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鄱阳湖夏季水热通量特征及环境要素影响分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
气候变化加速了全球水文循环过程,然而,气候变化如何影响水体蒸发及其水热通量交换仍然不清楚.基于涡度相关系统观测鄱阳湖水体水热通量过程,在小时和日尺度分析了水热通量的变化规律及其主要影响因子.研究表明,潜热通量日变化波动剧烈,大部分为正值,变化范围在-50~580 W/m2之间.而感热通量数值较小,变化范围在-50~50 W/m2之间.8月份潜热通量和感热通量均呈波动下降趋势,均值分别为167.4和15.9 W/m2.8月份日平均潜热通量和感热通量之和大于净辐射,这是由于这一时段储存在水体中的热量释放并补充潜热通量和感热通量.小时尺度上潜热通量日变化在相位上与净辐射无显著相关性,而与风速显著相关.在日尺度变化趋势上,8月份日平均潜热通量仍主要受到风速和水温的影响,感热通量则主要受到风速和饱和水汽压差的影响.  相似文献   

The daily surface heat budget of a polynya in the coastal waters off Queen Maud Land, Antarctica is studied for the period from 23 December 1986 to February 1987 using the surface meteorological data collected on board the Swedish vessel M.S. Thuleland.The incoming solar radiation was found to be the most important component in the surface heat budget; its mean value for the study period was found to be about 209 W m−2. The latent and sensible heat fluxes were found in opposition and nearly balancing each other out. The average net heat gain over the polynya, for the study period, was 141 W m−2. From the mean heat storage values obtained from the temperature profiles, the heat gain at the surface is seen to be almost lost through advection and other interior physical processes in the top 50 m layer of the water column. This is reflected in sea surface temperature which was almost steady during the study period.  相似文献   

靳铮  张雪芹 《湖泊科学》2020,32(3):877-886
源区划分和质量过滤提高湖面涡动相关通量数据可靠性的同时,却降低了通量时间序列的连续性.为此,本文基于TensorFlow机器学习框架构建了一种超宽人工神经网络(ANN)模型.在选择输入ANN模型的特征变量信息时,我们采取了尽可能获取湍流输送过程中热力、动力学同步观测背景强迫信息的原则.通过ANN模型模拟通量的插补,本文实现了通量时间序列连续性的优化,插补后的羊卓雍错湖面通量数据的时间覆盖率从不足0.40提升至超过0.98.基于10次折叠交叉验证的ANN模型通量模拟性能检验则表明,各个检验组之间ANN模型的模拟误差波动较小,这显示出了较好的稳健性.具体地讲,感热通量、潜热通量和水汽通量原始观测平均值分别约为18.8 W/m~2、81.5 W/m~2和1.84 mmol/(s·m~2),10组交叉验证的插补感热通量、潜热通量和水汽通量平均绝对误差分别为5.4 W/m~2、15.7 W/m~2和0.35 mmol/(s·m~2).这表明本文所探索的ANN建模结构和同步观测变量筛选原则可更充分地利用观测点局地同步观测信息估算通量强度,有效地优化湍流通量数据的时间连续性,从而提升通量数据的可分析性.  相似文献   

Heat flow values were calculated from direct measurements of temperature and thermal conductivity at thirteen sites in the Arkansas-Missouri Ozark Plateau region. These thirteen values are augmented by 101 estimates of heat flow, based on thermal conductivity measurements and temperature gradients extrapolated from bottom-hole temperatures. The regional heat flow profile ranges from 9 mW m−2 to over 80 mW m−2, but at least two distinct thermal regimes have been identified. Seven new heat flow determinations are combined with three previously published values for the St. Francois Mountains (SFM), a Precambrian exposure of granitic and rhyolitic basement rocks, average 47 mW m−2. Radioactive heat production of 76 samples of the exposed rocks in the SFM averages 2.4 μW m−2 and a typical continental basement contribution of 14 mW m−2 is implied. Conversely, the sedimentary rock sequence of the plateau is characterized by an anomalously low heat flow, averaging approximately 27 mW m−2. Groundwater transmissivity values that are based on data from 153 wells in deep regional aquifers demonstrate an inverse relationship to the observed heat flow patterns. The areas of high transmissivity that correspond to areas of low total heat flux suggest that the non-conservative vertical heat flow within the Ozark sedimentary sequence can be attributed to the effects of groundwater flow.  相似文献   

Summary The mean annual cycle of the net energy flux through the sea surface and of the heat storage are investigated in detail using observations of the Light Vessel LV Elbe 1 for the period 1962-1986 in the German Bight and at Ocean Weather Ship OWS Famita for the period 1965-1978 in the central North Sea. The investigation confirms the general geographical picture of the heat budget of the German Bight that shows a net loss to the atmosphere by a long-term mean of -15 W m-2. The radiative surface input of 113 W m-2 is balanced by -62 W m-2 net back radiation, -51 W m-2 of latent heat flux and -15 W m-2 of sensible heat flux. The heat advection calculated as the residual of the heat storage rate and surface energy balance is 16 W m-2. The mean annual cycles of heat storage and surface energy balance are nearly equal, and the temperature variations are mainly driven by local heat input. The small differences build up the annual advection cycle. Warm water advection occurs from October to April and cold water advection in summer from May to September. The seasonal advection variability is extreme in winter and summer, and the ranges slow down in spring and autumn, when the sign of the heat balance changes. The OWS Famita is situated also in an area of net energy loss to the atmosphere, showing a long-term annual mean loss of -16 W m-2. The surface radiation input of 105 W m-2 is mainly balanced by outgoing long wave back radiation of -60 W m-2 and a latent heat flux of -49 W m-2. A minor contribution to the heat balance is the sensible heat flux of -12 W m-2. Warm water advection occurs in winter and spring. Variability is greater than at LV Elbe 1. Calculated monthly fluxes show the dominance of the energy gain of incoming solar radiation. Net long-wave radiation is nearly constant with time. The sensible heat flux serves as a heat source only at LV Elbe 1 from May to June. The latent heat flux is a loss term all the year. The heat storage cycle is nearly equal to the surface energy balance at LV Elbe 1 ; the differences are more irregular at OWS Famita. The temperature variations are mainly driven by local heat input. The simplified one-dimensional balance holds generally for the heating period in both regions, although for some months the magnitude of the advection is up to a third of the net surface fluxes or the storage rate. At LV Elbe 1 from April to December, the heat budget is dominated by local dynamics. At OWS Famita the advective contribution is less than 30% of net surface heat input from May to October. The dominance of solar radiation in determining the surface heat fluxes, and the annual cycles of the storage rate in phase justify the use of one-dimensional models as a first approximation of the temperature dynamics in these regions. Comparisons of simulations of the temperature cycle at both sites with observations give sufficient precision during most parts of the seasonal cycle. Suitable data sets to drive and validate these models are now available and different models should be tested.
Advektive beitr?ge zur w?rmebilanz der deutschen bucht (feuerschiff elbe 1) und zur w?rmebilanz der zentralen nordsee (Wetterschiff Famita)
Zusammenfassung Untersucht wurde der mittlere Jahresgang vom W?rmeeintrag durch die Meeresoberfl?che und vom W?rmeinhalt der Wassers?ule. Dazu wurden Messungen aus der Deutschen Bucht vom Feuerschiff Elbe 1 für die Jahre 1962-1986 und Messungen in der zentralen Nordsee vom Wetterschiff Famita für die Jahre 1965-1978 verwendet. Die Untersuchung best?tigt das generelle Bild einer W?rmeabgabe an die Atmosph?re von -15 W m-2 im langj?hrigen Mittel für die Deutsche Bucht. Die kurzwellige Einstrahlung von 113 W-2 wird durch -62 W m-2 langwellige Ausstrahlung, -51 W m-2 latenten W?rmefluβ und -15 W m-2 sensiblen W?rmefluβ nahezu balanciert. Die berechnete W?rmeadvektion als Residuum aus W?rmeinhalt und Nettow?rmefluβ an der Meeresoberfl?che betr?gt 16 W m-2 Der Jahresgang des W?rmeinhaltes und der Jahresgang des Nettow?rmeflusses an der Oberfl?che sind fast gleich, so daβ der Temperaturjahresgang haupts?chlich durch den lokalen W?rmeeintrag gesteuert wird. Kleine Abweichungen hiervon bestimmen den Jahresgang der W?rmeadvektion. Warmwasseradvektion tritt von Oktober bis April auf. Kaltwasseradvektion liegt im Sommer von Mai bis September vor. Die Variabilit?t der W?rmeadvektion ist im Winter und Sommer am gr?βten, w?hrend die Variabilit?t im Frühjahr und Herbst geringer ist, wenn sich das Vorzeichen der W?rmebilanz ?ndert. Das Wetterschiff Famita befindet sich ebenfalls in einer Region, in der W?rme an die Atmosph?re abgegeben wird. Die W?rmeabgabe betr?gt -16 W m-2 im langzeitlichen Mittel. Die kurzwellige Einstrahlung von 105 W m-2 wird haupts?chlich durch -60 W m-2 langwellige Ausstrahlung, -49 W m-2 latenten W?rmefluβ und -12 W m-2 sensiblen W?rmefluβ balanciert. Warmwasseradvektion tritt im Winter und Frühjahr auf. Die Variabilit?t der W?rmeadvektion ist gr?βer als bei Feuerschiff Elbe 1. Die berechneten monatlichen Energieflüsse zeigen, daβ die solare Einstrahlung den Jahresgang der W?rmebilanz dominiert. Die effektive Ausstrahlung ist nahezu konstant. Die sensible W?rme wirkt nur bei Feuerschiff Elbe 1 von Mai bis Juni als W?rmequelle. Der latente W?rmefluβ ist w?hrend des gesamten Jahres negativ. Für Feuerschiff Elbe 1 ist der W?rmeinhalt der Wassers?ule mit dem Energieeintrag an der Oberfl?che in Phase, w?hrend bei Wetterschiff Famita Differenzen auftreten. Die Temperaturvariationen sind haupts?chlich durch den lokalen W?rmeeintrag bestimmt. Diese vereinfachten Verh?ltnisse gelten für beide Regionen, obwohl für einige Monate die W?rmeadvektion bis zu einem Drittel des Nettow?rmeflusses an der Oberfl?che betragen kann. Bei Feuerschiff Elbe 1 wird die W?rmebilanz von April bis Dezember durch die lokale Dynamik bestimmt. Bei Wetterschiff Famita ist die W?rmeadvektion von Mai bis Oktober kleiner als 30% vom Oberfl?cheneintrag. Die Dominanz der solaren Einstrahlung für die W?rmebilanz an der Oberfl?che und der phasengleiche Jahresgang des W?rmeinhaltes rechtfertigen es, eindimensionale Wassers?ulenmodelle für die Region zu verwenden, um die Dynamik der Temperatur zu berechnen. So zeigt der Vergleich von simulierten und gemessenen Temperaturjahresg?ngen an beiden Positionen eine ausreichende Genauigkeit über weite Teile des Jahres. Damit stehen neben der gezeigten W?rmebilanzabsch?tzung zwei Datens?tze zur Verfügung, um Modelle zu betreiben, zu validieren und verschiedenartige Modelle zu vergleichen.

Land surface energy fluxes are required in many environmental studies, including hydrology, agronomy and meteorology. Surface energy balance models simulate microscale energy exchange processes between the ground surface and the atmospheric layer near ground level. Spatial variability of energy fluxes limits point measurements to be used for larger areas. Remote sensing provides the basis for spatial mapping of energy fluxes. Remote‐sensing‐based surface energy flux‐mapping was conducted using seven Landsat images from 1997 to 2002 at four contiguous crop fields located in Polk County, northwestern Minnesota. Spatially distributed surface energy fluxes were estimated and mapped at 30 m pixel level from Landsat Thematic Mapper and Enhanced Thematic Mapper images and weather information. Net radiation was determined using the surface energy balance algorithm for land (SEBAL) procedure. Applying the two‐source energy balance (TSEB) model, the surface temperature and the latent and sensible heat fluxes were partitioned into vegetation and soil components and estimated at the pixel level. Yield data for wheat and soybean from 1997 to 2002 were mapped and compared with latent heat (evapotranspiration) for four of the fields at pixel level. The spatial distribution and the relation of latent heat flux and Bowen ratio (ratio of sensible heat to latent heat) to crop yield were studied. The root‐mean‐square error and the mean absolute percentage of error between the observed and predicted energy fluxes were between 7 and 22 W m−2 and 12 and 24% respectively. Results show that latent heat flux and Bowen ratio were correlated (positive and negative) to the yield data. Wheat and soybean yields were predicted using latent heat flux with mean R2 = 0·67 and 0·70 respectively, average residual means of −4·2 bushels/acre and 0·11 bushels/acre respectively, and average residual standard deviations of 16·2 bushels/acre and 16·6 bushels/acre respectively (1 bushel/acre ≈ 0·087 m3 ha−1). The flux estimation procedure from the SEBAL‐TSEB model was useful and applicable to agricultural fields. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We have measured concentrations of heat producing elements (Th, U, and K) in 58 samples representative of the main lithologies in a 100 km transect of the Superior Province of the Canadian Shield, from the Michipicoten (Wawa) greenstone belt, near Wawa, Ontario, through a domal gneiss terrane of amphibolite grade, to the granulite belt of the Kapuskasing Structural Zone, near Foleyet. This transect has been interpreted as an oblique cross section through some 25 km of crust, uplifted along a major thrust fault, and thus provides an opportunity to examine in detail a continuous profile into deep continental crust of Archean age. Mean heat production values for these terranes, based on aereal distribution of major rock types and calculated from their Th, U, and K concentrations are: Michipicoten greenstone belt = 0.72 μW m−3; Wawa domal gneiss terrane (amphibolite grade) = 1.37 μW m−3; Kapuskasing granulites = 0.44 μW m−3. Among the silicic plutonic rocks (tonalites, granites, and their derivative gneisses), the relatively large variation in heat production correlates with modal abundances of accessory minerals including allanite, sphene, zircon, and apatite. We interpret these variations as primary (pre-metamorphic). The relatively high weighted mean heat production of the domal gneiss terrane can be accounted for by the larger proportion there of late-stage Th-, U-, and K-rich granitoid plutons. These may have been derived from the underlying Kapuskasing granulite terrane, leaving it slightly depleted in heat producing elements. Transport of Th, U, and K, therefore, could have taken place in silicate melts rather than in aqueous or carbonic metamorphic fluids. This conclusion is supported by the lack of a statistically significant difference in heat production between tonalites, tonalite gneisses and mafic rocks of amphibolite versus granulite grade.The pre-metamorphic radioactivity profile for this crustal section is likely to have been uniformly low, with a mean heat production value less than 1 μW m−3. This result is distinctly different from measured profiles in more silicic terranes, which show decreasing heat production with depth. This implies fundamental differences in crustal radioactivity distributions between granitic and more mafic terranes, and may be an important factor in selective reactivation of lithologically different terranes, possibly resulting in preferential stabilization of basic terranes in the geological record. Our results indicate that a previously determined apparently linear heat flow-heat production relationship for the Kapuskasing area does not relate to the distribution of heat production with depth. Low, but significant heat production, 0.4–0.5 μW m−3, continues to lower crustal depths with no correlation to the depth parameter from the linear relationship. This low heat production may be a minimum average granulite heat production and suggests that, in general, heat flow through the Moho is 8–10 mW m−2 lower than the reduced heat flow calculated from the heat flow-heat production regression.  相似文献   

湖泊水面与大气之间垂直方向的动量、水汽和热量通量与风速、湿度和温度梯度之间存在比例关系,因此在湖泊水-气相互作用研究中,这比例系数(交换系数)是关键因子.在以往的研究中,交换系数通常直接采用水面梯度观测法或海洋大气近地层的参数化方案进行计算.本文采用涡度相关系统和小气候系统仪器在太湖平台上直接观测的通量和气象要素,对上述交换系数(最小均方差原则)进行优化,结果为:动量交换系数CD10N=1.52×10-3、水汽交换系数CE10N=0.82×10-3、热量交换系数CH10N=1.02×10-3,与其他内陆湖泊涡度相关观测数据的推导结果一致.本文的研究结果表明:与海洋参数化方案相比,在相同的风速条件下,湖面的空气动力学粗糙度比海洋高,这可能是由于受到水深的影响;如果采用海洋参数化方案,会导致湖泊年蒸发量的估算值偏大40%.太湖的动量、水汽和热量交换系数可以视为常数,可以不考虑稳定度和风速的影响.这是因为本文中83%的数据为近中性条件.敏感性分析表明:如果考虑稳定度的影响,LE模拟值的平均误差降低了0.5 W/m2,H的平均误差降低了0.4 W/m2,u*的计算值没有变化;如果考虑风速的影响,u*模拟值的平均误差降低了0.004 m/s,LE的平均误差升高了1.3 W/m2,H的模拟结果几乎不受影响.这一结果能为湖气相互作用研究提供参考.  相似文献   


Reliable estimation of sensible heat flux (H) is important in energy balance models for quantifying evapotranspiration (ET). This study was conducted to evaluate the value of adding the Priestley-Taylor (PT) equation to the METRIC (Mapping Evapotranspiration at high Resolution with Internalized Calibration) model. METRIC was used to estimate energy fluxes for 10 Landsat images from the 2005, 2006 and 2007 crop growing seasons in south-central Nebraska, USA, where each image owing to recent rainfall exhibited high residual moisture content even at the hot pixel. The METRIC model performed satisfactorily for net radiation (Rn ) and soil heat flux (G) estimation with a root mean square error (RMSE) of 52 and 24 W m-2, respectively. A RMSE of 122 W m-2 for H indicated the limitation of the METRIC model in estimating H for high residual moisture content of the hot pixel (Alfalfa reference ET fraction, ET r F > 0.15). The modified METRIC model (wet METRIC or wMETRIC) incorporating the PT equation was applied to calculate H at the anchor pixels (hot and cold) for high residual moisture content of the hot pixel. The α coefficient of the PT equation was locally calibrated using hourly meteorological data from an automatic weather station and Rn and G data from a Bowen ratio flux tower. The mean α coefficient value was 1.14. The wMETRIC model reduced the RMSE of H from 122 to 64 W m-2 and that of latent heat flux, LE, from 163 to 106 W m-2. The RMSE of daily ET decreased from 1.7 to 1.1 mm d-1 with wMETRIC. The results indicate that treatment of anchor pixels for high residual moisture content with the PT approach gives improved estimation of H, LE and daily ET. It is recommended that the wMETRIC model be used for estimating ET if the hot pixel has high residual moisture (i.e. reference ET fraction > 0.15).

Citation Singh, R. K. & Irmak, A. (2011) Treatment of anchor pixels in the METRIC model for improved estimation of sensible and latent heat fluxes. Hydrol. Sci. J. 56(5), 895–906.  相似文献   

To evaluate the interactive effects of snow and forest on turbulent fluxes between the forest surface and the atmosphere, the surface energy balance above a forest was measured by the eddy correlation method during the winter of 1995–1996. The forest was a young coniferous plantation comprised of spruce and fir. The study site, in Sapporo, northern Japan, had heavy and frequent snowfalls and the canopy was frequently covered with snow during the study period. A comparison of the observed energy balance above the forest for periods with and without a snow‐covered canopy and an analysis using a single‐source model gave the following results: during daytime when the canopy was covered with snow, the upward latent heat flux was large, about 80% of the net radiation, and the sensible heat flux was positive but small. On the other hand, during daytime when the canopy was dry and free from snow, the sensible heat flux was dominant and the latent heat flux was minor, about 10% of the net radiation. To explain this difference of energy partition between snow‐covered and snow‐free conditions, not only differences in temperature but also differences in the bulk transfer coefficients for latent heat flux were necessary in the model. Therefore, the high evaporation rate from the snow‐covered canopy can be attributed largely to the high moisture availability of the canopy surface. Evaporation from the forest during a 60‐day period in midwinter was estimated on a daily basis as net radiation minus sensible heat flux. The overall average evaporation during the 60‐day period was 0·6 mm day−1, which is larger than that from open snow fields. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The aim of this work is to compare three remote sensing based models: two contextual and one physically-based single-pixel model for the estimation of daytime integrated latent heat flux without the use of any ground measurements over Indian ecosystems. Satellite datasets from the MODIS sensors aboard the Terra and the Aqua satellites were used. The latent heat flux estimated from the remote sensing models was compared with that estimated from Bowen ratio energy balance towers at five sites in India. The root mean square error (RMSE) of the latent heat flux estimated from the contextual and the physically-based models was found to be in the order of 40 and 70 W m?2, respectively. The relatively inferior performance of the more complex physically-based model in comparison with the contextual models was found to be largely due to inaccurate parameterizations estimated only from remote sensing datasets without any ground data.  相似文献   

水库或湖泊的热分层结构是其动力与环境过程的重要研究方面,虽然很多学者针对水体分层结构和演变机理开展了大量研究,但水体通过水-气界面与大气进行热交换的过程,各气象因子的贡献机理等研究成果还很缺乏。本文基于三峡水库香溪河库湾2019年3月-2020年2月期间的水温、水位及气象等监测数据,针对水-气界面热交换过程如何影响水温垂向结构及表层水体湍流混合作用开展研究。结果表明,(1)香溪河水体年内呈高温期分层、低温期混合的基本特征,高温期混合层深度小于8 m,低温期混合层深度超过30 m。(2)太阳短波辐射是香溪河水体的主要热源,潜热通量和长波辐射是香溪河水体的主要冷源,感热通量贡献极小。(3)香溪河平均风速较弱,约为1.6 m/s,主要通过增强潜热和感热通量的方式影响水体垂向稳定性结构特征,其机械扰动作用较弱。(4)表层水体湍能通量在高温期较低(10-7m3/s3量级),此时水体处于分层状态,风应力大概率主导表层水体湍流发育;低温期表层水体湍能通量较高(10-6 m3/s3<...  相似文献   

An instrument system for the investigation of particle fluxes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We present the rationale, design, and use of an instrument system to measure the variability of vertical and horizontal particle fluxes. The system features a new sequentially sampling sediment trap which collects and seals 10 separate samples during a single deployment. Horizontal particle fluxes are simultaneously monitored with a beam transmissometer interfaced to a standard Aanderaa current meter. Results from a 10-week deployment of instruments at several depths in a deep fjord estuary indicate that the trapping rate increases from 0.5g m−2 day−1 at 20 m to 150g m−2 day−1 at 200 m (5 m above bottom) because of frequent erosion in the deep waters. Periodic flushing of the deep water by intrusions of marine water over the seaward sill markedly enhances erosion and causes an up-estuary particle transport comparable to the vertical particle flux originating at the surface.  相似文献   

Using the 1961–1995 monthly averaged meteorological data from 148 surface stations in the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau (QXP) and its surrounding areas, calculation of the 35-year atmospheric heat source/sink (<Qi>) and an analysis on its climatic features and relation to rainfall in China have been made. It is found that on the average, the atmospheric heat source over the QXP is the strongest in June (78 W / m2) and cold source is the strongest in December (−72 W/m2). The sensible heat of the surface increases remarkably over the southwest of the QXP, causing the obvious increase of <Qi> there in February and March, which makes a center of the atmospheric heat source appear over the north slope of the Himalayas. Afterwards, this center continues to intensify and experiences noticeable migration westwards twice, separately occurring in April and June. The time when the atmosphere over the east of the QXP becomes heat source and reaches strongest is one month later than that over the southwest of the QXP. In summer, the latent heat of condensation becomes a heating factor as important as the sensible heat and is also a main factor that makes the atmospheric heat source over the east of the QXP continue growing. On the interdecadal time scale, (Q1) of the QXP shows an abrupt change in 1977 and a remarkable increase after 1977. The atmospheric heat source of the spring over the QXP is a good indicator for the subsequent summer rainfall over the valleys of the Changjiang and Huaihe rivers and South China and North China. There is remarkable positive correlation between the QXP heat source of summer and the summer rainfall in the valleys of the Changjiang River.  相似文献   

荆思佳  肖薇  王伟  刘强  张圳  胡诚  李旭辉 《湖泊科学》2019,31(6):1698-1712
湖泊模型为数值天气预报模型提供热量通量、水汽通量和动量通量等下边界条件,但是不同时间尺度上湖泊水热通量变化的控制因子不同,因此有必要对湖泊模型进行多时间尺度上的离线评估.本文利用2012-2016年太湖中尺度通量网避风港站的气象资料和辐射数据驱动CLM4-LISSS模型(Community Land Model version 4-Lake,Ice,Snow and Sediment Simulator),并与涡度相关观测(Eddy Covariance,EC)结果进行对比,以年平均潜热通量模拟结果最佳为目标调整了模式中的消光系数、粗糙度长度方案,研究了该模型从半小时到年尺度上对湖表温度和水热通量的模拟性能.结果表明:模型对湖表温度的模拟在各时间尺度上均比较理想,但是模拟的日较差较小;从半小时到年尺度上潜热通量的变化趋势都能被很好地模拟出来,但在季节尺度上,潜热通量的模拟出现了秋冬季偏高、春夏季偏低的情况,季节变化模拟不准确.湖表温度和潜热通量模拟偏差的原因可能是消光系数的参数化方案.相比之下,感热通量尽管年际变化趋势的模拟值与观测值一致,但是从半小时到年尺度均被高估.特别地,冷锋过境期间,模型能较好地模拟出潜热通量和感热通量的变化趋势,但对于高风速条件下的感热通量模拟效果不佳.本文的研究结果能为湖泊模式的应用与发展提供有用信息.  相似文献   

藏南羊卓雍错湖面大气湍流特征观测分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
沈鹏珂  张雪芹 《湖泊科学》2019,31(1):243-255
湍流运动是大气边界层的本质特征,是地表与大气之间能量和物质交换的主要方式.本文利用2016和2017年4-10月藏南羊卓雍错湖泊涡动观测资料,分析了湖面大气湍流方差和湍流特征量的统计和变化特征.结果表明:(1)不稳定层结下,三维风速分量和超声虚温、水汽密度、CO2密度的无量纲标准差随稳定度变化符合Monin-Obukhov相似理论的"1/3"或"-1/3"次幂律,垂直风速的拟合效果最好;稳定层结下,除CO2密度无量纲标准差与稳定度无明显关系外,其他量基本上满足相似性规律;中性条件下,以上物理量的无量纲标准差分别趋近常数:3.57、3.93、0.77、20.91、6.35和11.96.(2)水平方向平均湍流强度(0.60和0.58)大于垂直方向(0.13),三维方向湍流强度与平均风速的变化呈显著负相关,相关系数分别为-0.39、-0.42和-0.34.(3)湖面湍流动能随风速呈线性增长,增长率达0.45 m/s;近中性层结时湍流动能最大,层结越稳定或不稳定湍流动能均减小.(4)湖泊下午到傍晚动量输送较强,13:00-22:30时间段平均动量通量达0.091 kg/(m·s2);热量输送以潜热为主,潜热通量日平均值(77.3 W/m2)是感热通量(14.6 W/m2)的5.3倍,感热和潜热通量日变化峰值分别出现在5:30(22.4 W/m2)和16:00(106.6 W/m2).  相似文献   

小时尺度水面蒸发可影响水面大气边界层热力和动力结构,分析湖泊小时尺度水面蒸发主要影响因素,选取准确模拟其特征的蒸发模型,将有助于改善流域天气预报和空气质量预报.基于太湖避风港站2012—2013年通量、辐射和气象观测数据,分析太湖小时尺度水面蒸发主要影响因子和3个模型(传统质量传输模型、Granger and Hedstrom经验模型、DYRESM模型)的模拟效果.结果表明:影响太湖小时尺度水面蒸发的主要因子为水气界面水汽压差和风速的乘积,而非净辐射.传统质量传输模型、Granger and Hedstrom经验模型、DYRESM模型模拟值与全年实测值的一致性系数分别为0.92、0.87和0.89,均方根误差分别为28.35、41.58和38.26 W/m~2.传统质量传输模型对太湖小时尺度水面蒸发的日变化和季节动态模拟效果最佳,其夜间模拟相对误差小于3%,除秋季外,其他季节的模拟绝对误差均小于4 W/m~2.Granger and Hedstrom经验模型系统性地高估太湖潜热通量,在大气较为稳定的午后(高估22~32 W/m~2)和冬季(高估72%)高估最为明显,模拟效果最差.DYRESM模型也系统地高估太湖潜热通量,模拟效果居中.考虑水汽交换系数随风速的变化特征将有助于改善传统质量传输模型和DYRESM模型对太湖小时尺度水面蒸发的模拟精度.  相似文献   

Estimation of evapotranspiration (ET) is of great significance in modeling the water and energy interactions between land and atmosphere. Negative correlation of surface temperature (Ts) versus vegetation index (VI) from remote sensing data provides diagnosis on the spatial pattern of surface soil moisture and ET. This study further examined the applicability of Ts–VI triangle method with a newly developed edges determination technique in estimating regional evaporative fraction (EF) and ET at MODIS pixel scale through comparison with large aperture scintillometer (LAS) and high‐level eddy covariance measurements collected at Changwu agro‐ecological experiment station from late June to late October, 2009. An algorithm with merely land and atmosphere products from MODIS onboard Terra satellite was used to estimate the surface net radiation (Rn) and soil heat flux. In most cases, the estimated instantaneous Rn was in good agreement with surface measurement with slight overestimation by 12 W/m2. Validation results from LAS measurement showed that the root mean square error is 0.097 for instantaneous EF, 48 W/m2 for instantaneous sensible heat flux, and 30 W/m2 for daily latent heat flux. This paper successfully presents a miniature of the overall capability of Ts–VI triangle in estimating regional EF and ET from limited number of data. For a thorough interpretation, further comprehensive investigation needs to be done with more integration of remote sensing data and in‐situ surface measurements. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Human activities result in deforestation, expansion of cropland, grassland degradation, urbanization and other large-scale land use/cover change; among these, cropland expansion is one of the most important processes. To understand the effects of cropland expansion on seasonal temperatures over China, two 21-year simulations (spanning January 1, 1980–December 31, 2000), using the Regional Integrated Environmental Model System (RIEMS 2.0), were performed. The two simulations comprised current realistic land use/cover patterns and the previous vegetation cover without crop expansion, to investigate the impact of crop expansion on seasonal temperatures over China. The results showed that due to cropland expansion: (1) the most obvious changes occurred in the maximum temperatures, followed by the mean surface air temperatures, and the minimum temperatures were the least affected; (2) the summer mean maximum temperatures decreased in most parts of eastern China, and the temperatures changed significantly in most parts of northeast China, north China and central China (p < 0.05); (3) the surface air temperatures, maximum temperatures and minimum temperatures in summer decreased in the different regions by between −0.03 and −0.76 °C (the greatest temperature changes occurred in southwest China, and the smallest were in northeast China); (4) the net radiation flux and latent heat flux increased, while the sensible flux decreased, when semi-desert vegetation was replaced by dry land crops, in both summer and winter seasons, and the converse occurred when irrigated crops were replaced by dry land crops. In addition, the net radiation flux and sensible heat flux decreased, and the latent heat flux increased when short grass and tall grass were replaced dry land crops, as well as when dry land crops were replaced by irrigated crops.  相似文献   

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