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金属矿物微量元素对矿床形成过程和成因类型具有重要指示作用,目前对黄铁矿、磁铁矿及闪锌矿研究较多,黄铜矿微量元素特征鲜有报道。根据收集的斑岩型铜矿床(PCD)、岩浆型铜镍硫化物矿床(MSD)、沉积岩型层状铜矿床(SSC)、铁氧化物铜金矿床(IOCG)、喷流沉积型矿床(SEDEX)及火山成因块状硫化物矿床(VMS)铜精矿样品,结合资料,对黄铜矿开展了详细矿相学和LA-ICP-MS微量元素研究,揭示黄铜矿微量元素特征及其与矿床成因类型的关系。黄铜矿中Mn, Co, Ni, Se, Ag, Sn, Pb及Bi质量分数可达1 000×10-6以上,Ga, Ge, Mo, Cd, In, Sb, Te, Au及Tl质量分数可达100×10-6以上,说明黄铜矿是很多微量元素的重要载体。黄铜矿Sb-Tl, In-Sn, Pb-Bi及Mn-Ni呈明显的正相关关系,其中Sb, Tl, In及Sn主要以固溶体的形式赋存于黄铜矿,Pb与Bi以方铅矿包裹体的形式赋存于黄铜矿,Mn, Co, As, Te, Ag及Ni 2种赋存状态均有发育。PCD型和VMS型黄铜矿微量...  相似文献   

马岭地区位于贵州省兴义市,其沉积地层经历了二叠纪-三叠纪之交的沉积环境演化,是研究早三叠世沉积环境变化的理想地区。通过对马岭地区嘉陵江组的野外踏勘,以获得的实测剖面资料为基础,结合室内薄片观察,并根据14种主微量元素的结果,进而探讨其沉积环境的演变。马岭河剖面主要出露碳酸盐岩与碎屑岩,可分为四段,共取16件岩石样品进行送样分析,结合沉积相、古气候指标SiO2/Al2O3比值和古盐度指标,古水深指标CaO/MgO、Sr/Ba比值,可指示马岭地区在早三叠世经历了如下变化:①由异常炎热、干燥气候逐渐过渡为整体湿润的气候,这可能为早三叠世及后期生物复苏提供了适宜的气候条件;②发生浅海、深海的交替变化。嘉陵江组一~四段分别以开阔台地相、潮坪相、开阔-局限-开阔台地相、局限台地相沉积为主,每段的古盐度变化、海平面升降等现象,加上腹足、双壳等生物碎屑的局部出现,印证了该区早三叠世海洋环境异常多变,并具有多期次恶化-改善的演化过程。   相似文献   

探讨黔西北普宜地区富关键金属元素硫铁矿的同位素地球化学特征、元素地球化学特征及成因, 可以为硫铁矿资源开发、伴生有益元素综合利用与评价及理解富关键金属元素硫铁矿聚集机制提供更为丰富的信息。在全面收集已有地质、矿产资料的基础上, 结合野外实地调查, 应用元素地球化学及硫同位素分析等方法, 对该区硫铁矿地球化学特征及成因做了较为深入研究, 并初步建立成矿模式。结果表明: 富关键金属元素硫铁矿主要赋存于中二叠统龙潭组(P2l)底部的晶屑凝灰岩中, 矿体形态简单, 呈层状分布, 硫铁矿中共(伴)生的稀土, Li, Nb, Zr, Ga等有益元素均可综合利用。w(ΣREE)平均为431.24×10-6, 最大值为1 634.57×10-6, 一般在180×10-6~1 630×10-6之间; w(Ga)平均为32.51×10-6, 一般为25×10-6~120×10-6, 最大为120.00×10-6; w(Nd)平均为103.29×10-6, 一般为40×10-6~380×10-6, 最大为380.00×10-6; w(Li)最大值为1 366.00×10-6; w(Al2O3)最大值为42.17%。硫铁矿稀土元素配分模式表现为轻稀土元素富集、重稀土元素相对亏损的右倾型。矿石中成矿元素Ga, Li, Zr, Ti, Se, Cd, Nb, V, Hg等元素相对富集, Ba, Sr, Zn, Te等元素相对贫化。硫铁矿石中黄铁矿硫同位素δ34S变化范围主要在-33.90‰~-18.60‰之间, 平均值-16.04‰, 为轻硫富集型, 富关键金属元素硫铁矿的硫源受生物细菌还原作用影响较大。硫铁矿主要是在沉积阶段通过微生物铁还原、微生物硫酸盐还原和化学铁还原驱动下形成的。初步认为赋存于硫铁矿中的稀土主要以类质同象替代形式赋存于黏土矿物中, 形成过程可分为风化搬运阶段、沉积成矿阶段和成岩后生作用阶段。   相似文献   

Meretricis concha is a kind of marine traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), and has been commonly used for the treatment of asthma and scald burns. In order to investigate the relationship between the inorganic elemental fingerprint and the geographical origin identification of Meretricis concha, the elemental contents of M. concha from five sampling points in Rushan Bay have been determined by means of inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES). Based on the contents of 14 inorganic elements (Al, As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Hg, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb, Se, and Zn), the inorganic elemental fingerprint which well reflects the elemental characteristics was constructed. All the data from the five sampling points were discriminated with accuracy through hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) and principle component analysis (PCA), indicating that a four-factor model which could explain approximately 80% of the detection data was established, and the elements Al, As, Cd, Cu, Ni and Pb could be viewed as the characteristic elements. This investigation suggests that the inorganic elemental fingerprint combined with multivariate statistical analysis is a promising method for verifying the geographical origin of M. concha, and this strategy should be valuable for the authenticity discrimination of some marine TCM.  相似文献   

The Qinggouzi stibnite deposit is located in Huashan Town, Jilin Province, in the northeastern margin of North China Craton(NCC). It is controlled by fault structures, hosted within structurally controlled felsic dykes, predominantly surrounded by phyllite, schist and quartzite. This study presents the results of fluid inclusions studies, intending to determine the source of the fluid responsible for ore-formation, hence exploring its metallogenesis. The aqueous biphase inclusions are identified in the stibnite-bearing quartz veins of the deposit. Moreover, aqueous biphase inclusions are further classified into(1) biphase liquid-rich inclusions(1 a) and(2) biphase gas-rich inclusions(1 b) depending upon liquid to gas ratio trapped within the fluid inclusions. Homogenization temperatures for(1 a) and(1 b) range between 114.8℃ to 422℃ and 128.3℃ to 267.5℃, respectively. 1 a and 1 b have salinities of 0.18% to 16.14% NaCl_(eqv) and 1.22% to 12.88% NaCl_(eqv), and density range from 0.43 to 1.02 g/cm~3 and 0.81 to 0.98 g/cm~3, respectively. Sulfur isotopic analysis indicates δ~(34)S_(V-CDT) from 4.4×10~(-3) to 6.5×10~(-3), with an average of 5.2×10~(-3), whereas H isotopes values on δD_(V-SMOW) standard are-100.8×10~(-3) and-107.5×10~(-3), while O isotopes data on δ~(18)O_(V-SMOW) standard range between 20.1×10~(-3) and 20.4×10~(-3). Fluid inclusions study, combining with sulfur and H-O isotopic data reveal that the ore-forming fluids originated from deep source and were subsequently contaminated by meteoric water. Hydrostatic pressure calculation shows that the minimum and maximum pressures are 11.65 and 42.33 MPa, and relevant depths of deposit are estimated to be 1.16 and 4.23 km. Finally, we inferred that Qinggouzi stibnite deposit is a medium-low temperature, low salinity hydrothermal deposit, which is formed by deep source and later contaminated by meteoric water, and is classified as epizonal deposit in terms of orogenic series.  相似文献   

有幔源基性岩浆和表壳物质的加入。   相似文献   

The Changbai Mountains,located in the temperate monsoon climate zone of East Asia,is an ideal loca-tion for the research on timberline response to global changes.In this study,the topsoils were collected from different vertical vegetation zones on the northern slope of the Changbai Mountains,Northeast China in August 2009,and phytoliths in the soil samples were extracted by using wet oxidation method and identified with Motic 2.0 microscope in laboratory.The results show that phytoliths are abundant in the ...  相似文献   

鄂尔多斯盆地致密油气资源丰富,其中陇东地区长6储层的发育受多物源体系的控制,成为当前研究热点,但目前对不同物源控制的砂体微观结构特征差异等缺乏深入了解,制约了该地长6储层的勘探与评价。通过铸体薄片鉴定、镜下观察、X衍射及恒速压汞分析等实验手段,开展了不同物源体系控制下的储层微观结构特征研究,对比分析了沉积微相对储层发育的影响,建立了对应的孔隙演化模型,并探讨了主要成岩作用对储层致密化的控制。结果表明:(1)喉道是控制储层渗透率的主要因素,北东部物源沉积区较西部物源沉积区的喉道发育状况更好,渗透率更高;(2)随着渗透率升高,受北东部物源控制的南梁地区半径大于0.50μm的较大喉道对渗透率的贡献明显增加;(3)沉积微相是控制不同物源体系砂体物性的重要因素,受北东部物源控制的南梁地区的砂质碎屑流和浊流砂体物性均好于受西部物源控制的樊家川地区;压实作用是造成储层致密化的主要原因,受不同物源体系储层伊利石和绿泥石含量差异的影响,北东部物源沉积区压实减孔量(19.29%)小于西部物源沉积区(22.32%)。该研究成果对不同物源体系致密油的后期评价具有指导意义。  相似文献   

上泥盆统弗拉斯阶和法门阶界线附近发生了大规模的生物灭绝, 其起因被认为是植物登陆导致的陆地化学风化作用加强及其引起的海洋水体缺氧所致, 但其直接证据还比较缺乏。运用广西地区广泛发育的浅海碳酸盐岩中锶元素(Sr)和同位素(87Sr/86Sr)、铀钍比值(U/Th)记录, 探究了从中泥盆统到下石炭统的陆地化学风化速率及海水氧化还原条件的变化。研究结果表明, 在晚泥盆世(法门阶早期)陆地化学风化作用加强, 导致海水中Sr浓度升高, 及更富集重的Sr同位素组分; 低的U/Th比值也显示该时期水体缺氧严重, 海水中U元素被还原到沉积物中, 导致海水中的U浓度降低。陆地表面化学风化的加强对晚泥盆世海洋水体氧化还原条件的波动以及海洋生物的灭绝有重要影响。   相似文献   

戴里铅锌矿集区位于印度尼西亚苏门答腊岛西北部,是一个主要产于页岩、具有巨型规模的Sedex型铅锌矿。通过系统的流体包裹体测试及H、O、S、Pb等同位素分析,以对其成因进行约束。分析结果表明:①戴里铅锌矿流体包裹体均一温度范围为189~315℃,峰值为220~240℃;②δDV-SMOW值范围为-68.7‰~-76.4‰,平均为-72.9‰,δ18OV-SMOW值范围为+5.9‰~+19.5‰,平均为+16.6‰;③黄铁矿δ34SCDT值为正值,集中分布在+25.49‰~+26.36‰之间;④铅同位素显示较高的μ值(9.92~10.17,平均值为10.04)和ω值(38.06~40.51,平均值为39.26)。该矿床成矿流体温度为中温(220~240℃),成矿流体可能以岩浆水为主,有少量浅源水的加入,硫、铅均为单一来源,其中硫主要来自海水,铅来源于上地壳。   相似文献   

Erosion of geological units and sediment load in rivers can be considered as the serious problems in recent decades.Increasing sediment loads generate major hazards for water resources development,particularly in terms of loss of reservoir storage due to sedimentation and siltation of water distribution systems.In this paper,the performance of four sediment rating curve (SRC) development methods was evaluated for the Shirin Darreh River(SDR) basin (1750 km2),located in North Khorasan Province,Iran.Data of flow discharge (Q) and suspended sediment flux (SSF)(Q-SSF pairs,N=957)and daily flow discharge,recorded by the Regional Water Company of North Khorasan (RWCNK) at the Qaleh-Barbar (QB) gauging site during 1989-2018were used.The flow discharge classification method performed best by meeting the desired criteria of most statistical indices,including normalized root mean square error (NRMSE),mean bias error (MBE),mean absolute error (MAE),index of agreement (d),and coefficient of determination (R~2).Based on the optimized method,the rate of suspended sediment transportation at the study site was estimated about2.7×10~6 ton year~(-1).Erodibility of the exposed formations in the study area was estimated based on a factorial scoring model (FSM).Three indices,focused on the outcrop and erodibility,were calculated for the geological units at sub-basin and total scales.Marl deposits are the most extensive geological unit in the three sub-basins and the maximum formation outcrop ratio (FOR) and participation in erosion (PCE)were obtained for these rocks at total scale.In fact,marl unit can be regarded as the main source to supply the suspended sediments in the study basin.  相似文献   

Based on five types of conventional logging curves including GR, RLLD, CNL, DEN and AC, and 39 core samples from 30 representative boreholes, the logging characteristics and lithofacies and sub-facies of the basaltic rocks were studied. Three basaltic facies and four sub-facies are recognized from the well logs, including volcanic conduit facies(post intrusive sub-facies), explosive facies, and effusive lava flow facies(tabular flow, compound flow and hyaloclastite sub-facies). The post intrusiv...  相似文献   

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