaged.The general definition refers to the qualitative behaviour of a certain set of material contours, namely those, and only those, which would undulate reversibly, with small slopes, under the influence of the waves' restoring mechanism, in those circumstances for which linearized, nondissipative wave theory is a self-consistent approximation to nonlinear reality. The waves' restoring mechanism depends upon the basic-state vertical potential density gradient in the case of gravity waves, and upon the basic-state isentropic gradient of potential vorticity in the case of Rossby waves. In the usual linearized theory of planetary scale Rossby waves on a zonal shear flow, the relevant material contours lie along latitude circles when undisturbed.  相似文献   

Slow changes in the magnetic field are believed to originate in the core of the Earth. Interpretation of these changes requires knowledge both of the vertical component of the field and of its rate of change at the core-mantle boundary (CMB). While various spherical harmonic models show some agreement for the field at the CMB, those for secular variation (SV) do not. SV models depend heavily on annual means at relatively few and poorly distributed magnetic observatories. In this paper, the SV at the CMB is modelled by fitting 15-year differences in the annual means of the X, Y and Z components (from 1959 to 1974). The model is made unique by imposing the constraint that ?CMBB?r2dS be a minimum, using the method of Shure et al. (1982). If SV is attributed to motions of core fluid, then this model will yield, in some sense, the slowest core motions. The null space is determined by the distribution of observations, and therefore, to be consistent, only those observatories have been retained which recorded almost continuously throughout the interval 1959–1974.The method allows misfit between the model and the observations. The best value for the misfit can be derived from estimates of errors in the data, or alternatively, because larger misfit leads to smoother models (i.e., smaller ? B?r2dS), the best value can be estimated subjectively from the final appearance of the model. Both procedures have their counterparts in the conventional spherical harmonic expansion approach, when smoothing is achieved by lowering the truncation level. The new proposal made in this paper is to use objective criteria for determining the misfit, based on the assumption that diffusion is negligible, in which event all integrals B?r2dS will vanish when Si is a region on the CMB bounded by a contour of zero vertical component of field. For the 1965 definitive model which is adopted here, and for most other contemporary models, there are six such areas, giving five independent integrals (the integrals over the six regions must sum to zero if ? · B = 0). Tabulating these integrals for various choices of the misfit gives minimum values near 2 nT y?1. It is impossible to achieve this good a fit to the data using a reasonable model derived by truncating the spherical harmonic expansion. The value 2 nT y?1 corresponds to errors of ~ 20 nT in individual annual means, which is rather larger than expected from the scatter in the data.  相似文献   

An analytical expression is derived for the cutoff rigidity of cosmic rays arriving at a point in an arbitrary direction, when the main geomagnetic field is approximated by that of an eccentric dipole. This expression is used to determine changes in geomagnetic cutoffs due to secular variation of the geomagnetic field since 1835. Effects of westward drift of the quadrupole field and decrease in the effective dipole moment are seen in the isorigidity contours. On account of the immense computer time required to determine the cutoff rigidities more accurately using the particle trajectory tracing technique, the present formulation may be useful in estimating the transmission factor of the geomagnetic field in cosmic ray studies, modulation of cosmogenic isotope production by geomagnetic secular variation, and the contribution of geomagnetic field variation to long term changes in climate through cosmic ray related modulation of the current flow in the global electric circuit.  相似文献   

《Journal of Atmospheric and Solar》2002,64(12-14):1465-1469
Oscillatory neutral wind motions, such as those of atmospheric gravity waves which propagate through the E-region of the ionosphere, appear to produce local electric fields in the source region. Although the net effect of these oscillatory fields vanishes outside the source region, the local fields themselves are not shorted out along the magnetic field lines, as is usually assumed. We present in situ measurements of neutral winds and the correlated electric fields, and show that local electric fields of the order of a few mV/m can be sustained by the neutral wind motions.  相似文献   

首次引用古地磁学中虚地磁极(VGP)的计算方法来研究现代地磁场的变化规律。通过对中国地区6个台站资料的分析以及对全球39个台站资料的分析结果可以得出结论:利用地磁场角度分量来研究长期变化是可行的;VGP的漂移情况正好表明非偶极子磁场的存在与随时间的变化;VGP漂移方向的全球分布与地磁长期变化场的有关分量等值图之间的一致性较好。  相似文献   

Monthly geopotential spherical harmonic coefficients from the GRACE satellite mission are used to determine their usefulness and limitations for studying glacial isostatic adjustment (GIA) in North-America. Secular gravity rates are estimated by unweighted least-squares estimation using release 4 coefficients from August 2002 to August 2007 provided by the Center for Space Research (CSR), University of Texas. Smoothing is required to suppress short wavelength noise, in addition to filtering to diminish geographically correlated errors, as shown in previous studies. Optimal cut-off degrees and orders are determined for the destriping filter to maximize the signal to noise ratio. The halfwidth of the Gaussian filter is shown to significantly affect the sensitivity of the GRACE data (with respect to upper mantle viscosity and ice loading history). Therefore, the halfwidth should be selected based on the desired sensitivity.It is shown that increase in water storage in an area south west of Hudson Bay, from the summer of 2003 to the summer of 2006, contributes up to half of the maximum estimated gravity rate. Hydrology models differ in the predictions of the secular change in water storage, therefore even 4-year trend estimates are influenced by the uncertainty in water storage changes. Land ice melting in Greenland and Alaska has a non-negligible contribution, up to one-fourth of the maximum gravity rate.The estimated secular gravity rate shows two distinct peaks that can possibly be due to two domes in the former Pleistocene ice cover: west and south east of Hudson Bay. With a limited number of models, a better fit is obtained with models that use the ICE-3G model compared to the ICE-5G model. However, the uncertainty in interannual variations in hydrology models is too large to constrain the ice loading history with the current data span. For future work in which GRACE will be used to constrain ice loading history and the Earth's radial viscosity profile, it is important to include realistic uncertainty estimates for hydrology models and land ice melting in addition to the effects of lateral heterogeneity.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider a vertical wavenumber spectrum of vertically propagating gravity waves impinging on a rapid increase in atmospheric stability. If the high-wavenumber range is saturated below the increase, as is usually observed, then the compression of vertical scales as the waves enter a region of higher stability results in that range becoming supersaturated, that is, the spectral amplitude becomes larger than the saturation limit. The supersaturated wave energy must then dissipate in a vertical distance of the order of a wavelength, resulting in an enhanced turbulent energy dissipation rate. If the wave spectrum is azimuthally anisotropic, the dissipation also results in an enhanced vertical divergence of the vertical flux of horizontal momentum and enhanced wave drag in the same region. Estimates of the enhanced dissipation rates and radar reflectivities appear to be consistent with the enhancements observed near the high-latitude summer mesopause. Estimates of the enhanced mean flow acceleration appear to be consistent with the wave drag that is needed near the tropopause and the high-latitude summer mesopause in large-scale models of the atmosphere. Thus, this process may play a significant role in determining the global effects of gravity waves on the large-scale circulation.  相似文献   

使用华南地区5个国家基准地磁台2008—2018年地磁观测数据,通过对磁偏角D、磁倾角I、总强度F、北向分量X、东向分量Y、水平分量H、垂直分量Z月均值及年变率的分析,研究该区地磁场长期变化特征。结果表明,华南地区5个地磁台近10年来七要素月均值及年变率均呈缓慢变化趋势,且变化量相当,反映了该区域地磁场长期变化的特征。  相似文献   

The main portion of the inner radiation belt en-countered by spacecraft in low-Earth orbits (LEOs) is concentrated over the South Atlantic Anomaly (SAA) where satellites observed the highest particle flux. The anomaly arises from the Earth’s magnetic field being less intense in the region centered near the east of the Atlantic coast of South America. The trapped radiation belt particles therefore have their lowest mirroring altitudes over the center region of the SAA. Drift shells in t…  相似文献   

地球主磁场的能量密度谱及其长期变化   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6  
根据BJ地磁场模型和第8代国际地磁参考场(IGRF)模型,计算并分折了1690~2000年期间地球表面主磁场和分量的能量密度谱及其长期变化。结果表明1690~2000年期间主磁场的能量密度谱一直在减小,其主要原因是由于偶板子磁场的衰减产生的,而非偶板子磁场的能量密度谱在1690~1780年期间减小,1780~1890年增大,1890年以后快速增大。在地磁场总能谱的变化中,Z分量的贡献起主要作用。能量密度随谐波阶数的变化在半对数坐标中近似线性,非偶板子场的等效磁源深度位于核幔边界附近,n=1,2谐波项的等效磁源位于地球内核边缘,其位置随时间变化。1780和1890年前后是地磁场变化的转折时期。能量密度谱的长期变化存在大约60a的周期规律。  相似文献   

The interpretation of the Jarrafa magnetic and gravity highs, NW Libyan offshore, suggests that it may be caused by a body of high-density and high magnetization. Analysis of their power spectra indicates two groups of sources at: (1) 2.7 km depth, probably related to the igneous rocks, some of which were penetrated in the JA-1 borehole, (2) 5 km depth, corresponding to the top of the causative body and (3) 10 km depth, probably referring to the local basement depth. The boundary analysis derived from applied horizontal gradient to both gravity and magnetic data reveals lineaments many of which can be related to geological structures (grabens, horsts and faults).The poor correlation between pseudogravity fields for induced magnetization and observed gravity fields strongly suggests that the causative structure has a remanent magnetization (D = −16°, I = 23°) of Early Cretaceous age, fitting with the opening of the Neo Tethys 3 Ocean.Three-dimensional interpretation techniques indicate that the magnetic source of the Jarrafa magnetic anomaly has a magnetization intensity of 0.46 A/m, which is required to simulate the amplitude of the observed magnetic anomaly. The magnetic model shows that it has a base level at 15 km.The history of the area combined with the analysis and interpretation of the gravity and magnetic data suggests that: (1) the source of the Jarrafa anomaly is a mafic igneous rock and it may have formed during an Early Cretaceous extensional phase and (2) the Jarrafa basin was left-laterally sheared along the WNW Hercynian North Graben Fault Zone, during its reactivation in the Early Cretaceous.  相似文献   

地磁长周期变化与日长10年尺度波动的相关分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
分析1900~2000年期间地磁长期变化和日长变化10年尺度波动的相关性,估算了核幔电磁耦合力矩,并与国外一些研究者的结果进行了对比。结果表明,地磁偶极矩的变化率M&与日长10年尺度波动存在时滞相关,地磁偶极矩变化比日长变化滞后大约10 a;在地幔电导为108~5108 S时,核幔电磁耦合力矩具有与日长10年尺度变化所需力矩的量级。  相似文献   

Fourier transforms of the theoretical gravity effect due to a two-dimensional asymmetrical triangular prism have been derived. Evaluation of the parameters from the analysis of the Fourier Spectra has been outlined.  相似文献   

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