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The purpose of our work is to strongly constrain the mass to light ratio in the disk of the flocculent isolated Sc type spiral NGC 4414 using a combined high resolution interferometric CO(1-0) and HI rotation curve, and deep HST B-V-I images of the galaxy. To identify the mass contributions of the visible – stellar and gaseous – components, we observed the rotation curve with high resolution in the optical disk. The M/L ratios we derive are low, about 1.5 in I band and 0.5 in K' band. The B and V band M/L ratios vary greatly due to absorption by dust, reaching 4 in the molecular ring and decreasing to about 1.6 –1.8 at larger radii. This unequivocally shows that models, like most maximum disk models, assuming constant M/L ratios in an optical waveband, simply are not appropriate. We illustrate this by making mock maximum disk models with a constant V band M/L ratio. The key is having the central light distribution unobscured such that it can be used to trace the mass. The K' band M/L ratio is virtually constant over the disk, suggesting that the intrinsic (unobscured) stellar M/L ratio is roughly constant. We use our knowledge of the visible mass distribution to test disk and halo dark matter models. Fitting an NFW (Navarro et al., 1996) halo to the rotation curve suggests that NGC 4414 is in a low mass concentrated halo typical of small galaxies and early halo formation times. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

We briefly report on our observations of SN 1979c in NGC 4321 in the period 1979 April 23 – December 27.The light curve of SN 1979c shows a hump in the period May 8 – June 5. It thus differs from a Type-I curve, but it does not completely agree with a typical Type-II curve either. Using our own and others' data, we find that, at maximum, it had an absolute photographic magnitude of ?19m.78 and a colour temperature of ~9000 K. We estimate the total energy release to be 1.6 × 1050 erg. We also note its location on a spiral arm of the parent galaxy, not far from an H-II region. From these observations, we conclude that SN 1979c is a Type-II supernova with, however, some atypical features.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present and discuss a new Monte Carlo approach aimed at correcting the observed supernova (SN) rates for the effects of host galaxy dust extinction. The problem is addressed in a general way and the model includes SN position distributions, SN light-curve and spectral library and dust properties and distribution as input ingredients. Even though the recipe we propose is in principle applicable to all SN types, in this paper, we illustrate the use of our model only for Type Ia. These represent, in fact, the simplest test case, basically due to their spectroscopic homogeneity, which to a first approximation allows one to treat them all in the same way. This test case shows that the final results do not depend critically on the spiral arm dust geometry, while the total amount of dust, its properties and the size of the Galactic bulge do have a strong effect. With the availability of more complete spectral libraries and a more accurate knowledge of SN spatial distribution, the method we propose here can be easily extended to core collapse events.  相似文献   

We present XMM–Newton observations of NGC 891, a nearby edge-on spiral galaxy. We analyse the extent of the diffuse emission emitted from the disc of the galaxy, and find that it has a single-temperature profile with best-fitting temperature of 0.26 keV, though the fit of a dual-temperature plasma with temperatures of 0.08 and 0.30 keV is also acceptable. There is a considerable amount of diffuse X-ray emission protruding from the disc in the north-west direction out to approximately 6 kpc. We analyse the point-source population using a Chandra observation, using a maximum-likelihood method to find that the slope of the cumulative luminosity function of point sources in the galaxy is  −0.77+0.13−0.1  . Using a sample of other local galaxies, we compare the X-ray and infrared properties of NGC 891 with those of 'normal' and starburst spiral galaxies, and conclude that NGC 891 is most likely a starburst galaxy in a quiescent state. We establish that the diffuse X-ray luminosity of spirals scales with the far-infrared luminosity as   L X∝ L 0.87±0.07FIR  , except for extreme starbursts, and NGC 891 does not fall in the latter category. We study the supernova SN1986J in both XMM–Newton and Chandra observations, and find that the X-ray luminosity has been declining with time more steeply than expected  ( L X∝ t −3)  .  相似文献   

Although it is generally thought that long-duration gamma-ray bursts (LGRBs) are associated with core-collapse supernovae (SNe), so far only four pairs of GRBs and SNe with firmly established connection have been found. All the four GRB-SNe belong to special class of Type Ic – called the broad-lined SNe indicative of a large explosion energy, suggesting that only a small fraction of SNe Ibc have GRBs associated with them. This scheme has been refreshed by the discovery of a bright X-ray transient in NGC 2770 on 2008 January 9, which was followed by a rather normal Type Ib SN 2008D. In this paper, I argue that the transient 080109 is an X-ray flash (XRF, the soft version of a GRB) because of the following evidence. (1) The transient cannot be interpreted as a SN shock breakout event. (2) The GRB X-ray flare interpretation is not supported by the high-energy observation. I then show that XRF 080109 satisfies the well-known relation between the isotropic-equivalent energy and the peak spectral energy for LGRBs, which highly strengthens the XRF interpretation. Finally, I point out that the peak spectral energy of XRF 080109 and the maximum bolometric luminosity of SN 2008D agree with the   E γ,peak– L SN,max  relationship of Li, strengthening the validity of the relationship. I speculate that events like XRF 080109 may occur at a rate comparable to SNe Ibc, and a soft X-ray telescope devoted to surveying for nearby X-ray flares will be very fruitful in discovering them.  相似文献   

The northern section of the molecular cloud complex NGC 6334 has been mapped in the CO and CS spectral line emission and in continuum emission at a wavelength of 1300 μm. Our observations highlight the two dominant sources, I and I(N), and a host of weaker sources. NGC 6334 I is associated with a cometary ultracompact H  ii region and a hot, compact core ≤10 arcsec in size. Mid-infrared and CH3OH observations indicate that it is also associated with at least two protostellar sources, each of which may drive a molecular outflow. For region I we confirm the extreme high-velocity outflow first discovered by Bachiller & Cernicharo and find that it is very energetic with a mechanical luminosity of 390 L. A dynamical age for the outflow is ∼3000 yr. We also find a weaker outflow originating from the vicinity of NGC 6334 I. In CO and CS this outflow is quite prominent to the north-west, but much less so on the eastern side of I, where there is very little molecular gas. Spectral survey data show a molecular environment at position I which is rich in methanol, methyl formate and dimethyl ether, with lines ranging in energy up to 900 K above the ground state. NGC 6334 I(N) is more dense than I, but cooler, and has none of the high-excitation lines observed toward I. I(N) also has an associated outflow, but it is less energetic than the outflow from I. The fully sampled continuum map shows a network of filaments, voids and cores, many of which are likely to be sites of star formation. A striking feature is a narrow, linear ridge which defines the western boundary. It is unclear if there is a connection between this filament and the many potential sites of star formation, or if the filament existed prior to the star formation activity.  相似文献   

We present photometric and spectroscopic data of the Type II-P supernova (SN II-P) 2003gd, which was discovered in M74 close to the end of its plateau phase. SN 2003gd is the first Type II supernova (SN) to have a directly confirmed red supergiant (RSG) progenitor. We compare SN 2003gd to SN 1999em, a similar SN II-P, and estimate an explosion date of 2003 March 18. We determine a reddening towards the SN of   E ( B − V ) = 0.14 ± 0.06  , using three different methods. We also calculate three new distances to M74 of  9.6 ± 2.8, 7.7 ± 1.7  and  9.6 ± 2.2 Mpc  . The former was estimated using the standard candle method (SCM), for Type II supernovae (SNe II), and the latter two using the brightest supergiants method (BSM). When combined with existing kinematic and BSM distance estimates, we derive a mean value of  9.3 ± 1.8 Mpc  . SN 2003gd was found to have a lower tail luminosity compared with other normal Type II-P supernovae (SNe II-P) bringing into question the nature of this SN. We present a discussion concluding that this is a normal SN II-P, which is consistent with the observed progenitor mass of  8+4−2 M  .  相似文献   

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