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This paper looks at the Green for Grain Project in northern Shaanxi Province.Based on remote sensing monitoring data,this study analyzes the locations of arable land in northern Shaanxi in the years 2000,2010 and 2013 as well as spatio-temporal changes over that period,and then incorporates data on the distribution of terraced fields to improve the input parameters of a RUSLE model and simulate and generate raster data on soil erosion for northern Shaanxi at different stages with a accuracy verification.Finally,combined with the dataset of farmland change,compared and analyzed the characteristics of soil erosion change in the converted farmland to forest(grassland)and the unconverted farmland in northern Shaanxi,so as to determine the project’s impact on soil erosion over time across the region.The results show that between 2000 and 2010,the soil erosion modulus of repurposed farmland in northern Shaanxi decreased 22.7 t/ha,equivalent to 47.08%of the soil erosion modulus of repurposed farmland in 2000.In the same period,the soil erosion modulus of non-repurposed farmland fell 10.99 t/ha,equivalent to 28.6%of the soil erosion modulus of non-repurposed farmland in 2000.The soil erosion modulus for all types of land in northern Shaanxi decreased by an average of 14.51 t/ha between 2000 and 2010,equivalent to 41.87%of the soil erosion modulus for the entire region in 2000.This suggests that the Green for Grain Project effectively reduced the soil erosion modulus,thus helping to protect the soil.In particular,arable land that was turned into forest and grassland reduced erosion most noticeably and contributed most to soil conservation.Nevertheless,in the period 2010 to 2013,which was a period of consolidation of the Green for Grain Project,the soil erosion modulus and change in volume of soil erosion in northern Shaanxi were significantly lower than in the previous decade. 相似文献
以生态经济学为基础,采用层次分析法(AHP),建立了达拉特旗风沙区退耕还林还草综合生态效益评价指标体系和数学模型,指标体系包括3个层次12项指标;采用德尔菲法和AHP确定了各项指标权重。对试验区3种典型退耕模式进行综合生态效益评价,并与未退耕荒地对比研究。评价结果表明:3种典型退耕还林模式与未退耕荒地的综合生态效益指数大小趋势为:沙柳+沙蒿退耕模式﹥柠条+沙蒿退耕模式﹥杨树+沙蒿退耕模式﹥未退耕荒地;3种退耕模式综合效益值均达到未退耕地的4倍以上;退耕还林还草工程生物效益、土壤效益、小气候效益、防风固沙效益显著;沙棘+沙蒿退耕模式生态效益数值最高,可以作为达拉特旗风沙区或其他风沙区生态建设中最优植被配置模式。 相似文献
退耕还林还草工程对黄土高原植被总初级生产力的影响 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
采用Landsat解译的2000年和2015年土地利用/覆盖数据和VPM模型(Vegetation Photosynthesis Model)模拟的2000~2016年总初级生产力(Gross Primary Productivity, GPP)数据,识别出了近16 a黄土高原退耕还林还草的空间范围,并估算了GPP的年际变化趋势。在此基础上,对比分析了退耕区和未退耕区GPP年际变化的差异,从而揭示退耕还林还草工程对GPP年际变化的影响。结果显示,2000~2015年,黄土高原退耕还林还草面积约3.5万km2,占2000年耕地面积的16.8%。期间,GPP呈增加趋势,GPP显著上升区域占全区面积的67.3%,平均增速24.1 g/(m2?a)(以C计,下同)。虽然退耕区多年平均GPP低于未退耕区,但退耕区GPP年际增速和相对变化率明显高于未退耕区,分别提高了5.9 g/(m2?a)和1.5%。 相似文献
陕北吴起县退耕还林(草)成效的遥感监测分析 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
利用GIS综合解译分析NOAA/AVHRR、TM和DEM数据,揭示吴起县退耕还林(草)生态建设工程所取得的实效。1998—2003年NOAA/AVHRR遥感监测表明,吴起县域版图在遥感影像上凸现,这就是该县通过实施退耕还林(草)工程留在大地上的绿色印记,表明吴起县植被状况正在逐年改善,而且植被恢复情况明显好于周围区域。退耕前后的LANDSAT TM影像解译结果对比分析说明,吴起县近年来退耕还林(草)的成绩是显著的,生态环境有了明显的改善。与1997年相比,到2004年该县有81.31%耕地不再耕种,退出的耕地主要变为草地、林地和果园;林草覆盖度增加显著,由1997年的37.06%提高到2004年的83.63%;高坡度耕地绝大部分实现退耕,大于25°的坡耕地89.36%实现了退耕;低植被覆盖度的土地面积在大幅度减少,植被覆盖度小于10%的面积减少了90.91%。土壤侵蚀强度总体上降低,但土壤侵蚀状况仍然严重,需要继续加强治理。 相似文献
退耕还林还草工程是构建人与自然生命共同体最具标志性的世界重点生态工程,经过新中国成立以来的号召动员阶段、20世纪末开始实施的第一轮退耕还林还草、2014年启动实施的第二轮退耕还林还草,截至2020年,中央财政已累计投入5353亿元,在25个省(区、市)和新疆生产建设兵团的2435个县实施退耕还林还草3483万ha,其中退耕地还林还草1423万ha、荒山荒地造林1753万ha、封山育林307万ha,占同期全国重点工程造林总面积的40%,有4100万农户、1.58亿农民直接受益,工程建设取得了巨大成效,每年产生的生态效益总价值量达1.42万亿元,经济效益0.26万亿元,社会效益0.73万亿元,合计2.41万亿元,为建设生态文明和美丽中国做出了突出贡献。展望未来,退耕还林还草将走向高质量发展新阶段,就是要努力实现建设高质量、成果高效益、管理高水平,我国在2021-2035年间将继续推动第三轮退耕还林还草,预计可以退耕还林还草667万ha。 相似文献
黄土高原坡耕地退耕还草的水沙变化特征 总被引:22,自引:15,他引:22
根据野外观测资料 ,比较不同农耕地的产流产沙与草地 ,分析了退耕还草后减流减沙效应随降雨特征、坡度以及时间变化的特征。结果表明 ,退耕还草减流减沙主要是在大雨量时 ,尤其是减流效应 ,在小雨量降雨时很弱 ,甚至不减流。退耕还草减流减沙效应随坡度的增加而增大 ,且减沙效应增长速度大于减流效应 ,退耕还草应尽快退掉 2 5°以上的坡耕地。退耕还草减流减沙在多雨和暴雨多年份以及在暴雨多的季节效应强 ,主要削减的是大暴雨、高含沙的地表径流。在任何情况下 ,退耕还草的减沙效应都明显大于减流效应。 相似文献
退耕还林还草工程对中国北方农牧交错区土地利用/覆被变化的影响——以科尔沁左翼后旗为例 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
以北方农牧交错区-科尔沁左翼后旗为例,利用卫星遥感技术获取1980~2010年土地利用/覆被信息,通过统计模型重建土地利用/覆被及景观格局变化过程,综合评价二者动态及退耕还林还草等生态恢复工程的影响。研究区土地整体处于准平衡态势,各地类双向转换较频繁;耕地与草地的变化对区域土地利用/覆被及景观格局变化起支配作用;退耕还林还草等生态恢复工程逆转了天然植被(包括草地与林地)整体减少及耕地与未利用地增加的局面,使各景观破碎化程度有所缓解,这可能有利于生态环境的改善。 相似文献
中国北方农牧交错带风水蚀复合区是一个非常特殊的生态脆弱区,通过对该类型区60个典型县域的实地考察和统计资料分析表明:①该类型区的人均粮食产量自给有余,但粮食单产较低,较高的人均粮食产量是以扩大耕地面积,牺牲生态为代价的,今后粮食增产的主要潜力重点应放在提高水浇地单产上。②从区域和国家生态安全角度考虑,该类型区不适宜大规模开垦耕地,而应在粮食自给的基础上逐渐转变为以牧为主的发展方向,退耕还林(草)正是实现这一重要转变的最有效途径和措施。③农户调查结果表明,退耕对农户粮食产量和家庭经济收入的影响不大,大部分农户能够自觉接受退耕还林(草)政策,但目前正处于相持阶段,仍需要国家给予适当经济补偿。因此,该类型区的退耕还林(草)工程不但不能压缩,而且应该进一步扩大规模,加大投资力度。 相似文献
城市化和退耕还林草对中国耕地生产力的影响 总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14
20 世纪90 年代以来的快速城市化进程和1999 年开始启动的退耕还林草生态工程对耕地的分布与生产能力产生了重要影响。本研究应用由TM 遥感影像获取的1980s-2000 年与2000-2005 年两个时间段耕地变化数据,结合以多时相遥感数据为主要数据源的耕地生产力光能利用率遥感模型估算两个研究时段耕地生产力变化特征,比较城市化与退耕还林草政策主导下两个时期耕地转移对各区域耕地生产力的影响。研究结果表明:两个研究时段因城市占用损失的耕地生产力占土地利用变化(LUCC) 导致的耕地生产力减少总量比例均在60%以上。在20 世纪90 年代,全国新增耕地生产力总量比被占用耕地生产力高87%,耕地转移使中国耕地生产力增加。2000-2005 年间,退耕还林草政策的启动和快速城市化进程对耕地的持续占用导致耕地生产力占补正平衡指数由前一时段的正平衡变为负平衡,转出耕地生产力总量比新增耕地生产力高31%,耕地转为林草地和建设占用损失的耕地生产力分别较前一时段提高57%和85%。城市化与退耕还林草政策等驱动因素作用下耕地开垦区与占用区的空间分布差异使得耕地生产力占补平衡状态和趋势呈现明显的区域分异。 相似文献
Journal of Geographical Sciences - This paper analyzes the spatial variation in soil erosion in the loess hilly-gully region of northern Shaanxi Province, China. It sums up existing research,... 相似文献
为探讨退耕还林政策对农民收入的影响,揭示其内在规律,以灰色关联分析方法为基础,以耕地资源少、坡耕地密集的川西地区为研究案例,选择退耕还林面积、退耕还林补助作为政策的主变量,构建农民收入与退耕还林政策灰色关联度模型,识别退耕还林政策对农民收入影响程度及区域差异.结果表明:川西地区退耕还林政策的两个变量均与农民收入之间存在较强关联,从影响类型看,退耕还林面积与退耕还林补助相比,退耕还林面积与农民收入的关联性较强;从区域内部看,阿坝州、甘孜州较凉山州而言,农民收入与退耕还林政策的关联度整体水平略高;从动态看,农民收入与退耕还林面积关联度曲线呈“U”型,农民收入与退耕还林补助关联度变化呈下降趋势. 相似文献
陕北黄土高原区极端降水时空变化特征及其影响因素 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
基于1970—2017年逐日降水数据,辅以趋势分析、空间分析和小波相干等气候诊断方法,对陕北黄土高原区极端降水时空变化特征进行分析,探讨不同海区海温异常与降水变化的响应关系。结果表明:① 1970—2017年,陕北地区气温波动上升,降水增加,半干旱界线明显向西北方向移动;② 1970—2017年,陕北地区降水呈现极端化。具体表现为,弱降水日数减少,强降水日数增加,降水持续时间呈现破碎化,1日最大降水量、5日最大降水量和降水强度均表现出显著的上升趋势;③ 在影响因素上,陕北地区极端降水变化受赤道太平洋中西部海温影响明显于东部,受赤道太平洋北侧影响明显于南侧,受海温年代周期变化影响(14~16a)明显于中长期周期(4~8a)。同时,NINO W区可作为区域极端降水响应的关键海区。当NINO W区海温异常偏高时,陕北地区降水普遍偏高,降水强度和持续时间增加,易发生雨涝灾害。 相似文献
Landform classification is commonly done using topographic altitude only.However,practice indicates that locations at a same altitude may have distinctly different landforms,depending on characteristics of soils underneath those locations.The objectives of this study were to:1) develop a landform classification approach that is based on both altitude and soil characteristic;and 2) use this approach to determine landforms within a watershed located in northern Ordos Plateau of China.Using data collected at 134 out of 200 sampling sites,this study determined that D10(the diameter of soil particles 10% finer by weight) and long-term average soil moisture acquired in 2010,which can be estimated at reasonable accuracy from remote sensing imagery,can be used to represent soil characteristics of the study watershed.Also,the sampling data revealed that this watershed consists of nine classes of landforms,namely mobile dune(MD),mobile semi-mobile dune(SMD),rolling fixed semi-fixed dune(RFD),flat sandy land(FD),grassy sandy land(GS),bedrock(BR),flat sandy bedrock(FSB),valley agricultural land(VA),and swamp and salt lake(SW).A set of logistic regression equations were derived using data collected at the 134 sampling sites and verified using data at the remaining 66 sites.The verification indicated that these equations have moderate classification accuracy(Kappa coefficients > 43%).The results revealed that the dominant classes in the study watershed are FD(36.3%),BR(27.0%),and MD(23.5%),while the other six types of landforms(i.e.,SMD,RFD,GS,FSB,VA,and SW) in combination account for 13.2%.Further,the landforms determined in this study were compared with the classes pre-sented by a geologically-based classification map.The comparison indicated that the geo-logically-based classification could not identify multiple landforms within a class that are de-pendent upon soil characteristics. 相似文献
农户土地利用行为对退耕还林政策的响应模拟——以陕西省米脂县高渠乡为例 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
作为中国涉及面最广、群众参与程度最高的一项生态工程,退耕还林对区域土地利用变化产生了重大影响。目前对土地利用变化过程和土地利用主体行为的分析研究不足,不能有效揭示宏观农业土地利用变化的微观机理,难以合理解释农户土地利用行为的变化。本文以陕西省米脂县高渠乡为例进行研究,利用经历权重法定量分析了退耕还林政策结束前后不同农户群体土地利用策略的变化;利用构建的农户群体土地利用决策模型,模拟不同政策情景下农户群体土地利用行为的变化及其对区域土地利用变化的影响。结果表明,该模型可以显示还耕和撂荒两种土地利用行为的变化及其空间配置,能揭示造成这种区域差异的微观机理,为分析农户群体土地利用行为的变化、探讨农业政策与农户行为之间的相互作用,提供了可供借鉴的途径。 相似文献
Enan M. Nyesheja Attia M. El-Tantawi Fidele Karamage Christophe Mupenzi Jean Baptiste Nsengiyumva 《自然地理学》2019,40(4):339-360
This research assessed the soil erosion threat in the Congo Nile Ridge Region of Rwanda. The study forecasted erosion by applying the Revised Universal Soil Erosion (RUSLE) with five factors (rainfall, soil, topography, cover management, and support practices) and spatial data. About 85.5% of the area under investigation was predisposed to erosion with unsustainable average soil loss rates of > 1 t/ha/yr. The outcomes of the research highlighted that the average rate of estimated soil loss in the region prone to erosion was > 63.62 t/ha/yr, resulting in an overall annual predicted soil loss of approximately 44 × 106 t in 2016. All of the districts studied have steep slope gradients (30.4%–36.1%) and high annual rainfall totals (1199–1484 mm/yr), except Rubavu district. More than 88.8% of croplands had unsustainable average soil loss rates of > 1 t/ha/yr. The analysis indicated that both terracing and strip cropping have the potential to reduce rates of soil loss in the farmland, by 64.4% and 10.4%, respectively. The results of this study will serve as a baseline for soil erosion mitigation and land-use planning in the study area and Rwanda at large. 相似文献
Capacity of soil loss control in the Loess Plateau based on soil erosion control degree 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
Haidong Gao Zhanbin Li Lianlian Jia Peng Li Guoce Xu Zongping Ren Guowei Pang Binhua Zhao 《地理学报(英文版)》2016,26(4):457-472
The capacity of soil and water conservation measures, defined as the maximum quantity of suitable soil and water conservation measures contained in a region, were determined for the Loess Plateau based on zones suitable for establishing terraced fields, forestland and grassland with the support of geographic information system (GIS) software. The minimum possible soil erosion modulus and actual soil erosion modulus in 2010 were calculated using the revised universal soil loss equation (RUSLE), and the ratio of the minimum possible soil erosion modulus under the capacity of soil and water conservation measures to the actual soil erosion modulus was defined as the soil erosion control degree. The control potential of soil erosion and water loss in the Loess Plateau was studied using this concept. Results showed that the actual soil erosion modulus was 3355 t?km-2?a-1, the minimum possible soil erosion modulus was 1921 t?km-2?a-1, and the soil erosion control degree was 0.57 (medium level) in the Loess Plateau in 2010. In terms of zoning, the control degree was relatively high in the river valley-plain area, soil-rocky mountainous area, and windy-sandy area, but relatively low in the soil-rocky hilly-forested area, hilly-gully area and plateau-gully area. The rate of erosion areas with a soil erosion modulus of less than 1000 t?km-2?a-1 increased from 50.48% to 57.71%, forest and grass coverage rose from 56.74% to 69.15%, rate of terraced fields increased from 4.36% to 19.03%, and per capita grain available rose from 418 kg?a-1 to 459 kg?a-1 under the capacity of soil and water conservation measures compared with actual conditions. These research results are of some guiding significance for soil and water loss control in the Loess Plateau. 相似文献