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The successful bid for the Beijing Winter Olympics has brought historic opportunities for the development of ice and snow tourism in China. An index system for the evaluation of tourist satisfaction in ice and snow tourism destinations was constructed from the target layer-factor layer-index layer approach in this paper. Taking tourists with ice and snow tourism experience as the research object, and integrating a questionnaire survey and the Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA) method, a total of 840 valid questionnaires were collected to assess the satisfaction of tourists in snow and ice tourism destinations, and the promotion model of tourist satisfaction in ice and snow tourism destinations was put forward. This process led to three main results. (1) Ice and snow tourists in China are characterized as young and better-educated, with college students aged 19 to 25 as the main consumer group. More than 70% of ice and snow tourists are pretty satisfied with the current development of ice and snow destinations in China, and are willing to participate again. (2) Other than “ice and snow souvenirs”, tourists’ perceptions of importance are all higher than the level of perceived satisfaction, and the importance values of the 13 indicators including “Scenic spot security” and “Diversity of ice and snow entertainment and sports” are especially high, showing that tourists have high expectations and demands of the destinations. However, the perceived satisfaction level of tourists for all indexes is generally low, mostly at the general satisfaction level, indicating that ice and snow tourism destinations have only partially met the demands of ice and snow tourists, and there is still much room for improvement. (3) After IPA analysis, five suggestions for improving the satisfaction of tourists in ice and snow tourism destinations were put forward, including diversification of the tourism business model, construction of tourism facilities, a market diversified cultivation model, a humanized mode of tourism service and a refined management model. The results of this study will help to enrich the theory of ice and snow tourist satisfaction and promote the high-quality development of China's ice and snow tourism in the post-Winter Olympics era.  相似文献   

We examined the Hulun Lake protected area (HLPA) and tourist willingness to pay (WTP) for ecotourism resources using the contingent valuation method (CVM). Eight hundred questionnaires were distributed in the HLPA and 708 questionnaires were collected. To establish the relationship between variables and WTP, 11 variables were incorporated into the model. Social trust factors and awareness factor were for the first time applied to the models, and two bid equations were obtained by the first and second bid. We found that tourist WTP for ecotourism resources in the HLPA was CNY 14 710 389 in 2010, indicating that tourists have a large WTP for protected area ecotourism resources. Most tourists (79.9%) were willing to pay for ecotourism resources and 21.1% tourists were unwilling to pay. The most common explanation for unwillingness to pay was that it was the government’s responsibility, influenced by special social and economic characteristics in China and indicating that Chinese residents lack resource protection awareness and participation. Income and the awareness of being in a protected area most significantly affected WTP. Trusting protected area authorities significantly affected WTP. Tourists’ satisfaction affected WTP negatively in the first equation and WTP positively in the second equation. These results reveal that tourists had large WTP for ecotourism resources. To improve the WTP for ecotourism resources, the protected area management department could use third-party monitoring mechanisms and accounting systems to strengthen tourists’ trust, and increase ecological education and modify the “one site, several brands” management system.  相似文献   

This paper examines the influence environmental awareness and recreation experience has on the environmentally-friendly behavior of tourists, and identifies the function of perceived quality as an intermediary variable. By providing a conceptual framework based on the combination of environmental awareness theory and tourist perception theory, and a SEM-based methodology, an in-depth analysis of the influence mechanism was carried out in the Qinghai Lake area of Qinghai province. Results show that there exist differences in the ways environmental awareness influences perceived gains and perceived losses, and the influence coefficient of the former is higher than that of the latter. The perceived gains may promote environmentally friendly behaviors, while the perceived losses have an adverse impact on such behaviors. Moreover, the strength of the adverse impact of the latter is less than the strength of the positive impact of the former. The mediating effect of perceived quality was confirmed in the EA (environmental awareness)-EB (environmental behavior) nexus, within which the influence of tourist environmental awareness on environmentally friendly behavior could be transformed. The mediating effect of perceived quality in the perceived-gains model was more obvious than that in the perceived-losses model. This study highlights the importance of understanding the foundations of environmental behavior related to environmental awareness and tourist perceptions.  相似文献   

Tourism has emerged as a major driving force in the growth and expansion of rural settlements. After several studies revealed spatial differentiation of touristization among rural settlements, studies were conducted to explain this phenomenon. However, most of these studies explained spatial differentiation of rural touristization in a qualitative way. More robust and detailed quantitative results are needed to evaluate the relative roles of different factors. In this study, which takes Yesanpo tourism as a case study, the Geo-detector method was introduced to evaluate determining factors of rural touristization. Results show that “distance to core entry”, “tourist number and sojourn time”, and “distance to the nearest scenic area” have had a strong effect on the rural touristization in Yesanpo, whereas “distance to river”, “elevation”, “distance to main road”, and “slope” have had a weak influence. The latter did, however, contribute a lot to touristization when interacting with “distance to core entry”, “tourist number and sojourn time”, and “distance to the nearest scenic”, indicating the importance of these four factors. Higher rural touristization occurred in the zone near the core entry, with many tourists, long sojourn times, and proximity to the scenic area.  相似文献   

目的地居民作为旅游活动的重要参与主体,对旅游业的行为态度不仅影响着游客的感知和体验,也对目的地旅游业的可持续发展起着重要作用。在旅游支持态度与亲环境行为等相关研究的基础上,提出亲旅游行为的概念,表达居民促进旅游业在当地更好发展的行为意向。以社会表征理论研究框架为基础,构建“社区关系—效益感知—行为态度”模型,实证考察了社区关系对亲旅游行为的影响,探讨了旅游效益感知的中介作用和旅游事件依恋的调节作用。结果表明:社区关系对目的地居民经济效益、社会效益、环境效益感知均具有显著的正向影响,积极的旅游影响感知又对亲旅游行为产生显著的正向影响作用。居民对经济、社会、环境效益的感知在社区关系与亲旅游行为之间存在多重链式中介作用,传统的中介模型低估了旅游效益感知的影响作用。旅游事件依恋正向调节了社区关系与旅游社会效益感知、环境效益感知的关系。研究结论为揭示旅游介入情境下社区关系、效益感知与亲旅游行为之间的影响机制提供了一定的理论依据,对于目的地社区旅游开发与管理具有一定的实践参考价值。  相似文献   

城市物流企业的空间分布决定物流空间格局、影响城市综合资源和生产空间的合理配置。以西北内陆中心城市——兰州市为案例区,基于微观物流企业数据并运用空间分析方法刻画了兰州市物流企业的空间分布及类型分异特征,进一步通过负二项回归模型探究了其区位选择的影响因素。结果表明:(1) 兰州市物流企业空间分布不均衡特征显著,总体呈现出“中心为主、远郊和近郊为辅,且沿城市交通主干道呈寄生状分布”的分异格局,具体可归纳为“多中心极化”、“中心极化”、“多中心外扩”、“中心外扩”、“整体极化”与“局部外扩”并存5种空间组织形态。(2) 物流企业呈现出“两心两翼四组团”的空间集聚特征,就不同类型而言,运输型和综合型物流企业呈现出“地域均衡化,类型多元化”集聚特征,货代型、快递型及仓储型物流企业则呈现出“片区集聚化,类型集群化”集聚特征。(3) 物流企业空间分异格局与类型分异特征受交通条件、集聚因素、政府政策、土地价格和城乡差异等多元因素影响,其中交通条件、集聚因素以及政府政策对行业整体在区位选择中的影响最为显著。(4) 从企业类型来看,货代型、综合型物流企业的区位选择受集聚因素影响最为显著;快递型、运输型物流企业则较为关注交通条件;仓储型物流企业对政府政策更为敏感。研究结果在丰富城市物流企业区位理论和研究案例的同时,对我国西北内陆中心城市物流企业空间布局优化具有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

张兵兵  胡榴榴 《地理研究》2021,40(10):2930-2948
城市环境立法是推进生态文明建设的重要法制保障,也会因强化的环境规制而对企业贸易行为产生深刻影响。基于2000—2013年中国工业企业和海关数据库,以城市环境立法为准自然实验,运用双重差分法考察其对企业出口国内附加值率的影响。研究表明:① 城市环境立法在样本期内虽然不利于企业出口国内附加值率的提升,但随着立法时间效应累积,“波特效应”会逐渐增强,城市环境立法的负向影响会被不断减弱。② 异质性分析发现,城市环境立法对较低创新型企业、低融资约束企业、加工贸易型企业以及“两控区”企业出口国内附加值率的负向影响更为显著。③ 机制研究表明,城市环境立法引致的“中间品替代效应”会降低企业出口国内附加值率,即城市环境立法在一定程度上增加了企业国内生产成本,从而导致国内中间品种类和数量下降,进而使得企业出口国内附加值率下降;此外,城市环境立法又会通过“成本加成效应”提升企业出口国内附加值率,即城市环境立法会倒逼企业创新继而提高企业成本加成率,使得企业出口国内附加值率得以提升。但负向的“中间品替代效应”大于正向的“成本加成效应”,从而使得城市环境立法不利于企业出口国内附加值率的提升。不断健全地方环境法律法规,提升地方政府环境治理能力,推动企业技术创新与绿色生产,是实现经济高质量发展的有效路径。  相似文献   

客源市场结构与游客行为研究是旅游资源开发、旅游目的地管理及可持续发展极其重要的基础。以沙坡头景区为例,通过问卷调查,对沙漠型景区游客的基本社会属性、决策行为特征、时空行为特征、景区满意度等方面进行了调研,基于Excel、SPSS软件对数据进行处理分析。结果表明:(1)沙漠型景区的客源市场具有明显的空间地域性,西北地区和华北地区是主要客源市场;(2)沙漠旅游发展趋势愈加大众化。游客以中等收入的青年、中年为主,且沙漠旅游意愿强烈;(3)网络和亲友推荐是沙漠型景区游客获取旅游信息的主要途径;(4)沙漠型景区自助游如火如荼,倍受青睐;(5)沙漠型景区的体验项目备受欢迎;(6)游客在沙漠型景区停留时间集中在4~5 h。  相似文献   

研究聚焦于“地理想象”这一典型的文化地理现象,借助鲍曼的“流动的现代性”概念工具,分析了两种多元空间在同一时空进程中的混杂状态,尝试从流动性的视角重新阐释西藏地方意义的多元互构方式。以西藏为例,研究初步验证了如下两个理论猜想:① 未到西藏之前,人们的惯常思维是以经历过或正在经历的现实空间来对未经历的西藏空间加以想象,因为这种现实“在场”与想象“不在场”的时刻混杂,从而引发了一些改变人地关系的流动,如“我要去西藏亲眼看看”和“我想去真实地感受那里”等;② 真实到达西藏以后,“身体触摸”下的陌生西藏空间却不同于原本接近于诗意化表达下的那个想象空间,多元空间在同一时空进程下的混杂使得旅游者这一典型的现代人群体产生某种错觉,仿佛又置身于另一个新的现代性进程,于是在一个新的“第三空间”中通过与地方联结开始反思现代性之于个体的生命价值与存在意义。研究结论揭示了西藏地方意义的构成背后所隐藏的现代人对于流体化现代性生活的反身性思考,同时从学理上赋予地理想象概念以新的流动性解释。  相似文献   

陈飙  杨桂华 《地理科学》2004,24(3):371-375
文章通过对云南省香格里拉县碧塔海生态旅游景区土壤、植被野外调查,实验室数据分析,构建景区旅游者对土壤践踏影响强度指标体系,建立旅游者沿游径横截面方向的正态分布模型,探寻景区旅游者分布与土壤践踏之间的规律并提出土壤践踏基础容量指标,以此反映自然状态下,生态旅游景区土壤因子对旅游者践踏的适应能力。研究结果将为景区的生态旅游环境管理提供理论依据。  相似文献   

骆培聪  张明锋 《地理科学》2010,30(3):377-383
地处闽西的武夷山、泰宁金湖、连城冠豸山、永安桃源洞等国家重点风景名胜区均属典型的丹霞地貌类型景区,距离较近,开展它们客流时间分布比较研究对各景区旅游业发展具有指导意义。运用小波分析、季节性强度指数、旅游气候舒适度模型等方法,对这4个旅游景区客流时间分布特性及其影响因素进行分析比较。结果表明,2001~2008年每个景区接待游客数量总体上是增加的,武夷山年游客数量最大,泰宁金湖景区客流年际波动辐度较大;武夷山景区客流年内变化曲线为"三峰三谷",泰宁金湖景区为"驼峰",冠豸山、桃源洞景区为"两高峰、两中峰、四低谷",泰宁金湖客流年内变化最大,冠豸山、桃源洞次之,武夷山最小;冠豸山和桃源洞景区客流月内波动要比武夷山、泰宁金湖景区大一些;连城冠豸山周内客流峰值分布在周日,其他景区客流峰值在周六,武夷山黄金周游客接待量最大。并对气候因素、社会因素、景区知名度、对外交通条件、旅游管理体制与管理水平等影响因素进行了分析。  相似文献   

Ordinary places become tourist places when they are attributed particular meanings and values which appeal to and attract tourists. In this sense, tourist places are socially constructed and negotiated phenomena. This paper explores place meanings in the context of the Daintree and Cape Tribulation area, Far North Queensland, Australia. Two components of place meaning were examined. Firstly, the meanings of place produced by the tourist industry and, secondly, the meanings of place consumed by tourists visiting the area. There existed significant overlap between these constructions in spite of potentially conflicting on-site evidence, suggesting that actual experience of place does not significantly affect place meanings. This was confirmed by a comparison between different groups of tourists, which revealed that the meaning attributed to place was influenced by pre-visitation variables, including existing knowledge, and environmental preferences and experience. A conceptual model of tourist places is proposed, which argues that the success of a tourist place depends on the level of consensus on meanings negotiated between the systems of place production and place consumption.  相似文献   

胡晓辉  董柯  杨宇 《地理研究》2021,40(12):3272-3286
在全球政治经济变局和多尺度危机冲击语境下,区域经济韧性已成为当下经济地理学探究区域发展动态的核心议题。区域经济韧性不仅有关本地经济属性和适应力,更受到外部联系动态的影响,在范式上需融入多尺度网络动态观。本文将全球生产网络理论中的战略耦合概念纳入到演化经济地理学的区域经济韧性思想中,对两部分文献进行计量分析和梳理对比。在此基础上,以战略耦合不同模式(即耦合、去耦合、再耦合)为切入点,构建了一套基于“战略耦合演化”的区域经济韧性分析框架。研究结论:① 任何一种战略耦合模式,均是一种“战略性求变”和“语境应对”的能动行为过程,是理解区域经济韧性尺度性与能力来源的核心。② 两者在“连接度”“语境敏感性”“路径发展”概念上有较高的思想共性,相互融合可提升区域经济韧性的理论内涵。③ 战略耦合的能动主体、目的、嵌入性程度及方式是理解区域经济韧性特征和机制的关键,有助于从“地方-全球连接互动”的视角来综合分析区域经济韧性的初始属性(区域优势)、过程(恢复、更新和转型)、能力(恢复力、转型力和更新力)和结果(多元路径发展趋势)。本文认为战略耦合演化视角有利于破除以往“区域主义”韧性思想,能更科学地剖析区域经济韧性的多尺度语境依赖、多主体能动过程和多要素互动机制。此外,有利于推动关系与演化经济地理范式的融合创新,对“双循环”战略下中国企业决策和区域经济发展有重要现实意义。  相似文献   

杨子生  杨人懿  刘凤莲 《地理研究》2021,40(8):2252-2271
云南是中国贫困县最多的山区省份,同时也是中国城乡收入差距长期居高不下的典型省份。针对当前研究中未能深入探讨城乡收入差距与各地贫困程度关联性、未能深入探讨各影响因素空间相关性、忽视关键地理因素对城乡收入差距影响等问题和不足,本文将各县按照贫困程度的差异划分为4个类别,使用云南省129个县(市)2010—2018年产业、社会、经济、人口等维度的面板数据,并引入“地形-气候综合优劣度”作为非经济指标,在分析城乡收入差距时空演化和空间格局特征基础上,运用空间动态面板模型深入探析了其影响因素。基于研究结果,认为有必要将缩小城乡收入差距与国家精准扶贫战略、城乡融合发展战略和乡村振兴战略有效衔接。  相似文献   

高雅妮  何丹  高鹏  孙志晶 《地理研究》2022,41(6):1577-1592
如何更为精准地刻画流空间视角下城市网络节点地位,是城市网络研究的关注重点之一。本文以长三角地区县级空间单元为研究区域,采用全行业500强上市公司的“母-子-孙”三层级股权关系数据,构建有向加权网络来刻画长三角地区城市间投资联系水平;通过转变中心性与转变控制力对节点城市的网络地位进行分类;最后采用空间计量模型对长三角城市网络节点地位的影响因素进行测算和分析。研究发现:① 长三角城市网络节点地位呈现出“等级+网络”的特征。城市在网络中依旧呈等级分布;然而部分中小城市在网络中地位具有了上升通道,往往可利用资源禀赋使得其获得更高的网络地位,网络结构具有扁平化特征。② 长三角城市网络节点地位特征并没有完全遵循转变中心性与转变控制力的“高-高”“中-中”和“低-低”的匹配关系,而存在“高-中(低)”“中-高(低)”或“低-高(中)”的非匹配关系。③ 城市经济发展水平、人力资本、创新活力、产业结构、城市经营环境和公共服务设施配套情况等会对城市网络地位产生显著的影响。  相似文献   

中国主要城市入境旅游网络结构演变分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
基于旅游经济联系模型,运用GIS技术手段,构建中国入境旅游城市的旅游经济联系网络,并对1997年和2010年的Top1、Top5和Top10网络的结构演变特征进行研究。研究发现:① 整体网络规模在缩小,但是最大联系强度和平均联系强度却明显增长,且最大联系强度一直出现在广州和深圳之间;② 整体网络结构处于核心极化阶段,总体呈现“东部强,中西弱”的“L”型分布,一级节点城市北京、上海和广州的集聚作用显著,且进一步增强;③ 旅游城市联系以东部区内联系为主,东部地区城市的集聚作用愈加明显,中部和西部地区城市的集聚作用在减弱;④ 中国入境旅游城市可分为三大体系,形成三极多核的空间格局。  相似文献   

Determining how to achieve sustainable development and protection of historical districts is a worthwhile research topic. As a vital way to update urban space, tourism development in historical districts is an effective tool for redistributing urban functions and increasing urban vitality. This paper takes the Insa-dong in South Korea as a case study for the evaluation of tourist satisfaction in historical districts, based on 550 questionnaires. The questionnaire contains 33 evaluation indicators, and the subjects' subjective judgment and satisfaction with Insa-dong are measured in the form of the Likert scale. Using SPSS to analyze tourists’ satisfaction with historical districts, this studyfinds that: (1) The tourist satisfaction evaluation of Insa-dong includes six dimensions in total: “Embodiment of historical elements”, “The blend of tradition and modernity”, “Industry distribution and type”, “Consumer demand”, “ Street layout and function” and “Landscaping”. (2) “The blend of tradition and modernity” has the highest weight while “Industry distribution and type” has the lowest one in the analysis of factors influencing overall satisfaction. (3) The analysis of the common factor weights and the common factor satisfaction levels shows that “The blend of tradition and modernity” and “Street layout and function” are the parts that need to be improved. “Consumer demand” also has a lot of room for promotion. The research results will be beneficial for enhancing the tourist experiences of historical districts and they provide a theoretical basis and practical experience reference for effective protection and sustainable development of historical districts.  相似文献   

To modernize food safety governance, we must carry out basic restructuring of its internal logic at the national level to reflect the features of contemporary Chinese society that shape food safety. This will entail establishing an overarching, macro-level conception of food safety that integrates “baseline safety”, “hub safety”, “co-constructed safety” and “endogenous safety”. These four dimensions of safety represent four fundamental requirements of food safety governance in modern Chinese society, which is a “risk society” (Beck 1992) and one that is also complex, open and pluralist. These requirements are: maximum legal liability, a unified, authoritative and efficient supervision system, a concept of social co-governance, and enterprises being the primary entities accountable for food safety. This article uses this analytical framework to interpret the basic contents of the newly revised Food Safety Law of the People’s Republic of China, and uses a focus on social co-governance to present the institutional highlights of this law and the transformation of the internal logic of food safety governance.  相似文献   

在实地调查的基础上,文章对南太行山区旅游客源市场现状进行了系统分析,认为该区旅游市场结构以国内游客占绝对优势;旅游者以中青年居多,其分布具有空间近距离性,行为特征表现为休闲观光比重大、散客多、逗留时间短等。针对这些特征,充分考虑南太行山旅游资源的特点、区位条件和旅游市场的发展趋势,规划了旅游市场的细分目标,并从形象营销、品牌营销、网络营销、绿色营销、整合营销等方面进行了针对性的市场营销扩展策略研究。  相似文献   

西安旅游区旅游流空间结构研究   总被引:25,自引:2,他引:23  
把握旅游流运动规律有利于区域旅游产品开发方向的确定和线路合理组织。该文运用行为地理学相关概念和理论,采用实证分析和数理统计相结合的方法,对西安旅游区入境旅游流流动规律和空间结构进行了刻画和测度。结果显示,研究区内旅游流空间结构较不均衡,基尼系数高达0.38,游客对东线旅游产品往往表现出明显的整体偏好。对这种状况形成的机理和应对策略进行阐释与描述。  相似文献   

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