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Field work in the South-Central Pyrenees suggests that omission contacts (i.e. younger over older rocks) occur at the base of the Cadí unit (Cadí thrust), and pass laterally into thrusts. This change occurs across tear faults which are present in the hangingwall of the Cadí thrust sheet and which controlled the deposition of Upper Cretaceous sediments (Adraén formation). Detailed mapping in the contact area between the Nogueres and Cadí units has shown that the actual thrust geometry in the study area is controlled by preexisting normal and transfer faults which developed in an already compressional context. Lateral ramps or tear faults develop depending on the angle between the pre-existing extensional transfer fault and the thrust transport direction.  相似文献   

A complete transect of a fossil carbonate ramp slope has been reconstructed using outcrop data from the Lower-Middle Eocene Anotz Formation in the western Pyrenees. The Anotz Formation contains four calciclastic (mostly bioclastic) members encased within hemipelagic marl/limestone alternations, each calciclastic member representing a submarine fan system. Individual fans are composed of a gullied upper slope, a leveed feeder channel, a channelized lobe area, an unconfined lobe zone and a peripheral lobe fringe that grades downcurrent into basinal deposits. Quantitative data on the dimensions and degree of lateral continuity and vertical connectivity of the Anotz calciclastic fan elements are presented. These data provide information for a better understanding of the intrinsic nature of calciclastic submarine fans and to model their reservoir potential. The long-term evolution of the Anotz carbonate slope was generally progradational, as evidenced by the four discrete episodes of calciclastic-fan development. The location of the fans was controlled by the synsedimentary tectonic activity of the Pamplona fault, which created a slope valley along which the reworked shallow-water calciclastic sediments were funnelled. In addition, episodic basinward tilting of the shallow-water carbonate ramp, linked to the development of the South Pyrenean foreland basin, switched on and off the process of calciclastic resedimentation and determined the growth or abandonment of the fan systems.  相似文献   

The External Sierras of the southern Pyrenees represent the frontal thrust complex of a south Pyrenean thrust sheet which was active from the late Eocene to early Miocene. Triassic, Cretaceous and Eocene limestones, sandstones and mudstones involved in this thrusting can be divided into eight mappable units. Mapping and the construction of serial sections across the Western External Sierras show that the amount of southward translation of the thrust sheet increases eastwards from the thrust tip. There is an increased slip of at least 5km along 30km of the External Sierras. Structures show a progressive development from a “primitive” form in the west to a more complex thrust and fold geometry in the east. The general pattern is one of thrust and fold development in response to compression from the north. Backthrusting has occurred on the forward side of the frontal thrust complex. These backthrusts cut up section towards the north and form triangle zones where they intersect thrusts which cut up sections towards the south. The latest thrust movements deformed early Miocene fanglomerates and were out-of-sequence reactivations of earlier thrusts.  相似文献   

The Western Black Sea basin opened during Cretaceous times by back-arc rifting in association with a north dipping subduction at the rear of the Cretaceous–Early Tertiary Pontide volcanic arc. The sedimentary wedge developed on the shelf of the Romanian Black Sea sector reflects a complex interplay between large scale rifting, uplift of the orogenic flanks, large-scale post-rift subsidence and sea level changes. We examine the detailed structural configuration of this sector for a regional correlation with the adjacent offshore in Ukraine and Bulgaria. The evolution of the western Black Sea basin started in the Albian–Cenomanian times, when two extensional phases with significantly different directions (N–S and subsequently E–W) lead to the formation of a complex interplay between isolated blocks organised in horsts and grabens generally deepening eastwards. Superposition of normal faults footwall blocks from the two extensional episodes generated a deeply subsided area with enhanced accommodation space, i.e., the Histria Depression, and, consequently, recorded a larger thickness of Paleogene sediments in the post-rift stage. (Re)activation of faults and associated folding reflects repeated inversion during the Late Cretaceous–Oligocene times, associated with subsequent periods of non-deposition and/or erosion during moments of basin fill exposure. These periods of inversion recorded in the Black Sea are controlled by coeval orogenic deformations taking place in the Balkans, Pontides and the Crimean thrust belt. Sea level fluctuations during the Neogene and late Alpine tectonics in the neighbouring orogens caused massive sedimentation followed by sediment starvation and/or significant erosion. Large thicknesses of sediments accumulated during the Pontian, presumably associated with an extensional episode deepening the distal parts of the basin and with differential compaction structures. The interpretation of a high-quality seismic dataset combined with published data allowed the correlation of major structural units and lineaments defined onshore towards the Carpathians with the ones deeply buried below the western Black Sea basin sediments. Unit correlations are furthermore used to derive an integrated tectonic image of the western Black Sea area.  相似文献   

冲断构造与正反转构造物理模拟实验的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
冲断构造和正反转构造是我国西部叠合盆地中典型的构造样式,其构造物理模拟实验是研究和模拟自然界冲断构造(正反转构造)变形特征和动力学过程的一种有效的实验方法。在查阅大量相关资料的基础上,本文概述了物理模拟实验的发展历史,以及国内外在实验理论、实验技术和从二维到三维转变等方面的研究现状。目前,构造物理模拟实验已被广泛应用于构造地质学、石油构造地质学等众多研究领域,是油气勘探研究由定性描述跨入半定量-定量分析的有效途径之一。本文分别阐述了冲断构造和正反转构造在近年来取得的进展:1)在冲断构造物理模拟实验方面,介绍了双指向冲断构造和推覆体、地表作用对冲断构造的影响以及冲断构造中地层缩短量和应变等3方面的进展;2)在正反转构造物理模拟实验方面主要讲述了基底对反转构造演化型式的制约以及反转临界条件的三维构造模拟取得的进展。同时,认为物理模拟在未来的发展过程中应紧密结合数值模拟、高精度成像技术和数据采集技术等。作为研究构造变形机制的重要媒介,冲断构造物理模拟在塑性变形对冲断构造的影响、如何反映现代构造地质学成果以及模拟过程中如何加入化学物质迁移等问题方面仍存在不足。此外,高端实验室的建设和模拟技术也是构造物理模拟实验面临的一个问题。  相似文献   

《Geodinamica Acta》2013,26(6):385-392
In low grade rocks of the Eastern Pyrenees syn-orogenic Variscan extension is achieved by kilometric scale low-angle brittle normal faults. Evidence of these faults is generally depicted by subtractive contacts between Devonian upon Cambro-Ordovician rocks. Normal faults are cut by a Variscan granodiorite pluton and U-Pb available geochronologic data of the granodiorite, 305 Ma ± 3 [30], indicates that the age of extension can be attributed to Moscovian times. Extension postdates the main period of Variscan crustal thickening and occurs in N-S to NE-SW direction, roughly perpendicular to the trend of the main Variscan compressional structures. Such relationships point out that the onset of Variscan extension occurs after compression and prior to the granodiorite emplacement and to the deposition of post-orogenic volcanics.  相似文献   

准南逆冲褶皱带超压与逆冲断层持续活动   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
天山北缘准南地区的褶皱带为自新生代以来一直持续活动的逆冲构造带,由于逆冲断层的持续活动,形成了现今断层和相关褶皱。钻井资料显示,准南逆冲褶皱带内的超压层主要发育在古近纪安集海河组泥岩和紫泥泉子组泥岩之中,而该泥岩同时又成为逆冲断层发育的主滑脱面。通过多年来对准南地区地面地质调查、二维地震和三维地震资料的解释以及钻井证实,我们统计出准南逆冲褶皱带现存的逆冲断层倾角分别集中在两个区间: 30±5°和50±5°区间。应力分析表明,在持续挤压应力作用下,超压层(泥岩、页岩和煤系地层)中和超压层之下地层中发育的早期逆冲断层与晚期最大主压应力之间的夹角处在30±5°之间时,作用在断层面上的最大主应力与最小主应力比达到最小值,因此该断层最容易再次活动,形成最大的流体压力,因而断层周围的流体就会沿着最大主应力方向发生流动,断层本身就会成为流体运移的主要通道; 而早期逆冲断层与晚期最大主压应力之间的夹角处在50±5°之间时,作用在断层面上的最大主应力与最小主应力比较大,断层重新活动所需要的流体压力较高,导致断层作为流体运移的通道因被挤压而闭合。应力分析和钻井实测应力均指出,准南逆冲褶皱带发育的超压为挤压构造应力形成的超压。这些研究表明,准南逆冲褶皱带的逆冲断层持续活动,导致早期发育的断层在晚期应力作用下,断层倾角聚集在两个优势区间,油气沿最大主压应力方向运移,聚集油气则沿断层滑动面发育形成构造超压,导致该区域油气长期处于运移与聚集的动平衡状态。  相似文献   

In this paper we present a mechanical model that intends to captures the kinematical aspects of thrust fault related folds induced by regional-scale far-field contraction. Fold shapes may be the only surface evidence of the geometry of underlying faults, so complex fault interactions are assessed in terms of how they influence fold geometry. We use the finite element method to model the fold and finite deformation frictional contact to model the activation and evolution of slip throughout preexisting faults. From several simulated 2D fault patterns we infer how one may form an anticline similar to that observed at Sheep Mountain Anticline, Wyoming.  相似文献   

《Geodinamica Acta》2013,26(1-3):129-150
This work analyses a suite of relict tufa mounds generated by artesian karstic springs in Isona area (Spanish Pyrenees). Geological and geophysical data (seismics and vertical electrical resistivity soundings) indicate that the location of the discharge area in which the spring mounds formed was controlled by (1) a bulge in the axial zone of the anticline that affects the Areny-Montsec aquifer, with the consequent thinning of the overlying confining unit and (2) N-S and E-W trending extensional faults. These uncommon meteogene mounds occur in two stepped morphostratigraphic units that constitute the caprock of a mesa 9 km2 in area. The upper tufa complex is 47 m thick and has yielded several U/Th dates of >350 ka. The obtained U/Th ages for the mounds of lower tufa complex, 10 m thick, range from >350 to 214 ± 11 ka. The sedimentological analysis of the scarce exposures and electrical resistivity profiles show the same morphological and depositional components as those described in geothermal springs: (1) Cylindrical vents; (2) Pools fed by the vents and dammed by annular tufa barriers; (3) Tufa barriers (rimstones) constructed by overflowing waters through vertical accretion and progradation. These rimstones may have overhanging upflow sides. (4) Slope tufa facies with terracettes and microgours.  相似文献   

Occurrences and distribution of extremely scarce eognathodontids do not facilitate reliable correlation across the European regions. The correlation of the traditional early Pragian of the Prague Synform (a part of the classical Barrandian area) and the Spanish Central Pyrenees (section Segre 1) is based on conodont taxa of the Icriodus steinachensis and the Pelekysgnathus serratus stocks. This correlation has the potential to be extended to other peri‐Gondwanan regions where this scarcity of eognathodontid faunas exists as well. Application of the morphotype subdivision in I. steinachensis enables approximation of the beginning of the Pragian in the Pyrenees. It is based on the entry of I. steinachensis beta morphotype; it enters together with early eognathodontid taxa in the Barrandian sections. These correlations show that routine application of certain zonal concepts can lead to misleading conclusions. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


Available aeromagnetic data have been used to interprete magnetic anomalies using 2 1/2 and 3 D techniques in an area that includes parts of the Axial Zone and of the South Pyrenean Thrust Sheets in the Spanish Pyrenees. The interpretation has been made with the help of field magnetic susceptibility measurements. The dip of the Ebro Basin basement to the north has been inferred for part of the magnetic profile. Large magnetically disturbing bodies with the top at about sea level can be interpreted as a stack of Paleozoic basement thrusts or, alternatively, as an accumulation of Triassic volcanic rocks. Some smaller anomalies are clearly associated with outcropping or buried basaltic rocks (ophites). The disposition of major magnetic anomalies suggests that shear movement may have affected part of the studied area.  相似文献   

The Umbria-Marche foreland fold-and-thrust belt in the northern Apennines of Italy provides excellent evidence to test the hypothesis of synsedimentary-structural control on thrust ramp development. This orogenic belt consists of platform and pelagic carbonates, Late Triassic to Miocene in age, whose deposition was controlled by significant synsedimentary extension. Normal faulting, mainly active from Jurassic through Late Cretaceous-Paleogene time, resulted in significant lateral thickness variability within the related stratigraphic sequences. By Late Miocene time the sedimentary cover was detached from the underlying basement and was deformed by east-verging folds and west-dipping thrusts. Two restored balanced cross sections through the southernmost part of the belt show a coincidence between the early synsedimentary normal faults and the late thrust fault ramps. These evidences suggest that synsedimentary tectonic structures, such as faults and the related lithological lateral changes, can be regarded as mechanically important controlling factors in the process of thrust ramp development during positive tectonic inversion processes.  相似文献   

西藏扎雪地区始新世钾玄岩特征及其构造环境   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
单久库 《世界地质》2009,28(2):171-178
西藏扎雪地区钾玄岩包括浅成侵入的石英二长斑岩和帕那组的火山岩, 分布于冈底斯岩浆弧带中段。石英二长斑岩侵入于前奥陶纪松多岩群和石炭-二叠系来姑组中, 并被帕那组火山岩呈火山沉积不整合覆盖。钾玄岩中的石英二长斑岩K-Ar年龄为54.42 Ma, 帕那组火山岩中的粗安岩K-Ar年龄为41.46~45.14 Ma, 时代为始新世。岩石学和岩石化学特征显示典型的钾玄岩特征。在稀土配分曲线上, 显示轻稀土富集, 重稀土亏损, 存在弱至中等的负铕异常。微量元素在原始地幔标准化图解上, 出现Rb、Th、Hf明显的峰和Ba、Sr明显的谷, 类似于“岛弧”环境的岩石特征; 而大离子亲石元素Ba、K和高场强元素Hf、Zr的相对富集则反映了板内钾玄岩的特点。扎雪地区钾玄岩具有岛弧和板内火成岩的双重地球化学特点, 与青藏高原上广泛发育的后碰撞火成岩极其相似。微量元素和稀土元素特征显示该套钾玄岩形成于陆壳加厚、部分熔融环境, 是印度板块和欧亚板块后碰撞阶段的产物。  相似文献   

选取南冈底斯中段南木林地区的二长花岗岩岩体进行了LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb测年和全岩地球化学分析。分析结果显示,研究区二长花岗岩体的锆石U-Pb年龄为50.24±0.68Ma,为始新世岩浆活动的产物,是冈底斯岩基的重要组成部分。岩石地球化学特征表明,里特曼指数为1.66~1.94,具有钙碱性特征,A/CNK=1.11~1.15,显示出过铝质的特征,同时具有高硅、高钾(可达钾玄岩系列)特征。微量元素强烈富集Rb、Th、U等大离子亲石元素(LILE)及La、Ce等轻稀土元素,亏损Nb、Ta、Zr等高场强元素(HFSE),表现出弧型或壳源岩浆岩的地球化学属性。Sm/Nd值为0.45~0.57,平均值为0.53,显示出岩浆的深源特征。稀土元素(La/Yb)N值较高,平均值为9.25,轻稀土元素相对富集,重稀土元素相对亏损,且具有较显著的负Eu异常特征。综合研究表明,南木林花岗岩体形成过程为俯冲至断离的特提斯洋壳发生脱水作用,导致上覆地幔楔发生部分熔融,玄武质岩浆形成,岩浆随后上涌底侵至莫霍面附近,巨大的热烘烤作用迫使下地壳(富黏土或泥质岩)发生部分熔融,之后玄武质与长英质岩浆发生了广泛的混合作用,最后侵位成岩形成南木林地区广泛的含基性包体的花岗岩体。这为特提斯洋闭合、印度-欧亚板块碰撞的时限提供了同位素年龄证据,也丰富了冈底斯岩体成岩模式和地球化学特征。  相似文献   


North-facing recumbent folds in the Palaeozoic rocks of the Garona Dome have been recognized, and a modified pre-Silurian stratigraphic sequence is suggested. The gradual disappearance of part of this sequence may be interpreted as a result of truncation by an unconformable late Ordovician conglomeratic unit.  相似文献   

The Late Cretaceous deposits of the continental Tremp Formation in the Vallcebre Syncline (South-eastern Pyrenees) provide an extensive egg record of dinosaurs. The parataxonomical study and analysis of multiple eggshell samples, the precise stratigraphical control of several sections and the time calibration of the abundant egg levels enable the establishment of a robust oospecies succession. The successive occurrence of three megaloolithid oospecies (Megaloolithus siruguei-Megaloolithus mamillare-Megaloolithus sp.) in the Early and Late Maastrichtian is well correlated with the magnetic polarity time scale throughout the chron 31. The replacement of Megaloolithus siruguei with Megaloolithus mamillare occurs around the reversal of chrons 31r-31n. A comparison with oospecies successions from Arc basin localities (France) allows the age calibration for such oospecies replacement to be confirmed. This age refinement implies that some of the stated boundaries for the proposed oospecies assemblages may change and that an in-depth revision of the age and magnetic calibration of some south European egg localities is required.  相似文献   

长江中下游南部逆冲变形样式及其机制   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
长江中下游长江以南地区发育燕山早期(J1-J2)逆冲推覆事件,形成的断裂-褶皱构造在纵向和横向上都表现出了鲜明的特征。纵向上,逆冲变形具有分带性,本文将长江以南的中下扬子逆冲变形划分成根部带、中部带、前锋带三个次级分带,它们的运动学特征是由南向北的逆冲,变形从根部带的厚皮构造变为中部带、前锋带的薄皮构造。野外考察和地球物理资料揭示,根部带断裂陡,叠瓦式逆断层为主,向下收敛于基底和盖层之间的深部滑脱层;中部带逆冲断裂具叠瓦式和双冲式特征,断裂产状相对较缓,深部滑脱层较根部带变浅,浅部的志留系滑脱层也十分发育,带内构造不对称性不明显,褶皱样式Ω为""和"Ω"型为主;前锋带断裂组合为叠瓦状,发育大量反冲断层及倒转褶皱,其滑脱层主要是志留系或三叠系内部的软弱层。横向上,逆冲变形具有不均一性,体现在中下扬子的差异变形上:中扬子逆冲构造在中部带、前锋带卷入变形主体地层为志留系-三叠系,而下扬子中部带和前锋带却大量出露震旦-寒武系;中扬子在前锋带主要为向北倒转的不对称褶皱,前锋带Ω到根部带都是隔槽式褶皱组合,而下扬子逆冲构造前锋带为""和"Ω"式褶皱,前锋带、中部带、根部带分别为上古生界-三叠系体现的隔档式、下古生界体现的隔档式、隔槽式褶皱组合。另外,中、下扬子深部滑脱层的深度也有显著差别。在变形的动力学上,中、下扬子燕山早期逆冲作用同古太平洋板块向东亚大陆下俯冲有关。中、下扬子逆冲变形的差异性表现可能是由于J3-K1后期赣江断裂走滑逆冲造成的不均一的隆升导致的。赣江断裂以东的下扬子逆冲抬升剥蚀严重,导致深部层次构造剥露,而中扬子保留了J1-J2时期逆冲构造的浅部构造原始样式。这种模式也符合在J3-K1东亚属于安第斯型大陆边缘的观点。  相似文献   

The geometry and dynamics of the Mesozoic basins of the Weald–Boulonnais area have been controlled by the distribution of preexisting Variscan structures. The emergent Variscan frontal thrust faults are predominantly E–W oriented in southern England while in northern France they have a largely NW–SE orientation.Extension related to Tethyan and Atlantic opening has reactivated these faults and generated new faults that, together, have conditioned the resultant Mesozoic basin geometries. Jurassic to Cretaceous N–S extension gave the Weald–Boulonnais basin an asymmetric geometry with the greatest subsidence located along its NW margin. Late Cretaceous–Palaeogene N–S oriented Alpine (s.l.) compression inverted the basin and produced an E–W symmetrical anticline associated with many subsidiary anticlines or monoclines and reverse faults. In the Boulonnais extensional and contractional faults that controlled sedimentation and inversion of the Mesozoic basin are examined in the light of new field and reprocessed gravity data to establish possible controls exerted by preexisting Variscan structures.  相似文献   

We estimate using gravity data the thickness of post-glacial unconsolidated sediment filling two major glacial valleys in northern Pyrenees: the Gave de Pau valley between Pierrefitte-Nestalas and Lourdes, and the Garonne valley between Saint-Béat and Barbazan. One hundred and eighty-four new gravity data complete 74 measurements obtained from the International Gravimetric Bureau database. Negative residual anomalies resulting from the presence of small-density unconsolidated sediment approach 4 mgal in both the Gave de Pau and the Garonne valleys. Estimating the sediment thickness requires knowing the density contrast between Quaternary sediments and the underlying bedrock. Supposing this density contrast is 600 kg/m3, the maximum estimated thickness of post-glacial sediment is ∼ 230 and 300 meters, and the volume of sediment is 2.1 and 3.2 km3 in the Gave de Pau and Garonne valleys, respectively. In both valleys, the depth of Quaternary sediment suddenly increases at the confluence between two major glacial valleys (Gave de Pau – Gave de Cauterets, and Garonne – Pique confluences). Overdeepened basins are less deep downstream when approaching terminal moraines (Lourdes and Barbazan area), illustrating that the efficiency of glacial erosion depends on the ice flux flowing through valleys.  相似文献   


The structure of the Pyrenean pre-Hercynian rocks involved in the “Axial Zone” antiformal stack, results from the association of Hercynian cleavage-related folds and Hercynian and Alpine thrusts. Some of these Alpine and Hercynian thrusts separate thrust sheets in which Upper Paleozoic rocks, Devonian and pre-Hercynian Carboniferous, exhibit different lithostratigraphy and internal structure.

In order to know both, the original Devonian facies distribution and the structural characteristics, the effects of the Alpine and the Hercynian thrusts must be considered. If a conceptual restored cross-section is constructed taking into account both the Alpine and Hercynian thrusts, a different Devonian facies distribution is achieved. Devonian carbonatic successions were originally located in a northernmost position, whereas sequences made by alternations of slates and limestones lie in southernmost areas. Moreover, a N-S variation of the Hercynian structural style appears. In the northern units thrusts are synchronous to folding development and they are the most conspicuous structures. In the intermediate units, thrust postdate cleavage-related folds, and in the southernmost units several folding episodes, previous to the thrusts, are well developed.

We present some examples which enable us to discuss the importance of the Hercynian and Alpine thrusts in the reconstruction of the Pyrenean pre-Alpine geology.  相似文献   

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