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A new geodynamic model for the Sardinian segment of the Hercynian chain is presented. The improvement of knowledge regarding several geological, metamorphic, magmatic and geochronological aspects of the Sardinian Palaeozoic basement, mainly achieved in the last few years, allows us to propose a more complete picture of its evolution.

The occurrence of remnants of an oceanic suture along a major tectonic lineament in northern Sardinia, as well as the products of Ordovician calc-alkaline magmatism, testifies to the presence, during the Lower Paleozoic, of an ancient (Precambrian- Cambrian) oceanic domain and its consumption along an Andean- type subduction zone. The following Carboniferous continental collision caused crustal stacking with Barrovian metamorphism and southward-migrating deformation from the suture zone toward the foreland.

Early Carboniferous Culm-type facies sediments, deposited in the outermost zone of the chain, imply that continental collision took place earlier in the internal zone, from Late Devonian or Early Carboniferous.

The collisional orogenic wedge experienced ductile extension during the Late Carhoniferous as a result of gravitational collapse of the thickened continental crust.

Extensional tectonism enhanced the uplift of the chain and some regions underwent tectonic denudation or LP/HT metamorphism and somewhere anatexis. The emplacement of calc-alkaline batholiths and the development of Late Carboniferous - Early Permian molasse basins occurred during extension that prolonged throughout the Permian.  相似文献   

《Geodinamica Acta》1998,11(5):217-231
Widespread Hercynian west-directed thrusting and west-facing folds, until now only reported in a limited area, are ubiquitous in the Sarrabus unit, southeastern Sardinia. Intense thrusting and imbrication in the higher tectonic levels of the Sarrabus unit potentially originated during west-directed thrusting of higher tectonic units, which have been eroded.The floor thrust of the Sarrabus unit, the Villasalto thrust, is a westdirected thrust that places the Sarrabus unit above the Gerrei and Meana Sardo units. East-west shortening in southeastern Sardinia followed north-south shortening in central Sardinia and internal deformation in the Castello Medusa-Riu Gruppa, Gerreì, Meana Sardo and Barbagia units. After restoration of movement along the Villasalto thrust, the Sarrabus unit is located east of the Gerrei and Meana Sardo unit. Therefore, it cannot be directly correlated with the Meana Sardo or the Barbagia units.  相似文献   

In Eastern Sardinia during the early Middle Jurassic, Alpine Tethys opening triggered the rise of a temporary tectonic high. The high collapsed rapidly, was fragmented into separate blocks, and subsequently covered by continental, transitional, and finally shallow marine deposits forming a narrow depositional system comprising the Genna Selole Fm. Present‐day exposures in the southern part of the palaeo‐high allow the sedimentological evolution of the transgressive cover sequence to be ascertained. Initial terrestrial deposits comprise alluvial fan deposits located at the mouths of palaeovalleys. These pass into braid‐deltas and in the coastal areas located between adjacent valleys mouths, palustrine and coastal plain tidally‐influenced environments developed. These environments interfingered laterally and passed seaward into a transitional, siliciclastic to carbonate tidal environment. With the collapse of the tectonic high, the continental to transitional environments were transgressed with deposition of marine carbonates. A comparison with similar coeval deposits of the W‐Mediterranean domain has been undertaken. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A total of about 20,000 stream sediment samples from about 13,000 km2 were collected in Sardinia and analysed for eleven elements (Ag, Co, Cr, Cu, F, Hg, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb, Sb and Zn) by Ente Minerario Sardo (EMS), aimed at mineral exploration. We have reutilized 16,890 samples (covering an area of 7987 km2) of the above data to compile geochemical baseline maps for all single elements as well as maps showing the regional variability of factor scores resulting from R-mode factor analysis. This type of maps has a particular relevance to environmental issues, especially in a region such as Sardinia which has been mined since pre-Roman times.  相似文献   

G. Musumeci 《Geodinamica Acta》2013,26(1-2):119-133

The Monte Grighini Complex (Central-Western Sardinia) is a NW-SE trending metamorphic complex of Hereynian age made up of a medium grade Lower tectonic unit with mylonitie granitoids and a low grade Upper tectonic unit exposed in the westernmost and southernmost portions of this complex. The Lower Unit shows a prograde metamor phism from garnet to sillimanite zone and the transition from MP/MT to LP/HT metamorphism. The metamorphic climax was reached at the end of the main deformative phase 1)2 (600° C. 6 kbar). After the main tectonic and metamorphic phase. the Lower Unit was affected by a wide NW-SE trending ductile dextral wrench shear zone. Intrusive rocks emplaced within the shear zone yielded radiometric ages of 305-300 Ma. Shear deformation leads to low temperature C-S mylonites and retrograde phyllonitic rocks with subhorizontal NW-SE trending stretching lineations. Kinematic analysis of the shear zone points to a dextral sense of shear with an amount of ductile displacement of about 7 km. Later low angle N-S and E-W trending normal faults are associated with cataclastic zones separating the Lower Unit from the Upper one. These faults originated during a later evolutionary stage of the shear zone. This shows a progressive change of deformation regime from duetile wrenching to brittle normal faulting. The Monte Grighini Complex is a good example of ductile wrench tectonics. followed by uplift and extension in the Paleozoic basement of Sardinia.  相似文献   

《Geodinamica Acta》2013,26(5):309-329
The metamorphic basement of the Asinara island represents a key area of the Sardinia Variscan segment, because it displays an almost complete cross-section through the inner part of the Sardinia Variscan belt, where different tectono-metamorphic complexes have been juxtaposed along narrow belts of high-strain concentration. Detailed field mapping coupled with preliminary studies on the structural and metamorphic features of this small island, allow to draw a better picture of the structural frame issued from the Variscan collision in the inner zone of the belt. Three deformation phases related to crustal thickening in a compressive and transpressive, partitioned tectonic regime, followed by a later phase of extensional deformation have been recognised. In spite of a general HT/LP metamorphic overprint, linked to the post-collisional deformation phases, a relic Barrovian zoneography is still detectable. The Barrovian assemblages are preto syn-kinematic with respect to the D2 deformation phase, and pre-date the third, contractional tectonic event.

The HT/LP assemblage indicates a static growth of weakly deformed by the last deformation events. The complex geometry of the fabric associated to the D2 and D3 deformation events suggests an heterogenous deformation history with a monoclinic geometry characterized by switching of the stretching lineation orientation and a contrasting sense of displacement, probably controlled by a northward partitioned pure shear.  相似文献   


The Hereynian basement of Northern Sardinia consists of two main teetonometamorphic complexes : the Southern Paleozoic Low to Medium Grade Metamorphic Complex (LMGMC) and the Northern (Precaimbrian ?) High Grade Metamorphic Complex (HGMC). These complexes are separateli bu the “Posada-Asinara Line” which is a several kilometer-wide mylonitie belt consisting of micaschist. parag-neiss and quartzite that cuts across all Northern Sardinia and contains scattered hodies of amphibolites with granulile and eclogite facies relies.

Major element composition of ampbibolites indicates they were derived from metamorphosed basalts of tholciitie affinity. REE and the relative abundances of HKS elements strongly suggest an oceanic basaltie prololith (N- and T-typc MORB). A whole-rock Sm-Nd isochron for the amphibolite protoliths yields an age of ea. 960 Ma.

The Northern Sardinia basement can he interpreted as a continental collisional zone with the “Posada-Asinara Line” representing a suture zone squeezed between a crustal nappe (HGMC), which represents the overthrust continental margin. and (he inner portion of the Varisean orogenie wedge, which represents the underthrust continental margin with its Paleozoic cover (LMGMC).

Geological and geochemical evidence indicate that the “Posada-Asinara Line” may he considered as part of the South European Hereynian Suture Zone.  相似文献   

Hydrogeochemical surveys were carried out in SW Sardinia (Italy) to investigate the impact of past mining activities on the quality of groundwater. The chemistry of waters from flooded galleries, adits and dumps has been compared with that of springs and wells in the same area at sites relatively far from any mine legacy. A feature, common to all waters, is the circumneutral pH, since the carbonate formations in the area neutralise the acidity produced by the oxidation of Fe-bearing sulphide minerals in the mine impacted water. However, groundwater interacting with mine workings is degraded in quality; it shows high dissolved SO4, Zn, Cd and Pb contents. In some cases groundwater exceeds the limit established by the guidelines of the World Health Organization for Pb content in drinking water, so that groundwater is mixed before entering the local aqueducts. Results from this study suggest that more attention needs to be paid to the impact on the streams from contaminated water flowing out from some mine areas because during the dry season these streams are only fed by mine groundwater. We recommend focusing efforts to reduce the chemical contamination prior to discharge.  相似文献   

Evaluating the human disturbance on karst areas is a difficult task because of the complexity of these peculiar and unique environments. The human impact on karstic geo-ecosystems is increasingly important and there is an increasing need for multidisciplinary tools to assess the environmental changes in karst areas. Many disciplines, such as biology, geomorphology, hydrology and social-economical sciences are to be considered to sufficiently evaluate the impact on these intrinsically vulnerable areas. This article gives an overview of the evolution of environmental impact on karst areas of the island Sardinia (Italy). For this particular case, the most important impacts in the past 50 years are derived from the following activities, in decreasing importance: (1) mining and quarrying; (2) deforestation, agriculture and grazing; (3) building (widespread urbanisation, isolated homes, etc.) and related infrastructures (roads, sewer systems, aqueducts, waste dumps, etc.); (4) tourism; (5) military activities. To evaluate the present environmental state of these areas the Disturbance Index for Karst environments [Van Beynen and Townsend (Environ Manage 36:101–116)] is applied in a slightly modified version. Instead of considering the indicators of environmental disturbances used in the original method, this slightly modified index evaluates the disturbances causing the deterioration of the environmental attributes. In the Sardinian case study, 27 disturbances have been evaluated, giving rise to the definition of a Disturbance Index ranging between 0 (Pristine) and 1 (highly disturbed). This Disturbance Index simplifies the original KDI method, appears to adequately measure disturbance on Mediterranean karst areas and could be applied with success to other similar regions.  相似文献   

Linking the deformation history of mylonitized continental rocks to the progress of devolatilization reactions that trigger reaction softening is critical for the understanding of crustal scale processes. We have analysed the field geometries and microstructures of deformed rocks within the southern Hercynian belt in Calabria, as well as modelled the pressure–temperature–deformation (P–T–d) trajectory of a main ductile shear zone that tectonically coupled the deeper crustal Mammola Paragneiss Unit with the upper crustal Stilo–Pazzano Phyllite Unit. P–T modelling of the mylonitic Mammola Paragneiss Unit was performed through calculation of phase equilibrium diagrams with the software thermocalc in the MnNCKFMASHTO model system. The prograde P–T–d trajectory is based on the zoning profiles of garnet porphyroblasts and their mineral inclusions, primarily barroisite and epidote. P–T modelling shows that peak metamorphic conditions of ~0.9 GPa and 585°C were reached during a Dn-1 under-thrusting event. The following exhumation during the Dn mylonitic event, and contact metamorphism during Dn+1 and Dn+2 folding events, have also been modelled because they are essential to restore the previous tectono-metamorphic history. The exhumation trajectory was modelled down to 0.3 GPa with temperatures of 440–460°C, under fluid-deficient conditions, as well as the final late Carboniferous contact metamorphism up to Tmax of 680–720°C. The prograde path shows clear evidence for thermal buffering during garnet growth at the expense of chlorite, with a heating-dominated stage after chlorite breakdown. Subsequently, a rheological change associated with epidote breakdown (i.e. reaction softening) occurred, highlighted by a net steepening of the P/T trajectory towards the pressure peak. On the basis of the barroisite inclusions within garnet porphyroblasts as well as the ‘hairpin’ shape of the reconstructed P–T–d path (before contact metamorphism), we infer that the unusual low T/P gradient for the Hercynian crust exposed in the Mammola Paragneiss Unit records its involvement in the Palaeotethys–Gondwana subduction beneath Laurussia during Dn-1 under-thrusting. We present a new palaeotectonic interpretation along the southern Hercynian belt in Calabria during the Upper Mississippian–Lower Pennsylvanian, that is consistent with previous geochronology studies.  相似文献   

By means of petrogrological, meso- and microstructural analyses, the fabric of a syn-tectonic late Hercynian K-feldspar megacryst-bearing granodiorite is described in this paper. The granodiorite was emplaced at 293 Ma within migmatitic paragneisses which had reached the regional peak metamorphic conditions at 304–300 Ma. The granodiorite and the migmatitic paragneisses are both affected by the same ductile shear zone. In the core of the shear zone, mylonites show a clear grain-size reduction and microstructures related to deformation at high to medium temperature conditions. Migmatitic paragneisses, foliated granodiorites and mylonites mostly show concordant lineation and foliation orientations. In addition, the preferred orientation of euhedral feldspars in granodiorites indicates that the fabric anisotropy started to develop in the magmatic state. These features strongly suggest that shear deformation was active during crystallisation of granitoids and continued under subsolidus conditions. In wall rocks and mylonites, kinematic indicators such as - and -type porphyroclasts, S/C fabrics, shear bands and quartz (c) axis orientations suggest a top-to-the-W sense of shear. This is similar to the magma flow direction indicated by the tiling of euhedral feldspar megacrysts in granodiorites. Shear deformation developed, preferentially, by partitioning of strain in the granodioritic crystal mush. Geobarometry indicates that deformation took place at middle crustal levels (P=400–500 MPa). Whole rock-white mica Rb/Sr geochronological analysis of an undeformed pegmatite, crosscutting the mylonitic foliation, provided an age of 265 Ma. Timing of deformation is therefore bracketed between 293 Ma and 265 Ma.  相似文献   

Summary Eclogitic rocks are hosted within gneisses and migmatites of the Hercynian basement of NE Sardinia. They are characterized by two compositional layers: garnet-pyroxene rich-layers and amphibole-plagioclase layers. The former contain structural, mineralogical and compositional relics of eclogite facies re-equilibration. Four stages of evolution have been identified: an eclogite stage, a granulite stage and a retrograde amphibolite to greenschist stage. A possible pre(?)-eclogite stage is documented by inclusions of euhedral tschermakitic amphibole + zoisite within the core of garnet. This early stage was followed by an increase in pressure under which the eclogite climax developed (T up to 700 °C, P =13-15 kbar), as documented by omphacite inclusions towards the rim of garnet.Characteristic mineral reactions after the eclogitic stage are: omphacite diopside + plagioclase (symplectite) and garnet orthopyroxene + plagioclase. These reactions testify the presence of a granulite stage during which the peak of metamorphism was reached (T up to 870'C, P 10 kbar). The orthopyroxene cummingtonite + quartz and garnet + diopside hornblende + plagioclase (kelyphite) transformations indicate extensive amphibolite retrogression (T = 550650 °C, P = 3-7 kbar). Finally, actinolite and chlorite developed (greenschist stage) at falling temperature and pressure (T = 300-400 °C, P < 2-3 kbar).
Mehrstufige metamorphe Reequilibration eklogitischer Gesteine aus dem hercynischen Basement NE Sardiniens (Italien)
Zusammenfassung Eklogitische Gesteine kommen in Gneisen und Migmatiten des hereynischen Basements in NE Sardinien vor. Sie sind durch einen modalen Zweitagenbau von einerseits Granat-Pyroxen andererseits Amphibol-Plagioklas charakterisiert. In ersteren sind Relikte einer strukturellen, mineralogischen und mineralchemischen Reequilibration unter eklogitfaziellen Bedingungen enthalten. Vier Entwicklungstadien sind unterscheidbar: ein Eklogit-, ein Granulit-, sowie ein retrogrades Amphibolit- und Grünschieferstadium. Ein mögliches prä(?)-eklogitisches Stadium ist durch die Einschlüsse von tschermakitischem Amphibol + Zoisit in Granatkernen angedeutet. Auf dieses Frühstadium folgte, dokumentiert durch Omphaziteinschlüsse im Granatrandbereich, Druckzunahme und es wurden eklogitfazielle Bedingungen (T bis zu 700 °C, P = 13-15 kbar) erreicht.Charakteristische Mineralreaktionen nach der Eklogitbildung sind Omphazit Diopsid + Plagioklas (Symplektite) und Granat Orthoyroxen + Plagioklas. Diese Reaktionen belegen das Vorliegen eines Granulitstadiums, während dem der Metamorphosehöhepunkt (T bis 870°C, P 10 kbar) erreicht wurde. Die Umwandlungen von Orthopyroxen Cummingtonit + Quarz und Granat + Diopsid Hornblende + Plagioklas (Kelyphit) belegen eine intensive retrograde amphibolitfazielle Überprägung (T = 550-650°C, P = 3-7 kbar). Aktinolith und Chlorit (Grünschieferstadium) bildeten sich bei weiter fallenden Temperaturen und Drucken (T = 300-400 °C, P < 2-3 kbar).

A branch of the South European Variscan chain is noticeably exposed in Sardinia. The early stage of collision between the Northern Gondwana margin and the Armorica Terrane Assemblage (ATA) generated syn-metamorphic folding and thrusting. The evidences of such deformation are well preserved in the nappe zone, a structural domain characterized by stacking of different tectonic units under metamorphism of Barrovian greenschist facies. A late, post-nappe, shortening, under retrograde metamorphic conditions, gave rise to wide, upright, N120–N160 trending antiforms that control the trend of the chain. The structural analysis of the Ozieri Metamorphic Complex (OMC) shows evidence of an important phase of late-Variscan extensional tectonics. Deformation results in, the formation of oppositely dipping, normal shear zones, which developed at upper and middle structural level along the limbs of major regional antiforms causing fabric reactivation, crustal thinning, and exhumation of the OMC core. Within the OMC, the activity of the shear zones was coeval with HT-LP metamorphism as suggests the occurrence of syn-kinematic cordierite + andalusite ± sillimanite + biotite. Whereas syntectonic dykes and a tonalite body in the deeper part of the OMC indicate that early emplacement of melt along shear zones and/or in the antiform hinges possibly supplied the heat for the anomalous thermal gradient and triggered the exhumation of a core complex-like structure.  相似文献   

To evaluate the palaeo-environmental parameters of a portion of the Sardinia–Corsica microplate during the Messinian drop in sea level, we examined the chemistry and mineralogy of upper Tortonian–lower Messinian (late Miocene) clayey continental deposits from NW Sardinia. Differences exist between the uppermost part of the succession, which is devoid of carbonate phases, and the lower part, reflecting changes in provenance and climate. The carbonate-free samples were probably derived from quartzite of the metamorphic basement and were deposited under a climate characterized by alternating dry and relatively wet periods. The other samples were derived from basement phyllite and were deposited under a warm, dry climate that promoted the capillary rise of Ca2+ and bicarbonate from a shallow water table, and therefore, the precipitation of carbonate. This part of the succession contains both calcite and dolomite. The presence of barite indicates an important concentration of SO4 2? in the solution from which the CaMg(CO3)2 precipitated. The formation of dolomite under hypersaline conditions may be explained by bacterial degradation of organic matter, which produced CO2 and ammonia, thereby increasing the solution alkalinity. The succession formed in an oxic environment, except for a calcite-rich level that formed under relatively reducing conditions. For this level, the large amount of calcite and the lack of dolomite indicate an alkaline environment and a very low Mg2+/Ca2+ ratio in the soil solution. These observations, coupled with the reducing conditions, indicate the availability of large amounts of degraded organic matter, probably related to a period typified by a wetter climate.  相似文献   

The Corsica‐Sardinia block is a lithospheric fragment whose recent role in the geodynamics of the central‐Western Mediterranean basin is still enigmatic. The most recent regional structure in Sardinia is the Plio‐Pleistocene Campidano Basin, which is considered in a ‘post‐rift’ stage since the Middle Pleistocene. New structural and stratigraphic geological surveys along with luminescence ages provide evidence to support an ongoing tectonic activity since the Marine Isotopic Stage 7 (MIS7; ca. 220 ka) on the Sinis peninsula, the structural high that bounds the north‐western side of the Campidano Basin. In particular, this paper reveals for the first time the presence of N–S striking normal faults system offsetting late Pleistocene aeolianites (130 ± 12 ka; 82 ± 9 ka).  相似文献   

Here new mineralogical data is presented on the occurrence of K-feldspar in granulite-facies metagabbronorite xenoliths found in recent alkaline lavas from Western Sardinia, Italy. The xenoliths originated from the underplating of variably evolved subduction-related basaltic liquids, which underwent cooling and recrystallisation in the deep crust (T = 850–900 °C, P = 0.8–1.0 GPa). They consist of orthopyroxene + clinopyroxene + plagioclase porphyroclasts (An = 50–66 mol%) in a granoblastic, recrystallised, quartz-free matrix composed of pyroxene + plagioclase (An = 56–72 mol%) + Fe–Ti oxides ± K-feldspar ± biotite ± fluorapatite ± Ti-biotite. Texturally, the K-feldspar occurs in a variety of different modes. These include: (1) rods, blebs, and irregular patches in a random scattering of plagioclase grains in the form of antiperthite; (2) micro-veins along plagioclase–plagioclase and plagioclase–pyroxene grain rims; (3) myrmekite-like intergrowths with Ca-rich plagioclase along plagioclase–plagioclase grain boundaries; and (4) discrete anhedral grains (sometimes microperthitic). The composition of each type of K-feldspar is characterized by relatively high albite contents (16–33 mol%). An increasing anorthite content in the plagioclase towards the contact with the K-feldspar micro-vein and myrmekite-like intergrowths into the K-feldspar along the plagioclase–K-feldspar grain boundary are also observed. Small amounts of biotite (TiO2 = 4.7–6.5 wt.%; F = 0.24–1.19 wt.%; Cl = 0.04–0.20 wt.%) in textural equilibrium with the granulite-facies assemblage is present in both K-feldspar-bearing and K-feldspar-free xenoliths. These K-feldspar textures suggest a likely metasomatic origin due to solid-state infiltration of KCl-rich fluids/melts. The presence of such fluids is supported by the fluorapatite in these xenoliths, which is enriched in Cl (Cl = 6–50% of the total F + Cl + OH). These lines of evidence suggest that formation of K-feldspar in the mafic xenoliths reflects metasomatic processes, requiring an external K-rich fluid source, which operated in the lower crust during and after in-situ high-T recrystallisation of relatively dry rocks.  相似文献   

With the aim of contributing to the knowledge of the geochemical behaviour and mobility of the rare earth element (REE) in the natural water systems, the ground and surface waters of the Ottana-Orani area (Central Sardinia, Italy) were sampled. The study area consists of albititic bodies included in Hercynian granodiorites. The waters have pH in the range of 6.0-8.6, total dissolved solid (TDS) of between 0.1 and 0.6 g/l, and major cation composition dominated by Ca and Na, whereas predominant anions are Cl and/or HCO3.The pH and the major-element composition of the waters are the factors affecting the concentration of REE in solution. The concentrations of ∑REE+Y in the samples filtered at 0.4 μm vary between 140 and 1600 ng/l, with La of between 14 and 314 ng/l, and Yb of between <6 and 12 ng/l. A negative Ce anomaly, especially marked at high pH, is observed in the groundwaters. The surface waters show lower REE concentrations, which are independent of pH, and negligible Ce anomaly.Speciation calculations, carried out with the EQ3NR computer program, showed that the complexes with the CO32− ligand are the dominant REE species at pH in the range of 6.7-8.6. The REE3+ ions dominate the speciation at pH <6.7 and only in the light REE (LREE).The relative concentrations of REE in water roughly reflect those in the aquifer host rocks. However, when concentrations of REE in water are normalised relative to the parent rocks, a preferential fractionation of heavy REE (HREE) into the water phase can be observed, suggesting the greater mobility and stability of HREE in aqueous solution.  相似文献   

The Anglona and SW Gallura regions represent key places to investigate the tectonic evolution of medium‐ and high‐grade metamorphic rocks cropping out in northern Sardinia (Italy). From south to north we distinguish two different metamorphic complexes recording similar deformation histories but different metamorphic evolution: the Medium Grade Metamorphic Complex (MGMC) and the High Grade Metamorphic Complex (HGMC). After the initial collisional stage (D1 deformation phase), both complexes were affected by three contractional deformational phases (D2, D3 and D4) followed by later extensional tectonics. The D2 deformation phase was the most significant event producing an important deformation partitioning that produced localized shearing and folding domains at the boundary between the two metamorphic complexes. We highlight the presence of two previously undocumented systems of shear belts with different kinematics but analogous orientation in the axial zone of Sardinia. They became active at the boundary between the MGMC and HGMC from the beginning of D2. They formed a transpressive regime responsible for the exhumation of the medium‐ and high‐grade metamorphic rocks, and overall represent a change from orthogonal to orogen‐parallel tectonic transport. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Major- and trace-element contents and Sr–Nd isotope ratios were determined in albitite, albitized and unaltered late-Variscan granitoid samples from the world-class Na-feldspar deposits of central Sardinia, Italy. The albite deposit of high economic grade has geological, textural, and chemical features typical of metasomatic alteration affecting the host granitoids. Albitization, locally accompanied by chloritization and epidotization, was characterized by strong leaching of Mg, Fe, K, and geochemically similar trace elements, and by a significant increase of Na. Ca, and P were moderately leached in the most metasomatized rocks. Other major (Si, Ti, Ca) and trace elements (U, Th, Y, and Zr), along with light (LREE) and middle (MREE) rare-earth elements, behaved essentially immobile at the deposit scale. The Nd-isotope ratios (0.512098 to 0.512248) do not provide information on the emplacement age of the unaltered late-Variscan granitoids. On the other hand, their Sr-isotope ratios fit an errorchron of 274±29 Ma (1σ error), in fair agreement with all published ages of Sardinian Variscan granitoids. The very low Rb content of albitized rocks precludes application of the Rb–Sr radiometric system to determine the age of albitization. The Sm–Nd system is not applicable either, because the 143Nd/144Nd ratios of albitized rocks and unaltered granitoids overlap. The overlap confirms that Sm and Nd were substantially immobile during albitization. On the other hand, the measured 87Sr/86Sr ratios of the albitized rocks are appreciably lower than those of the unaltered host granitoids, whereas, their initial Sr-isotope ratios are higher. This seems to suggest that a) albitization was induced by non-magmatic fluids rich in radiogenic Sr, and b) albitization occurred shortly after the granitoid emplacement. This conclusion is supported by Nd isotopes, because unaltered granitoids and albitites fit the same reference isochron at 274 Ma. The fluids acquired radiogenic Sr by circulation through the Lower Paleozoic metasedimentary basement. Specifically, it is estimated that Sr supplied by the non-carbonatic basement represents about 22 wt% of total Sr in albitite.  相似文献   

Structural analysis carried out in the Tuscan Nappe (TN) in the southeastern sector of the Apuan Alps highlights a structural evolution much more complex than that proposed so far. The TN has been deformed by structures developed during four deformation phases. The three early phases resulted from a compressive tectonic regime linked to the construction of the Apenninic fold‐and‐thrust‐belt. The fourth phase, instead, is connected with the extensional tectonics, probably related to the collapse of the belt and/or to the opening of the Tyrrhenian Sea. Our structural and field data suggest the following. (1) The first phase is linked to the main crustal shortening and deformation of the Tuscan Nappe in the internal sectors of the belt. (2) The second deformation phase is responsible for the prominent NW–SE‐trending folds recognized in the study area (Mt. Pescaglino and Pescaglia antiforms and Mt. Piglione and Mt. Prana synforms). (3) The direction of shortening related to the third phase is parallel to the main structural trend of the belt. (4) The interference between the third folding phase and the earlier two tectonic phases could be related to the development of the metamorphic domes. The two directions of horizontal shortening induced buckling and vertical growth of the metamorphic domes, enhancing the process of exhumation of the metamorphic rocks. (5) The exhumation of the Tuscan Nappe occurred mostly in a compressive tectonic setting. A new model for the exhumation of the metamorphic dome of the Apuan Alps is proposed. Its tectonic evolution does not fit with the previously suggested core complex model, but is due to compressive tectonics. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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