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向地下水注入化学药剂进行修复时,药剂迁移主要集中在渗透性相对较高的区域,致使低渗透区内的污染物无法有效去除。通过注入聚合物(黄原胶)对地下水进行黏度控制,可以有效提高修复药剂在低渗透区的迁移能力,从而提高修复效果。黏性流体在地层中的迁移特性是该技术应用的理论基础,因此本研究运用一维模拟柱实验分析了含水层介质对黄原胶流体的阻滞作用,黄原胶注入前后介质的压力及渗透系数的变化以及黄原胶与修复药剂KMnO4迁移同步性。实验结果表明:当黄原胶溶液注入到介质后,介质对黄原胶的阻滞导致其有效孔隙度减小,因此会在一定程度上加速后续注入溶液溶质的运移,且介质渗透系数越小,对黄原胶阻滞作用越明显;黄原胶注入导致含水层渗透性降低,流体运移阻力增加,特别是在细砂和粉砂介质中,渗透系数都降低了一个数量级;虽然黄原胶和KMnO4在迁移锋面存在一定差异,但经过2 h后迁移速率基本相同,具有较好的同步性。  相似文献   

为改良黄土强度低、易变形破坏的工程特性,在黄土中掺加黄原胶和玄武岩纤维,通过无侧限抗压强度试验探究黄原胶含量和玄武岩纤维加筋率及养护龄期对黄土抗压强度的影响。试验结果表明:与素土相比,分别掺加黄原胶和玄武岩纤维均能提高土体抗压强度和一定程度延性;混合掺加黄原胶和玄武岩纤维时,土体的抗压强度和延性都会提高明显。根据正交试验得到,掺加1.5%黄原胶和0.6%玄武岩纤维时,改良土体的抗压强度最大。  相似文献   

为了解决微米铁的重力沉降问题,提高微米铁修复地下水Cr(Ⅵ)污染的原位修复效果,本文利用黄原胶对微米铁进行改性,并通过沉降实验探究改性微米铁浆液的稳定性,同时选择Cr(Ⅵ)作为目标污染物,探究黄原胶改性微米铁去除地下水Cr(Ⅵ)污染的降解能力。实验结果显示:当黄原胶的投加质量浓度分别为0.0、1.0、1.5、2.0、2.5、3.0、6.0 g/L时,改性微米铁浆液的悬浮稳定性逐渐得到加强,在5 h沉降实验结束时,对应的相对分光光度值分别为0.05、0.25、0.46、0.57、0.65、0.73和0.87;黄原胶具有抑制微米铁吸附Cr(Ⅵ)的能力,其可促进Cr(Ⅵ)的还原,提高Cr(Ⅵ)的去除率;随着黄原胶投加质量浓度的增加,对应的Cr(Ⅵ)去除率分别为33.4%、41.2%、47.4%、51.1%、53.0%、63.9%和64.1%;6.0 g/L黄原胶改性的微米铁浆液具有最佳的悬浮稳定性,黄原胶的投加提高了微米铁的反应活性,但当黄原胶投加质量浓度超过3.0 g/L时,其对Cr(Ⅵ)的去除率没有显著提高;黄原胶投加质量浓度越大,黄原胶的缓冲作用就越明显。  相似文献   

黄原胶作为油田驱替剂的性能研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
谢俊  梁会珍 《矿物岩石》2003,23(2):103-107
以KJDX公司生产的黄原胶MKD发酵液为研究对象,结合HJM油田的储层特征,研究了黄原胶溶液作为油田提高石油采收率驱替剂的性能。实验研究表明:由于黄原胶溶液具有良好的增粘性、流变性、水溶性、化学稳定性,并具有较强的机械抗降解能力,因此可作为油田开采的驱替剂。物理模拟实验进一步说明它具有提高石油采收率的作用,是一种性能优良的油田开采驱替剂。  相似文献   

贺勇  胡广  张召  娄伟  邹艳红  李星  张可能 《岩土力学》2022,43(2):528-538
随着全球工业化迅猛发展,土壤和地下水六价铬污染日益严重。基于某铁合金厂铬渣场地现场调查与采样分析,开展铬渣场地土样吸附、渗透和弥散试验,研究六价铬在粉质黏土土样中的吸附特性和迁移规律,建立考虑对流-弥散-吸附的六价铬迁移三维动力学模型,结合数值软件获取污染源位于场地上、下游时地下水中六价铬迁移分布特征,并揭示弥散度?和分配系数 对六价铬时空分布的影响。试验结果表明,粉质黏土对六价铬吸附符合Langmuir等温吸附模型,最大吸附量为466.6 mg/kg;蒸馏水和160 mg/L 六价铬溶液入渗下粉质黏土渗透系数约为6.5×10–7~6.7×10–7 cm/s,1 000 mg/L六价铬溶液的渗透系数增大至4.4×10–6 cm/s;粉质黏土水动力弥散系数D为1.4×10–4 m2/d,计算得到阻滞因子 为4.2~10。数值模拟结果表明,场地下游受到六价铬污染时,即使不考虑分子扩散作用,上游仍有被污染的风险,污染程度取决于含水层的弥散度;考虑含水层对六价铬吸附时,土体分配系数越大,六价铬污染羽分布范围越小,在预测地下水中六价铬浓度分布时应重点考虑六价铬吸附等转化过程。  相似文献   

为了揭示在地下水头升降过程中西安市承压含水层的物理及力学性质,采用自行设计的高压渗透固结试验设备模拟西安市承压含水层中细砂高压渗透,研究了在不同竖向压力和孔隙水压力条件下砂柱应变与时间的关系、应力与应变的关系以及砂样的渗透性,同时对比探讨了试验前后砂样微观结构。结果表明:孔隙水压力降低或竖向压力增大时,砂柱发生压缩变形且表现出分段线性的特点;在一定应力范围内,增大孔隙水压力,砂柱变形几乎没有发生回弹或者恢复。根据试验前后颗粒分析曲线、双目镜照相及电镜扫描照片的对比,可以推断砂样在压缩过程中除产生颗粒滑移和位置调整外,部分颗粒被压碎或压裂,由此导致了砂样在地下水头升降过程中颗粒级配发生改变、渗透系数急剧降低以及砂样在不同应力下表现出的分段线性、粘滞性和部分不可恢复等非完全弹性性质。  相似文献   

深部含水层储热系统, 是一种以深部含水层介质为载体的“地热+”多能互补储/供能系统。该系统可将各种形式的能量储存于地下并按需求取出加以利用, 能够弥补能源供需的时空分布的不平衡, 是综合利用多种可再生能源, 实现节能减排的有效途径。深部含水层储热是一种水热型地热资源开发利用的新方式。传统的水热型地热资源开采, 受限于地热尾水回灌导致的热突破, 热田寿命有限。而利用深部含水层储能, 不但可以增强热储能力, 而且能够延长热田寿命。本研究通过数值模拟研究表明, 与传统的水热型地热系统相比, 通过采取深部含水层储热技术, 在相同开采流量下, 可以提升单井供热能力20%。其储热效率可以达到60%~90%, 能够保证更高的地热能提取率; 同时, 与传统水热型地热井寿命受限于热突破时间的情况不同, 深部含水层储热系统可以延长地热井寿命, 实现可持续开采。通过参数敏感性分析的方法进一步评估了不同参数对深部含水层储热性能的影响。通过参数研究发现, 储层渗透率和储热温度等是影响储热能力和效率的关键参数。本研究为后续开展深部含水层储热系统工程的设计与优化提供科学参考。  相似文献   

田国亮 《探矿工程》2019,46(1):56-60
胶西北红布金矿位于焦家金矿田中段,但又不是典型的焦家式金矿,是发育在断裂带两侧花岗(闪长)质岩中受密集节理、裂隙控制的细脉、网脉状金矿。因其受焦家主断裂和焦家断裂系河西断裂及侯家断裂三大断裂控制,其所钻遇地层的结构极其复杂。在该矿区最深钻孔127ZK1孔试验应用了化学凝胶堵漏剂,取得了良好的效果。本文重点介绍了127ZK1孔钻进中遇到的问题,以及化学凝胶堵漏剂的室内试验和现场应用效果。  相似文献   

赵锐锐  孟庆辉  成建梅 《岩土力学》2012,33(4):1247-1252
CO2地质封存是减少温室气体向大气排放的有效措施之一,而深部咸含水层CO2地质封存是目前可行的最有潜力的封存技术。先前研究表明,松辽盆地是一个潜在的封存场地。基于对松辽盆地地质资料的初步分析,选取三肇凹陷的姚家组1段和青山口组2、3段地层作为CO2的注入层,建立一个典型二维模型,研究CO2注入后的迁移规律。结果表明,CO2注入后会向上和侧向迁移,后期可能出现的对流作用能促进CO2的溶解。残留气体饱和度、注入层水平和垂直渗透率的比值对模拟结果影响最大。此外,储层中的薄页岩夹层有利于CO2的溶解,因此,在保证注入性和封存量的情况下,储层中低渗透性夹层是允许的。  相似文献   

在沿海进行钻孔灌注桩施工时,采用淡水拌制泥浆会受到海水的污染,影响泥浆的性能,况且淡水资源有限,导致成本较高,如能直接采用海水拌制泥浆,可大大降低工程的难度和成本。通过大量室内试验研究,对比分析得出生物黄原胶(XC)可作为海水制备泥浆的增黏剂材料,其制备的泥浆性能指标优于其他增黏剂的效果,且成本较低。  相似文献   

Pannonibacter phragmitetus BB was utilized to treat hexavalent chromium [Cr(VI)] contaminated water. Cr(VI) concentration of the contaminated water (pH 10.85) was 534 mg/L. With the inoculum size ranging from 1 to 20 %, P. phragmitetus BB completely reduced Cr(VI) within 27 h when the initial medium concentration exceeded 20 g/L. The lag time of bio-reduction by Cr(VI)-induced cells was 24 h, which was longer than the non-Cr(VI)-induced cells. Under the agitation condition, an obvious bio-reduction lag phase existed and Cr(VI) was completely reduced within 24 h. However, the lag phase was not observed under the static condition, Cr(VI) was reduced continuously after inoculation and Cr(VI) was completely reduced after 27 h incubation. The main chromium components after Cr(VI) reduction were Cr(OH)3, Cr2O3 and CrCl3. The results of this study are fundamentally significant to the application of P. phragmitetus BB in the treatment of Cr(VI) contaminated water.  相似文献   

The migration and distribution of contaminants in heterogeneous aquifers are mostly investigated through numerical simulations. They are rarely examined through experimental simulations because of sampling difficulties. In this study, we used the light transmission method (LTM) to explore the migration and distribution of hexavalent chromium [Cr(VI)] in homogeneous sandy aquifers with or without a low-permeability bottom and lens (heterogeneous aquifer). Experimental phenomena were observed via images obtained with a high-power light source. The migration distances of pollution plume were also monitored. Under heterogeneous conditions, low-permeability aquifer materials considerably inhibited the migration of Cr(VI) and altered the Cr(VI) migration rate of horizontal and vertical plumes spread to a certain extent. Common horizontal and vertical migration curve equations in all three conditions were also obtained through distance–time curve fitting. The difference between high- and low-concentration zones was accurately revealed, and the experimental phenomenon was further explained. The proposed method could be used for the qualitative investigation and visualization of the migration and distribution of Cr(VI).  相似文献   

Contaminated capillary fringe sediments are believed to function as long-term source of U(VI) to Hanford’s 300 Area groundwater uranium plume that discharges to the Columbia River. The deep vadose zone at this site experiences seasonal water table elevation and water compositional changes in response to Columbia River stage. Batch and column desorption experiments of U(VI) were performed on two mildly contaminated sediments from this system that vary in hydrologic position to ascertain their U(VI) release behavior and factors controlling it. Solid phase characterization of the sediments was performed to identify mineralogic and chemical factors controlling U(VI) desorption. Low adsorbed U(VI) concentrations prevented spectroscopic analysis. The desorption behavior of U(VI) was different for the two sediments in spite of similar chemical and textural characteristics, and non-carbonate mineralogy. Adsorption strength and sorbed U(VI) lability was higher in the near-river sediment. The inland sediment displayed low sorbed U(VI) lability (∼10%) and measurable solid-phase carbonate content. Kinetic desorption was observed that was attributed to regeneration of labile U(VI) in the near river sediment, and carbonate mineral dissolution in the inland sediment. The desorption reaction was best described as an equilibrium surface complexation reaction. The noted differences in desorption behavior appear to result from U(VI) contamination and hydrologic history, as well as sediment carbonate content. Insights are provided on the dynamic adsorption/desorption behavior of contaminants in linked groundwater-river systems.  相似文献   

The adsorption and speciation of U(VI) was investigated on contaminated, fine grained sediment materials from the Hanford 300 area (SPP1 GWF) in simulated groundwater using cryogenic laser-induced U(VI) fluorescence spectroscopy combined with chemometric analysis. A series of reference minerals (montmorillonite, illite, Michigan chlorite, North Carolina chlorite, California clinochlore, quartz and synthetic 6-line ferrihydrite) was used for comparison that represents the mineralogical constituents of SPP1 GWF. Surface area-normalized Kd values were measured at U(VI) concentrations of 5 × 10−7 and 5 × 10−6 mol L−1 that displayed the following affinity series: 6-line-ferrihydrite > North Carolina chlorite ≈ California clinochlore > quartz ≈ Michigan chlorite > illite > montmorillonite. Both time-resolved spectra and asynchronous two-dimensional (2D) correlation analysis of SPP1 GWF at different delay times indicated that two major adsorbed U(VI) species were present in the sediment that resembled U(VI) adsorbed on quartz and phyllosilicates. Simulations of the normalized fluorescence spectra confirmed that the speciation of SPP1 GWF was best represented by a linear combination of U(VI) adsorbed on quartz (90%) and phyllosilicates (10%). However, the fluorescence quantum yield for U(VI) adsorbed on phyllosilicates was lower than quartz and, consequently, its fractional contribution to speciation may be underestimated. Spectral comparison with literature data suggested that U(VI) exist primarily as inner-sphere complexes with surface silanol groups on quartz and as surface U(VI) tricarbonate complexes on phyllosilicates.  相似文献   

Although direct microbial reduction of Cr(VI) and U(VI) is known, few studies have examined the kinetics and the underlying mechanisms of the reduction of these contaminants by different natural organic matter (NOM) fractions in the presence or absence of microorganisms. In this study, NOM was found to chemically reduce Cr(VI) at pH 3, but the reduction rates were negligible at pH ∼7. The abiotic reduction of U(VI) by NOM was not observed, possibly because of the presence of small amounts of nitrate in the reactant solution. However, all NOM fractions, particularly the soil humic acid (HA), enhanced the bioreduction of Cr(VI) or U(VI) in the presence of Shewanella putrefaciens CN32. The reduction rates varied greatly among NOM fractions with different chemical and structural properties: the polyphenolic-rich NOM-PP fraction appeared to be the most reactive in abiotically reducing Cr(VI) at a low pH, but soil HA was more effective in mediating the microbial reduction of Cr(VI) and U(VI) under anaerobic, circumneutral pH conditions. These observations are attributed to an increased solubility and conformational changes of the soil HA with pH and, more importantly, its relatively high contents of polycondensed and conjugated aromatic organic moieties. An important implication of this study is that, depending on chemical and structural properties, different NOM components may play different roles in enhancing the bioreduction of Cr(VI) and U(VI) by microorganisms. Polycondensed aromatic humic materials may be particularly useful in mediating the bioreduction and rapid immobilization of these contaminant metals in soil.  相似文献   

蔡国军  虞修竟 《岩土力学》2015,36(Z2):345-350
对于地下水流场及其参数分布无序的非线性问题,污染物在其迁移便不可能服从对流-弥散方程所描述的规律。那么,锶、铀在非均匀介质中迁移会发生什么样的异常变化是提出地下水污染预测方法与模式的前提。根据野外调查的水文地质特征,设计出模拟迁移的试验研究的模式系统。试验表明,非均质试验柱的迁移曲线与均质的迁移曲线,总体特征有显著区别;透镜状和盲洞型非均质对迁移的影响及其环境效应是双向的,即有利面是降低了污染强度,且可降低10%~30%;不利面是延长了污染作用的时间,使污染作用时间延长3~5倍。另外,合理地解释了所谓“双峰”和“多峰”迁移曲线机制。  相似文献   

镍钛改性膨润土对铬的吸附性能研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以钠基膨润土为原料,制备镍钛交联改性膨润土、镍钛有机复合改性膨润土,并应用于含铬模拟废水的处理。探讨了改性膨润土的用量、pH值、吸附时间等最佳使用条件,比较了原土、交联改性土、有机复合改性土对铬的吸附效果。结果表明改性土的吸附效果明显优于原土,在最佳实验条件下,交联改性土、有机复合改性土对Cr(Ⅵ)的去除率分别达到了87%和96%。两种改性土对铬吸附行为均符合Langmuir吸附等温方程,饱和吸附量和Lang-muir常数分别为3.1827mg/g、8.5543mg/g和3.5007、1.2738。  相似文献   

天然黄铁矿除Cr(Ⅵ)中Cr2S3物相的发现   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
利用天然黄铁矿处理含Cr(Ⅵ)废水实验,在反应中与反应后黄铁矿表面和胶体沉淀物中明显出现Cr2p的XPS能谱峰,能拟合出574.7~575.1eV、576.6~576.9eV和578.2~578.7eV3个峰位,分别代表Cr2S3、Cr2O3和CrO3物相。在实验过程中新发现Cr2S3沉淀物相,表明在常温常压下的水溶液介质中也能产生铬的硫化物物相。充分利用这些含铬物相,能使天然黄铁矿包括天然磁黄铁矿在还原Cr(Ⅵ)的同时,无需加碱就可将Cr(Ⅲ)沉淀转移到胶体沉淀物中,处理后的上清液中全Cr含量低于1.5mg/L的国家允许排放标准。天然黄铁矿自身溶解出的重金属含量很低,不影响处理后的出水水质。开发利用Cr2S3等含铬沉淀物相,便于推广应用天然黄铁矿和磁黄铁矿还原Cr(Ⅵ)同时沉淀Cr(Ⅲ)的一步法除铬新工艺。  相似文献   

Dissolved benzene was detected in the shallow unconfined Liwa aquifer, UAE, which represents the main freshwater source for the nearby residence Bu Hasa camp area. The main source of this contamination is believed to be the rejected water released from Bu Hasa liquid recovery plant. In this paper, a finite element model (METABIOTRANS) is used to simulate the fate and transport of the dissolved benzene plume in Liwa aquifer. Different remediation scenarios were simulated in which the slow-release oxygen source (SOS) technique is utilized to minimize benzene concentrations at the nearest camp supply wells downstream of the contamination zone. Results of the remediation scenarios show that the highest biodegradation rates occur when the oxygen source is placed near the plume center; where higher benzene concentrations exist. The nearest oxygen release source to the contamination zone caused higher stimulation to bacterial growth than further down-gradient oxygen sources. It also exhibited longer resident time of oxygen in the aquifer; and therefore, yielded higher reductions in benzene concentrations. However, using one central SOS proved to be insufficient as contaminant escaped laterally. Additional four transverse oxygen sources were necessary to capture benzene that laterally spread away from the contamination zone. These lateral SOSs were essential to reduce benzene concentrations at the supply wells that are located at the plume fringes. Finally, it was found that increasing oxygen release from one source did not always improve remediation; and that using several SOSs with lower release rates could be a more practical approach to enhance benzene biodegradation in the aquifer.  相似文献   

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