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Melt‐origin pseudotachylyte is the most reliable seismogenic fault rock. It is commonly believed that pseudotachylyte generation is rare in the plate subduction zone where interstitial fluids are abundant and can trigger dynamic fault‐weakening mechanisms such as thermal pressurization. Some recent studies, however, have discovered pseudotachylyte‐bearing faults in exhumed ancient accretionary complexes, indicating that frictional melting also occurrs during earthquakes in subduction zones. To clarify the pseudotachylyte generation mechanism and the variation of slip behavior in the plate subduction zone, a pseudotachylyte found in the exhumed fossil accretionary complex (the Shimanto Belt, Nobeoka, Japan) was re‐focused and microscopic and three‐dimensional observations of the pseudotachylyte‐bearing fault were performed based on optical, electron, and X‐ray microscope images. Based on the patterns contained in the fragment, the pseudotachylyte is divided into four domains, although no clear domain boundaries or layering structures are not found. Three‐dimensional observation also suggests that the pseudotachylyte were fragmented or isolated by cataclasite or carbonate breccia. The pseudotachylyte was rather injected into the surrounding carbonate breccia, which is composed of angular fragments of the host rock and a matrix of tiny crystalline carbonate. The pseudotachylyte volume was extracted from the X‐ray microscope image and the heat abundance consumed by the pseudotachylyte generation was estimated at 2.18 MJ/m2, which can be supplied during a slip of approximately 0.5 m. These observations and calculations, together with the results of the previous investigations, suggest hydrofracturing and rapid carbonate precipitation that preceded or accompanied the frictional melting. Dynamic hydrofracturing during a slip can be caused by rapid fluid pressurization, and can induce abrupt decrease in fluid pressure while drastically enhancing the shear strength of the shear zone. Consequently, frictional heating would be reactivated and generate the pseudotachylyte. These deformation processes can explain pseudotachylyte generation in hydrous faults with the impermeable wall rock.  相似文献   

谱分析在识别初至P波中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
由于台站周围环境噪声干扰的增强,台站人员无法识别被背景噪声淹没的初至P波。我们利用DIMAS分析软件包中的谱分析方法,寻找初至P波的卓越周期,改善台站人员识别地震波的能力。  相似文献   

Systematic researches to the clastic reservoirs in various types and various geological ages basins in China indicate that the present burial depth of deep buried clastic eureservoir ranges from 3000 to 6000 m,and its geological ages from Paleozoic,Mesozoic to Cenozoic. It mainly deposited in delta (including braid delta,fan delta,normal delta),river,also shore,shallow lake,gravity flow channel and turbidity fan facies. The quartzose sandstone is the main reservoir rock of deep-buried clastic eureservoir in the shore facies in Paleozoic,but the arenite and arkose sandstones are the main reservoir rock types in delta,river,shallow lake and gravity flow facies in Mesozoic and Cenozoic. The porosity of most of deep-buried clastic eureservoir is more than 10% and permeability more than 10×10?3 μm2. The forma-tion of the deep-buried eureservoir was related to the paleotectonics,paleotemperature,sedimentary environment,the deep dissolution caused by organic acid or carbonic acid,burial style,the abnormal high pore fluid pressure,early hydrocarbon charging,gyprock sealing,hot convective fluid flow and the mode of sand-mud interbedded,etc. The paleotectonics controls the burial style of sandstones,and the paleotemperature controls the diagenesis process. The sedimentary environment is the precondi-tion and foundation,the dissolution is the direct reason to generate the deep buried clastic eureservoir. The abnormal high pore fluid pressure,gyprock sealing,the mode of sand-mud interbedded,early hy-drocarbon charging and the structure fractures were the assistant factors of generating the deep buried clastic eureservoir.  相似文献   

频谱分析方法在气氡周期分析中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
利用数字信号处理的相关理论与方法,对聊古1井两年的气氡逐时值数据进行适当的滤波处理,用频谱分析的方法提取潜在周期信息。结果表明:聊古I井气氡数据除明显的年周期外,还存在12小时、24小时的短周期效应和1~2个月的中长周期波动。说明数字信号处理技术对地震前兆数据处理有很好效果和应用前景。  相似文献   

Autoregressive (AR) and Autoregressive-moving average (ARMA) methods of spectral analysis have been developed and are being increasingly used as alternatives to traditional methods of spectral analysis. Two of these methods developed by Marple and Friedlander are tested in this study by using generated data from models with known spectra. The Blackman-Tukey spectral estimates are also compared to the Marple and Friedlander estimates. The variability of the Marple and Friedlander estimates with sample sizes is investigated. Although both Marple's and Friedlander's methods are satisfactory, Friedlander's method is preferred because of its ability to handle a wider class of models.  相似文献   

Applicability of spectral analysis to determine hydraulic diffusivity   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This study is to evaluate the applicability of estimating the one-dimensional horizontal hydraulic diffusivity of an unconfined aquifer with time-dependent fluctuation of lateral head and vertical recharge boundaries using observed water level spectra. Different models of boundary condition are imposed to evaluate the statistical significance between the calculated hydraulic diffusivity (ξ) with the given hydraulic diffusivity (ξ). The auto-spectra of the water level in observation wells tapping the same aquifer are closely related to those at the disturbed boundaries. For an aquifer with a constant hydraulic diffusivity, the water level fluctuation in the monitoring wells is linearly related to the water level spectra observed at the boundaries. The spectral density function of aquifer hydraulic head varies inversely with specific yield (S y) and directly with recharge. Given small variation in water level spectra at the disturbed boundaries, the water level fluctuation in the aquifer is affected by the recharge condition and the aquifer spectral density function is sensitive to S y. Using an iterative technique to estimate ξ from 1400 sets of given parameters, 99% of the ξ/ξ values deviated within only one order of magnitude with the model length (L) being equal to 1 km and 10 km. For L equal to 100 m, approximately 82% of the ξ/ξ population falls within two orders of magnitude. Therefore, spectral analysis of aquifer hydraulic head response can be used to estimate the hydraulic diffusivity of an unconfined aquifer which is affected by periodic variations in recharge and head at boundaries.  相似文献   

重力位场谱分析方法研究综述   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
陈石  张健 《地球物理学进展》2006,21(4):1113-1119
利用Fourier变换将空间域位场数据变换到频率域进行谱分析是重力位场数据处理中的一种重要方法.这种方法在位场的延拓及转换、场分离、物性界面的正反演和位场的曲化平处理等方面已得到广泛的应用.本文详细介绍了位场谱分析的基本理论和方法,总结了国内外最近几十年来在这方面取得的主要成果,并提出了未来值得深入研究的方向.  相似文献   

S-wave spectral analysis is applied to 174 strong motion accelerationrecords to obtain the source parameters of 27 aftershocks(3.1 ML 4.3) of the May 13, 1995, Mw 6.6,Kozani-Grevena (NW Greece) earthquake. The data are derived from atemporary network, of three-component digital accelerographs, deployedwithin the strongly affected area some days after the mainshock occurrence.Site effects were evident in the strong motion records at 3 out of the 4stations used, and a correction was applied to account for theoverestimation of seismic moment due to amplification of thelow-frequency part of the spectrum. The data from this analysis arecomplimented with previously obtained source parameters for earthquakesin Greece, in order to study the applicability of the empirical scalingrelations used so far, towards smaller magnitudes. In general, a goodcorrelation was observed in most cases, validating the use of empiricalrelations that are applicable to the Aegean area. Empirical relations aredetermined between seismic moment and seismic slip, as well as, betweenseismic moment and stress drop, applicable to small magnitude earthquakes(ML < 4.3). Stress drop values were found to be relatively small,ranging from 2 to 41 bars, indicative of inter-plate environments. Thevalues of fc and of fmax were found in good agreement withrelations based on observations from larger worldwide earthquakes.  相似文献   

Determination of hydraulic diffusivity of aquifers by spectral analysis   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This study uses the cyclical frequency to develop the mathematical relationship between hydraulic diffusivity and spectral density functions calculated from groundwater level variation. Such relationship can be applied to (1) unsteady state, one-dimensional confined aquifer with time-dependent water level on both end boundaries, and (2) linearized unconfined aquifer with or without vertical recharge. The spectral density functions of groundwater fluctuations are largely affected by the spectral density functions obtained from time-dependent end boundaries and their cross-spectral density functions. Hydraulic diffusivity of an aquifer can be solved by type-curve matching technique at a specified frequency band under the conditions of (1) confined aquifer having equal time-dependent boundaries on both ends, (2) unconfined aquifer having equal time-dependent boundaries on both ends with surface recharge, and (3) unconfined aquifer subjected to surface recharge but neglecting the water table fluctuations on both end boundaries.  相似文献   

The extent to which movement on major faults causes long term shear heating is a contentious issue and an important aspect in the debate about the strength of major faults in the crust. Comparing the results of experimental work on the kinetics of crystallization of carbonaceous material with results of thermal modeling show that the Raman carbonaceous material (CM) geothermometer is well suited to studying shear heating on geological time scales in suitable lithologies exposed around exhumed major fault zones. The Median Tectonic Line (MTL), SW Japan, is the largest on‐land fault in Japan with a length of > 800 km. Application of Raman CM thermometry to pelitic schist adjacent to the fault reveals the presence of a rise in peak temperature of around 60 °C over a distance of around 150 m perpendicular to the MTL fault plane. The spatial association of this thermal anomaly with the fault implies it is due to shear heating. Thermal modeling shows the recorded thermal anomaly and steep temperature gradient is compatible with very high rates of displacement over time scales of a few thousand years. However, the implied displacement rates lie outside those generally observed. An alternative explanation is that an originally broader thermal anomaly that developed during strike slip faulting was shortened due to the effects of normal faulting. Constraints on displacement rate, width of the original anomaly, duration of heating and peak temperature imply a coefficient of friction, μ, greater than 0.4.  相似文献   

Current methods of estimation of the univariate spectral density are reviewed and some improvements are made. It is suggested that spectral analysis may perhaps be best thought of as another exploratory data analysis (EDA) tool which complements, rather than competes with, the popular ARMA model building approach. A new diagnostic check for ARMA model adequacy based on the nonparametric spectral density is introduced. Additionally, two new algorithms for fast computation of the autoregressive spectral density function are presented. For improving interpretation of results, a new style of plotting the spectral density function is suggested. Exploratory spectral analyses of a number of hydrological time series are performed and some interesting periodicities are suggested for further investigation. The application of spectral analysis to determine the possible existence of long memory in natural time series is discussed with respect to long riverflow, treering and mud varve series. Moreover, a comparison of the estimated spectral densities suggests the ARMA models fitted previously to these datasets adequately describe the low frequency component. Finally, the software and data used in this paper are available by anonymous ftp from fisher.stats.uwo.ca.  相似文献   

卫星重力测量技术的实现为测定地球动力学扁率提供了新的方式和途径,GRACE卫星是目前最新的重力测量卫星,据其恢复的低阶重力场较以往精度得到大大提高,然而其观测地球动力学扁率(二阶项)却与卫星激光测距(SLR)结果相差较大.本文采用最大熵谱和小波分析方法对GRACE和SLR观测的地球动力学扁率时间序列信号进行定量比较分析,结果表明:GRACE观测的地球动力学扁率年际周期变化振幅仅为SLR观测结果的25%,并且目前GRACE观测的地球动力学扁率数据中含有系统输入信息和相位差,但前者较后者包含有较强的短周期(2~6月)信息.造成这种差异的主要原因可能来自于GRACE与SLR全球观测数据时空分布不同.  相似文献   

After studying the characteristics and special texture of the fluidogenous tectonics, mineral assemblage in the cemented vein between breccia and their special distribution, and stress analyzing the joint structures in and around the breccia pipe, it is found that the observed phenomena are caused by a new tectonic dynamic mechanics of fluid—double-fracturing caused by temperature and pressure of fluids and pulsating expansion. Under the actions of thermal stress and the pressure of fluids, thermal cracks and joints that developed along parts of the thermal cracks formed systematically in the rocks. Under these conditions, up-arching fracture zones that pulsatively expanded upward and cylindrical pressing breccia body were formed. Rocks at the peak of the pyramidal fractures zone break down instantly. Where the difference between pressure of fluids and the overburden pressure exceeded greatly the competence of the rocks, fluid junctions occurred and the velocity of the fluid flow increased as a result. Explosive body expanded upward in the shape of an inverse cone, cone-like explosive breccia body and cover-like shattering breccia body located on the upper part of the breccia pipe were ultimately formed. Gold-rich fluids were enriched and mineralized near the boiling surface in the lower part of the inverse cone-like explosive breccia body where temperature and pressure decreased rapidly, while copper-rich fluids were enriched and mineralized in the junction area where temperature and pressure were relatively high.  相似文献   

The study demonstrates spectral relationships in the time–frequency domain for one‐dimensional groundwater flow in aquifers bounded by fluctuating boundaries. By nature, the solutions of spectral equations are non‐linear complex functions. To determine hydraulic diffusivity in the governing equations, it is required that the data are collected from the spectra of water levels at the fluctuating boundaries and observation wells. Hydraulic diffusivity thus can be obtained by an iterative inverse approach. This paper presents an application in Pingtung County of Taiwan to determine the hydraulic diffusivity of a sandy aquifer under confined conditions. Spectral density function of water level obtained from tidal boundaries and observation wells are used to approximate hydraulic diffusivity, which yields an averaged value of 1·26 × 106 m2/h. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

朱航  刘杰  陈天长 《地震》2006,26(2):1-11
发生在同一震源区的两个地震, 当地震之间的距离远小于地震到台站之间的距离时, 同一个台站的直达P波、 S波零频观测谱值之比与其辐射图型因子之比线性相关, 而辐射图型因子取决于震源机制解的几何特性。 利用同一震源区两次事件的相同台站的波形记录计算谱振幅相关系数, 该系数可认为是震源机制异同的归一化的数值描述; 据此对地震序列事件进行聚类分组以及计算序列事件的滑动平均相关系数时序曲线。 对2001年雅江和2003年大姚强震序列, 以及2002年漾濞和2003年洱源小震序列进行分析的研究结果表明: ① 强震序列与小震序列的滑动平均相关系数时序曲线形态存在明显差异; ② 某些强震序列的初期震源机制有从散乱到一致的过程。 分析认为, 孕震应力场的应力强度对孕震区内地震的破裂方向有明显的约束作用。  相似文献   

In spite of important differences in structural response to near‐fault and far‐fault ground motions, this paper aims at extending well‐known concepts and results, based on elastic and inelastic response spectra for far‐fault motions, to near‐fault motions. Compared are certain aspects of the response of elastic and inelastic SDF systems to the two types of motions in the context of the acceleration‐, velocity‐, and displacement‐sensitive regions of the response spectrum, leading to the following conclusions. (1) The velocity‐sensitive region for near‐fault motions is much narrower, and the acceleration‐sensitive and displacement‐sensitive regions are much wider, compared to far‐fault motions; the narrower velocity‐sensitive region is shifted to longer periods. (2) Although, for the same ductility factor, near‐fault ground motions impose a larger strength demand than far‐fault motions—both demands expressed as a fraction of their respective elastic demands—the strength reduction factors Ry for the two types of motions are similar over corresponding spectral regions. (3) Similarly, the ratio um/u0 of deformations of inelastic and elastic systems are similar for the two types of motions over corresponding spectral regions. (4) Design equations for Ry (and for um/u0) should explicitly recognize spectral regions so that the same equations apply to various classes of ground motions as long as the appropriate values of Ta, Tb and Tc are used. (5) The Veletsos–Newmark design equations with Ta=0.04 s, Tb=0.35 s, and Tc=0.79 s are equally valid for the fault‐normal component of near‐fault ground motions. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Raman characteristics of hydrocarbon and hydrocarbon inclusions   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The Raman spectrograms of hydrocarbon standard samples show that: (1) the Raman spectrogram of normal paraffin has very strong peaks of methyl and methylene (from 2700 cm-1 to 2970 cm-1); (2) branch methyl has the particular peak of 748 cm-1±; (3) six cyclic has the particular peak of 804 cm-1±; (4) phenyl has two particular peaks of 988 cm-1± and 3058 cm-1± and the 988 cm-1± peak is stronger than the 3058 cm-1± peak; and (5) hexene has three alkenyl spectrum peaks of 1294 cm-1±, 1635 cm-1± and 2996 cm-1±, with the 1635 cm-1± peak being the strongest, showing that the number of carbon in hy-drocarbon does not affect its Raman spectrogram, and the hydrocarbon molecular structure and base groups affect its Raman spectrogram, the same hydrocarbons (such as normal paraffin) have the same Raman spectrogram; the types (such as CH4, C2H6, C3H8) and the content of hydrocarbon in oil inclu-sions are not estimated by their characteristic Raman peaks. According to the Raman spectrograms of hydrocarbon compositions, the Raman spectrogram of hydrocarbon inclusion can be divided into five types: saturated hydrocarbon Raman spectrogram, fluoresce Raman spectrogram, saturated hydro-carbon bitumen Raman spectrogram, bitumen Raman spectrogram, and ethane Raman spectrogram. And according to the characteristics of Raman spectrogram, hydrocarbon inclusions can be divided into five types: saturated hydrocarbon inclusion, less saturated hydrocarbon (oil or gas) inclusion, saturated hydrocarbon bitumen inclusion, bitumen inclusion, and methane water inclusion.  相似文献   

Regional seismic risk assessments and quantification of portfolio losses often require simulation of spatially distributed ground motions at multiple intensity measures. For a given earthquake, distributed ground motions are characterized by spatial correlation and correlation between different intensity measures, known as cross‐correlation. This study proposes a new spatial cross‐correlation model for within‐event spectral acceleration residuals that uses a combination of principal component analysis (PCA) and geostatistics. Records from 45 earthquakes are used to investigate earthquake‐to‐earthquake trends in application of PCA to spectral acceleration residuals. Based on the findings, PCA is used to determine coefficients that linearly transform cross‐correlated residuals to independent principal components. Nested semivariogram models are then fit to empirical semivariograms to quantify the spatial correlation of principal components. The resultant PCA spatial cross‐correlation model is shown to be accurate and computationally efficient. A step‐by‐step procedure and an example are presented to illustrate the use of the predictive model for rapid simulation of spatially cross‐correlated spectral accelerations at multiple periods.  相似文献   

多窗谱分析在Q值估算中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
正弦窗谱分析和Slepian窗谱分析是两种常用的多窗谱分析方法.本文利用两种窗函数分别对含噪声的衰减模型进行谱分析对比,并根据谱比法估算了Q值.研究结果表明:正弦窗函数谱分析应用的效果优于Slepian窗谱分析应用的效果,而且多正弦窗谱估计更接近真实的谱.对于深部地层,噪声的影响更加严重,利用多正弦窗谱估计估算的Q值更接近理论的Q值.  相似文献   

体波谱振幅相关系数法在肥东地震序列震后判定中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
地震直达体波记录的观测谱包含震源、传播路径和台站信息,而发生在同一震源区的不同地震,如:序列地震,在同一地震台站的记录,受传播路径影响基本相同,地震台站的场地响应、仪器响应也完全相同。因此,序列地震体波观测零频谱的相关系数直接反映震源辐射图型因子的相似性,即震源机制解的相似性。将该方法用于2009年安徽肥东地震序列,与传统方法计算的震源机制解作比较,结果显示,谱振幅相关系数法能反映序列地震震源机制解的变化过程。  相似文献   

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