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The infestation rate of termites in the Yabello rangeland, caused by both climatic and human factors, is of interest at certain times. This study was conducted in order to evaluate the impact of termites and determine appropriate management measures in the study area. Data was collected from three kebeles of the Yabello district (Dida Tuyura, Danbal-Waccu and Arero), the selection of which was dependent on the extent to which the termites had spread. A field survey method and semi-structured questionnaires were used for 40 community representatives from each of the selected kebeles. A total of 120 community representatives were interviewed and the interviews were supported by direct observations and informal discussions to understand the impact of termites on rangeland degradation, and to explain the trends. Historical background data of termite infestation rates in the study area was collected and evaluated .In addition to the direct impact caused by termites on forage products, buildings and crops, the linkages of termites with the environment and management mechanisms were identified. Yabello rangeland has often been under termite infestation stress and problems are increasing at an alarming rate. So in order to minimize the impact of termites on rangeland degradation identification of exact termite species and take appropriate management together with the community knowledge and scientific management system was recommended.  相似文献   

周边对一国地区稳定、经济发展等影响重大,中国也一直奉行“邻国是首要”的外交战略,推行“睦邻、富邻、安邻”的邻国政策.主要分析中国及其周边国家贸易网络,在经济依赖度分析等基础上,借助社会网络分析工具进行程度中心性分析、结构同型分析等一系列分析,从而对中国及其周边国家贸易网络进行多方面解剖.结果表明:中国与周边国家存在不平等的经济依赖度;贸易网络存在较为明显的核心—边缘结构;中国在周边贸易网络中占据主导地位,经济影响力不断上升.研究表明,地缘政治研究中引入社会网络分析方法可以实现空间关系的网络化和网络关系的空间化,深化对地缘环境的认识.  相似文献   

The Qilian mountain area was examined for using the Logistic-CA-Markov coupling model combined with GIS spatial analyst technology to research the transformation of LUCC, driving force system and simulate future tendency of variation. Results show that:(1) Woodland area decreased by 12.55%, while grassland, cultivated land, and settlement areas increased by 0.22%, 7.92%, and 0.03%, respectively, from 1986 to 2014. During the period of 1986 to 2000, forest degradation in the middle section of the mountain area decreased by 1,501.69 km~2. Vegetation cover area improved, with a net increase of grassland area of 38.12 km~2 from 2000 to 2014.(2) For constructing the system driving force, the best simulation scale was 210m×210m. Based on logistic regression analysis, the contribution(weight) of composite driving forces to land use and cover change was obtained, and the weight value was more objectively compared with AHP and MCE method.(3) In the natural scenarios, it is predicted that land use and cover distribution maps of Qilian mountain area in 2028 and 2042, and the Lee-Sallee index test was adopted. Over the next 27 years(2015–2042), farmland, woodland, grassland, settlement areas show an increasing trend, especially settlements with an obvious change of 0.56%. The area of bare land will decrease by 0.89%. Without environmental degradation, tremendous structural change of LUCC will not occur, and typical characteristic of the vertical zone of the mountain would remain. Farmland and settlement areas will increase, but only in the vicinity of Qilian and Sunan counties.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a statistical decision-tree model to analyze landslide susceptibility in a wide area of the Akaishi Mountains, Japan. The objectives of this study were to validate the decision-tree model by comparing landslide susceptibility and actual landslide occurrence, and to reveal the relationships among landslide occurrence, topography, and geology. Landslide susceptibility was examined through ensemble learning with a decision tree. Decision trees are advantageous in that estimation processes and order of important explanatory variables are explicitly represented by the tree structures. Topographic characteristics (elevation, slope angle, profile curvature, plan curvature, and dissection and undissection height) and geological data were used as the explanatory variables. These topographic characteristics were calculated from digital elevation models (DEMs). The objective variables were landslide occurrence and reactivation data between 1992 and 2002 that were depicted by satellite image analysis. Landslide susceptibility was validated by comparing actual data on landslides that occurred and reactivated after the model was constructed (between 2002 and 2004).This study revealed that, from 2002 to 2004, landslides tended to occur and reactivate in catchments with high landslide susceptibility. The landslide susceptibility map thus depicts the actual landslide occurrence and reactivation in the Akaishi Mountains. This result indicates that the decision-tree model has appropriate accuracy for estimating the probabilities of future landslides. The tree structure indicates that landslides occurred and reactivated frequently in the catchments that had an average slope angle exceeding ca. 29° and a mode of slope angle exceeding 33°, which agree well with previous studies. A decision tree also quantitatively expresses important explanatory variables at the higher order of the tree structure.  相似文献   

在实际调查基础上,利用遥感和地理信息系统技术,分析伊洛河流域伊河上游地区气候和土地利用变化对径流变化的影响。结果显示,在研究区域中,林地面积最大,1987-2008年,林地、库塘和建设用地面积持续增加,草地、河流和未利用地面积持续减少,耕地面积则先增加后减少。20世纪80年代以来,土地利用变化在不同阶段都使得年平均径流量减小;80-90年代,气候变化使得年平均径流量减小,而90年代到2000年以后,气候变化使得年平均径流量增加,这与90年代年平均降水量减少,而2000年以后年平均降水量增加密切相关。  相似文献   

柳林  姜超  李璐 《地理科学》2019,39(1):61-69
采用双重差分法,对苏州市姑苏区2014~2016年的警情数据进行分析,评估警用治安视频监控的犯罪防控效果。结果表明,视频监控对犯罪具有明显的抑制性作用。在案件类型上,视频监控对盗窃类案件的防控效果较好,但对盗窃电动自行车、盗窃电动车电瓶的防控效果较小。在时间维度上,与节假日相比,对工作日犯罪的抑制效果更好;与晚上相比,对白天犯罪的抑制效果更好。针对通过局部空间自相关分析所获取的重点区域,与警务人员访谈和实地调研后发现,视频监控的犯罪防控效果与周边地理环境、人流密集程度、警务情况等密切相关。  相似文献   

科学识别生态空间、合理预测主导生态系统服务功能时空变化趋势,是构建国土空间生态保护格局的基础,具有重要的理论意义和应用价值。目前,大多数生态空间识别、功能分区和格局重构以当前生态系统服务功能及其结构信息为参照,忽略了生态系统服务综合功能和主导生态系统服务功能的时空动态性,对未来生态空间主导生态系统服务功能变化模拟不重视,一定程度上影响了生态空间保护格局构建的合理性。本研究提出了一种基于生态系统服务功能动态变化特征的生态空间划定方法,实现了邛崃市生态空间范围识别,解决了当前研究忽略生态系统服务功能时空动态性的问题。在此基础上,研究还应用Markov-CA模型,集成主导生态系统服务功能时空变化特征,实现了2025年邛崃市生态空间主导生态系统服务功能时空变化模拟,为生态空间变化模拟寻找到了合适的方法,也为合理构建生态空间保护格局提供了基础支撑。研究发现邛崃市生态系统服务综合功能量及其年际变化率呈现出明显的动态性,这一发现证实我们在识别生态空间时考虑生态系统服务功能动态特性的必要性。应用本文提出的生态空间识别方法确定邛崃市生态空间面积为98307 ha,与地方生态文明建设规划中确定的相应生态空...  相似文献   

基于网络爬虫技术获取房产时空数据,结合时间序列和空间自相关分析方法,在“小区—街道—区级”多尺度上探索广州市住宅容积率时空模式与演化规律。结果表明:① 近三十年广州市居住空间呈现中心城区集聚开发—向南、北方向近郊区拓展—往南、北、东方向远郊区外扩的演变过程,容积率呈现波动式增长态势。② 随着房地产的快速发展,住宅容积率逐渐呈现显著的空间自相关特征,体现了住宅开发与规划有序性的提高。③ 区级尺度上容积率呈现较强的自相关性,越秀区与天河区为HH集聚区,从化区为LL集聚区。街道尺度上容积率呈现出显著的空间不均衡性,区位交通条件较好的街道成为容积率HH集聚区,而LL集聚区主要分布于生态旅游重镇。  相似文献   

面对无处不在且不可预测的变化,减轻乡村人居环境系统脆弱性,增强恢复力成为实现乡村可持续发展与振兴的必要途径。基于田野调查与扎根理论方法,以黄土高原佳县为研究区,自下而上建构了乡村人居环境系统脆弱性-恢复力的演化路径与理论模型。研究发现:(1)自然生态系统、社会经济系统、设施与服务系统范畴形成了7组典型脆弱性-恢复力演化路径。其中,地形与生态、气候变化与灾害、农业农村市场、人口发展等范畴为演化路径中的扰动来源,政策与工程、家庭行为范畴为应对扰动的行动策略,每条路径表现出相应的脆弱性、恢复力演变特征。(2)聚焦乡村人居环境系统的现实困境,政府与家庭两大利益主体做出了减轻脆弱性、建立恢复力的响应行动。家庭响应聚焦于生计及公共服务领域,缺乏应对生态风险、人口空心化与文化淡化的行动。政府层面侧重于响应经济与生计困境、生态风险,而在建立文化恢复力与应对公共服务供给脆弱性的广泛行动较为缺乏。(3)提出了“三足式”系统脆弱性-恢复力演化理论模型。“三足”分指扰动、行动、脆弱性-恢复力演化结果,三足之间交互耦合,且行动内部政府层与家庭层相互适应。最后,文章基于热点范畴、脆弱性与恢复力联合、家庭行为方面提...  相似文献   

李军  赵玉竹  邓梅 《山地学报》2019,(2):284-294
为了建立合理、准确且便于估算和应用的山地地理可照时数空间分布模型,本文以重庆为例,首先利用分布式模型估算了30 a平均年和各月可照时数,并利用基于气象行业标准得到的理论值进行了验证;其次,以栅格单元为统计样本,建立了基于地形尺度的可照时数估算的统计模型。结果表明:(1)基于分布式模型的模拟结果具有较高可信度,除10月外,其他各月和年的相对误差均小于10%,且东北和东南部的相对误差较中西部高。(2)西部方山丘陵区的可照时数高,中部平行岭谷区次之,东北和东南部低。冬季可照时数的空间异质性最大,夏季次之,春秋季接近,均较小。(3)各月和年可照时数与主要地理和地形因子之间的相关关系均表现为极显著性,各月复相关系数在0.7929~0.8277,年复相关系数为0.8522。(4)重庆可照时数估算统计模型在一定程度上简化了分布式模型的计算步骤和计算量,便于其应用,并可为其他地区估算可照时数提供方法参考。  相似文献   

基于空间句法的武汉城区“两抢一盗”犯罪分布环境   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
郑文升  卓蓉蓉  罗静  余斌  王晓芳 《地理学报》2016,71(10):1710-1720
结合空间组构与环境犯罪学,初步建构基于空间句法的犯罪分布环境阐释理论。以武汉市中心城区为案例区域,以立案判决的2013年盗窃罪、抢劫罪和抢夺罪案件分布地点为数据源,以典型犯罪空间为实证研究对象,解读城市“两抢一盗”犯罪现象的分布环境。宏观尺度下,空间组构自发涌现的城市节点容易成为犯罪吸引场,与犯罪热点区分布形成密切关系;节点可达性衔接宏微观空间,影响犯罪人到达、逃逸犯罪地点成本的大小以及犯罪失败风险的高低;微观尺度上,局部空间与整体空间割裂形成的“空间缝隙”为犯罪人的空间探索创造了可能,空间的高集成度与空间使用者的单一化强化了犯罪集聚;空间拓扑深度则通过塑造社区人流的社会结构与领域感影响犯罪的空间防卫。空间句法为分析犯罪人的滋生环境、犯罪动机的刺激环境、犯罪人“到达”、“实施”、“逃逸”的活动环境以及防卫犯罪活动的约束环境提供了有力支撑。  相似文献   

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