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In this paper, progress in strain study of blocks and faults by GPS data are discussed, and the concept that active structures between blocks are the main body of crustal strain is clarified. By energy transfer principle of elastic mechanics, the relation between strain around faults and tectonic force on fault surfaces is set up and main body element model of crustal strain is constructed. Finally, the relation between mechanical evolution of model and seismogenic process of Kunlun earthquake (Ms=8.1) is discussed by continuous GPS data of datum stations. The result suggests that the relatively relaxed change under background of strong compressing and shearing may help to trigger moderate-strong earthquakes.  相似文献   

~~Preliminary study on variation characteristics of ocean tide dynamic stress in crust and its relationship with earthquakes@陆明勇$China Center for Earthquake Disaster Emergency and SAR,Beijing 100049,China @郑文衡$Huazhong University of Science and Technology,Wuhan 430074,China①Strong earthquake catalogues in China. Earthquake catalogues reported monthly by Center for Analysis and Prediction, CEA. ①YI Zhi-gang. Institute of Crustal Dynamics, China Earthquake Administrati…  相似文献   

2-D crustal velocity structure and vp/vs are obtained by processing and interpretation of S-wave data from Maqen-Jingbian deep seismic sounding(DSS)profile.The result shows that there exist obvious differences in 2-D S-wave velocity structure and vp/vs ratio structure along the profile.The S-wave velocities are low and vp/vs ration is high for the westem section of the profile and Haiyuan region,while they are normal for the middle and eastern sections.The changes in lithologic characters of two major anomalous zones are discussed according to lateral variation of S-wave velocity structure and vp/vs ratio structure.It is concluded that the development and occurrence of the Haiyuan strong earthquake is not only related to tectonic activities,but also to lithologic characters of the region.  相似文献   

Receiver function of body wave under the 23 stations in Yunnan was extracted from 3-component broadband digital recording of teleseismic event. Thus, the S-wave velocity structure and distribution characteristics of Poisson's ratio in crust of Yunnan are obtained by inversion. The results show that the crustal thickness is gradually thinned from north to south. The crustal thickness in Zhongdian of northwest reaches as many as 62.0 km and the one in Jinghong of further south end is only 30.2 km. What should be especially noted is that there exists a Moho upheaval running in NS in the Chuxiong region and a Moho concave is generally parallel to it in Dongchuan. In addition, there exists an obvious transversal inhomogeneity for the S-wave velocity structure in upper mantle and crust in the Yunnan region. The low velocity layer exists not only in 10.0-15.0 km in upper crust in some regions, but also in 30.0-40.0 km in lower crust. Generally, the Poisson's ratio is on the high side, however it has a better co  相似文献   

MechanicalanalysisofenechelonstructureanditssignificanceofcontrollingearthquakesXin-ShengXIE(谢新生)andXiao-PingRUAN(阮小平)(Instit...  相似文献   

We conducted rapid inversions of rupture process for the 2023 earthquake doublet occurred in SE Türkiye, the first with a magnitude of MW7.8 and the second with a magnitude of MW7.6, using teleseismic and strong-motion data. The teleseismic rupture models of the both events were obtained approximately 88 and 55 minutes after their occurrences, respectively. The rupture models indicated that the first event was an asymmetric bilateral event with ruptures mainly propagating t...  相似文献   

VelocitystructureofthecrustanduppermantleinXingtaiearthquakeregion and itsadjacentareaZhi-PingZHU;(祝治平)Xian-KangZHANG;(张称康)Yu...  相似文献   

IntroductionUntilnow,manyobservationsandstudiesshowthatinacertainareasandduringacertainperiodmajorearthquakesfrequentlyocured...  相似文献   

The noise model based on a trous wavelet algorithm produces a multi-scale expression of image through the combination of wavelet transform and a testing model of statistical significance.This kind of expression not only gives the formation and location of image structure on different scales,but also eliminates the influence of noise Since the algorithm does not need any priori hypotheses,it is suitable for the data with complex structure.The research line is employed in this paper to analyze the spatial activity of earthquake.The method of how to recognize and describe the multi-scale space activity of earthquake is emphatically discussed in this paper.Taking typical sequences in Southwest China as research cases,we systematically study the structure characters of spatial activity of earthquake on different scales.Results show that multi-scale space structure to some extent possesses indicative effect on strong epicenters.And the foreshock anomalies of Songpan seismic sequence also reveal interesting pattem during the spatial-temporal evolvement.  相似文献   

Introduction Artificial seismic sounding is a geophysical exploration technique developed in prospectingfor oil and gas and other mineral resources and consists of reflection wave and refraction waveexploration methods. With rapid development of computer techniques and sounding instruments,the reflection wave method became a high-resolution imagery technique for underground struc-tures and is widespreadly used in detection of underground caves and in engineering exploration.In previous se…  相似文献   

ThepatterncharacteristicsofthetendencyvariationsofearthresistivityanditsrelationtoearthquakesHe-YunZHAO(赵和云)(EarthquakeResear...  相似文献   

Introduction The Tianshan Mountain is the youngest cordillera in the present-day continental Asia, and its tectonic evolution is closely related to the collision and subduction between Indian Plate and Eurasian Plate in the Himalayas orogen since Cenozoic…  相似文献   

In multi-component seismic exploration, the horizontal and vertical components both contain P- and SV-waves. The P- and SV-wavefields in a seismic record can be separated by their horizontal and vertical displacements when upgoing P- and SV-waves arrive at the sea floor. If the sea floor P wave velocity, S wave velocity, and density are known, the separation can be achieved in ther-p domain. The separated wavefields are then transformed to the time domain. A method of separating P- and SV-wavefields is presented in this paper and used to effectively separate P- and SV-wavefields in synthetic and real data. The application to real data shows that this method is feasible and effective. It also can be used for free surface data.  相似文献   

Plumb line variations(PLV) at Tangshan during the years of 1987―1998 are determined by using the 46 batch repeated gravity observations of the Beijing-Tangshan network.It has been found that PLV at Tangshan are related with the 38 earthquakes in this period.It appears that the time of an earthquake around Tangshan is usually quite the same when PLV at Tangshan begins moving in opposite direction.  相似文献   

Plumb line variations (PLV) at Tangshan during the years of 1987–1998 are determined by using the 46 batch repeated gravity observations of the Beijing-Tangshan network. It has been found that PLV at Tangshan are related with the 38 earthquakes in this period. It appears that the time of an earthquake around Tangshan is usually quite the same when PLV at Tangshan begins moving in opposite direction. Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 10633030)  相似文献   

Introduction Since the middle of the century, gravitational isostasy has been a fundamental hypothesis for inverting the gravity data to find the crust thickness. Geophysicists have done a lot of researches on using gravity data to investigate the depth of Moho discontinuity. Since 1980, the International Lithosphere Program emphasized the importance of investigating the Moho depth variation. Thereafter a lot of results have been published in the world (Braitenberg et al, 2000; Kaban et al,…  相似文献   

Introduction According to many published papers, seismicity in time-space domain shows some characteristics, such as doughnut epicenter distribution (Mogi, 1969) or quiescence of seismic activity before large earthquakes (WANG, et al, 2002), and aftershock decay (Ogata, 1998). In recent years, more and more seismologists (Lynnr, Steven, 1990) have found that many strong earthquakes are preceded by enhancing regional seismicity and accelerating strain energy release (ZHANG, et al, 2001). T…  相似文献   

Introduction In the development of seismic science,the improvement of observational instruments is prone to produce new parameters and promote rapid growth of seismology.For example,after the global digital seismograph network is established,some studies that could not be made or easily made in the past are now being carried out successively.As a result,analytical studies based on digital data have been made one after another and digital seismology has formed.Up to now,Harvard University has …  相似文献   

Introduction The relation between satellite thermal infrared anomaly and earthquakes or fault activities has been studied for more than ten years. Many researchers contribute themselves to the research field and made some progress (Gorny et al, 1988; Andrew et al, 2002; WANG and QIANG, 1995; ZHENG et al, 1996; QIANG and DIAN, 1998). In recent years, with the rapid development of satellite remote sensing technique and its wide application to the field of seismology, more and more rese…  相似文献   

Land surface evapotranspiration is an important component both in earth surface heat and water bal-ance, on whose budgets weather and climate depend, to a great extent, for their changes are responsible for the formation and variation of vegetation features on the globe. Besides, the evapotranspiration is an im-portant topic of short-term flood forecasting and the estimation of runoff from mountainous sides. As a result, the problem as to the evapotranspiration has been one of the concerns in …  相似文献   

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