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干热岩地热开发中的钻井、储层压裂及热交换等环节均涉及高温岩石冷却的问题,为揭示其中岩石损伤演化规律,基于巴西劈裂试验和声发射技术,研究了不同高温及冷却方式对花岗岩抗拉性质的影响。结果表明:①25~600℃下花岗岩抗拉强度随温度升高而下降,遇水冷却使抗拉强度进-步下降并使其开始大幅下降的温度阈值提前到200,500℃后抗拉强度对遇水冷却更敏感。②荷载达到峰值,声发射累计振铃计数突增,岩样内形成断裂区;受遇水冷却影响,岩样的振铃计数峰值和能量峰值有所下降,间接反映岩石内裂纹更发育,200~300℃时降幅均较大,300℃时和500℃后花岗岩对热处理方式较敏感。③花岗岩破裂面随温度升高由平整向粗糙曲折变化,由脆性向延性转变,遇水冷却促进岩石破裂并促使脆性向延性转变的温度区间提前。研究结果为地热开采中高温岩石的稳定性评价提供理论参考。   相似文献   

岩石可钻性的合理分级,是正确选择钻进方法、技术参数、钻头类型和制定合理的生产与物化定额、专核钻探生产技术与经济指标的科学依据。利用与岩石可钻性密切相关的物理力学性质—压入、摆球硬度、研磨性、塑性系统与声学特性为自变量,以微钻钻速为因变量,在计算机上进行一元和多元回归分析,建立其数学模型,以此将不同岩石划分为12级。这种方法具有较强的模拟性、代表性和较大的适用范围。  相似文献   

快速冷却作用下花岗岩可钻性的研究,对提高干热岩坚硬研磨性地层的钻进效率具有重要意义。以花岗岩为研究对象,对不同温度(室温至600℃)遇水冷却后的岩样进行了压入硬度试验、摩擦磨损试验和室内微钻试验。试验结果表明:高温与快速冷却对花岗岩的可钻性产生了显著影响,可钻性上升明显;冷却后的岩样压入硬度减小,塑性系数增大,但600℃的花岗岩仍然处于低塑性阶段;摩擦磨损试验下对磨件胎体与岩样失重量随温度升高逐渐增大,花岗岩的研磨性越来越强;微钻试验下钻进速度加速增大,300℃前后的上升幅度分别为22.5%,110%,这是岩石力学性质劣化、结构破坏的突出 反 映。试验结果可以为干热岩等中深层地热钻井施工过程中的破岩和钻井技术提供理论指导。   相似文献   

辽宁省花岗岩的斜长石一般呈板状,以中细粒为主。常见韵律环带,费氏台所测环带核心与边缘An相差18—26号。环带结构发育在多次侵入形成的花岗岩中,环斑、反环斑和无环斑斜长石同时出现。斜长石总平均含量为37%,最高含量75%。斜长石与寄主岩石的1/3 SiO_2+K_2O-FeO-MgO -CaO(%)值成反相关。延性系数与冷却速度、岩石类型与后期变化有关。斜长石An18—36,X光衍射有序度为0.3—1.0,有序度变化与岩体时代关系不明显,均为低温斜长石,形成温度400—920C°,形成压力为0.07—1GPa,结晶深度约2—33km。  相似文献   

为了揭示高温作用下干热岩物理力学性质的变化规律,分析不同温度下干热岩孔隙度与渗透率、导热系数等,通过岩石力学单轴、三轴加载实验,揭示干热岩在高温作用下变形与破坏特征、抗压强度及断裂韧性等力学参数的变化规律。结果表明:温度由常温升至400℃时,干热岩孔隙度增大0.86%,接近常温状态下2.4倍,渗透率增大超140%,导热系数下降超过49%;随温度升高,干热岩塑性逐渐增强而抗压强度降低,超过300℃温度后,抗压强度呈“断崖式”下降,弹性模量较常温状态下降超过10%,泊松比基本呈线性下降;高温热应力促使干热岩内部孔隙结构发育,温度快速升高导致声发射事件不断向应力加载前期移动,断裂韧性逐渐减小,600℃温度时为常温下的22.4%。该结果为干热岩人工换热系统储层改造工程设计提供参考。  相似文献   

古亚洲洋通过板块俯冲而闭合后,形成规模巨大的中亚造山带,石尖山花岗岩体位于中亚造山带东段中部,是石尖山地区出露面积最大的侵入岩体,为了研究该地区构造演化特征,探讨该地区古亚洲洋的闭合时间,本次研究应用激光剥蚀-电感耦合等离子体质谱法,对石尖山花岗岩体进行了锆石U-Pb同位素测年,获得岩体同位素年龄(230.9±2.6)Ma和(231.5±2.5)Ma;同时,作者对该花岗岩体的地球化学特征及形成的构造环境进行了分析探讨,分析表明石尖山花岗岩形成于造山晚期-造山后过渡的拉伸环境。综合上述研究,石尖山花岗岩体为中三叠世结晶成岩,是造山活动末期的拉伸环境产物,反映了内蒙古石尖山地区古亚洲洋最可能闭合于晚二叠世—早三叠世。  相似文献   

本文试图通过对桂东南地区过铝花岗岩中普遍存在的堇青石研究,探讨花岗岩的形成条件和成因问题。该类花岗岩中存在两种堇青石:一种呈变晶状或不规则状聚晶出现,属于源岩的不熔残余物成因;另一种呈半自形-自形柱状单晶分散于岩石中,属岩浆结晶成因。两者常共存,后者是前者在岩浆状态下重结晶的产物。因此认为,根据堇青石的产出状态、共生矿物、成分、光学性质和晶体内部结构的差异,可以判断花岗岩熔浆的来源及其形成的深度、压力、温度条件。  相似文献   

残积土作为一种特殊土,其工程地质性质往往因母岩类型、地质环境及风化条件的不同差异很大。该文通过对野外资料、室内试验及原位测试等手段所获得的大量数据的整理分析,对日照市区花岗岩残积土的工程地质性质进行了初步研究,论述了日照市区花岗岩残积土的成因、分布、工程地质性质以及工程建设中残积土利用的问题。在残积土物理、力学性质试验的基础上,结合当地的工程实践经验,提出了花岗岩残积土的压缩模量(Es)、地基承载力特征值(fak)等物理力学指标的建议值,为日照市城市建设的发展提供了一定的地质依据。  相似文献   

Static uniaxial compression tests were conducted on 16 granite specimens after thermal treatment using a heating device and an electro-hydraulic servo pressure-testing machine. The effects of air cooling and water cooling on the physical and mechanical properties of the high-temperature granite specimens were studied. Test results showed that the longitudinal wave velocities of the high-temperature specimens gradually decreased after they were cooled by water and air. The peak stress and elastic modulus of the samples decreased gradually with an increase in temperature, whereas their peak strain increased gradually. The effects of peak stress and peak strain were considerably more evident when cooling by water than by air. This result demonstrated that the thermal cracking of the granite specimens, and consequently, their internal micro-fractures, further developed when the specimens were cooled by water.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the possible changes in the mixis potential of rotifer resting eggs produced by a single stock of Brachionus plicatilis and collected and preserved annually from 1985 - 1998. Several clones derived from each batch of resting eggs were cultured under the same conditions for 21 days. The percentage of clones appearing resting eggs and the average yield of resting eggs produced from each clone were recorded and statistically analyzed to find the differences between the mixis potential of those resting egg batches. Results showed that different batches of resting eggs had different mictic levels among their descendent clones; but no regular relationship was found between the mixis potential of resting eggs and their collection times/preservation periods. Several internal and external factors that might affect the mixis potential of resting eggs were discussed.  相似文献   

This paper presents the experimental results of composition changes of heavy fuel oil by simulating weathering in static seawater under natural environmental conditions. The results indicate: n-C10 to n-C15 were lost gradually in 24 weeks and the relative abundance of alkanes with long chains (n-C19) increased markedly. The aromatic compounds with less than two rings (except C4N) were completely lost in 24 weeks and CnP and CnD became the main aromatics in the heavy fuel oil after 24 weeks. The ratios of n-C17/Pristane (Pr) and n-C18/Phytane (Ph) were suitable for identifying lightly weathered (3 weeks) heavy fuel oil. The ratios of n-C17/n-C18 and Pr/Ph were suitable for identifying moderately weathered heavy fuel oil (12 weeks); the ratios of C2D/C2P and C3D/C3P did not change significantly in 24 weeks and were more suitable for identifying moderately weathered heavy fuel oil (24 weeks).  相似文献   

Decreasing the risks and geohazards associated with drilling engineering in high-temperature high-pressure (HTHP) geologic settings begins with the implementation of pre-drilling prediction techniques (PPTs). To improve the accuracy of geopressure prediction in HTHP hydrocarbon reservoirs offshore Hainan Island, we made a comprehensive summary of current PPTs to identify existing problems and challenges by analyzing the global distribution of HTHP hydrocarbon reservoirs, the research status of PPTs, and the geologic setting and its HTHP formation mechanism. Our research results indicate that the HTHP formation mechanism in the study area is caused by multiple factors, including rapid loading, diapir intrusions, hydrocarbon generation, and the thermal expansion of pore fluids. Due to this multi-factor interaction, a cloud of HTHP hydrocarbon reservoirs has developed in the Ying-Qiong Basin, but only traditional PPTs have been implemented, based on the assumption of conditions that do not conform to the actual geologic environment, e.g., Bellotti’s law and Eaton’s law. In this paper, we focus on these issues, identify some challenges and solutions, and call for further PPT research to address the drawbacks of previous works and meet the challenges associated with the deepwater technology gap. In this way, we hope to contribute to the improved accuracy of geopressure prediction prior to drilling and provide support for future HTHP drilling offshore Hainan Island.  相似文献   

西秦岭温泉花岗岩体岩石学特征及岩浆混合标志   总被引:9,自引:5,他引:9  
温泉花岗岩体由酸性端元的寄主岩石和暗色微细粒镁铁质包体群及基性岩墙群组成。无岩浆混合作用或岩浆混合作用较弱区段,寄主岩石以似斑状二长花岗岩为主.显示正常的花岗岩结构构造岩浆混合作用强烈区段。岩石的异常结构构造十分发育.矿物之间自形程度差异显著.常见包晶反应、包含结构、交代边、熔蚀边、交代蚕食的港湾状结构构造及交代缝合线、矿物镶边、斜长石异常环带和矿物残留等,多见指示岩浆混合的标志性矿物针状磷灰石。暗色微粒包体中多见寄主二长花岗岩中的捕掳晶。包体的形态、结构构造以及与寄主岩石强烈地成分交换等均是岩浆混合作用的标志。  相似文献   

Seasonal snow is one of the most important influences on the development and distribution of permafrost and the hydrothermal regime in surface soil. Alpine meadow, which constitutes the main land type in permafrost regions of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, was selected to study the influence of seasonal snow on the temperature and moisture in active soil layers under different vegetation coverage. Monitoring sites for soil moisture and temperature were constructed to observe the hydrothermal processes in active soil layers under different vegetation cover with seasonal snow cover variation for three years from 2010 to 2012. Differences in soil temperature and moisture in areas of diverse vegetation coverage with varying levels of snow cover were analyzed using active soil layer water and temperature indices. The results indicated that snow cover greatly influenced the hydrothermal dynamics of the active soil layer in alpine meadows. In the snow manipulation experiment with a snow depth greater than 15 cm, the snow cover postponed both the freeze-fall and thawrise onset times of soil temperature and moisture in alpine LC (lower vegetation coverage) meadows and of soil moisture in alpine HC (higher vegetation coverage) meadows; however, the opposite response occurred for soil temperatures of alpine HC meadows,where the entire melting period was extended by advancing the thaw-rise and delaying the freeze-fall onset time of the soil temperature. Snow cover resulted in a decreased amplitude and rate of variation in soil temperature, for both alpine HC meadows and alpine LC meadows, whereas the distinct influence of snow cover on the amplitude and rate of soil moisture variation occurred at different soil layers with different vegetation coverages. Snow cover increased the soil moisture of alpine grasslands during thawing periods. The results confirmed that the annual hydrothermal dynamics of active layers in permafrost were subject to the synergistic actions of both snow cover and vegetation coverage.  相似文献   

Ultrasonic vibration technology has great potential to weaken hard rocks.Understanding the effect of ultrasonic vibration loading parameters is essential to acc...  相似文献   

常德-安仁断裂是湖南东部一条NW向大断裂。以大量的基础地质资料为基础,对该断裂的分段性特征进行了总结;基于断裂带印支期花岗岩成因及分布规律,提出其在中三叠世晚期印支运动主幕中的活动具有分段性。根据断裂带及其两侧地区构造特征以及出露地层和岩浆岩等方面的差异,将常德-安仁断裂分为安仁-衡山段(Ⅰ)、湘乡段(Ⅱ)、桃江段(Ⅲ)、常德-石门段(Ⅳ)4段,各段间以穿切深部地壳乃至地幔的NE向深大断裂为界。NE向深大断裂主要形成于加里东运动并具左行走滑,其将常德-安仁断裂切错为互不连通的多段,导致后者在中生代的构造运动具分段性。区域上晚三叠世花岗岩主要为后碰撞环境下深部地壳熔融形成的S型花岗岩。常德-安仁断裂带上晚三叠世花岗岩的分布特征指示该断裂在印支运动主幕中的活动具有明显的分段性:中三叠世印支运动主幕中断裂湘乡段深部发生剪切活动,在端部受限的条件下其运动幅度、剪切强度及相应的增温效应自该段中部向端部减小,导致晚三叠世的深部地壳减压熔融仅发生于湘乡段中段,相应的花岗岩体则出露于湘乡段中段和北段。这一构造-岩浆机制在安仁-衡山段和桃江段得到同样反映。常德-安仁断裂在印支期的分段运动,是先期贯通断裂被NE向深大断裂切错为多段后产生的"被动性"分段运动,有别于-般的多条小断裂发生、扩展并最终连接为一条大断裂的"主动性"断裂分段运动或分段生长。   相似文献   

水库滑坡约束条件影响其运动过程的几何形态,是滑坡涌浪预测的重要参数之一。为了探究约束条件对滑坡涌浪特征(波高、波幅与周期)的影响,采用正交试验设计法开展了54组滑坡涌浪室内模型试验,并基于统计学理论对约束散体和半约束散体的涌浪特征进行了分析。结果表明:涌浪波周期基本不受滑体约束条件的影响;而半约束散体模型的波高和波幅小于约束散体的波高和波幅,半约束散体的初始涌浪波高约为约束散体的0.95倍,半约束散体模型的最大波峰波幅约为约束散体模型的0.9倍。因此,在开展滑坡涌浪快速预测时,虽然滑体入水形态与破坏前形态差异巨大,但基于滑坡初始几何形态参数对其初始涌浪波高和最大涌浪波幅的预测结果是偏安全的。研究结论可以为更准确地预测水库滑坡涌浪提供理论依据。  相似文献   

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