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Recently published results of field and laboratory experiments on the seismic/acoustic response to injection of direct current(DC) pulses into the Earth crust or stressed rock samples raised a question on a possibility of electrical earthquake triggering. A physical mechanism of the considered phenomenon is not clear yet in view of the very low current density(10~(-7)–10~(-8) A/m~2) generated by the pulsed power systems at the epicenter depth(5–10 km) of local earthquakes occurred just after the current injection. The paper describes results of laboratory‘‘earthquake' triggering by DC pulses under conditions of a spring-block model simulated the seismogenic fault. It is experimentally shown that the electric triggering of the laboratory ‘‘earthquake'(sharp slip of a movable block of the spring-block system) is possible only within a range of subcritical state of the system, when the shear stress between the movable and fixed blocks obtains 0.98–0.99 of its critical value. The threshold of electric triggering action is about 20 A/m~2 that is 7–8 orders of magnitude higher than estimated electric current density for Bishkek test site(Northern Tien Shan, Kirghizia) where the seismic response to the man-made electric action was observed. In this connection, the electric triggering phenomena may be explained by contraction of electric current in the narrow conductive areas of the faults and the corresponding increase in current density or by involving the secondary triggering mechanisms like electromagnetic stimulation of conductive fluid migration into the fault area resulted in decrease in the fault strength properties.  相似文献   

We perform spectral analysis of records of meteorological (temperature, humidity, pressure of the atmosphere) and electrical (strength of quasi-static electric field and electric conductivity of air) parameters observed simultaneously at the Paratunka observatory during the solar events of October 21–31, 2003. Also, we use simultaneous records of X-ray fluxes of solar radiation, galactic cosmic rays, and the horizontal component of the geomagnetic field. We show that the power spectra of the meteorological parameters under fine weather conditions involve oscillations with a period of thermal tidal waves (T ~ 12 and 24 h) caused by the influx of thermal radiation of the Sun. During strong solar flares and geomagnetic storm of October 29–31 with a prevailing component of T ~ 24 h, their spectra involve an additional component of T ~ 48 h (the period of planetary-scale waves). With the development of solar and geomagnetic activities, the power spectra of atmospheric electric conductivity and electric field stress involve components of both thermal tidal and planetary-scale waves, which vary highly by intensity. In the power spectra of galactic cosmic rays accompanying the strong solar flares, components with T ~ 48 h were dominant with the appearance of additional (weaker by intensity) components with T ~ 24 h. The simultaneous amplification of components with T ~ 48 h in the power spectra of electric conductivity and electric field strength provides evidence of the fact that the lower troposphere is mainly ionized by galactic cosmic rays during strong solar flares and geomagnetic storms. The specified oscillation period with T ~ 48 h in their spectra, as well as in the spectra of X-ray radiation of the sun, is apparently caused by the dynamics of solar and geomagnetic activities with this time scale.  相似文献   

We performed a comparative study of geomagnetic variations, which are associated with sudden ionospheric disturbances (SIDs) caused by great X-class solar flares on July 14, 2000 (Bastille flare) and on October 28, 2003 (Halloween flare). Intense fluxes of solar X-rays and EUV radiation as well as solar energetic particles (SEP) were considered as sources of abundant ionization of the ionosphere and upper atmosphere. Flare-initiated SIDs are revealed as transient geomagnetic variations, which are generated by enhanced electric currents flowing mainly in the bottom-side ionosphere. Those so-called solar flare effects (SFEs) were studied by using of geomagnetic data from INTERMAGNET worldwide network of ground-based magnetometers. In subsolar region the SFE is mainly controlled by the flare X-rays and/or EUV radiation. We found that in the Halloween flare the contribution of X-rays was comparable with the EUV, but in the Bastille flare the EUV flux was dominant. The ionization at high latitudes is generated by the SEP, which energy flux is comparable and even exceeds the solar electromagnetic radiation in that region. It was shown that in the Halloween event the pattern of SFE is formed by a two-vortex current system, which is similar to the quiet day Sq current system. However, during the Bastille flare, the pattern of induced currents is quite different: the northern vortex shifts westward and southern vortex shifts eastward such that the electroject is substantially tilted relative to the geomagnetic equator. From numerical estimations we found that at middle latitudes the SEP-initiated geomagnetic effect becomes comparable with the effects of solar electromagnetic radiation. It was also shown that the SEP contribute to the SFE in the nightside hemisphere. The revealed features of the SEP impact to the ionosphere were found in a good agreement with the theory of energetic particle penetration to the bottom-side magnetosphere.  相似文献   

The spatial distributions of electric fields and currents in the Earth’s atmosphere are calculated. Electric potential distributions typical of substorms and quiet geomagnetic conditions are specified in the ionosphere. The Earth is treated as a perfect conductor. The atmosphere is considered as a spherical layer with a given height dependence of electrical conductivity. With the chosen conductivity model and an ionospheric potential of 300 kV with respect to the Earth, the electric field near the ground is vertical and reaches 110 Vm−1. With the 60-kV potential difference in the polar cap of the ionosphere, the electric field disturbances with a vertical component of up to 13 V m−1 can occur in the atmosphere. These disturbances are maximal near the ground. If the horizontal scales of field nonuniformity are over 100 km, the vertical component of the electric field near the ground can be calculated with the one-dimensional model. The field and current distributions in the upper atmosphere can be obtained only from the three-dimensional model. The numerical method for solving electrical conductivity problems makes it possible to take into account conductivity inhomogeneities and the ground relief.  相似文献   

A comparative study of the geomagnetic and ionospheric data at equatorial and low-latitude stations in India over the 20 year period 1956–1975 is described. The reversal of the electric field in the ionosphere over the magnetic equator during the midday hours indicated by the disappearance of the equatorial sporadic E region echoes on the ionograms is a rare phenomenon occurring on about 1% of time. Most of these events are associated with geomagnetically active periods. By comparing the simultaneous geomagnetic H field at Kodaikanal and at Alibag during the geomagnetic storms it is shown that ring current decreases are observed at both stations. However, an additional westward electric field is superimposed in the ionosphere during the main phase of the storm which can be strong enough to temporarily reverse the normally eastward electric field in the dayside ionosphere. It is suggested that these electric fields associated with the V × Bz electric fields originate at the magnetopause due to the interaction of the solar wind and the interplanetary magnetic field.  相似文献   

A retrospective analysis of the Russian magnetic observations of the Carrington event that occurred on September 2–3, 1859, has been performed. The conclusion has been made that this event was caused by the series of three recurrent eruptive solar flares during ~40 h. The characteristics of the geomagnetic crochet, related to a considerable flux of the ionizing electromagnetic radiation during this flare, have been studied. The value and direction of a magnetic field disturbance, registered during the maximum of the geomagnetic storm of September 2, unambiguously indicate that all Russian stations were in the auroral oval zone, which was strongly expanded southward from its average position. The disturbance dependence on the station longitude—the absence of magnetometer pinning in Nerchinsk—is interpreted as the possible manifestation of a strong asymmetry in the effective contour of the current system, which was connected to the heliosphere and covered the disturbed magnetosphere and ionosphere during the short period that lasted only 1–3 h.  相似文献   

The mathematical formulation of an iterative procedure for the numerical implementation of an ionosphere-magnetosphere (IM) anisotropic Ohm’s law boundary condition is presented. The procedure may be used in global magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulations of the magnetosphere. The basic form of the boundary condition is well known, but a well-defined, simple, explicit method for implementing it in an MHD code has not been presented previously. The boundary condition relates the ionospheric electric field to the magnetic field-aligned current density driven through the ionosphere by the magnetospheric convection electric field, which is orthogonal to the magnetic field B, and maps down into the ionosphere along equipotential magnetic field lines. The source of this electric field is the flow of the solar wind orthogonal to B. The electric field and current density in the ionosphere are connected through an anisotropic conductivity tensor which involves the Hall, Pedersen, and parallel conductivities. Only the height-integrated Hall and Pedersen conductivities (conductances) appear in the final form of the boundary condition, and are assumed to be known functions of position on the spherical surface R=R1 representing the boundary between the ionosphere and magnetosphere. The implementation presented consists of an iterative mapping of the electrostatic potential , the gradient of which gives the electric field, and the field-aligned current density between the IM boundary at R=R1 and the inner boundary of an MHD code which is taken to be at R2>R1. Given the field-aligned current density on R=R2, as computed by the MHD simulation, it is mapped down to R=R1 where it is used to compute by solving the equation that is the IM Ohm’s law boundary condition. Then is mapped out to R=R2, where it is used to update the electric field and the component of velocity perpendicular to B. The updated electric field and perpendicular velocity serve as new boundary conditions for the MHD simulation which is then used to compute a new field-aligned current density. This process is iterated at each time step. The required Hall and Pedersen conductances may be determined by any method of choice, and may be specified anew at each time step. In this sense the coupling between the ionosphere and magnetosphere may be taken into account in a self-consistent manner.  相似文献   

The "double low-points" anomaly in daily variation of vertical geomagnetic component was observed on May 9, 2008 at 13 geomagnetic observatories belonging to the geomagnetic observatory network center of China Earthquake Administration. These observatories distribute roughly on three belts with the intersection in western Sichuan. On May 12, three days after the anomaly appearance, the great MS8.0 Wenchuan earthquake occurred. The "double low-points" anomaly in daily variation of vertical geomagnetic component is an anomalous phenomenon of regional geomagnetism, which does exist objectively. The possible cause is the change of extrinsic eddy current system resulting in geomagnetic daily quiet variation (Sq), or the delay of several hours between the intrinsic and the extrinsic eddy current systems. The relationship between the "double low-points" anomaly of daily geomagnetic variation and the earthquake reveals that the former possibly reflects the accelerative alteration of earthquake gestation in the deep Earth.  相似文献   

The changes of the ionospheric electric field before and after four huge earthquakes, which include the Ms 8.7 earthquake of 2004 and the Ms 8.5 earthquake of 2005 in Sumatra of Indonesia, the Ms 8.0 Wenchuan earthquake of 2008 in China, the Ms 8.8 earthquake of 2010 in Chile, and their strong aftershocks are studied in this paper. The significant results revealed that the power spectral density of low-frequency electric field below 20 Hz in the ionosphere, a kind of electromagnetic radiation phenomena, increased abnormally before and after the earthquakes and partially corresponded to the increased power spectral density of the low-frequency geoelectric field in time. This research preliminarily indicates that the low-frequency electromagnetic radiation during the imminent stages before such earthquakes could be detected by the observation of the ionospheric electric field. However, the spatial, temporal, and intensive complexities of the electric field anomalies in the ionosphere before earthquakes have come in sight also.  相似文献   

Taking the sampled every minute values of the horizontal, declination and vertical componentsH, D, Z and the intensity of total field F calculated fromH andZ on the magnetograms at ten geomagnetic observatories in China in the same periods, and at the China Antarctic Great Wall Station (CAGWS), the authors conducted the maximum entropy analysis and band-pass filtration of these data and obtained the following results: (1) At the periodT=10 ? 90 min geomagnetic solar flare effect (sfe) is evident on the sunlit hemisphere. It is more pronounced at periods 15, 20, 25 and 30 min, and most prominent at 30 – 35 min. The solar X-ray spectra at the same time showed their peaks at 10 and 15 min; (2) The periodT=10 ? 70 min of sfe at the CAGWS in the western Hemisphere was also recognizable after spectral analysis and filtration, but the corresponding period of the maximum amplitude was different from that in the sunlit hemisphere. The results further proved that the geomagnetic effect of solar flares could also be observed in the dark hemisphere; (3) The subsolar points of two solar flares were found around Lanzhou, and the associated current density in the ionosphere was about 24 A/km. The transitional zone from positive to negative sfe was found around the geographic latitude?=22° ? 24°N, where the sfe inH-crochet was almost illegible.  相似文献   

The data, obtained using the methods of partial reflections and ionosphere vertical sounding on the Kola Peninsula and in Scandinavia, at Tumannyi (69.0° N, 35.7° E) and Sodankyla (67.37°N, 26.63°E) observatories, have been analyzed in order to detect earthquake responses. The strong earthquakes have been considered: one earthquake with a magnitude of 7.7 occurred at 0819:25 UT on July 17, 2006, on the western coast of Indonesia (9.33° S, 107.26° E), and another earthquake with a magnitude of 6.2 occurred 2253:59 UT on May 26, 2006, on Yava (7.94° S, 110.32° E). These earthquakes, the epicenters of which were located in the same region and at identical depths (10 km), were observed under quiet conditions in the geomagnetic field (ΣK p = 5.7 and 6.3) and during small solar flares. The response of the ionosphere to these flares was mainly observed in the parameters of the lower ionosphere in the D and E regions. It has been found out that the period of variations in the ordinary component of the partially reflected signal at altitudes of the E region increased before the earthquake that occurred on July 17, 2006. The f min variations at Sodankyla observatory started 20 h before the earthquake. The periods of these variations were 3–6 h. The same periods were found in the variations in other ionospheric parameters (foEs and h’Es). The variations in the ordinary component of partially reflected signals with periods of 2–5 hours were observed on the day of another earthquake (May 26, 2006). Internal gravity waves with periods of several hours, which can be related to the earthquakes, were detected in the amplitude spectra of the ordinary component of partially reflected signals and in other parameters in the lower ionosphere.  相似文献   

智利地震前DEMETER卫星对空间高能粒子的观测   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
在地震的孕育或发生期间,地球内部岩石圈的活动可能会发出电磁辐射,引起空间电磁扰动,并通过波粒相互作用引起高能电子的投掷角散射,导致高能电子的沉降.本文基于法国DEMETER卫星的观测数据,研究了智利周围区域在智利地震期间空间高能电子的通量、能谱的分布及演化,发现在智利地震发生前第11天和12天,在以震中为中心,经度跨度10°,在DEMETER卫星轨道高度上L跨度0.1的区域内,有超出背景4到6倍的高能带电粒子暴的出现,期间在其北半球磁镜像区域也观测到了显著的电子通量涨高.粒子暴对应的能谱与2010年前三个月的平均能谱存在较大差异.同时观测到在出现粒子暴的两条轨道上VLF(Very Low Frequency,甚低频)电场频谱分别在300 Hz以下以及13~20 kHz的频段存在显著增强,此扰动在时间和地理位置上与高能粒子暴是一致的.基于回旋共振耦合作用的准线性扩散理论,本文对所观测事例的电子能量与电磁场扰动频率做了分析计算.观测数据和理论计算有较好的一致性,表明该粒子暴源自ICE(Instrument Champ Electrique,电磁探测器)观测到的空间电磁扰动,这是典型的空间波粒耦合事例.进一步分析排除了可能引起粒子暴和VLF电场扰动的环境因素,本文认为本次粒子暴和电场扰动的观测可能与智利地震的震前地壳活动存在一定关联.  相似文献   

This paper attempts to reveal whether long-term trends in the ionosphere are reflected in the amplitude range of the geomagnetic daily variation recorded at ground level. The smooth and regular variation observed in the magnetograms on magnetically quiet days is induced by the ionospheric currents flowing in the dynamo region. So it is likely that trends in the conductivity or in the dynamics of this region could produce changes in the current densities, and consequently in the range of the geomagnetic variation. The crucial aspect is how to separate the changes produced by the geomagnetic activity itself, or by secular changes of the Earth's magnetic field, from the part of the variation produced by factors affecting trends in the ionosphere, which could have an anthropogenic origin. To investigate this, we synthesized for several geomagnetic observatories the daily ranges of the geomagnetic field components with a comprehensive model of the quiet-time, near-Earth magnetic field, and finally we removed the synthetic values from the observed ranges at those observatories. This comprehensive model accounts for contributions from Earth's core, lithosphere, ionosphere, magnetosphere and coupling currents, and, additionally, accounts for influences of main field and solar activity variations on the ionosphere. Therefore, any trend remaining in the residuals, assuming that all the contributions mentioned above are properly described and thus removed by the comprehensive model, should reflect the influence of other sources. Results, based on series of magnetic data from observatories worldwide distributed, are presented. Trends in the X and Z components are misleading, since the current system changes in form as well as in intensity, producing changes of the focus latitude in the course of a solar cycle and from one cycle to another. Some differences exist between the long-term trends in the Y component between the real and modelled ranges, suggesting that other non-direct solar causes to the amplitude changes of the solar quiet geomagnetic variation should not be ruled out. Nevertheless, the results also reflect some short-comings in the way that the comprehensive modelling accounts for the influence of the solar activity on the range of the daily geomagnetic variation.  相似文献   

GeomagneticsolarflareeffectonFebruary4and6,1986atthechinaAntarcticGreatwallStationXiao-PingZENGandYun-FangLIN(曾小苹,林云芳)(Instit...  相似文献   

The results of studying the ionospheric response to solar flares, obtained from the data of the GPS signal observations and incoherent scatter radars and as a result of the model calculations, are presented. It is shown that, according to the GPS data, a flare can cause a decrease in the electron content at altitudes of the topside ionosphere (h > 300 km). Similar effects of formation of a negative disturbance in the ionospheric F region were also observed during the solar flares of May 21 and 23, 1967, with the Arecibo incoherent scatter radar. The mechanism by which negative disturbances appear in the topside ionosphere during solar flares has been studied in this work based on the theoretical model of the ionosphere-plasmasphere coupling. It has been indicated that the formation of the electron density negative disturbance in the topside ionosphere is caused by an intense removal of O+ ions into the overlying plasmasphere under the action of an abrupt increase in the ion production rate and thermal expansion of the ionospheric plasma.  相似文献   

This study compares the measurements of electron density and temperature and the integral airglow intensity at 630 nm in the SAR arc region and slightly south of this (obtained by the Isis 2 spacecraft during the 18 December 1971 magnetic storm), with the model results obtained using the time dependent one-dimensional mathematical model of the Earth’s ionosphere and plasmasphere. The explicit expression in the third Enskog approximation for the electron thermal conductivity coefficient in the multicomponent mixture of ionized gases and a simplified calculation method for this coefficient presents an opportunity to calculate more exactly the electron temperature and density and 630 nm emission within SAR arc region are used in the model. Collisions between N2 and hot thermal electrons in the SAR arc region produce vibrationally excited nitrogen molecules. It appears that the loss rate of O+(4S) due to reactions with the vibrationally excited nitrogen is enough to explain electron density depression by a factor of two at F-region heights and the topside ionosphere density variations within the SAR arc if the erosion of plasma within geomagnetic field tubes, during the main phase of the geomagnetic storm and subsequent filling of geomagnetic tubes during the recovery phase, are considered. To explain the disagreement by a factor 1.5 between the observed and modeled SAR arc electron densities an additional plasma drift velocity \sim-30 m s−1 in the ion continuity equations is needed during the recovery phase. This additional plasma drift velocity is likely caused by the transition from convecting to corotating flux tubes on the equatorward wall of the trough. The electron densities and temperatures and 630 nm integral intensity at the SAR arc and slightly south of this region as measured for the 18 December 1971 magnetic storm were correctly described by the model without perpendicular electric fields. Within this model framework the effect of the perpendicular electric field \sim100 mv m−1 with a duration \sim1 h on the SAR arc electron density profiles was found to be large. However, this effect is small if \sim1-2 h have passed after the electric field was set equal to zero.  相似文献   

伴随我国一些大地震的电离层异常现象   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本文初步总结了伴随我国一些大地震前后电离层的异常现象,结果表明,临震前电离层形态扰动异常是比较普遍的现象;其次是F层“高点位移”的时空分布异常。它们可能与电离层局部生成不均匀电子“云块”有关,以及与震前地磁场、地电场及地面电学性质有关。进一步观测和研究电离层异常现象将有助于估计强震的大致地区和临震时间。文中还就电离层—地磁场—地震关系进行了初步的讨论,指出电离层与地震的联系可能是由于地磁场耦合作用。  相似文献   

The measurements of the broadband wave radiation in the topside ionosphere in the region of the geomagnetic equator (the APEX satellite experiment) are presented. The region of unstable plasma with increased density was observed in the nightside topside ionosphere. This region could be formed by heating of the ionosphere from below. An asymmetric distribution of the frequency band width and electrostatic radiation intensity relative to the geomagnetic equator was registered. It has been indicated that a substantial effect of the geomagnetic equator on plasma diffusion from the heating region could be related to the generation, propagation, and damping of electrostatic oscillations and large-scale (as compared to the Larmor ion radius) plasma vortices. The anisotropy in the temperature of the plasma electron component can increase in the regions where the transverse electric field of disturbances damps. The intensity of the electromagnetic radiation, caused by the external sources, apparently, of an artificial origin at frequencies higher than the local plasma frequency, decreases to the radiation detection threshold level in the region of increased plasma density.  相似文献   

Based on theoretical models of the ionosphere and the plasmasphere, the ion composition variations in the plasmasphere and the plasmapause structure were studied depending on the choice of the distribution model of the magnetospheric convection electric field at low and high geomagnetic activity at the equinox and the December solstice. Based on the model calculations performed, the plasmapause shape and size during an increase and decrease in geomagnetic activity were studied. It was revealed that the size of the plasmasphere mainly depends on the magnetic local time (MLT) sector and the level of geomagnetic activity, and it greatly depends on the maximum universal time during the equinox. The Earth’s plasmasphere asymmetry is manifested in the noon-midnight and morning-evening directions. The analysis results of daily and seasonal variations in the ionic composition of the Earth’s plasmasphere at a moderate solar activity level show that there is a certain increase in the ion concentrations of H+ and He+ in the winter period probably due to an increase in the exospheric density at the summer to winter transition. The data obtained are in good agreement with satellite observations which makes it possible to use the model proposed to study the plasmasphere under different geophysical conditions.  相似文献   

The challenges of ‘standard’ model of solar flares motivated by new observations with the spacecrafts and ground-based telescopes are presented. The most important problems are in situ heating of photospheric and chromospheric loop footpoints up to the coronal temperatures without precipitating particle beams accelerated in the corona, and the sunquakes which are unlikely to be explained by the impact of highenergy particles producing hard X-ray emission. There is also the long-standing ‘number problem’ in the physics of solar flares. It is shown that modern observations favored an important role of the electric currents in the energy release processes in the low solar atmosphere. Particle acceleration mechanism in the electric fields driven by the magnetic Rayleigh-Taylor instability in the chromosphere is proposed. The electric current value I ≥ 1010 A, needed for the excitation of super-Dreicer electric fields in the chromosphere is determined. It is shown that both Joule dissipation of the electric currents and the particles accelerated in the chromosphere can be responsible for in situ heating of the low solar atmosphere. Alternative model of the solar flare based on the analogy between the flaring loop and an equivalent electric circuit which is good tool for the electric current diagnostics is presented. Interaction of a current-carrying loop with the partially-ionized plasma of prominence in the context of particle acceleration is considered. The role of plasma radiation mechanism in the sub-THz emission from the chromosphere is discussed.  相似文献   

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