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Biostratigraphical data using larger foraminifera and planktonic foraminifera permitted us to establish the correlation between shallow platform sediments rich in larger foraminifera (Montsec and Serres Marginals thrust sheets) and deeper ones containing planktonic foraminifera (Boixols thrust sheet).

Consequently, the Santa Fe limestones containing Ovalveolina-Praealveolinaassemblage represent the Cenomanian. Early Turonian ( ‘IT~ archaeocretacea and P. helvetica zones) exist in both, Montsec and Boixols thrust sheets and it is constituted by Pithonella limestones. Late Turonian (M. schneegansi zone) is only present in Boixols thrust sheet (Reguard Fm.), the Montsec thrust sheet having an erosive hiatus.

Late Coniacian-Early Santonian (D. Concavata zone) is represented in the Montsec thrust sheet (Cova Limestones) and in the eastern part of the Boixols thrust sheet (St. Corneli Fm.) by two differents facies giving two different microfaunal assemblages; the firts one, characterized by Ophtalmidiidae s.l indicate a restricted lagoonal environment while the second one, characterized by diverses species of complex agglutinated, Fabulariidae, Meandropsinidae and Rotaliidae, represents an open shallow platform. In the Boixols thrust sheet (Anseroles Fm.) dominate the planktonic foraminifera and small benthic.

In the late Santonian (D. asyrnetrica zone) the sea reached as far as Serres Marginales thrust sheet where sediments (Tragó de Noguera unit) are terrigenous and deposited in a very shallow platform. In the Montsec thrust sheet (Montsec marls) the larger foraminifera indicate a platform deeper than that of the Serres Marginals thrust sheet. In the Boixols thrust sheet the sediments are deposited in an outer platform (Herbasavina Fm.) or turbiditic basin (Mascarell Mb.).

During Campanian times the transgresion reaches the maximum. In the Serres Marginals sediments are deposited in a restricted shallow environment rich in Meandropsinidae (Serres Limestones). In the Montsec thrust sheet they are deposited in a platform with patch reefs and shoals (Terradets limestones) and in the Boixols one in an outer platform, talus and/or basin.

During Early Maastrichtian times (C. falsostuarti zone) terrigenous materials arrived in the basin, the rate of sedimentation increased outstripping the subsidence rate and the retreat of the sea to the north. Late Maastrichtian (C. gansseri zone) is only present in the Boixols thrust sheet.  相似文献   

The 1500-m-thick marine strata of the Tethys Himalaya of the Zhepure Mountain (Tingri, Tibet) comprise the Upper Albian to Eocene and represent the sedimentary development of the passive northern continental margin of the Indian plate. Investigations of foraminifera have led to a detailed biozonation which is compared with the west Tethyan record. Five stratigraphic units can be distinguished: The Gamba group (Upper Albian - Lower Santonian) represents the development from a basin and slope to an outer-shelf environment. In the following Zhepure Shanbei formation (Lower Santonian - Middle Maastrichtian), outer-shelf deposits continue. Pebbles in the top layers point to beginning redeposition on a continental slope. Intensified redeposition continues within the Zhepure Shanpo formation (Middle Maastrichtian - Lower Paleocene). The series is capped by sandstones of the Jidula formation (Danian) deposited from a seaward prograding delta plain. The overall succession of these units represents a sea-level high at the Cenomanian/Turonian boundary followed, from the Turonian to Danian, by an overall shallowing-upward megasequence. This is followed by a final transgression — regression cycle during the Paleocene and Eocene, documented in the Zhepure Shan formation (?Upper Danian - Lutetian) and by Upper Eocene continental deposits. The section represents the narrowing and closure of the Tethys as a result of the convergence between northward-drifting India and Eurasia. The plate collision started in the Lower Maastrichtian and caused rapid changes in sedimentation patterns affected by tectonic subsidence and uplift. Stronger subsidence and deposition took place from the Middle Maastrichtian to the Lower Paleocene. The final closure of remnant Tethys in the Tingri area took place in the Lutetian.  相似文献   

The Jurassic magmatic and volcanic rocks are widespread along the west central Lhasa subterrane. However, the petrogenesis of these rocks is poorly understood because of lacking high-quality geochronology and geochemical data. Here, we present new zircon U–Pb age and Hf isotopic data, whole-rock geochemical and Sr–Nd–Pb isotopic data for the Songduole and Qiangnong plutons in Geji area. LA-ICP-MS dating of zircon yield crystallization ages of 172.1 ± 1.9 and 155.9 ± 1.2 Ma for the Songduole and Qiangnong plutons, respectively. Geochemically, Songduole and Qiangnong granodiorite are characterized by high MgO (2.63–3.49 wt%), high Mg# (49–50), and low TiO2 (0.48–0.57 wt%). Besides, all rocks show metaluminous, calc-alkaline signatures, with strong depletion of Nb, Ta, and Ti, enrichment of large-ion lithophile (e.g. Rb, Th, K), and a negative correlation between SiO2 and P2O5. All these features are indicative of arc-related I-type magmatism. Five samples from the Songduole granodiorite have whole rock (87Sr/86Sr)i of 0.71207–0.71257, εNd(t) values of ?15.1 to ?13.9, zircon εHf(t) values of ?17.4 to ?10.5, (206Pb/204Pb)t ratios of 18.402–18.854, (207Pb/204Pb)t ratios of 15.660–15.736, and (208Pb/204Pb)t ratios of 38.436–39.208. Samples from the Qiangnong granodiorite have (87Sr/86Sr)i of 0.71230–0.71252, εNd(t) values of ?15.1 to ?14.2, zircon εHf(t) values of ?12.6 to ?6.4, (206Pb/204Pb)t ratios of 18.688–18.766, (207Pb/204Pb)t ratios of 15.696–15.717, and (208Pb/204Pb)t ratios of 38.546–39.083. These geochemical signatures indicate that the two plutons most likely originated from partial melting of the ancient Lhasa lower crust with obvious inputs of mantle-derived melts. Combined with regional geology, our results indicate that the Jurassic magmatism in the west central Lhasa subterrane most likely resulted from the southward subduction of the Bangong Ocean lithosphere beneath the central Lhasa terrane.  相似文献   

Thick Aptian deposits in north central Tunisia comprise hemipelagic lower Aptian, reflecting the sea-level rise of OAE 1a, and an upper Aptian shallow marine environment characterized by the establishment of a carbonate platform facies. Carbon stable isotope data permit recognition of the OAE 1a event in the Djebel Serdj section. Cephalopods are rare throughout these successions, but occurrences are sufficient to date the facies changes and the position of the OAE1a event. Ammonite genera include lower Aptian Deshayesites, Dufrenoyia, Pseudohaploceras, Toxoceratoides and ?Ancyloceras; and upper Aptian Zuercherella, Riedelites and Parahoplites. Correlation of carbon isotope data with those of other Tethyan sections is undertaken together with the integration of planktonic foraminiferal data.  相似文献   

藏南聂拉木北部喜马拉雅山主脊带侏罗系重解   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李祥辉  王成善 《地质通报》2005,24(12):1121-1126
通过野外调查和地层系统校正,认为前人在该区划分的侏罗纪地层系统存在偏差。下侏罗统在喜马拉雅山主脊带南北两侧岩相变化较大,普普嘎组可能穿时;中上侏罗统岩相变化较小;侏罗系总厚度不超过1400m。中侏罗统鲕粒铁质岩所对应的岩石地层单元按命名先后原则应为定结组,形成于外陆棚环境,可能与全球侏罗纪海泛时期洋流涌入有关,代表特提斯喜马拉雅地区中侏罗世晚巴通期一次沉积地质事件;晚侏罗世基末利期在特提斯喜马拉雅可能存在与欧洲同期的缺氧事件。  相似文献   

藏南古错地区上侏罗统上部和下白垩统沉积相?   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
基于野外剖面和室内沉积学研究,对古错地区侏罗纪末期-早白垩世地层进行详细描述和修订,识别出6种主要岩相类型:红褐色(风化色)石英砾岩、灰色-黄绿色岩屑砾岩、灰白色石英砂岩、灰色-黄绿色岩屑砂岩、灰色-黄绿色长石岩屑砂岩、灰色、深灰色、黑色页岩。发现粒序层理、水平层理、平行层理、板状交错层理、丘状交错层理等层理构造、波痕和槽模层面构造、重荷模和砂岩岩墙变形构造以及侵蚀面构造、叠瓦状构造、硬底、结核等沉积构造和生物遗迹。识别出三角洲(包括三角洲前缘亚相和前三角洲亚相)和陆棚(包括受风暴影响的陆棚相亚相和深水陆棚相亚相)两类沉积相,其中三角洲前缘亚相进一步划分为水下分流河道、分流河口砂坝和远砂坝等微相。建立了侏罗纪末期-早白垩世沉积相序及其演化,并在此基础上分析了沉积环境变化。  相似文献   

西藏驱龙矿区早侏罗世斑岩的Sr-Nd-Pb及锆石Hf同位素研究   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
近年的研究基本揭示,在冈底斯南缘存在一条晚三叠世-侏罗纪的花岗岩带,其成因认识有助于恢复青藏高原中生代演化历史,但却存在争议。为此,本文选择拉萨东部驱龙早侏罗世花岗斑岩开展Sr-Nd-Pb及锆石Hf同位素研究,调查岩浆源区特征,以期查明岩浆成因。分析结果显示,驱龙早侏罗世斑岩具有相对较低的87Sr/86Sr初始比值(0.7029~0.7050)、正的εNd(t)(平均0.7)和锆石εHf(t)值(2.6~8.2),表明岩浆来自新生地壳物质的部分熔融。综合对比发现,冈底斯南部晚三叠世-早侏罗世花岗岩的锆石Hf同位素在500km宽的范围内显示出由西向东亏损程度逐渐减弱、甚至变得富集的规律,表明在此类花岗岩的形成过程中,成熟地壳组分的贡献自西向东逐渐增多。这既可因南部拉萨地体基底Hf同位素组成的东西向不均一所引起,也可能因东段驱龙、米林等地花岗岩更靠近古老的拉萨微陆块所致。  相似文献   

在西藏1∶25万喀纳幅、日土县幅地质调查图成果的基础上,重建了班公湖-怒江结合带西段3个地层区的侏罗纪-早白垩世沉积地层序列,对地层纵向、横向序列变化和沉积环境进行对比分析,指出在侏罗纪-早白垩世时,班公湖-怒江中特提斯洋盆沉积与其南、北两侧大陆边缘沉积有明显差异;中特提斯海洋盆地演化经历了早-中侏罗世深海-半深海沉积、晚侏罗世-早白垩世残余海(洋)盆地沉积和晚白垩世残余海盆消亡等3个阶段。  相似文献   

西藏铁格隆南超大型铜(金、银)矿床地质、蚀变与矿化   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
铁格隆南是班公湖-怒江成矿带西段重要的斑岩-浅成低温热液铜(金、银)矿床,也是西藏地区首个铜资源量超过1000万吨的超大型铜(金、银)矿床,其蚀变与矿化结构的精细解剖,对完善区域成矿理论和指导找矿实践有重要的指导意义。文章基于详细的野外地质调查、钻孔编录和镜下鉴定,识别出铁格隆南矿床具有斑岩和浅成低温热液叠加成矿作用特征。其中,斑岩成矿作用主要位于矿床深部及外围,以细脉状、脉状、浸染状黄铁矿、黄铜矿、斑铜矿及少量辉钼矿等为主,蚀变为钾硅化、青磐岩化、黄铁绢英岩化,发育A、B、D型脉体。浅成低温热液成矿作用主要产于矿床中-浅部,叠加于斑岩成矿作用之上,以浸染状-脉状黄铁矿、硫砷铜矿、斑铜矿、铜蓝、蓝辉铜矿、斯硫铜矿、雅硫铜矿、久辉铜矿等Cu-S体系矿物为特征,蚀变为高级泥化,广泛发育N脉(即高岭石或明矾石-硫化物脉)。蚀变、矿化特征及脉体穿切关系揭示,矿床成岩成矿作用可细分为岩浆期(Ⅰ)、岩浆-热液期(Ⅱ)和表生期(Ⅲ)。成岩成矿年代学结果揭示,矿区内闪长玢岩侵位时代较早(123 Ma),代表岩浆活动上限;花岗闪长斑岩(122~120 Ma)是主要的含矿斑岩,与成矿作用关系最为密切;火山岩覆盖于地表,喷发时代较晚(111 Ma),代表成矿后岩浆活动的产物。钾硅化的黑云母和黄铁绢英岩化的绢云母40Ar-39Ar年龄分别(121.1±0.5) Ma、(120.8±0.9)Ma与斑岩成矿作用的辉钼矿Re-Os年龄((121.2±1.2) Ma)一致,而高级泥化的明矾石40Ar-39Ar年龄为(117.9±1.6)Ma与浅成低温热液矿化的黄铁矿Rb-Sr年龄((117.5±1.8)Ma)一致。所以,依据时空关系,铁格隆南超大型矿床成矿作用可细分为岩浆热液成矿作用(123~119 Ma)、浅成低温热液成矿作用(118~117 Ma)和火山岩覆盖保存(111~110 Ma)3个阶段。  相似文献   

郭健强 《地层学杂志》1995,19(3):171-179,190
西藏类乌齐地区早、中侏罗世地层可划分为下部仁青卡群和上部雁石坪群两部分。仁青卡群系新创,代表早侏罗世海退沉积序列的杂色陆源碎屑岩建造,由隆再这组、去买组和埃买组组成,并首次发现Hiatellaarenicola,Lilingellacuneata等湘赣区的分子。该群下与三叠系,上与中侏罗统均为整合过渡。雁石坪群代表中侏罗世海进沉积序列的碳酸盐岩建造,由货乃组、结弄组、北腾组和日阿沙组组成。叙述和讨论了这些地层单位的岩石和生物特征及地质时代。  相似文献   

This work is a study of the ammonite record of a new stratigraphic section of Aptian age, at the Mina Texali (Puebla State, Central Mexico). A detailed biostratigraphic analysis was carried out on 309 specimens systematically sampled on a bed-by-bed basis. An Aptian ammonite zonation is proposed for the Mina Texali (= MT) section with two interval zones, Dufrenoyia justinae and Caseyella sp., and one informal biostratigraphic unit represented by the Huastecoceras trispinosoides beds. We also analyze the taxonomic composition, paleoecology and some systematic issues of the ammonite record of the MT section. The first record in Mexico of the genera Pseudosaynella, Xerticeras and the nautiloid Heminautilus is identified in this section. The ammonite assemblage is assigned to the proximal part of the outer neritic region of the continental shelf. The ammonite record of the studied section is diagnostic in establishing the lower-upper Aptian transition, and the local zonation of the MT provides important data for the development of an Aptian standard ammonite zonation for the Central Atlantic province.  相似文献   

赵兵  刘登忠  陶晓风  马润则  胡新伟  王辉 《地质通报》2010,29(10):1633-1639
在西藏措勤县曲洛乡门缸错地区发现了侏罗纪地层,详细描述了实测的侏罗系剖面,将该套地层暂时命名为曲洛组。讨论了该组的岩石组合特征和沉积环境,认为主要为一套海陆过渡三角洲—滨岸泻湖相沉积。根据曲洛组中的双壳化石、古植物及孢粉组合特征将这套地层的时代确定为早侏罗世。措勤地区下侏罗统的发现为区域地质构造演化研究和矿产资源勘查提供了新资料。  相似文献   

赵兵  刘登忠  陶晓风  马润则  胡新伟  王辉 《地质通报》2010,29(11):1633-1639
在西藏措勤县曲洛乡门缸错地区发现了侏罗纪地层,详细描述了实测的侏罗系剖面,将该套地层暂时命名为曲洛组。讨论了该组的岩石组合特征和沉积环境,认为主要为一套海陆过渡三角洲—滨岸泻湖相沉积。根据曲洛组中的双壳化石、古植物及孢粉组合特征将这套地层的时代确定为早侏罗世。措勤地区下侏罗统的发现为区域地质构造演化研究和矿产资源勘查提供了新资料。  相似文献   

Outcrops of the Upper Cretaceous (Coniacian-Campanian) Chico Formation, exposed along the east flank of California's northern Great Valley, have yielded a highly diverse, well-preserved molluscan fauna. Previously uncollected deposits, as well as classic localities, have been stratigraphically collected to determine the Santonian-Campanian succession of important ammonites and inoceramid bivalves.Five megafossil zones are readily identifed in outcrops of the Chico Formation. These are, in ascending stratigraphic order, the zones of Hyphantoceras venustum, Baculites capensis, Bostrychoceras elongatum, Inoceramus schmidti and Baculites chicoensis.Two of the zones, Bostrychoceras elongatum and I. schmidti, are missing at the type locality of the Chico Formation because of a stratigraphic disconformity. As a result, previous conceptions about the ranges of some important ammonites and inoceramids in California are in error.Lowest exposures of the H. venustum Zone in the Chico Formation are probably latestConiacian in age. Recent palaeomagnetic sampling of Cretaceous strata of the Great Valley (Ward et al., 1983) has confirmed that the Baculites chicoensis Zone is indicative of the lowest Campanian. The age of the I. schmidti Zone in California is therefore latest Santonian.This molluscan sequence enables precise correlation of Chico strata with other Upper Cretaceous outcrop in the Great Valley; in addition, lowermost deposits of the Upper Cretaceous Nanaimo Group of British Columbia can now be firmly correlated with California strata.  相似文献   

羌塘盆地侏罗纪末—早白垩世沉积特征与地层问题   总被引:12,自引:5,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
羌塘盆地侏罗纪末至早白垩世地层包括扎窝茸组、雪山组、白龙冰河组和索瓦组上段,目前对它们的划分、对比和相互间关系的认识不一。笔者根据各组的含义和时代依据,指出各地层组为岩石地层单元,目前资料尚不足以作进一步年代学划分。通过全面统计各组的分布情况,分析各组的沉积特征,发现白龙冰河组为陆棚相,仅见于盆地北西部;索瓦组上段为海湾泻湖相,见于盆地中部;雪山组和扎窝茸组为河流一三角洲相,见于北东部。为此,认为各地层组是盆地内同期异相沉积,作为上下关系处理是不妥的,据此又提出了新的地层对比方案,认为盆内最高海相层位应该跨入了下白垩统,海水最终是向北西方向逐步退出盆地的。  相似文献   

西藏北部双湖地区海相侏罗纪磁性地层研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
西藏北部双湖地区海相侏罗纪磁性地层采样剖面包括菊花山下侏罗统剖面和那底岗日中、上侏罗统剖面,采集样品共1231件。磁性地层采样工作是在实测地层(岩石地层和生物地层)剖面后进行的。采样使用国产手提式气压钻机,钻取的岩心直径为25 mm,长度为20~50 mm,用磁罗盘定向器定向取心。采样间距一般为0.5~5 m,但重要界面附近间距达到 5 cm。分析表明双湖地区海相侏罗系碳酸盐岩的天然剩磁普遍较高,一般达到6.7×10~(-3)~3.8×10~(-2)A/m。大多数样品在热退磁到500~600℃区间时,剩磁衰减了100%,表明岩石中所含磁性载体力磁铁矿。系统研究表明双湖地区晚三叠世与早侏罗世之间缺失一个NAUNESKI反向极性带,界面的时间缺失量约为2 Ma,野外表现为不整合接触关系。中、下侏罗统之间为假整合接触关系,沉积间断时间约为320 ka。  相似文献   

Extensive new material of scalpelliform cirripedes, including articulated individuals, from the Late Jurassic (Tithonian) Kimmeridge Clay of Dorset, southern England, is described and used as a basis for taxonomic revision of the family Zeugmatolepadidae. Two subfamilies, the Zeugmatolepadinae and Martillepadinae nov., are established and two new genera (Martillepas, Concinnalepas) in the latter subfamily are described from the Upper Jurassic and one (Icenilepas) from the Upper Cretaceous Chalk. Material from the Kimmeridge Clay of Dorset also includes the oldest fossil representative of the family Pollicipedidae for which a new genus and species, Etcheslepas durotrigensis, are erected, and the oldest calanticid, Cretiscalpellum sp. nov. Jurassic taxa established by T.H. Withers in 1928, on the basis of sparse material, are redescribed, and referred to the new genera as Martillepas ovalis, M. costata, M. hollisi, Concinnalepas concinna and Etcheslepas fragilis.  相似文献   

根据米级旋回垂向上的变化规律,新特提斯洋北缘北喜马拉雅被动大陆边缘的沉积层序自侏罗纪—早白垩世共可划分二级层序3个,三级层序18个。早、中侏罗世低位体系域不发育,由海进体系域与高位体系域两部分组成。晚侏罗世出现大型深切河谷。海平面下降幅度最大。早白垩世发育陆架边缘体系域。在此基础上建立了测区侏罗纪—早白垩世地层格架。讨论了当前1∶〖KG-*2〗25万、1∶〖KG-*2〗5万区调填图过程中岩石地层单位内基本层序调查应从静态的代表性基本层序描述转变为动态的基本层序变化规律的调查,阐明了基本层序变化规律与层序地层的关系。  相似文献   

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