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CVM评价农户对农业水价的承受力——以甘肃省张掖市为例   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
唐增  徐中民 《冰川冻土》2009,31(3):560-564
水价是水资源管理手段中的基本工具,为了保证水价政策的有效实施,促进农业水资源的可持续利用和农业的发展,在农业水价制定过程中,农户对农业灌溉用水水价的承受力必须被考虑.虽然农户对水价的承受力可以分为支付能力和支付意愿,但支付意愿可以更好地、更全面地评价农户对农业灌溉水价的承受力.简要介绍了条件估值法(CVM),并以张掖市为例,利用条件估值法分析了农户对农业灌溉用水的支付意愿(WTP),从而评价农户对农业灌溉用水水价的承受力.结果表明:张掖市农户对农业用水的承受力为1 027.5元·hm-2,对照2006年的实际水价,说明目前的水价已经达到农户承受力的最高点.由于农户对水价的承受力低,农业水价的制定应优先考虑农户对水价的承受力,不能一味强调供水成本的全部回收.要提高农户对农业用水水价的承受力,最重要的是提高农户的收入.同时,由于工业用水的效益远高于农业用水的效益,政府在当前对农业用水供水单位进行扶助,以及工业用水和城市生活用水对农业用水的交叉补贴非常有必要.  相似文献   

受经济全球化及科技信息技术快速发展的影响,中国进入了一个全新时代——知识经济时代。知识经济时代的生产要素和资本结构将会出现较大变化。这些变化既会给竞争激烈的国内市场带来活力,同时也将导致传统的财务管理体系面临巨大挑战。为适应这些变化,保障企业经济发展,指出创新企业管理手段、特别是创新财务管理模式是关键。针对传统财务管理存在的缺陷,提出了财务管理创新的原则、以及方法与步骤。  相似文献   

水土流失现象导致土壤表层受到严重破坏,土层变薄、土壤肥力大量流失,对农业生产造成很大影响,造成当地生态环境的破坏,制约当地农业生产的发展和经济的发展。选取辽宁省南票区新沙河小流域进行实地水土保持综合治理与效益评价。通过进行实地考察和收集基础资料,利用水土资源开发利用技术新模式的优化规划治理方法,评价该示范区的水土保持治理综合效益,结果表明:在经济效益方面,小流域多元化整体布局治理后年可增加直接经济效益3 125.13万元;在生态效益方面,生态环境得到明显改善,地面植被覆盖度从21.2%增加到31.3%;在社会效益方面,群众生活水平不断提高的同时还促进了小流域经济发展。  相似文献   

余霜  李光 《中国岩溶》2014,33(3):338-346
喀斯特地区农户的石漠化治理行为对保障我国长江、珠江流域生态安全极为重要。为了深入了解农户石漠化治理行为的影响因素,促进石漠化治理政策的落实和治理工作的有效开发,本文选取了贵州省3个典型的石漠化县,晴隆县、关岭县、 黔西县为研究区,应用参与性农户评估法对437位农户开展治理行为调查。以调查数据为基础,结合运用Logistic回归模型与ISM分析方法研究农户石漠化治理行为的主要影响因素及其层次结构,实现对石漠化治理行为的剖析。分析结果显示:距最近乡集镇距离、是否自愿选择技术、接触信息次数、交流信息次数是表层直接影响因素,石漠化面积是中层间接因素,家庭农业收入、是否有科研治理项目、专家走访次数是深层根源因素。因此,农户农业收入低、资金投入匮乏和石漠化治理相关技术缺乏是导致农户石漠化治理积极性不够的根本原因。建议多渠道增加农民收入,以推动农户参与石漠化治理的积极性;改善农村基础设施条件以降低石漠化治理的成本;完善石漠化治理技术推广体系,提高农户石漠化治理技能。   相似文献   

法国作为全球农业强国,快速工业化进程中农业现代化水平提升同时也面临农村人口外流、城乡发展不平衡、农村发展不景气等问题,学界聚焦农业现代化发展、土地整治方向、人口迁徙、乡村转型、城乡融合机制等方面进行探索,取得丰硕成果,梳理发现:法国乡村已形成以满足农业现代化需求为核心,多元需求协同发展的乡村转型模式,呈现家庭农场专业化经营、农业合作社服务、短型销售链直销等模式;法国重点关注农村国土整治与生态可持续,聚焦农村人口、农业结构、土地利用结构政策等方面,促推乡村发展。对中国乡村而言,精准把握乡村转型过程及其关键路径并加以利用,可促进中国农业农村健康发展。  相似文献   

我国水资源研究与发展的若干思考   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
我国水资源具有人均占有量少、时空分布不均、水土资源不匹配、人类活动影响显著等特点,加上经济社会快速发展造成水资源供需矛盾突出,水资源态势十分严峻。切实实行最严格水资源综合管理、提高水资源利用效率、建设水资源安全保障的科技支撑体系,关系到我国全面建设小康社会的大局。分析了当前水资源研究的发展趋势,总结了国内研究现状与不足...  相似文献   

中国建筑西北设计研究院有限公司(以下简称"中建西北院")积极推动数字化转型,以"十四五"信息化专项规划为核心顶层设计,将数字科技变革作为生产工具,使数据资源成为关键生产要素,以数字化推进设计管理体系再造,全力推进二维协同设计和三维正向协同设计的建设,为重构生产模式提供了重要载体.  相似文献   

株洲市国土资源局以重点工作、关键岗位为抓手,以纠建并举、锐意创新为途径,深人开展“两整治一改革”专项行动,着力整治土地和矿业权交易市场、干部队伍廉洁从政方面存在的突出问题,促进了党风廉政建设与业务工作的和谐发展。  相似文献   

针对水土资源空间不匹配、水资源总量不足及土地资源利用程度不高等问题,以二元水循环理论为基础,构建考虑水土互馈关系的区域水土资源联合优化配置模型。该模型包括产水模块、水土联合配置模块和土地模拟模块,以GDP最大和基于生态绿当量的区域植被覆盖率(EGE-RVC)最高为目标函数,并提出了一种耦合约束法、逐次逼近法和非线性规划的三层嵌套算法进行求解。以河南省洛阳市为例对模型和方法进行验证,结果表明,洛阳市可利用水量增加了4 463万m3,GDP提高了12.5%,EGE-RVC增加了2.6%,各用地类型缺水率不同程度下降。研究成果能够为区域水土资源优化配置研究提供新的思路和技术参考。  相似文献   

辽宁省水土流失失危害特征及发展演变趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张瑛  王炜航 《辽宁地质》2000,17(3):230-234
辽宁省是我国水土流失较为严重的省份之一。依据省内各市县不土流失面积占总面积的面分比及地形地貌等地质条件,将其划分为极严重区,严重区,中度区及轻度区四个水土流失程度区。严重的水土流失不仅造成水土资源的损失与环境破坏,导致农业生产环境恶化,生态平衡失调,洪涝灾害频发,而且影响各业生产和发展。1996年与1986年的水土流失量对比结果表明,经过10年来的综合治理,水土流失强度和面积都明显降低和减少。  相似文献   

When Zimbabwe became independent in 1980, reversing historical inequalities became a primary rural development objective. Growth, it was argued, must also generate greater equity. As part of their overall plan, sophisticated agricultural institutions were made available to black farmers and a land resettlement program enacted. Due to constitutional constraints, international pressure, fears about restructuring the economy too rapidly, and a class alliance between white farmers and an emerging black bourgeoisie, limited highveld land was reallocated and large-scale commercial farmers maintained their historical privileges. The only significant change in the subsector was increased capital intensity of production. Small-scale black farmers with access to good land and productive resources have responded remarkably to new production opportunities. In only 7 years, black production of maize and cotton more than doubled and marketed contributions rose from less than 10% to approximately half of national sales. The pattern of agricultural development, however, is spatially and socially limited. New forms of uneven rural development are emerging. The majority of rural blacks still have inadequate land and off-farm income resources to insure subsistence levels of consumption on an annual basis. The rural crisis persists. In South Africa, a Zimbabwe-type small farm development strategy would help a minority of households who are already relatively privileged in terms of access of land, agricultural capital and off-farm income resources. To achieve rural growth and equity, new forms of social organization in farming must be developed concurrent with a major land redistribution program. Zimbabwe's strategy has successfully generated short-term growth but cannot fulfill longer-term rural development objectives.  相似文献   

This paper explored the status of climate-smart agriculture (CSA) in southeast Nigeria using qualitative and quantitative methods in data collection. One hundred and sixty farmers were selected from the area. Also, focus group discussions were conducted. Data collected were subjected to qualitative analysis and logit regression. The study identified five broad and important practices relevant to CSA in southeast Nigeria, which include: adjusting agricultural production systems, mobility and social networks, farm financial management, diversification on and beyond the farm, and knowledge management and regulations. The determinants of CSA in southeast Nigeria include: education, income, credit, extension, livestock ownership, farming experience, land area cultivated, distance to the market and water resources, leadership position, risk orientation, gender, land ownership, household size, and mass media exposure. Government policies need to support research and development that develops and diffuses the climate-smart technologies to help farmers respond changes in climatic conditions.  相似文献   

松嫩平原农业水资源优化管理模型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
松嫩平原是我国重要的商品粮生产基地,水资源短缺和不合理利用严重制约着农业的可持续发展。研究中选择国家“九五”农业重点科技攻关吉林省大安试验作为研究区,针对农业发展状况和目标、次生盐碱化形成机理和水资源开发利用现状及其存在的问题等多种自然和人为条件,建立区域农业水资源优化管理模型,确定水资源最优利用方案,为农业发展规划提供理论依据和科学指导。同时,拟把此套模型技术推广和应用到整个松嫩平原地区,保证农业安全生产,促进生态环境稳定健康发展。  相似文献   

Rural tropical ecosystems are subject to many traditional land uses that employ the indigenous karst resources: rock, water, soil, vegetation, and wildlife. Individual resource pressures often are subtle, but their combined impact can precipitate instability in the tropical karst environment, potentially resulting in disruption of food, water, and fuel supplies. The karst of central Belize was used intensively for some six centuries by Maya farmers, but between the 10th and 19th centuries AD most of it reverted to secondary forest. Commercial logging dominated the 19th and early 20th centuries, followed by the expansion of subsistence and commercial agriculture after 1945. In the 1980s resource use has accelerated as population and other pressures increase. Much karst remains forested, but there is increasing clearance for agricultural uses, particularly for citrus cultivation and small-scale mixed agriculture. Soil depletion has begun to occur, water resources are increasingly taxed, and some wildlife is threatened by habitat destruction and increased hunting. Lime production for the citrus industry has promoted quarrying, water extraction, and fuelwood use. Environmental stresses currently do not exceed the threshold of instability, but the rapidly developing rural economy warrants careful monitoring of resource pressures.  相似文献   

昭觉县是大凉山腹地的典型彝族聚居县,也是国家级深度贫困县,以传统农业居多,为推动农业发展方式的转变,昭觉县开展了现代农业园建设。笔者通过无人机航测,获取了拟建园区的高分辨率影像,使用面向对象的影像分析软件,快速提取了土地利用现状等信息,结合收集的其他资料,筛选了坡度、坡向、断层、地质灾害、土地利用、灌溉、交通、自然保护区8个评价因子,在GIS的支持下,先开展单因子土地适应性评价,然后进行综合评价。结果显示:拟建园区土地适宜性以适宜性高和适宜性较高等级为主,二者合计2.56 km2、占79.26%,超过3/4,土地适宜性好,适宜建设现代农业产业园,适合建设标准化蔬菜温室大棚和露地蔬菜种植基地,建成后,不但可以为周边地市提供蔬菜供应,还可带动园区周围农户增收,促进周围农户脱贫,发展前景好。小型无人机遥感系统具有机动灵活、成本低的优势,能快速获取小区域、大尺度农业产业园区的基础数据,在西南地区小区域土地适宜性评价中应用效果好。小区域土地的自然环境与社会环境相对单一,许多大区域土地适宜性评价指标并不完全适用,需要根据土地利用的主要目的选择合适的评价指标。  相似文献   

J.A. Allan 《Geoforum》1983,14(3):243-247
The development of agriculture is recognised to be an essential preliminary and on-going element in the economic development strategies of most developing countries. The contribution of agricultural production to gross domestic product, food self-sufficiency and export income are amongst the major development goals exercising the governments of such countries. In addition, in many countries the agricultural sector is regarded as one with a potential for generating a surplus to sustain other economic activities and to have an important stabilising role in reducing the movement of population from rural areas. This article discusses renewable natural resources, soil and water, as the basis for agricultural development and especially of irrigated farming. A number of case studies will be referred to which illustrate the idea that many national governments attribute quite unreal qualities to soil and water resources. Once development schemes were launched appropriate rhetoric was mobilised to invest the reclamation of ‘virgin lands’ and ‘new lands’, with the character of ‘green revolutions’. These ventures have been sustained not because of their success but because the ‘fantasies’ have been circulated amongst ill-formed urban populations, remote from the arduous realities of land reclamation. Case studies in the Soviet Union and the Middle East are discussed.  相似文献   

While a bottom-up approach to identifying problems affecting food production among small-scale farmers has been urged as an appropriate means of finding sustainable solutions, few studies have determined the practical process of doing so and measured the outcomes of such an approach. This paper uses information gained mainly through focus groups with small-scale farmers and semi-structured interviews, to identify farmers’ perceptions of reasons behind low yields and low agricultural production in three communities of Cameroon’s North West region. Three biophysical factors are identified as the main reasons of low production: the long and more frequent dry spells and late start of the start of the rainy season. Three socio-economic reasons are identified as most important: land scarcity, money to invest in agriculture and labour scarcity. Farmers rank their reasons based on the importance to their agricultural production in their local area. Some of the important claims made by farmers are tested using field data and statistical analysis. These include the claims that: (1) the rainy season is increasingly starting later than it used to; and (2) the length of dry spells are increasingly longer than they used to be. The results of these statistical tests are significant, showing that farmers’ knowledge of some of the local problems affecting their activities can serve as an important input into formal research and policy design. Peoples’ understanding of a problem affects the way they will act on it—in terms of searching for solutions and implementing change. Farmers can therefore provide useful insights on why they think there are large yield gaps within their local production environments. The current agricultural development policy of the Cameroon government is advocating greater public–private engagement and can benefit from farmers’ inputs and opinions in the design of relevant policies. In the same light, nonlocal based researchers and research institutions can draw on farmers’ knowledge to create and accumulate knowledge on sustainable solutions to problems of low yields and low food production in Cameroon.  相似文献   

贵州省近40年耕地功能转型评价及演变差异分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
史小祺  李阳兵 《中国岩溶》2018,37(5):722-732
梳理1978年之后贵州省农业政策及农业农户概况,构建耕地功能评价指标体系,并运用熵权法计算指标权重与其功能值,对耕地多功能进行分类和评价,对比全省及各个州市耕地在不同社会经济条件下所承载的功能,分析差异及原因,研究表明:(1)贵州省耕地功能呈下降趋势,功能转型从2006年前后开始,各州市存在一定差异,经济发展较快的地区在2004年前后已提前转型,经济发展较慢的地区在2012年前后转型;(2)耕地功能存在空间分布差异,主要与地区耕地压力和经济发达程度组合状况有关,低耕低压力高GDP(如遵义、六盘水)耕地功能值最高,高耕低压力高GDP(如贵阳市)则次之,高压力低GDP(如安顺等地区)再次之,低压力低GDP(如黔南等地)最低;(3)耕地数量减少,耕地化学品负荷加剧,建议注重耕地生态保护,减少以过度化学品的投入换取粮食产出等不合理做法;从当地实际出发选择适合的农业发展方式,协调粮经作物、种养业发展的关系,推动农业结构优化升级。   相似文献   

通过现状农业—水资源—环境系统分析与诊断发现,黑龙港地区农业结构失调,背离资源条件发展农业,超采地下水,已使该区面临水资源不能永续利用、环境不断恶化的威胁;认为①立足水资源条件发展农业,是建立协调优化的农业—水资源—环境系统,实现农业可持续发展的必要前提;②采用综合措施有效利用土壤水,科学灌溉微咸水,合理开发利用地下水和地表水,是提高水资源对农业贡献的关键;③加强综合科技投入和农村市场经济建设,发展集约化农业,是在有限水资源条件下提高农业生产效率的重要保证;④提高全社会对可持续发展的认识,进行相应的能力建设,是实现黑龙港地区农业—水资源—环境协调可持续发展的社会基础。  相似文献   

M. Upton  C. Bishop  R. Pearce 《GeoJournal》1982,6(4):343-350
Part-time farming is a feature and a consequence of economic change which involves labour movement out of agriculture. It helps to sustain the rural sector by reducing the rate of outmigration. This paper reports on a pilot survey of part-time farmers in the S, Government-controlled part of Cyprus. The economy is growing rapidly with agriculture declining in relative importance although still contributing nearly half the value of exports. Over 50 % of farmers are part-time, meaning in this case they have another occupation. In general, farming is a minor activity and time spent in off-farm work is often increasing to maintain income levels. However the majority of the sample are keen to maintain their farming activity.In the Cyprus study part-time farmers appear slightly younger and operate smaller units than average; they rent in less land and irrigate a smaller area. Considerable differences are found between the four main agricultural zones; mountain, vines, dryland and coastal. At one extreme, exemplified by the coastal zone, commercial part-time farming provides a high standard of living on farms which are somewhat smaller than average. Off-farm work is available locally and complements farm work. Farmers' confidence in long-term prospects is reflected in their willingness (and ability) to invest on the farm and in their low levels of family, migration. At the other extreme, found in the depressed areas of the mountain zone, overt government policies may be required to ensure the continued existence of farming. The combined income of on and off farm work may be inadequate and farmers often have to borrow to meet basic household needs. These farmers travel long distances to find work and may have more than one off-farm occupation. Much of the burden of farm work falls on other family members. Although farmers would prefer to spend more time in agriculture they have limited confidence in its future prospects and recognize the possible necessity of outmigration.  相似文献   

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