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岩溶地区地质环境特殊,其农业综合发展及生态环境治理正日益引起人们的重视,本文在全面分析广西岩溶区地质环境资料的基础上,探索从农业综合开发角度进行岩溶地质环境类型定量划分的方法,针对各类型区的自然资源状况及岩溶地质环境特点,提出了农业生产发展方向及生态环境治理规划。在岩溶地质环境类型划分中,选取直接制约农业发展的资源,环境要素作为分类的依据包括地貌形态组合,气候资源条件(光,热,降水,自然灾害)水文  相似文献   

贵州省普定后寨岩溶小流域水文特性研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
陈洪元  陈邦宇  陈波 《贵州地质》2005,22(4):284-288
本文在揭示后寨岩溶小流域二元流场结构特征的基础上,依据多年水文资料,分析了后寨岩溶流域的降水、径流、暴雨洪涝与干旱特征,阐述了岩溶水资源综合开发利用、因地制宜修建岩溶地下水库拦蓄洪水资源量的重要性。  相似文献   

洛塔岩溶生态系统可持续发展模式   总被引:11,自引:6,他引:11  
梁彬  李兆林  朱远峰 《中国岩溶》2002,21(4):290-298
可持续发展作为当今世界社会发展的一种新模式已被广泛接受.生态系统可持续发展是洛塔人口、资源、环境与社会、经济协调发展的重要内容.提出了生态系统持续发展应遵循的条件和基本法则,包括若干自然、社会经济和生态环境的支持条件和法则,为生态系统可持续发展的实践提供了理论依据与方法.在总结洛塔岩溶石山区水土资源综合开发、生态环境治理所取得成就的基础上,根据洛塔自然条件与水土资源、生态环境特点,提出了洛塔岩溶生态系统的可持续发展模式.  相似文献   

西南岩溶区岩溶水有效开发利用规划分区   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
我国西南岩溶地区由于自然地理、地质构造背景特征,造成了岩溶水补给、径流、排泄及动态的差异,以及在开发利用岩溶水资源的方式和途径上的不同。本文以岩溶水赋存条件及其地质环境条件为基础,依据岩溶水的富水性、开发意义、开发的紧迫性以及开发方式和社会效益,进行岩溶水有效开发利用规划分区,为该地区的岩溶水有效开发提供参考。   相似文献   

岩溶地区的地质构造复杂,地下水文网错综复杂,对工程建设影响程度很大。本文对贵州西南某工程地段岩溶类型、特征以及易引发的环境地质问题进行了分析;介绍了5种常用的水工环境勘察技术(TEM技术、GPS技术、GPR技术、PTK技术、RS技术)及其在岩溶地区的综合应用。  相似文献   

贵州岩溶地区公路地质灾害风险分析系统设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了地质灾害风险、风险评价模型等有关概念。针对贵州岩溶地区公路地质灾害现象严重的特点,在分析地质灾害危险性和受威胁对象易损性的基础上,建立公路地质灾害风险分析系统,并阐明该系统的设计思路及基本结构。  相似文献   

黄果树喀斯特洞穴群苔藓植物岩溶的初步研究   总被引:13,自引:11,他引:13  
张朝晖  王智慧  祝安 《中国岩溶》1996,15(3):224-232
本文通过对黄果树区域7个喀斯特洞穴的调查和分析,报道洞穴苔藓植物21科43属59种。根据环境中水、光和苔藓植物生长状况,作者划分出滴水苔藓钙华、瀑布苔藓钙华、季节性河水苔藓钙华和向光苔藓石鳞片4种洞穴沉积形态;根据溶痕表面积大小及苔藓植物特征,区分黄果树喀斯特洞穴群苔藓植物溶蚀形态为溶孔、溶斑、溶块和溶丝4种类型   相似文献   

曹建文  夏日元 《中国岩溶》2017,36(5):609-617
西南岩溶石山地区岩溶发育规律复杂, 给地下河的有效开发利用带来了困难。在近年来西南岩溶区地质调查成果的基础上,系统总结不同岩溶地貌类型区地形地貌条件、岩溶发育特征,提出了6种典型地下河开发利用模式:(1)峰丛洼地区地下河溶洼成库模式;(2)岩溶深切河谷区地下河堵洞成库模式;(3)岩溶槽谷区地表-地下联合成库模式;(4)岩溶垄脊褶皱区隧洞引水模式;(5)峰林平原(谷地)区地下河机井提引利用模式;(6)断陷盆地边缘地区地下河地表-地下联合成库模式。这6种模式的提出,为因地制宜、合理高效开发利用地下水资源,提供了切实可行的方法借鉴,可有效服务国家精准扶贫战略。   相似文献   

喀斯特峡谷农业可持续发展模式研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
由于人口过快增长,喀斯特峡谷生态环境在粗放的传统农业增长方式影响下表现出强烈的脆弱性,导致严重的水土流失和生态环境退化,农民生活极端贫困。本文通过对喀斯特峡谷区农业可持续发展目标的分析,提出建设喀斯特峡谷可持续的混农林业高效生产模式,及其推广实施的主要对策。  相似文献   

王慧 《地下水》2009,31(3):142-143
里口山流域综合治理中,按照因地制宜,因害设防,科学治理,保护、开发和有效利用水土资源的综合治理原则,以及措施配置与发展小流域经济相协调,改善生产条件,调整种植结构,提高土地综合生产能力的思路,发展区域经济,使流域经济走上可持续发展之路.  相似文献   

钟进  董毓  丁坚平 《中国岩溶》2011,30(3):291-294
贵州双眼井泉小流域为一地表分水岭与地下分水岭不闭合的岩溶峰丛洼地小流域。双眼井泉主要通过落水洞、溶蚀裂隙接受大气降水直接补给,水量动态变化较大,幅度从枯季的0.2L/s到雨季的35.5L/s不等,最突出的是2007年暴雨期间水量骤增,曾导致流域内磷石膏堆场子坝溃坝。为解决该流域防洪工程设计问题,本文在岩溶水文地质调查分析的基础上,提出了在缺少长观资料的情况下,以隔水层作为双眼井泉地下汇水边界、以当地丰水期最大径流模数计算得到的流量27.5L/s再乘上相应的安全系数得到的流量作为防洪工程过水断面设计依据,并提出了在双眼井冲沟口940m高程处新建一座拦水坝的排洪方案。经3年多的实践检验,设计流量计算合理,方案制定科学,工程运营安全。   相似文献   

The karst area accounts for 61.9% of the total area in Guizhou Province, which gives rise to a fragile environment and backward economy. Comparative studies on the element contents of rock and soil and agriculture production in both carbonate area and non-carbonate area have been made to establish factors leading to low output and poor quality of agricultural products in the karst area. The result shows that there is an apparent lack of nutrient elements in carbonate rocks. The trace element contents of carbonate rocks are only 3532.27×10-6, but those of non-carbonate rocks are 10894.21×10-6. The available element contents in culti-vated soil delivered from carbonate rocks are merely 101.4×10-6, but those from non-carbonate rocks are 326.05×10-6. The available element contents and total element contents in cultivated soil delivered from non-carbonate rocks are 3 times higher than those from carbonate rocks. Besides, high-quality agricultural products such as rice, potato and tea are mainly produced in the non-carbonate area. It is indicated that the low output and quality of agricultural products are caused by the above-mentioned low trace element contents and poor agricultural environment. Therefore, a new method of mineral nutrients compensation has been put forward, which is very effective to raise the load-bearing capacity of agricultural environment, agricultural output and quality of agricultural products.  相似文献   

Xiaojiang watershed is a typical karst agricultural region of Yunan Province, China. A case study of land-use changes documents changes of soil properties from 1982 to 2003. The results are as follows: (1) The total land use transformed covers 610.12 km2, of which land use changed from unused land into cultivated land and forestland, and forestland into cultivated land during the past 20 years in Xiaojiang watershed. (2) The rapid growth of population and economic development were the main driving forces of cultivated land increase. (3) Soil properties showed modification owing to different land-use changes. The contents of the soil organic matter, total nitrogen, and total phosphorus in 2003 were significantly lower than that in 1982 after the forestland and unused land were transformed into the cultivated land, but the soil pH increased significantly in 2003. Organic matter, total nitrogen, and total phosphorus for shorter-time reforestation land declined, but the pH increased. Soil properties have improved significantly after cropland was transformed into orchard land. The organic matter, total nitrogen, total phosphorus, available nitrogen, and available phosphorus declined significantly, but pH increased significantly after rock desertification.  相似文献   

王宇 《中国地质》2003,30(2):220-224
笔者根据岩溶区水文地质条件及特征的差异,以地下水循环的特征为纲,应用系统分析方法,将岩溶水系统分为三级,对各级系统进行了分类。第一级为岩溶水系统,第二级分为浅循环和深循环岩溶水系统、第三级分别进一步分为裸露型、裸露-覆盖型、裸露-埋藏型、滞水型及层控型和断裂带型6类基本的岩溶水文地质单元。并论述了各类型的水文地质特征,指出了各类系统的供水意义,对断陷盆地岩溶水资源的勘查和开发有较大的参考价值。  相似文献   

鄂尔多斯盆地周边岩溶区岩溶含水岩组主要由奥陶系和寒武系灰岩组成,岩溶发育受层状裂隙和构造裂隙控制,主要分布在盆地的东缘、南缘和西缘。文中通过对鄂尔多斯盆地周边岩溶区碳酸盐岩分布特征和埋藏条件的分析,提出3种岩溶发育模式:斜坡顺层岩溶发育模式、裂谷逆层岩溶发育模式和逆冲断层岩溶发育模式,对3种模式下岩溶发育的地质构造特点、水动力及水化学条件、岩溶发育特点进行分析和总结。初步探讨了3种模式下岩溶地下水资源量和开发利用规划。结果表明鄂尔多斯盆地周边岩溶地下水具有巨大的开发潜力。  相似文献   

薛伟  袁宗峰  周密 《中国岩溶》2019,38(4):508-514
西南地区某水库位于云贵高原中北部,库区可溶盐岩分布较广且岩溶较发育,中部有一条近南北走向的区域性断裂(F1)穿过两岸,为论证此水库成库的可能性,通过地表调查及物探,结果表明:此水库向低邻谷渗漏的可能性小,沿F1断裂带向南部或向下游渗漏的可能性问题不大,存在沿灰岩溶蚀通道向下游和向库外渗漏的可能性,沿左岸大理岩与灰绿岩接触带或大理岩向坝下游绕坝渗漏的可能性不大;水库正常蓄水位在Kc1底板高程以下有成库的可能。   相似文献   

Due to the unique chemical properties that are similar but still progressively change, the rare earth elements (REEs) are useful tracers of various geochemical processes in the lithosphere and hydrosphere. However, despite many studies of REE geochemistry in the ocean, the aqueous geochemistry of REEs in lake waters has been poorly documented. In the present study, two special karst lakes are chosen as case studies to investigate the distributions of dissolved REEs in lake water. Although the two lakes, Hongfeng and Aha, are both alkaline and have high pH from 7.9 to 8.7 and high carbonate concentrations, the Aha Lake has been more severely affected by acidic mining drainage with high Fe, Mn and SO42 concentrations. In the present study, the concentrations of dissolved rare-earth elements in lake waters were determined by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. The result shows that the concentrations of dissolved REEs in the studied alkaline karst lakes, as compared to the concentrations of REEs in seawater, are much lower than the other investigated terrestrial surface waters in previous studies. The key factor controlling dissolved REE distributions is pH value which is negatively correlated with REE concentrations. Due to high concentration of carbonate ion and alkaline character of water chemistry, the shale (PAAS) normalized patterns of dissolved REEs show marked HREE enrichment in all water samples. This is primarily the result of the preferential formation of stronger carbonate complexes with the HREEs. In alkaline or intermediate waters, REE-carbonate complexes are the dominant and typical species, which account for about more than 90% of the total dissolved REEs.  相似文献   

廖婧琳  苏跃  李航  刘方  冯泽蔚 《中国岩溶》2009,28(3):308-312
选择贵州中部喀斯特山区普定县猫洞小流域地区,通过长期受不同生产行为影响的区域(低复种旱作区、高复种旱作区、高复种复合农作区)的土壤采样分析,结果表明:喀斯特山区小流域土壤在长期不同生产行为影响下,从低复种指数旱作区、高复种指数旱作区到高复种指数复合农作区,土壤容重、粘粒含量减小,而土壤有机质、腐殖酸含量、全氮、碱解氮、速效磷、速效钾、土壤呼吸强度、脲酶、磷酸酶、蛋白酶活性含量依次增大,土壤全钾含量和过氧化氢酶活性却依次减小。聚类分析结果进一步表明:高复种复合农作区土壤保肥、保水、供肥等状况最好;而低复种旱作区土壤质量和供肥、保肥、保水等性状最差。上述结果说明,农户的不同生产行为对土壤质量有一定的影响。   相似文献   

吴金  张朝晖 《中国岩溶》2020,39(1):119-126
基于贵州特殊的地貌地形,采用野外实地勘察、文献数据统计分析法,并结合目前喀斯特天坑的研究报道,对贵州喀斯特天坑发育的地质背景、成因、类型及其分布规律现状进行总结,并对其发展趋势和研究方向提出了展望。结果表明:(1)贵州喀斯特天坑共有25个,按深度和形态规模分类,超级天坑有3个,大型天坑有2个,中型天坑有18个,小型天坑(直径和深度100 m以下)有2个;(2)贵州喀斯特天坑主要以早三叠统永宁镇组、夜郎组,三叠系下统罗楼组加紫云组和三叠系中统小米塘组加凉水井组的不等厚地层为主,包括三叠统厚层块状灰岩、中石炭统及下二叠统厚层块状灰岩地层;(3)贵州喀斯特天坑成因包括塌陷型和冲蚀型两类,以塌陷型天坑为主;(4)贵州喀斯特天坑主要分布于贵州中部、南部、西部以及西北部一带,呈现出从南向北、从西向东,天坑数量逐渐减少,规模由大到小,超级或特大型天坑主要分布于黔南一带。  相似文献   

It is necessary to understand the aquatic chemical characterstics of natural surface fresh water for water quality assessment.The chemical data from different kinds of water in the central Guizhou karst area showd that spring water from carbonate rock cracks(crack-water)is of neutrality or meta-alkalinity and [C] Ca II type.The amounts of all ions and the concentrations of HCO3^- and Ca^2 were higher in the autumn than in the spring,The crack-water was influenced by the infiltration of surface water in the process of erosion and /or trans-portation with decreasing HCO3 and increasing pH,SO4^2-,Cl^-,K^ and Na^ during running in a certain distance on the land surface .In particular,the chemical compositions of the waters at Tianxingqiao(upper-stream),Shuiliandong(mid-waterfall)and Luoshuitan(down-pool)near the Huangguoshu Waterfall were much different from those of the crack-water.The concentration of SO4^2-,Na^ ,Fe^3 and NO3^- varied closely with seasons.The CaCO3 deposited violently with CO2 release in the spring ,In Lake Hongfeng the HCO3^-/SO4^2- equivalent ratios were only 2.1-2.4 ,but Ca^2 /Mg^2 up to 2.4-4.2.The Cl^- concentration increased by a factor of 1 and Na^ by order of magnitude relative to the spring water.These indicated the increase in artificial pollutant discharge in the Lake Hongfeng watershed.In addition,Proewater in the soils covering carbonate rocks belongs to strongly mineralized water,The obvious differences in water quality were controlled by carbonate deposition,sulphate mineralization and nitrogen fixation as well as ammonification.It is indicated thaty the chemical compositions in the waters from the karst region were unstable and changeable.  相似文献   

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