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A 400-mm-long stalagmite from Tangshan Cave, Nanjing has been analyzed by a high-precision TIMS-U series dating method and also determined for oxygen and carbon stable isotopic compositions. The results provided a high-resolution paleoclimate record for eastern China during a time interval (from 54 000 to 19 000 aBP) of the last glaciation. The continuous record of oxygen-18 variations in the stalagmite, indicating a precipitation history of the East Asian monsoon, shows not only signals of the Heinrich events, but also the Dansgaard-Oeschger cycles which are first found in the last glacial climate record of the East Asian monsoon area. Although the stalagmite-based climatic signals match well with the GRIP ice core record, some differences between the two records can be recognized: (1) The last glacial climate changes in eastern China exhibited a long-term remarkably cooling trend, superimposed on which were four successive Bond’s cycles illustrated by the δ18O curve. This strong cooling tendency may be an effect of the strong summer monsoon event during the MIS 3 over the Tibetan Plateau. (2) There exist some phase differences of 1000–2000 years between the cooling events in the stalagmite-based climate signal and the GRIP ice core record. Such differences should be further verified by calibrations of multiple dating methods  相似文献   

Based on 33 U/Th dates and 1020 oxygen isotopic data from stalagmite Y1 from Yamen Cave, Guizhou Province, China, a record of the Asian Summer Monsoon (ASM) was established. The record covers the last deglaciation and the early Holocene (from 16.2 to 7.3 ka BP) with an average oxygen isotope resolution of 9 years. The main millennial-scale deglacial events first identified in Greenland (Greenland Interstadial Events: GIS 1e through GIS 1a) and later in China are clearly present in the Y1 record. By analogy to earlier work, we refer to these as Chinese Interstadials (CIS): CIS A.1e to CIS A.1a. The onset of these events in Y1 δ18O records are nominally dated at: 14750±50, 14100±60, 13870±80, 13370±80, and 12990±80 a BP. The end of CIS A.1a or the beginning of the Younger Dryas (YD) event is nominally at 12850±50 a BP and the end of the YD dates to 11500±40 a BP. The δ18O values shift by close to 3‰ during the transition into the Bφlling-Allerφd (BA, the onset of CIS A.1e) and at the end of the YD. Comparisons of Y1 to previously published early Holocene records show no significant phase differences. Thus, the East Asia Monsoon and the Indian Monsoon do not appear to have been out of phase during this interval. The Y1 record confirms earlier work that suggested that solar insolation and North Atlantic climate both affect the Asian Monsoon.  相似文献   

Environmental history of the northern continental shelf of the South China Sea during the last 280 ka BP, e.g. Marine Isotope Stages 1–8 (MIS 1–8) was reconstructed based on pollen record from the top 225m of ODP 1144 Site. During the interglacial periods, pollen assemblages are predominated by pine similar to those of the present day indicating that the environment of the interglacial periods was more or less close to that of today. Nevertheless, those from glacial periods are characterized by a large amount of herbaceous pollen, e.g.Artemisia, Gramineae, Cyperaceae, etc. inferring that grassland covered the merged continental shelf when the sea level lowered and the continental shelf was exposed. The exposed areas of the shelf were insignificant before MIS 5, but enlarged since MIS 4 and reached its maximum during MIS 2 according to ratios of pollen percentages between pine and herbs. The history of different exposure of the shelf can be compared with transgression records of the coastal areas of China and might result from neotectonic movement of Chinese continent. Some changes also took place in the components of grassland growing on the shelf during glaciations. Gramineae is the main element at MIS 8. ThenArtemisia increased upwards the profile and at last became the main component at the Last Glacial Maximum (MIS 2). Such changes in vegetation might be in response to cooler and drier climate.  相似文献   

During the late Pleistocene, a number of climatic fluctuations such as the Heinrich events were recorded in the climatic proxies in the Loess Plateau and in North China[1―7]. Most of these records were based on geophysical and geochemical evidence[1―4]. Therefore, more biologic evidence is necessary for explaining the regional ecosystems in response to climatic change in the Loess Plateau during this period since pollen re-cords in other areas presented strong evidence to cli-matic fluctu…  相似文献   

~~Holocene grassland vegetation, climate and human impact in central eastern Inner Mongolia1.Ye,D.Z.,Chou,J.E,Liu,J.Y.et al.,Causes of sand-stormy weather in northern China and control measures,Acta Geographica Sinica(in Chinese),2000,55(5):513-520. 2.Qiu,X.E,Zeng,Y.,Miao,Q.L.,Temporal spatial distribution as well as tracks and source areas of sand dust storms in China,Acta Geographica Sinica(in Chinese),2001,56(3):316-322. 3.Cui,H.T,Kong,Z.C,Preliminary analysis on the cli…  相似文献   

Quantitative analyses of microfossils and stable isotopic analysis were carried out for Core SCS-12 in the southwestern slope of the South China Sea (SCS). A high-resolution paleoceanographic record for the last 13 ka was revealed with the AMS14C dates. The southern SCS has experienced stepwise paleoceanographic changes since the last deglaciation. The oxygen isotopic stage 1/2 boundary around 12.05 ka B. P. and the end of the last deglaciation around 7.70 ka B.P. are two rapid change periods (corresponding to the terminationIa and terminationIb, respectively), in between is a slow change period. The authors infer that the sea level stood at - 110 m before the terminationIa, roughly the same as today after the termination IB, and about - 50 m in between. Subsequently, the average winter sea surface temperature and salinity obviously increased while paleo-productivity decreased since 12.05 ka B.P. The early Holocene CaCO3 preservation spike, coupled with a high abundance of pteropoda and CaCO3 content, occurred around 7.70 ka B. P. Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 49576286 and 49732086).  相似文献   

Sporopollen analysis on a 346 cm peat record at Dahu, Jiangxi, chronologically constrained by 16 AMS 14C datings, provides an opportunity to reconstruct the vegetation evolution stages responding to cli-mate change in South China since the last glacial maximum. The result shows that during 18330-15630 cal a B.P., broad-leaved forest dominated the area, corresponding to mild, cool and fairly humid climate. At the interval of 15630-11600 cal a B.P., several evergreen broad-leaved species appeared within the broad-leaved forest, indicating moderate and humid condition. During early Holocene, broad-leaved evergreen forest community was constructed as Castanopsis/Lithorcarpus principally developed, suggesting a warm and humid scenario until 6000 cal a B. P. Since 6000 cal a B. P., abrupt forest deterioration happened with an contemporary increase of fern and herb communities, repre-senting a turnover to relatively cool and dry condition and as well, possible impact from human activi-ties. Meanwhile, several relatively cool and dry events can be identified in the sporopollen record, they can be correlated to the North Atlantic Heinrich event, YD and Holocene millennial-scale oscillations, implying that the low latitude climate was coupled with high latitude influences. Moreover, the varia-tions of temperature and humidity since LGM at Dahu were much smaller when compared with the re-cords in north monsoonal China.  相似文献   

固城湖晚全新世以来的孢粉组合及环境变迁   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
羊向东  王苏民  吉磊  沈吉  马燕 《湖泊科学》1994,6(3):233-239
本文依据固城湖GD钻孔系统的孢粉分析资料,将井深6.3m岩心所做的孢粉图式,结合~(14)C测年,从下面上分为8个孢粉组合带,进而论述了4000年来该区的植被发展和气候的4次冷暖交替的变化。4次冷期约为3.0—2.5KaB.P.2.0—1.5KaB.P.、1.0—0.8KaB.P.和0.4Ka以来。此外,还根据沉积物中的硅藻分析、有机质δ~(13)C值、有机碳含量及历史记载等资料,侧重讨论了气候及人类活动对湖泊环境演变的影响。  相似文献   

This paper analyzes climate changes since the end of the last glaciations 19–20 thousand years ago, including the modern warm interglacial Holocene age, which started about 11.5 thousand years ago. The connection between the impact of the orbital effect and solar activity on the Earth’s climate is studied. This is important for estimation of the duration of the modern interglacial period. It is shown that there is significant inconsistency between temperature variations in Holocene, which is deduced from the large amount of recently obtained indirect data and the temperatures reproduced in the climate models. The trends of climate cooling in the Holocene on the whole and during the last 2000 years are investigated.  相似文献   

Although considerable effort has been deployed to understand the impact of climate variability and vegetation change on runoff in major basins across Africa, such studies are scarce in the Gulf of Guinea Basin (GGB). This study combines the Budyko framework and elasticity concept along with geospatial data to fill this research gap in 44 nested sub-basins in the GGB. Annual rainfall from 1982 to 2021 show significant decreasing and increasing trends in the northern and southern parts of the GGB, respectively. Annual potential evapotranspiration (PET) also shows significant increasing trends with higher magnitudes observed in the northern parts of the GGB. Changing trends in climate variables corroborates with shift to arid and wetter conditions in the north and south, respectively. From 2000 to 2020 vegetation cover estimated using enhanced vegetation index (EVI) shows significant increasing trends in all sub-basins including those experiencing a decline in annual rainfall. Vegetation composition measured using vegetation continuous fields (VCFs) from 2000 to 2020 show an increase in tree canopy cover (TC), a decline in short vegetation cover and marginal changes in bare ground cover (BG). Elasticity coefficients show that a 10% increase in annual rainfall and PET may lead to a 33% increase and 24% decline in runoff, respectively. On the other hand, a 10% increase in EVI may lead to a 4% decline in runoff while a 10% increase in TC, SV and BG may reduce runoff by 4% and increase runoff by 3% and 2%, respectively. Even though changes are marginal, decomposing vegetation into different parameters using EVI and VCFs may lead to different hydrological effects on runoff which is one of the novelties of this study that may be used for implementing nature-based solutions. The study also demonstrates that freely available geospatial data together with analytical methods are a promising approach for understanding the impact of climate variability and vegetation change on hydrology in data-scarce regions.  相似文献   

The study of climatic changes since the Late Glacial Age has become one of the hotspots of the PAGES in recent years.Deep-sea cores from the high-latitude area show that the climate was very unstable during the transitional period from the Late Glacial Age to the Holocene[1,2],which has also been testified by the geological records from ocean sediments,ice cores and terrestrial sections in different latitudes of the earth[3—8].What’s more,climatic instability also ex-isted in the Holoce…  相似文献   

The stability of Earth's critical zone is intimately linked with erosion, weathering and vegetation type and density. Therefore, it affects global biogeochemical processes which in turn affect the global climate by absorbing and reflecting solar radiation, and by altering fluxes of heat, water vapour, carbon dioxide and other trace gases through various feedback mechanisms. However, there is a lack of knowledge about how Earth's critical zone processes have changed over time and their link with past monsoon variability, especially in Asia. The study of lake sediments, which contain a suite of inorganic elemental and isotopic proxies, may facilitate the understanding of the Earth's critical zone processes on millennial timescales. Here we reconstruct the history of erosion–weathering–vegetation interactions since ~14.7 ka using geochemical records from a radiocarbon‐dated sediment core from Lake Gonghai in the monsoon‐arid transitional zone of north China. Detrital (Al, Ti, K, Rb) and authigenic (Ca, Sr) elemental records reveal distinct, millennial‐scale, late deglacial‐Holocene erosion and weathering patterns and transitions with the former (latter) elements showing higher (lower) values in warm intervals and vice versa. Chemical Index of Alteration (CIA) molar, a humidity proxy, suggests low humidity during the late deglacial ~11.5–14.7 ka, high humidity during the early‐mid Holocene ~11.5–3.2 ka, and intermediate humidity during the late Holocene interval since ~3.2 ka. The results of cross‐spectral analysis and comparison of our records with other climate reconstructions also suggest a pattern of orbitally‐phased humidity changes in north China. Overall, our results provide evidence for the solar‐forcing of Earth's surface processes in mid‐latitude China under natural climatic conditions. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Recent research in geomorphology has considered the significance of progressive pedogenesis and climatic change to slope failure initiation for the Holocene, using physically based models. To date, the significance of vegetation change to slope stability has been largely unexplored through modelling, since available physically based models cannot consider vegetation effects directly. To address the existing deficiency this paper adapts, parameterizes and applies a physically based model of slope hydrology and stability to the combined effect of vegetation change and progessive pedogenesis on slope failure initiation. There is considerable debate in the literature concerning the relative significance of climatic change and vegetation modification to slope failure initiation in the Holocene. This paper uses the model to provide additional evidence for situations in which either climatic or vegetation change is significant to slope failure, depending on the prevailing degree of soil development. The results indicate that young podsols appear to be stable under all the climatic and vegetation conditions considered, but mature podsols may be susceptible to failure. Both climate and vegetation influence slope stability, but their relative significance depends on the stage of soil development. In particular, the stability of young soils is influenced considerably by vegetation, while climate assumes greater significance in mature soils. It is recognized that this conclusion is limited to freely draining podsol profiles, and that more research is needed to consider other soil type and vegetation combinations.  相似文献   

Soil and nutrient loss play a vital role in eutrophication of water bodies. Several simulated rainfall experiments have been conducted to investigate the effects of a single controlling factor on soil and nutrient loss. However, the role of precipitation and vegetation coverage in quantifying soil and nutrient loss is still unclear. We monitored runoff, soil loss, and soil nutrient loss under natural rainfall conditions from 2004 to 2015 for 50–100 m2 runoff plots around Beijing. Results showed that soil erosion was significantly reduced when vegetation coverage reached 20% and 60%. At levels below 30%, nutrient loss did not differ among different vegetation cover levels. Minimum soil N and P losses were observed at cover levels above 60%. Irrespective of the management measure, soil nutrient losses were higher at high-intensity rainfall (Imax30>15 mm/h) events compared to low-intensity events (p < 0.05). We applied structural equation modelling (SEM) to systematically analyze the relative effects of rainfall characteristics and environmental factors on runoff, soil loss, and soil nutrient loss. At high-intensity rainfall events, neither vegetation cover nor antecedent soil moisture content (ASMC) affected runoff and soil loss. After log-transformation, soil nutrient loss was significantly linearly correlated with runoff and soil loss (p < 0.01). In addition, we identified the direct and indirect relationships among the influencing factors of soil nutrient loss on runoff plots and constructed a structural diagram of these relationships. The factors positively impacting soil nutrient loss were runoff (44%–48%), maximum rainfall intensity over a 30-min period (18%–29%), rainfall depth (20%–27%), and soil loss (10%–14%). Studying the effects of rainfall and vegetation coverage factors on runoff, soil loss, and nutrient loss can improve our understanding of the underlying mechanism of slope non-point source pollution.  相似文献   

Climate of Yunnan Plateau is mainly controlledby the system of southwest Asian monsoon, and alsoaffected by westerlies and local climate of the Qing-hai-Tibet Plateau. Since the Cenozoic, a large numberof structural lake basins have formed with the uplift ofthe Qinghai-Tibet Plateau[1]. As the information aboutthe climate and environment change was faithfullydocumented in lake sediments, which have the char-acteristics of continuity, high resolution, abundant in-formation, lake sediments p…  相似文献   

Evaluating the benefits of sediment and runoff reduction in different vegetation types is essential for studying the mechanisms of soil and water conservation on the Loess Plateau.The experiment was conducted in shrub-grass plots with nine levels of mixed vegetation coverage from 0%to 70%,three slopes(10,15,and 20)and two rainfall intensities(1.0 and 2.5 mm/min).The results showed that the vegetation coverage and slope gradient significantly affect runoff and sediment yield.Shrub-grass vegetation coverage had a significant effect on the runoff start-time,runoff flow velocity,runoff rate,and soil erosion rate on hillslopes.Mixed vegetation coverage could effectively delay the runoff starttime and decrease the runoff flow velocity.However,the effects of the slope gradient on runoff and sediment yield are opposite to those of vegetation coverage.Shrub-grass vegetation coverage could effectively increase runoff and sediment yield reduction benefits,while their benefits were affected by the rainfall intensity.At the 1.0 mm/min rainfall intensity,the reduction in the sediment production rate was greater than that under the 2.5 mm/min intensity.However,when the shrub-grass vegetation coverage exceeded 42%,the runoff reduction benefit was more obvious at higher rainfall intensities.The cumulative sediment yield increased with increasing cumulative runoff,and the rate of increase in the cumulative runoff was greater than that of the cumulative sediment yield with increasing of shrub-grass vegetation coverage.Moreover,there was a power function relationship between cumulative sediment yield and cumulative runoff yield(P<0.05).Our paper is expected to provide a good reference on the ecological environment and vegetation construction on the Loess Plateau.  相似文献   

Abundant palynological fossils are found from the drill core in the west slope of Songliao Basin, the first full coring borehole that drilled throughout the Neogene. Two Palynological assemblages are recognized according to their vertical distributions, i.e., the late early Miocene–middle Miocene assemblage from the Da'an Formation named as Caryapollenites simplex-Momipites coryloides-Celtispollenites sp.-Tsugaepollenites igniculus, and the late Miocene-early Pliocene assemblage from the Taikang Formation named as Artemisiaepollenites minor-Betulaceoipollenites sp.-Carpinipites sp.-Polypodiaceaesporites sp. On the basis of the composition of each assemblage, we infer that the climate was warm-temperate to sub-tropic during the late early Miocene–middle Miocene and the vegetation was mainly deciduous broadleaved forest and subordinate coniferous and broad-leaved mixed forest with few understory ferns, and probably some shallow fresh water wetlands. The climate then turned cooler and drier in the late Miocene–early Pliocene, represented by the development of xerophytic herbs and temperate plants, although the canopy of the forest remained relatively stable. The results significantly improve the understanding of the Cenozoic palynostratigraphy in the Songliao Basin, and provide new data for both stratigraphical correlation and paleovegetational and paleoclimatical analysis in adjacent area.  相似文献   

Boron isotopic compositions in marine planktonic foraminifers can record changes in seawater pH and hence provide a new tool to reconstruct the changes of paleo-atmospheric PCO2.Here a comparative study was done on boron isotopes and trace element abundances of planktonic foraminifers,Globigerinoides sacculifer and Globigerinoides ruber from three tropical ODP sites,Site 806B,Site 664C and Site 999A.It is demonstrated here that G.ruber is a better species to be used for downcore boron isotope analyses on gl...  相似文献   

The history of natural fire since 37 kaBP and its relationship to climate for the northern part of the South China Sea are revealed from the statistic study of charcoal particles and associated pollen data from deep sea core 17940 (20° 07’N, 117° 23’E, 1 727 m in water depth). Our study indicates that, during the last glaciation, the concentration of charcoal and the ratio of con centration between charcoal and terrestrial pollen are much higher than that of the Holocene. This can be explained as the relatively high strength and frequency of natural fire during glaciation which is probably due to the drier climate; during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), the substantial rising of the concentration of large and medium charcoal particles probably suggests the local source area of the natural fires, i.e. the exposed continental shelf; moreover, the correlation between charcoal concentration with different size and pollen percentage may elucidate different transport dynamics. During the glacial time, almost all the peak concentrations of small particles correspond with the peak pollen percentage ofArtemisia, an indicator of comparatively dry climate, while for large particles, their concentrations always lag behind small particles and thus change with pollen percentage of montane conifers implying relatively cold and humid climate. So, it is possible to assume that small particles reflect regional emissions under drier climate and were brought over by strengthened winter monsoon. When the climate became relatively humid, the increasing precipitation carried the large particles accumulated on continental shelf before under arid condition to the studied area.  相似文献   

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