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A geophysical survey routine is proposed to detect underground cavities and dolines; it is based on the sequential application of magnetic, low-frequency ground penetrating radar (GPR) and microgravity techniques. A case study near Zaragoza (Ebro valley, Spain) demonstrates the applicability of these methods. The strong contrast of magnetic and electromagnetic properties (and to a lesser scale, of density) between the doline filling and the surrounding stratified Tertiary and Quaternary rocks allows the shape of filled cavities to be clearly outlined by these methods.  相似文献   

For those working in the field of landslide prevention, the estimation of hazard levels and the consequent production of thematic maps are principal objectives. They are achieved through careful analytical studies of the characteristics of landslide prone areas, thus, providing useful information regarding possible future phenomena. Such maps represent a fundamental step in the drawing up of adequate measures of landslide hazard mitigation. However, for a complete estimation of landslide hazard, meant as the degree of probability that a landslide occurs in a given area, within a given space of time, detailed and uniformly distributed data regarding their incidence and causes are required. This information, while obtainable through laborious historical research, is usually partial, incomplete and uneven, and hence, unsatisfactory for zoning on a regional scale. In order to carry this out effectively, the utilization of spatial estimation of the relative levels of landslide hazard in the various areas was considered opportune. These areas were classified according to their levels of proneness to landslide activity without taking recurrence periods into account. Various techniques were developed in order to obtain upheaval numerical estimates. The method used in this study, which was applied in the area of Potenza, is based on techniques derived from artificial intelligence (Artificial Neural Network—ANN). This method requires the definition of appropriate thematic layers, which parameterize the area under study. These are recognized by means of specific analyses in a functional relationship to the event itself. The parameters adopted are: slope gradient, slope aspect, topographical index, topographical shape, elevation, land use and lithology.  相似文献   

Mass movements varying in type and size, some of which are periodically reactivated, affect the urban area of Avigliano. The disturbed and remoulded masses consist of sandy–silty or silty–clayey plastic material interbedded with stone fragments and conglomerate blocks. Five landslides that were markedly liable to rainfall-associated instability phenomena were selected.

The relationships between landslides and rainfall were investigated using a hydrological and statistical model based on long-term series of daily rainfall data. The model was used to determine the return period of cumulative daily rainfall over 1–180 days. The resulting hydrological and statistical findings are discussed with the aim of identifying the rainfall duration most critical to landslides.

The concept of a precipitation threshold was generalized by defining some probability classes of cumulative rainfall. These classes indicate the thresholds beyond which reactivation is likely to occur. The probability classes are defined according to the return period of the cumulative rainfall concomitant with landslide reactivation.  相似文献   

The Strona-Ceneri Zone (Southern Alps) contains folds with moderately to steeply inclined axial planes and fold axes, and amplitudes of up to several kilometres (so-called 'Schlingen'). These amphibolite facies folds deform the main schistosity of Late Ordovician metagranitoids and are discordantly overlain by unmetamorphic Permian sedimentary rocks. Mutually cross-cutting relationships between these folds and garnet-bearing leucotonalitic dykes indicate that these dykes were emplaced during folding. Sm–Nd systematics and the strongly peraluminous composition of these dykes point to an anatectic origin. Pb step leaching of magmatic garnet from a leucotonalitic dyke yielded a 321.3±2.3  Ma intrusive age. Rb–Sr ages on muscovites from leucotonalitic dykes range from 307 to 298  Ma, interpreted as cooling ages during retrograde amphibolite facies metamorphism. Conventional U–Pb data of zircons from an older granodioritic dyke that pre-dates the Schlingen folds yielded discordant U–Pb ages ranging from 371 to 294  Ma. These ages reflect a more complicated multi-episodic growth history which is consistent with the observed polyphase structural overprint of this dyke. Schlingen folding was accompanied by prograde amphibolite facies metamorphism, during the thermal peak of which the leucotonalitic dyke material was generated by partial melting in a deeper source region from where these S-type magmas intruded the presently exposed level. Because partial melting may occur in a relatively late stage of a clockwise P–T–t path, or even during decompression on the retrograde path, we do not exclude the possibility that Schlingen folding had already started in Early Carboniferous time. Schlingen folds also occur in Penninic and Austroalpine basement units with a very similar pre-Alpine history, indicating that Variscan folding affected large segments of the future Alpine realm.  相似文献   




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